HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of Ocotber 1, 2002, and Special Session of September 26, 2002 Agenda 10-15-2002
Item III A
Mayor Vandergrift called the Special Session to order at 11:05 a.m. in the Commission
Chambers. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also present
were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, Human Resources Director Diedrich,
Support Division Chief McNeil, IAFF Local 3623 President Steve Ellis, and Deputy City Clerk
ABSENT: Commissioner Howell
City Manager Gleason said Commissioner Howell would be unable to attend, but had said he
had no concerns with the Contract if that which is presented is that which had been discussed.
Mayor Vanderg>ift seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to accent the Collective
Bargaining Agreement between IAFF,Local 3623 and the City of Ocoee for a contract for the
ri d October 1.2001 to September 30. 2004. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Vandergrift asked that Commission consider as an emergency matter the purchase of a
portable overhead multi-media projector. Explaining some of the ways it could be used, he said
the City needed to have a portable projector under the control of the Computer Department that
could be pooled out to those who need it. Discussion ensued about its usefulness for training and
for presentations outside City Hall.
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Parker, move
d to purchase a portable
overhead multi-media projector in a not-to-exceed amount of$2 500 00 and to authorize funds.
for the purchase to be transferred from contingency Motion sarTicth4-0
The meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Marian Green, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
Agenda 10-15-2002
Item III A
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers at City Hall. Senator Daniel Webster led the prayer and Frances Watts led the
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a
quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, Human
Resources Director Diedrich, Police Chief Goclon, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira,
Community Relations/Project Director Shira, Recreation Director Farmer, Planning Director
Wagner, Acting Public Works Director Wheeler, Senior Planner Grimms, Senior Planner
Willman, and Principal Planner Lewis.
Plaque of Appreciation to Senator Daniel Webster—City Manager Gleason
City Manager Gleason introduced Senator Daniel Webster and presented him with a plaque in
appreciation for his support to Ocoee and West Orange County. Mr. Gleason thanked Senator
Webster for all of his help in getting things done for West Orange County over the past 22 years.
Ile said the citizens of Ocoee could thank Senator Webster for Ocoee Middle School as it was in
large part due to the senator's efforts in 1997. Senator Webster received the plaque and
thanked the Commission. He spoke briefly about his early years in the senate, said he had
enjoyed his years of service representing Ocoee.and looked forward to continuing to do so.
Years of Service Award. (Mayor Vandergrift)
15 Years of Service -Janet Shira,Director of Community Relations.
Mayor Vandergrift presented Ms. Shira with a plaque and a gift certificate for West Oaks Mall.
I le then gave a brief overview of Ms. Shira's time with the City and spoke about all the projects
and special events for which she is responsible. IIe enumerated the degrees she has accrued
under the City's Educational Incentive Plan and announced she had been accepted into and
completed her first year in the University of Central Florida's Doctorial program.
Proclamation — Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day.
Mayor Vandergrift read the proclamation proclaiming October 10, 2002, as Put the Brakes on
Fatalities Day.
Swearing in of Police Chief Goclon. (City Clerk Grafton)
City Clerk Grafton swore in Steve Goclon as the new City of Ocoee Police Chief. Chief
Goclon thanked everyone for coming and he thanked the City Manager and all the citizens for
their support. Chief GoeIon introduced his Mother, Father, Wife Sandy, and two sons Gary and
Sean. He invited everyone to help themselves to the refreshments in the foyer.
West Orange Chamber of Commerce Invitation —Stina D'Uva, President
Stina D'Uva gave a brief presentation focusing on the "visioning process." She said in order for
the West Orange Community to know where they want to be in the year 2015 they need to know
where they are today. She invited everyone to come to a breakfast October 24,2002. and be a
part of the process by giving input as to what they would like to see the West Orange
Community become. She said there would be a "Visioning Day" sometime in February 2003,
and as soon as the actual date was set she would notify the City. She said anyone who was
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting D ❑ 7
October 1,2002
interested in joining the chamber should definitely come. She gave the website and phone
number of the West Orange Chamber and encouraged anyone interested to contact them.
The consent agenda consisted of Items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Commissioner Anderson
requested a correction of the September 23, 2002, Budget I fearing Minutes on page 3 of 4
regarding his statement on mosquito control to add "and that's another dual taxation issue.
Commissioner Parker asked that Item F. be pulled and voted on separately.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of
September 17,2002,Tentative Budget Public Hearing of September 9,2002, and
Final Budget Public Hearing of September 23, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closure from 7:00 a.m. until 9:30
a.m. on October 12, 2002, of Portions of Clarke Road, White Road, Orlando
Avenue, Stinnett Drive, E. Lakeshore Drive and Vandergrift Drive for the
Purpose of the Ocoee Founders' Day Road Race. (Acting Building/Zoning
Official Washington)
These closures are subject to the following requirements: 1)All residents that will be affected by the
road blockage must be notified in advance;2) Health Central Ambulance must he notified of the road
closure in advance;3)Roads must be blocked with proper barricades;4) An emergency lane must he
maintained during the event.
C:. Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closures for Founders' Day as
follows: the Public Boat Ramp Beginning at Dusk October 17 through October
19, a Portion of S. Lakeshore Drive Beginning on October 18 at Noon, and
Portions of Flewelling Avenue, Rewis Street, McKey Street, Cumberland
Avenue, Oakland Avenue and Lakewood Avenue on October 19,2002, from 8:30
a.m. until 9:30 p.m. for the Purpose of the Ocoee Founders' Day Festival and
Parade. (Acting Building/Zoning Official Washington)
These closures are subject to the following requirements: I)All residents that will he affected by the
road blockage must he notified in advance;2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road
closure in advance;3) Roads must he blocked with proper barricades;4) An emergency lane must be
maintained during the event.
D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change
Orders to Extend the Contracts for Groundtek of Central Florida, Inc, and
Metroscape, Inc. for Lawn Maintenance. (Acting Public Works Director
Both Groundtek and Metroscapc have agreed to extend their contracts using their current rates until
November 30,2002,which will allow time for the Lawn Maintenance bid to be advertised and
E. Approval and Authorization to Purchase a Utility Easement from
John H.Worsham, Jr. and Mary G. Worsham for the Heavener/ Kane Project
for the Amount of$5,000. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
This easement allows the force main to tie into the lift station at the mall rather than the 12" force main
on SR 50, with the result that the Heavener/Kane lift station can be designed with more efficient
pumps. Since the lift station will ultimately be turned over to the City,this purchase would serve the
City's long term interests.
C. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Non-
Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement with Bennie A. and Deborah L.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting DRAFT'
October 1,2002
Staggs re Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project.
(Assistant City Attorney Doty)
Based on the Project design prepared by PEC,the City needs to acquire a Non-Exclusive Temporary
Easement Agreement from Mr.and Mrs. Staggs. Staff recommends payment of.$250.00 to the Staggs
to cover their costs incurred in reviewing and finalizing the agreement.
H. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the
Service Maintenance Agreement between Motorola Incorporated and the City of
Ocoee in an Amount not to exceed $21,335.16 for the Period Beginning October
I, 2002 and Ending September 30,2003. (Police Chief Goclon)
The current Service Maintenance Agreement for the 800 MI Iz Radio system expires September 30,
2002. The cost of the service agreement for the next 12 months is$1,777.93 per month($21,335.16).
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve items A, B, C.
D, E, G, and H of the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
This item was voted on separately.
F. Authorization to Transfer Over 65 Accounts in the Amount of$90,375.00 from
Contingency. (City Manager Gleason)
As in the past, the funding of the Senior Program was placed in General Fund Contingency account so
that this issue would not hold up the City Commission budgetary approval process for this year.
transfer amounts: Water Fees-$35,500. (Acct. /1001-516-00-4906), Water Tax-$3,550. (Acct. 4001-
516-00-4905), and Solid Waste Fees- $51,325.(Acct. 0001-516-00-4907).
Commissioner Parker explained the reason she would be voting no on this issue was not
because she was opposed to the intent to provide assistance to the seniors, but because she
believed there was a better way.
Mayor Vandergrift,seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to authorize the transfer of
Over 65 Accounts in the amount of$90,375.00 from contingency. Motion carried 4-1 with
Commissioner Parker voting no.
.Icff Martin, 115 Burnt Tree Ct., requested the Police Department be given more authority via a
statute or ordinance regarding noise levels created by"boom boxes." He said it was from both
cars and residences and that it literally vibrates the walls of his residence. Commissioners
Anderson and Parker as well as Police Chief Goelon addressed the issue and explained that not
only is a decibel meter necessary, but also a complainant who is willing to sign a complaint.
Mayor Vandergrift suggested staff check with Florida League of Cities as to what other cities
use and have in place for this type of complaint. Mr. Martin thanked the Commission for their
time and said he would appreciate anything the Commission could do in order to improve the
Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Ct., announced October is Retired Senior Volunteer Person
(RSVP) month and said a very nice luncheon had been provided for them last Friday. Ms.
Watts spoke highly of Chief Goelon and related a story about his kindness to her after her
surgery in 1998. She said Chief Goclon had been in charge of the School Crossing Guards when
she was a crossing guard, he was very nice, and she feels she has gained a friend.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting DRAFT'
October 1,2002
Commissioner Howell - no comment at this time.
Commissioner Anderson
I. Said it had occurred to him that at least three of the Commissioners would be out of town on
December 3,2002. Ile said this would conflict with the regularly scheduled Commission
meeting and there would not be a quorum present.
2. He said that at least three of the Commissioners would also be out of town for the December
7, 2002, Christmas Parade. After a brief discussion staff was directed to check with the
Lion's Club and the City of Winter Garden to see if there was a possibility of changing the
parade date from December 7, 2002 to December 14t1', or November 30th.
Commissioner Johnson announced the Founders Day Golf Tournament would be held October
11, 2002, at Forest Lake Golf Club.
Commissioner Parker - no comment at this time.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Announced that Saturday would he lake cleanup day from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30. I le said
Albertson's would be supplying a fried chicken lunch.
2. Read an e-mail from the Russian Professors that visited Ocoee a few months ago stating they
are unable to obtain visas at this time, but may be able to visit in the month of February.
3. Read an e-mail from England.
4. Responded to an e-mail regarding the request for flat head shovels. He said the shovels were
to be used for the removal of cattails from the lake, not to remove asphalt from the streets.
He further stated he would like a letter from Risk Management stating the citizens cannot
remove asphalt from the streets.
5. Said he had a letter from Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) requesting 2 representatives
he sent to a series of workgroup meetings to draft an Interlocal Agreement between OCPS
and local governments to work through issues and concerns that surround growth
management. I le asked the Commission to consider this and appoint someone to serve at
the end of the meeting.
Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2002-11, Proposed Amendments to the Ocoee
Comprehensive Plan. (Planning Director Wagner, Senior Planner Willman)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 2002-11.
Director of Planning Wagner explained the State requires that local governments update their
Comprehensive Plans based on the recommendations of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report
(EAR), and bring the data and analysis requirements into compliance with State law. lie stated
the first of two public hearings had been held March 19, 2002, (the transmittal public hearing)
and the CPA-2002-1-1 Amendments were presented to the City Commission with errata sheets.
The City Commission recommended transmittal of the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as amended
to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for review, pursuant to Rule 9J-1 1.010,
Florida Administrative Code (FAC). Ile announced that anyone wishing to speak needed to fill
out the public hearing form as required by the DCA. He stated if the Commission adopted the
ordinance that within 10 working days the ordinance would be sent to DCA. Mr. Wagner stated
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that DCA would then have 45 days to review the ordinance and issue a compliance letter. Once
the City is in compliance, then the City has effectively updated the Comprehensive Plan in
accordance with state statute. He thanked Sr. Planner Willman and GIS Technician O'Ilalloran
for all their work in putting the packet and maps together.
Senior Planner Willman then gave a brief summary of the changes that were made. Ms.
Willman stated the changes that had been made were to address issues that had been identified
in the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) report. She said most of the
changes had been made in the transportation element. She advised that all the text changes were
included as errata sheets in the staff report. Staff recommended adoption of Ordinance 2002-11
approving the previously transmitted EAR-based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
submitted to DCA on March 28, 2002, as amended by the errata sheets and figures presented
as part of the report.
The public hearing was opened.
R.P. Monackey, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., inquired as to which of the aquifers was being
addressed in the report.
Planning Director Wagner and Mayor Vandergrift responded to Mr. Monackey.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt Ordinance
2002-11 Proposed Amendments to the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan per staff recommendation.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee Business Park(aka CPB Family Partnership): Preliminary Subdivision Plan, IS
2001-007. (Senior Planner Grimms)
Senior Planner Grimms showed a picture of the subject property on the overhead projector and
explained the Ocoee Business Park is an industrial/commercial subdivision including 102.97
acres along the south side of Franklin Street and encompasses lands just west of the Western
Beltway (S.R. 429) to land just east of Bowness Road. The development as proposed consists of
ten (10) industrial parcels of various sizes and two (2) commercial parcels along the south side of
Franklin Street. The area on the east side of Bowness Road (Tract 7-A) and the area on the west
side of the Western Beltway south of the railroad tracks (Tract 5-8) are environmentally sensitive
and are indicated as `Conservation/Floodplains" on the Future Land Use Map and as a result will
remain undeveloped. Mr. Grimms stated due to difficulties negotiating a rail crossover access,
Roper Parkway will not he extended northward to Franklin Street as originally planned in the
Ocoee Transportation Master Plan, dated November, 1998. Instead, there will be a traffic signal
at the south entrance of the Ocoee Business Parkway with three lanes from the entrance to the
intersection with Roper Parkway. Senior Planner Grimms reported Jacob Riger, of
Renaissance Planning Group, the City's transportation consultant, reviewed the latest traffic
improvements matrix and noted four(4) additional changes that he requested were inadvertently
left out. the consultant engineer addressed the issues and agreed to incorporate Jacob Riger's
four(4) additional changes into a revised Preliminary Plan set before the proposed development
is presented to the City Commission. Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary
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October 1,2002
Subdivision Plan for Ocoee Business Park (aka CPB Family Partnership)subject to the four
(4) additional changes to the traffic improvements matrix, requested by Jacob Riger, being
incorporated into a revised Preliminary P/an set.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve Preliminary
Subdivision Plan, LS 2001-007 per staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0.
Itens VII H was taken out of order.
Approval of ForestBrooke Subdivision-Final Subdivision Plan, Phase 2, Project No.
LS-2001-08. (Principal Planner Lewis)
Principal Planner Lewis gave the report on ForestBrooke Subdivision Final Subdivision Plan,
Phase 2. He said Phase 2 of Fore stBrooke would have 74 single-family residential lots in a
private gated community. The remainder of the subdivision will be built in a third phase. The
property is located east of Ocoee Apopka Road (CR 437) and south of McCormick Road. Most
of the property is covered with trees and there are significant wetlands on a portion of the
property (Tract F) which will be preserved. There is a Double Swing Metal Gate Detail drawing
on Sheet 3A of the Lift Station Plans. It is recommended that brick columns be provided on both
sides of the gate to match the rest of the columns used in the fence, rather than the metal gate
posts as currently shown in that detail drawing. Staff recommended approval of the Final
Subdivision Plan for Phase 2 of ForestBrooke subdivison as date stamped received by the City
on September 16, 2002,subject to providing a meeting room space acceptable to the City
Commission and providing brick columns on both sides of the lift station gate rather titan
metal gate posts as currently shown. There was a lengthy discussion about the size of the
meeting room. David Evans, Pecht-Evans Engineering, Inc., addressed the size and elevation of
the meeting building. Commissioner Anderson brought up the issue of homeowners
associations (BOA) having no teeth until the property is 100% developed. He said in his opinion
100% development was too extreme. A lengthy discussion ensued. City Attorney Rosenthal
addressed in detail the issue of I IOA covenants. Staff was directed to gather information as to
what other cities do. Jay Folk, President of Keewin Property, explained that when the
subdivision was begun there was no requirement for a 1000 square foot meeting room. He
explained the meeting room that has been built, a free standing building, is 1,050 sq. ft., but the
actual size of meeting space is 650 sq. ft. due to the installation of bathrooms. He said there is an
additional outside covered area attached to the building that can also serve as meeting space. Mr.
Folk responded to a few final questions from the Commission. City Attorney Rosenthal
clarified some questions as to the City Building Code.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to accept DRC's
recommendation and granting a waiver from the requirements of Section 6-9a of Article V of the
Land Development Code to permit 664 sq. feet of enclosed meeting space with the balance of the
1000 sq,foot requirement being met by covered exterior contiguous space. Motion carried 5-0.
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October 1,2002 ..III (N ttJl
This item was taken out of order.
Discussion re Coventry Wall. (City Manager Gleason)
City Manager Gleason said that originally a special assessments solution was to he discussed,
but since that time a"utility credit", that normally FDOT would not allow to be used in other
parts of a project, has been authorized to he used to make up the difference between what FDO'l
was going to use for the construction of the Coventry Wall and what the residents of Coventry
were requesting. Mr. Gleason said due to the authorization by FDOT for the use of the`utility
credit" the special assessments option would not be necessary.
Wayne Flanagan thanked the Commission on behalf of Coventry residents. Commissioner
Parker said that Mary Brooks of FDOT has stated that the stop bar will he moved forward four
(4)feet and at the time of striping there will be an additional four(4) feet from the bike lane for
safety. Ms. Parker said she had also requested the Ocoee traffic division make an assessment of
the situation and report any recommendations to the Commission.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to authorize the use of
any unused credits associated with the DOT Silver Star Road proiect to be utilized for the
Coventry wall and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents necessary to
accomplish that. Motion carried 5-0.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Amendment to V1113
Professional Services Contract—Coca Cola Property. (Planning Director Wagner)
Planning Director Wagner explained in order to meet the Orange County Public Schools
(OCPS) schedule for the building of the new high school on the Coke Property the engineering
work that will support the high school will be accomplished at the same time. l le said that the
proposed amendment being brought before the Commission at this time has also been presented
to OCPS for review. Staff recommended the authorization for staff to negotiate a finalized
Change Order to the Master Planning and Engineering Services Agreement with VHB to
provide necessary professional services for design of infrastructure involvements on the Coca-
Cola property based upon the draft addendum; and further, authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute said Change Order on behalf of the City subject to OCPS approval and City
Attorney Review.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to approve per staff
recommendation. Motion carried 5-0.
Establish Operating flours for City Parks. (Recreation Director Farmer)
Recreation Director Farmer said that he had received complaints from citizens regarding
individuals gathering at parks after dark and conducting very inappropriate activities. Ile stated
the posting of park hours would allow the Police Department to properly enforce the park hours
if necessary and ticket individuals for trespassing. Staff recommended that all recreational
property (non-athletic) have signs installed indicating the facilities open at 7:00 a.m. and close
at 9:00 p.m.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve park hours
of 7:00 a.m. —9:00 p.m. for non-athletic parks. Motion carried 5-0.
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Recess 9:40 p.m.—9:45 p.m.
Discussion re Transfer of Boxing Equipment to Outside Contractor. (Recreation Director
Recreation Director Farmer stated Mr. Cristelli was having an attorney review the paper work
regarding the organization that would be the organization taking over the boxing club. Mr.
Farmer said at this point he did not have the name of the person or persons that would be taking
over. Mr. Cristelli stated the boxing club would like to purchase the boxing equipment from the
City. He stated the equipment cost$16, 000.00 when originally purchased two years ago. Ile
said it was not worth that kind of money now after two years of use. Commissioner Anderson
quoted a price for a floor level ring that he saw advertised on e-bay and said with no one there
being an expert as to prices or boxing equipment it would be better to get someone who is.
There was a lengthy discussion about options other than selling the equipment. City Attorney
Rosenthal clarified some issues regarding the leasing of the equipment as opposed to selling.
Commissioner Johnson expressed concern that the City would be giving or leasing, for a
nominal amount of money, equipment that would not necessarily benefit Ocoee citizens.
Without objection staff was directed to get appraisals regarding the value of the boxing
equipment and bring the findings as well as some other options back before the Commission
no later than the first meeting in November.
Discussion re Commission's Travel Policy and Stipend. (City Manager Gleason)
Martha Lopez-Anderson, 2438 Alcobe Cr., addressed the Commission regarding her concerns
about what she believes to be misuse and abuse of the travel policy. There was somewhat
lengthy and intense discussion following Ms. Anderson's remarks. City Attorney Rosenthal was
directed to bring hack an amendment to the Travel Policy that would allow finance to deduct
from the Mayor and Commissioner's stipend automatically any non-allowable item that has been
purchased with the City Credit Card. Commissioner Anderson pointed out this in no way is to
encourage the purchase of known non-allowable items, but rather to expedite the reimbursement
to the City when purchases are made inadvertently or out of necessity when traveling.
Setting City Manager's Annual Salary Range. (Human Resources Director Diedrich)
Human Resources Director Diedrich explained that this is just establishing a salary range to be
added if approved to the City's salary scale effective October I, 2002, and does not affect the
current contract the City has with Mr. Gleason.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to establish a pay
grade 30 with a minimum of $70,912.40 annually and a maximum of$ 111,464.19 for the City
Manager's Annual Salary Range. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution No. 2002-18, regarding New and Revised Job Titles/Descriptions. (Human
Resources Director Diedrich)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Resolution No. 2002-18.
Human Resources Director Diedrich presented the new and revised job descriptions that were
changed in connection with the approved budget for 2002-03. She said the changes include
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October 1,2002
updates to the description based on reorganization, title changes, and reclassification in the
budget process. She explained there had been one description inadvertently omitted in the
original packet distributed to the Commission, but it now has been distributed to all the
Commission members. Ms. Diedrich then responded to a few brief questions from the
Commissioner Anderson,seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt Resolution No.
2002-18 regarding New and Revised Job Titles/Descriptions including the revised description
distributed to the City Commission. Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Gleason showed samples of street signs with the options of a color logo and
without; he said the color logo is approximately S25.00 more. All the signs included a numeric
grid. Mr. Gleason said he would check on the background color to see if it was required that the
signs be green. It was suggested the new style signs he placed in the new subdivisions first and
incorporated into the older neighborhoods incrementally. City Manager Gleason suggested a
sign fee amount be set. 1lc said currently the City supplies signs free of charge. Mr. Gleason
said the city should at least be reimbursed the cost of signs and the labor cost involved in making
them. He said there could a"sign package" for neighborhoods and if they requested additional
signs there could be a fee. There was a brief discussion and the Commission said they would
like to have sample signs placed at each major intersection throughout the City and sec what type
of feedback they would get.
Without objection the signs with the color logo and grid numbers were the choice of the
Commissioner Parker
I. Requested an update on the"bob cat" situation. City Manager Gleason said there was a
trapper on board and the trapper had indicated the incidents regarding pets being harmed was
down even though no bobcats had been trapped to date.
2. Said she would like to see a new sign/plaque of the new logo on the wall behind the dais.
Commissioner Anderson asked if the old logo sign should go to Bill (former City
Commissioner Bill Stinnett.) Commissioner Johnson suggested it go in the Maguire House
with a plaque under it bearing Bill's name and the time he served as Commissioner. Mayor
Vandergrift said Mr. Stinnett should he given the choice as to whether he wants if for his home
or for the Maguire I louse.
Mayor Vandergrift asked for an appointment to the OCI'S workgroup that had been discussed
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to appoint Commissioner
Anderson as one of the representatives for the OCPS workgroup. Motion carried 5-0.
Without objection staff is to select the other representative to serve on the OCPS workgroup.
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October I,2002
The meeting adjourned at I I:03 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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