HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of August 6, 2002, and Budget Workshop August 7, 2002 DRAFT Agenda 8-20-2002
Item III A
Mayor Vandcrgrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers at City Hall. Commissioner Anderson led the prayer and Frances Watts led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell (arrived at 7:45 p.m.),
Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
Clerk Grafton, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shire. Human Resources Director Diedrich,
Planning Director Wagner, Acting Police Chief Goclon, and Recreation Director Farmer.
Florida Water, Wastewater, and Systems Operators Week—August 12-16, 2002, and
Butterfly Season-August through October,2002.
Mayor Vandergrift read the above proclamations into the record.
The Consent Agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, and E. City Manager Gleason advised item
C had been pulled and would he placed on a later agenda. Commissioner Anderson pulled item
E for discussion and Mayor Vandergrift pulled item D for discussion.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting
held July 16, 2002, and Minutes of the June 13,2002, City Commission Work
Session. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Documents
Between Ocoee/FDOT for Street Light Maintenance Agreement. (City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
This agreement provides for funding from FDOT to the City to help defray the cost of street light
operation and maintenance on several state highways within Ocoee's corporate limits. Florida
Power advised that the monthly rental, maintenance, and energy costs for standard streetlights
would be$6.89. Based on a per light cost of$6.89,the total cost for these 119 lights would he
$819,91,or an annual cost of$9,838.92. The proposed agreement would provide Ocoee with an
annual payment from FDOT in the amount of$4,462.50 for the fiscal year in which the agreement is
signed. This agreement will reduce by nearly half the$9,838 92 cost that is now funded entirely
from the general fund. Staff recommends and requests authorization for(I)the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute the Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement in the
agenda packet and (2)to direct the City Clerk to attach a certified copy of the minutes of this
meeting pertaining to this subject to the Agreement prior to submittal of both to FDOT.
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner..Iohnson, moved to approve items A
and B of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Rowell was not
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting D R R F 7
August 6, 2002
C. Approval and Authorization for Expenditure in the Amount of$87,572.00 from
the 1997 Utility Bond Issue for Ocoee/Apopka/Winter Garden Reclaimed Water
Agreement. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) Continued from July 16,
2002, meeting.
This design agreement is one in which the City of Ocoee agreed to participate in the Ocoee/Apopka"
Winter Garden Interlocal Agreement approved on April 16.2002. At that time it was anticipated the
design service could cost approximately$370,000.00,and the agreement called for that cost to be split
equally among the parties with each paying approximately$123,000.00. Based on Boyle
Engineering's proposed fee of$262,715.00, submitted to the City of Apopka,Ocoee's share will be
This item III. D. was pulled by Mayor Vandergrift for separate consideration.
D. Approval and Authorization to Award Purchase Order for Paving to Orlando
Paving Company for the Paving of Prima Vista Subdivision. (Acting Public
Works Director Wheeler)
This is a request to piggyback with Seminole County's ongoing yearly paving contract. In that
contract, IIA/B-378-99/GG,with Orlando Paving Company(OPC), OPC's cost to perform the work is
$75,111.00. The City Commission allotted a portion of their discretionary contingency to pay for the
paving of the Prima Vista subdivision not to exceed$85,000.00. Finance has stated there is
approximately$52,000.00 remaining in this contingency account. However,there is approximately
$30,000.00 remaining under the Street Maintenance Department accounts for Road Repairs, Paving
and Drainage Improvements,and Electric Expense, which could cover the difference between the
funds remaining in the discretionary contingency and the cost estimate to be used for the Purchase
Mayor Vandergrift asked staff to be sure Lakewood Avenue is included in the paving project.
After further discussion, Commissioner Johnson stated he would prefer to do the project and
then see about including Lakewood Avenue, and if unable to include it,then schedule it at the
beginning of the next fiscal year.
Commissioner Anderson.seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to approve item D der
staff recommendation o - (11 approve the piggybacking to the Seminole County Contract
#A/11-378-99/GG to execute a Purchase Order with Orlando Paving Company in the amount not-
to-exceed $75.El 1 00- (21 to fund the nrolect by encumbering $50,000 00 from the Commission
Discretionary Contingency account with the remainder, $25,11 1 00,to he transferred from a
combination of the Street Maintenance Department accounts for Road Repairs. Paving and
Drama Improvements and Electric Expense accounts to cover the difference, and (3) at the
time Orlando Paving is ready .o perform the work the decisinn.. emad by the City Manager to
possibly change orde thaving of Lakewood Avenues should funds not be available from
the Street.Maintenance Department accounts for Road Repairs, Paving and Drainage
Improvements, and Electric Expense_accuunts. Motion carried 3-1 with Mayor Vandergrifl
voting no. Commissioner Howell was not present.
