HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting held July 16, 2002, Minutes of the June 13, 2002, City Commission Work Session Agenda 8-06-2002
Item III A
HELD JULY 16, 2002
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Commissioner Anderson led in prayer and Ms.
Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called
the roll and declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manger Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, Assistant City Attorney Doty, City
Clerk Grafton, I luman Resources Director Diedrich, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira,
Recreation Department Director Farmer, Assistant Fire Chief Firsmer,Director of Planning
Wagner, Principal Transportation Planner Foltz, Assistant City Engineer/Acting Public Works
Director Wheeler, and Information Services Manager Ross.
Mr. Baker of the West Oaks Library gave a brief presentation regarding the library and the
programs they offer. He announced the upcoming one year celebration to he held August 5
through August 10. He said each day would have a different program presented by different
agencies such as Ocoee Police Department, Ocoee Historical Society, and the Red Cross. Mr.
Baker said on Saturday there would be an open house with clowns, free face painting, music,
gifts, and refreshments.
The Consent Agenda Consisted of items, B, C, E, and G. Items A, D, and F were pulled for
separate discussion.
B. Approval and Authorization to Purchase Crime View Crime Analysis Package
software with Grant Money in the Amount of$25,995.00 from Block Grant
received for fiscal year 01/02. (Police Captain Wilson)
The Ocoee Police Department applied for and received from the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant
funding in the amount of$38,661.00 which requires 10%match from the City for a total amount of
$42,960.00. The computer for this project was purchased earlier this year. Several individuals from
the police department as well as information services reviewed different software that would fit the
application needs as well as the required City network specifications. The Omega Group called Crime
View would be best suited for the application need of the police department for analyzing crime within
the City of Ocoee. The police department is requesting that the I lonorable Mayor and Commissioners
waive the bid process as required in the City of Ocoee's purchasing manual and allow the police
department to purchase the Crime View crime analysis software from the Omega Group as a sole
vendor of this software.
C. Approval and Authorization of the Beltway Mitigation Project. (City Attorney
This agreement is for the purchase of 52.5 acres of property within the Crown Point Conservation
Area. The property appraised at S46,000.00. The Bucks have agreed to sell their property to the City
of Ocoee for its appraised value. The purchase agreement is subject to a survey,the conveyance of
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 16, 2002
clear title,and an environmental assessment. The closing date provided for in the agreement is ninety
days Mier the SJRWMD approval date or fourteen days after written notice from the City that it is
prepared to close.
E. Approval of Revised Job Description Resolution No. 2002-10. (Human
Resources Director Diedrich)
This is a revised job description for the position of Building and Zoning Official. The changes include
updates to the description based on revisions to State laws,the City's organization and internal
relationships. The changes are recommended so the City may become more competitive in its
recruitment of qualified candidates and will require changing the pay grade from Grade 23 to Grade
G. Approval and Authorization for the Capital Purchase of$1,678.00 for Electronic
Monitoring Equipment and Installation. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
In order to meet Fire Standard Requirements,NFPA-13 electronic monitoring equipment will need to
be purchased and installed in the Materials Storage Building located at the Wastewater Facility.
Funding is to be provided from the Wastewater Operating fund.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Resolution 2001-10, Revised Job Description.
(Item III E).
Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commission Parker. moved to annrove items B. C. E.
and G of the Consent agenda Motion caniecLS-O,
This item JJJ A. was pulled by Mayor Vandergrift for separate consideration.
Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission:Regular Meeting of June 18,
2022. (City Clerk Grafton)
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the information he had requested regarding Police Chief Mark as
stated in the June Minutes was available yet. City Manager Gleason stated he would have it for
him the following day.
avor Vandererift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the minutes a
presented. Motion carried 5-0,
This item III D. was pulled by Commissioner Anderson for separate consideration.
Approval of a Third Twelve-Month Extension to the Special Exception for Saturn of Ocoee
Case# 1-1SE-99. (Director of Planning Wagner)
The subject property is located0n the south side of SR 50,just west of Good Homes Road,across from Good
Homes Plaza. The property is currently undeveloped and is occupied by an old orange grove. The original Special
Exception for this use was approved by the City Commission on July 20, 1999. The site plan for the proposed
Saturn of Ocoee dealership has been approved,but permits for construction have not yet been obtained.
Director of Planning Wagner responded to questions from the Commission. Mr.Jack
Hawkins, Representative from the Engineering firm of Kelly Collings and Gentry, explained the
reason Saturn needed an additional extension and answered questions from the Commission. A
brief discussion followed with City Attorney Rosenthal clarifying the issue regarding lighting.
