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VII(F) Discussion Re: LA-Z-BOY Furniture Store Sign Waiver Request
Agenda 6-18-2002 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAyoltPRARINER S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT Ocoee CITY O F O C O E E COMMISSIONERS DANNY HOWELL ,., 4 • SCOTT ANDERSON ,j 't _ 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE RUSTY JOHNSON — • ti_. : I a OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY J.PARKER `./ 0 (407)905-3100 r° CITY MANAGER -' 0 JIM GLEASON • • Eq OF GOO° STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Thomas Grimms, AICP Senior Pla THRU: Russ Wagner, AICP, Planning Director DATE: June 10, 2002 SUBJECT: LA-Z-BOY Furniture Store Sign Waiver Request ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners grant a waiver to LA-Z-BOY Furniture Store for an additional sign on the east side of the building facing Blackwood Avenue. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located in the Wal-Mart commercial subdivision, on the south side of State Road 50 approximately 190 feet west of the intersection of State Road 50 and Blackwood Avenue. The subject property consists of 1.94 acres and is situated between a retention pond on the east side and a driveway entrance on the west side. APPICABLE CITY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: The applicant requests a waiver from Article VI, Section 6-14 C.5.d.(ii) City Code, Article II, Section 2-4 C. (158), and more particularly from the approved Wal-Mart Final Subdivision Plan which allows only 100 square feet total signage for each outparcel. DISCUSSION: The applicant wants to have a total of 210 square feet of signage on three sides of the building. The applicant states that the "property is basically a corner lot, and that property B with Lot 4 and right-of-way is an undevelopable retention pond tract with a decorative fountain." However, this property is not owned by LA-Z-BOY, but is a part of the Wal-Mart ownership. PQwT Prlltecl DcueE;s'tdater Resources i,_; City Commission Meeting June 18,2002 Page 2 Definition 158 in Article II of the City Code states that a "corner lot" is: "A lot located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets. . . ". The subject property obviously does not function as a corner lot according to the definition in the City Code, since it is not located adjoining Blackwood Avenue. In the proceedings leading up to the approval of the Wal-Mart Final Subdivision Plan, much effort was expended toward making the corner with the retention pond and the fountain very decorative in appearance with a natural setting. It should be noted that a large Wal-Mart sign was agreed to be permitted on this corner as a trade-off for the pond and fountain. To