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CITY OF OCOEE SANITATION SERVIVES SERVICE DELIVERY & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS City of Ocoee Department of Public Works October 19, 2005 i SANITATION SERVICES DELIVERY & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS INTENT The report is intended to analyze and evaluate the financial feasibility of providing the RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE and COMMERCIAL COLLECTION services in-house; and to project, with a degree of certainty. the expected customer rates for the services. DEFINITIONS RESIDEBTIAL CURBSIDE-Regular and scheduled collection of household garbage, recycling, and yard & bulky waste. COMMERCIAL SERVICE- Scheduled collection and disposal of waste from commercial establishments, multi-family residential, and commercial construction& demolition debris (C&D). COMMERCIAL FRANCHISE-Competitively bid private collection and disposal of waste from commercial establishments and multi-family regulated by City Ordinance, where the private hauler returns a fee(up to 2(%) to the City. FRANCHISE FEE-Fee (up to 20%) established by City Commission for commercial establishments,multi-family residential, and commercial C& D. Rate is currently set at 20%. COMMERCIAL RATES-Rates established by City Commission Resolution for collection and disposal from commercial establishments, residential multi-family, and commercial C & D. RFP RATES-Rates proposed by private hauler for collection and disposal of waste for commercial establishments, residential multi-family, and commercial C & D. DELTA-Difference between the commercial rates established by the City Commission Resolution and RFP rates proposed by private hauler. RESIDENTIAL C & D-Collection and disposal of construction and construction demolition waste from established private residential dwellings within the City limits. 2 METHODOLOGY Staff conducted a comprehensive ten (10)-year analysis of the revenues, expenses, and rates for both RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL services based upon the following available facts and expected changes: • The commercial contract and residential yard & bulky waste contract will expire in August 2006. City Commission has the option to extend the contracts for another 2 years. • Upon expiration of the commercial and yard &bulky waste, the REP rate are expected to rise, a minimum of 25% above the current rates upon extension of the current contracts or acquiring new contracts through an RFP process. • The rates established by Resolution 95-13 for commercial establishments, multi-family residential, and commercial C & D lag below average in comparison to rates in Apopka and Winter Garden. • If commercial rates are not adjusted, the current revenue City revenues realized from the Commercial Franchise will decline approximately 22% upon expiration of the commercial contract due to higher RFP rates. • Orange County Solid Waste will begin single-stream recycling in Spring of 2006, which will impact the collection process for recycling. In order to determine the best method of delivering the services, staff examined the current industry practice and trends. The most efficient practice is using automated collection for both garbage and recycling using the automated-arm concept. The recommended service for the City of Ocoee is: • Garbage—twice per week using automated-arm system and 96-gallon containers. • Recycling—once per week using semi-automated system and bins. • Yard Waste—once per week using rear load trucks and claw trucks. • Bulky Waste & White Goods—once per month bulky waste pick up using rear loads and claw trucks. FINANCIL ANALYSIS This analysis is designed to evaluate of the financial requirements for an in-house operations. In summary, the analysis considered funding scenarios and inter-relationship between residential and commercial operations. Three(3) funding scenarios for the delivery of service the in-house operations: Case I: Revenues from commercial service do not subsidize residential curbside rates. Case 2: Revenues from commercial service partially subsidize the residential curbside rates. Case 3: All revenues from the commercial service are used to subsidize residential rates. 3 Residential Curbside Table I below is a summary for the five (5)-year residential customer rates for each case study assuming the residential curbside and commercial service are performed in-house. Table I —Anticipated Residential Curbside Rates Customer rates per Month Case FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-1 I I-no commercial subsidy 19.00 19.00 19.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 I 2- partial subsidy 18.00 18.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 (see note 1) _ 3- full subsidization 18.00 17.00 16.00 15,00 15.00 15.00 Note I —Amount equal to delta is returned to Solid Waste Funds. Appendix A contains all calculations for each case study. The study also determined little or no appreciable impact on residential curbside rates if the commercial services are performed in- house or the services are out-sourced to a private hauler. Commercial Service The current Commercial Franchise contract will expire in August 2006. the City Commission will have the option to extend the contract another two (2) years or negotiate a shorter extension period. Regardless of the direction, the RFP rates will have to be increased a minimum of 25% to adequately cover the costs of the operations. If the RFP rates are increased without adjustments to the City Commission Resolution Rates (Resolution 95-13), there will be a decline in City revenue beginning in fiscal year 06-07. Table 2 below is a summary of revenues realized by the City from the Commercial Franchise Over the past 4 fiscal years. Table 2—Commercial Franchise Account Summary Actual Invoice Delta Franchise Fees Total %Rev. Front Roll Front Roll Front Roll Rev. to Load Off Total I Off l ota I,oad Off Fatal Invoice FY 01-02 $330.066 $377.722 $707,789 $64.739 $60,407 $125.146 S53.066 $63.463 $116.529 $241,675 _ 34 02-03 $352.857 $512,174 $865.031 $67.474 $85.816 $153290 $57.076 $85,272 $142.348 $295.638 34 03-04 $379.151 $565.603 $905.753 $70166 $89,170 $159.335 $61797 $87.486 $149283 $308,619 34 *04-05 $960.099 _ $168896 $158240 $327,136 34 * FY 04-05 Revenues are estimated The City's commercial rates lag behind the surrounding communities as shown in Table 3. 