HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval anad Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of May 7, 2002 Agenda 5-21-2002 DRAFTFT Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 7, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. in the Commission Chambers located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Commissioner Parker led in prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum to be present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson (arrived at 7:45), Howell (arrived at 7:21), Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Communications Manager Ek-Collins, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Support Division Chief McNeil, Planning Director Wagner, Principal Planner Lewis, Principal Transportation Planner Foltz, Police Officer First Class Vance, Public Works Director Smith, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Music, and Recreation Director Farmer. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation "School Crossing Guard Week." (Mayor Vandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift invited all of the School Crossing Guards (Including Mrs. Frances Watts who has retired for health reasons) to the front of the room while he read the Proclamation recognizing their dedication. Dreamers and Doers and Teachers of the Year Mayor Vandergrift invited Belinda Davis, principal of William S. Maxey Elementary School, to briefly explain the Disney Dreamers and Doers Awards. The Commissioners then assisted in the distribution of the certificates of appreciation to the following from each school: School Teacher Walt Disney Dreamer and Doer Gotha Middle School Jan Leisher Jessica Saltz Lake Whitney School Renee Leach Angel O'Berry Magnolia Elementary School Tina Benfakir Juan Carlos Gould Magnolia Middle School Joe Rafael Magnolia High School Ellias Perez Olympia High School Nancy Colson Renea Forde West Orange 9th Grade Center Elaine McPherson Kertesha Riley West Orange High School Veronica Yates-Riley Colby Hillis William S. Maxey Elementary School Rosalind P. Hamilton Briana Gulley Windermere Elementary School Katharyne Daughtridge Peter Larson A recess was called from 7:35 to 7:45 p.m. to provide an opportunity for picture taking. Non-Agenda Item Upon reconvening Community Relations/Projects Director Shira introduced Bill Suchy, the new TV Operations Manager, and thanked the TV crew free lancers, Ken Goldberg, Tim Blaszczyk, Jerry Freeman, Bob Bernard, and Ray Klipsch, for keeping the operation going until Mr. Suchy could take over the department. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 Friends of Lake Apopka. (President James M. Thomas) Mr. Jim Thomas addressed the Commission about the history of Friends of Lake Apopka (FOLA), and introduced Ms. Ruth Hamburg, with Land Design Innovations. Ms. Hamburg gave a PowerPoint presentation showing the details of the Lake Apopka Basin Master Plan. Mr. Tomas explained they need regional approval in order to move forward and they are asking for all of the entities around the lake to take part. lie said, in addition to expressed support of Phase 2, they wished to form a team made up of a member from each of the eight entities. He asked for comments on the Plan, support for Phase 2, funding in the amount of $5,000, and that a staff member be appointed to serve as well. Mayor Vandergrift announced Resolution No. 2002-05, Friends of Lake Apopka Basin Master Plan: Greenways, Trails, Recreation, Ecotourism, was agenda item VII C and he moved that item to be considered at this time, out of agenda order. The Staff recommendation was to adopt Resolution No. 2002-05 approving the Lake Apopka Basin Master Plan: Greenways, Trails, Recreation, Ecotourism, and agreeing to participate in its implementation, subject to financial resources being available to the City of Ocoee for improvements on City property. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the Staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 2002-05 subect to funds being_available. Motion carried 5-0. What We're All About - Next in a Series Ocoee Fire Department. (Fire Chief Strosnider) Fire Chief Strosnider, assisted by Assistant Chief Firstner and Support Division Chief McNeil, gave a PowerPoint presentation showing the history, current status, and future goals of the Fire Department. Communications Department. (Communications Manager Ek-Collins) Communications Manager Ek-Collins gave a PowerPoint presentation describing the history and functions of his department. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. Commissioner Anderson, regarding item B, asked who narrowed the list for a performer for the Founders' Day celebration down to three. Community Relations/Projects Director Shira responded she was assisted by Sherry Seaver and the talent agent, Len Walls. Commissioner Howell pulled item C for separate consideration. Page 2 of I I ED Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 Mayor Vander rift seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve items A and B of the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of April 16, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute contract with 4Walls Entertainment, Inc. to include talent agent fee of$3,000 to 4Walls Entertainment and Talent Fee of$30,000 made payable to Tip Top Inc. (Aaron Tippin). Staff also Requests Approval and Authorization to Enter into a Contract with Zambelli Internationale for the Fireworks for Founders' Day. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira) The money for these fees will be paid from the Founders'Day account. The 630,000 is not due until day of show.The not to exceed$15,000.00 fee for the fireworks will also come from a combination of city funds and sponsorship dollars. Commissioner Howell raised several questions regarding the Change Order No. 7 in item C and expressed his displeasure at the prices involved. City Engineer Shira assured him the prices were within the parameters of the contract. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve Change Order No. 7 for the Maguire Road Widening oroiect, in the amount of $51,854.60, with Ryan,_Inc. Eastern and authorize the Ma or and City Clerk to execute. Motion carried 4-I with Commissioner Howell voting no. C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change Order No. 7 Maguire Road. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) There are twelve items that comprise this Change Order. Item numbers 7-1 and 7-7 are related to various conflicts with other existing utilities that were discovered during construction. Item numbers 7-2,7-4.7-5 and 7-6 are all related to additional work requested by the City. This work included an additional water valve,signal wiring from the fire station to the flashing signal light, removal of old interconnect wiring on SR 50, and installation of part of the median irrigation system. Item number 7-3 is related to installation of a water service to the future expansion of Holiday Inn. Item numbers 7-9 through 7-12 are related to field-measured quantity increases in various items of work. Item number 7-8 is a credit to the city to cover overtime costs for our inspector. After deducting the$5,372 72 cost of the Holiday Inn water service(which was paid to the City by the Holiday Inn owner), and the$2,163.78 reimbursement for RPR time,the total effective amount of Change Order No. 7 becomes$45,481.88. We are now approximately 90%through the project period, and the total of Change Orders 1-7 is only 3.45%of the original contract bid. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 7 in the amount of$51,854.60. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Bill Burlingham, Action Gator Tire, Inc., explained his hid for Fleet Maintenance had been incomplete because he had found the cost for the required hid guarantee prohibitive. He thanked the City for its business over the past years. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Anderson stated he was not voting no on the whole consent agenda, but rather for the way the performer was chosen for Founders' Day, as he still wanted the community volunteers to be involved in the choices that were made. Page 3 of II Pr Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 Mayor Vandergrift I) Announced Lake Cleanup Day — June 1 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, with a free weenie roast at 11:30. 2) Provided copies of material from the OCPS School Board Capital Program Update to be copied and distributed. 3) Expressed concern about the routing of the roads around Orlando all going away from 1-4. PUBLIC HEARINGS McElroy Place Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Case No. LS-2001-004. Continued from April 16, 2002. (Planning Director Wagner) Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report and displayed on the overhead the details of this case. McElroy Place subdivision includes a total of 127 single-family residential lots, and is located on the south side of McCormick Road immediately north of Trout Lake. Mr. Wagner reviewed the concerns of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and said the staff report erred regarding the presence of gopher tortoises and a permit would be required for that. After showing pictures of the site, Mr. Wagner said, based on the recommendation of both the Development Review Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for McElroy Place, as date stamped received by the City on February 14, 2002. Kevin Kramer, Professional Design Associates, said he was here with Richard Gonzalez, Pineloch Management, owners/developers of the site, along with the environmental consultant and geotechnical engineer, to answer questions. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Barry Reiter, 106 McCormick Road, Clarcona, said he was the property owner on the eastern boundary of the proposed development. He read from a prepared statement expressing his concerns; i.e., the likely conflict of the proposed growth vs an established emergency landing field, the foot traffic from the proposed trail, the high speed of vehicles, the displacement of the gopher tortoises and sand cranes, and the effect using the sink hole for a retention pond will have on his water supply. He said he had thought those issues had been resolved, but then found it was not so. He reported he had found an open well in the sink hole as well as plastic containers. He added he had asked for a copy of the plans some time ago and was told he could not have them. Mrs. Becky Vose, 106 McCormick Road, Clarcona, said she was concerned as well about the pedestrian trail. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard. Ocoee, raised questions about the possible expansion of the landing strip into an airport and whether schools are available in that area. Page 4 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 City Manager Gleason responded regarding the landing strip, saying if such expansion should be requested at a later date, GOAA, FAA, and FDOT would have to he involved. Mayor Vandergrift said the students in that area would attend Clarcona School. Mr. Kramer responded to Mr. Reiter's concerns, assisted by Mr. Doug Yovaisch, Principal Engineer, Yovaisch Engineering Sciences, Inc. Mr. Gleason asked Mr. Wagner to address Mr. Reiter's comments regarding access to the public records. Mr. Rosenthal advised there was a request that had been inaccurately responded to by staff, but that, upon receiving clarification of the public records law, the department had immediately provided the information requested. Mr. Wagner added he had met with Mr. and Mrs. Reiter and responded to their questions. However, in the past he had been instructed not to permit plans to leave his department until they had been approved and so stamped. (This direction was given by a former city manager as the result of an incident which occurred when a citizen incorrectly assumed a plan provided during the process was the same as the approved version.) Commissioner Parker said there appeared to he too many issues to bring this to a vote at this time and she proposed continuing the public hearing to another date. Mr. Richard Gonzalez, owner of the property, spoke about the conservation area, saying they had made every effort to protect the land environmentally, and were mowing it regularly to avoid having a fire hazard. He said they had done everything for the development according to staff direction and had talked at length with the Reiters, and he would appreciate a decision being made at this meeting. The public hearing was closed. A recess was called from 10:03 to 10:16 p.m. to give the participants an opportunity to discuss the differences. Upon reconvening, each speaker was given a minute to speak. Mr. Reiter and Mr. Kramer summed up their comments, and Mr. Wagner said he had no reason to recommend anything other than he had stated earlier. Commissioner Parker moved to table the public hearing until the next meeting and direct staff to work out the differences in the meantime. Motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Vander rift seconded b Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the Staff recommendation to approve the McElro Place PreliminarySubdivision Plan as date stamped recerved by_the Cit on February 14, 2002 Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioners Anderson and Parker voting no. Page 5 of 11 DnAF � Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 Miracle Ear Office Building - Waiver Requests, Project No. SS-2001-013. (Planning Director Wagner) Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report, advising the Miracle Ear Office Building is proposed to be located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Silver Star Road and Ridgefield Avenue and is scheduled to he built in two phases. The first phase comprises a building of 4,048 square feet of floor space on a lot size of 0.869 acres; while the second phase involves another office building of 4,000 square feet with its own parking area and retention pond with a common driveway for access to both lots. There is a proposed lot line down the center of the curb cut to the property off Silver Star Road, resulting in both parcels falling below the minimum lot size of one acre. As the east parcel meets only 86% of the required minimum lot size, the developer must request a waiver from the City Commission. In addition, the developer is requesting four other waivers due to the unusual physical constraints associated with the site. Those five waivers are: (I) a 15 foot landscape buffer along public primary and secondary streets rather than the required minimum 25-foot landscape buffer: (2) a 10 foot buffer between low-rise office and single family residential areas rather than the required minimum 15 foot buffer; (3) a 4:1 ratio side slope for unfenced retention ponds rather than the maximum 5:1 ratio; (4) two lots of 0.86 acre each are requested rather than the required one