Mayor V andererift sewn le i by Commissioner Parker moved to annrove the Twelve Month
Extension to the Special Exception with the provision that mike future Saturn of Ocoee apply
for an extension 60 days prior to the expiration of the current extension Motion carried 5-0
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 16, 2002
This item 111 F. was pulled by Commissioner Anderson for separate consideration.
Approval and Authorization for Expenditure in the Amount of$87,572.00 from the 1997
Utility Bond Issue for Ocoee/Apopka/Winter Garden Reclaimed Water Agreement. (City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
This design agreement is one that the City of Ocoee agreed to participate in by virtue of City Commission approval
of the Ocoee/Apopka/Winter Garden Interlocal Agreement on April 16,2002. At that time it was anticipated the
design service could cost approximately$370,000.00,and the agreement called for that cost to be split equally
among the parties with each paying approximately$123,000.00. Based on Boyle's proposed fee of$262,715.00,
Ocoee's share will be approximately$87,572.00. In accordance with the Interlocal Agreement,as progress payment
applications arc received by Apopka from Boyle,Apopka will request review by both Ocoee and Winter Garden
prior to payment.
Commissioner Anderson indicated he would like to consider doing something different, but the
person he had spoken with was not able to attend the meeting and requested this item be tabled
until the next meeting.
Without objection this item was continued to the August 6, 2002, Commission meeting.
There were no citizen comments at this time.
Commissioner Parker
1. Announced the Health Central Foundation would be holding a drawing for a trip to London,
England at the September 21,2002, Gala. She said all proceeds from the ticket sales would go to
the School Nurse Program. She said the tickets were priced at one ticket for $10.00, three for
S20.00, and eight for $50.00 and the flight would be business class.
2. She asked about the people that have been standing at White Road and Clarke and said it is
the most dangerous intersection in Ocoee. She caution everyone about the people who stand in
the intersections and ask for money as well as the people who stand in front of businesses and
ask you to sign petitions. She said please be careful who you give your money to and make sure
you know what you are signing your name on is something you agree with. She said don't be
afraid to ask questions and get identification. Mayor Vandergrift stated the people in the
intersection at Clarke and White Roads were from the Tampa Christian Church and had
permission to be there for four weeks.
Commissioner Johnson No comment at this time.
Commissioner Anderson
1. Stated he had a lot of viruses on his computer when he returned home. He asked IS Manger
Ross to tell everyone what to do to combat the virus and where it came from. Mr.Ross
explained where the virus came from and how it affects your computer. He said the virus was
not coming from within the City, but from a computer outside the City's control. He said it is
someone who has close contact with the City, perhaps someone who has been on a board. Mr.
Ross said about the only way to stop the virus is to create a new e-mail address or get a good
anti-virus program. He mentioned an organization called AVERT (Anti Virus Emergency
Response Team) and said they had written a free program that would clean up the virus. He said
most anti-virus providers have a link to it.
2. Introduced his father, Art Anderson, who was here visiting.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 16, 2002
Commissioner Howell No comment at this time.
Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2002-18,Redistricting. (City Attorney Rosenthal)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the proposed ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift
acknowledged Martha Lopez-Anderson, Chairperson of the Redistricting Committee and
Beverly Willis of the Orange County Supervisor of Elections office and thanked them for all
their hard work. City Clerk Grafton gave a report and reviewed on a map the proposed changes
that had been made to the districts
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Mayor Vandertrift seconded by Commissioner Andersoq,-rnoved tooadopt Ordinance
Number 2002-18 Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution No.2002-11, Vacation of an Ingress-Egress Easement on Lot 18 Sawmill Phase
I. (Principal Transportation Planner Foltz)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the proposed ordinance. Principal
Transportation Planner Foltz gave the staff report, advising the subject property is a platted
ingress-egress easement to Tract"G" generally described as all but the westerly 100 feet of Lot
18 Sawmill Phase I. The applicant, Dorothy Johnson, is proposing the vacation of this easement
so as to enjoy full usage of the subject property. Notices of the application were mailed to all
utility providers and there were no objections to the proposed vacation. The application was also
forwarded to the City's Department Directors for comments and objections. Property owners
within 300 feet of the road right-of-way were also mailed a notification of this public hearing and
an advertisement appeared in the July 4, 2002, Orlando Sentinel. This easement affects the
eastern two-thirds of the applicant's propeity and is not necessary for access to the City's Tract
"G", since access is available directly from Timber Trail. Commissioner Parker stated she had
spoken with the Sawmill Home Owners Association (HOA) and they had no objections.
