HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of November 19, 2002 Agenda 12-10-2002
uLL DAu T Item HI A
NOVEMBER 19,2002
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Commissioner Anderson
led in prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk
Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker
(arrived 7:25 p.m.). Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
Clerk Grafton, Assistant to the City Manager Shira, Finance Director Horton, Fire Chief
Strosnider, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Police Chief Goclon,Public Works Director
Wheeler, Parks/Recreation Director Farmer, Consultant Mark Galvin and Special Counsel Grace
Years of Service Award (10 Years) to Fire Engineer Jonathan D. Mieras. (Human
Resources Director Diedrich)
Mayor Vandergrift presented the Years of Service Award to Mr. Mieras along with a gift
certificate to West Oaks Mall. Chief Strosnider expressed his appreciation for Mr. Mieras and
his dedication to education and training and getting the job done.
Commissioner Anderson invited Scout Troop 217 to be introduced and the scouts turned in
their answers to the questions he had posed at their last scout meeting regarding community
Ms. Nancy Christman said Mrs. Pordelli wished to acknowledge the hard work of the POWR
Team and she presented a check in the amount of$10,000. Mayor Vandergrift and Assistant to
the City Manager Shira accepted the check, thanked Ms. Christman, and expressed appreciation
to the citizens of Ocoee for their efforts to conserve water.
Commissioner Anderson left the meeting at 7:40 p.m. during the next presentation and
returned around 10:40 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift announced there had been a contest between the Mayors of the cities of
Oviedo and Ocoee, sponsored by Palm Tree Computers, Inc., to collect food for the respective
food banks in both towns, and it had been very successful, with citizens bringing in $50,000
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting D a QF 7
November 19,2002
worth of food. Mr. Gary Thomas, manager of the Ocoee Palm Tree Computers store,
expressed his appreciation for the citizens who contributed their time and money to make the
drive a success and the City officials who provided tents because of inclement weather. Then he
introduced the members of the Ocoee Computer Club, who had worked very hard toward this
success. Mr. Paul Rosarius, owner of Palm Tree Computers, Inc., said there had been a drive
last April, and then this one, and he planned to continue with that tradition of sponsoring two
drives each year. Mr. Rosarius and Mr. Thomas distributed the prizes won by those associated
with the city during the drive: Communications Supervisor Alicea—computer, Communications
Supervisor White— certificates to Olive Garden and Chick-HI-A, and Commissioner Parker—
gift certificate.
Mayor Vandergrift announced the Ocoee Computer Club, which was established September
10,2001, meets Monday afternoons and Wednesday nights at the Community Center.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, II, I, and J. Mayor Vandergrift
pulled item I for separate consideration. Several questions were raised on other items to which
staff responded. Referring to item H, Mayor Vandergrift noted reports of crime in the Orchard
Park area and asked that police officers include, as part of their safety job, reporting when
streetlights are out. He suggested also the City should negotiate with developers to do the street
signs for them, as it appears the developers are putting up the cheapest signs available.
Commissioner Parker. seconded b- Commissioner Howell, moved to approve items A.B. C
D 1. R G. H. and 1 of the consent agenda as presented Motion carried 4-0. Cormnis.sioner
Anderson was not present.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting
of November 5,2002. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Non-
Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement with Shannon Lyle Boyer re
Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project.
(Assistant City Attorney Doty)
Based on the Project design prepared by PEC, the City needs to acquire a Non-
Exclusive Easement Agreement for Parcel 704 from Dr. Boyer, a property owner
along Professional Parkway, who has agreed to grant this interest to the City at its
appraised value of$2,845. Staff recommends authorization to execute the
Easement Agreement and payment of$2,845. to Dr. Boyer for the appraised value
of the casement.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Non-
Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement with Nina Sue Bowles re
Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project.
(Assistant City Attorney Doty)
Based on the Project design prepared by PEG,the City needs to acquire a Non-
Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement for Parcel 715 from Nina Sue
Bowles, a property owner along Old Winter Garden Road. Staff recommends
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authorization to execute the Easement Agreement and the payment of$250. to
Nina Sue Bowles to cover her costs in reviewing and executing the agreement.
D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Non-
Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement with Rosa Rutherford re
Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project.
