HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of April 2, 2002 Agenda 4-16-2002 DRAFT Item III MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 2, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Pastor David Hartbarger led the prayer and Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a quorum to be present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell (arrived at 7:30 p.m.), Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Recreation Director Farmer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Director of Planning Wagner, Principal Planner Lewis, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Police Chief Mark, Communications Manager Ek- Collins, Building/Zoning Official Velie, and Public Works Director Smith. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Certificate of Appreciation to Sam Woodson. (Mayor Vandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift presented former Commissioner Woodson with a certificate of appreciation for his service to the City and thanked him for serving on the METROPLAN Orlando Citizens' Advisory Committee. Mr. Woodson received the certificate and thanked the City for allowing him to serve. fie stated he hoped the new committee member would be vigilant in looking for those things that would impact the Ocoee community. Certificates of Achievement for Dreamers and Doers - Ocoee Elementary and Lakeview Middle School. (Mayor Vandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift presented Dian Hooper with a certificate and congratulated her on being chosen Ocoee Elementary Teacher of the Year. He then presented a certificate to Austin Bailiff for being Ocoee Elementary's Dreamer and Doer. Mayor Vandergrift also presented a certificate congratulating Linda Peters who was Lakeview Middle School's Teacher of the Year. Ms. Peters accepted the certificate awarded Meredith Morrison as Lakeview Middle School's Dreamer and Doer, as she was unable to attend the meeting. Proclamation "National Telecommunicators Week." (Mayor Vandergrift) Telecommunicator of the Month Award to Kim DeLoach. (Communications Manager Ek-Collins) Mr. Ek-Collins read a statement giving an overview of all duties of a telecommunicator and the service they provide their communities. He named all of the telecommunicators in the Ocoee Communications Department. Following Mr. Ek-Collins' statement Mayor Vandergrift read a proclamation proclaiming April 14 through April 20 to be National Telecommunicators Week. Mr. Ek-Collins announced Kim DeLoach as Telecommunicator of the Month. He gave a brief summary of Ms. DeLoach's history and accomplishments and thanked her for her service to the City. DRAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 Presentation of Grant Awards to MVP Neighborhood Grant Program Applicants. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira). Ms. Shira presented MVP Grants to the following Homeowners Associations: Johio Bay, represented by Roy Pressey; Hidden Glen, represented by Dave Eden; and Prairie Lake Village, represented by Karl Prihoda. Each representative received their grant and gave an overview of the project their subdivision was undertaking. Mayor Vandergrift thanked all the participants and explained a little about the program. He encouraged people to apply for the MVP Grant for their neighborhood even if they do not have a homeowners association. Ms. Shira explained how associations, businesses, or individuals could apply. Time was set aside after each of the presentations for pictures to be taken. Water Shortage Update. (Assistant City Engineer Wheeler) Mr. Wheeler gave a report on the rainfall and the amount of water pumped and distributed over the last month and compared the figures to the previous year. He stated Ocoee was below the national average for rain for the year and below the amount of rain Ocoee received last year. Ocoee's use was 13.38% less than the year 2001, but still did not meet the SJRWMD mandate of 15% decrease. He reviewed the water restrictions and reminded everyone they were still in effect. He also reviewed the totals of violations. Fire Station Options. (Kevin Ratigan) Mr. Ratigan gave a power point presentation showing how the site on South Bluford and the existing site and surrounding areas would be developed as Fire Station One. The presentation included a rendering of the new site design and evaluation of the new site vs. the Municipal Complex site. The evaluation portion included a computer rendering of a one-story approach and a two-story building approach. There was a cost comparison of renovation versus a new facility; both site improvement and off site improvement costs were covered. Advantages and disadvantages of using the current Fire Station One location and the new South Bluford site were reviewed. Following the presentation a lengthy discussion ensued about the location and design of the building. The Commission asked questions and expressed their concerns and views. Mr. Ratigan and Fire Chief Strosnider responded to their questions and concerns. While there was some disagreement as to the location of the new fire station, all of the Commissioners expressed their dislike of the exterior design, stating it did not blend in well with the architectural design of the surrounding area of either site. After the motion was stated discussion ensued and City Attorney Rosenthal clarified that if the Commission wanted to keep the site at the current Municipal Complex the vote would be yes on the motion, if the Commission wanted the South Bluford site the vote would be no. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner lohnson.,_moved to proceed with a different building design tor Fire Station One at its resent location Motion failed 0-5. Following the vote there was a brief discussion and there was a determination to hold a workshop regarding the design. Page 2 of 13 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, and E. Item D was pulled by the applicant prior to the meeting. D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Forest Ridge PUD Final Subdivision Plan Extension Project ALS-99-004. (Planning Director Wagner) This proposed site is located east of Lakewood Avenue about one quarter mile south of Wurst Road. The subdivision will include a total of 57 single-family residential lots. The applicant has requested a twelve- month extension. The owners are currently negotiating sale of the land with Orange County to allow development of an affordable housing project. Staff recommends that the mayor and city commission approve a twelve-month extension. Item E was pulled by Commissioner Johnson for discussion and a separate vote. E. Approval and Authorization to Piggyback on the Florida Sheriffs Office & Local Governmental Agencies of the State of Florida Bid and Seminole County Bid, Authorize Staff to Secure Financing and for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Agreement for the Purchase of New Vehicles. (Finance Director Horton) This agreement will allow the lease-purchase of 14 new vehicles. The best pricing for the vehicles was found through the Sheriffs Office & Local Governmental agencies of the state of Florida cooperative bid it 01-09-0904. Due to the late order for the police vehicles, the city is unable to utilize the vendor on the Florida Sheriffs hid. The police vehicles were found at another dealership, and the city may piggyback on Seminole County's Bid tl A/B- 340/JVP. The other vehicles were unaffected by the manufacturer deadline, and the city may piggyback on the Florida Sheriff's bid. The total cost for the vehicles is $279,439.00. Staff recommends approval and authorization to (1) piggyback with Florida Sheriffs Office & Local Government Agencies of the State of Florida and Seminole County, (2) authorize staff to secure financing, and (3) for Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreements for the purchase of new vehicles. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Howell,.moved to approve item Fof the . consent agenda as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. Item B was pulled by Commissioner Anderson for separate consideration. B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Purchase Agreement with Deborah Stone and Jeanette Stone for their parcel located on the west side of Maguire Road. Parcel to be used for Maguire Road Reclaimed Water Tank. (Assistant City Attorney Doty) Page 3 of 13 RAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 This parcel is located on the west side of Maguire Road just north of the office development on the corner of Maguire Road and Roberson Road. The Stones have agreed to sell the parcel to the City for $271,700.00 (the appraised value plus 10%). Staff recommends approval and (1) authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Purchase Agreement and (2) authorization for City Clerk and the Mayor to execute all documents necessary to proceed to closing. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson,moved to approve item Bof the consent agenda as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5_-4. Remaining on the Consent Agenda were items A and C only. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of March 19, 2002, and Recreation Workshop of March 14, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton) C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change Order # 1 Extension of Lawn Maintenance Contract with Groundtek and Metroscape through September 30, 2002. (Public Works Director Smith) Groundtek and Metroscapc both have contracts with the City to perform mowing, edging and weed eating for Clarke Road, City Hall, retention ponds and various parking lots throughout the city. Both contracts are nearing an end and both companies have agreed to continue with the same service at the same cost until September 30, 2002. Staff recommends approval of the extension of the contracts. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve items A and C of the consent a n s. resented. Motion carried5-0, COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Jim Beech, 1206 Kimball Dr., announced the Big Orange Games would be held May 4, 2002, from 8:45 a.m. through 2:45 p.m. at West Orange High School. He invited the Commission to be a part of the opening ceremony. He said there was some discussion as to the possibility of the Big Orange Games being under the auspices of the City. He thanked everyone who participated in the golf fundraiser and thanked the City for the $500.00 check. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, inquired about the location of future middle schools and high schools. Mayor Vandergrift responded there was a planned middle school site north of Clarcona Road and a high school on the Coke Property. Ms. Watts also stated during the Mayor's State of the City Video she noticed the School Crossing Guards had not been mentioned at all and the Communications Department had very little mention. She said she would also like some recognition for the Seniors at the Founders' Day Event as they are Page 4 of 13 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 celebrating their 25' year this year. City Manager Gleason assured her that they would not be overlooked in the future. Ms. Watts also said she was collecting the white bottle caps from water bottles for a senior craft project. She asked that anyone having any donate them. Elton Mulkey, 300 Phyllis Street, stated he would like permission to water on Monday in place of watering on Sunday, as he is unable to be at his residence during the allotted time on Sunday. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira stated the City was not able to alter his watering days as the restrictions were put in place by St. Johns River Water Management District, not the City. Recreation Director Farmer stated he would volunteer to water for Mr. Mulkey on Sunday. Mr. Gleason said something would be worked out to make sure his lawn was watered on Sunday. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker said there had been a developer before the City Commission previously who had agreed to purchase a swing set and picnic tables for the Hackney Prairie Park. She said she had received notice they had been ordered and will be delivered to the Public Works Department at a later date this month. Commissioner Howell No comment at this time. Commissioner Anderson I. Said he had received an e-mail stating the turnpike will have the entrances of Ocoee, Winter Garden, and Oakland closed April 15 through April 26 between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., and will be diverting that traffic to Highway 50. 2. Announced spring cleanup April 13 and April 20. Those who have their garbage pick up days as Monday/Thursday will have their free pick up on Saturday, April 13, and those who have their pick up days as Tuesday/Friday will have their free pick up Saturday, April 20. Commissioner Johnson thanked everyone who participated in the Relay for Life golf tournament and said almost $4,000.00 had been raised. He thanked Mike Miller for his help and especially for the 100 plus hats he donated with Relay for Life embroidered on them. He said he hoped to have the fund raising event again next year and hoped it would be even better. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the Ocoee Education Commission would be presenting a special televised meeting May 6, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall to discuss the 'h cent sales tax proposed by the Orange County School Board. Recess 9:15 p.m. - 9:30 p .m. Page 5 of 13 DRAFT Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 PUBLIC HEARING First Reading of Ordinance No. 2002-10, Amendment to L.D.C. - Revision of Setback Requirements for Accessory Structures. (Building Official Velie) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed. Building/Zoning Official Velie responded to Commissioner Anderson's questions about the type of structures and as to whether or not it would make a difference if they were attached to the house. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing date of April 16, 2002, at 7:15 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS This item was taken out of agenda order ForestBrooke Subdivision Plan, Phase 1 Project No. LS-2001-01. (Director of Planning Wagner) Principal Planner Lewis gave a power point presentation showing the location of the subdivision. Mr. Lewis stated Phase 1 of ForestBrooke, located on both sides of Ocoee Apopka Road (CR 437), just south of McCormick Road, will have 126 single family residential lots. Most of the subject property west of CR 437 is currently occupied by orange groves and a few existing structures, including an existing amount of wetlands in the southwestern portion of that property which will be preserved. Much of the property east of CR 437 is currently wooded. Mr. Lewis stated the subdivision includes a mixture of lot sizes consistent with the property's R-1-A and R-1-AA zoning. He said the Developer is requesting two waivers from certain Land Development Code requirements, both of which are in Phase 1. The first waiver is related to the requirement for a buffer along arterial and collector roads, in this case a brick wall along both sides of CR 437. The Developer is requesting this waiver to allow a decorative metal fence with brick columns adjacent to the retention ponds instead of a solid 6-foot brick wall. This will allow for the preservation of existing trees in that buffer area. The second waiver is related to the requirement for a community meeting room. The Developer is requesting this waiver to allow the 1,000 square foot meeting room to be constructed in Phase 2 as originally planned with the PSP. However, there will be a limit on the number of Certificates of Occupancy they will get on the homes built in Phase 1 (no more than 99 CO's) until the community meeting room is built in Phase 2. Mr. Allen Keene, Developer, addressed the Commission saying he appreciated the cooperation he has received from the City for this project. He stated when the preliminary site plans were approved they were approved for 70, S0, and 90 foot lots for a total of 362 lots. He said the plan currently before the Commission has a total of 340 lots and that lessening of total amount of lots was Page 6 of 13 © OAF ? Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 done to preserve a number of trees. Mr. Gleason commended Mr. Keene and his company for the decreasing of the number of lots in order to preserve the trees. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1) The required 1,000 square foot community meeting room may be built in Phase 2, but the number of building permits to be issued for homes in Phase 1 and their associated Certificates of Occupancy will be limited to 99, until the community meeting room is completed. If the community room is not completed in two years, then the gazebo provided in Phase 1 must be expanded to meet the size requirements of Ordinance Number 2001-19 for subdivision with 99 lots. 2) The width of the southern secondary access road west of CR 437 to be constructed with Phase 1 will be discussed and agreed upon by the City Staff and the Developer. After discussions and input from the West Groves Developer-the City is obligated to consider in good faith any input offered by the West Groves Developer. The new road must be constructed with 24' wide pavement and minimal turn lanes onto CR 437 and from CR 437 onto the new road (if right-of-way is available), consistent with the West Groves Developer Agreement, unless a different design is agreed upon after giving consideration to input from the West Groves Developer. 