HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of October 15, 2002 Agenda 11-05-2002
Item III A
Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at
City Hall. Wayne Humphrey led the prayer and Frances Watts led the Pledge Allegiance to
the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also present
were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, human Resources
Director Diedrich, Police Chief Goclon, City Engineer Shira, Public Works Director Wheeler,
Community Development Director Wagner, and Recreation/Parks Director Farmer.
ABSENT: Commissioner time!!
Plaque of Appreciation to Representative Fred Brummer—City Manager Gleason
City Manager Gleason spoke briefly about Mr. Brummer and his years of service and
introduced him. Representative Brummer thanked everyone and said it was a pleasure getting
to know and represent so many people from Ocoee. Mr. Brummer promised his continued
support for Representative Johnson and Senator Webster.
Expansion of the West Orange YMCA Facility-Wayne Humphrey
Central Florida YMCA Vice President of Financial Development & Association
Advancement Wayne Humphrey invited the Commission to a luncheon to be held Wednesday
October 16,2002, to give their input regarding the expansion of the Central Florida YMCA.
This item, VII D, was taken out of order.
Resolution No. 2002-20, regarding Florida City Government Week, October 20-26, 2002.
(Mayor Vandergrift)
City Attorney Rosenthal read Resolution 2002-20 declaring October 20 through October 26,
2002, to be Florida City Government Week.
Mayor Vandergrift encouraged everyone to pick up a bumper sticker and/or a pin from the
table in the back and support your local government.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Resolution 2002-
20. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner !towel] was absent.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, F, F, G, and H. Item B was pulled by
Commissioner Anderson for a separate vote.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of October
1,2002, and Special Session of September 26, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 15,2002
C. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Non-Exclusive
Temporary Easement Agreement with CCFR Investment Group re Professional
Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project. (Assistant City Attorney Doty)
Based on the Project design prepared by PEC, the City needs to acquire a Non-Exclusive Temporary Easement
Agreement from CCFR Investment Group- Staff recommends payment of 55,782.00 to CCFR for the appraised
value of the easement.
U. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Amendment No. 01
to Addendum No. 99-10 to PEC's Continuing Contract with reference to Old Winter
Garden Road/Blackwood Avenue Intersection Improvements Design. (City Engineer
In the Wal-Mart Development Agreement, in order to avoid constructing improvements that would be torn out
by the City in its road widening project, some of Wal-Mart's improvements were postponed until the Old
Winter Garden Road/Blackwood Avenue widening. Wal-Mart agreed to pay the cost of certain intersection
improvements to the City and the City would include the construction of the improvements in the Old Winter
Garden Road Project. That cost is estimated to he$342,320,and that amount has been received and deposited
to the City's account. This Amendment covers the survey,design and permitting phase of the work at a cost of
S30,000. Approval of this item authorizes PEC to proceed with the survey,design and permitting of the Wal-
Mart Offsite Roadway Improvements.
E. Appointment to Parks and Recreation Board. (City Clerk Grafton)
An application was received from 13i1I Winsemann(District 4)indicating interest in serving on the Parks and
Recreation Board as his only choice. Staff ecommends appointing Mr. W insentann to complete Ray
DeWeese's two year term ending October I,2003.
F. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change Order No.2
in the Amount of$3,320.00 for the Starke Lake South Drainage Well. (Richard Lee,
Engineer 1)
The deletion of four items totaling S8,160.00 and the addition of four new items totaling S11,480.00 leaves a
net amount of S3,320.00 needed for this Change Order.
G. Approval of General Authorization for Mayor to Sign Certain Agreements. (City
Manager Gleason)
This general authorization would cover the signing of agreements for the use of facilities when there is no rental
cost to the City.
II. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Agreement with
Orange County School Board for School Resource Officers for the 2002-03 School
Year. (Police Chief Goelon)
This agreement will permit the Ocoee Police Department to provide two school resource officers to the Orange
County School Board in return for funds for services rendered not to exceed$40,000.00.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve items A, C
D, E, F, C, and II of the consent agenda. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was absent.
B. Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closure of Starke Lake Public Boat Ramp
from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on October 26-27, 2002, for Florida Outboard Racing
Association Boat Regatta. (Building Official Washington)
These closures are subject to the requirement that signs he posted notifying citizens of the ramp closure in
Commissioner Anderson stated staff recommended it be done the same as last year by closing
from the boat ramp to Oakland with the necessary marking and police protection.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve item III B
with the addition of staff recommendation for changes. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner
Howell was absent.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 15, 2002
Kim Bracey, 918 Red Dandy Drive, expressed her concern about the termination of use of the
practice field located at the Public Works facility on Maguire Road. She stated the Major
League Braves had been using the practice field for some time.
Max Britton, 1689 Rachaels Ridge Loop, also spoke and expressed his concern. He stated he
would pay for and build a fence to separate the practice area from the area where the police
vehicles are parked.
