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III (C) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change Order No. 7 Maguire Road
Agenda 5-07-2002 Item III C "CENTER OF GOODLIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT t �# o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS n DANNY HOWELL p LSO N. LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON (i :. OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON yJ'`4 N> (407) 905-3100 NANCY J. PARKER Of 0000 CI IY MANAGER JIM GLEASON MEMORANDUM DATE: April 16, 2002 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Change Order No. 7 — Maguire Road Attached for your review and action is Change Order #7 for the Maguire Road widening project. On the second through fifth pages of the Change Order packet you will find a detailed description of each of the twelve items that comprise this Change Order, describing what work was involved and why it was done. Item numbers 7-1 and 7-7 are related to various conflicts with other existing utilities that were discovered during construction. Item numbers 7-2, 7-4, 7-5 and 7-6 are all related to additional work requested by the City. This work included an additional water valve, signal wiring from the fire station to the flashing signal light, removal of old interconnect wiring on SR 50, and installation of part of the median irrigation system. (Although the median is landscaped with low- water-requirement plants, an irrigation system is still needed to provide irrigation during drought and initial grow-in.) Item number 7-3 is related to installation of a water service to the future expansion of the Holiday Inn. This amount was paid to the City by the Holiday Inn owner, and is thus not a true cost to the City. Item numbers 7-9 through 7-12 are related to field-measured quantity increases in various items of work. Item number 7-8 is a credit to the city to cover overtime costs for our insp:. :+. POWit After deducting the $5,372.72 cost of the Holiday Inn water service (which was paid to the City by the Holiday Inn owner), and the $2,163.78 reimbursement for RPR time, the total effective amount of Change Order No. 7 becomes $46,481.88. We are now approximately 90% through the project period, and the total of Change Orders 1-7 is only 3.45% of the original contract bid. We will continue to work hard to keep change order costs down. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order #7 in the amount of $51,854.60. JWS/jbw Attachment POW Pmt ct Ticuee's Water Aesmrreez a<oe TY OF OCOEE Engineering/Utilities C. Yea vo 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 4o/o CHANGE ORDER NO. 07 CITY OF OCOEE PROJECT NO.: 0E-353-3.0 DATE: April 02,2002 CONTRACTOR: RYAN,INC.EASTERN AGREEMENT DATE: June 6,2000 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $9,628,208.66 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $ 9,914,212.26 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $ 51,854.60 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $9,966,066.86 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 730 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: August 7,2002 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: August 16,2002 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 7 Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: August 23,2002 k:consI\oc\oc-353\w\H007Caz,wpd I Page I of 6 d(� CHANGES ORDERED: GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article I, Definitions, of the GENERA!.CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES 7-I U.73 -6-inch DIP storm sewer manhole revision(Time and Materials). 7-2 U.74 -Add one(1)each 12"Gate Valve on new water line at Station 517 i 081. 7-3 U.75-At Station 517+10,provide service to future motel site to include one(I)each l2"x8" tee,one(I)each 8"Gate Valve, 20'of 8'PVC and one(I) 8" Mechanically Restrained Cap. 7-4 U.76- Furnish and install signal cable from Fire Station to Maguire Road signal. 7-5 U.77-Remove and dispose of SR 50 signal interconnect(includes pale and signal cable removal). 7-6 U.78-Furnish and installation Segment 1 median irrigation systems. 7-7 U.79- Modify storm sewer structure S-308 to to permit piping to be installed to avoid conflict with existing FPC pole scheduled to remain. 7-8 U.80- RPR City of Ocoee Overtime(54 hours). 7-9 400-1-15B- l Concrete(Miscellaneous)+5 CY-Unit$450.00=+$2,250.00. 7-10 575-IA-Sodding-+2,500 SY- Unit$1.20=+$3,000.00. 7-I 1 U.08A-(F&I)6-inch WM,D.I.P.-Includes Three Additional 45° Bends w/restraint- +242.00 FT-Unit S29.00=+$7,018.00. 7-12 U.ISA - Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Pipe-+228 FT- Unit$9.60=+$2,188.80. III. JUSTIFICATION 7-1 Additional manhole riser required to avoid conflict with Consery II 54" RWM. 7-2 WM valve added pursuant to Owner request. 4\consnocloe-353\co\H007C0-7 wpd2 Page 2 of 6 7-3 WM service added pursuant to property owner request(I loliday Inn). Property owner to reimburse City directly for this cost. 7-4 Provide additional cable and other required work and materials to fire station to replace existing non-operational system per City of Ocoee Fire Department request. 7-5 Signal interconnection removed to allow Maguire Road/SR 50 roadway construction to proceed. Interconnect system poles in conflict with new pavement construction. Per Orange County interconnect had never been and was not planned to be placed into service. 7-6 Irrigation system installation Maguire Road Segment I medians pursuant to Owner request. 7-7 Additional work required to avoid conflict with FI'C pole scheduled to remain. 7-8 RPR overtime reimbursement pursuant to Contract Requirements. 7-9-7-12 Increase in Quantity per Field Measurement. IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS 7-I On January 25,2002,Contractor requested by their REP#30A 6-inch DIP storm sewer manhole revision(Time and Materials)(Note PEC's RFP#30)in the amount of$2,843.43. The Contractor requested one(I)additional day to be added to the Contract Time. PEC made recommendation on January 30,2002 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance of Contractor work at a total cost of S2,843.43 with one(I)additional day to be added to the Contract Time. On January 30,2002,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 7-2 On November 16,2001,RFP#32 was issued to the Contractor. On November 27,2001,the Contractor detailed cost proposal to add one(I)each 12"Gate Valve on new water line at Station 517+08+. The Contractor requested ''A additional day to be added to the Contract Time.PEC made recommendation on November 30,2001 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance of one(I)each 12"Gate Valve on new water line at Station 517 i 08+at a total cost of$2,311.28 rather than$2,473.68 as proposed by the Contractor. The reason for the cost difference was PEC felt the sub-contractor work(Survey)was excessive and should be no more than$50.00. On December II,2001,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to City Council. 