HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (B2) Approval and Authorization for Reappointments to Boards: Reappointment of Pat Cornell to General Emplyees' Retirement Trust Fund Board for term to end September 30, 2004 Agenda 12-10-2002
Item III B 2
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To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From: Jean Grafton, City Clerk
Date: December 4, 2002
Re: Appointment to General Employees'
Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees
Pursuant to Section 3.1 of the City of Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Plan, in
a meeting on November 19, 2002, the elected and appointed members of the board chose Mrs. Pat
Cornell to serve a new term as fifth member on the board.
Action Requested
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Mrs. Pat Cornell to serve a new two year
term as the fifth member of the General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees,
said term to end September 30, 2004.
('ity of Ococc• 150 N I,lkeshorc Dmc • Ocoee. I Iondn 54701
phone: 1 4117 1 90 5-3 1 00 • fax (407 256-55(61 • n„‘ ci.ococe.11.of
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Grafton, Jean
From: Vogt, John
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 2:18 PM
To: Grafton, Jean
Subject: Pension Board Request for Agenda Item
1 lonorable City Clerk Grafton.
At the August Sth, 2002, meeting of the Crtc Of Ocon e General Employees Pension
Board we resolved that 'Trustee (Pal) Cornell be appointed to a full two-year feint,
such term beginning October I. 2002 and expiring September 3o. 2ooq." (From
Meeting Minutes.)
The minutes also indicated that "Attorney Definer rem indcd that 'Prnsl ee Coi nell's
name Would have to be submitted to the Commission for confn malion and she
would then be official by the next meeting." (From Meeting Minutes.) At the Beard
meeting today. November 19. 2002, the hoard learned that Trustee Cornell, name
had not been submitted to the Commission for conlinnation, and therefore the is
not an eligible official member for todat is meeting,. As fate would hat, it, she was.
unable to attend due to illness, so therefore no Board business Was conducted with
an unofficial Trustee.
The remainder of the Board nisokcd that 'frustoe Cornell's name irould be
submitted to your office for inclusion on the next appropriate Ch Commission
meeting for the purpose of their confirmation of her appointment. The Board did
not feel it was an emergency request, and therefore there is no urgency to place it on
the agenda for tonight's meeting since the Board does not intend to meet for an'
reason between now and the next regularly scheduled Commission meetinit A.
promised, 1 am fonvarding this request to sour ( ffice.
The City Of Ocoee General h;mplocties Pension Pao:id respectfully requests the
Office of the City Clerk of Ocoee include an item on the next most convenient City
Commission Meeting Agenda to confirm the appointment of Pension Board selected
Trustee Pat Cornell to a full two-)ear term, such lernr beginning October I. 2002
aid expiring September go, 200.I.
Thank von for your continued valued participation in the administration of the
General Employees Pension Plan! Please let ins know if I way be of blither
assistance with this issue.
Respect!nil' submitted for your review,
John Vogt
Information Systems
City Of Ocoee