(Assistant City Attorney Doty)
Based on the Project design prepared by PEC, the City needs to acquire a Non-
Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement for Parcel 714 from Rosa Rutherford,
a property owner along Old Winter Garden Road. Staff recommends
authorization to execute the Easement Agreement and the payment of$250. to
Ms. Rutherford to cover her costs in reviewing and executing the agreement.
E. Approval and Authorization to Transfer $2,471.14 from the
Parks/Recreation Department's Small Equipment Account (001-572-00-
5230) into its Capital Outlay Account(001-572-00-6400) to Purchase an Ice
Machine. (Parks/Recreation Director Farmer)
The ice machine at the Beech Recreation Center is out of service and needs to he
replaced. After receiving prices for repair versus replacement, Staff recommends,
and requests authorization to, purchase an ice machine large enough to meet the
demands for ice required to operate the Department's programs and activities.
The lowest of three quotes received was $2,471.14 from United Refrigeration.
F. Approval and Authorization to Waive Annexation Fees for The Grace
Community of Faith Church. (Community Development Director Wagner)
This property is located on 7 acres of land near Johio Shores Road along Silver
Star Road. Upon approval of this item, flat fees for Annexation and Rezoning
($500.), Special Exception ($1,000.),and Review Deposit($1,000.) totaling
$2,500. would he waived. In addition, the Attorney and Advertising fees
normally charged to projects would need to be absorbed out of the General Fund
if all fees are waived.
G. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change
Order No. 1 and Final for Reflections Subdivision Groundwater Seepage
Improvements. (Public Works Director Wheeler)
Of the 18 items of work required under this contract, no work items went over the
estimated quantity and 3 work items were under, which had a value of$3.701.17
to the City. Due to existing underground conditions, Schuller was unable to
complete the underdrain installation in one week, and requested one additional
week of equipment and labor at a cost of$8,003.71. Staff recommends approval
of Change Order No. 1, increasing the contract amount by $4,302.54, using funds
from the Stormwater Capital Fund, the funding source for the entire project, with
no extension in contract time, and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute Change Order No. 1.
H. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Orchard
Park- Phase III Final Plat. (Engineer 1 Gavrilovic)
This subdivision consists of 76 single-family lots and is located at the southeast
corner of the intersection of Clarke Road and Clarcona-Ocoee Road. All required
documentation pertaining to the platting of this subdivision has been reviewed
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November 19,2002
and approved by City Staff The Developer has posted a bond in the amount of
$42,244.00 for the remaining improvements to be constructed.
I. Pulled for separate consideration.
J. Approval and Authorization to Replace Fire Inspector's Vehicle. (Fire Chief
The 1994 Crown Victoria assigned to Fire Inspection is no longer functional and
the cost of repair far outweighs its book value. Staff requests and recommends
replacement with a 2003 Jeep Cherokee Laredo, (Specification 1108) Mid Size
Utility, 4x2, with optional heavy-duty tow package, third key and headlight
flasher. Cost of the vehicle on the Florida State contract will he $19,477. Staff
requests approval of the emergency purchase and authorization for Finance to
secure financing at the best interest rate available and further authorization for the
Mayor, City Clerk and Staff to execute all documents necessary to consummate
the transaction contemplated by the lease purchase agreement.
Item I. Approval and Authorization to (1) Award Bid No. B03-01 City-Wide Lawn
Maintenance to Groundtek of Central FL, Inc., (2) for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute
Agreement, (3) Authorize Staff to Issue a Notice of Award, and (4) Obtain All Necessary
Bonds and Insurance from Groundtek of Central FL,Inc. (Buyer Tolbert)
Of the 4 responses to Bid No. B03-01 Groundtek of Central FL, Inc., was found by staff to he the
most responsive and responsible bidder at $101,864.00
In response to questions regarding who does what in the care of the municipal grounds, Public
Works Director Wheeler responded the contract maintenance takes care of the park area from
the drainage ditch behind City Hall to McKey Avenue, and the City takes care of the road right-
of-way and the flowers and bushes. Commissioner Johnson said he would like to see the whole
area taken care of by the same team so that it would be done at the same time. Mr. Wheeler
said, upon approval of this contract, he would prepare a change order to cover that and bring it
before Commission for approval.
Mayor Vanderprift seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to anorove and authorize the
award of Bid No. B03-01-City Wide Lawn Maintenance to Groundtek of Central FL, Inc.,
authorizing the Ma or and City Clerk to execute the Agreement,authorizing staff to issue a
Notice of Award, and to obtain all the necessary bonds and insurance from Groundtek of Central
FLLInc. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Anderson was not present.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, addressed the Commission about the need
for the turn lane on Silver Star Road heading north at Apopka-Vineland Road.
