HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of April 16, 2002 Agenda 5-07-2002
APRIL 2,2002
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
Commissioner Parker led the prayer and Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell (arrived at 7:42 p.m.),
Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
Clerk Grafton, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Recreation Director Farmer, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Assistant City
Engineer Wheeler, Principal Planner Lewis, Police Chief Mark, Building/Zoning Official Velie,
Public Works Director Smith, Information Systems Manager Ross, and GIS Technician
A. Presentation of Flag by Girl Scout Troop 828.
Angie Mercer of troop 828 presented the Commission with a flag made of cutouts of the troops
handprints. Samantha Privett read a statement entitled "What the Flag Means to me". Mayor
Vandergrift received the Flag on behalf of the Commission.
Years of Service Awards for 5 Years of Service.
Mayor Vandergrift presented Deputy City Clerk Whitford, Building Clerk Cam Hall, and
Public Works Director Smith with a plaque, watch and gift certificate for their 5 years of service.
He read a brief statement about each employee telling when they came to work for the city and
spoke about their respective achievements. He congratulated each one and acknowledged those
family members who were present. Each employee received their award and thanked the
C. Dreamers and Doers and Teacher of the Year- Spring Lake Elementary School.
Mayor Vandergrift introduced Principal of Spring Lake Elementary, Dr. Angela Osborne, who
helped pass out the awards and commented briefly about each of the students and the Spring
Lake Teacher of the Year. Those presented with awards were Josh Brooks, Sara Wilson, Rachel
Thompson, Shauna Tibby, Dylan King, Richard Tarvin, Michael Showalter, Rebecca Herring,
Miguel Loayza and Amariles Rosario. Nancy Van Valkenhurg was Spring Lake's Teacher of the
Following the presentations a time was set aside to allow for pictures to be taken of the award
Recess 7:25 p.m.-7:35 p.m.
D. This item was taken out of order
E. MVP Grant Award—Cross Creek, (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira)
Ms. Shira presented Cross Creek Home Owners Association President Spencer Solomon with a
check for $2,500.00. Mr. Solomon received the check on behalf of the homeowners association
and gave a brief overview of the project Cross Creek Subdivision was going to do. He thanked
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 16,2002
the City for the opportunity to participate in the MVP grant program and improve his
What We're All About - First in a Series. Police Chief Mark
Chief Mark gave a power point presentation previewing all the divisions within the Police
Department. Ile gave a breakdown of the types of crimes and the staff hours needed to solve
each type of crime. His presentation presented statistics of calls per officer per year from 1994
through the present. He explained how many sworn officers were employed how many and in
what divisions they worked and overview of all of the volunteer programs affiliated with the
Police Department. Following the presentation Chief Mark responded to questions from the
This item was taken out of order.
Ordinance No. 2002-13, Amendment to Police Officers and Firefighters' Retirement Trust
Fund. (Police Captain Wilson)
City Attorney Rosenthal read only the title of the ordinance. Attorney Lee Dehner explained
the changes and what changes were mandated by the State and or Federal Legislature. He
responded to questions from the Commission.
MOTION to approve as recommended by staff: Commissioner Parker/Commissioner
Anderson, VOTE: 4-0.
Commissioner Rowell away from Dais.
Mayor Vandergrift declared this item to be an emergency item.
Forest Ridge PUD Final Subdivision Plan Extension Project No. LS-99-004 (item III D
pulled from the 04-02-02 City Commission Agenda).
City Attorney Rosenthal responded to questions from the Commission
MOTION to approve as recommended by staff Commissioner Anderson/Commissioner
Johnson. VOTE 5-0.
The Consent Agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I.
MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda with a correction in the wording of item III B.
from auctioneer to auction. Commissioner Anderson/Commissioner Johnson. VOTE 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of April
2,2002. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Approval and Authorization to Declare Old Computers Surplus and Dispose of Them.
