HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII(A) Approval And Acceptance Of Minutes Of City Commission Regular Meeting Of February 5, 2002 Agenda 2-19-2UU2 Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 5, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Pastor Jerry Girley led in the prayer and Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, (arrived at 7:27p.m.) Johnson, (arrived at 7:27p.m.) and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Recreation Director Farmer, Building/Zoning Official Velie, Communications Manager Ek-Collins, and Police Chief Mark. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of the First Telecommunicator of the Month Award. (Communications Manager Greg Ek-Collins) Communications Manager Ek-Collins presented Telecommunicator Julie Johnson with the first Telecommunicator of the Month Award. Ms. Johnson gave emergency medical instructions to a woman whose infant had stopped breathing. By the time the Fire Department arrived on the scene the mother, with the help of instructions given by Ms. Johnson had the child breathing. The child was transported to the hospital where he was later released and doing fine. Water Shortage Update. (Assistant City Engineer Wheeler) Assistant City Engineer Wheeler gave a power point presentation and reported on the current status of the water shortage. Mr. Wheeler stated for the month of January Ocoee should have had 2.43 inches of rain however, the amount recorded at Orlando International Airport (OIA) for the month of January was only 1.1 inches. Mr. Wheeler said Ocoee is below in the amount of water pumped for January 1, 2002, as compared to the amount pumped January 1, 2001. He said that is good, but this is Ocoee's second month with an increase in consumption. He advised restrictions are still in effect and reminded everyone of the watering days and times. He finished his report with a summary of the violations which have occurred. SJRWMD Program Presentation. (Intergovernmental Coordinator Nancy Christman) Nancy Christman presented an overview of what the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) does and spoke about the water supply for East-Central Florida. Ms. Christman stated due to the three year drought situation the ground water levels and many of the lakes have not recovered, even though last year was a fairly good year for rain. She congratulated Ocoee for the efforts that have been made with the water conservation program and in the enforcement of the restrictions. Ms. Christman said the water supply problem is more long term, than is the drought in the overall scheme of things. She spoke about the water summit that Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Anderson had attended the previous week. She advised that for several years with the utilities staff of local government and technical rid Ep Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting February 5, 2002 consultants SJRWMD worked to create a district water supply plan. The result of the projected water needs over a 20 year period indicated there would not be enough ground water over the planning horizon between now and the year 2020 to provide water to all the citizens without harming the environment. Ms. Christman stated emphatically this area is most critical area. She listed some of the negative impacts to the environment that could occur if alternative methods to pumping ground water are not in place by 2006. She then mentioned some of the possible alternatives and talked about future scheduled meetings. She said SJRWMD hoped to have by the end of the year, an action plan or a series of goals and policies that the elected officials, who attend the meetings, have come up with to solve some of the resource problems. A discussion followed after which Ms. Christman responded to questions and comments from the Commission, then she responded to questions raised by R. P. Monackey, of 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd. West Orange Reconciliation Task Force Report. (Bryan Stamper, Ph.D., St. Paul's Presbyterian Church) Dr. Bryan Stamper gave a synopsis of how and why the task force was formed. Dr. Stamper stated the four goals of the task force to be: (1) To tell the story. He talked about the how the 1920's Ocoee incident was researched both by looking at articles that have been written and through oral accounts gleaned by speaking with long time residents, in particular, Betty Hager and Harold Maguire. (2) To honor the memory. Dr. Stamper said some of the proposed options to accomplish this would be to have a park named along the lines of reconciliation or unity park. Other options would be a plaque that would in some way acknowledge what happened or a visual rendering; e.g., a statue. (3) To heal the wounds. Dr. Stamper acknowledged this takes time and cannot be legislated. He said while this was a horrific incident it was unfortunately not unique to Ocoee and was not uncommon during that time frame in other parts of the country and he sited some examples. Knowing this he said, helps in the healing process. (4) Economic empowerment. He said the task force wants to be sure that everyone has an opportunity to enjoy "The City of Good Living" in the coming years. Dr. Stamper proposed the West Orange Reconciliation Task Force become a volunteer commission of the City of Ocoee to pursue the four objectives previously stated. Commissioner Anderson explained that if the task force became a City board they would be subject to the Sunshine law. Mr. Stamper said they were aware of that and willing to comply. Mayor Vandergrift expressed his desire to move ahead and appoint the task force as a volunteer commission. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that if the desire of the Commission was to make the task force a City appointed commission it should be adopted by a resolution. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to direct staff and the City Attorney to come back with the information needed for a resolution to make the Reconciliation Task Force an appointed commission of the City of Ocoee. Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA Page 2 of 9 ildrm r[13 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting February 5, 2002 The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of January 15, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Final Plat of The Reserve Unit Two. (Engineering/Utilities Director Shira/Engineer I Gavrilovic) • This Final Plat of The Reserve Unit Two is a 68 lot single-family subdivision located on the east side of Clarke Road between Silver Star Road and A. D. Mims Road. All the required documentation pertaining to the platting of this subdivision had not been received and approved by City staff when the packets were prepared but are promised by the developer by Friday, February 1. All the required bonds have been posted and staff requests approval. 1. Approval of The Reserve Unit Two Upgraded Street Lighting Agreement. • This agreement for upgraded street lights will be paid for by the Homeowners Association. The first year's payment for the lights has been received by the City in accordance with the City's Street Lighting Ordinance. C. Approval and Authorization to Transfer $2,430 from General Government: 001-516:6405 Color/Copier/Printer/Scanner (on hold) to Legislative:001- 511:6405 Capital Outlay to Cover the Cost of a Laptop Computer for Mayor. • In the recent review of the capital budget to cut back further in expenditures, the purchase of the Color/Copier/Printer/Scanner was one of the items postponed until either later in the fiscal year or until the next budget year. This frees up funds for the purchase of other necessary items. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve items A, B, and C of the consent agenda as presented. Commissioner Anderson inquired about item C and the amount of Random Access Memory (RAM). He said with all the photo jams and the Mayor's unique requirements he wanted to make sure if the purchase was going to be made it would meet all the needs. City Manager Gleason stated it would have a CD burner and all the necessary programs to meet the Mayor's needs. Motion carried 5-0. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no comments from citizens at this time. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Howell No comment at this time. Commissioner Anderson read a letter from Mary Branche expressing her concerns and inquiring as to what could be done about the traffic flow when Ocoee Elementary School is Page 3 of 9 {F Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting February 5, 2002 dismissed. The letter stated 7th Street, S. Lakewood, and Delaware are affected as the cars fill both lanes and stand waiting for children to be released from school. City Manager Gleason stated he would have the Police Department meet with someone from the school to work out something based on the student release times. Mayor Vandergrift stated that there is no sidewalk in front of Ocoee Elementary which causes the middle school students to walk down the middle of the road. He said the school board representative was at the February 4, 2002, Education Commission meeting and would find out the points of exit from the school grounds, which may be a method of controlling the foot traffic in the street as opposed to installing a sidewalk. Commissioner Johnson No comment at this time. Commissioner Parker announced the American Cancer Society Relay for Life will be held in April and the City of Ocoee has a team. They have chosen to name their site Harleyville USA and the team name is "Leather Forever," She said the theme would be bikers and everyone on the team would be dressed as bikers. She mentioned there are a number of fund raisers, the most interesting of which is that City Manager Gleason has been persuaded to wear a bright red suit on Valentines Day if the city team can raise $250.00 by.February 13, 2002. She stated she would like to donate $10.00 to help make that happen. She continued, saying another fund raiser would be a raffle for prizes and one of the prizes the team would like to offer is a foursome of golf. Commissioner Parker said she would donate one of the free golf passes she receives and asked the other Commissioners to do the same. Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, and Commissioner Howell agreed to donate their free passes. Commissioner Johnson stated he had already committed his to another fund raiser. Mayor Vandergrift 1) Announced he would be marrying five (5) couples on Valentines Day. He advised one of the couples are both employed by the City. 2) Announced the Sadie Hawkins Day dance at the Community Center on Valentines Day. OTHER BUSINESS Lake Olympia Club - Utilities Department. (City Manager Gleason) City Manager Gleason stated that the homeowners affected by the lift station incident were present to address the Commission. He gave an overview of what had occurred and what the City has done to date to fix, replace, or repair damages suffered by the homeowners. Mr. Dick Luce, 126 Olympus Drive, spoke on behalf of the affected homeowners expressing the homeowners frustrations, concerns, and expectations. Following a lengthy discussion it was determined the affected homeowners would meet individually with the City Manager, Risk Management, and the Adjuster. Without objection staff was directed to hold meetings with the homeowners that were affected. Page 4 of 9 rp] Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting February 5, 2002 A brief recess was called in order to make appointments with the homeowners for a meeting time. Recess 9:40 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. First