7-3 On November 16,2001, RFP#33 was issued to the Contractor. On November 27,2001,the Contractor detailed cost proposal at Station 517+10,provide service to future motel site to include one(I)each 12"x8"tee,one(I)each 8"Gate Valve,20'of 8' PVC and one(I) 8" Mechanically Restrained Cap. The Contractor requested one(I)additional day to be added to the Contract Time. PEC made recommendation on November 30, 2001 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance of Contractor work at a total cost of$5,360.33 rather than $5,522.72. The reason for the cost difference was PEC felt the sub-contractor work(Survey) was excessive and should be no more than $50.00. On March 14,2002,Contractor provided revised CPS at cost of$5,372.72 On December I I,2001, the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to City Council. k: constAceAoe-353VcoAk007CO.zwpd3 P,age 3 of 6 7-4 On November 19,2001, RFP#34 was issued to the Contractor. On January 3,2002,the Contractor detailed cost proposal to furnish and install signal cable from Fire Station, Signal to Fire Station Building in the amount of$3,644.55. The Contractor requested one(I) additional day to be added to the Contract Time. PEC made recommendation on January 30, 2002 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance of Contractor work at a total cost of $3,644.55 with one(I)additional day to be added to the Contract Time. On January 30,2002, the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 7-5 On November 19,2001, RFP 1(35 was issued to the Contractor. On January 3,2002, the Contractor detailed cost proposal to remove and dispose of SR 50 signal interconnect, including pole removal and signal cable removal in the amount of$1,580.35. The Contractor requested one(I)additional day to be added to the Contract Time. PEC made recommendation on January 30,2002 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance of Contractor work at a total cost of$1,580.35 with one(1)additional day to be added to the Contract Time. On January 30,2002, the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 7-6 On January 25,2002,RPR City of Ocoee requested Direct Owner Proposed Change to install Segment 1 median irrigation systems in the amount of$21,509.25 with no increase in Contract Time. PEC made recommendation on January 30,2002 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance of RPR City of Ocoee's Direct Owner Proposed Change at a total cost of $21,509.25 with no increase in Contract Time. On January 30, 2002,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 7-7 On November 26,2001, RPI #31 was issued to PEC by the Contractor. On February II, 2002,the Contractor detailed cost proposal to modify S-308 for a Lump Sum of S2,300 with no extension in the Contract Time. PEC made recommendation,n February 14,2002 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance of Contractor work at a total cost of$2,300 00 with no extension in Contract Time. On February 18,2002,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 7-8 City of Ocoee RPR Overtime. Weekly RPR Overtime is detailed by attached table. 7-9- 7-12 Increase in Quantity per Field Measurement. k:\cons(\oe\oe-353\co\p007CO-z.wpd4 Page 4 of 6 V. PAYMENT Change DE SCRIP PION Net Increase/ Unit Unit Price Net Increase/ Order Item (Decrease) (Decrease)Price No. .. Quantity 7-I U.73 -6" DIP storm sewer ALL LS $2,843.43 $2,843.43 manhole revision(Time& Materials) 7-2 t1.74-Add one(I)each 12"Gate 1 EA $2,311.28 $2,311.28 Valve on new water line at Station 517+08+. 7-3 U.75-Station 517+10,provide ALL LS $5,372.72 $5,372.72 service to future motel site to include one(I)each 12"x8"tee, one(1)each 8"Gate Valve,20'of 8' PVC and one(I) 8" Mechanically Restrained Cap. 7-4 U.76-Furnish and install signal ALL LS $3,644.55 $3,644.55 cable from Fire Station. 7-5 U.77-Remove and dispose of SR ALL LS $1,580.35 S1,580.35 50 signal interconnect,including pole removal and signal cable removal 7-6 U.78 - Segment I medians ALL LS $21,509.25 S21,509.25 irrigation systems 7-7 U.79- Storm Structure S-308 ALL LS $2,300.00 $2,300.00 Modifications 7•8 U.80- RPR City of Ocoee 54 HRS $40.07 ($2,163.78) Overtime 7-9 400-1-I513-Class l Concrete 5 CY S450.00 S2,250.00 (Miscellaneous) 7-10 575-IA - Sodding 2,500 SY $1.20 S3,000.00 7-I 1 U.08A-(F&I)6-inch WM,D.I.P., 242.00 FT $29.00 $7,018.00 Includes three additional 45°bends with restraint 7-12 U.I8A- Removal and Disposal of 228.00 FT $9.60 $2,188.80 Asbestos Pipe Total Net Increase Change Order No.07 551,854.60 k.AcoaxVocAoe-353VcoVl007CO-z¢pd5 Page 5 of 6 VI. aPPROVAI.AND CI HANCE AITIIDiti/al'ION I his proposed change to the Contract is to he apprised hp the I leece('It)I 011lI nissluo. Acknao9cdumcnlr I he itkrenenlmud clam id work dlccted is subject to all UNA Ranh IIIt _ina]contract not specillla changed by this Ch„ge Order and It Is expressly understood and agreed that the:gnawsal of the Change Order.hall hay ;;n chin on the°Naomi contact whet than matte's expiesslc provided herein. CON I RAC!OR acknoslodges,byes execution and acceptance I this Change Order that the adjustments m Contract Price and I one shown hereon mslilute lull and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred he the CON!RAC OR as a result of this Change Order No other claim Or kr increased costs ol p l ;; II atlmsnilRI wll he granted by the OWNER 6r the Work covered by this('hinge Order !be CON TRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claim,: or kr cost or time , tut the OW NI I ILI Aens or the linemeer musing firm of relating to the matters or Work set kith or contemplated by this Chinge Older Ii'('OMblN ' IIDB ' A('CPPEID BY —F PM I Z��\ Czr� 13} Ely.. (12 Lrearf signotnre Signature Date. y— Z oz Date D 1 o?- I ale rii,/ IMe Ca1/4) C=nCi APPROVED lit' ('I I1 ()I'0('0EIP_PI ORIDA )saner Iic S Scott VandemnR Mayor Dam Attest Jean Grafton.Cis Clerk NM tlSli AND RIIIAN(C ONLY itY I I ILL APPROVLLD ItY I'I III OC'OEECIIY CITY OF O(OI'.F.APPROVE')AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MIT PING 1111 D ON AND LLGAI 111 lI EIS DAY OP .20(1211SOII It 2002 AAI FNDA ITEM NO. POI IY&L AIt1NEI11 Its City Attorney tla nsnoe oe-]5I(couk001C0.z sapd() Page 6 of 6 PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 Project Name: Maguire Road Improvements Segment 1 & 2 Project Number: 0E-353-3.0 Date: January 30, 2002 Subject: CPS for RFP #30A ' Recommendation by Engineer: (Forward to Owner for Review) Time and Materials submittal. Per RPR review of man and equipment hours and materials used proposal appears reas able and is hereby recommended for acceptance at $2,843.43 and one (1) days nsion oft- ntract Time. Signature of Engineer:' Date: 01/30/02 Acce tance b Owne . (Return to Engineer For Processing) Signature of Owner's Authorized Representative:l �., Date: /70/a 2 e'Engineer to Prepare Necessary Change Order Ti Engineer to Re-negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above ❑Other as Above ' ' RECEIVED l FEB 0 12002 P.E.C.,LUC. CRUrM00 WORK COPY (I© ORIGINATOR ra ONE COPY& ROUTE TO. mu tin= NarIAMI CRIG OG r3C3-3.0' k:\consnoe\oe-353\CPS\CPS#30A-z.wpd "'3 • • MARI E A 5 T E R N RECEIVED JAN 282002 P.E.C.,FCC. REAM January 25, 2002 WORK COPY C I N ORIGINATOR Correspondence No.: 0067-100 ONE COPY g ROUTE TO: Mr. Robert P. Rudd, P.E. Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. 4 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560 FILE Orlando, Florida 32801 ORKi RE: Maguire Road Improvements —Segment 1 & 2 Ocoee, Florida Subject: Request for Pricing# 30 A (RFP) Dear Mr. Rudd: Ryan Incorporated Eastern ("Ryan") as requested by RFP 30A 6-inch DIP storm sewer manhole revision submits attached cost proposal. Ryan requests one additional day added to the contract time. Should you have any question please contact me at(407).905.6117. Sincerely, Ryan Incorporated Eastern Central Florida Division )Q,\XIACh CA-�-h-j-- Deborah A. Nest Project Engineer cc: Project File # 0067-0100 Bill Schwartz, Ryan • • RYAN INCORPORATED EASTERN 10125WEST COLONIAL DRIVE, SUITE 203A OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 (407)521-2887 FAX(407)521-2872 • i RFP 36t �� 69.,E '.I Octdi y �J k Rto cy" (Z/WN\ i; wI G` V1 \ JTORty = 1J�Q iI !III -7 ,i OL Z.