(Information Systems Manager Ross)
Information Systems Department has just replaced 52 outdated computer systems and
requests that they be declared surplus in order to offer them for sale to employees and
then engage an auctioneer service to dispose of the remainder at the next available
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 16, 2002
C. Approval and Authorization for the Temporary Closing of E. Oakland Avenue April
27, 2002, from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. for Arts and Crafts Festival. (Building/Zoning
Official Velie)
This authorization requires: (1)All residents that will be affected by the road blockage
must be notified in advance; (2) I lcalth Central Ambulance must be notified of the road
closure in advance; (3) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades; and (4) An
Emergency lane must be maintained.
D. Approval and Authorization to Enter into Mutual Aid Agreement with Law
Enforcement Agencies of the City of Apopka, City of Eatonville, City of Edgewood, City
of Maitland, Town of Oakland, City of Orlando, University of Central Florida, Town of
Windermere, City of Winter Garden and the City of Winter Park. (Police Chief Mark)
Municipalities and legal entities have the authority under Florida State Statutes 23.12
through 23.127, Florida Mutual Aid Act, to enter into a mutual aid agreement with each
other which permits voluntary cooperation and assistance of routine law enforcement
nature across jurisdictional lines and provides for the rendering of assistance in law
enforcement emergencies. Staff requests authorization for the Mayor, City Clerk and
Police Chief to execute.
E. Approval and Authorization to Enter into a Revised Combined Voluntary Cooperation
Agreement and Requested Operational Assistance Agreement. (Police Chief Mark)
Previous agreements have been reviewed and this agreement contains changes that will
more clearly state the responsibilities of the participants. Staff requests approval to enter
into this revised extended mutual aid agreement with the Orange County Sheriffs Office,
and authorization for the Mayor, City Clerk and Police Chief to execute.
F. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Annexation
Agreements for Water Service. (Assistant City Engineer Wheeler)
1. Mr. and Mrs. Iglesias at 1505 Clarcona-Ocoee Road.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Amaran at 1521 Clarcona-Ocoee Road.
3. Mrs. Martha Hartley at 521 First Street.
The first two applicants have had trouble with their wells, the third is ready to build on an
undeveloped lot and would prefer to have City water. In each case there is a water main
close by their property and no new main pipelines would need to be installed to provide
this service. The differences between resident service and non-resident service and the
procedure for obtaining water service have been discussed with each applicant. Staff
requests authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreements and direct
staff to proceed with the process to provide the City water service as requested.
G. Approval and Authorization to Install a Paging System within City Hall. (Information
Systems Manager Ross)
This will enable staff members to find each other when roaming. Staff requests approval
and authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute all contracts regarding Sprint
installing a paging system within City Hall. The cost for equipment and installation is
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 16, 2002
H. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Final Plat for
Brookestone Unit(City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
Brookstone Unit 3 is a 92 lot single-family subdivision located west of Maguire Road,
south of the Florida Turnpike. All required documentation pertaining to the proposed plat
has been reviewed and approved by City Staff. A performance bond has been provided to
guarantee the workmanship of the improvements that will be maintained by the City.
I. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Developers and
I lomeowners Association Agreement for Upgraded Street Lights for Brookestone Unit 3.
(City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
The developer intends to install upgraded streetlights in this subdivision. City Code
requires the developer and homeowners association to enter into an agreement with the
City regarding payment of the difference in cost between standard streetlights and
upgraded streetlights.
1. Mr. Pablo J. Quinones, 720 Lakeview Dr., Ocoee addressed the board and expressed his
belief that the procedure followed to select the TV Operations Manger position was not
handled appropriately.
His concerns were addressed by City Manager Gleason and Human Resources Director
2. Ms. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Ct., Ocoee announced the Senior Citizen's picnic to be
held April 18, 2002, at 12:00 p.m. in the Community Center. She invited the Mayor and
Commissioner Parker announced that at the`Relay for Life" event that took place the
previous weekend was well attended by Ocoee citizens and the City of Ocoee team was in
full force. She said due to the their efforts through fundraisers the city team was able to raise
$5,011.00 for the cause. She said the goal had been $5,000.00 and they surpassed that
without the aid of any major sponsors and she commended them for a job well done.
