HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (F2) Appointment to Applicants to Boards: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 2 Year Terms Agenda 9-17-2002
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To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From: Sally Whitford, Acting City Clerk
Date: September 10, 2002
Re: Reappointments/Appointment to Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
(2 year terms) (City residents)
The terms of six members will end October 1, 2002, and five are willing to serve new terms,
should Commission wish to reappoint them. They are listed below along with original
appointment dates and attendance during their current terms:
Gordon Applegate (appointed 1-16-90) (attended 10 of 12)
Mary E. Barber (appointed 9-17-96) (attended 11 of 12)
David Brennan (appointed 8-07-01) (attended 6 of 7)
Carleen Bryant (appointed 2-21-95) (attended 8 of 12)
Veronica Royce (appointed 2-06-01) (attended 9 of 10)
The sixth member, Angelique Bowen, was appointed 7-18-00 and has attended 3 of 12 meetings
during her current term. The effort to contact her has not been successful.
If the five members are reappointed, four vacancies will remain (including Ms. Bowen's):
Member Ray DeWeese verbally resigned in August from a term ending October 1, 2003.
Member Jim Beech resigned in a letter dated August 7 from a term ending October 1, 2002.
Member David Lindenauer resigned in 2001 leaving a vacancy for a term ending October 1, 2003.
Bradley Campbell (District 4) has submitted an application listing this board as a third choice
(attached). In a phone conversation on September 9, he confirmed he would be pleased to serve
on the Parks and Recreation Board.
Staff Recommendation
Should they wish to do so, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City
1. Reappoint Members Applegate, Barber, Brennan, Bryant and Royce for terms to end
October 1, 2004.
2. Appoint Bradley Camjkll to fill the Lindenauer vacancy for a term ending October I, 2003.
Attachments: Beech Resignation Letter
Current Member Listing and Brief Description of City Boards
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August 7, 2002
Mr. John Fainter
Director of Recreation
City of Ocoee, Florida
Dear Mr. Farmer,
I respectfully submit this letter to tender my resignation as a member of the Recreation
Advisory Board.
I sincerely feel that it would be in the best interest to fill my seat with someone who may
be more involved within the day to day activities than I am able to be at this time.
I will still offer my services when you feel I can help in"Special" events.
You have some very excellent advisory board members and I wish all of you the very
best in providing the citizens of Ocoee the very best in a wholesome recreation program.
1st SincerelyS(\1\
'Jim Beech
1. Name: Bradley W.Campbell Home Phone: 407-521 0622
2. Home Address: 2706 Springfield Drive,Ocoee, FL 34761
3. Business: Orange County Facilities Management Business Phone: 407-N36-7492
4. Business Address: 2010 E. Michigan Street, Orlando, FL 32806 - (2 JUL 1? ,.
5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: BS Degree_in Business Administration. IS
years experience in hotel industry. 2 years industrial experience. I years as teacher and
school administrator, and 31/2 years in local government. Currently serving as advisor to
Orange County Disability Advisory Board. Active in church activities, community
act Vllles.
6. Are you a registered voter? Yes x No _ District it: 4__
7. Resident of the City for 6 months or more? Yes x No
8. Do you hold Public Office? Yes No x
9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No x
10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No x
Indicate your degree of interest as first choice- 41,second choice-42,etc.
*Board of Adjustment -'Education Commission
Citizen Advisory Council for Police 43 Parks and Recreation Advisory
Department Board
p? * Codc Enforcement Board 84_ Personnel Board
- *Construction Board of Adjustment 91 I *Planning and Zoning Commission
and Appeals _
*General Employees' Retirement '. *Police Officers' and Firefighters'
Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of
12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve in this board? I have a good working
knowledge of government and how it operates. My diverse professional background enables
me to effectively interpret and analyze situations and problems. I am interested in giving
back to my community and taking an active part in the long term development of Ocoee as a
great place to live.
13. Would you consider serving on another Roard other than the ones) you selected? YES
14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may be submit your
application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? YES
15. Please attach resume.
** What school does your child attend? I have no children
Note: (I) Application effective for ONE YEAR rioin cime ecanolanoo 02 JUL I? 12:55
(2) II'you have any oh:shoos_please call tlm City iicc: 407-95-3105
PIE (407) 521-0622 OCOEE, FL 34761
• Strong asalitical and problem solving skills
• Extensive Adult Training/Developntent Skills and Experience
• Multi-task oriented,goal directed,and customer driven
• Broad based business management experience and background
• Excellent written/verbal conon nicntion skills
• Proficient in governmental/business/regulatory documentation
Contract Administrator/Human Resources Coordinator F, Facilities Management Division,
Orange County Government,Orlando,Ft.
