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VII(D) Discussion Re: Use Of Beech Recreation Center By Ocoee Boxing Boosters To Host A Professional Wrestling Event July 20, 2002
• _�.;�. Agenda 6-18-2002 Item VII D "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT ®cove COMMISSIONERS O� s CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL O SCOTT ANDERSON 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE RUSTY JOHNSON 132 fa a. OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY J.PARKER O (407) 905-3100 CITY MANAGER 11l \�`ro JIM GLEASON FR of coop STAFF REPORT : Honorable Mayor City Commissioners F' (l i : Johnny Farmer, Recreation Director D. rE: June 10, 2002 Ocoee Boxing Booster's Fundraiser at the Beech Center BACKGROUND: The Ocoee Boxing Booster Club is requesting to utilize the Beech Recreation Center on Saturday, July 20, 2002 from 4:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. to host a professional wrestling event. The Ocoee Boxing Boosters will receive 20 percent commission of all ticket sales from this event, along with all concession revenues. The event will be conducted by South Eastern Championship Wrestling. The proceeds received by the Ocoee Boxing Boosters will assist the Boosters in helping to cover expenses to boxing tournaments they travel to on the weekends. DISCUSSION: Recreation Staff has reviewed the activities scheduled for July, 20, 2002 at the Beech Center, and this event would not interfere with any scheduled activities. Staff has met with the President of S.E.C.W., Bruce Wren, and he has sent the City a letter indicating they will provide the Ocoee Boxing Boosters with 20 percent commission of all ticket sales, along with all concession revenues. He will also provide the City with a copy of general liability insurance with the City listed as an additional insured for this event. The proceeds that will be received by the Ocoee Boxing Boosters will greatly enhance their abili to help finance the traveling to tournaments on the weekends for the boxers who wants to participate in these events. PoW1 Protect Ocoee's Water Resources 1_. "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT Ocoee COMMISSIONERS (d' CITY OF O C O EE DANNY HOWELL O SCOTT ANDERSON I 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE RUSTY JOHNSON Q I OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY J.PARKER O (407)905-3100 CITY MANAGER �F,tf `�‘��' JIM GLEASON Rq OF GOOD RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission support the Ocoee Boxing Booster's fundraiser at the Beech Center on July 20, 2002. Cc: Jim Gleason, City Manager Fran Diedrich, Human Resources Director Wanda Horton, Finance Director PoWF sources Protect Ocaee's Water Re :•05/03/2002 13:00 407523756111 • SECWRESTLING PAGE 01 SOUTH EASTERN CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING 1 T P.O. Box 660826 Orlando, FL 32868 S. 4 1 1 • • (407) 523-2674 � Website: www secw.com Www . w �o E-Mail: xxxsecwxxx©aol.com To: Ocoee Beech Center Re: Live Wrestling Event (July20,2002) for Ocoee Sexing Club The following is included in our live wrestling event: *Ocoee 8oxiig Flub rrfll'mettle 2056 pa eat ob• tickets sold -oi tie special vtestliig emit at tiete Feed Ceitet of July 20,2.002. Tie Ocoee Foxfig Club trill get 50Xi pa ceitet OR ally adtaitismeat fiat tiey leip get • Seecit To- SEC4estliig tecieites advatisemcat ariti out tie ieep ob- tie Ocoee ,oxiig Club, Mai S&3estliig vile teeeive all Money b-rom tiat advaismeat. S'EO6Wiestliftg will hovide tie folloviRg_ *Tisataice fro' tie out ON Jaly 20,2002 • Naits, tickets, glyas * CWttestiig iiig set up aid teat dove * Eutwice way set up aid teat dove * #Rg."ORRouacei, Pen-esees, Ck'cstllels, Maaagas; (Valets *6,8 vtestki*g ataicies b-v_atuciug tie top talent oR tie fidepeideit Citcaitt i)eladiog tag teams aid ciampioRsiip title Mateies * Live television tapiig off tie emit oa.July 20,2002, Pay by play aid Color Commentators. *SF_CcAliestliag vile Sell tixgside tickets at $i0.00 b-al eaci petsoa tiat buys a rlag.side ticket, 4e/, otter tU..kets Val he sold pi $8. 00 eaci peisoa, bids wider . vice he bree..Ocoee ho i.4g Club atilt provide eoases:sioa aid atilt receive all Koaeg made pox tie coasessioas. hegideat, Mace C)t%eR