Commissioner Johnson said he had spent the night in a pup tent right behind the speakers at
the"Relay for Life"event and got no sleep. He said his group raised approximately
$3,600.00. lie said everyone there was really enthused and it was interesting to watch
everyone get involved. He said the overall total raised was $203,000.00 with the goal having
been $170,000.00. He said the Wise, Best, and Crawford families in the Crawford
Tire/Silver Springs team collected the most, $23,000.00 plus. Mayor Vandergrift said hats
off to all the participants. He said he had walked two laps and felt himself gaining speed on
the second lap, but he could not walk the next day.
Commissioner Anderson
I. Announced the grand opening of the pool at the Beech Center Friday, April 19, 2002. Ile
said the children's games would be at 3:00 p.m., the ribbon cutting at 4:00 p.m., and food
will be served.
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April 16, 2002
2. Reiterated the Senior Citizen's picnic information.
Commissioner Howell None at this time.
Mayor Vandergrift
I. Read a letter from the Florida League of Cities regarding Information Systems Manager
Brian Ross. Florida Local Government Information Systems Association (FLGISA)
complimented the City for being represented in the association by Mr. Ross. Mayor
Vandergrift said it was his understanding that only a handful of people in the entire state
are in FLGISA. He thanked Mr. Ross for his participation. He said he had given some
information about a conference in Atlanta to the City Manager and suggested someone
from Ocoee attend.
2. Announced the Historic Commission is offering an opportunity to sponsor chairs for the
front porch of the Withers-Maguire house. He said the cost is $130.00 and a plaque is put
on the chair with whatever name the person desires. He said he was sponsoring one for
his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Foots-Vandergrift. He said he would like to reopen a
discussion where the same type of thing could be done for the porches at City Ball.
Recess 9:05 p.m.- 9:20 p.m.
This item was taken out of order
Districting Commission Report. (Chairperson Martha Lopez-Anderson)
Ms. Lopez-Anderson addressed the Commission on behalf of the Redistricting Committee.
She gave an overview of the options that were discussed and of the recommendations being
presented to the Commission for their decision. GIS Technician Mike O'Halloran
explained the difference in the boundaries on the maps and responded to questions from the
MOTION to approve Public Plan #1: Commissioner Parker/Commissioner Johnson
VOTE: 4-0.
Commissioner Howell away from the dais.
This item was taken out of order.
B.P. Amoco #60677 (Silver Star Road) Waiver Requests, Case no. SS-200I-009. (Acting
Planning Director Lewis)
Mr. Lewis gave a report detailing Waivers 1, 2, 5, 9, and 10 waivers which have typically
been approved by the City Commission and waivers3, 4, 6,7, 8, and 11 which have not been
typically approved. Requested waivers 3, 4, 6,7,8, and I I were covered separately to avoid
confusion, but all the waivers were voted on collectively. Waivers number 3 and 4 dealt with
the size of signage on the building, Waiver number 6 is related to the intensity of the lighting
on the site, Waiver number 7 is related to the percentage of landscaped area required. Waiver
number 8 is refers to the requirement that the gas pump canopy be attached to the main
building and integrated into the architectural roof design. Waiver number I Irelatcs to the
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 16,2002
requirement that landscape islands separating two perpendicular rows of parking must be
large enough that one parking space does not face the side of another parking space.
MOTION to approve the waivers requested by the applicant B.P. Amoco in the waiver table
being waivers one (I) through eleven (I I)with the following modifications, with respect to
waiver number 6 that the waiver would allow the photometric plan based upon the unique
canopy configuration and the other justifications set forth by the applicant and be subject to
the condition that the area outside of the canopy will have a thirty(30) foot candle maximum
and with the further modification of waiver number eight (8) being subject to the condition
that the facility will be developed with a solar canopy.: Commissioner Parker/Mayor
Vandergrift VOTE: 5-0
This item taken out of order.