\ . S Z�l� G_ ROARS I!I !II LowEa_ C." nT P — co 3' O- <_Pc-2 '!I Lf 5 k-- � @ 1 8 =P rat ni '11 . ()CM 20 001 3 \it 1-kcv LS it f`-eloD F Sc2JLTv2- 111 CCs.A.c_ T q 32Nca4 i'. it ilk III ek. , 29 , toe, , 3 Nov(ts ill ruH. • RYAN - COST REPt,rtT MAGUIRE ROAD JOB a 0067 RIP It 30A 6"DIP STORM SEWER MANHOLE REVISION LABOR CLASS I RATE I OT RATE I REG. HOURS I OVERTIME I TOTAL wu® Pipework Superintendent $32.50 NW 2.00 N\A $65.00 MAW= Pipework Foreman $25 00 NM 6.50 MA $162.50 wawa) Backhoe Operator $16.00 $24.00 6.50 NW $104.00 0100111, Loader Operator $13.50 $20.25 4.50 NA $60.75 oean Pipe Layer $1400 $2100 6.50 NA $91.00 ommtt Pipe Hill Man $1850 $17.25 6.50 N'A $74.75 wow') Pipe Laborer $10.00 $1500 6.50 NL $65.00 oioanm Pipe Laborer $1000 $15.00 6.50 MA $65.00 mum, Service Crew $35 00 $52.50 3.00 N A $105.00 SUBTOTAL $793.00 LABOR 0.3 $237.90 15.00% $154.64 TOTAL LABOR $1.185.54 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION I RATE I HOURS I TOTAL Pipe Super Truck $11.36 2.00 $22.72 Pipe Foreman Truck $11.36 6.50 $73.84 Pipe Crew Equipment $11.82 6.50 $76 83 Komatsu 250 Loader $36.45 4.50 $164.03 Kobelco 270 Backhoe $8800 6.50 $572.00 Service Crew Truck/Backhoe $47.50 3.00 $142.50 SUBTOTAL $1051.92 15.00% $157.79 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $1,209.70 MATERIALS SUBCONTRACTORS I DESCRIPTION I TOTAL I DESCRIPTION TOTAL PRECAST MH RISER $233.20 MUD PUMP $5000 TRASH PUMP $5000 SUBTOTAL W/TAX 8353.19 SUBTOTAL $000 15.00% $52.98 5.00% $0.00 TOTAL MATERIAL $406.17 TOTAL SUB $0.00 SUMMARY LABOR $1,185.54 EQUIPMENT $1,209.70 MATERIALS $406.17ADDITIONAL. . . 1/2 DAY SUBCONTRACTORS $0.00 SUBTOTAL $2,801.41 1.5%BOND $42.02 ' TOTAL COST $2.843.43 4-Jan-02 { W1 Y}Cs .o2 _ 1\2_F P 3D _ I11 Io 12-`k \-TA \ bT_L III I . . ` I z 3 ` 2_ (o �ti 3 I 3C5- I 3VL 1/2_ I H (), P_ Lckyc� z 3 `it_ L 'IZ I I C I 3 `12_ (o '/L L I I M y I Z 3 7z 7 I 3ote-_ n I Z 3`1L I 1 Tors - Puny Mub 8 I5,E_.2b3<c ca_=_L3 3 'Res i ccsi-rc k i w'S s.n L ` Pro;%t Dilly Activity Summary for BudgetEntry 115 4N/ Job #: b 0 67—3 6 wokkY 7 LAW u: 39 en •wow. .9/9,-5 •udowa: Bodo(t Job Name: rn7a7o�r—c Ma R�q— uve R.+ 4- -Le- uw.: S4" Cr.S x«.: 4, AAI &det — NOW - Foreman: kJr// � -- v yea an 7) Sri ur• .olr .0ti•4V-- ar olr. 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S:/ ri 7-. .,' 2:fcc 'r''7 r? /io.,QS YTRR City A � c, IL--D Ins A trolecI Uarty Acuvrty Summary WInuue en tryntry ' ob #: 6067- 3e Budget I: /53/ Budgett cJ I W audwt*: Budget it Budge II: obName: yveGLL!/j / f Nd.: dan.$.p Nora: ,S4apaT6/y</ Notc Notc Note oreman: Tn4.4 ' ke City: Q£c Wm: 0 City: sty: Ow: )ate: /d/2v/al � S9/crT.due .T T tel Total Machine Employee Name Man Mach Number ' Man Hours Machine Hour. Man Hours machine Hours Man Hours Machin Hours Man Hours Machin.Hours Man Hours Mathlna Hours Hours rim - oreman -r / <r go 2 /./- 7&97 7 i•s' 3 Iperators 7,?aet,. /$a Aft*eg (a ry /Wu°2s2 I 3 3 fo `i/ro wtext- o (J it, /2. b`d 2z,( 7 Ilt , 3 7 • .aborers ,/�'cAx&, fie.. nf2 I0 7 3 y,<On t4/a NO "see I° 7 3 e .[le+4c-io c and2 r° 7 3 C'/ c/7h- to 7 7 °quip# Rmt`/ fibre uazC2 Start Hrs: 3ti f3 End Hrs: J4 22 = 9/✓s. Equip# j°eeitz /2-1oz4/ Start Hrs: (qgn End Hrs: /7Tea :: /0/.4c Equip# Start Hrs: End Hrs: Equip# Start Hrs: End Hrs: 40 I.a tJ22' 5 /` .P SYA/a Swu P .z !<'. sT< 434 /Po 4, SW 434f to gee e .o Cie / zf/*n, Sr 431.cemoo 7e S%a 4/<v Aaeaa 5`4' KWAI And /lu 774-r e4 /ivx 4;',6 c%Y•/ i 4✓ u- T c.. 2 L-eC gay at/yed pre Asa" /tea c•.K.4€ 1 y,esxen/ iteve,wl ' e.et% .5 1. " Rie,4 eciF r/ t/c s //.a/ 1.refde 14-. _:NatcA i✓r 54" L`-L_/23.2, P/e.-r sz l26•2f "DELAY \ Npurt . Vkot--t, fort_ C_ I-)FL1c D_ ctster, ()v crT -t ) Nc- PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 Project Name: Maguire Road Improvements Segment 1 & 2 Project Number: OE-353-3.0 Date: November 30, 2001 Subject: • CPS for RFP #32 & CPS for RFP No. 33 Recommendation y Engineer: (Forward to Owner for Review) RFP's No's 32 and 33 both address additional 8" Potable Water Connection at Station 517+00±, right, therefore, they shall be referenced as a single item. CPS for RFP No. 32 - Contractor cost associated with direct labor and material appears reasonable. Sub-contractor work (Survey) appears excessive. Total Sub-contractor cost should be no more than $50.00 with Contractor mark-up. Total cost recommended at $2,311.28 rather than $2,473.68 as proposed by Contractor. CPS for RFP No. 33 - Contractor cost associated with direct labor and material appears reasonable. Sub-contractor work(Survey) appears excessive. Total Sub-contractor cost should be no more than $50.00 with Contractor mark-up. Total cost recommended at $5,360.33 rather than $5,522.72. It is known that field survey work is being performed by Contractor and is addressed under installation costs. Surveyor is dr fling information provided Total combined cost for C f FP o.'s and 33 is hereby recommended at a total cost of $7,671.61 and a total i r in ont T e of one (1)work day. Signature of Engineer Date: 11/30/01 _ Acceptance/ by Ow r: (Return t Engineer For Processing) re/CC 7"en -Signature of Owner's Authorized Representative: i Date: /Zz rz�i ❑Engineer to Prepare Necessary Change Order ❑Engineer to Re-negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above ❑Other as Above k:lconst\oe\oe-353\CPS\CPS#30-z.wpd .nria ♦ S T E p M November 27,2001 Correspondence Ara 0067.085 Mc.Robert Rudd Professional Engineering Consultants 200 East Robinson Street 1560&la Park Centre Orlando, Florida 32801 RE: Maguire Road Improvements—Segment 1 & 2 Ocoee, Florida Subject Request for Proposal# 32 Dear Mr. Rudd: Ryan Incorporated Eastern ("Ryan") as requested by REP 32 to add one (1) each 12"G.V. on new water line at Station 517+08+/-.Ryan requests and additional 1/2—clay be added to the contract time.Should you have any questions please call me at(407)-905-6117. Sincerely, Ryan Incorporated Eastern Central Florida Division 02b0°10 — Deborah A. West Project Engineer Cc: Project File # 0067 RYAN INCORPORATED EASTERN 10125 WEST COLONIAL DRIVE,SUITE 203A OCOEE. FLORIDA 34761 (4071521-2887 FAX(407)521-2872 RYAN - COST REPORT MAGUIRE ROAD RFP q32 JOBS 0067 • 12' GATE VALVE STATION 517408 LABOR 'CLASS I RATE I OT RATE I REO.HOURS-1 OVERTIME I TOTAL _....nw Pipework Superintendent en.m/PI ework $25.00 P Foreman E2500 NU 1.00 NW 53250 n Backhoe Operator $1600 §2400 2.50 NIA $62.50 eaun Loader Operator2.50 NW $40.00 _ Pip¢Layer - $13.50 $20.25 2.50 MA S33.75 n Pipe Hip Man $14.00 $21.00 • 2.50 N A 535.00 $11.50 $17.25 .. Pipe Laborer E10,C0 2'S0 NU E28.76 $15.00 *newel Pipe Laborer • ' E1000 $15.00 2.50 NU $25.00 • SUBTOTAL 5282.50 LABOR I 031 $84.75 15.00% $55.03 TOTAL LABOR 5427,34 EQUIPMENT 'DESCRIPTION I RATE I HOURS I TOTAL j PIpe Super Truck $11.36 1.00 511.36 Pipe Foreman Truck $11.36 2,50 $28.40 Pipe Crew Epuioment $11.82 2.50 $29.55 Komatsu 250 Loader $86.45 2.50 $91.13 Komatsu 3008ackhoe S104.25 2.50 8260.63 SUBTOTAL $421.06 15.00% $63.16 • TOTAL EOUIPhIENT $48422 MATERIALS SUBCONTRACTORS IDESCRIPTION I TOTAL I IDESCRIPTION I TOTAL I PIPE VALVE. FITTINGS $1.083.32 SURVEY $200.00 SUBTOTAL W/TAX $1.148.32 SUBTOTAL $200.00 15.00% $17225 5.00% 510.00 TOTAL MATERIAL $1,320.57 TOTAL SUS 8210.00 • SUMMARY LABOR 147284 EQUIPMENT $484.22 ADDITIONAL.. , 1/2 DAY N(MATERIALS 51,320.57. • SUBCONTRACTORS • E215.eo S5De-1 SUBTOTAL $44321T Is 1.5%BOND _. S3G5fi $ 3yt!'- TOTAL COST 1;479te•42,3II2-1 27-Nor.01 PEC/PR OFESS/ONA L ENOINEEpRING CONSUL TAN7s/NC. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EOLA PARK CENTRE, 200 E. YNSON S ., SUITE 1560,ORLANDO,FLORIDA 3 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Firm:PEC/W.K.Daugherty Consulting Ere.„ears engineers ➢/annars (RFP) surveyors NO PROJECT Da Tp• NAME:Maguire Road Imoravements•Seamen 1 &2 PROJECT NO.:0E-353.3.0 LOCATION:Pity of Ocoee PATE: November 16, 2001 OWNER: City of Ocoee DRAWING NO.: OTHER: SPEC.SECTION: t _.+f S1_, tis if 1N1r. .114c1E .���"tNV✓ol1AY .n. af '. Prg1.l °L (X'1C r+ iic!tf. t va as,eaa . ...psi, i k,.. aa'I�. 1 .l ,.yAe.l .. ... .TO °ON TRACTOR):Fvan,rnc. Deborah West • Please provide the undersigned a proposal fat the following change In rho work within twenty-one 121) calendar days after receipt of this request.The written proposal mun clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees.Any amount&aimatl for subcontracts must be similarly supported. o E S C R I P T I O N of change: Add one 11)each 12'G.V.on new water line at Station 517 4-05 t. • .f✓. ,,"'k._7-7":=r E13111�.kkWPA.' x tiKt1,1r,n1i:ar,,4'�iWlti l.PK 1 )-_."- .r,.. aM ufaaucta_. ea S ee ♦ kk rher.i P M . ¢!_ Change Order Type: ❑Deletion NAddhian - ❑Revision • D Other:) 1 , Constraints of Change: ( . Initiated'67: ■Changes In Owner Requirements ['Unforeseen Conditions COtheC • Proposal must be received by: 12/08/01 122 days from date below). •,_ I. r.-. . .- .: T;.-v«ictgaiKitc a.. 'p A .. r4 "` "Tcii^"�ifa���7� ..� u 7. -r.", ,..- A T T A C H M E N Ts !listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. e. 2. Sketch Dated 11/15/01 5. - 3. 6. PROJECT NO.: 9 OWNER:Jim Shire, P.E.-City of Ocoee O CONTRACTOR:Ceborsh Wen-Rvan, Inc. OE-353-3.0/3.6.2 a ENGINEER: Geoff Hennessy, -PEC a FIELD:Rod Winfrey,City of Ocoee DATE: O ENGINEER:Fursan Monied, P.E. PEC S CAM:Robert P.Rudd,P.E.-PEC 11/16/01• • • • k:iconstleelaa-353vfpleggrfp-z.wpd } tr r • • • ei - . . . . . 0 • -r1 -rI (4� v yI � '� � . _ J In to a — ,11 - N 2 JJ • • I - _ - telo01/00 PEC/EPRO ESS/ONAde r :AORING CONgtlI dNT$IN0. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Gu AAK CENTn'e, 2 b rtO01N50N ST.r SVRE 1 E60,ORen DO„FLORIOA 32801 f EC/W,K.OmgherN Coneuhlnp Engineers FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Alf Mate Root endnaars (REP) planner eYNtlrgraN o 3 Z. PROJECT DATA} _ NAME: Mk4O1R-E Jc0 LA..MoJSstl PROJECT No.:OE •353- 3.a LOCATION: CacoE.E Fch DATE: Ihf$ -o OWNER; C. ' of OCOe'E DRAWING NO.r i OTHER. SPEC.SECTION: .:.... 'ire: : S,1. i -: ...:1�..,.:`. : u .. .... ...: d::. +•' ^+;.:i{.;•.is :..'�'' ?:.�.. ... , •1. TO (CORTRACTORN : •/Sy1(����'2e . Please previda the undarslgned a proeosal for the following change In the work within twenty-one i211 coiondar days after re cairn of this request.The written proposal mutt clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change In the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all mn.dal and labor by tmdel,subcontract and overhead costs and teas.Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be vmilarly supported. `\\ .. 1 O ESO RIPTIONDI change in work: �Z11V 1 e.. IZ CV• as AJCcJ • . ...• . . .. Change Order Type: OOeletton JSAddrdon 0Reviacn OOther: ( I ', Constraints of Lhange: Initiated by: yliChanges in Owner Requirements ❑U:dorocoen Conditions 0 Other•.I I Proposal must be received by: (22 days from data belowl. • ATTACHMENTS (Listing of attached documents that su➢Port desgdptiong 1. Contractor Pequast for Information Ny. 4. 2. 514EPe.1 M-rtl� i(' 1,-o , 5. 3, _ 6. • OWNED:Jr*` J7kI -A CITY 6,-(4 �CONT7i ACTOP:�YkJ may& ,E � .5-5-7- PROJECT NO.: •FDENOINEER: P E C- Ro AT 2'+2) oFIELD: GATE: 0 ARCHITECT: 0 OTHER: i/'/y'O • C hn- O bzVl5 • F:1-_\WEG1PoM1MS1C0NsT100647.FRM • F-00847 I111C2fS44 I 0 _..._..__.... . t /. o N -- -.C.— — - — t....._ .... .. - 7 i _C Z v . d < rn r �a-- n 01 kil l 0 ry N tx. 3 Iec. • • V • T 3 c j -- Ti • LL/2//ZOni ♦,.•+ ”Wr-gcJ-fl4./ .... .... ........ ..� ..� . .. .. FnaN 6 • S T E R N November 27,2001 • Correspondence Ne • 0067-086 Mr.Robert Rudd . Professional Engineering Consultants 200 East Robinson Street 1560 Eola Park Centre Orlando, Florida 32801 RA: Maguire Road Improvements—Segment 1 &2 Ocoee,Florida . • Subject Request for Proposal#33 Dear Mr.Rudd: Ryan Incorporated Eastern ("Ryan') as requested by RPP 33 at Station 517+10, provide • service to future motel site to include one(1) each I2aS"tee,one (1)each 8" G.V,20' of PVC and PVC and one (1) 8"Mechanically Restrained Cap.Ryan requests that one (1) additional day be added to the contract time. Should you have any questions please do nor hesitate to call. Sincerely, Ryan Incorporated Eastern Central Florida Division Q2b0)01-h • e- Deborah A.West Project Engineer • Cc: Project File#0067 RYAN INCORPORATED EASTERN 10125 WEST COLONIAL DRIVE SUITE 203A OCOEE•FLORIDA 34761 (4071 521.2887 FAX(4071521.2972 • • RYAN - COST REPORT MAGUIRE ROAD RFP 7133 JOB40067 8' WATER SERVICE ' STATION 517+10 LABOR 'CLASS 1 RATE I OT RATE I REG.HOURS I OVERTIME I TOTAL - a, Pipework Superintendent $32.50 NM 2.00 ' NW $65.00 u..n Pipework Foreman $25.00 e-acn eackhoe Operator 51600 NM 7.50 NM $187.50 -ten Loader Operator 313.50 s20435 7,50 _ NU $101 25 Penn Pipe Layer $td.00 7.50 NM V. $105.00 ewcn Pipe Hill Man • 511.50 $173y 7.50 5D NM $105.25 25 �.n Pipe Laborer 310.00 $Vi 75.00 Pipe Laborer $1000 315.00 7.5050 NM $75.00 • SUBTOTAL ' • - 5915.00• . . LABOR I O.J $244.50 15.00% $15353 TOTAL LABOR $! 21843 • EOUIPMENT • DESCRIPTION -I RATE I HOURS I TOTAL Pipe Super Truck • 511.36 2.00 $22.72 Pipe Foreman Truck $11.36 7.SO $55,20 • Pipe Crew Equipment $11.82 7.50 $88.65 Komatsu 250 Loader $36.45 7.50 5273.38 • Komatsu 300 Backhoe $104.25 7.50 3781.88 - SUBTOTAL 31,251.32 15.00% $187.77 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $1,439.59 MATERIALS SUBCONTRACTORS • 10ESCRIPTION • I TOTAL I DESCRIPTION TOTAL PIPE,• VALVE. FITTINGS - $1 d46.90 SURVEY 5200.00 DEFLECTION.4-3'45 BENDS 5563.92 TRENCH BOX $100.00 SUBTOTAL W/TAX - 32,237.47 SUBTOTAL $200.00 15.00% $335.62 5,005$ $10.00 TOTAL MATERIAL $2.573.09 TOTAL SUB 5210.00 SUMMARY LABOR 51.218.43 . EQUIPMENT $L43959 ADDITIONAL... 1 DAY MATERIALS 3E573-03 SUBCONTRACTORS -s2le00 $SO SUBTOTAL $S,u1.11 45 281.11 1.5%BOND .sexes m792: TOTAL COST ss.s2e72 #5360.33 27-Nov-01 PE,I/PROFESSIONAL EN VEERING CONSUL TANrs INC REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ,” EOLA PARK CENTRE. 200 E. .INSON ST.,SUITE 1560.OR heriy C FLORIDA ng na FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Firm:PECAN.K.Daugherty Consulting Engineers (UP) .'NQineen p/annom surveyors yy a5 NO. 33 .. .�... ..."+:. .� I ln4 / .: Z(Fl fL d ` SI' apjy;l(f t . Y PROJECT DATA: NAME:MaaWre Road Imorovements-Seamen[1 &2 PROJECT NO.: 1052 LOCATION:Sits of Genes DATE: November 10 2001001 OWNER: City of Ocoee - DRAWING NO.: OTHER: 7 SPEC.SECTION: :a. n._;.,'.i&1!za.S+. -,..: ui'ri}-y..2.a.+�R:, iNF P1Ad1: P1Y&2k6j<yrs2AR:FarF•k' •129113' a •..1.r�i..,.1 f ! . ,.-.. ? ,s TO 0ONTRAC TO R):Ryan,Inc. Deborah Wen Plead*provide the undersigned a proposal for the[allowing change in the work within twenty-ono(211 calendar days after receipt of this request.The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of iha time and all material and labor(by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and foes.My amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. _ DESCRIPTION of change: At Station 517+10 oravfde service to future motel site to include one t1) each 12xe'tee,one (1) each 6• G.V.. 20'of 8'PVC and one (1) 8' Mechanically Restrained Cap. • • • lyd t 't`. 