Former Mayor Lester Dabbs, 619 Caborea Court, addressed the Commission to apologize for
his outburst at the last meeting and let the record reflect that he had clarified several issues he
had addressed at that time. First, that any allegation he had pressed the Commission to approve
the $100 monthly benefit for the benefit of one employee was wrong and second, that he did not
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November 19,2002
intend to offend the City Commission by opposing the travel policy. Ile said, however, he would
continue to speak out when he feels it is appropriate or beneficial.
Commissioner Johnson responded he felt those who had questions about the travel policy and
the use of City credit cards should have first approached those elected individuals involved rather
than address the City at large(in public meeting) before they learned the facts or circumstances.
He added that,regarding the pension benefit issue, the figures were off about $100,000 two years
ago. Commissioner Johnson thanked Commissioner Howell for his remarks made at the last
Mr. Dobbs said for the record, that, after the meeting when Mrs. Lopez-Anderson had addressed
the Commission about the travel policy and the misuse of credit cards, he had spoken with
Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Anderson to tell them he did not approve of the travel
policy as presented.
Commissioner Parker announced the Historical Commission Christmas I Iomecoming program
at the Withers-Maguire House December 14,2002, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and December 15,
from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. There will be music outside free, and a$5.00 charge to go inside to
see the pageant.
Both Commissioner Howell and Commissioner Johnson elected to wait until the end of the
meeting to give their comments.
Mayor Vandergrift
1) Announced the December meeting change of dates from the 3111 to the 10ei.
2) Christmas Parade December 7 at 1:00 p.m.
3) Christmas Dinner December 13 at Ocoee Middle School.
4) West Orange High School Choir will sing at the beginning of either the 10th or 171h City
Commission meeting.
5) Read a letter from Benjamin Bordon from Green Cove Springs, whose boat had flipped
during the boat races. Mr. Bordon expressed his appreciation to Fire Chief Strosnider
and Police Chief Goclon and their teams for their help when their driver was sent to the
hospital. Police Chief Goclon said that the police part was coordinated by Sgt Steve
McCosker, Community Services Supervisor, and Officer Rich Blake spent his weekend
at the lake and any public recognition should go to them.
6) Lt. Kevin Greenhill passed on a sincere thank you to Police Officer Jeremy Lewis for his
assistance at an EMS call on Silver Star Road. Bulldogs Senior Midgets won the
cheerleading contest and will be competing at TD Waterhouse.
7) Florida's Turnpike Headquarters employees have volunteered to perform a community
service activity and there will be more information on this later.
Second Reading of Ordinances.
Ordinance No. 2002-24, Amending Chapter 38 of the Code re the Locational Requirements
Governing the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages. (Community Development Director Wagner)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 19,2002
This Ordinance was prepared in response to Commission direction to prepare changes to
requirements governing the sale of alcoholic beverages and it exempts certain businesses from
the 1,000 foot requirement no matter where they are located within the City.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced
that Commissioner Anderson had asked that this public hearing be continued to the next meeting
as he could not be present and he wished to address this issue.
The public hearing was opened and, without objection,continued to December I0,2002, at 7:30
p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky asked for clarification of the
Ordinance, and both Mayor Vandergrift and Mr. Rosenthal responded.
Ordinance No. 2002-25, Amending the General Employee Pension Trust Fund. (Human
Resources Director Diedrich)
This Ordinance amends the General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund in order to bring the plan
into compliance with the Economic and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and to allow prior
service buy-back opportunities in the plan. Actuarial review of these amendments by the plan's
actuary, Foster& Foster, indicate that the changes will not impact City finding.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. Human Resources Director
Diedrich said this was very similar to the ordinance brought forward recently for the Police/Fire
Pension and includes revisions with federal mandates and possibilities Mr employees to buy back
time they may have had in another retirement system. The changes involving the buy-back of
time do not impact the City's portion of the retirement system, because the employee would pay
all of that.
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to adopt Ordinance No.
2002-25 amend in/ the General Employee Pension Trust Fund. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Anderson was not present.