4 Table 3 -Commercial Rates Res.95-13 RFP Diff. Franchise City Winter New CY x Freq. Rates Rates Res.-RFP Fees Revenue Apopka Garden Average Ocoee 2 x 1 $ 38.05 $ 18.40 $ 19 65 3 68 23 33 $ 53.19 $ 40.35 $ 46.77 $ 54.00 2 x 2 $ 5514 $ 3681 $ 18.33 736 25 69 $ 103.91 $ 80.70 $ 92.31 $ 96.00 2 x 3 $ 77.01 $ 55.21 $ 21 80 11 04 32.84 $ 151.87 $ 121.04 $ 136.46 $ 137.00 2 x 4 $ 98.89 $ 98 89 - 98 89 $ 197.62 $ 161.39 $ 179.51 $ 180.00 2 x 5 $ 120.76 $ 120 76 - 120 76 $ 240.62 $ 201.74 $ 221.18 $ 222.00 2 x 6 $ 142.63 $ 142 63 - 142.63 $ 261.14 $ 242.10 $ 261.62 $ 262 00 Extra $ 10.00 $ 40.00 3 x 1 $ 45.96 $ 27.61 $ 18 35 5.52 23 87 $ 57.00 $ 28.50 3 x 2 $ 74.19 $ 55.21 $ 18 98 11.04 30 02 $ 110.25 $ 55.13 3 x 3 $ 104.82 $ 82.82 $ 22 00 16 56 38 56 $ 160.25 $ 80.13 3 x 4 $ 135.45 $ 110.42 S 25.03 22.08 47 11 $ 206.75 $ 103.38 3 x 5 $ 166.08 $ 138.03 $ 28 05 27 61 55 66 $ 249.75 $ 124.88 3 X 6 $ 196.71 $ 165.64 $ 31 07 33.13 64 20 $ 289.50 $ 144.75 Extra $ 14.00 $ 45.00 4 x 1 $ 53.86 $ 36.81 $ 1705 7.36 24 41 $ 78.61 $ 77.62 $ 78.12 $ 78.00 4 x 2 $ 93.24 $ 73.62 5 19.62 1472 34 34 $ 154.69 $ 155.25 $ 154.97 $ 155.00 4 x 3 $ 132.63 $ 11042 5 22 21 22 08 44 29 $ 218.39 $ 232.87 $ 225.63 $ 226.00 4 x 4 $ 172.02 $ 14723 S 2479 29 45 54 24 $ 279.57 $ 310.50 $ 295.04 $ 295.00 4 x 5 S 211.41 $ 184.23 $ 27.18 36.85 64.03 $ 335.03 $ 388.12 $ 361.58 $ 350.00 4 x 6 $ 250.80 $ 220.85 5 29.95 44.17 74 12 $ 384.49 $ 46575 $ 425.12 $ 400.00 Extra $ 16.00 $ 50.00 6 x 1 $ 74.28 $ 55.21 $ 19.07 11 D4 30.11 $ 104.92 $ 115.24 $ 110.08 $ 110.00 6 x 2 $ 131.18 $ 11042 $ 20 76 22.08 42.84 $ 200.96 $ 230 47 $ 215.72 $ 210.00 6 x 3 $ 188.09 $ 165.64 $ 22 45 33 13 55.58 $ 288.45 $ 345.71 $ 317.08 $ 315.00 6 x 4 $ 244.99 $ 220.85 $ 24.14 44 17 68 31 $ 367.06 $ 460.95 $ 414.01 $ 370.00 6 x 5 $ 301.89 $ 276.06 $ 25.83 55.21 81.04 $ 436.79 $ 576.19 $ 506.49 $ 440.00 6 x 6 $ 358.80 $ 331.27 $ 27 53 66 25 9378 $ 497.95 $ 691 42 $ 594.69 $ 500.00 Extra $ 19.00 $ 60.00 8 x 1 $ 93.53 $ 73.62 $ 19.91 14.72 34.63 $ 109.67 $ 152 39 $ 131.03 $ 132.00 8 x 2 $ 167.95 $ 147.23 $ 20.72 29.45 50.17 $ 207.93 $ 304.79 $ 256.36 $ 208.00 8 x 3 $ 242.37 $ 220.85 $ 21 52 44.17 65 69 $ 303.02 $ 45720 $ 380.11 $ 330.00 8 x 4 $ 316.79 $ 294.46 $ 22.33 58.89 81.22 $ 392.42 $ 609.60 $ 501.01 $ 400.00 8 x 5 $ 391.21 $ 368.08 $ 23 13 73 62 96 75 $ 476.09 $ 762.00 $ 619.05 $ 500.00 8 x 6 $ 465.63 $ 44170 $ 23.93 88 34 112 27 $ 554.06 $ 917.19 $ 735.63 $ 550.00 Extra $ 22.00 $ 65.00 20 $ 111.00 $ 85.00 $ 26.00 17 00 43 00 $ 180.00 30 $ 121.00 $ 85.00 $ 36.00 17 00 53 00 $ 220.00 40 $ 131.00 $ 85.00 $ 46.00 17 00 63 00 $ 280.00 Compactor $ 141.00 $ 85.00 $ 56.00 17 00 73.00 $ 200.00 As indicated earlier, if commercial rates are not adjusted, there will be a decline in City revenue due to the anticipated higher RFP rates beginning in Fiscal Year 06-07. Table 4 contains the projections for the revenues given the private or in-house operations for a five (5) year window. The assumptions for the revenue projections include (1) the commercial revenues for FY 05-06 has already been vested in this years. budget and were not included in calculations, (2) a 25% rise in RFP rates due to higher operating expenses, and (3) based on historical statistics, a 6% annual increase in commercial revenue (new customer and or increased frequency of collection) can be expected annually. The revenues associated with the in-house operations already contain the higher operating costs. Table 4—Projected Commercial Revenue Stream Private Ilauler In-Ilouse Operation Study : Fiscal Revenues Loss Revenue Revenues Revenues Year Year Current Rates Adj. Rates Current Rates Adjusted Rates 01-02 $241,675 02-03 $295,638 03-04 $308,619 04-05 $327,136 - __-- I 05-06 $346,764 $380,747 2 06-07 $316,110 $51,460 $403,591 $254,378 $310,341 3 07-08 $335,076 $54,547 _ $427,807 $339,383 $414,047 4 08-09 $355,181 $57,820 $453,475 $378,533 $461,810 5 09-10 ___$376A92 $61,289 $480,684 $494,558 $603.361 6 10-II- $399,081 $64,967 $509,525 $460.214 $561.461 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS I. Residential Curbside Service - In order to improve the quality of residential curbside service, staff recommends the City provide residential curbside service. Depending on the funding strategy, the residential customer rates are shown in Table 2. If the City Commission chooses to return to an in-house residential curbside operation, the following steps must be taken: a) Direct staff to make the necessary modifications to the current (FY 05-06) budget. b) Direct staff to negotiate a termination of contract with the current residential hauler, Waste Services of Florida, Inc. c) Direct staff to order the equipment as soon as possible. The shortest period of time for delivery of equipment is 6 moths. Therefore, the effective date for in- house operation is July 2006. 