1W--6Zfrei v�r R'r .,, ; Y 4 3 °.2S 2011, 454. y P .:: i )1q 1 . ro i . . :i Y �n v.—ye,4 r.r. u a to ;. y... ,r.. Change Order Type: 0 Deletion addition °Revision ❑Other: ( ) Constraints of Change: Initiated by: ■Changes In Owner Requirements °Unforeseen Conditions °Other: Proposal must be received by: 12/08/01 (22 days from data below). ATTACHMENTS (Listing of attached documents that support decoiptionl: 1. Contractor Request for Information No. • 4 2. Sketch Dated 11/15/01 5. 3. 6. PROJECT NO.: B OWNER:Jim Shire, P.E.-City of Ocoec Ed CONTRACTOR: Deborah West-Ryan inc. OE-353-3.0/3-6.2 Es ENGINEER:Geoff Hennessy.-PEC S FIELD: Rod Winfrey,City of Ocoee GATE: ENGINEER: Fursan Mun(ed, P.E.•PEC O CAM:Robert P.Rudd,P.E.•PEC 11/16/01 • • • • k1conutadeu3531:44933dp-e.wpd ..- - -- -4 } . a N . — ElF — O —_..._ .. . r • n ' 3 : n n E.. ' c.c. r'• I • I N. —.V.:jam . . ri•1 . -1 Y \ n IT Y I I IT e • _fr _ w • • 1 . - n ' _c - • r \7 . Tc - J I • .\\"L\L' i . . ..' : _.... . .. -...„...i n.,. ....r.r r>TC_rn G_/n., eTt/T Tfn7/17./TT welt r.e... .'J -‘.:Zi Varae.. eeec ma 2 . ....... .� (21001/001' p/+ vp ovEgs in eh.rr/ee8/mc CUxgvOTarr T,grrvc REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ' PF V/Lig PPAK CE/NTPE,200 E.ROBINSON ST..6UIT6 1560,uche N Iv.FLOiLDA 32R01 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE N ear Affiliate Rem:PEC/W,K.Daugherty ConculWg Engineers MEN pprvears 3 3 surveyor NO. •.I r (+ : ::r.. 'q�T'.T.. vs..,d� :rv: •;xi'.:3. ri"j7a;•.'::'.':�;is,' eF:i:<.�1,'r "t PROJECT 04Tsii ` •,' NAMES 0Coe. RA -RAP Lr•elRe.i P,e.E�'U PROJECT��O,SD o -353'3.0 LOCATION: o Co E% pct. DATE: I Y 15^o / OWNERS C .TY ot- °Co E$ DRAWING NO.1 OTHER: SPEC_SECTION: TO (CONTRACTOR}:_ R'e4pi 6f rear please provide the undersigned a proposal fat the following change In the work whnin twenty-one 1211 calendar deya attar receipt of this • request.The written proposal man deeply delineate the:cope of to proposed mango In the work providing an hemized acdmata of the tima and all material and labor(by trade),subcorrtnR and overhead Dons and fees.Any amount claimed for au boo nirocta mum be similarly supported. (� DESCRIPTIONafchangetnwork; t'. CT/km..., 511-{•10 prof ,dC Sf.-v2Jt to -a To 4✓g--y A. 1:.—.` c Sa-TE To /JCL✓l� v I co /L AA I&... r E,F e- ti-t/- I Zo• 8' pre / rle. A . CAP I . .^ Change Order Type: ❑Partition dd•Non ❑Revision O Mail i ....".), Constraints of Change; Initiated bY: jyChanges in Owner Requirements ❑Unforeseen Conaftans a Other: ( ) - FropacJ must b received by:_ 122 days from date belowl• .. :.... ; ., . .v 0 A T T A C H M E N T S (Listing of attached documents that subpart detotrarrnl: 1. Contractor lte quot for Information No. 4. 2. 5w rv! bA161) A' I'd •ol 5. _ 3. 6. �J \ ' -`( PROJECT NOd XOWNER: -1•� SI}t ILA C %TT C. )3ONTRACTOR: (terra/ I) ±rCh•-` '-'"�Si' '�. OINEER: PGA 'Xedi - f ❑EEL❑:_ PATE: O ARCHITECT: 0 OTHER: /I'U-p d cc _ 5t1 \y 1 -\ • �--tm JGnn v - 3tk St F:L,.wZt1WRMStCONSftCce47.FRM F-00847 01/02f541 . ... • . . • ' ' . . . „ . - • . ____.___._ • . - . J • V't — — -I- . o t • 0 _._.,_. _ -t--- "1" 2<r1 _ . .., — , •:;) -1 __. --__ -1.— ......_ ver_i__. ...... 7a - • X — C3C- CS. r's- . . ' • "' cr' CO C . _ - n __-:-.I el NJ .,i' ,, ti. ___I • ' allik , __ •ci C n 0 2..; .-____. , — IZ••• • , . •.. -1.3 :.- _..." . . —.Le-- , . ....t •..; ! • I • I ..C.17‘ Ni 3 ./. . ca • .• . .0--- tg --tti •; I i . 1-. • 1 I II • I . ..' .00 -.7 . . 9--. • Xr• . . . 1_—:- -(;:t —C-C.—>4- • . . , • .....e.t> . . . . , .. ,.. . a.-- '-A • —1-• . . 0 . . • c7Tea_ttnc,-.00,4 47T:/ T TPC17.07/TT w1 trvlcc CPS N' , 33'A Yv MAGUIRE ROAD REP #33 J'OB#N57 o STATION WATER SERVICE • STATION 517+10 • LABCR nASS .RATE I OT PATE REG.HOURS I OVERTIME I 1CTM. -- Pipework Suverintencent I..0 532.50I Nm 2.00 NIA s55,C0 m Piocwork Foreman I 525.00 NU 7.W WA 5187.50 ...-n IBacknoe Cveratrr I 515.00 I 324.00 750 NW I s120,00 .. Loadzt Cte nror I 513.`_C I 520.25 7.50 WA 1 S101.25 Piaela I 31400 $2100 750 NU $105.00 n Pitt Hi'J Man 511.50 . 517.25 7501 MAT E.E.5.25 .ms Pica Labver I S10.00 I $15.00 7.50 I N41 I 57500- eacn "Pict Laborer I 510.MJ 5.15.00 750 I NH[ S:500 . SUSTOiAL SSi.s.co LA.2OR 03 .S244.50 1500% $15393 TOTAL LABOR s12:8 d3 EQUIPMENT • [DESCRIPTION I PATE 1 F.'OOPS I TOTAL • Pipe Suer Truck I $11 6I 200 I $22.72 Pica Rcrer..xn Trucx I $11.36 I 750 I S'5520 - Pipe Crew Ecui:reln 511.52 I 7,53 I ra.65 Komatsu 250 Loader I SSE..15 I 7.50 I 52739a Rxnatsu.9'I,o Ea&Y.Ccz I 540=.25 I 7.50 1 57a1.33 • SUBTOTAL S1,251.32 • 15.00% $167,77 TOTAL EDUIP/ENT $1.,C9_59 • • • HATER?ALS SU B W NTRACTORS 'DESCRIPTION " TOTAL I DESCRIPTION sA1 PIPE VALVE FITTINGS 51.c65G anamilis S20000 DEFLECTION.4•a'45 SENDS 5562.52 - TRENCH BOX 5100.DO = I SUBTOTAL Wl TAX $2Z7:7 SUBTOTAL $200.00 • 1E.00 Sv35..E2 4CC%a $l O.00 TOTAL MATERIAL $2.573.09 TOTAL SUE 521000 • SUMMAFY • Lu2,F S1.92.43 . EQUipMENT - 51-c959 ADDITIONAL, .. 1 SAY NATTFIALS 52,573.09 SUBC.CNTPL.ORS 5210.00 SUBTOTAL 55 G:L'1 • 1.5 n BOND _ 10L62 TOTAL COST S5.522-72 27.Nc1-01 •I I j I-. A li /: f Na) % I 5u i =F7iy � O�I SL Jci J -I .:1 t.' I - - f1 t �,� _ - 1Z � ` r" \ c_ 1, • l<, L." PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 Project Name: Maguire Road Improvements Segment 1 & 2 Project Number: 0E-353-3.0 Date: January 30, 2002 Subject: CPS for RFP #34 Recommendation Engineer: (Forward to Owner for Review) CPS for additional signal ca 1L/i)nstallation to fire station to Maguire Road appears reasonable and is hereby,r c.thmene-. o acceptance at $3,644.55 and one (1) day extension of Contract Tjr(i- Signature of Engineer:/1jiI Date: 01/30/02 - r Acceptance b Owner: (Return to Engineer For Processing) 4 72ECe, iv..+ c-- e2) // f/�J�,�� Signature of Owner's Authorized Representative: (,Ci//' Date: �J O L rrEngineer to Prepare Necessary Change Order 0 Engineer to Re-negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above ❑ Other as Above arcEtvco gi FEB 012002 d' P.E.C.,rf;0. R ?1<K00 F,.V.00P COPY -. P ^:�aac oPv ji . ONE C'7Orrr�v&ROUTE��ryy�T�Qyy. FILE i Og3 0 k:\oonst\oe\oe-3S3\CPS\CPSA34-zwpd 3,b0)-. 01%O'.12082 0E;56 407-985-6123 RYGN INC MHUU1Kt NO co ``A J 3 Heir 4w • MAN 09/2u E A S T E R R F03,147P C . ._. ; ,RW . MACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET 1 .t, OR •353 3.o Teo PROM; p n.� I( 3 as ah F Art N d E1t TOTALNO. P PACES INCLUDINGCOVPx: ��� 710 S/G9-fry/99 SENDER'S Ann NC NDMEEF RE: YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: ❑ URGENT El FOR REVIEW ❑ PLEASE COMMENT Q PLEASE REPLY ❑PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/CO:,&ENTS: �i P act - looms (Cc P # JO fi loci;n7 2802 Professional Parkway Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone 407-905-6117 Fax 407-905-6123 This infomwton accompanying this cover is legvlly privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s)designated above.If you are not the intended recipient,you arc hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution,or copying of such information is strictly prohibited If you have received this telecopy in erro,please immediately notify us by telephone(collect call accepted) and,unless otherwise instructed,return it to us at the above address through the US Posta] Service.Thank You a1i 01/2002 00:56 407-905-6123 RYAN !NU aaouthc rcu r,;oc oa :.o a a 5 T E A N January 3,2002 Correspondence No.:0067-94 Mr.Robert P.Rudd,P.E. • Professional Engineering Consultants,Inc. • 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560 Orlando,Florida 32801 • RE: Maguire Road Improvements—Segwuent 1 &2 Ocoee, Florida Subject Request for Proposal for Proposed Change(RFP# 34) Dear Mr. Rudd: Ryan Incorporated F-ietem ("Ryan") as requested by REP No.34 submits attached cost proposal to furnish and install signal cable from Fire Station, Signal to Fire Station Building for the Lump Sum of$3,644.55 (Three Thousand Six Hundred Forty Four and 55/100). Ryan request (1) One additional day added to the contract time_ Should you have any question please contact me at(407).905.6117. Sincerely, Ryan Incorporated Eastern Central Florida Division Qxlzch C Deborah A. West Project Engineer cc: Project File# 0067-094 Bill Schwartz, Ryan • RYAN INCORPORATED EASTERN 10125 WEST COLONIAL DRIVE.SUITE 203A OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 (407)521-2887 FAX(407)521-2872 a1/01/2E02 0E:56 4E7-905-6123 RYAN INC MAGUIRE RD PAGE U:; Ub 11/19/01 07:13 $1 407 "49 9402 PEC 2 • 002/002 non/PRO FPS SIO NAL EN GJNESR!NC CONSI/L T.4 NTS,IN REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EOLA PARK CENTRE.200 F. OBINSO ST.,SURE 1 6 ORLANOO FLO IbA 32801 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Hum PECIW.K.