Resolution No. 2002-24, Bond Issue- Amendment to Stormwater Utility Revenue
Promissory Note, Series 1996. (Special Counsel Dunlap and Financial Advisor Galvin)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution. Finance Director Horton
advised this Resolution authorizes the City to restructure the 1996 Stormwater Improvement
Note. This Note currently has $1,530,000 outstanding with a final maturity date of October
2011. The interest rate is currently 5.15%, increasing annually up to 5.45% in 2005, then it turns
to a variable rate through 2011. Currently the annual debt service payments are $214,000.
Restructuring the loan at this time will result in debt service savings. This action will not take
out new money or extend the term of the loan.
Mark Galvin, First Southwest Company, the City's Financial Advisor, distributed a booklet
entitled "Refunding Analysis of the Stormwater Utility Notes, Series 1996 and Transportation
Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 1990 The City of Ocoee" and as he started his
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report, Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. Galvin to use the overhead to display the contents of the
report for the public. A recess was taken from 8:35 to 8:43 p.m. to set up for this display, and
then Mr. Galvin resumed his report, advising adopting this Resolution would result in a total debt
service savings of$240,878 (or$26,767 per year).
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Special Counsel Dunlap said nothing in adopting this Resolution would prevent the City from
getting additional capital for Stormwater projects.
Mayor Vandererift con cd_hyComnnissQer PArker, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2002-
24, authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Anderson was not present.
Resolution No. 2002-25, Bond Issue—Transportation Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series
2002, issued to Refund Certain Outstanding Series 1990 Bonds. (Special Counsel Dunlap
and Financial Advisor Galvin)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution. Finance Director Horton said
these bonds have $1,325,000 outstanding with a final maturity datc of October 2015. The
interest rate ranges from 7.30% up to 7.50%. Currently the annual debt service payments are
$164,000 annually. This action does not generate new money, nor does it extend the term of the
transaction. The proposed issue is structured as a traditional fixed-rate loan with an interest rate
of 3.69%, and this restructuring of the debt at this time will result in debt service savings.
Mark Galvin said the City now has two outstanding transportation issues that are secured by the
Public Service Taxes and Local Options Gas Tax. In 1998 the majority of the 1990 bonds were
refunded and this action takes the remaining of those bonds that arc eligible to he refunded. The
annual debt service savings will be$27,000 over the next thirteen years.
The public hearing was opened and, s no one wished to speak, was closed.
Ma or Vander rift se onded b y Commissioner Howell moved to ado t Resolution No. 2002-
25 authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor and CityCerk. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Anderson was nut present.
RECESS 9:03—9:25 P.M. to sign documents.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 2002-26, Adopting City Seal. (City Clerk Grafton)
Second Reading and Public Hearing December 17, 2002, at 7:15 p.m.
This Ordinance repeals Section 1-11.1 of Article I of Chapter I of the Code of Ordinances and
adopts a new Section 1-11.1 in order to adopt as the official City Seal that Seal which was in use
from 1925 until 1986 when it was retired from use.
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City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance for the first reading. Mayor
Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing will be held December 17. 2002,
at 7:15 p.m.
Resolution No. 2002-23 Deleting and Adding Job Descriptions. (Human Resources Director
This Resolution deletes the job description for City Engineer, adds City Engineer duties to the
Deputy Public Works Director's job description and adds ajob description for Public Works
Superintendent. Human Resources Director Diedrich gave the staff report and recommended
approval, advising that the Public Works Director is requesting to restructure the department and
these changes will better meet the needs of the new department.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson,moved to adopt Resolution No.
2002-23 as presented. Motion lost 2-2 with Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Howell
voting no. Commissioner Anderson was not present.
After further discussion Commissioner Parker seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved
to deleteSection 4 the job description for Public Works Su erintendent and ado t the remainder
of Resolution No. 2002-23. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Anderson was not present.
Discussion re Temporary Use of Building at 20 Fast McKey Street. (City Manager
City Manager Gleason reported staff looked at this address to be used by the American Legion
for a meeting place temporarily, until the City decides what to do with the municipal block and
determined that, for less than $5,000 the building could be put into usable condition.
Former Mayor Dabbs, speaking for American Legion Post 109, expressed appreciation for this
consideration and said they are willing to put sweat equity into reconditioning the building.
Commissioner Howell seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to authorize the use of the
house at 20 E. McKev Avenue by American Legion Post 109. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Anderson was not present.