acre in size; (5) a 5-foot encroachment is requested into the minimum 15-foot buffer along public primary roads. The developer has identified the following off-setting public benefits to justify the requested waivers. The developer is giving to the City (1) 20 feet of right-of-way along the entire length of its property; (2) an easement in the rear of the property for a waterline owned by the City; and (3) is moving and relocating a waterline owned by the City both on the developer's property and on off-site property as well. For further justification, the developer noted this site is an extraordinarily narrow "in-fill site" with unique site development circumstances. Although not specifically a waiver request, the Code requires construction of a 6-foot brick wall along the north boundary line, not concrete block. Staff recommended approval of the waivers subject to the following: (1) the Developer dedicating the 20 feet for future right-of-way expansion at platting; (2) the Developer granting an easement to the City for the purpose of maintenance and expansion of the waterline within the proposed parking area; and (3) agreeing to construct a brick wall adjacent to the residential area to the north. Commissioner Anderson noted this would he corporate headquarters and would generate 25 new jobs. He said he had talked to them about marking the road and the sidewalk for safety purposes and they had agreed. Mr. Aaron Gorowitz, Lowndes Drosdick Doster Kantor and Reed. representing Miracle Ear, said they agreed with staff recommendations and also will need to reconfigure the striping on the road. Page 6 of I I DAAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 In response to Mayor Vandergrift's question regarding whether the buildings would be on sewer, Mr. Steve Helle, Mlle Engineering Corporation, said there was a force main on the other side of Silver Star Road, but that bringing it under the road to the site had not been recommended by the City Engineer. Mr. Gorowitz added to involve a lift station for a 4,000 foot building would render it not feasible. Mr. Rosenthal said it would be possible to approve the staff recommendation subject to tying into the sewer when it becomes available. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to approve the waivers requested by the applicant subject to the conditions of approval recommended by Staff(i.e., Developer dedicating jhe 20 feet for future right-of-way expansion at platti� Develop r_ rag ntrng an easement to the City_for the purpose of maintenance and expansion of the waterline within the proposed parking area, and agreeing to construct a brick wall adjacent to the residential area to the north) and subject to the additional conditions that the entrance at Brentwood be re-marked, th at the sidewalk area be marked appropriately to address safett issues, and that the subdivision be regutred to connect to city sewer at such time as sewer lines become available tothe_property_ Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift left the dais at 11:05 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS West Groves Final Subdivision Plan, Phases 1, 2, and 3. Project No. LS-2000-02. (Planning Director Wagner) Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report, showing an aerial view of the West Groves property and describing it as located on Lake Apopka and west of Ocoee-Apopka Road, and noting the wetlands on the map. He stated the staff recommendation for approval of the Final Subdivision Plan for Phases 1, 2, and 3 of the West Groves Subdivision, as date stamped received by the City on April 15, 2002, subject to the following conditions: (a) Addressing the comments in the memo from Scott Cookson dated March 25'h (the DRC voted to support the proposed waiver related to the community meeting room requirement); and (b) Including the attached additional Condition of Approval (e-mail message from Scott Cookson, Assistant City Attorney, dated April 29, 2002) related to dedication of conservation easements and fee title to the wetlands tracts, and a 25' access easement along the southern boundary of the commercial parcel; and (c) Replacing Condition of Approval k29(b) on the FSP with the following new condition: "The Developer agrees to implement the Mitigation, Maintenance and Monitoring Plan for Upland Restoration, Preservation , and Wetland Enhancement on the West Groves project site, as set forth in the submission dated March 19, 2002, from Glatting. Jackson, et al to Hartman & Associates, Inc. and its attachments. The Developer agrees to undertake the Developer commitments set forth in the report. The Developer must obtain approval from the City to deviate therefrom." Page 7 of II Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 City Attorney Rosenthal said he had just distributed a memo from Assistant City Attorney Cookson which points out an error just discovered on Sheet C-2 of the Plan that renders the Condition of Approval contained in his memo dated April 29, 