•Daughorty consulting Engineers (RFPI englnears • planners NO. 34 surveyors PROJECT DATA- NAME: Maaulre Road Improvements•Segment 1 & 2 PROJECT NO.:0E-3c3.3.0 LOCATION:Ciry of Ocoee PATE:November 19, 2001 OWNER: CRY of Ocoee DRAWING NO.• OTHER: SPEC, SECTION: :J:•'J.. RV; Y-0 • Y{:eI I:/': i11::: i\i'J}:f4.p: n �� .� I .. '. . T000NT RAC TO RI:Ryan,Ina. Deborah Wee. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work Within twenNrona(at) calendar days after receipt of this request.The written proposal must dearly delineate the scope of the proposed change In the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade): subcontract and overhead costs and fees.Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly Npported. DESCRIPTION of change: Provide Lump Sum cost to furnish end:roll Sena)cable from Fire Station, Signal to Fire StRticn BWidinq. Addre=liime ISSUes by VOUr proposal. Change Order Type: C Deletion I:Addition °Revision 0 Other:t 1 constraints of Change: Initiated by: I Changes in Owner Requirements Ounforeaecn Conditions °Other. Proposal must be received by: 12/10/111 (22 days from data below/. A T T A C H M E N T S (Listing of attached doeumems that support description/: 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 6. 2, 5. 3. 6. PROJECT NO.: r3 OWNER:Jim Shim,P.E.•Clty of Ocoee El CONTRACTOR:Deborah West•Ryan, Inc. 0E-353-3.0/3.6.2 © ENGINEER: Geoff Hennessy.-PEC ®FIELD:Rod Winfrey, Ow of Ocoee DATE: E ENGINEER: Purser:Munied, P.E.-PEC O CAM:Robert P.Rudd,Pt-PEC _ 11/19/01 Z� cAc_ 0 • U. C'L1 klwnst1oelo a-353\dpU344p.r.ry o6 01/01/2002 0E: 56 407-905-6123 RYAN INC MAGUIRE RD PAGE 04/05 SENT BY: '2-20- 1 ;12:36FX ; T.C.D. ALTM{C -V-, 407 505 6123;4 5/ 9 VTRAFFIC G CONTROL DEVICES, INC. P.O.BOX150418 -D ALTAMONTESPRINGS,FLORIDA 32715.0 18 (407)869.5300 CHANGE GIRDER - - IV To: Ryan Incorporated Eastern ? 1' . 3 u Attn: Ms.Deborah West Re: McGuire Road Project; Ocoee FL TCD Project#01002 Install Signal Cable to Fire Station , 1.We propose to furnish all necessary material, labor, supe sioa, and tools required to •• perform the items of work depicted on the attached "Proposal upplement", more generally described as follows:Install signal cable to fire station 2. All work performed shall be in accordance with the plans and ebif cations of The Florida ' Department of Transportation. • 3. For the sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred Seventy One&I00/100 Dollars ($1411.011 Note: This proposal is a unit price proposal. The above reference sum is an approximate sum based on the estimated quantifies on the attached "Proposal Supp emenf' (which is an integral part of this proposal) at the unit prices depicted thereon. The final contact amount of any contract resulting from this proposal shall be based on the quantities actually installed and field verified by the Owner's architect/engineer at these unit prices. • PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION On UNIT JNIT COST EXTENDED COST 630-1-12 CONDUIT UNDERGROUND 20 IF S 3,95 S 79.00 632-7-1 SIGNAL CABLE ASSEMBLY 1 PI $ 2,810.00 S 2,510.00 635-1-11 PULL BOX 1 EA p 222.00 S 222.00 690-90 • REM.CABLE &CONDUIT 1 PI 360.00 S - • 360,00 f TOTAL 1 $ 3,471.00 • P EI'E7./2002 e0:56 407-9E5-6123 RYAN INC MAGUIRE RD PAGE 05/Uo SENT BY; 12-20- 1 :12:37n1 ; T.C.D. ALTAN "5- 407 905 6123:e 6/ 9 4. All work is guaranteed to be installed in accordance with the latest applicable Code regulations, and to he free from mechanical and electrical defects Iler one year from the date of acceptance. 5. Payment provisions: Standard payment provisions: Payments are to be made to us by the 'tenth day of the month for all work installed and materials piac d on the job site during the preceding month, IS five (5%) percent retainage (unless the rime Contractor calls for a different retainage percentage, in which case that percentage s all apply). Final Payment, including retainage,will be due not more than thirty(30)days aft completion and acceptance of the work. Any contract resulting from this proposal shall c on terms and conditions mutually acceptable to the purchaser and Traffic Control Devices,Inc. 6. Our price includes bond and insurance. 7.No items quoted herein may be "broken out"without our prior pproval in writing. 8.All survey work is to be performed by others. 9.Additional provisions: 1. Maintenance of Traffic by others. ACCEPTED: SUBMITTED: BY: TRAFFIC CO TROL DEVICES, INC. PURCHASER P. BOX 150418 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS,FL.32715 BY: B - Title Donna M. Hutchins,Estimator DATE: DATE: 12/18/2001 PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 Project Name: Maguire Road Improvements Segment 1 & 2 Project Number: 0E-353-3.0 Date: • January 30, 2002 • Subject: CPS for RFP #35 Recommendation by Engineer: (Forward to Owner for Review) CPS for removal of SR 50 signal interconnect appears reasonable and is hereby recommended for acceptance at$1,580.35 and one (1) day extension of Contract Time. Ryan to coordinate removal w tfi Orange County Traffic Department. i Signature of Engineer:: Date: 01/30/02 Acceptance by Owner: (Return to Engineer For Processing) A_c .2gC. .c.r+ C-JD cD — • Signature of Owner's Authorized Representative: �,L,// � Date: 0/ •EfEneer to Prepare Necessary Change Order ❑Engineer to Re-negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above ❑Other as Above FEB 012002 P.E.C.,NC. MAIM) . WORK COPY ORIGINATOR t/ l ONE COPY& ROUTE TO rausri FlrE k:\consr\oe\oe-353\CPS\CPSk35-z.wpd ORIG at— 53 3-6.a- 31/01/2002 05:02 407-S0S-6123 RYAN INC MAGUIRE RI) FAbb 02/ob FnalIN A 5 T E R N • • January 3,2002 Correspondmice No.: 0067-95 Mr.Robert P. Rudd,P.E. • Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560 • Orlando,Florida 32801 RE: Maguire Road Improvements —Segment 1 &2 Ocoee, Florida Subject Request for Proposal for Proposed Change(REP #35). Dear Mr. Rudd: Ryan Incorporated Fa-tem ("Ryan") as requested by REP No. 35 submits attached cost proposal to remove and dispose of SR 50 signal interconnect,including pole removal and signal cable removal for the sum of$ 1,58035 (One Thousand Five Hundred Eighty and 35/100). Ryan request 1/2 additional day added to the contact time. • Should you have any question please contact me at(407).905.6117. Sincerely, Ryan Incorporated Eastern Central Florida Division D2thab Ci Deborah A. West Project Engineer cc: Project File# 0067-095 Bill Schwan, Ryan RYAN INCORPORATED