HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of May 21, 2002 and City Commission Work Session May 15, 2002 Agenda 6-4-2002 Item III A Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting nrs FT May 21, 2002 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 21, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift call the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Pastor David Hartbarger led in prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a quorum to be present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Ilowell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Clerk Grafton, Assistant City Attorney Cookson, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Support Division Chief McNeil, Fire Inspector Stanley, Planning Director Wagner, Senior Planner Grimms, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Police Chief Mark, Recreation Director Farmer, Acting Public Works Director Music, and Information Systems Manager Ross. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Legislative Update. (Lobbyist Mr. Louis Rotundo) Mr. Rotundo was unable to attend this meeting. Proclamation National Public Works Week May 19-25, 2002. (Mayor Vandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift read the proclamation honoring National Public Works Week and thanked all the Ocoee Public Works workers. Ocoee Middle School Dreamers and Doers and Teacher of the Year. (Mayor Vandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift presented Janet Bergh with a Teacher of the Year certificate. Ms. Bergh is a teacher at Ocoee Middle School. Ms. Bergh received her certificate and thanked the Mayor. Mayor Vandergrift had Ms. Bergh briefly explain the Disney Dreamer and Doer Awards. The Disney Dreamer and Doer nominee from Ocoee Middle School was Brandon McVay. Mayor Vandergrift presented Brandon with a certificate and congratulated both Mrs. Bergh and Brandon McVay. This item was pulled prior to the meeting. Ocoee Little League Presentation of Plaque to Florida Auto Auction. Facility Issues. (Associate Superintendent Governmental Relations OCPS Dan Buckman) Mr. Buckman gave a lengthy and detailed power point presentation covering all the aspects of what and how Orange County Public Schools (OCPS)plans to use the Y cent sales tax should it be approved. Following his presentation he and Senior Facilities Program Director Huston responded to questions from the audience and the Commission. R. P. Monackey, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, Ocoee, spoke in favor of the '/2 cent sales tax, but stated he was opposed to the property tax roll back. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to direct staff to bring back a resolution in favor of the % cent sales tax to be considered for adoption at the next Commission meeting. Motion carried 4-1. Commissioner Howell voted no. Page I of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting t.�May 21, 2002 Presentation by Architects Design Group, Inc. (Fire Chief Strosnider) Mr. Kevin Ratigan, with Architects Design Group, gave a power point presentation giving an overview of the site, the modifications to the plan, and what the budget impact would be. Mr. Ratigan said they had tried to keep as much open space as possible and created some flexibility in the crew quarters. He displayed the renderings of the proposed Fire Station for everyone to view and stated he would leave them so anyone could come at a later time and view them. Commission Anderson stated he would like staff to put the renderings on the City web site. R.P. Monackey, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, Ocoee, inquired as to whether it would have been cheaper to use plans from an existing fire station as opposed to designing a new one. Commissioner Anderson explained the Commission wanted the new station to blend into the surrounding area and not be obtrusive as it will be located in a primarily residential area. Commissioner Johnson,seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to proceed with the architectural drawings as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was away from the dais. This item was pulled from the agenda prior to the meeting. What We're All About—Next in a Series Engineering/Utilities Department(City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) H. &I. was one item. M.A.C. Group. (Eric Hill) METROPLAN ORLANDO. (Mayor Vandergrift) Mr. Hill presented an overview of the METROPLAN ORLANDO its function and some of the major long range projects in the area, in particular those that would affect Ocoee. He also explained the Municipal Advisory Committee(MAC), its composition and function. Mayor Vandergrift stated he was in discussion with the Turnpike Authority and the East/West Expressway Authority about changing the signage that would help with the problem on State Road 50. The Consent Agenda Consisted of Items A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. During a discussion about Item B it was determined the agreement between Motorola and the City of Ocoee had been amended to cover four months only at an adjusted total cost not to exceed S7,I 11.72. This amendment was due to the possibility of the City purchasing an entire new communications system. The previous request for authorization and approval was for the full amount of$21,335.16. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the consent agenda with Item B as amended. Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARL CONSIDERED I HP ROUTINE BYI'HE HOARDOF CITY COMMISSIONERS AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION, TIFREWIII.HP NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS I IN LESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THECOMMISSION.IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR W II LNSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDER EII SEPAR Al FLY_ A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of May 7, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton) Page 2 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 21, 2002 B. Approval and Authorization for Amended Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Services Agreement Between Motorola Incorporated and the City of Ocoee in the Amount Not to Exceed $21,335.16. $7,111.72. The Service Agreement Takes Effect June 1,2002, until September 30,2002. (Police Chief Mark) The requested agreement is for the renewal of the service maintenance agreement for all the radio equipment currently mined by the City of Ocoee with the exception of the radio equipment purchased by the City for the Fire Department upon its return to the Ocoee Communications Dispatch section. The current agreement expires at the end of May 2002. C. Approval and Authorization for the Distribution of$735,435.00 of Federal Fiscal Year 2002-03 Anti-Drug Act Funds (Byrnes Grant) for Projects within Orange County and for the Mayor to Sign the Letter Advising the Department of Community Affairs of the City's Approval of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act Funds. (Police Chief Mark) The decisions on what programs/projects were to he funded by the grant were made by representatives from the Orange County Sheriffs Office and Municipal Police Departments within Orange.County,with the approval of city governments. All of the programs are either new or ongoing programs. The maximum length of these programs is four(4)years with the exception of the Criminal Justice Programs Office which will remain in existence as long as the grant money is available. No other grant monies will be available for any future p jects until October 1,2003 D. Approval to Use Traffic Surcharge Funds for In-Vehicle Reporting System Project Plan. (Police Chief Mark) Several years ago a Tunic Surcharge Ordinance was created far the Orange Comity area to fund the County's participation in an intergovernmental radio communication program. This effort was to assist all local and county governmental agencies with the high cost of integrating to the current 800 MHZ radio system. The County collected the.money and distributed it to the appropriate governments and Ocoee currently has S81,404.00 available that must be used prior to July 1,2002,at which time a new legislation is being introduced and is expected to pass that will make it mandatory that the money collected through any Traffic Surcharge Ordinance may only he used by the County which it is collected tor the radio system within the jurisdiction The funds will be used to purchase additional laptop computers with the required software, 13 Docking Stations. 10 Air cards. and 13 High capacity batteries for radios. E. Approval and Authorization to Waive the Formal Bid Process and Piggy Back with Orange County for Capital Purchase of Three Lift Station Pumps. Total Cost of the Three Pumps is $23,343.00. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) The three lift station pumps must he upgraded to a larger size to keep up with flow into the lid station. The control panel and Emergency Generator have been sized to accommodate these future requi eats. However Flygt brand pumps will need to be purchased to fit without any major modification. Flygt Lift Station pumps are the major brand of pumps used throughout lie city and Ellis I.Phelps is the sole Florida distributor. F. Quarterly Financial Statement (Second Quarter). (Finance Director Horton) This second quarter report summarizes the activity for the month or January,February,and March 2002. Revenues and receipts are presented for the General,Stone water,Water/Wastewater,and Solid Waste funds. Actual receipts(revenues)and expenditures are compared to the adopted budget to assess potential overages/shonages in budgeted line items. Comparisons with figures for last fiscal year are included to indicate the differences by year in the adopted versus actual.since budgeting techniques remained relatively uniform from one fiscal year to the next. The Capital Projects Report,Debt Statement,Impact Fee Reports,and Investment Schedule arc included as pat of the Quarterly Financial Report. G. Starke Lake Boat Races. (Commissioner Anderson) In March of this year he Florida Outboard Association held boat races on Starke Lake,sanctioned by the American Power Boat Association. 'This organization would Ike to hold races on Starke Lake again October 26 and 27,2002. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Gregory Mathews, 739 Lake View Drive, addressed the Commission about the need for a skate park. There was a lengthy discussion with Recreation Director Farmer responding to questions from the Commission. Mr. Benton Smith stated he currently has ramps and is willing to haul them to and from the site if the City would designate an area where the kids could skate. City Manager Gleason said there had been discussion about the use of an area in Freedom Park that could bridge from December 2002 until the"Extreme Park" opens in 2003. Mr. Farmer suggested a parking area at the Beech Center that could possibly be used. Assistant City Attorney Cookson addressed the issue of liability. Commission directed staff to work with Mr. Smith and set up an area that can be used for skate boarding. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Page 3 of 9 1 ) �A Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting L fix.A ti L May 21, 2002 Commissioner Parker asked permission to place Nickels for Nurses donation canisters in City Hall. She said she would like to place 4 individual canisters, 1 for each school, since the money goes to help fund School Nurses. She said this way they could support the school of their choice and perhaps have a little friendly competition. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to support the Nickels for Nurses program by placing 4 canisters, one for each of the schools within Ocoee, placed in City Hall. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Johnson asked if the Commission wished to donate $500.00 to West Orange High for the purpose of helping finance 45 student athletes attend a Leadership Character Training Camp in North Carolina. There was consensus to give $500.00 from Contingency. Commissioner Anderson thanked Recreation Director Farmer for volunteering to help with getting a skate park area going for the kids. Commissioner Howell said that on April 26, 2002, the Ocoee Boxing Club had traveled to St. Petersburg for the 2002 Florida State Junior Olympic Tournament. He congratulated Dennis Galarza who has been a member of the gym since March 2001 and represented the Ocoee Boxing Gym in this tournament. lie said Dennis is now the 2002 Florida State Junior Olympic Champion which qualifies him to compete in the National JO Championship to be held in North Carolina in June this year. Mayor Vandergrift 1. Announced the Memorial program to be held at the Gazebo Friday May 24 at 11:00 a.m. 2. Announced that Tommy Sanders is now in room 504B, Plantation Gardens, Ocoee. 3. Announced a Lake Front clean up Saturday June I at 9:00 a.m. and the removal of the asphalt from the bricks in front of Starke Lake followed by a wiener roast. 4. Announced Ocoee Middle School dedication will be held tomorrow and urged everyone to attend. Mayor Vandergrift left the dais. PUBLIC HEARINGS Lake Bennet Centre Lot 7, Amendment to the Approved Final Subdivision Plan Case No. LS 93-010. (Senior Planner Grimms) Senior Planner Grimms presented a report that covered both Lot 7 Case No. LS93-010 and Lot 7A Case No. LS2001-005. He stated Lake Bennet is a commercial subdivision located on a 32.49 acre tract situated north of State Road 50, east of Lake Bennet. He said Lake Bennet Centre is developed with significant roadway improvements including internal streets and improvements to State Road 50 and to Blackwood Avenue. Blackwood Avenue includes extensive paving improvements and provides deceleration lanes and a left turn lane into Lot 7. Mr. Grimms said the developer is requesting Lot 7 be divided into two separate lots, Lot 7A and 7B. The amended subdivision plan eliminates the original easement, but provides a realigned north-south joint access and utility easement along the property boundary between Lots 7A and 7B. Mr. Grimms advised Lot 7A is proposed to have two 1-story medical office buildings consisting of building foot prints of 16,338 and 14,862 square feet. Mr. Grimms said, based on Page 4 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 21,2002 the recommendation of the DRC and the Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommended approval. Mayor Pro-tem Anderson opened the public hearing and as no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Mr. Grimms responded to a few brief questions from the Commission. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve Lot 7 the Final Subdivision Plan Case No. LS 93-010. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was away from the dais. Lot 7A, Lake Bennet Medical Center Preliminary/Final Site Plan. Case No. -LS 2001-005. (Senior Planner Grimms) Commissioner Howell,seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve Lot 7A Lake Bennet Medical Center Preliminary/Final Site Plan Case No. LS 2001-005._Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was away from the dais. Mayor Fandergrift returned to the dais. Proposed First Amendment to Lake Bennet Developers Agreement. (Assistant City Attorney Cookson) Assistant City Attorney Cookson explained the amendment to the Developers Agreement and stated the developer had agreed to the tenns and it should be finalized and signed by the owner by the next City Commission meeting. There was a brief discussion followed by the vote. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to accept the First Amendment to Lake Bennet Developers Agreement. Motion carried 5-0. Recess 9:20 p.m:9:30 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS Starke Lake Lighting Project. (Acting Public Works Director Music) Acting Public Works Director Music presented the options and costs for the lighting project around Starke Lake. Mr. Music responded to questions from the Commission and City Manager Gleason also answered some questions. There was a brief discussion about the desired height of the poles and the cost of the lighting. Staff was directed to determine the cost factor of incorporating outlets into the base of the lights as the gray electrical pods that are currently there pose a potential liability. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve the purchase of 30 lights (A-25 Luminaries) and 30 12-foot poles for the lighting around Starke Lake from Florida Power using funds from Contingency. Motion carried 5-0. Non-Agenda Item Page 5 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting .,l £ May 21, 2002 During the discussion of the lighting for Starke Lake and where the funding for the lights would come from, the topic of Bluford Avenue and McKey Street arose. City Manager Gleason stated that Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) was willing to change Bluford Avenue and McKey Street from a state road to the City as City streets and there would be funds available from those negotiations to purchase the lights. The money could be borrowed from contingency and replaced when the funds arrive from FDOT. There was a brief discussion and all agreed that Bluford Avenue and McKey should be City streets and the City would have much more control of the amount and type of traffic if they were City streets. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, to proceed with receiving Bluford Avenue and McKey Street from FDOT as City streets. Motion carried 5-0. Discussion Pineloch Management Property Proposed Park/School Site Acquisition. (Director of Planning Wagner) Director of Planning Wagner said that last year the City submitted a proposal for a Florida Communities Trust Grant to fund the acquisition of a 35 acre park site at the subject location adjoining the West Orange Trail. This proposal was based on the developer contributing the minimum required City share of the purchase amount(25%) in the form of a discounted sales price on the land. While the City did not get this grant it will be able to try again this year. Mr. Wagner presented maps and pictures of the proposed park/school site to the Commission. He reported the subject property is a 20+/- acre park site adjoining a possible future elementary school site. The property is north of Clarcona Ocoee Road and east of Hobson Road. Mr. Wagner stated part of the reason for seeking to secure this park site had to do with its excellent central location within the expanding north end of the City. He said Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) staff determined that the northern 15+/-acres of the site would be very suitable for an elementary school site. Based upon the School Board's interest in the acquisition,PMC has made a proposal to sell the land to OCPS contingent on the City acquiring the remainder of the property. Ile said a letter from Richard Gonzales, the owner, outlines the terms for acquisition of the property. OCPS would pay cash for their part of the property this year, but the City would pay for their portion over a four-year period beginning in 2004. The sale is contingent upon a simultaneous closing by both OCPS and the City. Ile said the acquisition of the park would need to be funded out of general revenue. During the following discussion Mr. Wagner, Mr. Gonzales, and City Manager Gleason responded to questions from the Commission. Recreation Director Farmer said he had attended a meeting in Maitland last week with the Florida Community Trust and was able to ask questions as to why the grant was not approved last year. I le said getting those answers should help in being able to improve the grant request that will be submitted this year therefore improving the City's chances at being awarded the grant. Mayor Vandererift,seconded by Commissioner Parker, move to approve authorization to proceed in working out a tri-party agreement with the School Board and authorize obtaining whatever appraisals necessary and negotiate an equitable price with the owner and bring back the agreed upon contracts to the Commission for final adoption. Motion carried 4-I. Commissioner Howell voted no. Board Appointments (City Clerk Grafton) Planning & Zoning Commission 3 Year Term. Tanya Miller's Term Ends June 2002. Page 6 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 21, 2002 Commissioner Anderson requested a discussion about the possibility of term limits for the volunteer boards in order to allow more people to become involved. Commissioner Parker suggested the City inquire as to what Orlando or Orange County does. It was also suggested a report should come to the Commission at time of reappointment which would indicate the appointee's attendance and participation. She also stated that other communities have an oral interview process and perhaps the Commission should consider something along those lines. Mayor Vandergrift stated that Orange County has a volunteer coordinator for boards who finds volunteers to serve on boards. He asked if Mike Miller's appointment as volunteer coordinator fell into that category. Commissioner Parker stated that up to this point the Commission was the entity that searched out volunteers for boards, but if there was a role to play for someone else in that capacity the Commission should take a look a establish a policy if necessary. Without objection, staff was directed to check into and report back what Orange County's policy is on this matter. Denise Lenko, 417 Sterling Lake Drive, addressed the board to inquire why