HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII(A) Approval And Acceptance Of Minutes Of City Commission Regular Meeting Of September 17, 2002 Tentative Budget Public Hearing Of September 9, 2002 And Final Budget Public Hearing Of September 23, 2002 DRAFTAgenda 10-01-2002 Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL SESSION FOR TENTATIVE BUDGET HELD SEPTEMBER 9,2002 Mayor Vandergrift called the Special Session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. All the Commissioners were present and a quorum was declared. Mayor Vandergrift announced this was a public hearing on the tentative budget and proposed millage rate for the City of Ocoee. Notice of this hearing was contained in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes mailed by the Property Appraiser. The City Commission has previously set a proposed millage rate of 4.6564 mills which represents a 1.6925% increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 4.5789 mills. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter, Budget Analyst Brosonski, Accountant Bishop, Human Resources Director Diedrich, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Acting Public Works Director Wheeler, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Support Division Chief McNeil, Acting Police Chief Goclon, Communications Manager Ek-Collins, Recreation Director Farmer, Planning Director Wagner, Information Systems Manager Ross, and Acting City Clerk Whitford. Finance Director Horton announced that the percentage rate increase in the tentative millage over the rolled-back rate that is necessary to fund the proposed budget is 1.6925%. She stated that ad valorem revenues were being increased by$379,547.00 to provide funding for operating expenses,programs, capital improvement projects, and the purchase of equipment and vehicles. The public hearing was opened, and Mayor Vandergrift asked for comments from citizens. City Manager Gleason thanked the finance team for their hard work in preparing the budget. Mayor Vandergrift asked if there were any amendments to the budget. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the tentative budget of the City of Ocoee distributed along with the budget message of the City Manager dated July 22, 2002, along with the changes resulting from the budget workshop in the following manner to incorporate and direct the finance department to incorporate into the final budget the necessary amendments to implement the City of Ocoee Budget Fiscal Year 2002-03 Proposed Reorganization and Other Changes as distributed by the City Manager. Motion carried 4-1. Mayor Vandergrift voted no. Following the motion and prior to the vote,the following people addressed the Commission. Max Jacobs, 2247 Mountain Spruce Street, addressed the Commission inquiring as to the process used to determine the millage rate. Commissioner Parker responded. Joe Hembrooke, 2188 Alcobe Cr., inquired as to why the meeting was not televised. City Manager Gleason responded that the camera people were free-lance cameramen and that it was a matter of cost. He stated that the final budget hearing would be televised. Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Special Session DRAFT September 9, 2002 Martha Lopez-Anderson addressed the Commission by reading a statement expressing her concerns with what she believes to be an abuse and misuse of the travel policy by the Commission. She also stated several other concerns with the behavior of the Commission members. Finance Director Horton, City Manager Gleason, Commissioner Parker, and Commissioner Johnson responded to Ms. Lopez-Anderson's concerns. Dave Ferguson, 2656 Cedar Bluff Lane, addressed the Commission regarding a loan in the amount of$50,000.00 to cover the cost of upgrading the finish on the Coventry Subdivision wall. The wall needed to be replaced due to the SR 438 project. FDOT is replacing the wall, but the residents would like to upgrade to a brick face on the wall in order to help curb graffiti. He said originally the wall was to be built at the end of the road construction and that would have allowed time to raise the funds. Now, FDOT wants the wall completed before they move on to the next phase of the SR 438 project. Mr. Ferguson stated the homeowners also request assistance in acquiring a 90-day extension which is needed. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that,regarding a loan,he was uncertain as to the legality, but if the Commission so directed he would check into the statutes that pertain. He stated the City could issue the funds as a grant. City Attorney Rosenthal said another option would be for the homeowners to petition the City Commission to adopt a special assessment program for the construction of a wall. He explained that this process cannot be done in a couple of weeks and the administrative costs for such a program would be approximately one-third. After a brief discussion staff was directed to assist in obtaining a 90-day extension to delay the completion of the wall and to check with the City of Orlando regarding their loan program, as well as investigate the special assessment option. City Manager Gleason advised Mr. Ferguson that he would be contacted and kept informed as to what was being done. There was a brief discussion about the proposed reorganizational charts with City Manager Gleason responding to questions. Mayor Vandergrift expressed concern that the proposed reorganization was too hastily done. Mayor Vandergrift asked what the Commission proposed to do with the $66,000.00 savings the proposed reorganization would bring about and suggested it be considered for a millage roll back. Finance Director Horton advised the difference in the tentative millage rate approved at the August 20, 2002, Commission meeting and the rolled-back rate is $88,980.00. Commissioner Parker suggested that the additional 20,000.00 plus could be found by cutting in some areas. All the other Commissioners and Mayor agreed. City Attorney Rosenthal advised the Commission that if they wished to go to the rolled-back rate at that meeting,they would first need to amend the tentative budget and remove funds from somewhere to equal the $88,980.00. He reminded them that if they went to the rolled-back rate at that time they could not go back up at the final budget hearing. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to amend the tentative budget to reduce the contingency fund by$88,980.00. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to amend the tentative budget to remove the boxing program, resulting in the transfer and the transfer of funds from the boxing program to contingency in the approximate amount of$69,700.00, directing the Finance Department to incorporate into the final budget the changes necessary to accomplish the foregoing and to appropriate from contingency$10,000.00 to fund the transition of the boxing Page 2 of 4 Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Special Session UA,FT September 9, 2002 program from a public to a private program. Motion carried 4-1. Commissioner Howell voted no. Recess 8:00 p.m.—8:10 p.m. Finance Director Horton announced"The proposed final millage rate is 4.5789 mills which is the rolled-back rate and there is no proposed percentage increase in property taxes." City Manager Gleason asked for clarification on the amount in the Contingency Fund. Finance Director Horton advised with the adjustments there will be $336,200.00 in contingency. That includes the $10,000.00 for the boxing program, but does not include the monies that are set aside in contingency for the Seniors program. Ordinance No. 2002-22 regarding Millage Rate. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 2002-22. J. Lester Dabbs, 619 Caborca Ct., opposed adopting the rolled-back millage rate and stated he was concerned that the contingency fund is too small for a city the size of Ocoee and not prudent. He said the contingency should be at least 1-2% of the total budget. Mr. Dabbs stated when a city gets to the point of having a twenty-nine to thirty million dollar budget there should be some type of vision statement. He said he was in favor of the reorganization plan and the removal of the boxing program. City Manager Gleason responded briefly to Mr. Dabbs' comments. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved that the City Commission adopt a tentative millage rate of 4.5789 mills for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2002, ending September 30, 2003. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 2005-23 regarding Tentative Budget. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 2002-23. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the tentative budget to transfer $100,000.00 from the Contingency Fund into the Reserve Fund. Motion Carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt a tentative budget of the City of Ocoee as distributed along with the budget message of the City Manager dated July 22, 2002, along with the changes resulting from the budget workshops, as such budget has been amended at this meeting, such tentative budget being for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2002, and ending September 30, 2003. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson_moved that a public hearing to consider the final millage rate and final budget be scheduled for September 23, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. at a Special Meeting of the City of Ocoee City Commission to be held at the Ocoee City Hall Commission Chambers,that the hearing be advertised in accordance with provisions of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, and Section C-37 of Article VI of the Ocoee City Charter, that Page 3 of 4 A I Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Special Session September 9, 2002 the appropriate Ordinances necessary to adopt the final millage rate and final bud et be Drepared by the City staff, and that all other action necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, be undertaken. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift announced the date for the final millage and final budget hearing: September 23, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. at Ocoee City Hall. COMMENTS City Manager Gleason thanked Finance, Human Resources, and the Department Directors for the hard work done in putting the budget together. He said it was the first time that he could remember that the vote regarding the tentative budget and millage rate was unanimous. Commissioner Anderson thanked Mr. Gleason for the budget presented to the Commission. He said it was very clear and he believed the citizens appreciate the way it was done. Mayor Vandergrift stated he voted reluctantly for the budget due to the fact that he felt the reorganization process was accelerated just before budget time, but that he did vote in favor of the budget. Commissioner Johnson stated that the City's organizational structure needed to be changed and he felt Mr. Gleason had done an excellent job. He said he didn't know of a better time for the reorganization. He stated many businesses are reorganizing and cutting down and the departments did a good job in cutting down their budgets. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Sally Whitford, Acting City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 4 of 4 Agenda 10-01-2002 tR ( T Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 17,2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Commissioner Anderson led the prayer and Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, Finance Director Horton, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Planning Director Wagner, Senior Planner Grimms,Recreation Director Farmer, Police Chief Goclon, Communications Manager Ek-Collins, Information Systems Manager Ross, GIS Technician O'Halloran, and Acting Public Works Director Wheeler. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of Plaque to State Representative Johnson. (City Manager Gleason) City Manager Gleason presented Representative Johnson with a plaque from the City and thanked him for his diligent and outstanding work on behalf of Ocoee and the entire West Orange Community. Representative Johnson received the plaque and thanked the Commission and City Manager for their exchange of communication with him while he was in Tallahassee. He said communication had been key in getting SR50 improved. He responded to some questions and suggestions made by the Commission regarding the E/W Expressway and the Western Beltway. Representative Johnson said the Western Beltway should be finished all the way to Sanford eventually and said he was working to that end. Mayor Vandergrift read a letter stating Finance Director Horton was to receive a"Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting."The award is for the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report that Finance prepares. Mayor Vandergrift congratulated Ms. Horton on a job well done and thanked her for 13 years of service. Proclamation for Constitution Week. (Mayor Vandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift read the proclamation and proclaimed September 17, 2002, through September 23, 2002, as Constitution Week. Years of Service Award. (Mayor Vandergrift) 15 Years of Service -Janet Shira,Director of Community Relations. Ms. Shira was unable to attend; this item will be on the October 1, 2002, agenda. The Consent Agenda Consisted of Items A,B, C,D,E,F, and G. There were a few brief questions concerning items B, F, D, and G. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION,IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting R AP' September 17,2002 A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of August 20, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Approval to Waive the Bid Process for the Purchase of a Server for Communications CAD System. (Communications Manager Ek- Collins/Information Systems Manager Ross) At the August 20,2002, Commission meeting the Commission approved the overall purchase of a server and computer system for the Communications Center. The server/tape library portion of the system exceeds the$15,00.00 benchmark established regarding purchases without going to bid. Staff requests the bid process be waived and approval given to purchase the server/tape library system from the same vendor, (Dell),as the computer workstations are being purchased. C. Approval and Authorization to Award Bid #B02-04 for Construction of Freedom Park to Pooley Enterprises Inc., for$645,239.32 and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Agreement. (Recreation Director Farmer) The bid was advertised on July 7,2002,and opened August 6,2002. A total of nine(9)bids were reviewed by the Recreation Department, and Herbert Halback,Inc. Staff recommends awarding bid #B02-04 to Pooley Enterprises,Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder. D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Final Plat of the Westchester Subdivision. (Engineering/Utilities Director Shira/Engineer I Gavrilovic) The tract of land formerly known as Prairie Lake Tract E is now being platted as Wentworth and Westchester. Westchester consists of 60 lot single-family subdivision located on the southeast corner of Clarke Road and Hackney-Prairie Road. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this tract has been reviewed by City Staff. A Performance Bond has been issued in the amount of $1,452.128.18 for the remaining site improvements. A Maintenance Bond will be issued at the time of Certificate of Completion. Staff recommends approval of the final plat of Westchester as submitted. E. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Final Plat of the Wentworth Subdivision. (Engineering/Utilities Director Shira/Engineer I Gavrilovic) The tract of land formerly known as Prairie Lake Tract E is now being platted as Wentworth and Westchester. Wentworth consists of 106 town homes and is located on the southeast corner of Clarke Road and Hackney-Prairie Road. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this tract has been reviewed and approved by City Staff. Staff recommends approval of the final plat of Wentworth as submitted. F. Authorization to Transfer Funds from Reserve Contingency in the Water/Wastewater Fund to Cover Overrun in Florida Central Railroad Permits. (Acting Public Works Director Wheeler) In 2000,Florida Central Railroad raised its yearly fees and began charging fees for crossings not previously invoiced. The original yearly fees had been varying amounts from no cost to$400.00 per year for each water,sewer,stormwater, and road crossing. Foley and Lardner attempted to negotiate with Florida Central Railroad about the issue,but unfortunately the City is not in an advantageous position. Staff recommends the transfer of funds in the amount of$13,600.00 from Reserve Contingency in the Water and Wastewater Fund to cover the overrun. G. Approval to Enter into an Agreement with First Union to Terminate Financial Services Consulting Agreement and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Contract with First Southwest Company and Mr. Mark Galvin for Financial Advisory Services and Any Termination Agreement Required with First Union. (Finance Director Horton) In September of 2000 the City Commission approved a contract between First Union National Bank and the City of Ocoee. Mr. Galvin,Financial Advisor,represented First Union. Mr. Galvin has been responsive to the City's needs and has demonstrated his knowledge and understanding of the financial market. Mr. Galvin has terminated employment with First Union and is now employed with First 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting CD A 1 T September 17,2002 U u Southwest Company located in Orlando. Staff is pleased with the relationship established with Mr. Galvin and the relationships he has established with members of the City's financial team. Staff recommends approval of entering into an agreement with First Union to terminate Financial Services Consulting Agreement and authorization of a contract with First Southwest Company and Mr. Galvin for financial advisory services. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve items A, B, C, D, E, F, and G of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no comments at this time. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker 1. Explained the"kiss the pig" contest and suggested if a Commissioner's vote on an item or items make you happy to put money in the can. She reminded everyone the money goes for the School Nurse Program. 2. Asked the Commission if they wanted to purchase a$500.00 Aruba Sponsorship for a for the School Nurse Program fundraiser hosted by Health Central Foundation. She said it was being held at the Disney Swan Hotel Saturday from 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to purchase $500.00 Aruba Sponsorship with the money being taken out of the Contingency Fund. Motion carried 5- 0. Commissioner Johnson said the Founder's Day Committee had met the night before and things were going great. He reminded everyone the golf tournament would be October l lth and the 5k race and poker run would be on the 12th with Founder's Day being held on the 19th from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. He encouraged everyone to come out and have a good time. Commissioner Anderson announced there would be an old steam engine with a passenger car behind giving rides from Ocoee to Winter Garden and back on Founder's Day. The cost will be $4.00. The Lions Club will be the point of departure and arrival. Commissioner Howell 1. Thanked the members of the Ocoee Police and Fire Departments who attended the 911 service at Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church. He also thanked members of the Sheriffs' Department who also attended. 