2. Commercial Service—The analysis did not conclusively prove that an in-house operation produces much higher revenue levels. The revenue yield is slightly higher with in-house operation when comparing the revenues from the in-house operation to the private hauler after rate an adjustment. Under either scenario, staff recommends the following: 6 a) Direct staff to bring hack a resolution to establish new commercial rates with an effective date of September 1, 2006. b) If an in-house commercial operation is desired, staff recommends negotiation with Onyx Waste Services to purchase the existing field containers and compactors at adjusted prices. This will minimize the impact on the commercial customers and reduce the capital outlay. 7 8 V XIQAIdddV CASE 1 -NO COMMERCIAL SUBSIDY RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE (Garbage, Recycling,Yard & Bulky waste) 5-YEAR PLAN Annual Costs Item Quantity Per Unit Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 Comments Revenues $ 2,014,800.00 $ 2,188,800.00 $ 2,280,000.00 $ 2,289,600.00 $ 2,419,200.00 $ 2,505,600.00 From Commercial $ - S - $ - $ - $ $ - Capital recovery $ 110,000.00 $ 84,544.00 $ 93,088.00 $ 386,380.70 $ 39,415.57-$ 436,558.13 Balance $ 2,124,800.00 $ 2,273,344.00 $ 2,373,088.00 $ 2,675,980.70 $ 2,458,615.57 $ 2,942,158.13 Expenditure Fleet $ 519,100.00 527,220.00 572,22000 $ 727,610.00 $ 368590.00 $ 576,520.00 Leased for 4 years Personnel $ 591.500.00 680,875.00 751,31875 $ 825,284.69 $ 866.548.92 _$ 993,076.37 Overtime $ 20,000.00 20,000.00 20.000.00 S 20,00000 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Temporary Labor $ 12,000.00 12.000.00 12.000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 `$ 12,000.00 Carts 1000 $ 52.00 $ 5200000 $ 52.000.00 54600.00 57.330.00 $ 60,196.50 $ 63,206.33 $ 66,356.64 5%increase per year Bins 1000 $ 5.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 5.150.00 5.304.50 $ 5,463.64 $ 5,627.54 _$ 5,796.37 3%increase per year Auditing 1 $ 6.000.00 S 6000.00 $ 6,000.00 6.18000 6.36540 $ 6,556.36 $ 6,753.05 $ 6,955.64 3%increase per year Disposal 10000 $ 32.00 S 320,000 00 $ 320,000.00 326.400.00 332.92800 $ 339,586.56 $ 346,378.29 $ 356,769.64 3%increase per year Equip. Maintenance 1 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 30.900.00 31,827.00 $ 32,781.81 $ 33,765.26 $ 34,778.22 3%increase per year Fuel 16000 S 2.80 $ 44,800.00 $ 44,800.00 49.280.00 54,208.00 $ 59,628.80 $ 65,591.68 $ 72,150.85 10%increase per year Supplies 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 3.090.00 3,182.70 $ 3,278.18 $ 3,376.53 $ 3477.82 3%increase per year Uniforms 13 $ 300.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 4.017.00 4,487.51 $ 4,622.14 $ 5,110.80 $ 5264.12 3%increase per year Comm-Nextel 13 $ 600.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 7,800.00 8.034.00 8,345.02 $ 8,595.37 $ 8,923.23 $ 9,190.93 3%increase per year Comm-Office 3 $ 600.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 1 854.00 1,909.62 $ 1,966.91 $ 2,025.92 $ 2,086.59 3%increase per year Insurance 1 $ 40,00000 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 41.200.00 42,436.00 $ 43,709.08 $ 45,020.35 $ 46,370.96 3%increase per year Contingency $ 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 Transfers(15%1 $ 302,220.00 328,320.00 342,000.00 $ 343440.00 $ 362,880.00 $ 375,840.00 Total Annual Expenditure $ 2,019,120.00 2,159,120.00 1,963,862.50 $ 2,554,720.03 $ 1,912,917.91 $ 2,646,644.26 Cash Balance $ 105,680.00 114.224.00 409,225.50 $ 121,260.67 $ 545,697.66 $ 295,513.67 20%Cont.to Reserves $ 21,136.00 21.136.00 22,844.80 $ 81,845.10 $ 109,139.53 $ 43,898.57 Total Reserves $ 21,136.00 42,272.00 66,116.80 $ 146,961.90 $ 256,101.43 $ 300,000.00 Cap at$300.000 Cap. Recovery Funds $ 84,544.00 93,088.00 386,380.70 $ 39,415.57 $ 436,558.13 $ 251,615.30 Est.Annual Customers 9200 9600 10000 10600 11200 11600 Calculated Rate/Customer $ 18.29 18.74 16.37 $ 20.08 $ 14.23 $ 19.01 Rate Assessed/Customer $ 19.00 19.00 19.00 $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ 18.00 COMMERCIAL COLLECTION & RESIDENTIAL C&D (Frontload & Roll off) Annual Costs Item Quantity Per Unit Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Comments Revenues $0.00 $ 1,172,976.25 $ 1,278,544.11 $ 1,393,613.08 $ 1,519,038.26 $ 1,655,751.70 Residential C&D $ - $ 50,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 100,000.00 Capital Recovery $ 775,000.00 $26,675.00 $ 72,679.36 $ 96,966.47 $ 108,152.39 $ 141,302.44 Total $775,000.00 $ 1,249,654.25 $ 1,426,223.48 $ 1,570,579.56 $ 1,712,190.65 $ 1,897,064.14 Expenditure _ Fleet&Equipment $ 626,010.00 $ 243,565.00 245678.28 $ 297,116.14 $ 198.826.72 $ 384,604.10 Leased for 4 years Personnel $ 15,600.00 9 146,146.00 153453.30 $ 161,125.97 $ 205.582.26 $ 215.86138 Overtime $ - $ 10,000.00 10.000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10.000.00 $ 10,000.00 Temporary Labor $ - $ 6,000.00 6.000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 Auditing 1 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ - $ 6,000.00 6.180.00 $ 6,36540 $ 6,556.36 $ 6,753.05 3%increase per year Disposal 5000 $ 32.00 $ 160,000.00 $ - $ 160,000.00 163.200.00 $ 166,484.00 $ 169.793.28 $ 174,887.08 3%increase per year Equip. Maintenance 1 $ 24.000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ - $ 24,000.00 24.720.00 $ 25,461.60 $ 26,225.45 $ 27,012.21 3%increase per year Fuel 8000 $ 2.80 $ 22,400.00 $ - $ 22,400.00 24.640.00 $ 27.104.00 $ 29,814.40 $ 32,795.84 10% increase per year Supplies 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 3,000.00 3.09000 $ 3,18270 $ 3,278.18 $ 3,376.53 3%increase per year Uniforms 4 $ 300.00 $ 1,200.00 $ - $ 1,200.00 1.586.00 $ 1,633.58 $ 2,032.59 $ 2,093.57 3%increase per year Comm-Nextel 4 $ 600.00 $ 2,400.00 $ - $ 2,400.00 2.542.00 $ 2618.26 $ 2,766.81 $ 2,849.81 3%increase per year Comm-Office 1 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 $ - $ 600.00 618.00 $ 636.54 $ 655.54 $ 675.31 3%increase per year Insurance 1 $ 25.000.00 $ 25,00000 $ - $ 25000.00 25750.00 $ 26,522.50 $ 27,318.18 $ 28,137.72 3%increase per year Contingency $ - $ 60,000.00 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 Transfers(15%) $ - $ 175,946.44 213,933.52 $ 235,586.93 $ 256,828.60 $ 284,558.12 Total Costs $ 641,610.00 $ 886,257.44 941,391.10 $ 1,029,817.62 $ 1,005,678.46 $ 1,239,604.71 Balance $133,390.00 $ 363,396.81 484,832.37 $ 540,761.94 $ 706,512.19 $ 657,449.44 10%Cont.to Reserves $13,339.00 $ 36,339.68 48,483.24 $ 54,076.19 $ 70,651.22 $ 65,744.94 Total Reserves $13,339.00 $49,678.68 $98,161.92 $ 54,076.19 $ 70,651.22 $ 136,396.16 Cap at$200,000 20%Cap. Recovery Funds $26,678.00 $ 72,679.36 96,966.47 $ 108,152.39 $ 141,302.44 $ 131,489.89 Cash balance $93,373.00 $254,377.77 $339,382.66 $378,533.36 4494,558.53 $460,214.61 Cont.to Residential 0.0000 $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - Cont.to General 1.0000 $ - $ 254,377.77 339,382.66 $ 378,533.36 $ 494,558.53 $ 460,214.61 CASE 2-PARTIAL COMMERCIAL SUBSIDY RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE (Garbage, Recycling, Yard & Bulky waste) 5-YEAR PLAN Annual Costs Item Quantity Per Unit Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09.10 FY 10-11 Comments Revenues 5 1,932,000.00 $ 2,073,600.00 $ 2,040,000.00 $ 2,162,400.00 $ 2,284,800.00 $ 2,366,400.00 From Commercial $ - $ 132,276.44 $ 176,478.98 $ 196,837.34 $ 257,170.44 $ 239,311.59 Capital recovery $ 110,000.00 $ 28,240.00 $ 85,216.44 $ 319,377.64 $ 75,408.37—$ 563,568.72 Balance $ 2,042,000.00 $ 2,234,116.44 $ 2,301,695.42 $ 2,678,614.98 $ 2,617,378.80 $ 3,169,280.31 Expenditure Fleet $ 519,10000 $ 527,220.00 $ 572,22000 $ 727,610.00 $ 368,590.00 $ 576,520.00 Leased for 4 years Personnel S 591,50000 $ 680,87500 $ 751,318.75 $ 825.28469 $ 866,548.92 $ 993,076.37 Overtime S 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20.000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Temporary Labor S 12,000.00 $ 12,00000 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12.000.00 Carts 1000 $ 52.00 $ 52.000.00 S 52,000.00 $ 54,600.00 $ 57,330.00 $ 60,196.50 $ 63,206.33 $ 66,36664 5% increase per year Bins 1000 $ 5.00 $ 5.000.00 S 5,000.00 $ 5,150.00 $ 5,304.50 $ 5.463.64 $ 5,627.54 S 5,796.37 3% increase per year Auditing 1 $ 6.000.00 $ 6.000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,180.00 $ 6365.40 $ 6,556.36 $ 6,753.05 $ 6,955.64 3% increase per year Disposal 10000 $ 32.00 $ 320.000.00 $ 320,000.00 S 326,400.00 $ 332,928.00 $ 339,586.56 $ 346,378.29 $ 356,769.64 3% increase per year Equip. Maintenance 1 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,900.00 $ 31,827.00 $ 32,781.81 $ 33,765.26 4 34,778.22 3%increase per year Fuel 16000 $ 2.80 $ 44.800.00 $ 44,800.00 $ 49,280.00 $ 54,208.00 $ 59,628.B0 $ 65,591.68 $ 72.150.85 10%increase per year Supplies 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,090.00 $ 3,182.70 $ 3,278.18 $ 3,376.53 $ 3,477.82 3%increase per year Uniforms 13 $ 300.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 4,017.00 $ 4,487.51 $ 4,622.14 $ 5,110.80 $ 5,264.12 3%increase per year Comm-Nextel 13 $ 600.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 8,034.00 $ 8,345.02 $ 8,595.37 3 8,923.23 $ 9,190.93 3%increase per year Comm-Office 3 $ 600.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,854.00 $ 190962 $ 1,966.91 $ 2,025.92 $ 2,08669 3%increase per year Insurance 1 $ 40,000.00 $ 40000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 41,200.00 $ 42436.00 $ 43,709.08 $ 45.020.35 $ 46,370.96 3%increase per year Contingency $ 60,000.00 $ 60.000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 Transfers(15%) $ 289,800.00 $ 311,040.00 $ 306,000.00 $ 324,360.00 $ 342,720.00 $ 354,960.00 Total Annual Expenditure $ 2,006,700.00 $ 2,141,840.00 $ 1,963,862.50 $ 2,535,640.03 $ 1,912,917.91 $ 2,625,764.26 Cash Balance $ 35,300.00 $ 92,276.44 $ 337,832.92 $ 142,974.95 $ 704,460.90 $ 543,516.05 20%Cont.to Reserves $ 7,060.00 $ 7,060.00 $ 18,455.29 $ 67,566.58 $ 140,892.18 $ 58,965.95 Total Reserves $ 7,060.00 $ 14,120.00 $ 32,575.29 $ 100,141.87 $ 241,034.05 $ 300,000.00 Cap at$300.000 Cap. Recovery Funds $ 28,240.00 $ 85,216.44 $ 319,377.64 $ 75,408.37 $ 563,568.72 $ 484,550.10 Est.Annual Customers 9200 9600 10000 10600 11200 11600 Calculated Rate/Customer $ 18.18 $ 18.59 $ 16.37 $ 19.93 $ 14.23 $ 18.86 Rate Assessed/Customer $ 18.00 $ 18.00 5 17.00 $ 17.00 $ 17.00 $ 17.00 COMMERCIAL COLLECTION & RESIDENTIAL C&D (Frontload & Roll off) Annual Costs Item Quantity Per Unit Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Comments Revenues $0.00 $ 1,172,976.25 $ 1,278,544.11 $ 1,393,613.08 $ 1,519,038.26_$ 1,655,751.70 Residential C 8 D $ - $ 50,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 85,000.00 _$ 100,000.00 Capital Recovery $ 775,000.00 $26,678.00 $ 72,679.36 $ 96,966.47 $ 108,152.39 _$ 141,302.44 Total $775,000.00 $ 1,249,654.25 $ 1,426,223.48 $ 1,570,579.56 $ 1,712,190.65 $ 1,897,054.14 Expenditure Fleet B Equipment S 626,010.00 $ 243,565.00 $ 245678.28 $ 297.116.14 5 198,826.72 $ 384,604.10 Leased for 4 years Personnel $ 15,600.00 5 146,146.00 $ 153,453.30 $ 161,125.97 $ 205,582.26 $ 215861.38 Overtime $ - $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10.000.00 5 10.000.00 $ 10,000.00 Temporary Labor $ - $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6.000.00 $ 6.000.00 $ 6,000.00 Auditing 1 $ 6.000.00 5 6.000.00 $ - $ 6,000.00 $ 6,18000 $ 6,365.40 $ 6.556.36 $ 6,753.05 3%increase per year Disposal 5000 $ 32.00 $ 160.000.00 $ - S 160,000.00 $ 163,200.00 $ 166,464 00 $ 169,793.28 $ 174,887.08 3%increase per year Equip. Maintenance 1 $ 24.000.00 $ 24.000.00 $ - S 24,000.00 $ 24,720.00 $ 25461.60 $ 26,22545 $ 