Maguire Road Self Storage-Pre-Annexation Agreement for Water with ACJR
Investments. (City Attorney Rosenthal)
City Attorney Rosenthal gave an overview of the staff report and explained the owner and
City staff have been engaged in discussions regarding the possible annexation of the subject
property in order to obtain water service to eliminate the need for a water tank. He explained
the impact fee issues arising from properties approved for in Orange County and developed
or partially developed in Orange County. He reviewed the conditions in the pre-annexation
agreement with the Commission and talked about the differences if the project had been
developed within the City. ACJR Investments representative Attorney Scott Glass
responded to questions from the Commission. City Attorney Rosenthal said
the main timing on the annexation may be the need for a JPA amendment with Orange
County to sort out the inconsistencies.
MOTION to approve as recommended by staff: Mayor Vandergrift/Commissioner
Johnson VOTE: 5-0.
This item taken out of order.
Consideration of New City Logo. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira)
Ms. Shira presented to the Commission the three different logos based on the direction given
at a previous Commission meeting. There was a brief discussion with Commissioner
Anderson suggesting several changes he would like to see. Commissioner Johnson
indicated the changes he would like to see.
MOTION to approve (logo with butterfly, canoe and center building roofline to resemble the
Withers-Maguire house.) Mayor Vandergrift/Commissioner Parker VOTE:2-3 motion
Commissioners Howell and Johnson and Anderson voted no.
MOTION: Commissioner Parker/Commissioner Anderson (logo without butterfly,smaller
water line, changes to the roofline of the center building in order that it more closely
resemble the Withers-Maguire house, and more blue in the water. VOTE 4-I.
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April 16, 2002
Commissioner Howell voted no
Second Reading of Ordinances.
Ordinance No. 2002-10, Amendment to LDC-Setback Requirements for Accessory
Structures. (Building/Zoning Official Velie)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance.
Mr. Velie responded to questions from the Commission.
The public hearing opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed.
MOTION to adorn Ordinance Number 2002-10: Commissioner Parker/Commissioner
Anderson. VOTE: 4-0.
Commissioner Howell away from dais.
Ordinance No. 2002-12, Crown Point Property Annexation, Case No. AX-01-10-01. (Acting
Planning Director Lewis)
Mr. Lewis responded to a few brief questions from the Commission.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed.
MOTION to adopt Ordinance Number 2002-12: Commissioner Anderson/Commissioner
Johnson. VOTE: 4-0.
Commissioner Howell away from the dais.
Ordinance No. 2002-14, Revisions to Personnel Rules and Regulations Regarding military
Leave. (Human Resources Director Diedrich)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance.
Ms. Diedrich responded to questions from Commissioner Anderson regarding insurance
coverage and length of time job position is held.
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed.
MOTION to adopt Ordinance Number 2002-14: Commissioner Anderson/Commissioner
Parker VOTE: 4-0.
Commissioner Howell away from dais.
G. Request for Variance Case No. OIVR-2002: Laman. (Building/Zoning Official Velie
Hearing Cancelled, Application Withdrawn by Petitioner.
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April 16, 2002
McElroy Place Preliminary Subdivision Plan. (Director of Planning Wagner)
Hearing Continued from March 19, 2002 and to be continued to May 7, 2002.
MOTION to continue the public hearing to May 7, 2002,: Commissioner
Parker/Commissioner Johnson. VOTE: 5-0.