Discussion re Parks and Recreation Bond Issue. (Parks/Recreation Director Farmer)
Parks/Recreation Director Farmer presented a possible listing of Parks and Recreation
Facilities that could be developed with a General Obligation Bond Issue and said the Recreation
Advisory Board would like to have ajoint meeting with the City Commission to discuss this
Brad Campbell, Parks/Recreation Advisory Board member, spoke in favor of moving forward
with the plan, as it is an investment in the quality of life in the future of the City.
Bill Winsemann, said this may be difficult to pass and will need the cooperation of the staff,
City Commission, and the Advisory Board to educate the public about the need.
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Commissioner Howell and Commissioner Johnson spoke briefly in favor. Mayor
Vandergrift said a survey to determine what citizens perceive the needs to be would be in order.
Commissioner • la r seconded by.Commissioner Howell moved to hold a tioint meeting
with the Recreation Advisory Board on December 16 in the Chambers and have the meetimr
televised. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Anderson was not present.
Discussion re Purchase of Flags with City Logo. (City Manager Gleason)
City Manager Gleason requested direction regarding the purchase of flags with the new City
Without objection staff was directed to get comparison prices for city flags to he used in
Chambers, by the Honor Guards, etc.
At City Manager Gleason's request, Parks/Recreation Director Farmer showed two designs
(one round, one oval) to be used for the entrances to the City and asked for the
Commission's preference. Consensus was the oval design was best and all the entrances to
the City should be considered. •
Appointment/Reappointment to CACOPD. (City Clerk Grafton)
Commissioner Johnson.s conded b Cs mmissioner Howell moved to reappoint Dean
Richards and to appoint Lindsay Asay to serve three Year terms ending December 1. 2005 on the
Citizens Advisory Council to the Ocoee Police Department. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner
Anderson was not present.
No staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Parker
I) Read a thank you message from Health Central Foundation for the $500 sponsorship for
the School Nurse Program.
2) Submitted a request from City Manager Gleason fir authorization for his accepting a
position as adjunct professor for the bachelor of public administration program at Barry
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to anorove the reoucst for
Cit Manager Gleason to serve in this capacity per his memo dated November 13 2002. Motion
carried 4-0. Commissioner Anderson was not present.
3) Called attention to the historic preservation ordinances distributed just prior to the
meeting and asked that City Attorney Rosenthal be directed to review them for possibly
setting up historic preservation districts in the City of Ocoee. Without objection he was
so directed.
4) Regarding the emergency signal for Fire Station No. 4, asked that Commission authorize
funds in the amount of$8,500 to install flashing emergency lights with remote control
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November 19,2002
until the appropriate lights can be budgeted as those will cost between $80,000 to
Commissioner Parker seconded by Mayor Vandergrift_moved to authorize funds in the
amount of$8.500 to install flashing emergency lights with remote control for Fire Station No. 4
until the appropriate_ lights can be_budgctcd. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Anderson was
not present.
Commissioner Howell
1) Asked where the City stands on the proposed 30 year and out program with the pension.
City Manager Gleason said he would check with the trustees and report.
2) Asked that an appraisal on the building next to Sorenson Field be obtained for possible
future purchase, as the Glad Tidings Church on Adair Street was available for purchase
and it would he an ideal addition to the city recreation program.
Without objection staff was directed to make a study of what use it might he to the City
and what might be used as a financing mechanism.
Commissioner Johnson
I) Said he was happy to see Maguire Road open and asked if everything was finished. Mr.
Gleason responded everything should be completed before Christmas.
2) Asked that Code Enforcement get BP and Amoco to mow and clean up their corners.
3) Asked that Lakewood Avenue paving be finished.
4) Asked about the status on the money for downtown. Mr. Gleason reported the City is
eligible for up to $850,000 of money from the Federal government through its highway
program, reimbursable at 100%. but the funds would not he refunded until 2007. I Ic said
he had calls in to see if the schedule could he accelerated.
Mayor Vandergrift
1) Asked when the Turnpike hearing regarding putting an intersection from the 'turnpike to
the East/West Expressway was scheduled.
2) Thanked staff for putting in the reflectors on Clarke Road and wants more put in going
3) Turning off of Highway 50 onto Maguire Road there is a median that should he marked.
4) Asked that staff be better prepared to show details on the overhead when reports are to be
5) Directed attention to the petition to name the new high school Ocoee High School and
said the City Clerk's office would have copies available for citizens to sign.
"[he meeting adjourned at 10:42 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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