City Manager Gleason and Parks and Recreation Director Farmer, as well as the
Commission, responded to their concerns. There was a lengthy discussion. Commissioner
Johnson commented that residents outside the city were part of the problem. He suggested that
a referendum to purchase more property to be used as practice fields would be a possibility. Mr.
Farmer stated that by March there should be approximately six (6) more fields available. City
Manager Gleason stated the security concerns of the police department as well as the liability
issues. The Commission assured Ms. Bracey and Mr. Britton they would find a field somewhere
for the kids to practice. Staff was directed to meet with the police department and public works
to look at alternatives.
Commissioner Anderson
I. Acknowledged his father, Art Anderson, who was in the audience.
2. Read an e-mail from a citizen inquiring about the location of a recycling facility and why
there were no recycle bins in the apartment complex where he resides. Public Works
Director Wheeler responded to the questions.
3. Said there were 20 preferred seating tickets left for the Aaron Tippen concert and they
were $10.00 each. He said they could be purchased in the Building Department.
Commissioner Johnson thanked staff for following through and getting the lights around the
lakefront up before Founders Day. He said the bands that would hold the flags could be
purchased for the lights.
Commissioner Parker
1. Reminded everyone about Founders Day and listed all the events that would be taking
place. She said the evening would be culminated by one of the Commission kissing a
2. Read an e-mail from April Fox, 2704 Estep Ct., asking the status of the bobcats and the
status of the entrance to Coventry Place. Commissioner Parker said the trapper was
still on standby, but no bobcats had been caught. She said most likely they have moved
on. She said the state would be putting brick on the wall at Coventry and when the
striping of the road is done it will be four lanes as opposed to two lanes. Ms. Parker said
she would call Ms. Fox the following day and talk with her more.
Mayor Vandergrift
I. Announced the passing of Henry Land, brother of Apopka Mayor John Land, and the
passing of Gregg Sikes of the Appraisers office.
2. Gave an overview of a letter he received from Orange County Chairman Richard Crotty
stating the courts had upheld Orange County on the slowing down of growth. In the
letter Mr. Crotty thanked all the cities for being on board.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October Is,2002
3. Announced he would be defending his title as tricyclist for the Rotary Club on Founders
4. Announced a food drive to replenish the Christian Service Center in Ocoee and the center
in Oviedo He said it would start November 16, 2002. Anytime before then food can be
dropped off between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. He said as food is brought in a ticket will
be given out for a drawing that will be held at a later date. Two computers will be given
away at the drawing, one in Ocoee, and one in Oviedo. He acknowledged Frances Watts
in the audience and said she had been the winner of last year's computer.
None scheduled.
This item was declared an emergency item by Mayor Vandergrift.
NPDES Annual Permit 6tb year. (Public Works Director Wheeler)
Public Works Director Wheeler explained that this report is an annual report for the Permit
Year 6 under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPES) Stormwater Permit
originally issued on April I, 1996. He said the report each year shows compliance with the
various permit conditions, possible deficiencies, and requested permit modifications. Ile stated
the report is incorporated with the annual reports from the other co-applicants and submitted as a
single document to EPA for review and approval.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to accept the report.
Motion carried 3-I. Commissioner Anderson voted no. Commissioner Howell was absent.
Commissioner Anderson said he voted his normal no on this item because it is an unfunded
mandate from the government.
West Groves Subdivision— Request for Name Change to Westyn Bay, Project No. LS-00-
002. (Planning Manager Lewis)
Community Development Director Wagner stated the subject property is located between
Ocoee Apopka Road and Lake Apopka,just north of the Western Beltway (SR 429). He said the
applicant is requesting a name change for marketing reasons. He said the applicant has chosen a
name that will enhance his market presentation, but still honor the heritage of the West family as
historical owners of the property. Staff recommended approval of the name change.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the name
change. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was absent.
Discussion re: Transfer of Boxing Equipment to Outside Contractor. (Parks and
Recreation Director Farmer)
Parks and Recreation Director Farmer stated that as directed by the Commission he had
compiled a list of all the equipment that had been purchased for the boxing program. He said the
total expended was $17, 212.20; this does not include any of the office equipment or other
equipment associated with the operation of the program, such as a Television, Video Camera,
etc. He said staff had contacted Play It Again Sports to get an estimate on the present value of the
equipment with the exception of the boxing ring and was given an estimated retail value of
$1,978.00. Play It Again Sports indicated they would purchase it from the City for $594.00.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 15,2002
Staff also contacted Everlast Sports MFG, Corp. regarding the boxing ring. They estimate the
value of the ring with two years depreciation at 57,000.00. Staff is requesting direction as to the
distribution of the equipment to the group or individual who wants to continue the Boxing
There was a discussion concerning the lack of communication that has been received from the
group wanting to continue the program. Commissioner Johnson suggested the transition
money be returned to the contingency fund and the equipment be put up for sale on )-bay.