2. Said he had been driving around District#1 the past few weeks and was gratified to see how much District#1 had improved over the last couple of years. He thanked the homeowners and expressed appreciation for the work and effort put forth. Mayor Vandergrift 1. Said he would like to emphasize the Lions Club train ride to Winter Garden. He said he didn't know if the steam engine would be able to pull the train, as it needed a$35,000.00 bearing. He said there were other train rides coming up September 28 and September 29, when the train will go from Ocoee to Mt. Dora. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting D A FT September 17,2002 2. Read a letter from Best Western Hotels regarding an event that took place August 27, 2002, in Perkins Restaurant. The letter commended Don McKay, the Maintenance Chief at the restaurant. Mr. McKay had applied the Heimlich maneuver to a choking customer. The customer lost consciousness and was moved to the floor where Mr. McKay continued to apply the maneuver. The customer regained consciousness just before the paramedics arrived. Mayor Vandergrift stated he would also send a letter to Mr. McKay commending him. He said it is always nice to hear good things about people in the community. 3. Announced October 5th as a clean up day. He said Albertson's would be supplying a chicken lunch. He said he hoped he could count on the same help from staff as in the previous year. City Manager Gleason stated staff could help with the lake cleanup, but there is a liability issue with citizens or staff removing the asphalt from a public street. Commissioner Parker indicated a child had gotten a piece of asphalt in his eye last year and that it is dangerous. Commissioner Johnson 1. Said he would he would like to see the brick streets restored as part of the downtown renovation project, but he would like a plan. He said perhaps the City could start with a section from Oakland to McKey Street. He suggested that it might be able to be done in-house and that the curbs also need to be redone. A lengthy discussion ensued. 2. He asked if the street lights and drain wells would be ready before Founder's Day. Acting Public Works Director Wheeler said the wells and the lights are supposed to be done by October 16t1'. He said the existing wells are working in their limited capacity; the two new wells are not. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see a seawall by the north well. Mr. Wheeler said SJWMD has classified some of the shore land as wetlands. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to direct staff to obtain estimates for restoring the brick streets from Oakland to McKey Street. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson cautioned everyone about two solicitors going door to door with a magazine selling subscriptions. Commissioner Anderson said the solicitors were saying if you give us cash today you will get 50% off. He said meanwhile the other person was walking along side the house as if to scope it out. He stated people should ask for ID and he gave the phone number of the police department. City Attorney Rosenthal explained Ocoee has no requirements and there is no action the police can take. Police Chief Goclon stated there is no law that requires a citizen walking down the street to carry ID. If they are driving they must have their driver's license with them, but it is not necessary if you are on foot. He said a No Trespassing sign could be enforced if it met specific state statute requirements. Chief Goclon said if the persons are acting suspicious by all means call the police department. City Manager Gleason took this opportunity to welcome Chief Goclon as the new Police Chief effective September 17, 2002. He said later on there would be a formal presentation of the insignias and documentation. PUBLIC HEARINGS Ordinance No. 2002-20 Citrus Medical & Executive Park Future Land Use Map Re- Designation. (Senior Planner Grimms) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only to Ordinance No. 2002-20. 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting OnAFT September 17,2002 Sr. Planner Grimms presented the staff report on this item and the following three items. The subject property is located on the south side of Old Winter Garden Road (SR 526) across from the Health Central Hospital, between Blackwood Ave. and Matador Drive. The property is comprised of 5.81 acres. If the small scale comprehensive plan amendment (SSCPA) is approved a proposed office park complex is to be developed on this site. Future Land Use designations within 300 feet are "Low Density Residential" on the east, south, and west side, and"Public Facilities/Institutional" on the north side, and"Professional Offices & Services" to the northeast. The applicant has requested a SSCPA to change the Future Land Use Map designation from "Low Density Residential"to "Professional Offices & Services." This proposed small scale comprehensive plan amendment will make the adopted Future Land Use Map consistent with Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement. The SSCPA will be processed concurrently with a Rezoning Petition and a Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plan for the subject property. If the SSCPA is approved, the requested PUD zoning would be consistent with the "Professional Offices & Services" Future Land Use designation requested in the SSCPA. Staff has determined that the requested SSCPA is consistent with: (1) the Ocoee- Orange County JPA agreement, (2) Ocoee's Comprehensive Plan, (3) Ocoee's Land Development Code, and (4) surrounding land uses and zoning classifications. Staff recommended approval of the proposed Citrus Medical and Executive Park Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The public hearing was opened. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., inquired about the parking and number of trees. Planning Director Wagner and Senior Planner Grimms responded to the questions. As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve Ordinance No. 2002-20. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 2002-21 Citrus Medical & Executive Park Rezoning. (Senior Planner Grimms) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 2002-21 and stated any comments from the previous public hearing for Ordinance No. 2002-20 would carry over to this public hearing. Senior Planner Grimms stated in his earlier report that the applicant has requested first that the subject property be designated"Low Density Residential" on the City's Future Land Use Map. If the SSCPA is approved, the requested PUD, Planned Unit Development (zoning) District will be consistent with the"Professional Offices & Services" Future Land Use Map designation and that a planned office commercial center is a permitted use. Staff has determined that, subject to the SSCPA becoming effective, the proposed PUD zoning classification is consistent with: (1) the Ocoee-Orange County JPA Agreement, (2) Ocoee's Comprehensive Plan, (3) Ocoee's Land Development Code, and (4) surrounding land uses and zoning classifications. Staff recommended that the Mayor and City Commission approve the rezoning, with consideration that the site plan be viewed as a purely conceptual representation only and subject to review and 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting DRAF T September 17, 2002 separate approval of each lot at the time of site plan submission, and subject to approval of the Development Agreement. The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve Ordinance No. 2002-21. Motion carried 5-0. Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plan (Project#LS-99-014) (Senior Planner Grimms) City Attorney Rosenthal restated that all the comments from the previous two public hearings would carry over to this public hearing. Senior Planner Grimms said before this subdivision could be approved it required a Utility Service Agreement with Orange County and a comprehensive plan amendment to change the subject property's Future Land Use Map designation. The Utility Service Agreement was approved on September 11, 2001, with the City providing sewer and water service. The plans indicate that there will be three (3) lots with a total of five (5) buildings along with a retention pond and a 420-foot cul-de-sac private road. Staff has reviewed the Preliminary and Final Subdivision plans and finds that they conform to the City's land development regulations. The proposed PUD zoning requires a Development Agreement. The City Attorney has reviewed the Development Agreement for Citrus Medical &Executive Park and stated that the owner agrees to develop the property in accordance with the approved PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary/ Final Subdivision Plan and further agrees to abide by the Conditions of Approval. Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plans for Citrus Medical and Executive Park(Case No. LS-99-014) as date stamped received August 9, 2002, subject to approval of the Development Agreement, and with consideration of the Planning & Zoning Commission's condition that the wall along Old Winter Garden Road be changed from a solid material to wrought iron or some open style fence and that the builder make every effort to incorporate existing trees into the parking lot islands and driveway areas. The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve the Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plan for Project#LS-99-014 per staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. Development Agreement for Citrus Medical & Executive Park PUD. (City Attorney Rosenthal) NOT A PUBLIC HEARING City Attorney Rosenthal stated this item is a development agreement which incorporates in the public record the conditions of approval in the planned unit development, and the comments made earlier regarding the adoption of the Citrus Medical &Executive Park items applied to the development agreement as well. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the Development Agreement as presented per staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting D � A F 1 September 17,2002 Discussion re: La-Z-Boy Request for Approval of Agreement of Modification of Wal-Mart Master Signage Plan. (Planning Director Wagner) Planning Director Wagner presented the proposed layout of the La-Z-Boy store and did a brief presentation regarding Wal-Mart Signage. He said the property is located in the Wal-Mart commercial subdivision, on the south side of SR 50 approximately 190 feet west of the intersection of SR 50 and Blackwood Avenue. The subject property consists of 1.94 acres and is situated between a retention pond on the east side and a driveway entrance on the west side. He stated the applicant was requesting a 75 square foot sign. Mr. Wagner stated the original approval of the Wal-Mart Supercenter provided for various development restrictions that were called out in the subject documents. These restrictions-include specific provisions related to signage. (100 square foot maximum on outparcels) and were part of a comprehensive, negotiated package wherein Wal-Mart was granted various waivers within their project. He said on June 18, 2002, the City Commission considered a waiver request to allow an additional 75 square foot sign on the east side of the LA-Z-BOY Furniture Store (Lot 4) facing Blackwood Avenue. The City Commission voted 4-1 to deny that request. Staff does not recommend approval of the signage waiver request, but does recommend the approval of the proposed "Agreement for Modification of Wal-Mart Master Signage Plan." The public hearing was opened. Attorney Dean Cannon Jr., and Scott Sackman, Area Wide Manager for La-Z-Boy, both spoke on behalf of La-Z-Boy. Both men responded to questions from the City Commission. There was a lengthy discussion with Planning Director Wagner and City Attorney Rosenthal also responding to questions and clarifying issues. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the agreement for modification of Wal-Mart Master Signage Plan with the recommended changes by the Planning Director with the understanding that this does not preclude the applicant from requesting a waiver. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to grant a waiver from the Land Development Code to permit a 48 square foot sign on the east face of the building in reco.nition of the location ad'oinin• the retention pond facin• a public street. Motion carried 4- 1. Mayor Vandergrift voted no. OTHER BUSINESS Discussion re: Authorization to Enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Orange County Property Appraiser for GIS Parcel Data. (GIS Technician O'Halloran) Mr. O'Halloran's staff report gave a summary of a revised Interlocal Agreement offered by the Orange County Property Appraiser(OCPA) May 30, 2002. He said that in August 2000, the OCPA presented terms for an Interlocal Agreement with the City and at that time the decision was made that, because of the early stage of development of the City's GIS, signing the agreement was not appropriate. The revisions in the newly offered agreement involve reductions in costs to the City. Several meetings were held in July, August and September 2002, involving 7 ro 1:7° Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting A September 17,2002 Finance, IS, Planning, Engineering, and the City Manager. Staff recommended approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Orange County Property Appraiser. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Interlocal Agreement with Orange County per staff's recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. Discussion re: Modification to Land Development Code to Permit Zero Lot Line/Zero Set Back in R-3 Residential Districts. (Planning Director Wagner/City Attorney Rosenthal) Planning Director Wagner said that he and City Attorney Rosenthal had discussed with Commissioner Parker a project in her district. He said subject parcel was currently zoned R3 multiple family. Mr. Wagner stated the Developer would like to build town homes and that appears to be the general preference of the neighbors in that area. He said they would prefer to have town homes as opposed to apartments. Commissioner Parker said it helped promote ownership and people are more inclined to keep the property up if they own it. City Manager Gleason said that citizens had stated that was one element of housing that was missing in Ocoee. Mr. Wagner said because of the way the City Code is set up projects of this type (attached housing) are required to go through PUD rezoning and an approval before the City Commission. He said most codes automatically permit zero lot lines, zero setbacks, and smaller lots than normal to allow town homes or villas to be platted on individual fee simple lots. Mr. Wagner noted that such a change would permit these types of projects to occur under normal development regulations. Issues such as building architecture, unit size, landscaping, curbing and amenities normally covered under PUD rezoning process would no longer be items for negotiation between the Developer and the City. There was a brief discussion with Mr. Wagner responding to questions from the City Commission. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to direct staff to draft an amendment to the Ocoee Land Development Code which would address the issues of landscaping, curbing,buffering and a size above the 600 square foot and bring the amendment back to the Commission for final approval. Motion carried 5-0. Recess 9:50 p.m.— 10:00 p.m. Discussion re: Setting Park Hours for Non-Athletic Parks. (Recreation Director Farmer) Recreation Director Farmer said due to some vandalism and complaints from citizens regarding inappropriate activities in the parks after dark he would like the Commission to approve the posting of signs indicating when the parks are open. He said the posting of park hours would allow for the Police Department to properly enforce the park hours and if necessary to ticket individuals for trespassing. Mr. Farmer said several municipalities in the surrounding area had been contacted and indicated that their non-athletic facilities opened and closed dawn to dusk. Staff recommended that all parks (non-athletic)have signs installed stating the park hours. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to ask staff, the City Attorney, and Police Department to bring back a policy regarding park hours acceptable to the Commission. Motion carried 5-0. 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting DRAFT September 17, 2002 Discussion re: Use of the Beech Center by the Boxing Boosters for a Wrestling Match and Boxing Tournament. (Recreation Director Farmer) Recreation Director Farmer stated that The Ocoee Boxing Boosters Club was requesting to utilize the Beech Recreation Center on Saturday, October 26, 2002, from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and on Saturday,November 16, 2002, from 12:00 noon to 11:00 p.m. The first date will be used to host professional wrestling and the November date will be used to host a Boxing Tournament. Staff has reviewed the activities schedule for these dates, and found them to be available. Should the City Commission approve the use of the Beech Center on these dates, staff will ensure the events are covered with general liability insurance with the City listed as an additional insured. There was a brief discussion about the waiving of fees and the proceeds from the concession sales. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the use of the Beech Center by the Boxing Boosters, but do not waive the fees. Motion carried 5-0. Easement to Orange County Utilities for Freedom Park. (City Attorney Rosenthal) City Attorney Rosenthal advised that this easement was needed in order to provide utilities to the park. Recreation Director Farmer explained that currently because of the location Orange County provides the potable water and reclaimed water. The park is outside the City's service area. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson,moved to approve the Easement. Motion carried 5-0. Appointment of Applicants to Boards. (City Clerk Grafton) Ocoee Education Commission 2 Year Terms. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to appoint Kori Mortenson and Sheila Grammer to the Education Commission for a two-year term each ending August 2004. Motion carried 5-0. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 2 Year Terms. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to reappoint members Applegate, Barber, Brennan, Bryant, and Royce to a 2 year term each ending October 1, 2004. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to appoint Bradley Campell to fill one of the vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Board with a term ending October 1, 2003. Motion carried 5-0. Appointment of Delegate to National League of Cities' Annual Business Meeting. (City Manager Gleason) Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to appoint Mayor pro tem Anderson as Delegate to the National League of Cities Business Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting ® September 17,2002 STAFF REPORTS City Attorney Rosenthal stated that pursuant to the City Commission action there was an authorization to purchase the property at 28 E. McKey Street from Helen Crittenden, if they would agree to the$115,000.00 for a purchase price. Mr. Rosenthal stated they agreed to the $115,000.00 purchase price; however, an issue arose in that, per the contract, expenses were to be paid by the City. Ad valorem taxes were being pro rated and the seller is required to pay them through the date of the closing, a$965.58 cost the Crittendens objected to. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to make the contract a net contract of$115,000.00 to the seller which would have the effect of modifying the purchase price to $115,965.58 based on a Monday closing. Motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Howell and Anderson voted no. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker said the northern stretch of Clarke Road by Fire station#4 is a hazard for the engines trying to get out of the station onto the road. She said she would like to see some type of caution sign placed on Clarke Road warning people of emergency vehicles entering and exiting ahead. Without objection staff was directed to come back to the Commission with a sign proposal. Commissioner Johnson 1. Asked the City Manager to follow through in checking on the lights and the drain hole on Lakeshore Dr. and the side street by the stop sign. 2. Asked the City Manager to address the issues of Code Enforcement for the trailer parks, go in and inspect the ones we can as some of those need to be condemned. 3. Said the City needs to purchase one more heat camera. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to purchase a heat camera from contingency funds not to exceed$15,000.00. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Proposed there be an optional fund of some sort set up to which the employees could contribute in order to be able to have some sort of medical coverage after the employee retires from the City. Commissioner Anderson suggested having a town meeting to talk about"community standards." He spoke about a magazine placed at small children's eye level and how a community can work to change that without violating anyone's first amendment rights. He asked staff to set up a town meeting for his district. There was a lengthy discussion about this issue. City Attorney Rosenthal clarified what could and could not be done. Commissioner Howell briefly spoke about his views on where the magazines were kept. Mayor Vandergrift 1. Asked if funds were available for the type of awnings that were shown on a handout given to each Commissioner. He said they could be placed at the entrance of City Hall and the Police 10 Ocoee CityCommission Regular Meeting DRAFT September 17,2002 Department. City Manager Gleason said the awnings would have to meet City Code. Commissioner Johnson said he would like to see a wood structure as opposed to canvas. Staff was directed to bring back options. 2. Asked if there were funds allotted to pave Lakewood Ave. City Manager Gleason said he would check with Acting Public Works Director Wheeler and see. He said he thought it was included in the Prima Vista plan. 3. Addressed the issue of the proclamations being done by him without the approval of the Commission. Commissioners Anderson and Parker said if a document has the City logo on it and it is coming from the City there should be some type of record of it at City Hall. There was an intense discussion that led into a discussion of public records and some sunshine issues. It was decided there would be a workshop in November to make sure all the Commission members were up to date on both issues. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11:07 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Sally Whitford,Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 11 Agenda 10-01-2002 U 02AF Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION FINAL BUDGET SPECIAL SESSION HELD SEPTEMBER 23, 2002 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the Final Budget Special Session to order in the Commission Chambers at 7:00 p.m. and announced this was an advertised public hearing to finalize the budget and adopt a final millage rate for the City of Ocoee. The City Commission has previously approved a tentative millage rate of 4.5789 mills which represents a 0% increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 4.5789 mills. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum to be present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter, Budget Analyst Brosonski, Accountant Bishop, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Human Resources Director Diedrich, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Acting Public Works Director Wheeler, Fire Chief Strosnider, Information Systems Manager Ross, Planning Director Wagner, Communications Manager Ek-Collins, Assistant Building/Zoning Official Washington, Police Chief Goclon, and Recreation Director Fanner. PUBLIC HEARING Finance Director Horton reported the proposed millage rate of 4.5789 is the rolled-back rate and represents 0% increase in taxes. The ad valorem tax revenue will provide funding for operating expenses, programs, capital improvement projects, and the purchase of equipment and vehicles. The public hearing was opened. Comments by Citizens R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked what changes were made between the last budget and this budget, particularly regarding manpower. City Manager Gleason responded there was one new full-time position for an aquatic supervisor, and several part- time lifeguards would be needed. This cost will be offset by the savings, because the City will no longer be paying YMCA for this service. He added this budget is less than 1% over last year's budget. Kristen Leach, 2712 Estep Court, advised six cats were missing in her neighborhood and three were confirmed dead. Her cat was one of those killed by a bobcat and she felt the City should not give up the position of animal control as proposed in this budget. She added the City had done nothing to inform the public about this danger. She asked that the animal control position not