HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (A) Discussion re: Authorization to Enterinto an Interlocal Agreement with Orange County Property Appraiser for GIS Parcel Data Agenda 9-17-2002 Center of Good/��. hem VII A Kan- M ,V�e Like Commissioners S.Scott Vandergrift Danny Howell, District 1 ' Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager CO RE Rusty Johnson, District 3 Jim Gleason ti Nancy J. Parker, District 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Michael O'Halloran, GIS Technician DATE: September 12, 2002 SUBJECT: GIS Interlocal Agreement with the OCPA ISSUE: Should the Mayor and the City Commissioners approve the Geographic Information System (GIS) Interlocal Agreement with the Orange County Property Appraiser (OCPA). BACKGROUND: In 1999, the OCPA entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to obtain survey control and to re-engineer the GIS parcel maps. In that year they also began coordinating with other municipalities to execute similar interlocal agreements. On February 18, 1999, the OCPA held a meeting to present its GIS plan to City of Ocoee staff and elected officials. A number of staff expressed interest in the program. On August 1, 2000, the OCPA presented terms for an Interlocal Agreement with the City. The terms were considered by City Information Systems (IS) Dept staff and the decision was made, that because of the early stage of development of the City's GIS at the time, signing the Agreement was not appropriate. On May 30, 2002, the OCPA presented a summary of a revised Interlocal Agreement for City Manager Jim Gleason and City staff to review. The revisions involved reductions in costs to the City. Several meetings were held in July, August and September, 2002, involving Finance, IS, Planning and Engineering Dept staff, and the City Manager, and the decision was made to recommend approval. On September 10, 2002, the OCPA was requested to draft an Interlocal Agreement with deliverable and funding terms specified by the City. This draft was faxed to the City on September 12, 2002. The City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee,Florida 34761 phone:(407)905-3100•fax:(407)656-8504•www.ci.ocoee.Fl.us DISCUSSION: Currently, GIS parcel data is acquired not from the OCPA but informally from the Orange County Planning Dept. This is a secondary source, and the data is not acquired on a regular schedule. The City does not currently possess an orthophotograph of usable resolution or accuracy for the majority of GIS applications. The Orange County Property Appraiser (OCPA) has proposed a Geographic Information System (GIS) Interlocal Agreement with the City of Ocoee. The Agreement proposes to coordinate to re- engineer GIS parcel data, improving accuracy from 40 feet to 5 feet or less in most areas. This would improve accuracy for applications such as Water System inventory, and permit all GIS layers to line up with each other. Key deliverables of the Agreement would be the provision and regular updates of GIS parcel base data, one-time delivery of orthophotography, and provision and regular updates of planimetric GIS data, such as edge of pavement and center of pavement with street names. Parcel data forms the base of most other important GIS layers the City developsand uses on a day-to-day basis, such as Zoning and Future Land Use. Orthophotography is a digital aerial photograph, with inaccuracies removed, allowing it to be used as a backdrop for maps and permitting the development of other datasets, such as Unities features. The City's contribution to the Agreement would be $91,396, to be split into two equal payments. The funding for the first $45,698 would come from the current year (FY 2001/02) General Fund Contingency. The second $45,698 would be required by October 1, 2003, and would appear as a budgeted item in the budget for FY 2003/04. The General Fund and Utility Funds would share in the cost. Further, the City would pay an annual maintenance fee of $1,098.00, due on October 1 of each year, to defray the costs of providing regular data updates. City staff have been developing a plan to use GIS to improve the City's business processes. Components of this plan include an application needs assessment, design of the GIS, data development, and development of policies, maintenance procedures and training. Cost reductions may be realized by using the OCPA parcel database to audit the City's stormwater assessment database, and identify missing addresses. The parcel, orthophotograph, and planimetric data deliverables of the Agreement provide the foundation for the data development component of the plan. Parcel data provide the base for most other important dataset developed by the City, including Future Land Use and Zoning, and are expected to be used in many other applications, such as linking addresses to Utility features. The orthophotography is also expected to be used in many applications, such as the identification of sidewalk assets required by GASB 34. The OCPA has executed similar agreements with the Orange County BCC, the Orlando Utilities Commission, the Supervisor of Elections, and the Cities of Maitland, Apopka, Winter Park, Orlando, Belle Isle, and most recently, Winter Garden. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and the City Commissioners authorize staff to negotiate the final terms of the attached Interlocal Agreement, and further, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreed-upon Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the City. ATTACHMENTS: Interlocal Agreement: Digital Parcel Map Development INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT DIGITAL PARCEL MAP DEVELOPMENT The ORANGE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER, as an independently elected and serving constitutional office pursuant to Section 163.01 Florida Statutes, and the CITY OF OCOEE, a municipal corporation by and through their duly authorized officials, and in consideration of the mutual promises, terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, do hereby agree as follows: PURPOSE: The parties executing this Agreement desire to share the costs and benefits of jointly participating in the re-engineering development of the digital parcel map to adhere to survey control to more effectively manage information, avoid redundancy, mid to reduce the expense for their constituents and customers; and WHEREAS, the Participants have studied the feasibility of re-engineering the digital parcel map and have conducted an assessment of the costs and benefits to the participants and the citizens of Orange County and the City of Ocoee; NOW THEREFOR, as attested by the signatures below, there is an agreement among the Participants to proceed with the design, procurement, implementation, development, and exchange of the components necessary to fully establish a re-engineered digital parcel map, established from survey control and using coordinate geometry, for the benefit of the community, citizens, and government of the City of Ocoee and Orange County pursuant to the terms and conditions specified in this interlocal agreement or any amendments hereto. The Chief Executive or the designated representative of the City of Ocoee shall serve as a member of the CITY GIS COORDINATION COMMITTEE to direct the implementation effort subject to the following guidelines: 1) The Orange County Property Appraiser (OCPA) shall be designated as the PROJECT MANAGEMENT AGENCY, and shall be responsible for the establishment of the Re- engineered Digital Parcel Map as specified in this agreement. 2) The City of Ocoee(Ocoee) will provide funding to obtain digital ortho-rectified aerial photography and selected planimetric features (photogrammetry) within the City's municipal boundaries. Ocoee's contribution to the Interlocal GIS Fund will be twenty one thousand eight hundred and ninety six US dollars ($21,896.00). Furthermore, the City of Ocoee agrees to provide funding for a contract mapping position (cartographer) at a cost of$69,500 to assist in the development of the re-engineered parcel map for the City. Payment is due as follows: a) payment of$45,698.00, covering half the total cost of the photogrammetry and contract mapper, is due within 30 days after this agreement is fully executed (i.e., signed by both parties)and b) the remaining cost [$45,698.00] is due no later than thirty days after October 1, 2003. All work will be performed at the Orange County Property Appraiser's Office, beginning once the contract mapper for Ocoee starts working at OCPA. The City of Ocoee subsequently will pay an annual maintenance fee of one thousand ninety eight US dollars [$1,098.00] to the Orange County Property Appraiser to defray the cost of regularly copying and distributing Geographic Information System (GIS) and property information updates to the City. Annual maintenance is due on October 1 each year, beginning October 1, 2003. 3) For the purpose of this Agreement, the City of Ocoee's cost of obtaining digital ortho- rectified aerial photography and selected planimetric features was based on the City's total municipal area, determined to be 14.0 square miles at the time this Agreement was executed. 4) As the Project Management Agency, the Orange County Property Appraiser will manage the development of the re-engineered parcel base maps from surveys and legal descriptions registered, where possible, to the coordinates given by the County Surveyor. The County Surveyor will furnish State Plane Coordinates on pre-selected survey control to the Orange County Property Appraiser for each section (square mile). The survey control, along with digital ortho-recti fled photography and selected planimetric data will serve as the base map upon which the parcel and related data will be re-engineered. The re-engineered data development will include the following: a) Geodetic layer of points by category (section, quarter section, etc.) b) Section and Quarter Section lines and text descriptions c) Hydrography(water bodies) with lake and river names* d) Edge of pavement lines* e) Center of pavement line with intersection nodes* t) Center and edge of unpaved roads* g) Road names h) Railroad lines and text descriptions* i) Bridges and overpasses* j) Lot and Parcel lines k) Lot and Parcel dimensions I) Lot and Parcel numbers ni) Major electrical easements and descriptions n) Subdivisions boundary lines and names o) Site tract lines, text, and dimensions p) Miscellaneous lines and text q) Survey adjustment lines and associated text on an adjustment layer (Note: * items are stereo digitized from the digital ortho-rectified photography) 5) The Orange County Property Appraiser will supply the hardware and software for the City of Ocoee's contract mapper while working at the Property Appraisers Office. The contract mapper will perform his or her duties and responsibilities under the direction of the Property Appraiser's Information Technology Director and GIS Projects Leader. The Property Appraiser will supply a full time Project Manager, a full time Mapping Operations Coordinator/Programmer, and a staff person to provide supervision, quality control, database updates, and distribution. 2 6) The Orange County Property Appraiser will perform the necessary quality control of the digital parcel map and supervise the allocation of staff and materials. Once the parcel re- engineering project has been completed, the Property Appraiser will continue to maintain the parcel maps and furnish updates to the City on an on-going basis. 7) The Orange County Property Appraiser will supply the City of Ocoee with approximately 50 sections of data, including the area within Ocoee's municipal boundary, the Town of Windermere, and surrounding areas in Arclnfo export coverage format on CD. The Property Appraiser initial will furnish a copy of its existing GIS parcel database for the area described above upon execution of this agreement. The City will provide the Property Appraiser with a digital rectangular boundary depicting the area described above for database export purposes. Existing GIS parcel data will be replaced over time by re-engineered parcel data after the areas have been quality assured. Orange County Property Appraiser's Office will furnish the City with updated parcel data on a monthly basis. In addition, the Property Appraiser will provide the City with extracts from the Property Appraiser's Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) database for the area described above in ORACLE export or ASCII text format on CD, depending on the needs of the City. Access also can be allowed via OCPA's FTP server to download files from the Property Appraiser's server to the City of Ocoee as required. 