This item III. E. was pulled by Commissioner Anderson for separate consideration.
E. Approval and Authorization to Joint Venture with Orange County Public
Schools on the South Lakeshore Drive Drainage Improvements. (Acting
Public Works Director Wheeler)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting D R Gti JF- 4
August 6, 2002
The proposed improvements include collecting the runoff from the dirt road and routing it to the
Middle School pond,the installation of structures and piping to collect the Middle School pond
overflow and conveying it directly to Starke Lake as opposed to allowing it to run down Lakeshore
Drive. Gibbs&Register is willing to change order the work in the amount of$33 488.67 into its
existing and still open contract. Their proposal to perform the work is$33,488.67. OCRS and
Ocoee staffs are proposing to split the construction cost 50/50 with Ocoee taking care of the
surveying, legal,and easement costs and OCPS taking care of the design and permitting costs. The
City's share of the project including surveying, legal, easement cost,and one half of
construction costs should not exceed$20,000.00. There is approximately$1 14,000.00 remaining in
the Stormwater Contingency Account under Stormwater Utility Engineering and Inspections,of
which a portion can be used for this project. Staff will be bringing the change order for approval
and the final dollar figures to the Commission when the project is ready to go to construction.
Commissioner Anderson expressed his concerns regarding whose responsibility this should he
and Acting Public Works Director Wheeler responded to questions, advising both the Orange
County Public Schools and the City of Ocoee had a drainage problem in that area and the cost of
the remedy could be shared.
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to annrovc item P per
staff recommendation; i.e. approve the drainage improvements and authorize staff to proceed
with finalizing the easement procurement design permitting and change order negotiation to he
brought back to the._CByliC�mmissiwn for Final approval at a future date; also that funds be
encumbered from the Stormwater Contingency Account under Stormwater Utility Engineering
and Inspections to nay for this project Motion carried 3-I with Ma tor Vandergrift voting.
Commissioner Howell was not present.
Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, asked if the water restrictions still were in effect, as
she had not heard any reports lately. She also asked wiry there was not a senior advisor
available to answer questions for seniors in the city. Mr. Gleason responded to both questions:
the restrictions were still on and he would provide her with a telephone number for Senior
Resource Alliance.
Mayor Vandergrift congratulated (1) City Clerk Jean Grafton for achieving her certification as
municipal clerk, (2) the Ocoee Little League/Big League All Stars for winning the regional
championship, and (3) Finance Supervisor Donald Carter for passing his CPA exam.
Ordinance No. 2002-19 Relating to Certain Fees and Charges in Connection with the
Provision of Water and Sewer Service. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. City Engineer/Utilities Director
Shira gave the staff report, advising this Ordinance repeals the existing fees as currently listed in
various parts of the City Code and provides that new rates will be adopted by resolution, which
would be the next item under consideration on this agenda. This staff report will serve both
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting August 6, 2002 DEAF
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Johnson,seeon.ed b Commissioner Parker moved to adopt Ordinance No.
2002-19 as presented. Motion carried 3-2 with Anderson and IIowell voting no.
Resolution 2002-14 Adopting the Fees in Connection with the Provision of Water and
Sewer Service. (City Attorney Rosenthal) NOT A PUBLIC HEARING.
Commissioner Anderson se.onded by CommissionerJohnon, moved to adopt as presented
Resolution No. 2002-14 establlshine the fees in connection with the provision of water and
sewer service. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Howell voting no.
This Item H was moved for discussion before item A.
Discussion re City's Roll in Opening 7" Avenue. (City Attorney Rosenthal)
City Manager Gleason reported the County had been in negotiations with neighbors of the
Gordon Nutt property and had made arrangements to put in a crushed path for school children to
use to walk to Thornebrooke Elementary School, and that should be completed in time for the
first day of school, August 12. Commissioner Johnson suggested using a commercial bus to
pick up the Ocoee children until the sidewalk issue is resolved, and asked Mr. Gleason to
research the cost and feasibility. Mr. Shira said it was possible to put a four-foot sidewalk in
(which would be below Ocoee's code), but due to the wetlands area it might have to come right
up against the pavement of Maguire Road, which was not desirable. There was further
discussion and staff was directed to research the different options and be prepared. City
Attorney Rosenthal described the history of the issue and outlined the timeline for a quick-take
of the road right-of-way should that become necessary.