Interlocal Agreement Regarding Reclaimed Water with Apopka and Winter Garden. (City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
Mr. Shira gave a brief overview of what the purpose of the proposed agreement would do
for the City. Mr. Shira explained the pipeline would convey reclaimed water from Ocoee
and Winter Garden to the Apopka reclaimed water distribution system. This would provide
Ocoee with a long-term wet weather disposal method by using high recharge areas in the
northwest part of Apopka. He said if Ocoee chooses not to participate in this project, and the
existing wet weather discharge to Lake Apopka is curtailed by future legislation or rule,
Ocoee has no other potential wet weather discharge site. Mr. Shira pointed out that at that
point Ocoee's choice would be to either pay their share to join in with Apopka and Winter
Garden, or find a several acre parcel of land on which to dig a very large hole. Mr. Shira
and City Manager Gleason responded to some questions and concerns of the Commission
during a brief discussion.
MOTION to approve: Mayor Vanderurift/Commissioner Parker. VOTE: 4-0.
Commissioner Anderson voted no.
City Manager Gleason
I. Asked direction from the Commission as to whether Memorial Day ceremonies should be
done on Monday for Friday. Without objection commission selected Friday.
Mayor Vandergrift declared this an emergency item.
2. Presented a proposal to purchase a new dialing system for the lift stations.
MOTION to transfer funds in the amount of$1,696.00 plus $30.00 from Operating Funds to
Capitol Funds to purchase a new dialing system for the lift stations.: Mayor
Vanderprift/Commissioner Parker. VOTE: 5-0
3. Presented a Uniform Residential Appraisal Report on the property at 28 East McKey
Street and stated the property owners have offered the City first opportunity to purchase the
property. Suggested the City get an independent appraisal. City Attorney Rosenthal
explained the city had used the seller's appraisal before when purchasing the Griffin property.
MOTION to authorize staff to obtain an appraisal on the property at 28 E. McKey Street and
either based upon the property owner's appraisal or an appraisal obtained by City staff enter
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April 16, 2002
into negotiations to purchase the property,: Commissioner Anderson/Commissioner
Johnson. VOTE: 5-0.
4. Stated the Commission had received a packet entitled Local Government Verification of
Status of Site Plan Approval for Multi Family Developments. He said this is the property
located on Clarke Road and A.D. Mims Road that the City had been approached about by
Victoria Sound Partners LTD. He said he would like direction from the Commission regarding
this proposal to build a I00% subsidized low-income family housing. They were requesting
the City sign forms to be submitted with their package to the state for funding. He said the
forms would not bind the City to approve the project, but he wanted direction from the
Commission. Mayor Vandergrift stated the tenor of the Commission appeared to be negative
regarding the project.
Commissioner Parker stated she had received a brochure from Health Central about their golf
tournament wherein the proceeds from the tournament go to the Nurse Fund. She said the
tournament is May 16, 2002, at Keene's Pointe and the Registration is 7:30 a.m. Shotgun is
8:30. a.m. She requested the Commission sponsor a foursome.
MOTION to sponsor a foursome: Commissioner Parker/Commissioner Anderson VOTE: 5-
Commissioner Johnson would like Community Relations to order a tent with the new City
Logo on it once the new logo is complete. City Manager Gleason stated he would get the
sizes and prices.
Commissioner Anderson reminded everyone of the times, dates and places for the Senior
Citizen's picnic and the Grand Opening of the Pool.
Commissioner Howell None at the time.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Inquired about the lake front parking lot and wanted to know when it would be completed.
He said there is a Cub Scout camporec this weekend and had hoped it would be done.
Commissioner Anderson stated he thought there should be a silt fence to inhibit the dirt
from blowing into the nearby homes. City Manager Gleason said he would check into it.
2. Said there was water retention in front of City Hall again. He said it was not just from the
rain, but also from the sprinkler system.
3. Read a flyer he had from American Legion Post #63 regarding a golf tournament at Forest
Lake Golf Course May 17, 2002 and said anyone who would like to get involved it would
be a worthy cause.
4. Said he had received a letter regarding the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast asking the City to
purchase a corporate table. There arc 10 people to a table at $20.00 per person making the
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April 16, 2002
table $200.00. Commissioner Parker stated she would have no problem purchasing a
corporate table for that event.
The meeting adjourned at I L:20 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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