Commissioner Anderson pointed out that the window of lime to transition had all but passed.
He stated the doors have been locked for two weeks and no one has done anything to indicate
they are willing to continue with necessary things that need to be done in order to have a
contract. He pointed out that the longer the building sat unused with the equipment inside the
greater the potential for a theft or vandalism to occur. Human Resources Director Diedrich
indicated her office had contacted Mr. Cristclli with the insurance information he needed and
that they had not received any response hack to date.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to place the
$10,000.00 that had been set aside for the transition back into the contingency fund, declare the
boxing equipment to be surplus property, and offer the ecuipment for sale on F-bay. Motion
carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was absent.
Resolution No. 2002-19, regarding New and Revised Job Titles/Descriptions. (Human
Resources Director Diedrich)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Resolution No. 2002-19. There was no
discussion of this item.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Resolution
Number 2002-19. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Ilowell was absent.
Discussion of Appointment to West Orange Chamber Board of Directors for January 1 —
December 31, 2003 term. (City Manager Gleason)
Commissioner Johnson indicated he was willing to serve again.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, move to reappoint
Commissioner Johnson as representative to the West Orange Chamber Board of Directors.
Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was absent.
City Manager Gleason
I. Passed out a copy of letter indicating the City of Ocoee's application and supporting
documentation have been examined and all the standards have been met. Accordingly the
City of Ocoee has been recommended for the award of Tree City USA. He said the credit
should go to Parks and Recreation Director Farmer who picked up the ball and got the
application in.
2. Said he wanted to clarify an e-mail that everyone was copied on regarding the State of the
City Video. He said he's asked each department to look over the highlighted area they
submitted at budget time and see if they had any updates or changes. He said the items
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October I5,2002
must be submitted to him by November I, 2002. He also said any Commissioner or
Department head who would like to participate by recording an on-camera sound bite was
welcome to do so and was encouraged to contact him ASAP to set up a time and location.
3. Proposed revisions to City Commission Non-Local "travel Policy. City Attorney
Rosenthal stated he had met with the City Manager, Finance Director, and Human
Resources Director to review the existing policy. He gave an overview of the items covered
as per the direction of the Commission given at a previous meeting. He said in large part a
number of the issues that have been discussed are really already addressed from a paper
work and procedural standpoint in the existing travel policy. He said the area where the
potential glitch or administrative issue may be occurring relate primarily to the use of the
credit card in that the credit card has been phased in since the policy was adopted. Mr.
Rosenthal said additions to the policy were in sections 17, 18, 19, and 20. He reviewed
with the Commission what those changes were.
Without objection the Commission directed Mr. Rosenthal to bring back the proposed
revisions in the form of an amendment to the travel policy resolution on the next agenda.
Commissioner Parker
I. Inquired if there was anyway the no left turn at the SunTrust Bank could be eliminated.
City Manager Gleason said he would have Community Development Director Wagner
address that issue and he would get the information for her.
2. Said she would like to find out what is going on with the lack of power at the Forest Oaks
Entrance as there are no lights and it's very dark.
Commissioner Johnson
I. Would like to know about corner clips at Moore Rd. and Maguire Rd.
2. Suggested buying the 16 acres on Clarcona-Ocoee Road for practice fields. He said if the
City waits too long it would he gone. City Manager Gleason responded and gave some
possible options that might be available to the City.
3. Said the streetlight at Cumberland and Delaware cuts in and out.
4. Asked the Commission for approval to add the one or two extra street lights if the nine
lights don't cover from the bottom of Lakeshore to the corner of McKey and Bluford
Without objection the Commission approved.
5. Said the island on Bluford Avenue was beautifully done. It looks really great.
Commissioner Anderson
1. Suggested anyone fishing in the Fab Five bring their own worms as they ran out last year.
1-Ic said he wanted to see everyone at Founders Day.
2. Announced that scrub trees were being cleared out of Sleepy Harbor and Prima Vista area
and there would be replanting done.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Said Rob McKcy was the appointee to the advisory committee for the METROPLAN
Orlando. He said there is a Trails conference at Disney and said whether or not a staff
member is attending he would like to see Mr. McKcy attend. I le stated the cost of the
registration and explained that due to Mr. McKey's work schedule he may not be able to
attend every class. The Commission expressed their belief that Mr. McKcy did an
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Ocoee City Conmtission Regular Meeting
October 15,2002
excellent job reporting hack and keeping them informed regarding the METROPLAN
Orlando meetings and had no problem with him attending the Trails Conference.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to send Rob McKey to the
conference and to pay for his registration and expenses. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner
I lowell was absent.
2. Would like to see reflectors on Clarke Road further out and would like to have four lanes
to Hackney Prairie.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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