Commissioner Parkgp'seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to annrove Resolution
Number 2002-11. Motion carried 4-0, Commissioner Johnson was away from the dais.
Wal-Mart Supercenter. (Director of Planning Wagner)
Amendment to the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan. (With respect to Master Signage
Plan and Setback Provisions.)
Director of Planning Wagner gave the staff report, reviewing the restrictions, which include
specific provisions related to front setbacks (100 foot maximum on out-parcels) and signage (100
sq. ft. maximum on out-parcels). He said these were part of a comprehensive, negotiated
package wherein Wal-Mart was granted various waivers within their project. Mr. Wagner
stated the City Commission previously granted a waiver from the 100-foot maximum front
setback requirement for Lot 3 of the Wal-Mart Supercenter; however, no one at that time realized
that this limitation was called out in the subject development documents. It was only when
research was done on the request for a sign waiver on the adjoining lot (Lay-Z-Boy) that it was
discovered that development restrictions were in place that would have to be legally modified.
Attorney Scott Glass, of Shutes and Bowen, and Developer Matt Falconer spoke briefly about
the Master Signage Plan being too restrictive when it has to be divided between multiple tenants.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 16, 2002
Mayor Pro tern Anderson opened the public hearing.
R. P. Monackey, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., inquired as to whether the actual size of the sign on
the building or free standing had been clarified.
Mr. Glass responded to the question.
Mr. Wagner, Mr. Glass, and Mr. Falconer all responded to questions from the Commission.
The public hearing was closed.
There was a brief discussion with City Attorney Rosenthal addressing the concerns expressed
by the Commission.
Commissioner Parker seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the agreement
for modification of conditions of approval for Preliminary and+Fina5ubdivision Plans between
Wal-Mart Stores East Inc. and the Ci _f E uities LLC or another entity
controlled by Matthew Falconer acquiring title with resnect to the maximum nildin;effipq s
and authorize execution thereof by She Mayor and Citv Clerk. Motion carried 5-0.
nmmissioner Parker seconded by Commissioner oho on moved to aoprov th agreement
for modification of Wal-Mart Master Signaee Plan hetween.Wal-Mart Stores East Inc. and the
y of Ocoee subject to Ocoee E uc)�-ities_LLC or another entity controlled by Matthew Falconer
acquiring title with respect m the er Signaee'Plan and authorize execution thereo_f__by the
Mayor and Citv Clerk Motion carried 5 0
Amendment to the Plat of Wal-Mart at Ocoee(with respect to building setbacks for Lot 3.)
First Amendment to Development Agreement with Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc.
City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the two following items could be handled as one since
they were not public hearings.
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Parker move t< aonrove the agreement
fsLmodification of Plat note on Plat of Wal-Mart at Ocoee Subdivision and approve the Fir t
Amendment to the Development Agreement all between Wal-Mart Stores East Inc and the City
of Ocoee.subject to Ocoee Eduities LLC or another entity controlled by Matthew Falconer
acquiring title to Lot 3 Motion carried 5-0
This item VII I was taken out of order as requested by Mayor Vandergrift.
Report on Use of Sam R. Scott Building by American Legion Post 109. (City Manager
City Manager Gleason presented a report on the estimated cost of the needed building repairs in
order to bring the building up to Code. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the American Legion
representatives had been given a copy of the report. Mr. Wheeler stated he had just completed
the report prior to the meeting.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 16, 2002
Without objection this item was tabled until a meeting between members of the American Legion
and Assistant City Engineer Wheeler could be scheduled.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 2002-19, Revisions to Miscellaneous Water Utility Fees.
(City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) Second Reading and Public Hearing August 6, 2002,
7:15 p.m.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance Number 2002-19. Mayor
Vandergrift announced the second reading and Public Hearing date.
Set Tentative Millage Rate. (Finance Director Horton)
City Manager Gleason presented the report regarding the millage rate and TRIM rate.
He recommended the Commission retain the current millage rate due to the fact that once it is set
you cannot raise the rate, but it could be lowered.
Commiscioner.Inhmm� ceconded by Commiscioner Parker moved to set the millagc rate at
the current rate of 4.6564_ Motion carried 3-1. Mayor Vandergrift voted no. Commissioner
Howell was away from the dais.
Recess 8:55 p.m.—9:10 p.m.