Responsible for division training, including facilitation of in-house training, development of division
training plan,and coordination of training records. Develop division policies on "Right to Know"and
"Personal Protective Equipment". Develop and implement database to track FPO's,RO..and PO's for
fiscal staff Provide quality assurance egardiug CMMS system. Develop reports to measure
employee effectiveness and productivity, building maintenance costs per square foot, and related
management issues. Prepare presentations for Employee Academy, Board of County Commissioners
briefings, and other County groups. Provide special projects support to division manager. Develop
REP's for major contracts, including Countywide securiy guard services. Electronic Access Control
Systems, and Janitorial services. Act as County advisor to the Disability Advisory Board. Complete
special assignment to Parks & Recreation Division regarding reorganization and review of divisional
policies and procedures.
School Administrator/Financial Aid/Busirtess Education/Hospitality Management Instructor,
Career Training Institute, Orlando, FI.
Diverse responsibilities for three private, post-secondary technical institutions, including student
financial aid, documentation for Federal Title IV funds, financial report preparation, and other related
duties. Provide technical, vocational training. Develop program cunicuhmi and course requirements.
Oversee student services programs. Implement Student Extemships, Career Services. and
Professional Development programs. Prepare reports for State of Florida licensure, and school
accrediting bodies. Supervise instructors regarding attendance, instruction.and compliance.
Instructor,Hotel/Motel Management, RETS Tech Center, Dayton,OH
Instruct students in Hotel/Motel Management skills. Develop ewrieuhun, course requirements,
lecture material, study guides and tests. Ensure progrmn meets guidelines of the Educational Institute
of AB&MA. Work with Career Services to provide Placement assistance to graduates.
Front Office/Sales Coordinator,Dayton Airport Hotel, Vandalia,OH
Hire, train, and direct Front Office, Night Audit, and Bell staffs. Prepare daily revenue reports, sales
and revenue forecasts, and monthly aging statements. Process payroll mid invoice all customer
accounts. Assist clients in meeting planning,set-up,and execution.
PH: (407) 521-0622 OCOEE, FL 34761
Production Foreman,International Harvester Comnpaui, Springfield,OH
Direct union employees in the fabrication of aluminum and steel cab components. Oversee final
assembly, metal finish. and repair of complete cab bodies. Develop and implement job breakdowns
using standardized time motion studies mid proccdm es.
Front Office Manager/Assistant Innkeeper,Holiday Iur/Hodewap Inn,Cincinnati,Columbus. Dayton, 011
Direct motel operation, including Housekeeping, Maintenance, Front Office, Reservations,
Switchboard and Accounting. Develop and implement Front Office training program. Revise and
implement From Office and Night Audit procedures. Prepare budget and sales forecast lepods.
Windows 3.0/3.I/95/98 Microsoft Office 94/95/97
Microsoft Word/Works introductory Psychology
Introduction to Hospitality Industry Front Office Operations
Supervisor'Housekeeping Computers/Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Law Sales Promotion and Marketing
Marketing of Hospitality Services Basic Financial Accounting
Supervisory Development Communications
Harman Resources Management Food and Beverage Service
Training for Hospitality Industry Typing/Basic Computer
Medical Law/Ethics OSHA Compliance
Resume Building/Preparation Professional Development Skills
Job Interviewing Techniques Choosing the Right Career/lob
Right to Know!ipdates Bloodbome Pathogens
Orange County Government.Orlando,FL
Supervisory Development Program
Educational Institute/American Hotel& Motel Association,Lansing,MI
Diploma in Hotel Management. Certificates of Specialization in Rooms Division Management,
Management Development,and Sales and Marketing Management.
Wright State University,Dayton,OH
Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with a Major in Personnel Adurinusuatiori and
Industrial Relations.
Persona]&Professional References provided upon request.
Created by Ordinance No. 908, 9-02-86/Amended by Ordinance Nos. 937, 93-02 and 98-29.