her reappointment to the Code Enforcement Board had been removed from the previous agenda. She also expressed her opinions as to why board members with experience should be reappointed and not replaced with inexperienced new appointees. Discussion re: Take Home Vehicle Policy. (Police Chief Mark) Chief Mark presented the four(4) proposed changes to the Take Home Vehicle Policy Plan. 1. The JPA boundary will serve as the defined area for"Take Home Vehicles"2.The "Take Home Vehicle" will not be permitted outside JPA boundaries, unless the individual is Officially ON- Call* or On Duty. *The On-Call assignment is rotated every week, 2 detectives, 2 homicide officers, I K-9 officer and I public information officer are on call each week. Ocoee Police Department has a total of 6 detectives and 8 traffic homicide officers. Those living outside of the JPA will take a vehicle home only when on-call. 3. Reduce the waiting period for the "fake Home Vehicle" to 4 months. Once an officer who lives inside the JPA completes their 4 month Field Training Probation successfully, they would he permitted a "Take Home Vehicle" 4. The K-9 Officers would be exempt from this policy due to the special requirements and equipment needed for handling K-9s on a 24/7 basis. The Commission had lively discussion with Chief Mark responding to questions. It was determined that proposed change No. 4 exempting the K- 9 officers from the JPA area only was already being observed due to the requirements and equipment needed for handling K-9s on a 24/7 basis. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve proposed changes No. I. to make the Joint Planning Area (JPA) boundary as the take home vehicle boundary and No. 3. to reduce the waiting period to 4 months and to direct staff to select committee members to work on a solution for No. 2. Motion carried 5-0. Staff was also directed to bring back a report on how many officers are affected by the JPA. Resolution No. 2002-06, Requesting Governor Bush to Support the Project for Florida Central Railroad Intermodal. (City Manager Gleason) City Manager Gleason stated that the lobbyist suggested that while the bill for the Intermodal Railroad project was on Governor Bush's desk it would be appropriate to send a message from the City urging his support. Mayor Vandergrift inquired as to how many extra trains would be Page 7 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting _ May 21, 2002 coming through the City. City Manager Gleason explained how the project came to be, how the railway would relieve the truck traffic on State Road 50, and responded to questions. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker,moved to adopt Resolution No. 2002-06. Motion carried 3-0. Commissioner Howell was away from the dais. Commissioner Johnson abstained from voting due to conflict of interest. Resolution No. 2002-07, Requesting Governor Bush to Support the Maine Street-Reliever for SR50 Project. (City Manager Gleason) City Manager Gleason gave the background information on the Maine Street project. He spoke about how it will reduce traffic on State Road 50 daily and especially when the widening of SR50 begins. Mr. Gleason said the project was in the City's CIP whether the State of Florida participated or not. He said State Representative Randy Johnson had gone to bat for the City to attempt to get a minimum of$800,000.00 to match the money from the Auto Auction and some Right of Way monies. Mr. Gleason said it would also make some land in the area more economically developable. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2002-07. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was away from the dais. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Gleason said that last year Principal Kate Clark, Ocoee Middle School, asked the Commission for$15,000.00 for additional landscaping along Bluford Avenue. He reminded the Commission that at the time the Commission had advised Ms. Clark the funds were not available to assist her with her request. Mr. Gleason said the City had done some work at Spring Lake Elementary and had not been paid by the School Board until just recently and Ms. Clark asked if the City might give that money since it would not affect the City Budget. A discussion followed with questions being responded to by Mr. Gleason. Mayor Vandergrift moved to give 5, 000.00 to Ocoee Middle School for the purchase of large Oak trees. Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Parker moved to grant $2,500.00 for the purchase of trees at Ocoee Middle School. Motion died for lack of a second. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker No comment at this time. Commissioner Johnson No comment at this time. Commissioner Anderson asked for a discussion about the letter from Ted Edwards. Mr. Gleason said he would print a copy of the letter from the last meeting for Commissioner Anderson tonight so he would have it for his meeting with Mr. Edwards the following day. Page 8 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 21, 2002 Mayor Vandergrift 1. Reminded everyone about the lakefront clean up June 1, 2002. 2. Asked for prayers for Tommy Sanders. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. APPROVED Attest City of Ocoee Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor PLEASE NOTE:IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105:ANY PERSON WHO DESIRE\I V APPEAL ANY DECISION A I THIS VH.ETPG WILL NEED A RECORD OF I HE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIN PURPOSE MAY,NEED I0 ENSURE'1 HAT A TERMINI RE(()RD OF TIIF. PROCEEDINGS IF MAIN;W'llICH INCLUUES1 HI.TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON W 111C11 DIE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO,IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26:PERSONS WITH DISABILI l IES NEEDING ASSIST ANCE 10 PART DIVA I E N ANY 04 THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK,ISO N.LAKESIIORE DRIVE,OCOEE,FL 34761,(407)905-3105 4b I10C0.S IN ADVANCE OF TIIE MEETING. Page 9 of 9 Agenda 6-04-2002 r' Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION HELD May 15, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Clerk Grafton, Finance Director Horton, Accountant Bishop, Budget Analyst Brosonski, Finance Supervisor Carter, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Police Chief Mark, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Communications Manager Ek-Collins, Information Systems Manager Ross, Recreation Director Farmer, and Deputy City Clerk Whitford. ABSENT: None Mayor Vandergrift stated for the record all the Commissioners were present as well as a large percentage of the staff. City Manager Gleason gave a report stating the Charter required a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to be presented to the Commission during the month of May. He stated this CIP was very conservative due to the September I I incident, the shortfall, and projections for the upcoming year. As in previous years the workbook was reviewed page by page, with staff responding to questions from the Commission on specific items. On page 2, item I OWG Rd - Blackwood Ave. to Hempel Ave. Row - Part B: Mayor Vandergrift inquired about a "date certain" for Orange County to repay the City. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira advised the agreement with Orange County has a date in it and it would be in the FY 02-03. Finance Supervisor Carter stated Part B, Blackwood to Hemple, the City is currently submitting invoices quarterly to the County for reimbursement. He confirmed that the first part is scheduled for payment in the County's budget to begin in the fall of 02-03. On page 3, items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, and 13, hurricane Windows, Fire Station #1 Construction, Fire Station #1 Furnishings, Fire Station #2 Design, Fire Station #2 Construction, New Police Station (Design, Land, Construction), and New Public Works Building: Mayor Vandergrift stated he would like to have Hurricane windows for the 2id story of City Hall done first and as soon as possible due to the dangers and difficulty for staff in putting up the shutters currently used. Fire Chief Strosnider responded to the Commissions questions regarding items 6, 7, and 8. Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter, and City Manager Gleason responded to Commissioner Howell's questions regarding items 5, 12, and 13. On page 4, Mayor Vandergrift suggested each Commissioner make their own list of streets DRAFT City Commission Work Session May 15,2002. they would like to see repaved. On page 8, when item 99 was reached it prompted a discussion about the sidewalk that runs along Clarke Road. Mayor Vandergrift directed staff provide an estimate for some type of pavement to extend the sidewalk north of AD Mims/Hackney Prairie. On page 9, item 111, Design Capital Construction Projects - WTR/WWTR: City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira responded to Commissioner Anderson's question. On page 10, items 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, and 127 Convert to Hypochlorite Generation Disinfection System, Wal-Mart Water Lines, and Decommission Well and Pumping System at Jamela WTP: City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira responded to questions from the Commission. On page 17, item 208, 15 Passenger Van (Replacement 87 Ford) (4 Year Lease): Recreation Director Farmer responded to a question as to whether the van would meet state requirements. Mayor Vandergrift congratulated the staff on a job well done regarding the CIF. COMMISSION COMMENTS No comments at this time. Commissioner Anderson left the building for a previous commitment. City Manager Gleason stated that during the actual budget process the Commission would get a separate report explaining where the money went, what items were purchased and why. He briefly touched upon some statistics of monies that will be available and how much of those funds are already encumbered for debt, salaries, and insurances. Recess 7:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Commissioner Anderson returned at 7:32 p.m. DISCUSSION/REVIEW OF VEHICLE TAKE HOME PROGRAM Chief Mark gave an overview of the requested changes to the current Take Home Car Policy for sworn personnel who reside within the city limits of Ocoee as well as the existing unmarked vehicle take home plan for on call personnel. He cited the four changes as (1) The JPA would serve as the defined area for the "Take Home Vehicles." (2) Those living outside of the JPA will take a vehicle home only when on-call. (3) Reduce the waiting time for the "Take Home Vehicles" to 4 months. (4) The K-9 Officers would be exempt. Ocoee Police Lt. Goclon gave handouts to the Commission presenting two alternate proposals and explained how each proposal worked. Proposal