8) The Property Appraiser's Office will provide the City of Ocoee with one day of basic PC AreView 3.x training at the Property Appraiser's Office, along with technical support pertaining to the digital parcel map data. Additional basic AreView training can be arranged for the City if necessary. 9) The City of Ocoee is responsible for furnishing and maintaining its own computer hardware and software for use with the digital parcel base map. The City also is responsible for providing more advanced GIS training to its staff. 10)The Property Appraiser will contract for professional survey services using GPS technology and traditional measurement methods, where necessary, to densify land corners in state plane coordinates under the coordination of the Property Appraiser's GIS Projects Leader. 11)Copies of plats and necessary legal documents will be obtained from the County Comptroller's office. 12)It is the intention of the participants to meet regularly as necessary to collaborate on the project and its progress. 13)The Property Appraiser will establish a City GIS Coordination Committee to facilitate coordination among participating cities on the GIS parcel map. The City of Ocoee will become a member of the Committee upon execution of this agreement. 14)Problems and opportunities for the participants, as they relate to the digital parcel re- 3 engineering development, shall be documented and handled by the Property Appraiser's GIS Projects Leader with the assistance of his/her staff and with the assistance of a designated City Coordinator, as necessary. 15)The participants shall work together to provide and support other miscellaneous functions in the building of the digital parcel map relating to, but not limited to the following: data and digital map standards, data exchange, system maintenance, computer networking, staffing, training, data dissemination, and technical assistance of the project. 16)Upon completion of this project or portions thereof, it is agreed upon by the City of Ocoee and the Orange County Property Appraiser that the City of Ocoee will have the unlimited right to use the parcel map layers for City purposes. The Property Appraiser will have the exclusive authority to sell the digital parcel map, and that all inquiries to purchase the digital parcel map will be directed to the Property Appraiser. However, the City of Ocoee will have the authority to release a copy of the digital parcel data and ortho-rectified photography to consulting firms for specific City-approved projects upon the signing of the release form by the City and consulting firm for each project as illustrated in Addendum 'A". The City of Ocoee will forward copies of the release form and attached data list to the Orange County Property Appraiser's GIS Projects Leader for data tracking purposes. 17)Requested funding for this project and any of its parts is based upon each fiscal year's final budget approval. 4 This agreement provides the basic understanding among the participants, and shall be amended from time to time to accommodate the additions, and alterations to the project, as necessary. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dales set forth below. ATTEST: ORANGE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER: DATE: ATTEST: T TY OF OCOEE: AYOR ir. DATE: 5 CITY OF OCOEE SIGNATURE PAGE APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor DATE: (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY APPROVED BY TILE OCOEE CITY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ON , 2002 this day of , 2002. UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney Addendum "A" ORANGE COUNTY DIGITAL PARCEL BASE MAP DATA RELEASE FORM City/County Agency Name: Date: Project Name: _. Approved Contract Number: Project Description: 1. The digital parcel base map and associated CAMA data are the property of the Orange County Property Appraiser's Office. Orange County and Municipal GIS Partners are authorized to release a copy of digital parcel base map and associated CAMA data to consulting firs for county or city-approved projects. The agency signing this release is responsible for providing the digital parcel base map and associated CAMA data to the consulting firm and for forwarding a copy of this form and list of data to the Orange County Property Appraiser's Office, I.T. Department, for data tracking purposes. The data supplied by the agency to the consulting firm is listed on the attached page. By signing this form below, the consulting firm agrees to employ the data only for the project described above and will not sell or use the data for any other purposes. 2. DISCLAIMER: Data is provided "as is"without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness. The burden of determining accuracy, completeness, timeliness, merchantability and fitness for or the appropriateness for use rests solely on the requester. The County makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the use of the Data. There are no implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The requester acknowledges and accepts the limitations of the Data, including the fact that the Data is dynamic and is in a constant state of maintenance, correction and update. Signatures: City/County Agency Representative: Title: Consulting Firm Representative: Company Name: Address: _. ._— Page 1 of 2 Addendum "A" ORANGE COUNTY DIGITAL PARCEL BASE MAP DATA RELEASE FORM (Continued) PROJECT NAME OR DESCRIPTION: List of Sections(parcel files) & Tiles (orthophotography) Supplied to the Consulting Firm: Page 2 of2