Select Budget Workshop Dates. (Finance Director Horton)
City Manager Gleason presented the tentative dates suggested for the Budget workshops and
public hearings. Commissioner Anderson had a conflicting schedule. The dates decided on
would require the Citizen's Police Academy to hold its Monday classes elsewhere for the two
dates in September. City Manager Gleason stated he would get with the Police Department and
with Recreation Director Farmer to work out an alternative site for the Citizen's Academy to
Without objection Budget...Workshops were scheduled for August 21" and 22w and the Budget
Public Hearings were scheduled for the September 9th and 23rd. These were to be confirmed by
Finance Director Horton the following day.
Approval of Resolution No. 2002-12 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a
Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement with FDOT. (City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the proposed Resolution.
Commissioner Johnson ceconded Jzy JAIliarift.moved to adopt Resolution Number
2002-12 Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement with FDOT. Motion carried
Adoption of Resolution No. 2002-13 Adoption of Local Mitigation Strategy. (Assistant Fire
Chief Firstner)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the proposed Resolution.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 16, 2002
Mayor Vandergrift stated he would like a lot of PR on this to let everyone know the City of
Ocoee is cooperating fully in this process.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson to a_doot Resolution Number
2002-13 Adoption of Local Mitigation Strategy, Motion carried 5-0.
Contract for Sale and Purchase with Helen J. Crittenden (property at 28 E. McKey Street)
Appraisal Contingency. (City Attorney Rosenthal/City Manager Gleason)
City Attorney Rosenthal gave a report on the appraisal the City had received in relationship to
the appraisal the property owner had submitted. He apprised the.Commission of the options that
were available for them to pursue. A brief discussion ensued.
Without objection staff was directed to explore other options and bring a report at the August 6,
2002, City Commission meeting. There was a consensus to allow the City Attorney to terminate
the contract in the event there was a time frame issue.:
Transfer of Deed to City With Reverter Clause on:71° Avenue. (City Manager Gleason/City
Attorney Rosenthal)
City Manager Gleason stated he had met with Mr. Nutt several times and that not much
headway had been made. He said Mr. Nutt wanted the City to be bound by whatever SJWMD
permitting would be on their land. Mr. Gleason said based on a preliminary review by the City
Engineer and City Planner there are some real concerns involving drainage and how it could
affect the neighborhood across the road.. He said the City has made several different proposals,
but Mr. Nutt has not been agreeable to any of them. City Attorney Rosenthal addressed the
issue. There was a lengthy discussion
Without objection no action is to be taken to allow the issue to run through the process.
Appointment to Boards. Mayor Vandergrift/City Clerk Grafton
Metropolitan Transportation Citizens'rAdvisory Board. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Without objection Milton West was appointed to the Metropolitan Transportation Board to
complete the term vacated by Joanne Jenson's resignation. Terms ends April 2006.
Orange County Public School Task Force. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Without objection Dennis Chen was appointed to the Orange County Public School Task Force.
Term limits are to be established in a future meeting of the Task Force..
Code Enforcement 3 Year Term
Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Anderson move to anooint Lee Ann
Stanley as alternate completinQMr Henderson's term endLug September 2004, and move First
Alternate Bill Henderson uo as a full member to com r Solomon's term ending June
2003. Motion carried 5-0.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 16, 2002
Discussion Education Commission
Mayor Vandergrift asked that this item be tabled until the next meeting, as the Chairman of the
Education Commission could not be present. City Manager Gleason pointed out the
membership had fallen to only five members and that it was a poor use of staff time to go to
meetings when there was not a quorum present.
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to cancel the August
meeting of the Education Commission because the membership had fallen below the number
required for a quorum. Motion carried 4-1. Mayor Vandergrift voted no.
City Manager Gleason gave a report on a request he had received from the Reconciliation Task
Force regarding a one-acre parcel of land that has been identified as historically significant as an
Afro American cemetery. The task force is requesting the City consider annexing this parcel into
the City possibly to be used as a memorial. The parcel of land is located in the Chinaberry area.
Without objection staff was directed to explore the possibility the process, the cost, and report
back to the Commission.
Commissioner Howell No comment at this time.
Commissioner Anderson read an e-mail announcing a CPR class to be held Saturday July 20
and Sunday July 21 at 9:00 a.m. by the Ocoee Fire Department to certify the Bulldogs and
Coaches in CPR.
Commissioner Johnson
1. Inquired about the progress of the lights around the lakefront and suggested there be a pavilion
or amphitheater on the lakefront for future use at the Founder's Day event.
2. He said he had received several complaints about large signs at some businesses on Capitol
Court. City Manager Gleason said he would have Code Enforcement check it out.