2002, inaccurate. Ile recommended that any approval of the Avanti West Groves Final Subdivision Plan be conditioned upon: (I) changing the Tract Legend on Sheet C-2 to reference the City of Ocoee rather than the SJRWMD relating to ownership and maintenance of Tracts R, R-I through R-5 and S-1 through S-3; and (2) the Condition of Approval contained in this May 7, 2002, memorandum be incorporated into the Final Subdivision Plan. Discussion ensued regarding the Community Meeting Room Waiver request, and Commissioner Parker said she did not object to just a covered-over place instead of an air conditioned closed room. Mayor Vandergrift returned to the dais at 11:15 p.m. Howard Lefkowitz, Leeds Holdings, developer of the property, (1) described the community meeting house in detail and asked for a waiver from the 1000 foot requirement as the building is 620 square feet enclosed and 520 square feet in a covered patio space; (2) in Condition of Approval 29(b) he proposed to withdraw the plantings of native trees and plantings along the 50 foot right-of-way set back; (3) proposed changing the Condition of Approval regarding the contribution of wetlands to the City as follows: Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions to the contrary, with respect to Tract R-3 only, the following shall apply: "The Developer will provide to the City a "Letter of Map Revision" (LOMR) issued by FEMA, demonstrating that all or a portion of Tract R-3 is outside of the FEMA designated 100 year flood plain. Should any portion of Tract R-3 be determined to lie within the FEMA designated 100 year flood plain, then the Developer will convey fee simple title to that portion of Tract R-3 within the 100 year flood plain to the City as provided above. For all portions of Tract R-3 outside the FEMA designated 100 year flood plain, in lieu of receiving fee simple title to Tract R-3, the City shall accept a permanent easement over real property adjacent to the existing tributary located within Tract S-I. The form of the easement and the location and configuration of the easement area shall be adequate for the City to access and maintain the natural tributary located west of Tract R-3. It is anticipated that the easement shall be over the maintenance berms within stormwater management Tracts G, J, and K. The easement will be in a form acceptable to City staff." Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the waivers requested by the Developer per staff recommendation with the substitution of the City. Attornev's memo of May 7, 2002, for the e-mail message of April 29, 2002, and added to the conditions of approval set forth in the City Attorney memo, the additional language proposed by the Developer. Motion carried 5-0. Page 8 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 Ocoee Commons - Waiver Requests, Project No. SS-2002-002. (Director of Planning Wagner) Planning Director Wagner presented the staff report, advising the Developer has requested three waivers on the proposed site plan for Ocoee Commons (Lot 3, Wal-Mart Supercenter — 1.20 acres). Ocoee Commons is a proposed multi-tenant retail center (11,078 square feet) located on one of the outparcels in front of the new Wal-Mart Supercenter currently under construction on the south side of SR 50, just west of Blackwood Avenue. The waivers requested are (I) 143-foot building setback instead of the Code Standard of 100-foot maximum; (2) two parking bays instead of the Code Standard of one; (3) no loading zone space instead of the one required in the Code Standard. Attorney Scott Glass, Shutts & Bowen, displayed on the overhead a description of the improved linear buffer area, which was designed to present a more aesthetically pleasing project and he described the parking/loading requirements. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the waivers for Ocoee Commons as requested_ Motion carried 5-0. Resolution No. 2002-05 - Friends of Lake Apopka Master Plan. (Principal Transportation Planner Foltz) This item was considered immediately following the FOLA presentation and is on Page 2. Award RFP No. 02-001, for Fleet Maintenance Services. (Public Works Director Smith) Public Works Director Smith gave the staff report, advising that there were three responses to the advertisement, one of which was a no bid, and one of which was found to be non- responsive and disqualified for failure to produce the required bid guarantee. The Florida Auto Auction of Orlando's hid was reviewed by the RFP selection committee on April 2, 2002. Staff recommended awarding REP No. 02-001, Fleet Maintenance Services to the Florida Auto Auction of Orlando, and authorize execution of the agreement between the City and the Florida Auction of Orlando by the Mayor and City Clerk, and further authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the agreement. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the Public Works Department bid on this and Mr. Smith responded they had not due to inadequate facilities. Commissioner Johnson advised he would abstain from voting due to a conflict of interest as this would enure to his employer's gain. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howell moved to award RFP No. 02- 001,.Fleet Maintenance Services to the Florida Auto Auction of Orlando, and authorize execution of the a reement between the City and the Florida Auction of Orlando b the Mayor Page 9 of II D Q[Ff' Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 and Cit Clerk and further authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated b the agreement. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson abstaining and Commissioner Parker away from the dais. Appointment of a Commissioner to Select a Vendor for Wireless Communications RFP. (Information Systems Manager Ross) Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to appoint Commissioner Anderson to serve on the Wireless Communications RFP Selection Committee. Motion carried 5-0. Appointments to Boards. (City Clerk Grafton) Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department. Appoint an applicant to complete Mr. Luce's term ending February I, 2004, and appoint an applicant to serve a three-year term ending May 1, 2005. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved to appoint Karen Vanek and Michael Barnes to the CACOPD terms as stated. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Gleason I) Distributed a report regarding Starke Lake Lighting and said he would put it on the May 21 agenda. 2) Asked Mr. Smith to come back into the Chambers and, upon announcing that Mr. Smith had resigned in order to accept a position in Winter Garden, he expressed his appreciation for Mr. Smith's time and service to the City of Ocoee. Mayor and each Commissioner in turn echoed Mr. Gleason's comments. 3) Distributed the long-awaited Policy Manual to the elected officials. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker — No comments at this time. Commissioner Johnson 1) Directed that a letter be sent to Orange County Commissioner Edwards regarding the issue of cities signing an agreement to follow Orange County's plan for growth-management by denying residential rezoning requests in areas where the schools are at or above capacity. The letter was to call attention to the fact that Orange County continues to approve multi-family buildings in areas that are already choking with traffic and overcrowded schools, while Ocoee has been a front-runner in cooperating with the Orange County School Board to ensure land is available for schools in growth areas and that the School Board is kept advised. 2) Announced Winter Garden got $4.5M for their downtown development. 3) Said the swimming pool closes at 6:00 p.m. and that is too early for citizens to get home from work and still take advantage of the use of the pool. He asked that the time be changed Page 10 of 11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 7, 2002 to 4:00-8:00 p.m. on several days each week. Recreation Director Farmer said he would take care of the change. 4) Suggested naming the Coke Property Park now. City Attorney Rosenthal said it would he appropriate to wait until a plan was presented, then name it. Non-Agenda Item Mayor Vandergrift seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to name the area presently. known as South Park Freedom Park. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. Farmer to be sure the person who suggested that name be rewarded as there had been a contest. Commissioner Anderson read part of an e-mail message filled with questions regarding the pool and Mr. Farmer said he would respond to all of those questions. Commissioner Howell 1) Asked for the status of the CPR training. Mr. Gleason advised Support Division Chief McNeil is working on it. 2) Asked for clarification regarding the purpose of the purchase of the modular building, as he had understood it was to be for Public Works. Mr. Gleason said it had actually been bought to house the Inspectors/Fire/Police/Code Enforcement for a while and then it would go to Public Works later. 3) Said there are some good officers in the Police Department, but some of them need to have training on how to diffuse an issue in dealing with the public. Mr. Gleason said he has asked Chief Mark to search out some training along those lines and that should he a priority. Mayor Vandergrift I) Said possibly a policy should be put together regarding how to handle the e-mails that come in during the Commission meetings. Should they be read in their entirety or edited, or just forwarded to the appropriate department for a response? He said he felt they should mention the subject and forward the e-mail to the department. 2) Advised FDOT has torn up the entry to Coventry and he wondered if underdrains should be put in during the reconstruction. Mr. Gleason said he would follow up on this. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:15 a.m. APPROVED Attest City of Ocoee Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 11 of 11