Reading of Ordinances. Second Readings and Public Hearings Scheduled for February 19, 2002, at 7:15 p.m. . Ordinance No. 2002-02 - Repealing Chapters 51, 69, 106, 130, and 158 and Creating a New Chapter 51 of the Ocoee City Code Entitled Building Code-Local Amendments. (Building Director Velie) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance Number 2002-02. Mayor Vandergrift announced the date and time of the public hearing. Ordinance No. 2002-03 - Creating a New Chapter 50, Builder Complaint Log. (Building Director Velie) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance Number 2002-03. Mayor Vandergrift announced the date and time of the public hearing. Ordinance No. 2002-04 - Amending Chapter 108, Minimum Standards. (Building Director Velie) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance Number 2002-04. Mayor Vandergrift announced the date and time of the public hearing. SR438 Highway Lighting. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) Authorization to Execute Resolution No. 2002-01 re Utility Agreement. Authorization to Execute Highway Illumination Services Agreement. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira reported on the agreement between the City and FDOT that calls for the City to install roadway lighting that meets FDOT illumination and safety standards, after which FDOT will pay $316,000.00 to Ocoee. Mr. Shira stated based on discussions with Florida Power, staff believes that a lighting system that meets FDOT standards as well as the City's more stringent aesthetic requirements can be installed for less than $316,000.00. This would allow the balance of funds to be used by the City for whatever project it deemed necessary. Mr. Shira stated FDOT's intention was to fund the money in the year 2004. There was a brief discussion during which Mr. Shira responded to questions from the Commission. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to grant authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute both Resolution Number 2002-01 and the Highway Illumination Services Agreement. Motion carried 5-0. Discussion of City Logo. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira) Page 5 of 9 • —13 ,L78 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting February 5, 2002 Community Relations/Projects Director Shira presented a summary of how the logo options were presented to the public primarily through a mailing included with the monthly water service bill. Ms. Shira said the response from the public had been very good and mentioned some of the citizens' comments. She stated that of the seven logos presented the highest percentage of the public's choice was number five. A brief discussion followed. Commission reached a consensus and directed staff to modify logo number 5 and return to the Commission at a later date. Boxing Club Report. (Recreation Director Farmer) At Commissioner Johnson's request this item was continued to February 19, 2002. Naming of New Park. (Recreation Director Farmer) Mayor Vandergrift suggested waiting until the principal of the school had been appointed as that person names the school and he wanted the names to have some relation to each other. After a brief discussion the Commission reached a consensus on the name Freedom Park. City Manager Gleason was given direction to communicate to Orange County Public School System (OCPS) the Commission's preference regarding the naming of the park. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Contract for Concession at Vignetti Park for Adult Softball. (Recreation Director Farmer) Recreation Director Farmer reported that currently the City does not have a written contract with anyone to operate the concession stand at Vignetti Park during its Adult Softball League. He said in an effort to get the best possible deal for the City, staff had made contact with Joey Cristelli and the non-profit groups that assist the City with sports programs. He requested they submit a bid for these operations. Mr. Farmer advised the Commission of the proposals that had been made and asked for direction in awarding a contract. Mr. Farmer responded to questions from the Commission during a brief discussion. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract to the Ocoee Boxing Booster Club for Concession at Vignetti Park. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was away from the Dais. Board Appointments. (City Clerk Grafton) Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (3 Year Terms) - Member Hager resigned from her term ending February 1, 2003. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson asked if there were any applicants on file for this vacancy. Commissioner Parker indicated Mr. Phil Feedler, a resident of District 2, had submitted an application expressing interest in serving on the Citizen Advisory Council for the Ocoee Police Department. Page 6 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting February 5, 2002 Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to appoint Phil Feedler to the Citizens Advisory Council for the Ocoee Police Department. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was away from the Dais. Education Commission (2 Year Terms) - Three openings - No applications. Commissioner Anderson had agreed to serve as ex officio until February 21, 2002. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson stated he would not be able to serve on this board at this time. He suggested Mayor Vandergrift serve as the ex-officio member. Mayor Vandergrift returned to the Dais. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to appoint Mayor Vandergrift as ex-officio member to the Education Commission. Motion carried 5-0. A brief discussion followed regarding direction for the Education Commission. Personnel Board (3 Year Terms) - Member Hager does not wish to be reappointed. No current applications are on file. Members Debbie Bertling, Danny Howell, Jean Grafton, and John Resnik are willing to serve if reappointed. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to reappoint Debbie Bertling, Danny Howell, Jean Grafton, and John Resnik to the Personnel Board and to seek a volunteer for the vacancy created by Betty Hager's desire not to be reappointed. Motion carried 5-0. Planning and Zoning Commission - Members Robert McKey and Milton West - Terms end February 2002 and they are willing to serve if reappointed. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to reappoint Robert Mc Key and Milton West to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Gleason 1) Announced that Commissioner Anderson had celebrated his birthday on February 4`h 2) Stated that at the last Commission meeting it was projected, based on the first quarter sales tax revenue, the City would be approximately $704,000.00 short over the course of the year. Mr. Gleason stated there is a "hold list" of items that, should it be necessary, can be cut; but at this time nothing has been cut from the budget. 3) Said he had been approached by State Representative Johnson to put a meeting together between the City, the Auto Auction, and Central Florida Railroad. The meeting was to explore the possibility of a rail line that would serve the Auto Auction and the industrial properties in the City. This meeting occurred and Mr. Gleason said as of today's date a Page 7 of 9 pi t-A- Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting February 5, 2002 packet including a map showing an existing rail line had been sent to Tallahassee per Representative Johnson's request. Mr. Gleason said although this is not an approved project there is some money available in the State Transportation budget for rail projects. He said there is also a rail mobility study going on and Representative Johnson believed this project was worth his committee reviewing. He said he would keep the Commission updated. 4) Thanked the Commission for meeting with him individually to review his performance evaluation. He stated he had responded to each one as to their comments and had made available to each commissioner all the responses. He said these were for their review to confirm that it compares to what was discussed individually. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Mayor Vandergrift 1) Announced the starting date and time of the evening Ocoee Computer Class as February 6, 2002, in the training room of the Community Center at 7:00 p.m. 2) Said the white Christmas type lights for the trees around the lakefront need to be put up. 3) Thanked everyone for Starke Lake Clean-up. 4) Stated the City is improving the sidewalk by the lakefront and the spacing for the bricks is in, but apparently the sidewalk installation at the south end has stopped due to a shortage of the old bricks. He said apparently the old bricks intended to repair the roads were being used for the sidewalk. He said he would like to have the brick roads that are paved over in spots have the spot paving removed and replace the missing bricks. Commissioner Parker suggested new bricks be used for the sidewalk and the old bricks be saved for repairing the existing brick roads. 5) Asked what happened to the bricks from the old high school and said he would like to know as the Alumni Association is still selling them. 6) He mentioned the concern that was expressed at the previous nights Education Commission meeting regarding the removal of sidewalks along Silver Star Road. Specifically the sidewalk from Silver Bend to Citrus Elementary. City Manager Gleason stated he would get with Mary Brooks, Public Information Officer for the project. Commissioner Parker read an excerpt from an article published in the Sunday Sentinel and said it reminded her of the goals we should have as a community. Commissioner Anderson No comment at this time. Commissioner Johnson 1) Asked City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira about the water pipes laying on top of the ground along the side of Maguire Road. Commissioner Johnson said a citizen had expressed concern about the durability of rubber gaskets and seals after laying out in the open for an extended period of time. Mr. Shira stated he would go the area of concern and check to see if it is left over material or material yet to be used. Mr. Shira stated that Page 8 of 9 Ind Commission Regular Meeting uU � LP Ocoee City g February 5, 2002 when the pipes are stockpiled at the manufacturers' stock yard they are out in the open on pallets and it should not hurt anything. 2) Asked how long until the Maguire Road widening project would be completed. Mr. Shira said the projected time is May of 2002. Mayor Vandergrift inquired as to what point it would be finished. Mr. Shira indicated it would be finished up to Mercantile Court just behind the current Wal-Mart. 3) Stated he had walked with the City Manager through the old section of town and pointed out the many street lights not working. City Manager Gleason stated he had e-mailed Public Works the following day and he would be following up on their progress. 4) Asked if the City could begin to install the antique type street lights in the lakefront and downtown area. He said he would like the project to be done no later than summer. There was a consensus to begin. Commissioner Howell Said there is a problem with early morning traffic backing up on Kissimmee Avenue, mostly with tractor/trailers. He said they line up in the middle of the road in front of SYSCO waiting for SYSCO to open their gates. City Manager Gleason said he would address the issue with the Police Department as well as SYSCO. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. APPROVED Attest: City of Ocoee Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 9 of 9