Commissioner Parker said she had taken a course through the National League of Cities (NLC)
called Policy Government. She said it was about a way to make things run smoothly and
recommended anyone going to a NLC conference take the course.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Said he had attended the annual Lake Watch BBQ and he presented a report compiled by the
University of Florida to the City Manager about condition of the lakes.
2. Announced the Ocoee Little League District 14 eleven-year-old All Stars played Windermere
on Thursday night and beat them 3/2.
3. He asked what the procedure was for responding to e-mails from "E Better Place". He said he
could not find the senders e-mail address to respond. IS Manager Ross responded to his
questions and said he had a tip sheet he could provide to them to make it easier.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 16, 2002
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Sally Whitford,Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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Agenda 8-06-2002
�, ,1 -� Item III A
HELD JUNE 13, 2002
Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also present
were City Manager Gleason (arrived 6:46 p.m.), Community Relations/Projects Director Shira,
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Recreation Director
Fanner, and Administrative Assistant II Maxwell
ABSENT: Commissioner Howell
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shin began the Work Session with a Power Point presentation
regarding the operations of the Utilities Department. Mr. Shin gave a detailed overview of the
day-to-day operations and the duties assigned to each employee.
Commissioner Parker left the work session at 6:99 p.m.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shin began the second portion of the work session by
presenting maps exhibiting Ocoee's water system, wastewater system, and reuse master plan. Mr.
Shira gave a detailed overview of the status of the water, wastewater, and reclaimed water
system and what the future needs of Ocoee are.
Mr. Shira stated the following water system improvements are needed:
1. Peach Lake Manor, Unit Four: approximately 6,000 feet of new water mains installed for fire
protection and the water meters moved to the front of the property.
2. Peach Lake Manor, Unit Three: approximately 2,000 feet of new water mains installed for fire
protection and the water meters moved to the front of the property.
3. Lake View Subdivision: new water mains installed for fire protection.
Mr. Shira further stated in the northwest area, which is approximately 1,400 acres, the water line
improvements that are needed will cost approximately $975,000.00 and most of this area can be
developer built as development occurs.
Mr. Shin stated the current Consumptive Use Permit does not expire until 2006, but SJWMD
notified the City of Ocoee that the city has been and is still in violation of the allocated annual
withdrawal of water. Projected figures of future usage still put the city's water usage over the
allocated annual withdrawal amount by 153%. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding water rates
and usage. Another issue that needs to be dealt with is the decision to either spend the required
money to repair and upgrade the Jamela water plant's elevated storage tank and below-grade high
service pumps at a cost of approximately $800,000.00 or take the plant out of service and replace
the flow contribution with additional high service pumps at the Forest Oaks and South water
WASTEWATERMr. Shire stated there are approximately 3,750 customers scattered throughout the city that are
City Commission Work Session
June 13,2002
not connected to the sewer system. The cost of this sewer project will be approximately four
times the cost of new undeveloped areas. Roads, sidewalks, utilities, and landscaping will have to
be tom up and or worked around which adds to the cost of Stalling sewer. Examples were
given of two types of sewer systems and pros and cons for each system. A lengthy discussion
ensued regarding sewer needs.
Mr. Shin stated the City of Ocoee is flowing approximately 1.4 million gallons of water a day
through the wastewater plant. In May, Ocoee sent approximately.4 million gallons per day to the
golf course and .6 million gallons per day to the ponds on site, which leaves .5 million gallons per
day in the reclaimed water system on Clarke Road, which totals 2.64 million gallons per day
anticipated demand along Clarke Road from Hwy 50 North. Mr. Shira pointed out that if the
ponds are not kept full they dry out and the vegetation rots and odor complaints start from the
surrounding areas The wastewater treatment plant capacity is 3 million gallons per day, the 2.64
does not include reclaimed water to the golf course and onsite ponds. If reclaimed water is
connected to the rest of the city, Ocoee would need an additional 20 million gallons per day
demand. In order to supply the demand it would take at least five new wells at a cost of
approximately $1.5 million, transmission lines would cost approximately $10 million, and
distribution lines would cost approximately $9 million. These figures are assuming that SJWMD
will issue a C.U.P. for 20 million gallons per day above and beyond what Ocoee is allowed to now
draw for an irrigation system.
Mr. Shira gave a detailed briefing on wet weather effluent storage needs and stated the City of
Ocoee should plan on 30 days of storage and approximately $1.1 million dollars for the land and
associated costs. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the wet weather effluent storage needs
and costs.
City Manager Gleason, Mayor Vandergrift and the Commissioners thanked Mr. Shira and Mr.
Wheeler for the information presented this evening.
The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Brenda Maxwell, Administrative Assistant II S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor