HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of August 20, 2002 **APT Agenda 9-17-2002
Item III A
HELD AUGUST 20, 2002
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers at City Hall. Commissioner Parker led the prayer and Frances Watts led the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, !Lowell, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton,Finance
Director Horton, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Planning Director Wagner, Sr. Planner
Willman, Transportation Planner Foltz, Principal Planner Lewis, Recreation Director Farmer,
Acting Police Chief Goclon, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Acting Public
Works Director/Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Acting Building/Zoning Official Washington,
Communications Manager Ek-Collins, Information Systems Manager Ross, and Zoning
Coordinator Harper.
Firefighter Appreciation Proclamation. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Mayor Vandergrift read the proclamation and presented it to Nancy Bluemke, of the Muscular
Dystrophy Association. Ms. Bluemke thanked Lieutenant/Paramedic Joe Moy for all of his
assistance. Lt. Moy stated that to this point $14,000.00 had been raised and they were only half
Certified Municipal Clerk Certification Plaque to City Clerk Grafton. (Mayor
Mayor Vandergrift presented City Clerk Jean Grafton, CMC with a plaque from the
International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) conferring on her the title of Certified
Municipal Clerk (CMC). Ms. Grafton received the plaque and thanked Mayor Vandergrift.
Commissioners Howell and Johnson both thanked her for the help she had been when they first
were elected and the help that she continues to be. Mayor Vandergrift said she was the lady to
go to if you had any questions.
Mayor Vandergrift introduced Mr. and Mrs. Tom Redmond who participated in the selection of
the new City logo. He presented them with a gift of a front license plate depicting the new City
logo. Mayor Vandergrift announced the license plates would go on sale to the public the
following day for $5.00 and encouraged everyone to get one.
The Consent Agenda consisted of items, A, B, C, D,E, F and G. Item G. was pulled for
separate consideration.
Item B. was briefly discussed with Communication Manager Ek-Collins explaining where the
funds come from and what they must be used for. He and Finance Director Morton responded to
questions from the commission. Mayor Vandergrift requested the monies from the 911 funds
be listed as a line item in the budget. Finance Director Horton explained that the monies must
be used for specific items and be kept in a separate fund/account. She stated she could include
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting �^
August 20, 2002
them on a summary sheet that would be included in the budget book. Mayor Vandergrift stated
that would he sufficient.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of
August 6, 2002, and Budget Workshop August 7, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Authorization and Approval to Purchase Communications Computer System
Replacement. (Communications Manager Ek-Collins)
The server currently in place in the Communications Center is reaching its maximum capacity for
records storage. 9-1-1 funds are now available to replace the workstations and the server with no
impact to the City's regular funds. Staff recommends approval for the Communications Department
and Information Services to purchase the replacement system with 9-I-1 reimbursement funds.
C. Authorization and Approval to Waive Formal Bid Process and Piggyback with
Lake County for the Purchase New Fire Apparatus. (Fire Chief Strosnider)
The City currently has three Pierce fire apparatus and have had no major problems with them. The
cost for the new fire apparatus is$269,265.00. Pierce will allow S 10,000.00 trade in deduction for the
85 Emergency-one Pumper,which will bring the total to S259,265.00. The C.I.P. has the replacement
engine listed at$260,000.00. This purchase would be within the budgetary amount. Staff
recommends waiving the formal bid process in order to piggy-back with Lake County in order to begin
the purchasing process as it takes approximately seven months to receive a new fire apparatus.
D. Board Appointments. (City Clerk Grafton)
1. General Employees Pension Board 2 Year Term.
Mr. Ison's term will end September 30,2002. I le is willing to serve a new two-year term to
end September 30, 2004. There are no new applicants.
2. Police/Fire Pension Board 2 Year Term.
Ms. Gledich's term will end September 30,2002. She is willing to serve a new two-year term to end
September 30,2004. There arc no new applicants.
E. Third Quarter Financial Report. (Finance Director Horton)
This third quarter report summarizes the activity for the months of April,May,and June 2002.
F. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Agreement
for Purchasing Card Program with MBNA and First Union. (Finance Director
This agreement with First Union/MBNA has been reviewed by the City Attorney. It will cost the City
nothing and will actually allow the City to receive an annual rebate based upon a percentage of the
total dollar volume purchased by the City. Staff recommends approval and authorization to enter into
agreement with First Unimt/MBNA.
Commissioner Parker seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved to approve items A B.
and F of the consent agenda aspresented_ Motion carried 5-0.
Award of RFP 02-002 Regarding Wireless Communication Services. (Information
SystemsManager Ross)
This RFP award will make uniform and/or consolidate cell phone services, 800 mhz radio service, and paging
service. There were four proposals submitted and all four were evaluated by the RFP selection committee. Staff
recommends I)awarding RFP#02-002, Wireless Communication Services,to Cingular Wireless and/or Nextel
Communications, and 2)to choose one of the service options presented.
Communications Manager Ross explained the need to replace pagers, cell phones, and radios
with one device wherever possible. He presented the possible options and indicated not every
department would require the phone/radio/pager combination. That is why staff recommends
awarding both Cingular Wireless for those who just need cell phones and Nextel
Communications for those who need the combination.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 2002 V'
commissioner Anderson_ seconded by Commissioner Howell_moved to anorove a
recommended by taff and award RFP 02-002 to both Cingular Wireless and Nextel
Communications. Motion carried 5-0.
Henry Morgan, 304 S. Lakeshore Dr., inquired about drainage plans at the south end of
Lakeshore Dr. and expressed his concerns.
Paul Winot, 240 S. Lakeshore Dr., also addressed the Commission about his concerns regarding
the Lakeshore Dr. drainage problem.
Acting Public Works Director/Assistant City Engineer Wheeler explained the plan to correct
the drainage problem and responded to questions from the citizens and Commission.
Sidewalks on Maguire and Moore Road. (Acting Public Works Director Wheeler)
Due to projects in the area that arc not completed there is a lack of sidewalks for students
attending Thornbrooke Elementary School from the residential areas north of Moore Road.
There is a travel path, but it is complicated by undeveloped properties. Staff recommends the
Commission approve and authorize the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $4,500.00 to
install 2,100 linear feet of asphalt sidewalks as a temporary measure. The $4,500 requested can
be transferred from the Contingency account to Public Works-Street Maintenance Capital
Sidewalk Construction account.
iMaxocVandergrift.secsndedhti9minissioner_J91lIts4n, Alloyed I aPRrove the expenditoie
and the transfer of funds per staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Howell No comment at this time.
Commissioner Anderson No comment at this time.
Commissioner Johnson reminded everyone about the Founder's Day Event and said it is
moving forward smoothly. lie said it will be October 19, 2002, and said the golf tournament will
be on October 12. There is also a 5k run as well as many other events planned.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Read a letter from Greg and Patti Hovey, 805 Grovesmcre Loop, regarding a City employee.
The letter praised Sanitation Driver Ronald Moore for assisting a citizen in need. The letter also
praised the City's Water Department for their outstanding service.
2. Announced the American Legion Post would he having a 9-I I memorial in Winter Garden at
12:00 p.m. in the Legion Park located on the corner of Park Ave. and Story Rd. He encouraged
everyone to wear red, white, and blue.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting "In r
August 20, 2002 lb:y,',%,,f
Consider Authorization for a Public Building Case No. PB-02-001: Proposed Ocoee Fire
Station. (Principal Transportation Planner Foltz/Fire Chief Strosnider)
Fire Chief Strosnider and Principal Transportation Planner Foltz gave the report on the
proposed site for the new fire station.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Richard Doss, 576 S. Kissimmee Ave., stated his concerns about his property connecting to
the new fire station remaining zoned as residential. He also said he would like a wall to help
buffer the noise. Planning Director Wagner responded to questions about buffers and walls
and answered questions from the Commission. Mr. Wagner stated there was quite a distance
between Mr. Doss's property and the actual fire station building. He projected a footprint of the
building and the site plan on the overhead to show the distance. Ile suggested the distance and
landscaping would serve as an adequate buffer. City Attorney Rosenthal also addressed the
issue. Staff recommended and respectfully requested the Commission authorize the location for
the public use of the new Ocoee Fire Station on the site bounded by Orlando Avenue, Bluford
Avenue, Columbus Street, and the former CSX railroad right-of-way.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Johnson_ seconded by Commissiopgt•yarkflr. moved to aourove Case Number
PB-02-001 _er staff recommendation Motion carried 5r0
Resolution No. 2002-16 re: Abandoning and Vacating a Portion of Cumberland Avenue.
(Principal Transportation Planner Foltz)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Resolution Nurnber2002-16.
Mayor Vandergrift noted that Mr. Doss's comments would be carried over to this public
The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Johnson,moved to adopt Resolution
Number2002 d6, .Motion_carried_5-0.
Mr. Doss inquired if the Resolution would be recorded. City Attorney Rosenthal responded
that it would and he could get a certified copy of the resolution from the City Clerk's office.
First Reading of Ordinances. Second readings and public hearings September 17, 2002, at
7:15 p.m.
Citrus Medical and Executive Park. Ordinance No. 2002-20 Small Scale Comprehensive
Plan Amendment Project# SS-CPA-1-002. (Senior Planner Grimms)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 2002-20.
Mayor Vandergrifi announced the public hearing date.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting r
August 20, 2002
Ordinance No. 2002-21 Rezoning PUD Land Use Plan Project# LS-99-014. (Senior Planner
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No.2002-21.
Mayor Vandergrift announced the public hearing date.
Recess 8:30 pan. —8:40 p.m.
Memorandum of Understanding Between the American Red Cross and the City of Ocoee.
(Mayor Vandergrift)
Mayor Vandergrift stated that the Red Cross wished to declare the Community Center an
official emergency shelter for victims of natural disasters and peacetime man-made disaster
emergencies/nuclear accidents. Everyone agreed it was a good idea as currently the closest
shelter is in Winter Garden.
Mayor Vandergrift seconded by Commissioner Johnson. nw ed to approve the use of the
Community Center as an emergency shelter, Motion carried 5-0.
Goodman Centre f/k/a-Heavener Subdivision Project# LS-2000-010. (Principal Planner
Principal Planner Lewis gave a presentation regarding the Goodman Centre Final Subdivision
Plan. The Goodman Centre includes 30.4 acres and is located in the northwest quadrant of the
SR 50 and Clarke Road intersection. The property has frontage on both SR 50 and Clarke Road
but does not include the corner itself The parcel at the corner contains about 3.3 acres and is
known as the Ozanian Property. Mr. Lewis answered questions from the Commission
concerning access from the Ozanian property to SR 50. City Attorney Rosenthal clarified the
issue of cross access on Clarke Road explaining the original plan for Clarke Road included a
design as to where each of the intersections and curb cuts would be. Mr. Lewis addressed the
expanded retention pond and said it will be constructed at the developer's expense. He said the
City will continue to hold ownership of the entire expanded retention pond, but the developer
will bear the expense of maintenance.
Steve Mellich, of Mellish-Blenden Engineering Inc. explained the area that would have to he
filled in order to develop lots 3, 4, & 6.
Scott Gold, Trustee for the subject property owner, addressed the grading and tree protection
issue and stated his belief was that it would not be feasible economically for anyone to build on
lot 4.
Helen Ford, of Greenberg Trarig, representative for the owner of the Ozanian property
expressed the Ozanian property owner's only objection is the location of the force main. She
stated it was her understanding it was to be located on the Ozanian property instead of the
Goodman Centre property. City Attorney Rosenthal addressed the issue and indicated it was
utility that would serve both properties. He said his engineering knowledge was limited. Mayor
Vandergrift stated the City Engineer could speak with Ms. Ford the following day and perhaps
clarify the matter for her.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20,2002
Staff recommended that the Mayor and Commissioners 1) approve the proposed name change of
the subdivision from the Hcavener Subdivision to the Goodman Centre; and 2) approve the Final
Subdivision Plan for Goodman Centre, as date stamped received by the City on August 9, 2002,
subject to making the necessary revisions listed in the attached memos prior to the pre-
construction meeting, as well as the additional changes included in the DRC recommendation.
Mayor Vanderprift seconded by Commie loner Howell moved tt accent staff s
recommendation subject to the execution and delivery to the City in recordable form of the
following documents prior to the holding of the pre construction conference drainage and storm
water agreement,declaration of easement,termination of_easement agreement and authorize the
execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk, Motion carried 5-0.
Kane's Furniture at Ocoee Final Site Plan Project # LS 2000-011. (Principal Planner
Principal Planner Lewis presented the staff report for Kane's Furniture at Ocoee. The store is a
total of 60,000 square feet, located on the north side of SR 50,just west of the intersection of
Clarke Road and SR50. The property is currently undeveloped and is Lot 5 of Goodman Centre,
a commercial subdivision that is currently under review. The western edge of the subject
property abuts a large wetland area, part of which will be dedicated to the City as part of the
Goodman Centre subdivision. The Preliminary Site Plan for Kane's Furniture at Ocoee was
approved last December. Mr. Lewis stated there were two waivers previously approved, one
related to the building setback on the west side and the other related to the parking requirement.
Two additional waivers are being requested with the Final Site Plan. One is related to the
requirement to provide sidewalks along adjacent public streets. The plan does not show a
sidewalk being built along SR 50 due to severe grading problems, a large existing ditch, and
future road widening problems. The second waiver is related to wall signage. The request is to
allow a 150 square foot sign, that would normally be allowed on the east side of the building, to
be placed instead on the west side of the building. Civil Engineer Mitch Collins spoke on
behalf of Kane's and answered questions from the Commission. Staff supports both of the new
proposed waivers. Staff recommended that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Final
Site Plan for Kane's Furniture of Ocoee, as date stamped received by the City on August 9,2002,
including the two additional requested waivers, subject to making the necessary revisions prior to
the pre-construction meeting, as well as the additional changes included in the DRC
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner ParkeLmoved to approve in addition
to staffs recommendation that the action be subject to execution and del very to the City in
recordable form of the declaratirof restrictive covenants in niorm acceptable to the City
attorneys which will be binding on the owner and Kane Furniture Corporation and their
rspective successors and assigns and subject to the further condition that no certificate of
occupancy will he issued for the nropertyprior to the date that Kane Furniture Corporation
acquires title to the property and that the plat for the l icavener Subdivision include a sidewalk
and landscape easement along State.Roast 50 in the area where a sidewalk would otherwise have
been constructed_and that the applicant work with the City staff to enhance the landscaping in the
easement area. Motion carried5-0,
This item was taken out of order.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting �atW
August 20,2002
Variance Application-Case No. 02VR-2002: Pieser 107 Reese Court, Lot 77, Lakeshore
Gardens, First Addition Subdivision. (Zoning Coordinator Harper)
Commissioner Anderson stated he had received many comments from citizens who lived in the
area concerning the subject property as well as having discussions with Zoning Coordinator
Harper, and Acting Building Official Washington about the issue. The applicant requested a
variance in order to build a 7'4" tall fence along his East Lakeshore Drive frontage; this is a
corner lot and therefore has two frontages. Staffs written recommendation was that the variance
be denied due to the conflict with the Ocoee City Code. Commissioner Anderson stated he
believed the best thing to do was not to grant the original variance as requested, but to allow a
new variance to replace the 6-foot fence as it currently is. Commissioner Anderson said the
City code states only 20% at a time may be done, but said if the fence were replaced, as is, where
it is, it would satisfy the concerns of the citizens, landscaping, and the applicant would be happy
with that decision. Staff agreed that this suggestion was acceptable and recommended a new
variance allowing the applicant to replace the 6 foot fence as is be granted.