No. 1 would expand the current program to include all 2 DRAFT City Commission Work Session May 15,2002. sworn officers whether they live in the City or not, with those living 15 miles or less from the municipal complex paying $10.00 per pay period for the additional expense for gas and oil and those living over 15 miles paying $20.00 per pay period. Proposal No. 2 would implement the same proposal as in No. 1 but in two phases. Also Traffic Homocide Investigators, Public Information Officers, K-9 Officers, or those who drive unmarked police vehicles would be exempt from the mileage requirement, but would be charged the $10.00 or $20.00 depending on their distance from the Municipal Complex. He enumerated the pluses to having a take home vehicle and gave comparisons to other cities. Lt. Goclon responded to questions from the Commission. Mayor Vandergrift asked each of the Commissioners to make a statement. Commissioners Howell and Anderson said they wished to wait until those present desiring to speak had a chance to speak, before making a statement. Commissioner Parker stated she had mixed emotions on the issue, but thought going with the Joint Planning Area (JPA) as a take home vehicle area limit would probably be ok. Commissioner Johnson stated he did not believe they should be taken home outside the city limits of Ocoee. He said he would like to get an opinion from the citizens to see where they stand on the issue. Mayor Vandergrift said he is a strong proponent of the Take Home Vehicle Policy and favors proposal #2 which would have mileage limit requiring the officers to be charged a fee if they lived beyond that mileage limit. Speaking in favor of the changes to expand the current program were Ocoee Police Sergeants Conyers, Silberstein, Fisher, Combs, and Dreasher. Also speaking in favor of the program were Ocoee Police Detective Payne and Officers Stephens, Maroney, Holberg, Fischer, and Iannuzzi. All the Police Department members who spoke, spoke in favor of expanding the program and cited benefits to the City and its citizens as well as the benefit of increasing the officers' ability to their jobs more efficiently. Throughout the discourse various speakers responded to questions from the Commission and at times the discussion was quite intense. At the conclusion of the discussion Mayor Vandergrift asked each Commissioner if there was anyone specifically they would like to ask a question of and if not to make a statement if they so desired. Commissioner Parker said during the discussion she had made a list of pros and cons and possible compromises. She stated she would like to see the "on call" statistics and that she too would like to put the question to the citizens. She said they had enough information to start a good dialogue and make some decisions and come back later with some ideas. 3 Dr 7:d City Commission Work Session May 15,2002, Commissioner Johnson indicated he had no problem with the plan that allowed the 1PA, but would like to put the issue before citizens perhaps in the water bill and if they were in favor of it then he would vote for it. He expressed concerns that it would cost too much. He suggested the possibility of the officers signing a contract that if they get a vehicle they would stay for a certain amount of time and if they fail to honor that time frame, then they would be required to repay the City a certain amount of money. Commissioner Anderson said he wants the cars in Ocoee neighborhoods and believes that is what the citizens want too. He addressed the references to the Winter Park Take Home Vehicle Program saying Winter Park had greater financial resources than Ocoee. He asked staff to provide the average use statistics for patrol vehicles. Commissioner Howell said he would like to expand the current program; the question is how far outside the city limits and if it is extended outside the city then some type of fee schedule for the officers who have the vehicles should be implemented. He said take home cars are not just to have vehicles in city neighborhoods, but it is a benefit. He said it is a necessary part of the package to keep good officers. Mayor Vandergrift thanked everyone for the input they had given and said it had been enlightening and enthusiastic. He stated he has no problem expanding it outside the city as long as it is cost effective. He cited the cost effectiveness of the program so far stating the length of time a car is in service is much greater now than the 3 years the cars were in service before the take home policy was initiated. He stated Ocoee has a lot of roads that it is responsible for that are not in the city limits and said the program needed to be looked at honestly, not just for the benefits to the citizens, but to the employee as a special perk. He cautioned there were responsibilities that go with the benefit. He spoke about the fact that most of the police vehicles are in the parking lot and the dispersing of those vehicles to various areas, especially since 9-11, would be prudent. He reiterated that cost effectiveness is the key and those figures need to be researched. In closing the meeting he asked each officer there to speak to his or her district Commissioner and present any information that may have been left out in the discussion. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. APPROVED Attest: City of Ocoee Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 4