be given up, as this person was needed to catch the bobcat. City Manager Gleason explained that animal control is not concerned with wildlife, but rather with Ocoee CityCommission Final Budget Special Session D R Q F o g P September 23, 2002 domestic animals, and the state will step in for wildlife control. He added that all Orange County citizens are paying the County for animal control and it would be appropriate for all to benefit from these tax monies rather than have Ocoee citizens paying twice for animal control. Commissioner Parker said she would follow up on this as she had already contacted some wildlife specialists, who said for a fee of $150 to trap_and $150 to dispose of the animal, they would take care of the problem animal(s). She said she felt this could be accomplished with an expenditure of less than $1,000 and she asked Mayor Vandergrift to declare this an emergency item so she could make a motion. Mayor Vandergrift declared this to be an emergency item. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to contact a wildlife specialist to trap and remove wild animals and resolve this situation. Motion carried 5-0. Karl Meyer, 2205 Essex Drive, addressed the Commission regarding domestic animals roaming in packs in Coventry Subdivision. Commissioner Parker said that, as a result of insurance companies refusing to cover incidents involving shepherds, chows and pit bulls, irresponsible pet owners have turned their pets out and they are running in packs. She said she plans to go to the County to address this issue, as they should take care of the City of Ocoee residents as well as the unincorporated areas of the County. Ms. Leach asked to be advised of the name of the trappers. Both Commissioner Parker and Mr. Gleason said they would give her the information. Edith Galarza, Boxing Booster mom, addressed the Commission regarding the closing of the boxing program and gym. City Manager Gleason advised the City was not closing it down, just privatizing the program, and would be providing $10,000 to aid Mr. Cristelli in finding another location. Irma (?), spoke as an animal advocate in opposition to removing the animal control position from the budget and in favor of continuing the mobile spay/neuter clinic. Comments by Commissioners Mayor Vandergrift agreed with this last speaker regarding animal control, and said he had advocated a part-time animal control position in the past. Mayor Vandergrift moved to amend the budget by deleting the assistant public works director position and retaining animal control. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Johnson discussed double taxation and said each citizen should go to the County and let them know they expect service. Page 2 of 4 Ocoee City Commission Final Budget Special Session D RAF 7 September 23, 2002 Commissioner Parker said the mobile spay/neuter clinic could still come out whether the City has an animal control department or not. Commissioner Anderson said the focus should be on mosquito control rather than animal control at this time. Commissioner Howell said there are some things he does not agree with in the budget and he would like to vote on Parks & Recreation and Public Works items separately. City Attorney Rosenthal advised this was not possible as the budget was not subject to separate votes. Commissioner Johnson said he wants to amend the travel policy so that anything they spend on trips will come directly out of their stipend. This will be discussed further at the next regular meeting. Mayor Vandergrift asked if there were any amendments the Commission wished to propose to the adopted tentative budget and there were none brought forward. City Attorney Rosenthal announced since there were no amendments to the adopted tentative budget, a recess was not needed. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2002-22, setting final millage rate. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2002-22 setting a final millage rate at 4.5789 mills for fiscal year 2002-2003. Prior to calling for the vote on the above motion, Mr. Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance and announced the name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee, the rolled- back millage rate is 4.5789 mills, the proposed percentage by which the proposed millage exceeds the rolled-back rate is 0%. The millage rate proposed by the Ordinance is 4.5789 mills. Mayor Vandergrift asked for public comments or Commission comments and there were none. The vote was then called for. Motion carried 5-0. RECESS 7:53 - 8:02 p .m. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2002-23, adopting final budget. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2002-23, adopting the final budget for fiscal year 2002-2003. Mayor Vandergrift asked for public comments and there were none. Commissioner Howell stated that overall it was a good budget but there were things he could not agree with so he must vote against the whole budget. He then elected to propose a change in the reclassifications. Page 3 of 4 DnAF7 Ocoee City Commission Final Budget Special Session September 23, 2002 Commissioner Howell, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to amend the adopted tentative budget and Ordinance No. 2002-23 to make changes in the positions listed on page 9- 2 by deleting the two reclassifications, the title change, and the aquatic supervisor position in the Recreation Department and move the funding figures (48,765.) into contingency. When discussion was called, Commissioner Johnson asked Recreation Director Farmer to report on the dollars he has turned in compared to last year's receipts. Mr. Farmer reported an additional $10,000 has come in as a result of the pool, and for rentals an additional $30,000 plus. When the vote for the proposed amendment was called, the motion lost 1-4 with Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker voting no. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2002-23, adopting the final budget. When the vote on the original motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2002-23 adopting the final budget was called the motion passed 5-0. Commissioner Anderson commended staff for a very professional job and the best budget he has seen. The rest of the Commission agreed. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Vandergrift announced the end of the budget public hearing and adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor • Page 4 of 4