Members must be City residents per § 15-4.B, Code of Ordinances
Member District Phone Number Term Expires
Gordon Applegate (Chairman) 1 407/656-7409 (H) October 1, 2002
504 Spring Creek Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Mary E. Barber (Vice Chairman) 2 407/877-9479 (H) October 1, 2002
1355 Olympia Park Circle 521-2360 x 268 (W)
Ocoee, FL 34761
Jim Beech (Resigned 8-07-02) 1 407/656-2669 (H) October 1, 2002
1206 Kimball Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Angelique Bowen 4 407/291-8443 (H) October 1, 2002
2614 Cedar Bluff Lane
Ocoee, FL 34761
David T. Brennan 4 407/578-9850 (H) October 1, 2002
1508 Ison Lane 407/491-3155 (W)
Ocoee, FL 34761
Carleen Bryant 1 407/656-8997 (H) October 1, 2002
2002 Lauren Beth Avenue
Ocoee, FL 34761
Ray G. DeWeese (Resigned 8-02) 4 407/292-8786 (H) October I, 2003
2715 Coventry Lane 407/324-9312 (W)
Ocoee, FL 34761 407/948-1919 (C)
Joseph W. (Jay) Hembree 3 407/654-5501 (H) October 1, 2003
556 Dunoon Street 407/841-9460 (W)
Ocoee, FL 34761
Veronica Royce 1 407/877-3474 (H) October 1, 2002
917 Marlene Drive 407/877-3309 (W)
Ocoee, FL 34761
Jeanne Telesca 2 407/654-5437 (H) October 1, 2003
1096 Coastal Circle
Ocoee, FL 34761
Page 2
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Member District Phone Number Term Expires
Thomas C. Wens 2 407/877-7004 (H) October 1, 2003
720 Butterfly Creek Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Rosemary Wilsen 2 298-1574 (H) October 1, 2003
1019 Shady Maple Circle 656-6678 (W)
Ocoee, FL 34761 521-0090 (F)
Ex-Officio Members
Scott Anderson, Commissioner 656-0337 (H) Appt. December 5, 1995
510 Orange Avenue
Ocoee, FL 34761
{Note: Opening remains for one term ending October 1, 2003.}
RECRD/mbg/September 9,2002
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (City residents only/not City employees)
Meets as needed (on Thursday following 3rd Monday)
5 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms
Duties: To hear and decide appeals for administrative review; to hear and recommend to
City Commission variances to the zoning ordinance.
property, members of OPD, owners of businesses - per CACOPD By-Laws)
Meets 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m.
No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms
Duties: To promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a positive relationship
between the citizens of the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department.
CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (City residents only)
Meets 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m.
7 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms
(Membership will, when practicable, include an architect, a businessman, an engineer, a
general contractor, a sub-contractor and a realtor) .
Duties: To review infractions of City technical codes, negotiate compliance and impose
fines for failure to comply.
Meets as needed
5 members, 3 year terms (after initial appointments for staggered term lengths)
(Membership should include: 3 among the following: a Division 1 contractor; an
electrical contractor; a mechanical contractor; a plumbing contractor; an architect; or
an engineer [City residency not required] AND 2 members of the general public who must
be City residents)
Duties: To hear appeals of decisions of the Building and Zoning Official related to
interpretation and implementation of the Florida Building Code and consider variances of
technical codes.
EDUCATION COMMISSION (City residents only)
Meets 1st Mondays, 7:00 p.m.
No less than 7 members, no more than 15 members - 2 year terms
(Membership shall include at least one representative member for each public school
within the City.)
Duties: To improve the quality of education for Ocoee students by serving as an advisory
body to the City Commission on education issues within the City.
Meets 3rd Mondays, alternate months, 7:30 p.m.
13 members - 2 year terms
Duties: To advise the City Commission, City Manager and Recreation Director on the
operation of the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs.
PERSONNEL BOARD (City residents who are registered voters)
Meets as needed
5 members - 3 year terms
(Membership will include at least 1 City employee, 1 City Commissioner, 1 person who
holds management position with City, and 1 citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and
does not hold office with City. All must be qualified electors of the City.)
Duties: Responsible for reviewing personnel policies for the City which are submitted
to them by City Manager and recommending such policies to City Commission for adoption.
Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. (and 4th Wednesdays, if needed)
9 members - 3 year terms
(Membership will, when reasonable, include an architect, an engineer, a general building
contractor, a real estate agent and lay persons) .
Duties: Establishes principles and policies for guiding action affecting development in
the City and its environs. Determines whether special proposed developments conform to
the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan. Acts in advisory capacity to
the City Commission.
Brief Description of City of Ocoee Boards
Page 2
5 members: 2 employees, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the
previous 4 members. 2 year terms
Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement
Trust Fund for general employees.
5 members: 1 police officer, 1 firefighter, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by
majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms
Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement
Trust Fund for the City's police officers and firefighters.
BRDSDES/mbg/September 9. 2002