27,012.21 3%increase per year Fuel 8000 $ 2.80 $ 22.400.00 $ - $ 22400.00 $ 24,640.00 S 27,104.00 $ 29,81440 $ 32,795.84 10% increase per year Supplies 1 $ 3.000D0 S 3.000.00 $ - 5 3,000.00 $ 3,090.00 $ 3,182.70 $ 3,278.18 $ 3,376.53 3%increase per year Uniforms 4 $ 300.00 S 1,200.00 $ - S 1,200.00 $ 1,586.00 $ 1,633.58 $ 2,032.59 $ 2,093.57 3%increase per year Comm-Nextel 4 $ 600.00 $ 2,400.00 $ - S 2,400.00 $ 2,542.00 $ 2618.26 $ 2,766.81 $ 2,849.81 3%increase per year Comm-Office I $ 600.00 5 600.00 $ - $ 600.00 $ 618.00 $ 636.54 $ 655.64 $ 675.31 3%increase per year Insurance I $ 25000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ - S 25,000.00 $ 25,750.00 $ 26,522.50 $ 27,318.18 $ 28,137.72 3%increase per year Contingency $ - $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 Transfers(15%) $ - S 175,94644 $ 213,933.52 $ 235,586.93 $ 256,82860 $ 284,558.12 Total Costs $ 641,610.00 $ 886,257.44 $ 941,391.10 $ 1,029,817.62 $ 1,005,678.46 $ 1,239,604.71 Balance $133,390.00 $ 363,396.81 $ 484,832.37 $ 540,761.94 $ 706,512.19 $ 657,449.44 10%Cont.to Reserves $13,339.00 $ 36,339.68 $ 48,483.24 $ 54,076.19 $ 70,651.22 $ 65,744.94 Total Reserves $13,339.00 $49,678.68 $98,161.92 $ 54,076.19 $ 70,651.22 $ 136,396.16 Cap at$200,000 20%Cap. Recovery Funds $26,678.00 $ 72,679.36 $ 96,966.47 $ 108,152.39 $ 141,302.44 $ 131,489.89 Cash balance $93,373.00 4264,377.77 $339,382.66 $378,533.36 $494,558.53 $460,214.61 Cont.to Residential 0.5200 $ - $ 132,276.44 $ 176,478.98 $ 196,837.34 $ 257,170.44 $ 239,311.59 Cont.to General 0.4800 $ - $ 122,101.33 $ 162,903.68 $ 181,696.01 $ 237,388.10 $ 220,903.01 CASE 3-FULL COMMERCIAL SUBSIDY RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE (Garbage, Recycling, Yard & Bulky waste)5-YEAR PLAN Annual Costs Item Quantity Per Unit Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 Comments Revenues $ 1,932,000.00 $ 1,958,400.00 $ 1,920,000.00 $ 1,908,000.00 $ 2,016,000.00 $ 2,088,000.00 From Commercial $ - $ 254,377.77 $ 339,382.66 $ 378,533.36 $ 494,558.53 $ 460,214.61 Capital recovery $ 110,000.00 $ 28,240.00 $ 109,397.77 $ 381,626.38 $ 89,696.12 $ 549,869.40 Balance $ 2,042,000.00 $ 2,241,017.77 $ 2,368,780.43 $ 2,668,159.73 $ 2,600,254.65 $ 3,098,084.00 Expenditure Fleet $ 519.100.00 $ 527,220.00 $ 572,220.00 $ 727.610.00 368.590.00 $ 576,52000 Leased for 4 years Personnel $ 591.500.00 $ 680,875.00 S 751,31875 $ 825.284.69 866.548.92 $ 993,076.37 Overtime $ 20.000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20.000.00 20.000.00 $ 20,000.00 Temporary Labor $ 12,000,00 $ 12.000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12.000.00 12000.00 $ 12,000.00 Carts 1000 $ 52.00 S 52,000.00 $ 52.000,00 $ 54.600.00 $ 57,330.00 $ 60,196.50 t 63.206.33 $ 66,366.64 5% Increase per year Bins 1000 $ 5.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,150.00 $ 5,304.50 $ 5463,66 5.627.54 $ 5,796.37 3% Increase per year Auditing 1 $ 6.000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,180.00 $ 6,365.40 $ 6.556.36 6753.05 $ 6,95564 3% Increase per year Disposal 10000 $ 32.00 $ 320,000.00 $ 320.000.00 $ 326,40000 $ 332,928.00 $ 339,586.56 346.378.29 $ 35676964 3% increase per year Equip. Maintenance 1 $ 30.000,00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,900.00 $ 31827.00 $ 32,781.81 33765.26 $ 34,77822 3% increase per year Fuel 16000 $ 2.80 $ 44,800.00 $ 44,800.00 $ 49.280.00 $ 54,208.00 $ 59,628.80 65.591.68 $ 72,150.85 10%increase per year Supplies 1 $ 3.000.00 $ 3,000,00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3.090.00 $ 3,182.70 $ 3,278.18 3.376.53 $ 3,477.82 3% Increase per year Uniforms 13 $ 300.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 4017.00 $ 4,487.51 $ 4,622.14 5,110.80 $ 5,264.12 3% Increase per year Comm-Nextel 13 $ 600.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 8034.00 $ 8,34502 $ 8,595.37 8,923.23 $ 9,190.93 3% Increase per year Comm-Office 3 $ 600.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1.854.00 $ 1,909.62 $ 1,966.91 2.025.92 $ 2,08669 3% Increase per year Insurance 1 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 S 41.200.00 $ 42,436.00 $ 43,709.08 45.020,35 $ 46,37096 3% increase per year Contingency $ 60,000.00 $ 60.000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 60.000.00 $ 60,00000 Transfers(15%) $ 289,800.00 $ 293760.00 $ 288.000.00 $ 286200.00 302.400.00 $ 313,200.00 Total Annual Expenditure $ 2,006,700.00 $ 2,124,560.00 $ 1,963,862.50 $ 2,497,480.03 1,912,917.91 $ 2,584,004.26 Cash Balance $ 35,300.00 $ 116,457.77 $ 404,917.93 $ 170,679.70 _ 687,336.74 $ 514,079.74 20%Cont.to Reserves $ 7,060.00 $ 7,060.00 5 23,291.55 $ 80,983.59 137,467.35 $ 44,137.51 Total Reserves $ 7,060.00 $ 14,120.00 $ 37,411.55 $ 118,395.14 255,862.49 $ 300,000.00 Cap at$300,000 Cap. Recovery Funds $ 28,240.00 $ 109,397.77 $ 381,626.38 $ 89,696.12 549,869.40 $ 469,942.23 Est.Annual Customers 9200 9600 10000 10600 11200 11600 Calculated Rate/Customer $ 18.18 $ 18.44 $ 16.37 $ 19.63 14.23 $ 18.56 Rate Assessed/Customer $ 18.00 $ 17.00 $ 16.00 $ 15.00 15.00 $ 15.00 COMMERCIAL COLLECTION & RESIDENTIAL C&D (Frontload & Roll off) Annual Costs Item Quantity Per Unit Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Comments Revenues $0.00 $ 1,172,976.25 $ 1,278,544.11 $ 1,393,613.08 $ 1,519,038.26 $ 1,655,751.70 Residential C &D $ - $ 50,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 85,000,00 $ 100,000.00 Capital Recovery $ 775,000.00 $26,678.00 $ 72,679.36 $ 96,966.47 $ 108,152.39 $ 141,302.44 Total $775,000.00 $ 1,249,654.25 $ 1,426,223.48 $ 1,570,579.56 $ 1,712,190.65 $ 1,897,054.14 Expenditure Fleet& Equipment $ 626.010.00 $ 243.565.00 $ 245.678.28 $ 297,116.14 $ 198,826.72 $ 384,604.10 Leased for 4 years Personnel $ 15.600.00 $ 146.146.00 $ 