EASTERN 10125 WEST COLONIAL DRIVE.SUITE 203A OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 (407)521-7887 FAX(407)521-2872 al/01/2602 09: 02 467-9E15-6123 RYAN INC MAGUIRE RD PAGE E)3/Ub PEWS"fej;IC%: ePffYigaOA MITIZIS.I/ _ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Nl E. lAN SUITS ORfAO, L. bA 32001 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Firm: PECrW.K, Daugherty Consulting Engineers (RFPI. engineers planners surveyors NO. 35 • : •!;.:' • I PROJECT DATA: NAME:Maguire Road Improvements-Segment 1 &2 PROJECT NO.:OE-353-0 0 LOCATION:City of Ocoee DATE: November 19,2001 OWNER:city of Ocoee DRAWING NO.: OTHER: SPEC.SECTION: ' ' d;\1: '"r5r;" • • , TO s 0 N T R ACT Rh Ryan, Inc. Deborah West Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the fonowing change in the work within wanly-one (21i calendar day$after receipt of this request.The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change In the work jproviding an Itemized estimate of the time an and all material d labor(by yodel. subcontract and overhead costs and fees.Any amount[name for subcontracts must be similerN su paned. DESCRIPT I ON pf change,. Provide Lump Sum cost TO rerniwe and dispose of SR 50 signal;nig:term:3ot!Include pole removal and signal gable pommel). Change Order Type: 0 Deletion NAddition CRevision 0 Other: Constrainte of Change: Initiated by: N Changec in Owner Requirements OUnforeSeen Conditions ClOgher: Proposal muss be received by: 12/10/01 (22 days from date below). A It A C If MENTS (Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information Na. A. 2. 5. 3. a. PROJECT NO,: a OWNER:Jim Shirs, P.F. • City of Ocoee E CONTRACTOR:Deborah West-Ryan, Inc. DE-353-3.0/3-6.2 E ENGINEER:Geoff Hennessy.-PEG a FIELD: Rod Winfrey. City of Ocoee DATE: B ENGINEER,gurcan Mynjed, E E.-EEC 3 CAM:Robert P. Rudd,P.E. PEc iftuvoi rcr-cp CCP\-1 Cep\\\ WAR/ Ci-5 31/01/2002 09:02 407-995-6123 RYAN INC MAGUIRE RD r..a= ua do SENT BY: ,-20- 1 ;12:25PM t T.C.D. ALTA4Mr 1 407 903 6123;U 2! 9 i V TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, INC. P.O.BOX 150418 D ALTAMONTESPRINGS,FLORIDAa2715-0 18 (407)888.5300 CHANGE ORDER To: Ryan Incorporated Eastern FP -3 Attn: Ms.Deborah West Re: McGuire Road Project; Ocoee FL TCD Project#01002 Remove wooden pole and interconnect . 1.We propose to furnish all necessary material, labor, supery stony and tools required to perform the items of work depicted on the attached "Proposal upplement", more generally described as follows:Remove wooden pole and interconnect. 2. All work performed shall be in accordance with the plans and s cifications of: The Florida • Department of Transportation. • 3. For the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Five& 10/100 Dollars (S 1,505.10) Note: This proposal is a unit price proposal. The above referent sum is an approximate sum based on the estimated quantities on the attached "Proposal Supp meat" (which is an integral part of this proposal) at the unit prices depicted thereon. The al contract amount of any contract resulting from this proposal shall be based on the quantities actually installed and field verified by the Owner's architect/engineer at those unit pricesic PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT COST EXTENDED COST NON-CONTRACT REM.POLE&INTERCONNECT 1 LS $ 1,505.10 5 1,505.10 S - S - 5 - • ITOTAL I • _ l�O Po, is 1,505.10 I I , 15• ., Li 1 t 3� 01 /01/2002 09:02 407-905-6123 RYAN INC MAGUIRE RD PAGE 05/Do SbNT BY: .2-20- 1 :12:3.5PM ; T.C.D. ALTA 'E-, 407 905 6123; 3/ 9 4. All work is guaranteed to be installed in accordance wi the latest applicable Code regulations, and to be free from mechanical and electrical defects or one year from the date of acceptance. 5. Payment provisions: Standard payment provisions: Payments are to be made to us by the tenth day of the month for all work installed and materials placed on the job site during the preceding month, less live (5%) percent retainage (unless the p rime Contractor calls for a different retainage percentage, in which case that percentage s all apply). Final Payment, including retainage,will be due not more than thirty(30)days a completion and acceptance of the wort Any contract resulting from this proposal shall a on terms and conditions mutually acceptable to the purchaser and Traffic Control Devices, Inc. 6. Our price includes bond and insurance. 7.No items quoted herein may be "broken out" without our prior pproval in writing. 8. All survey work is to be performed by others. 4.Additional provisions: I. Maintenance of Traffic by others. ACCEPTED: SUBMITTED: BY: TRAFFIC COIttTROL DEVICES,INC. • PURCHASER P.O BOX 150418 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS,FL. 32715 BY: BY Title Donna M. Hutchins,Estimator • DATE: DATE: 12/18/2001 01/01/2002 09: 02 4a7-905-6123 RYAN INC MAGUIRE RD V,bc cbluo SENT BY: 12-20- 1 i12:35PN i T.C.U. ALTA.N( '. 407 905 6123;# 4/ 9 Bid Rom# NON-CONTRAOT 35-1 Date: 18-Cec-01 Description REMOVE POLE a INTERCONNECT Quantity 1 IS ' • i SUMMARY I LABOR RATE IHR MAN HRS EXTENSION 1 5._50 $140_00_ Sign Installer $18.00 ..._,+,_,_� Total Labor 563947 Signal Mochanio $21.00 _- - SI9m11r�sblkr, _ $18.00 • Total Mat<glals $62.86_ Electrician 1723.00._...._.__.-- _._.. Electrician Helper 515.00 Total Equipment $780.52 Laborer $11.00 6.50 $60.50 Txhni$Ie811 538.50 Total Sub Contracto s TechnkianI $18,00 Truck Driver�-- 512.00 Total Job Cost '1.482.85 Crane Orarabr $21.00 Bond fiz 1.5%. $22.24 Trencher Operebr $16.00 Buck*/Boom Truck Opembr $18.00 8.50 5$163,00 •t- Cost $1,505.10 Total Labor Cost 3358.50 Labor Burden 43.50% $155.0a ILIZERCa .1610 Labor Profit 25.00% .5$127.89 Total Labor $539.47 • 1 - SUBCONTRACT AMOUNT MARK UP• EXTENSION SUB I SUB2 SUB3 'Markup 10%on thefllat50,006,5%over 50.000 Total Sabot' tractor 1 EQUIPMENT CITY RATE)HR EXTENSION Truck 1f2 Ton ..3 11.18 Truck lTon - --��`-�-- 6.50_ $20.88 $114 73 Truck DUMP 5 yds $25.45 _ Tnicl,Watel7 Slurry_ $43.65 _ .Bucket Twat _ 5.60 9.01 -_ $ 269.6T 5577 ._i Hepm TNckW1Puper . 3.00 570.79 5212.37 '- . _Boom Truck.30 Ton $93.32 Trencher $26.23 Bed•hoe 533 Trailer.Tandem I $2.56 Street Saw SBA5 Jack Hammer $1.05 Skid Leader 'y- „_0221 Trades/Tralece* 300 $4310 512930 Crane $105.00 Total Equipment Coat $726.07 Profit 7.50% 554.45 Total Equipment $720.52 • 1 MANUFACTURE CATALOG* MATERIAL OTY I UNIT COST P r EXTENSION 1 _---1---_ JUNCTION BOX I $50.00 $50.00_ i - _. I { __�- ! 'iPeoe2 - 1 - Total mated*Cost S60.00 Slate Sale,Tax 7.00% 53.50 Material Profit 17.50% $8.36, Total Maori* 552.05 • PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 Project Name: Maguire Road Improvements Segment 1 & 2 Project Number: 0E-353-3.0 ' Date: January 30, 2002 Subject: CPS for Direct Owner Proposed Change Recommendation Engineer (Forward to Owner for Review) Pursuant to conversation with City of Ocoee RPR/(Rod Winfrey), Contractor has been asked to install Segment 1 median irrigation systems. Per RPR and PEC review of price information provided ($21,509.25) cost appears reasonable is hereby recommended for acceptance. No increase in Contr�rt Time has been requested by their proposal. Signature of Enginee �. Date: 01/30/02 Acce tance b Ow er: (Return to Engineer For Processing) ,fir /2 cr _ Signature of Owner's Authorized Representative: Date: j 7 0 t ngineer to Prepare Necessary Change Order ❑Engineer to Re-negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above ❑Other as Above RECEIVED FEB 012002 ' • P.E.C.,faC. M UDD WORK COPY �/�� N ORIGINATOR j FO' ONE COPY& ROUTE TO lid 6k Aronshoe\or-353\CPS\CPsfordireaownerycoposedchange-z.wpd FILE I o�, �3p ORIG. T8_.. ,3-6 3 a Ryan Incorporated E- -tern r OPOSED CHANGE ORDER No. 00001 TITLE: Maguire Road Irrigation DATE: 1/25/02 PROJECT:Maguire Road Improvements JOB: 0067 TO: Attn: Robert P. Rudd CONTRACT NO: PEC/Professional Engineering 200 East Robinson Street Suite 1560, Eola Park Centre Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: 407-422-8062 Fax: 407-849-9402 RE: PCO To: PEC From:RYAN Number: 00033 DESCRIPTIoN..OFPROPOSAL ` We propose to furnish and install irrigation system to 8 islands on Maguire Road as follows: 25 - FEB Valves 7- ESP 4 station controllers 749- 12"rainbird 7812 pop-ups 14- I-single strand wire 25 - 10"valve boxes 7- mini click rain sensor 7- concrete post City of Ocoee will supervise and perform all inspections. Unit Cost: $0.