allow another sign adjacent to the corner lot would violate the intent of the approval which was to keep to a minimum the number and size of signs in the Wal- Mart commercial subdivision. The applicant has not offered any adjustments to the design of the subject property and has not demonstrated an offsetting public benefit relative to erecting an additional sign on the east side of the building. Signs totaling 210 square feet are out of character with the adjoining outparcels which have been limited to 100 square feet. The recently approved Ordinance 99-23 and succeeding revisions indicate the criteria that will be used by the City Commission in granting any waivers. They are: 1) part of an integrated and master planned development; 2) compatible with surrounding developments; 3) imposes no impacts on City infrastructure greater than that generated by other uses normally permitted in the underlying zoning district; and/or 4) provides an off-setting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission, at its sole discretion, may waive provisions within the Ocoee Land Development Code. However, Planning Staff finds no basis for granting the waiver, since the applicant did not demonstrate or offer any off-setting public benefit and the request is inconsistent with the prior approval that limits all outparcels in the Wal-Mart development to 100 square feet of signage. ATTACHMENTS: Sheet C-1 —Site layout plan for LAY-Z-BOY furniture store Sheet A-1 —Building Elevations for LAY-Z-BOY furniture store Wal-Mart Final Subdivision Plan Approved Signage Plan O:ICALEXANDERIALL_DATA\CAPDFILEIStaff Reports\SR02036.doc A .. �� a WAL*MART o• Y 4 ,- S ' SUPERcE'NTER B • • "� :.I::c:-._ ..', 4 ri:�•, -.1 .-ax., tie I I 17'-0"—200 S.F.(Primary) t 4'-0" 15'-0"—100 S.F.(Secondary) 4'-0" ; WAL-MART MONUMENT SIGNAGE e'; A.EFIS CAP TO BE PAINTED"CANBERRA"SW#2016 B.EFIS PILASTERS FLANKING THE SIGN TO BE LANDSCAPED CART CORRAL PAINTED"SOMBRERO"SW#2169 C.MONUMENT SIGN BASE TO CONSIST OF SPLIT-FACE CMU PAINTED"CANBERRA"SW#2016 A _ . o o A TIRE.&•CUBE v .. `;., PENS IL EXPRESS -yB SIGNAGE I TrvM 8 ENTRANCE '':• • - _ .f5=i- CD ~'I CdG :� '%.3� �:'N i�• ^3i O � [ CV ;n risi���r.,Igi .® � Yh:?5 ;'(k•a?�..;=r~FSx .;r i • N }....Ixr'„ zU'�::1E:..%tc.314.7.: "rigli*v .T_ii i7• > 4'-0" 9'-0"-36S.F. 4'-0" 4'-0" 9'-0"--36S.F. 4'-0" TLE MONUMENT SIGN STANDARD MONUMENT SIGNAGE FOR TLE TENANT TO BE VERIFIED/APPROVED BY WAL-MART OUTPARCEL DEVELOPMENT NIMINIIMI 0 1 4 8 12 100 SF.TOTAL SIGNAGE FOR EACH OUTPARCEL WAL*MART Supercenter spice Eil Raids Ocoee, FL 713f0D Rhea 20 ST.MA%IMUM ALLOWED PARAPET.WALL SNAIL EXCEED WIRIEST 75 SF.MA%ONM AUOAED: :;�is.',:,"+SIGN AREA,1M5 LOCATION PORTION OF.ROOFTOP�MOUNTED SIGN:AREA,THIS LOCATION': -'. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT(TAP.) M___ :, • _� li'm""mn'D _ _. • . � r. W ss dI dI� Is-r �-TT TC a Jr s-o i s-r zr_c t�':�•' s•-p•.' ;s•-c i ' 'Ie•,r r-IE/: .Ir,a �s•-c/ O 2-IY. r_y. U PARAPET WALL SHALL EXCEED HIGHEST 24-S.F.MA%IMUM ALLOWED - . UT Q PORTION OF ROOFTOP MOUNTED SIGN AREA,THIS LOCATION Z MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT(TOP.) " p/ t / rc , Q Ill J J • 1 q • • Q. 1 • _.I - 8. A�J® ® V 1TUWRrFYOFF3--MMLL In11S0'— - ni e; as 0 0 Ez • 6 2 g. wA • o - ^q 21 ov PARAPET WALL SHALL EXCEED MCHEST S m-8 ))) PORTION OF ROOFTOP MOUNIEO D T ( MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT(TAP.) TA t I! 1 l F— ' 4 I �i. 1 —_ r I ` a ` - R.P. r _-_ O - 1 CnNm q M.C. RATE 3-11-02 -- I ' -`� SCALE JCp RR N 210-07 OT REPRODUCTION O UNLESS CONTAINING SEAL AS SHEET NO: VCR ICHAPTCR SIGNATURE FLORIDAE ADu NISTRATVERCODE R,uITONEu ooW E. 348011.STATE OF FLORIDA ogre A-1 -_ - , SP A-I MEET! --- - 1 4" SEW/DATE OY s. PROPOSED GPsm 8-418-CONCRETE oN CURB Mr)(SEE OCT.-) Es P(R Ott RR.P•}oz • LAKE BONNET C CENT,IR -PLAT BOOK�15,!r el �J 7 L 0. 71�J i a °p°„°• ;�r; p�En ENCLOSURE(SEE DETAIL) WL1❑DEN POWER - E D MOH WOODEN.POWER • POLE WITH ELECTRIC CONNECT DtOT PROPosED ASPHALT PAVEMENT(TIP)(SEE DETAIL) RISER 1 TO EIDsnNO SIUEHAB, SED CURB 8. POLL VITH ELECTRIC I MP(SEE DETAIL PEDEST IN CROSSING BURIED TELEc1 RIS.rI3 CABLE TV B135059 SIGNAL LIGHT ////,,II - - - - - B132954 - POLE_ IF IIEl PROP SDEw)/ csEE OErNu Fij�R OPTIC Hf15952 lea- - •__ _� ° (TTP)(SEE(ETEZ A-FeM-'i I uGG--OHW-',- -----=-'7THW==-==-ubF JHW-=--UGC-=❑HW =--UGC OHW UGC�OI-IiJ--•----UGC{]FIW---•-r� --< -)T �I' ,0. cONNSO i E ,INO I..IIE B __ U--[- U(G-=- --UGG UGG= UGC, UGLi-----UGG--- {1GCr l -UGCI,[lf EV.V.= illlliE'-- 4` PVC ,_. OpT -,S)(SEE DETAIL) - 'I 4 PVC x -11�• PRoposcG GUTTERND ./s WAGE OUL GUTTER(SEE DETAIL) o y r EV.= 11G.SGAS LINE MONa 2/STRj_bRAP i`kcALe GAS LINE.. WATER r•IAli3 3 1- f�>< _ GSS_W,A B API G — fin wr wrn. wna— , v✓ti wr t-- wrn -war—- �ry B R N �� "'^ RTFO -2 FORCE. MAIN • .WATER MAIN '' —FFI ,S. SIDEWALK(.o BE p NITTEO..NO ONSTNUO,EO OTHERS) W 1 - .DLiEj PAvrtkENL------Foa .Fn1 -r-ne L"�-==_--�' '-°— /'. \� __ _-}t� - - - - - - ,. p o OSEO SCREEN WALL/FENCE(SE ARCH.PLANS)On' O y :,1 LLD L1M11 �i', "�� Vac"'TRAFFIC LIGHT p PAVERS(SEE ARCH.pLwNS) GA.. VALVE 3 - ,D PROPOSED DOLLAR SIGN '- WOODEN POWER ./ CONTROL BOX DS(Tw>(SEE DETNL U .`c / PAVEMENT(SEE DETAIL.) 0 ---- STRIPING (TY�J 4' PVC -- -..- +DJ3L-Ek1-I-T+h-51f7'--- ---• _ 20. PROPOSED coNCRETE 31. PROPOSED wLK(Tn./ ------- GA-S‘"-LINE HB132956 _ 3^ MP(TIT)csLE DETNL - .. -.- =_ _ - ..�- -- _• -__ — ------— --- _ - - ] E/ wa<N.D Pw.EEN- C❑NCRETEISLAN - _ --, .. ----` STRIPING (TYP) 2S. TWO STEPS(SEE°ETNL) Z - ESTATE ROA.;D. 50 C1C�!• COLONIAL DR.) 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SIG p, ^ 3D., CABLE �Jy n �:`�;--�fldC _'�Tfl ' �J- o -- - - - -- - y \ .N RO-T ONE WAY (SEE INDEX) O°.s s .- W I -- 6-"- •. , :,,® -.La,....V ° SPLICE---III � -_.I�1 (SEE;NOES)© m��1.; PIT/VAULTS I LEFT //� N Q W T..n. ��y9 N F d �T L O r���:' L INLET-• •• I RI .. . ` I I C ON • ; ;i- ELEV:= 127.71 DL OE'' N.. :.;w�.. ::.'t •,.. r© uNl x0w".n�Pocw+,PR°P rr Y\l_ _ ��q Nr. I '�, . °'2m'1: ;:1.: Ito INV. ELEV.- 123.24 II I. e�:it-4 T4,,^ ,:®: A,.. .'.?to (� (/! ��((� -.J 1 n '.+'®'il':,e:•7�..-"'L�i •p `l:'� �a,.l N 1.,Id'e�:{i•• !- i l4J .• WHITE .J 1 ° II'I .•.•.:>..^„•- i<•--• as__,%-' '- •-III . . '0 RIM ELEV.= 127.54 f f(�'+ ARKlryO'sPA sH LL - • • °° W INV. ELEV,= 122 / -'yi w79 -- -I ° © • 190':""(:: ';�.= }^ sPwcEs EN BED W,oE. TMAT'HwrIDICAP 1 /) N> �: ;�� � .: _;r�.: ©I ° C INV. ELEV.= 122.4 I -ilk • . 1 1 ,' ::;; n' ='Y`' - 1 °o S INV. ELEV:= 122 4 I s UNLESS n '-- • .:'.'+::` m I OTHERWISE NOTED. 2 0• • • � PROF?::FURNITURE STORE ' �E I� ,O. ry„ .: z za s: _ ,B O.Ds ewP P.wKINO - B ,1•.9 - F.F. EL. i29:00 - I 71 PROPOSED DnNNncE INLET 2 o g 25 . B ! ci ) PROPOSE°CURB e _l o_ I6J: gip; µ _• SITE o.NDARY ENTE(DEMOTED oN PLAN) ° 1.- I .j' Ir _ I•;'���' I j —.. PROPOSED EASEMENT(DEPICTED oN PLAN) N Y m z ` '.` � 1z:� ,. �, .A BURIED iELEPFI❑NE w (1. _ �: _ --- CENTER UNE OF ROAD • ;� il ,� BURIED TELEPHONE-_ FIBER OP)I:_ y _ 0 • (, "�° �..f -- ,_ -- :(=r�c'•�r` I az° ^-._Ua UND GAS----- I ¢ TYP ,SPITING EDGE O.PAVEMENT o 1� '/ fir :; •I n� r " \1 1 1 j I 'I.17. DIIIII -.. • . - I SLTb71u� i i i�.iulliL�71 . _?Y - _ G I: n HANDICAP Nss' °• �'�'O'ii �aa - _—. _fin 9s.-� -- \ _c "= — lJ)' NC ^ II g a.TS --.' ,.(•:...."^: l'l-Y It;: 0 _------, o ,O —•Q © r D.t.:._'.��__-__.-----'->_ 0 i"i 0 I ,OP PARKING SPACED T : :S. -r. � I . _.,.:,.. � ------b -o --_ - -may'. :^I' SIDCwALK • h.= _ 1 — J _ r' —— MN�R FEET f'�r- _ - -. _`_" -—, _I: frVTIT1AMLB - D1) :��� i T1 i� 1 I;:I 1TT 1,.1-�f �� SACK DP CURS a- INV. cLEV.- 124 o4 1 E 'I UGSTINO PAVEMENT TO BE°VER0NO I 1 II-LW H I p� % R.P- 1 ':�� �";�'���) ,� 0 0?'�y$S l^!._ II. 11 ._.A.-�,� _ � r.- 1045.00' • r, E^w ASPN IA L ANT cSEE Nu�:� JON 10 1002 � ,'•r- WQdgW ACPIW.T PAYMENT(SEC DETAIL i 1-14-02 ' � • CODE S ,ektim PNOA�D:' P„ EiSTARDARb.: ANSI OABOH.• I PR • PAVEMENT•, c.wNVER R::' .•' EDUEsiCONCRETE �� ,. ECRPN:�: PROPOSED cD c vw m P _ g PROPOSE°BRICK PAVERS N ' BUILa .yiyfwcE• G-1,C-s a(I�)' Sb.e°itniN4' • or..bC LbMc''PAR�q�Y I� 0 2(O—O I A,5 ON EA E'.ON;EwST:' .V''EV q . NN.�: •• 'NOTE: O a CONTAINING SHEET NO: „..:.:.. .. ENGINEER,..I 't• .. • •' - •!'...:.:, ..• PER CHMTEft 21H 2D.002 FLORIDAADMN STRATYE C C +,,:;�-,.,• • � •�� � B.MITCNELL COLLINS. TI •54008,STALE OF FLORIDA DATE oPAOw/DECO,if, TaN.•T ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AN• PRIW