153,45330 $ 161,125.97 $ 205,582.26 $ 215,861.38 Overtime $ - $ 10,000.00 $ 10.00000 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,00000 $ 10,000.00 Temporary Labor $ - $ 6,000.00 $ 6.000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 Auditing 1 $ 6.000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ - $ 6,000.00 $ 6.180.00 $ 6,365.40 $ 6,556.36 $ 6,753.05 3%increase per year Disposal 5000 $ 32.00 $ 160,000.00 $ - $ 160,000.00 $ 163,200.00 $ 166,464.00 $ 169,793.28 $ 174,887.08 3%increase per year Equip. Maintenance 1 $ 24.000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ - $ 24,000.00 $ 24,720 DO $ 25,461.60 $ 26.225.45 $ 27,012.21 3%increase per year Fuel 8000 $ 2.80 $ 22400.00 $ - $ 22,400.00 $ 24,640.00 $ 27,104.00 $ 29.814.40 $ 32,795.84 10%increase per year Supplies 1 $ 3.000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 3,000.00 $ 3,09000 $ 3,182.70 $ 3.278.18 $ 3,376.53 3%increase per year Uniforms 4 $ 300.00 $ 1,200.00 $ - $ 1,200.00 $ 1,586.00 $ 1,633.58 $ 2,032.59 $ 2,093.57 3%increase per year Comm-Nextel 4 $ 600.00 $ 2,400.00 $ - $ 2,400.00 $ 2,542.00 $ 2,618.26 $ 2.766.81 $ 2,849.81 3%increase per year Comm-Office 1 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 $ - $ 600.00 $ 618.00 $ 636.54 $ 655.64 $ 675.31 3%increase per year Insurance 1 $ 25.000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ - $ 25,000.00 $ 25,750.00 $ 26,522.50 $ 27.318.18 $ 28,13772 3%increase per year Contingency $ - $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60.000.00 $ 60,000.00 Transfers(15%) $ - $ 175,946.44 $ 213,933.52 $ 235,58693 $ 256,828.60 $ 284,558.12 Total Costs $ 641,610.00 $ 886,257.44 $ 941,391.10 $ 1,029,817.62 $ 1,005,678.45 $ 1,239,604.71 Balance $133,390.00 $ 363,396.81 $ 484,832.37 $ 540,761.94 $ 706,512.19 $ 657,449.44 10%Cont.to Reserves $13,339.00 $ 36,339.68 $ 48,483.24 $ 54,076.19 $ 70,651.22 $ 65,744.94 Total Reserves $13,339.00 $49,678.68 $98,161.92 $ 54,076.19 $ 70,651.22 $ 136,396.16 Cap at$200.000 20%Cap. Recovery Funds $26,678.00 $ 72,679.36 $ 96,966.47 $ 108,152.39 $ 141,302.44 $ 131,489.89 Cash balance $93,373.00 $254,377.77 $339,382.66 $378,533.36 $494,558.53 $460,214.61 Cont.to Residential 1.0000 $ - $ 254,377.77 $ 339,382.66 $ 378,533.36 $ 494,558.53 $ 460,214.61 Cont.to General 0.0000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE (GARBAGE, RECYCLING,YARD WASTE) 10-YEAR PLAN -PERSONNEL Years Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6 Year? Year8 Year9 Year10 Category FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11.12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 Director 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sanitation Services Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sanitation Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mechanic 0 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Driver 12 12 14 15 16 16 18 19 20 20 Total Personnel 15 15.5 18 19 20 20 22 23 24 24 Total Payroll $ 591,500 5 651.300 $ 717275 5 787,719 $ 825,285 $ 949.749 $ 1.065.876 $ 1,115,530 $ 1207707 $ 1,339,072 Annual Increase(assume 5%) 5 - 5 29.575 $ 34,044 5 37,566 5 41,264 $ 43.327 $ 49654 $ 55]77 5 58.565 $ 63,314 Total Payroll $ 591,500 S 680.875 $ 751,319 5 825,285 $ 866,549 5 993.076 $ 1.115.530 $ 1,171,307 5 1 266,272 5 1402,386 RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE (GARBAGE, RECYCLING, YARD WASTE) 10-YEAR PLAN -FLEET Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year5 Year6 Year 7 Year8 Year9 Year 10 Category FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 Garbage New 7 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Garbage Replacement 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 0 Recycling New 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Recycling Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Yard Waste New 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Yard Waste Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Yard waste Claw truck New 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yard Waste Claw truck Replace 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Other Trucks New 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Other truck Replacement 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Total 11 1 2 2 3 5 7 3 2 3 Avg.Cost/Unit Automatic Operation 170,000 $ 173,000 S 176,000 $ 180,000 184.000 S 188,000 192.000 196,000 $ 200,000 $ 215,000 Rear end 130,000 5 133,000 5 136.000 $ 139,000 142.000 5 145,000 148,000 151.000 $ 154.000 $ 180,000 Claw truck 190.000 S 193.000 $ 196 000 $ 200,000 203000 $ 206,000 209.000 212,000 $ 215.000 $ 218,000 Pick-up Truck 26,000 5 28,000 5 30.000 $ 32,000 34.000 5 36,000 38,000 40.000 $ 42,000 $ 44,000 Total cost 1.790.000 5 28,000 $ 352000 $ 339,000 552.000 $ 745,000 1,311,000 543.000 $ 400,000 $ 613.000 Lease per yea(4-years) 447.500 $ 7,000 $ 88.000 $ 84.750 138,000 $ 186,250 327,750 135,750 $ 100,000 $ 153.250 Interest(assume 4%) 71,600 $ 1,120 $ 14.080 $ 13,560 22.080 $ 29,800 52,440 21,720 $ 16,000 $ 24.520 Cumulative Interest 71,600 $ 72,720 $ 86.800 $ 100.360 50,840 $ 79,520 117.880 126,040 $ 119,960 $ 114.680 Total Fleet Cost 519,100 $ 527,220 $ 629,300 $ 727,610 368,590 $ 576,520 854,630 913,790 $ 869,710 $ 831,430 Total Fleet 8 Personnel 1,110,600 $ 1,208,095 $ 1,380,619 $ 1,552,895 1,235,139 $ 1,569,596 1,970,160 2,085,097 $ 2,135,982 $ 2,233,816 COMMERCIAL COLLECTION &RESIDENTIAL C & D 10-YEAR PLAN - PERSONNEL Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year5 Year 6 Year 7 Year8 Year 9 Year 10 Category FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 09-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 Director 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sanitation Program