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 RECEIVEDI Lump Sum: $21,509.25 JAN 2 8 2002 Lump Tax: $0.00 . OiLMi09 Total: $21,509.25 Wos obot—gpr1yiNJ ORIGINATOR ONE COPY& RC 'E Tf. --r,--i n 7... ORIGI TO • APPROVAL: /` I BY: .50300) By: Deb rah A West Robert P. Rudd Date: ) ,�7�0 Date: PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 Project Name: Maouire Road Improvements Segment 1 & 2 Project Number: IIF-353-3.0 Date: February 13. 2002 Subject: CPS forVerhal RFP of Needed Work by City of Ocoee RPR Recommendation by Fngineer; (Forward to Owner for Review) City of Ocoee RPR verbal RFP to Ryan for pricing of needed work. Ryan's CPS at $1,957.20 and no extension in Contract Time appears reasonable and is hereby recommended for acceptan . Signature of Engineer: ate: — Acceptance by Ow ' (Return to Engineer For Processing) /�cc� - A71 2 < < a a, D Signature of Owner's Authorized Representative:/y�-.i�'i� _ Date: 2/5"Y/e) Z ❑Engineer to Prepare Necessary Change Order cEngineer to Re-(negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above o Other as Above c'- ixy EBt?CB tF � D FEB 2120l4 . \v WORI< COPY Yr"., ORIG:NA76R ONE COPYtk _r it--;'`;g 47 FILE n�J/1 O� di ORIG. r I6� k:\const\oe\oe-353\CPS\ • •• - .wpd� �-��t zpy - Rya Incorporated Eas ,rn PR( 9SED CHANGE ORDER 2a02 Professional Parkway No. 00001 10125 W. Colonial Drive,Suite 206 Phone: 407-905-6117 Ocoee, Florida 34761 Fax: 407-905-6123 TITLE:Windermere Groves DATE:2/12/02 PROJECT:Maguire Road Improvements JOB: 0067 TO: Attn: Robert P. Rudd CONTRACT NO: PEC/Professional Engineering 200 East Robinson Street Suite 1560, Eola Park Centre Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: 407-422-8062 Fax: 407-849-9402 RE:PCO To: PEC From: RYAN Number: 00002 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL Item `. Description Stock# Quantity Units Unit Price Tax Rate Tax Amount Net Amount 00001 Holly 25.000 ea 512.00 0.00% S0.00 S300.00 00002 Viburnum 12.000 a $1200 0.00% S0.00 S144.00 00003 Ranove Sod%bare required to 1000 Is S400.00 0.00% S0.00 S40000 nold, 00004 NIuldr all beds along Maguire I000 Is 5880.00 000% SO,00 S880.00 Road 00005 Supervisor hit Vdride 1000 Is $14000 000% 50.00 5140.00 Unit Cost: $1,864.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 _ _ Unit Total: $1,864.00 L3 E' F'[B ® Subtotal: $1,864.00 FEB 1 42002 _. . r Le ar - 001 4u0 Description Markup Percent Markup Amount 4 '.^r — tip'ti. Overhead $0.00 ii t ler C [';_F e F ry Profit $0.00 •,c_ F w w3 Markup 5 000% $93 20 tIP. 77 _ae..i:... 11-niTe ;-- Total Cost: $1,957.20 'OM i ch0wa - PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 Project Name: Maguire Road Improvements Segment 1 & 2 Project Number: 0E-353-3.0 Date: February 14, 2002 Subject: CPS for RFI #31 Recommendation y Engineer: (Forward to Owner for Review) Ryan's request to modify S-308 for a Lump Sum of $2,300 as referenced in RFI #31. Ryan's cost of$2,300.00 seems reasonable and is hereby recommended for acceptance with no extension in Contract time. ,----7 Signature of Engineer: , 0,%� �%✓ Date: 02/14/02 17 ✓ (/ Acceptance by Owner: (Return to Engineer For Processing) Icc T'ri2 Signature of Owner's Authorized Representative:ay.) s% mate: Z/i $A e ❑Engineer to Prepare Necessary Change Order 0 Engineer to Re-negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above o Other as Above SIECE31:9EiID 1 FEB 2 1 2002 P.E.C.,WLC. &[7Ut '1C WORK COPY -- 4 Ir i. ORIGINATOR .i,', ONE COPY& P.OUTE TO: VPnrrli.-t -.1 se ' "'y FILE Ole--. 3-,j, t' k:\consrloe\oe-3531CPS1CPSforRF1#3I-z.wpd OR • =�i AXE MAIM E A 5 T E R N l� rD February 11, 2002 FcG i 42002 Correspondence No.: 0067-104 WOnR^O�y ,S86118344415213 Mr. Robert P. Rudd, P.E. sn Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. y '"• • 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560 - Orlando, Florida 32801 onty L." � a'? RE: Maguire Road Improvements —Segment 1 &2 .4,14/ .Ocoee, Florida Subject: Request for Information (RFI # 31) Dear Mr. Rudd: Ryan Incorporated Eastern ("Ryan") as requested by Request for Information # 31, Cost to modify 5-308 for a Lump Sum of$2,300.00 Two Thousand'Three Hundred Dollars. Ryan requests one additional day added to the contract time. Should you have any question please contact me at (407).905.6117. Sincerely, Ryan Incorporated Eastern Central Florida Division akAC1 0 Deborah A. \Vest Project Engineer cc: Project File # 0067-0104 Bill Schwartz, Ryan • • RYAN INCORPORATED EASTERN 10125 WEST COLONIAL DRIVE, SUITE 203A OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761 (407)521-2887 FAX(407)521-2872 11/26/2001 15:16 407-905-6123 RYAN INC M:GUIRE RD PAGE 02/02 Ryan Incorporated Eastern REQ- ST FOR INFORMATION 2802 Professional Parkway No. 00031 10125 W. Colonial Drive,Suite 206 Phone: 407-905-6117 Ocoee.Florida 34761 Fax: 407-905-6123 TrrLE: Structure $308 DATE: 11/26/01 PROJECT:Maguire Road Improvements JOB: 0067 TO: Alm: Robert P.Rudd PEC I Professional Engineering 200 East Robinson Street . STARTED: Suite 1560,Eola Park Centre • COMPLETED: Orlando,Florida 32801 REQUIRED: 12/3/01 Phone: 407-422-8062 Fax: 407-849-9402 Station 510+42.96 38.30 LT Structure S308 existing pipe will not line up with proposed C/L of structure. Fricting pipe approx. 4'to the East than shown on plans Please advise pro?„,) P 1'+ he 7n54s11ed ntik+ and er r,t� FPc pcic 5cJ.e.�_IJ 4 remnln. Tii, i5>ue LOW ailcri w uJ/ ;kl1 Reg P;lfe Slrw;Mcn L4_k CA Vt /!. rt. ✓... tooaorrho...l t-r.-. 4 . 4;—lc) h.<ct.:.y vnoajtee) on II/21/o1 b allow Ri9c -fra tntk•.tic , Cosh f ✓n oc S 3o£T on +in.e lowoo £r 1ru`KAO,wl a� 4ioc. tot vi�+�.t+-F Ren,a:na..r of IL.tltc clw., 1 (—J.+ u-eri<:Th on o+Lu/r- ;+cn.s c+c wot.ld Nu} III nc1�.J3 In 'i:n-e.. rrcjc;.i Z,- II/1'�.X5i1ci cct t,C C+runi'�tre. Welk tu:II i:ki L C-nvcr{-� eclu.,.l `ertit� C iAi ti..l 1orny^c1/24'. /licit Co nn a.) Conwi' Cori' / key wo41- /fe.rn, /7c(r) )4 Jr-lc-onQC /Z/H/o/ She work (9er Reyuest(g�d�,shy:RRynannIIIn__t.va/nWuratedEaslwn Dec I /cvz /U 1 Signed( h U k Deborah A Wes Faitlwl RPR OVERTIME HOURS WEEK ENDING OVERTIME HOURS 10/19/01 3 Yx 10/26/01 3 11/02/01 3 Y, • 11/09/01 1 '/: 11/16/01 2 11/23/01 1 11/30/01 2 12/07/01 4 / 12/14/01 3 12/21/01 3 01/11/02 3 01/18/02 2 01/25/02 1 02/01/02 1 02/08/02 9 02/15/02 3 02/22/02 1 03/01/02 3 03/08/02 3 Total Overtime 54 hours @$40.07/hr._ Hours/Dollars S2,163.78 k:\cowl\j udy\rodovcrtimcco&7-z.svpd RPR OVERTIME HOURS WEEK ENDING OVERTIME HOURS 10/19/01 3 10/26/01 3 11/02/01 3 'G 11/09/01 1 '/ 11/16/01 2 11/23/01 1 11/30/01 2 12/07/01 4 ',4 12/14/01 3 12/21/01 3 01/11/02 3 01/18/02 2 01/25/02 I '/z 02/01/02 I 'h 02/08/02 9 02/15/02 3 02/22/02 1 03/01/02 3 03/08/02 3 Total Overtime 54 hours @$40.07/hr. Hours/Dollars $2,163.78 k:\const\ludy\rodovcrtimcco#7-z.wpd