Mrs. Debbie Hicrs, 602 Darkwood Avenue, and Mrs. Donna Sheridan, 416 Winding Hollow
Avenue, both parents of children attending Thornebrooke, asked what will be done.
Commissioner Johnson advised them both to attend the Orange County Commission and the
Orange County School Board meetings as this Commission has no control over the School
Discussion re: Hiring and Training of 5 New Crossing Guards. (Acting Police Chief
Acting Police Chief Goclon said he may need only 3 new crossing guards as a result of the 7°i
Avenue situation.
MavorVandererift seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to authorize the hiring of 3
to 5,guards depending on need. Motion carried 54),
Discussion re: Authorization to Participate in the Honda Aquatrax "Law Loaner"
Program. (Acting Police Chief Goclon)
Acting Police Chief Goclon gave the staff report and added if this is approved a trailer would be
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 6,2002
Mayor Vandergrift seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to eo forward with this and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents upon approval of the
City Attorney Motion carried 5-0.
RECESS 8:34 P.M.—8:45 P.M.
Item VII. G. was taken out of agenda order here.
Discussion re: Abandoned Colored Cemetery. (City Attorney Rosenthal)
City Attorney Rosenthal explained this cemetery is located in an enclave adjacent to Forest
Ridge(old Chinaberry Subdivision) through which is an access route to the cemetery. As it is
contiguous to the City it would be possible to annex the parcel into the City if that should be the
wish of the Commission.
Reverend Jerry Girley, 1350 Vickers Lake, co-chair of the Reconciliation Task Force,
addressed the Commission, speaking in favor of annexing the cemetery.
There were questions raised regarding the use of the site as a memorial site, the care and keeping
of the grounds, and the cost involved.
Mayor Vandergrift asked Rev. Girley to return with a plan for the cemetery.
Rosemary Davis, Sawmill, reported the Education Commission had met August 5 without a
quorum and they were actively recruiting volunteers. She handed two applications (Debbie
Iliers and Donna Sheridan) to the Commission. She also asked that a way be established for the
public to contact the Education Commission. Commissioner Parker suggested an icon on the
City's web page.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Howell moved to appoint Debbie Hiers
and Donna Sheridan to serve on the Education Commission. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift read a message from Mike Pearlstein regarding rates charged for tree limb
trimming and he turned it over to City Manager Gleason for a response from staff
Selection of Street Lights for Lakeshore Dr., Hackney-Prairie Rd., and Economic Ct.
(City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira gave the staff report,explained the options available,
and asked for authorization to transfer the appropriate amount from General Fund Contingency
account#001-516-00-4900 to fund the initial costs of the selected options.
The options were:
Lakeshore Drive—21 lights
Option #1 — 175 watt "Sanibel" fixtures on 22 loot tall pole - $4,462.71 initial cost,
$725.13 monthly cost($8,701.56 annually).
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trOcoee City Commission Regular Meeting '--* LRl A ��
August 6, 2002
Option #2— 100 watt"Flagler" fixture on 16 foot tall pole- $5,294.88 initial cost,
$738.15 monthly cost($8,857.80 annually).
Option #3 —100 watt"Ocala" fixture on 16 foot tall pole- $6,189.48 initial cost, $569.10
monthly cost ($6,829.20 annually).
Hackney Prairie Road— 13 lights—250 watt"cobra-head" fixtures on 35 foot tall poles-
$6,918.31 initial cost, $211.46 monthly cost($2,537.52 annually). Proceed? Yes or no.
Economic Court-- 2 lights
Option #1 —250 watt "cobra-head" fixture on 35 foot tall pole with overhead wiring -
$387.24 initial cost, $25.22 monthly cost($302.64 annually).
Option #2-250 watt "shoebox" fixture on 35 foot tall pole with underground wiring -
$295.96 initial cost, $63.30 monthly cost ($759.60 annually).