Manager 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sanitation Coordinator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mechanic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administrative assistant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driver 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 Total Personnel 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 Total Payroll $ 10.920 $ 145,600 $ 146,146 S 153.453 $ 197,526 $ 205,582 S 215.861 $ 263,054 5 274.387 $ 288,107 Annual Increase(assume 5%) $ - $ 546 $ 7,307 5 7.673 $ 8,05E $ 10.279 5 10.793 $ 11,333 $ 13,719 $ 14,405 Total Payroll $ 10,920 $ 146,146 $ 153,453 $ 161,126 $ 205,582 $ 215,861 $ 226,654 $ 274,387 $ 288,109 $ 302,512 COMMERCIAL COLLECTION & RESIDENTIAL C& D 10-YEAR PLAN -FLEET& EQUIPMENT Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6 Year? Year8 Year9 Year10 Category FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 Fleet Frontload New 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Frontload Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 Rollo4 New 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Rollof Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 Delivery Truck New 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Delivery Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Total Fleet 4 1 0 1 1 4 2 2 3 2 Frontload $ 160,000 $ 163.200 $ 166,464 169.793 $ 173,189 196,653 $ 180,136 5 183,790 $ 187466 191.215 Rolloff 5 135.000 $ 137,900 $ 140,454 143,263 S 146,128 149,051 $ 152.032 $ 155.073 $ 158,194 161.337 Delivery 5 65,000 $ 66.300 $ 67,626 68.979 $ 90.358 71.765 $ 93.201 $ 74,665 5 76.158 99.681 Total cost $ 520,000 $ 137,700 $ - 169.793 S 173,189 651,408 $ 405,418 $ 310.145 $ 533,105 352,552 Lease per year(4-years) 5 130,000 $ 34,425 $ - 42.448 $ 43299 162.852 $ 101.355 $ 77.536 $ 133,276 88,138 Cumulative Lease(4-Year) $ 130,000 $ 164,425 5 164.425 206.873 $ 120,171 283,023 $ 384,377 $ 419465 $ 509,444 434,730 Interest(assume 4%) S 20,800 $ 5,508 5 - 6.792 5 6.928 26,056 $ 16,217 $ 12.406 $ 21.324 14.102 Cumulative Interest $ 20,800 $ 26,308 5 26,308 33.100 $ 19,227 39,776 5 55,992 $ 61606 $ 76,003 64,049 Total Fleet Cost $ 150,800 $ 190,733 $ 190,733 239,973 $ 139,398 322,798 $ 440,369 $ 481,072 $ 585,447 498,779 Bins Bin 2CV 110 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Bin 4 CY 103 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 an 6 CY 54 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Bin8CY 62 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 20 CY Rolloff 0 30 CV Rolloff 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 40 CV Rolloff 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 30 CY Compactor 31 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Unit Costs 2 CV 350.00 5 364.00 $ 378.56 S 393.70 $ 409.45 $ 425 83 442.86 5 460.58 479.00 $ 488 58 4 CV 47000 $ 488.80 $ 508.35 5 528.69 $ 549.83 5 571.83 594 70 $ 618 49 643.23 $ 668.96 6 CY 650.00 $ 676.00 $ 703.04 $ 731.16 $ 760 41 $ 790 82 822.46 $ 855.36 889.57 $ 925.15 8 CY 750.00 $ 780 00 $ 811 20 5 843.65 $ 877.39 $ 91249 948.99 $ 986 95 1.026 43 $ 1.067 48 20 CY Roll off 2,800.00 $ 2,912.00 $ 3.028.48 $ 3.149.62 $ 3.275.60 5 3 406.63 3.542 89 $ 3,684 61 3.831 99 $ 3.985.27 30 CV Roll off 3,100.00 $ 3,224.00 $ 3.352.96 $ 3.487.08 $ 362656 $ 3,771 62 3.922.49 $ 4,079.39 4.242.56 $ 441227 40 CY roll off 3,700.00 $ 384800 5 4,00192 $ 4,162.00 $ 4,32848 $ 4,501.62 4,681.68 $ 4,868.95 5.06371 $ 5266.25 20 CV Compactor 9,200.00 $ 9,568.00 $ 9,95072 $ 10,348.75 $ 10,76270 5 11,193.21 1164093 $ 12,10657 12,590.84 $ 13,094.47 30 CV Compactor 11,000.00 $ 11,440.00 $ 11,89760 5 12,373.50 $ 12.868,44 $ 13,383.18 13,918.51 $ 14,475.25 15,054.26 $ 15,65643 35 CV Compactor 12,200.00 $ 12,688.00 $ 13.195.52 $ 13,723.34 $ 14,272.27 5 14,843.17 15,436.89 $ 16,054.37 16.696.54 $ 17364.40 Total Cost 475,210.00 $ 52,832.00 $ 54,945.28 $ 57,143.09 $ 59,428.81 $ 61,805.97 64,278.21 $ 66,849.33 69,523.31 $ 72,208.44 Total Fleet+Equipment 626,010.00 $ 243,565.00 $ 245,678.28 $ 297,116.14 $ 198,826.72 $ 384,604.10 504,647.69 $ 547,920.86 654,970.43 $ 570,987.51 FISCAL YEAR 05-06 MONTHLY SCHEDULE WSI Onyx Commercial Current Fleet-Residential Contract Yard Waste Start-up Operating Start-up Personnel Oct-05 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 $ 33,913 $ - $ 8,001 Nov-05 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 $ 33,913 $ 8,001 Dec-05 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 $ 33,913 $ 519,100 $ 8,001 Jan-06 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 $ 33,913 $ 8001 Feb-06 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 $ 150,800 S 33,913 $ 8001 Mar-06 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 S 33,913 $ 8.001 Apr-06 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 S 33,913 $ 8.001 May-06 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 S 33,913 $ 8001 Jun-06 $ 104,000 $ 21,000 $ 33,913 $ 51.958 Jul-06 $ 21.000 $ 475,210 $ 83,389 $ 51.958 Aug-06 $ 21,000 S 83,389 $ 51.958 Sep-06 $ 83,389 $ 67.558 Totals $ 936,000 $ 231,000 $ 626,010 $ 555,387 $ 519,100 $ 287,443 Total Expenditure $ 2,660,730 Reserves $239,070 Total FY Costs $ 2,899,800 Total FY Revenues $ 2,124,800 Cash reserves $ 775,000 Total Funds $ 2,899,800 Balance $ - Loaded salary Chart Base Loaded Director 27 84000 S 109,200 Manager 17 55000 $ 71,500 Coord 9 32,000 $ 41,600 Admrsl 6 32.000 S 41,600 Mechanic II 10 38.000 $ 46,800 Driver 7 28,000 $ 36,400 Multiplier 1.3 Annual Monthly Current Personnel FY 05-06 $ 96,015.00 $ 8,001.25 Current Operating FY 05-06 $ 406,960.00 $ 33,913.33 CURRENT COMMERCIAL FRANCHISE ACCOUNT Fiscal Actual Invoice Diff.in RFP 8 Res. Prices Franchise Fees Total % Revenue Year