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to accent Staffs verbal
recommendationta.rcDace the 5-foot fence ass it is. Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal said with the modification it would insure if the property were ever
sold the variance would run with the property.
With consent of the Commission the motion and action was modified to modify the applicant's
request and to replace the entire 6-foot fence and that a variance be granted.
Discussion re: of Purchase 28 E. McKey Street Property. (City Attorney Rosenthal)
Commissioner Johnson said he would like to offer S 115,000.00 due to the fact that once the
property is gone it's gone and the City may never get another chance at it. Commissioner
Howell inquired about the amount of closing costs and from what account the money would be
taken. City Attorney Rosenthal stated the contract already called for the City to pay the closing
costs. City Manager Gleason stated the money would come from the bond that was acquired
previously for Public Works, Police Station, and Fire Station.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson noyed.toDIQPOSe to Mrs
Crittenden a modification to the purchase a r, r cnrenUR adjgst the purchase price to $11i,000.00
and if that modification is accepted to proceed toward closing and if the modification is not
accented then to authorize termination of the contract. Motion carried 4-I with Commissioner
Howell voting no.
Resolution No. 2002-17 re: Opposition to the Proposed Orange County Ordinance
Authorizing the Pine Castle/Sky Lake Urban Preservation District. (Mayor Vandergrift)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Resolution No. 2002-17.
Mayor Vandergrift explained the preservation districts and his objection to the proposed
ordinance. There was no further discussion.
Mayor Vandergrift seconded by Commissioner Anderson.moved to adont Resolution No
2002-17,__Motion carried.5-0.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 2002
City Manager Gleason announced the City had purchased a corporate package of 10 tickets for
the West Orange Chambers' Hob Nob event. He asked the Mayor and Commissioners to
confirm with him if they wanted to attend and if not he would make the tickets available to staff.
He also reminded everyone about Senator Nelson's town hall meeting the following day.
Commissioner Anderson thanked Mr. Gleason for setting up the meeting with Senator Nelson.
Commissioner Parker asked what the parameters are for giving the Mayor authority to state the
Commission's opinion. She said she had received a couple of complaints about the Mayor's trip
to Minneola and requested he be sure not to represent his views as those of the Commission.
Mayor Vandergrift responded that he had not, nor would he represent his views as the
Commissioner Johnson
I. Said he had received a call about the project by Moore Road. lie said since the median has
gone in you cannot get out on the north side of the south end of the property onto Moore Road
without turning right. He asked if the concrete median installed by the City or the County. City
Manager Gleason said he would check with the City Engineer to find out who approved the
2. Inquired if the money had been sent off for the lights for the downtown and lakefront areas.
He said he would like for the entire Commission to go together and determine the placement of
the lights.
Commissioner Howell
I. Asked if the trees in the median by the Goodman Centre would have to be removed in order
to safely sec oncoming traffic.
2. Suggested that when power point type presentations are being made, because they last
sometimes for 30 minutes or so, that the TV personnel use a split screen. lie said that way the
viewers arc not just looking at a sketch or building plans for a long period of time.
Commissioner Anderson
I. Said the next meeting would be the budget public hearing September 9, 2002.
2. Asked that everyone dump any containers of water they may have in their yard due to the
mosquito and West Nile Virus threat. Ile said he has a friend who does not spend a lot of time
outside, but is in the hospital because of the virus.
Mayor Vandergrift
I. Said the West Orange Warriors are selling discount cards that are good for a year and the
cost is $10.00.._so see your favorite warrior and buy a card.
2. Suggested as we put up new street signs they have the City's new logo on them and if
possible the direction grid. City Manager Gleason said he would ask Public Works to put
together some samples for the Commission to view.
3. Reminded everyone about the!lob Nob event tomorrow night at Tanner Hall in Winter
Garden for 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 2002
Attest: City of Ocoee
Sally Whitford,Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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