3) The plans he revised to include a complete network of wastewater effluent reuse lines for irrigation as required by the Code. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moyesl mats as recommended by staff with the revised conditions of approval and conditions as stated by the planning department. Motion carried 5-0. This item was taken out of agenda order. Discussion of Founders' Day. (Community Relations/Project Director Shira) Ms. Shira stated she was there to answer any questions the Commission may have and to get direction from the Commission as to how they would like her to proceed and what if any changes the Commission would like to see incorporated into the way Founders' Day is presented and managed. She stated she was behind schedule and needed to proceed with haste. Commissioner Parker stated Ms. Shira should do what needed to be done in order to make it happen and that she would like to hear from the committee what they would like to see in the future. Founders' Day Committee Coordinator Mr. Miller stated it is too late in the year to follow through with putting a board in place, but a transition team to help with the 2002-2003 event would be a good goal. Ile suggested one or more of the Commissioners be on the transition team. Committee member Nancy Cox addressed the Commission stating she would like to see the event grow each year. Without objection, Mayor Vandergrift appointed Commissioner Parker and Commissioner Johnson to be the liaisons for the Founders' Day transition team and said all Commissioners would take part when possible. Ms. Shira expressed some of her concerns and explained how the talent was selected for the event. Staff was directed to do those things necessary to get the Founders' Day event ready. Page 7 of 13 1.1 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 This item was taken out of agenda order. Establish Fee Schedule for Beech Recreation Center Pool. (Recreation Director Farmer) Mr. Farmer said the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program says the City does have the power to establish a non-resident rate for the use of the pool, but they would like to have the request to charge an increased fee for non-residents to be submitted to them in writing and they would issue a ruling. He asked the Commission to set a rate of$1.00 for residents and non-residents until the ruling is received, and to authorize staff to make the change when /if the ruling is in favor. Mayor Ya-ndergrift seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved ta approve_the single rate for residents and non-residents until there is an opportunity to look at it, Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to amend the motion toapprove the rate of$1.00 for residents and non residents for the present time and make the. change in t_he rate upon receiving the ruline from the State _ Motion carried 5-0. The vote on the motion as amended.was 57Q in favor. First Reading of Ordinances 1. Ordinance No. 2002-12, Proposed Annexation of Crown Point Case No. AX-01-10- 01. (Director of Planning Wagner) 2. Ordinance No. 2002-13, Amendment to Police Officers & Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund. (Captain Wilson Ocoee P. D.) 3. Ordinance No. 2002-14, Relating to Personnel Rules and Regulations Regarding Military Leave. (Human Resources Director Diedrich) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of each of the above ordinances in turn and Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing date for all to be April 16, 2002, at 7:15 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers. Discussion of First Amendment to Second Developer Agreement for Westridge PUB between Devworth Properties, Inc., Glenmir Properties, Ltd., and the City of Ocoee. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) City Attorney Rosenthal explained the amendment related primarily to an accelerated schedule for the 7'h Avenue right-of-way, which is contingent upon the Developer obtaining approvals of plans to be submitted to the City in the near future. He stated this did not obligate the City in any way to act one way or another with respect to those plans, but does set up a framework for certain things to happen if those plans are approved. Commissioner Johnson commended City Manager Gleason on the good job he did in regards to this agreement. Mr. Gleason stated he had talked with Gordon Nutt and Mr. Nutt would he Page 8 of 13 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 drafting the documents with Florida Power regarding the additional land right-of-way on the western side of the road. Commissioner Johnson,_seconded by Commissioner Parker,moved to approve_the nrono_sed First Amendment to Second Developer Agreement between_Devworth Properties, nc. and Glenmuir properties Ltd.,,as Developer, and the City as recommended by staff and authorize execution thereof Ey the Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried 5-Q City Manager Gleason announced this item had been pulled from the agenda by the applicant as Winter Garden would be providing the reclaimed water for this subdivision. Reclaimed Water ForestBrooke, West Groves Subdivision. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) Board Appointments. (City Clerk Grafton) METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee 4 Year Term. Mayor Vandergrift seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved itLap int JoAnne Jensen to serve as Ocoee's representative on the METROPLAN ORLANDO Citizens' Advisory Committee. Motion carried 5-0. Board of Adjustment Appointment/Reappointments. Reappoint Member Resnik to serve a term ending May 2005. Reappoint Member Savino to serve a term ending May 2005. Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved_to reappoint Members Resnik and Savino to serve terms ending May 2005. Motion carried 540. Appoint an Alternate Member to complete Mr. Ward's term to May 2002, and serve an additional three year term ending May 2005. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to aonoint Scott Kimbrell as an alternate member to complete Mr. Ward's term ending Mav2005. Motion carried 5-0, STAFF REPORTS City Manager Gleason 1. Said Public Works had been getting quotes on carpet prices for the Chambers as directed by the Commission at a previous meeting. He stated the quotes all seemed to he in the $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 range, but because of the time constraints staff was recommending the carpet be purchased from the company that could get the job done within the time frame, even though that company may not be the lowest price. Page 9 of 13 IF Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 Mayor Vandergrift seconded by Commissioner Johnson.,_mo_ved to approve h urchase of carpet for the Chambers from the company that could meet the time constraints with the cox< not to exceed $5 000 00. Motion carried 5-0. There was a brief discussion about the choosing of the color and the Commission agreed Commissioner Parker would make the final decision on color. 2. Proposed the Merit Pay Policy be modified. The proposed modifications would convert the current merit range of 0 to 2.5% to 0 or 2.5% for employees receiving above operational on their review dated April 1, 2002, through September 30, 2002. Secondly any employee whose review was dated October 1, 2001, through March 31, 2002, and received an above operational review would receive a total merit increase of 2.5%. The difference in the percent earned and the 2.5% would be adjusted retroactive for all reviews from October 1, 2001, through March 31, 2002. A discussion followed with Mr. Gleason responding to questions from the Commission. Everyone agreed the supervisors doing the evaluations needed better training. Mr. Gleason advised the Commission Human Resources Director Diedrich was working on a new system that would be implemented in the next budget year if it meets with the Commission's approval. Commissioner Anderson suggested that the supervisors who were consistent and did a good job should have it noted on their evaluation, and it should also be noted in the evaluation of those who did not do a good job evaluating. Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve staffs__ recommendation to modify the merit pay policy from 0 to 2.5% to 0 or 2.5% for all employees_who received an above operational review dated A ril_1 2002 through September 302002, and to make it retroactive to all employees who received an above operational review October 1. 2001 through March 31,3002. Motion carriesd5-0. 3. Stated the Chairman of the Reconciliation Task Force, Dr. Stamper, was requesting the task force finish their original mission under their current structure. He also requested the Commission advise the intent and goals of the new proposed advisory hoard and that the Commission not take any action until there is further discussion between the task force and the City Commission. Without objection the Commission agreed the task force should complete their mission under their current structure. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker reminded everyone that April 12 and 13 is Relay for Life and tickets for the drawings can still be purchased at City Hall. She said one of the prizes is a leather motorcycle jacket and another is a free Harley rental. She said there would be lots of things Page 10 of 13 Y T Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 going on and there would be lots of food so come out and have fun. Start time is Friday, April 12 at 6:00 p.m. and it runs all night long. Commissioner Johnson 1. Said some board members had inquired about shirts for the P&Z board. Without objection Commission directed staff to get shirts for all City Boards. 2. Asked about the report on the customer number discrepancy between the previous waste collection company and the current company. Mr. Gleason said those numbers had been rectified. Mr. Gleason said the City is missing out on the residential construction. He explained that the intent to exempt residential construction had been for the homeowner who was adding a room or that type of residential construction. However, what has been happening is contractors building multiple homes in subdivisions are taking advantage and whatever companies that are picking up that trash are not having to pay any franchise fees. Mr. Gleason stated he has asked Public Works Director Smith to bring some information back for the Commission to review. 3. Said he would like to charge a ramp fee for non-Ocoee residents using the Starke Lake ramp. After a brief discussion Commission directed staff to look into possible methods to implement the fees. 4. Stated the boat ramp is frequently blocked even though there is a Do Not Block Ramp sign. He said he would like to have them towed. Mr. Gleason said he would make sure the signs were all legal and the City would begin strict enforcement and ticketing. Mr. Gleason said staff would bring the Commission a parking plan. 5. Requested someone contact Principal Clark at Ocoee Middle School and have them water the plants and trees by the sidewalk near the road. He said they were all dying. 6. Inquired about the downtown revitalization. Mr. Gleason said that Public Works had reported being only a few days away from receiving the installation costs from Florida Power. Mr. Gleason said that he had met last week with District 5 Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Secretary for this area, Mike Snyder, and Mr. Snyder reportedly saw no reason why FDOT would not take Kissimmee Avenue/ Bowness Road in lieu of Maguire Road. Mr. Gleason said he would have confirmation on that by the April 16 Commission meeting. He also said if that was confirmed it would free up some funds that would help expedite some of the downtown project. Commissioner Anderson 1. Said he had spoken with Public Works Director Smith regarding the commercial accounts and stated Mr. Smith has found a sizable amount of accounts that the City did not have with Waste Management. He spoke about the intent of the exemption of roll offs and front loaders for residential construction and requested staff to review the agreements to see how to make sure the individual homebuilder is protected, but address the commercial builders that are misusing it. City Attorney Rosenthal Page 11 of 13 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting !r' April 2, 2002 explained that in order to make a change the Commission would need to amend the Resolution. Mr. Gleason said he understood what was being requested and would bring it back to the Commission to adopt the change. 2. Said Lakeshore Drive is being used as a short cut and the road is getting worse. Mr. Gleason said Public Works Director Smith had gotten an estimate from a company that heats the asphalt so it can be removed from the bricks. He said it was approximately $67,000.00 and stated he has suggested Mr. Smith put that in his CIP for the next fiscal year. 3. Read an email from ocean819a,aol.com stating the hay being used on Maguire Road median instead of mulch is not very attractive and would like it changed. Commissioner Anderson explained the straw was only there temporarily to keep the newly sown grass seed from blowing away. He reminded people to please include their name if they were sending an email. 4. Repeated the turnpike closing dates and times. Commissioner Howell 1. Asked if the old cemetery road was City or County jurisdiction. Commissioner Johnson said that was actually Maine Street. Mr. Gleason said in reference to Maine Street he had received a call from a Mr. Hawthorne regarding the covering of the bricks (as staff had been directed to do in the previous meeting) stating that the City had no right to cover the bricks, as that was a private road. Mr. Gleason said following Mr. Hawthorne's claim staff had done research and could find nothing indicating that road to be private. 2. Said he had received a call from some parents stating the recreation center would not be having teen dances anymore. Recreation Director Farmer said there had been a problem in the fact that the City cannot hire any vendor who does not have an occupational license. He said the offer to get an occupational license was extended to the previous disc jockey that had been used, but the disc jockey, Mr. Wise, had declined. Mr. Farmer stated that other vendors with occupational licenses had been contacted and there was a dance scheduled for the current week on Friday. 3. Said a lady who was trying to rebuild an existing porch could not get a permit even though she was not adding anything new, just rebuilding an existing structure with different material. Apparently by using block instead of brick and windows instead of screen it would now be classified as a room rather than a porch. He said while he understands the need for permits there is something wrong when you cannot get a permit for something like this lady wanted to do. Mr. Gleason said he would follow up on this issue and report back. Mayor Vandergrift 1. Announced the opening of a new business, Palm Tree Computer Systems, 112 S. Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, on April 6 from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. IIe said there would he music provided by the Holy Rollers band, rides, and drawings for prizes. He Page 12 of 13 DD w f Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 2, 2002 explained that anyone bringing non-perishable foods, which will be donated to the Christian Service Center of Ocoee and the Bread of Life in Oviedo, would receive a ticket for a chance to win a $5,000.00 computer system. He said there is a competition between the Mayor of Oviedo and him as to which city would collect the most food. The losing city's Mayor would pick up trash in the winning city. He encouraged everyone to come and help support a worthy charity while welcoming a new business into the community. 2. Read a letter from the Chairman of the Republican Party commending Mayor Vandergrift and the community for the coming together in granting a wish for Thomas's room that the Make a Wish Foundation could not grant. 3. Announced the Florida Fresh Water Game Commission is having their Big Catch event at Turkey Lake Park, April 6, 2002, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 4. Suggested in order to help curb energy use fluorescent lights should be used in the hallways and motion sensitive switches should be put in the restrooms. 5. Inquired about the recent power outage regarding the lift station and whether it affected the Luce family adversely. Mr. Gleason advised Mayor Vandergrift that when he arrived on the scene staff was already there with a generator hooked up to the lift station. He said there was no back flow into the Luce home. He advised that there were a total of eight lift stations down due to the power outage, but the auto dialing system had worked properly. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 13 of 13