CornmissionwrAn_dersmn,_seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to proceed with the
three projects as follows: (1) Lakeshore Drive—Option 3, (2) Economic Court with the optic
Red Roof Inn prefers (3 Road— and (41 authorize the transfer of funds
from General Fund Contingency account#001-516-00-4900.to fund the initial costs of the
selected options. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution No. 2002-15 Development Review Fees. (Director of Planning Wagner)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution. Planning Director Wagner
gave the staff report and responded to questions, explaining this resolution is based on an
analysis of actual costs associated with the review of various development applications.
Commissioner Howell seconded b ° Commissioner Anderson,moved to adopt Resolution No.
2002-15 updating Development Review Fees and the methods by which they are chareed as
presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Cancellation of the First Meeting in September. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Commissioner Johnsen seamded by (_'Omm•ssionvrAndcrsln. moved to cancel the
September 3 meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Board Appointments to Planning & Zoning Commission. (City Clerk Grafton)
Mr. Golden's and Mrs. Riffe's terms end September 2002.
Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved to reappoint Mr.
Golden and Mrs. Riffs for a ncwJhrczycar lcrm_to cnd September 2005. Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Gleason said two meetings ago Mayor Vandergrift had asked for a report on the
separation agreements reached with Human Resources Director Psaledakis and Police Chief
Mark. He reported Mrs. Psaledakis had called to advise she had a telephone conversation this
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting DRAFT
August 6, 2002
week with the Mayor with Lester Dahbs present in the room, and the documents regarding Chief
Mark's separation had been provided several weeks ago.
Commissioner Parker thanked all those who worked at the Business Expo August 3.
Commissioner Johnson
I) Gave an e-mail he had received regarding striping Old Winter Garden Road between
Professional Parkway and Blackwood Avenue to Mr. Gleason and Mr. Shira.
2) Asked if the workers on Maguire Road were moving faster. Mr. Shira responded they
3) Asked when the work on Professional Parkway would start. Mr. Shira responded it
depends somewhat on the right-of-way acquisition, but they hope to start the first of the
4) Said there were supposed to be 30 lights in the original proposal for Lakeshore Drive and
there were only 21 in (unable to transcribe) and he asked for approval for an additional 9
lights (about$2100). Without objection the additional 9 lights were approved.
there was discussion about striping/resurfacing Old Winter Garden Road. Mr. Shira said he
would get with Mr. Wheeler to see what could he done for about six months.
Commissioner Anderson said he had received a request from Pat Bond to have the community
involved in the placing of the lights along Lakeshore Drive. Mr. Shira said there was a map in
his office showing the locations.
Commissioner Howell said the Public Works building is in very bad shape. Mr. Gleason said
he would get with Mr. Wheeler to work out repairs.
Mayor Vandergrift asked, for the record, who had authorized Mr. Gleason to negotiate a
contract with Chief Mark for over$70,000. Mr. Rosenthal advised he had been asked by the
Human Resources Director and Labor Attorney whether this should come before Commission
for authorization and, based on his understanding that this agreement was being funded without
any additional budgetary requirements and within the line item funds available within the Police
Department budget, he had advised, if that was the case, that was within the administrative
authority of the City Manager and did not require City Commission approval. Mayor
Vandergrift asked for a written report. Mr. Gleason said the information was in the budget
book and it was not a contract. Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. Rosenthal to read the document
and render an opinion, which he agreed to do.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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DRAFT Itemdiirr4 02
Mayor pro tern Anderson called the Budget Work Session to order at 7:05 p.m. in the
Commission Chambers at City Hall, and asked City Manager Gleason to present the budget.
PRESENT: Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Parker, and Johnson. Also present were City
Manager Gleason, City Clerk Grafton, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter,
Budget Analyst Brosonski, Accountant Bishop, Human Resources Director Diedrich,
Building/Zoning Official Velie, Assistant Building/Zoning Official Washington, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Acting Public Works Director Wheeler, Planning Director
Wagner, Acting Police Chief Goclon, Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, Information
Systems Manager Ross, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Communications
Manager Ek-Collins, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Recreation Director
Farmer, Support Division Chief O'Neil, and Utilities Superintendent Holland.