Frontload Rolloff Total Frontload Rolloff Total Frontload Rolloff Total Revenue To Invoice FY 01-02 S 330,066.36 S 377722 $ 707.789 $ 64,739 $ 60,407 $ 125,146 $ 53,066 $ 63,463 $ 116,529 $ 241,675 $ 34 FY 02-03 $ 352,857.01 $ 512.174 $ 865,031 $ 67,474 $ 85,816 S 153,290 S 57,076 $ 85,272 $ 142,348 $ 295,638 $ 34 FY 03-04 $ 379,150.92 5 526.603 $ 905,753 $ 70,166 S 89,170 $ 159,335 $ 61,797 $ 87,486 $ 149,283 $ 308,619 $ 34 FY 04-05 Estimated $ 960.099 5 168,896 $ 158,240 3 327,136 $ 34 COMMERCIAL FRANCHISE ACCOUNT CURRENT COSTUMER BASE Category FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-00 Comments Customers 319 335 352 369 388 407 Assuming 5%growth per year 2 CY Bin 110 _ 4 CY Bin 103 6 CY Bin 54 8 CY Bin 62 Total Bins 329 345 363 381 400 420 COMMERCIAL RATES, RESOLUTION NO. 95-13,AUGUST 15, 1995 Container Size Rolloff(see notes 1&2) Frequency 2 3 4 6 8 20 30 40 Compactor 1 $ 38.05 $ 45.96 $ 53.86 $ 74.28 $ 93.53 $ 111.00 $ 121.00 $ 131.00 $ 141.00 2 $ 55.14 $ 74.19 $ 93.24_ $ 131.18 $ 167.95 3 $ 77.01 $ 104.82 $ 132.63 $ 188.09 $ 242.37 4 $ 98.89 $ 135.45 $ 172.02 $ 244.99 $ 316.79 5 $ 120.76 $ 166.08 $ 211.41 $ 301.89 $ 391.21 6 $ 142.63 $ 196.71 $ 250.80 $ 358.80 $ 465.63 Extra/Week $ 10.00 $ 14.00 $ 16.00 $ 19.00 $ 22.00 COMMERCIAL RFP RATES (RFP 01-001) Container Size Rolloff(see notes 182) Frequency 2 3 4 6 8 20 30 40 Compactor 1 $ 18.40 $ 27.61 $ 36.81 S 55.21 _ $ 73.62 $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ 85.00 2 $ 36.81 $ 55.21 $ 73.62 $ 110.42 _ $ 147.23 3 $ 55.21 $ 82.82 $ 110.42 $ 165.64 $ 220.85 4 $ - $ 110.42 $ 147.23 5 220.85 $ 294.46 5 $ - $ 138.06 $ 184.04 $ 276.06 $ 368.08 6 $ - $ 165.64 $ 220.85 $ 331.27 $ 441.70 Extra/Week $ 40.00 $ 45.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $ 65.00 Note 1-Rolloff Charges-Add landfill charges+ Fees Landfill Charges-Tipping fees per ton Fees- 20% Franchise Fees + 10%Administrative Fees Note 2-Compactor rate=20%Franchise Fee+ 10%Administrative Fee+Other Charges COMMERCIAL FRANCHISE WITH NO FEE INCREASE Private Commercial In-house Operations COMMERCIAL COLLECTION Delta Fees Total Loss New Rates Total Rev. Total Rev. FY 01-02 $ 125,146 $ 116.529 $ 241,675 Current Rates New Rates FY 02-03 $ 153,290 $ 142,348 $ 295,638 FY 03-04 $ 159,335 $ 149,283 $ 308,619 FY 04-05 $ 168.896 $ 158.240 $ 327.136 Year 1 FY 05-06 $ 180,317 S 166.447 $ 346.764 S 380.747 S Year 2 FY 06-07 $ 164.377 S 151,733 $ 316.110 $ 51,460 S 403.591 S 254,378 310.341.16 Year 3 FY 07-08 $ 174,240 S 160.837 $ 335.076 $ 54,547 $ 427.807 $ 339,383 414.047.26 Year 4 FY 08-09 $ 184,694 S 170.487 S 355.181 $ 57,820 S 453.475 $ 378.533 461.810.26 Year5 FY 09-10 $ 195.776 S 180.716 $ 376.492 $ 61,289 S 480.684 $ 494.558 603.360.76 Year 6 FY 10-11 ' $ 207,522 $ 191.559 $ 399,081 $ 64,967 S 509.525 $ 460.214 561.461.08 Note 1-Anticipate 25% higher RFP rates in August 2006 with new contract or extension of existing contract. Note 2- New Ocoee rates will incease revenues by 22%. SANITATION PROGRAM COMMERCIAL RATE STUDY Res. 95-13 RFP Diff. Franchise City Winter New CY x Freq. Rates Rates Res.-RFP Fees Revenue Apopka Garden Average Ocoee 2 x 1 $ 38.05 $ 18.40 19 65 3.68 23.33 $ 53.19 $ 40.35 S 46.77 $ 54 00 2 x 2 $ 55.14 $ 36.81 18.33 7.36 25.69 $ 103.91 $ 80.70 $ 92.31 $ 96.00 2 x 3 $ 77.01 $ 55.21 21.80 11.04 32.84 $ 151.87 $ 121.04 $ 136.46 $ 137.00 2 x 4 $ 98.89 98.89 - 98.89 $ 197.62 $ 161.39 $ 179.51 $ 180.00 2 x 5 $ 120.76 120.76 - 120.76 $ 240.62 $ 201.74 $ 221.18 $ 222.00 2 x 6 $ 142.63 142.63 - 142.63 $ 281.14 $ 242.10 $ 261.62 $ 262.00 Extra $ 10.00 $ 40.00 3 x 1 $ 45.96 $ 27.61 18.35 5.52 23.87 $ 57.00 $ 28.50 3 x 2 $ 74.19 $ 55.21 18.98 11.04 30.02 $ 110.25 $ 55.13 3 x 3 $ 104.82 $ 82.82 22.00 16.56 38.56 $ 160.25 $ 80.13 3 x 4 $ 135.45 $ 110.42 25.03 22.08 47.11 $ 206.75 $ 103.38 3 x 5 $ 166.08 $ 138.03 28.05 27.61 55.66 $ 249.75 $ 124.88 3 x 6 $ 196.71 $ 165.64 31.07 33.13 64.20 $ 289.50 $ 144.75 Extra $ 14.00 $ 45.00 4 x 1 $ 53.86 $ 36.81 17.05 7.36 24.41 $ 78.61 $ 77.62 $ 78.12 5 78.00 4 x 2 S 93.24 $ 73.62 19.62 14.72 34.34 $ 154.69 $ 155.25 $ 154.97 $ 155.00 4 x 3 S 132.63 $ 110.42 22.21 22.08 44.29 $ 218.39 $ 232.87 $ 225.63 $ 22600 4 x 4 $ 172.02 $ 147.23 24.79 29.45 54.24 $ 279.57 $ 310.50 $ 295.04 $ 295.00 4 x 5 $ 211.41 $ 184.23 27.18 36.85 64.03 $ 335.03 $ 388.12 $ 361.58 $ 350.00 4 x 6 $ 250.80 $ 220.85 29.95 44.17 74.12 $ 384.49 $ 465.75 $ 425.12 $ 400.00 Extra 5 16.00 $ 50.00 6 x 1 S 74.28 $ 55.21 19.07 11.04 30.11 $ 104.92 $ 115.24 $ 110.08 $ 110.00 6 x 2 $ 131.18 $ 110.42 20.76 22.08 42.84 $ 200.96 $ 230.47 $ 215.72 $ 210.00 6 x 3 $ 188.09 $ 165.64 22.45 33.13 55.58 $ 288.45 $ 345.71 $ 317.08 $ 315.00 6 x 4 $ 244.99 $ 220.85 24.14 44.17 68.31 S 367.06 $ 460.95 $ 414 01 $ 370.00 6 x 5 $ 301.89 $ 276.06 25.83 55.21 81.04 $ 436.79 $ 576.19 $ 506.49 $ 440.00 6 x 6 $ 358.80 $ 331.27 27.53 66.25 93.78 5 497.95 $ 691.42 $ 594.69 $ 500.00 Extra $ 19.00 $ 60.00 Res.95-13 RFP Diff. Franchise City Winter New CY x Freq. Rates Rates Res.-RFP Fees Revenue Apopka Garden Average Ocoee 8 x 1 $ 93.53 $ 73.62 $ 19.91 $ 14.72 $ 34.63 $ 109.67 $ 152.39 $ 131.03 $ 132.00 8 x 2 $ 167.95 $ 147.23 $ 20.72 5 29.45 $ 50.17 $ 207.93 $ 304.79 $ 256.36 $ 208.00 8 x 3 $ 242.37 $ 220.85 5 21.52 $ 44.17 $ 65.69 $ 303.02 $ 457.20 $ 380.11 $ 330.00 8 x 4 $ 316.79 5 294.46 5 22.33 $ 58.89 $ 81.22 $ 392.42 $ 609.60 $ 501.01 S 400.00 8 x 5 $ 391.21 S 368.08 5 23.13 5 73.62 $ 96.75 $ 476.09 $ 762.00 $ 619.05 $ 500.00 8 x 6 $ 465.63 $ 441.70 $ 23.93 $ 88.34 $ 112.27 S 554.06 $ 917.19 $ 735.63 $ 550 00 Extra $ 22.00 $ 65.00 20 $ 111.00 $ 85.00 $ 26.00 $ 17.00 $ 43 00 5 180.00 30 $ 121.00 $ 85.00 $ 36.00 $ 17.00 $ 53.00 5 220.00 40 $ 131.00 $ 85.00 $ 46.00 $ 17.00 5 63.00 5 280.00 Compactor $ 141.00 $ 85.00 $ 56.00 $ 17.00 $ 73.00 $ 200.00