ABSENT: Mayor Vandergrift (ill)
City Manager Gleason gave an overview of the budget process used this year and he
distributed two reports. The first showed the dollar variance between the previous budgets
and proposed budgets for each department, indicating the efforts being made by staff to tighten
the budget and add more fiscal responsibility to the process. He said 70% of the budget goes
for personnel, benefits, etc. and 12% is new money. The rest is pledged to bonds, loans,
leases, etc. The second report showed reserve tend balances for General Fund, Stormwater,
Water/Wastewater, and Solid Waste. Mr. Gleason pointed out the actual balances in General
Fund and Water/Wastewater Fund fall below the minimum recommended percentages for
reserves. He said the ideal goal would be to no longer pull from the reserves to make current
Mayor pro tern Anderson said historically this Commission has reviewed the budget hook
page by page, stopping when someone has a question. He asked that anyone in the audience
wishing to speak please not be redundant. The review of the book began at page 2-1 and
proceeded without comment that led to a change to page 4-3, where Mayor pro tem
Anderson said account number 347530 should include the Jim Beech Recreation Center with
Community Center Rental.
On page 4-8, item 8204 West Orange Chamber of Commerce, Mayor pro tem Anderson asked
that payment on this wait until the end of the year after all other obligations arc taken care of.
On page 4-15, Organizational Chart, Mayor pro tern Anderson noted with approval that Mr.
Ross becomes a director upon the approval of this budget.
City of Ocoee Budget Work Session D n A F U
August 7,2002
On page 4-24, Finance Department, Mayor pro tern Anderson said the Accountant and
Budget Analyst should he at the same pay grade, grade 14. Human Resources Director
Diedrich said she would support that change and they should be exempt (not eligible for
overtime pay).
On page 4-56, Janitorial, Mayor pro tern Anderson said next year to consider putting all of
the janitorial services here instead of separating out the Beech Recreation Center and the
Community Center.
On page 4-60, Law Enforcement, there was discussion about who should have the
responsibility of the street crossing guards.
On page 4-67, Fire Control, Mayor pro tem Anderson suggested the organizational chart
should show the Administrative Assistants reporting to the Assistant Fire Chief instead of the
Fire Chief. Chief Strosnider explained the procedures in their office and said he coordinates
the day to day work in the office.
On page 4-73, Protective Inspections, there was discussion regarding animal control.
Commissioner Parker said she would like for the City to provide the truck and equipment to
the County in exchange for service.
Oh page 4-103, Parks and Recreation, there was discussion regarding the addition of Assistant
Parks and Recreation Director and Aquatic Supervisor. Mr. Gleason and Mr. Farmer
responded to questions.
On page 4-112, Community Relations, Mayor pro tem Anderson said he wants Community
Relations to be not a department but rather under the City Manager department, and he wanted
a volunteer program similar to that at Health Central. Commissioner Johnson said he wanted
to see the TV operations moved over to Information Services.
On page 8-1, Personnel, Mayor pro tem Anderson expressed concern that the new IS director
would be properly prepared for the position. Mr. Gleason said if he had not thought the
move was right he would not have suggested it.
Mr. Gleason talked about the reserves, saying the time has come to hold down on spending.
He proposed moving Franchise Fees back into the General Fund and without objection was
directed to do this. He talked about incentive prices to encourage users to reduce water
consumption. Consensus was reached to look at fees and rates.
RECESS 8:17 P.M. - 8:25 Y.M.
On page 9-1, Personnel Additions/Reclassifications. Human Resources Director Diedrich
said Protective Inspections had been reorganized, eliminating some positions and reassigning
duties upward. She stressed that the changes had nothing to do with the job performance of
City of Ocoee Budget Work Session
August 7,2002
any of those presently in the positions that had been eliminated, but rather to realign for
effectiveness and efficiency.
Commissioner Howell stated for the record that he did not agree with this, as it appeared the
employees will be doing the same thing for less pay.
Commissioner Parker said some inequities were created a few years ago and this is to bring
them back into line. She reviewed some of the positions listed in the Florida League of Cities
survey, comparing the salaries with Ocoee's, and said it was time to correct the inequities.
Commissioner Johnson said the inequities were created when the job raises were done two
budget years ago.
Mrs. Diedrich described the salary reductions created by the transfers and asked for
authorization to adjust those salaries to where they would be if they had continued in the old
position with pay raises.
Mayor pro tern Anderson asked for the figures in writing.
Jim Fleming, 511 Orange Avenue, spoke briefly regarding the budget.
Recreation Director Farmer reviewed the changes in his department. Mayor pro tern
Anderson asked for a report showing the difference between paying YMCA versus having city
employees run the programs.
The Commission agreed that the August 8 budget work session would not be needed and the
requested reports would be provided at the Tentative Budget hearing on September 9, 2002.
The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk Scott Anderson, Mayor pro tem