HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (I) Approval and Authorization to (1) Award Bid No. B03-01 City- Wide Lawn Maintenance to Groundtek of Central FL, Inc., and various Agreements, Bonds and Insurance Agenda 11-19-2002 e Center of Good Lip Itch III I Mayor eb _le. Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift Danny I towel', District I �/�7 Scott Anderson. District 2 City Manager ��r, ) M„ = y1�. Rusty Johnson, Di trice. 3 Jim Gleason -0 `._ Nancy J. Parker, District 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Joyce Tolbert, CPPB, Buyer THROUGH: Wanda Horton, Finance Director DATE: November 11, 2002 RE: B03-01 City-Wide Lawn Maintenance ISSUE: Should the City Commission select Groundtek of Central FL, Inc. for City-Wide Lawn Maintenance Services? BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: The City is currently contracted with Metroscape for the Clarke Road Maintenance at a cost of $24,240.00 annually, and with Groundtek of Central FL at a cost of$88,175.00 for the remaining City properties. The new bid also includes Maguire Road right of ways. The bid was advertised on September 29, 2002, and publicly opened on October 24, 2002. Responses were received from the following companies: 1) Groundtek of Central FL, Inc. $101,864.00 2) Yards, Etc. $111.500.00 3) The Bon Terre Group $124,900.00 4) Complete Lawn Care $468,007.00 Attached is a copy of the bid from Groundtek of Central FL, Inc. along with the bid tabulation sheet. Copies of all bids are available in the Finance Department for your review. The bids were reviewed by the Public Works Department and the Finance Department. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Groundtek of Central FL, Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder, per the attached memo from David Wheeler, Public Works Director. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It respectfully is recommended that the City Commission award Bid #B03-01 to Groundtek of Central FL, Inc., and authorize execution of the agreement between the City and Groundtek of Central FL, Inc. by the Mayor and City Clerk; and further authorize Staff to issue a Notice of Award, and obtain all necessary bonds and insurance from Groundtek of Central FL, Inc City of Ocoee • 150 N Lakeshore Drive •Ocoee. Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100•fax: (407)656-8504 nr.ci ocoeefl us e Center of Good Lj�i Mayor ,sr O2, Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrili. I.-. „ .s Danny Howell. District 1 • /may Sci t.Anderson. DistricI. 2 City Manager Rusty Johnson, District 3 Jim Gleason a Nancy tl. Parker. District 4 MEMORANDUM TO: Joyce Tolbert FROM: David Wheeler fiche" DATE: November 7, 2002 RE: Lawn Maintenance Contract I have reviewed the bids and concur that GroundTek of Central Florida, Inc. is the low bidder. GroundTek's bid is lower than the cost for the Lawn Maintenance Services estimated by the Public Works Department. Therefore, 1 recommend you proceed with presenting the proposal to the Mayor and City Commission for acceptance and authorization of award to GroundTek of Central Florida, Inc_ at the November 19th regular City Commission Meeting. If approved by the City Commission, please proceed in getting the contract executed and bonds and insurance certificates attached, so the Notice to Proceed can be issued for a December 1, 2002 start date. City of Ocoee• I50 N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee,Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100•fax:(407)656-8504•www.ci.ocoee.fl.us I . 20. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and/or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME/ADDRESS/FEDERAL I.D. NO./CONTACT PERSON/PHONE d: Mre (Attach additional sheets if necessary) The respondent certifies that the respondent has investigated each subcontractor/temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the respondent's files evidence that each subcontractor/temporary worker agency maintains a fully-equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor/temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. 21. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor. i leo Se SPP 0.NachPA 16 MODEL/YEAR MANUFACTURER TYPE CONDITION LF-- �/'fin ( ) 1 .-, va(hSn flxc_ 2.1c-_ ,,/P,'l C_1. f c_nt PC!• EJ:c_ 3r /a; f:.,,,.^ c P-d rr-[-_, ��r_ 4.F_-i`,3/, ror-r-• r" i_AT 1;C-7 cC_.\c. 5.I eir,c 8: fcV� ^ 1= ,r > -nur,c 30 w�_, , 6. vawO f, t Ter_nr E,;c_ MOWERS .MODELIYEAR MANUFACTURER TYPE CONDITION 1. LEtrcmcmi _3,a kui <r L./t ,n 2. , .,{r,/ Tt.:+IJ bF1 0-t-- FriOQr .pr r 3. ,-,f' 4-'./ k9f`.l.1 PciricS- t=!'4.Jr i 4. WrxYi A_"V WA.L�_4-- r Y'D nT1 r=,�� 5. 2:. -1�6/ 17„2-0 MISCELLANEOUS MODEIJYEAR MANUFACTURER TYPE CONDITION 1, C,...-wc,a�oD t w 2. .__Dc,-c_p./O , ` t I F, t_../i t 3. =�'�G/.2_"(.2•..A�.n[G�o '�� L N ,.. i` 4.w CCrr, w ^, r_r /J0 Si-, t, L.6 .`[. 5. ri��.., /r-,(-p ( 6. SFo n.�.! ..-44uDr4C AI'j < WCTec_ rUfK • 22. REFERENCES/EXPERIENCE OF RESPONDENT WITH SIMILAR WORK The Respondent shall complete the following blanks regarding experience with similar type of work. Respondent must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar • complexity, nature, and size of this project within past three years. DATE OF CONTRACT/AMOUNT OF PROJECT/CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS (INCLUDE CONTACT). 1999 so --?recer T / IVl3.0Cb'O1'/CiAr,) of Oenee A9 /43 b, 4, `O //-cdt ho e A trb r1‘r, Zn tu(s- ;.rn y c s 1"a5oto Lake l)nAn ch\\\ oz• - Oc1Donck - titll cti'' ,s RI lo-'\-cce-oon4 /` 2 '699'9 /l-tr w.00A mxx4; , Elet-1•256,rsf P\'issiks 5Lc . c..rv?,15�1se- Roo-A Or\oxndn V)r.rirlr. - Clan-\ McClure_ Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes / No . Length of time in business V"Sicb Bank or other financial references: L-yay,k c�F AvY�e r� Co. 5 r -c - \L (.Attach additional sheets if necessary) 23. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the respondent in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the respondent provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. 1.\n rsv 17 r 111 COMPANY 1N1 ORVIA710N/SIGMA I EIRE SHEET Eh,: firm below oflers and agthes to provide laon nrtimenance services to the City of Ocoee at Me tales whnuucd to Utr hid. All s Ivic s will he pciIbrmed III accordance with the terms and conditions oL the contract. F-VLURE IO CO,MPLI A ITH THESE BID INSTRUCTIONS Will. RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR IIID. PI EASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND VLI. BID INSTRUCTIONS AND i llAT THE PRICES RE:FLFCTED IN YOUR BID ARE 1CCUR:ATF 1 v NI) WI11101T COLLI SIO,N. ClcoQnae..Ic yQ- az —N-33 {QYNcb. COMPANY N.AM E: E4 �l EPHO;NE(INCUDI AREA CODE) FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) Gam` �?chcAL C on E-MAIL. ADDRESS IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT 110RI7 SIGNATURE (manual) FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS C3fic4 .1 t PI.EASE INDICATE BELOW. NA.MIEMTLF (PI.EA SF PR IN'I I - - STREET ADDRESS RESIN 10 ADDRESS ( CLES_TAo,6 aLs, ._ CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID it -Si DD211310.4s5 Individual - tCorporauon Parmership _Other(Specify) Sworn to and subscribed before me this pt4 day of acArkiD.n 20f. Personally Kno,cn 01 Produced Iden'.Jbzmion Notary Public Stateof VI- WpeofIdentifleaion) Countyof En LSsfvrSGQ Signature of Notary Public GENETTE MICHAUD Notary Public,Slate of Florida My comm.aXp.July 1,20p6 Printed, typed or stamped commissioned name of Notary Public Gomm He: AR MOM I8 I such amount equal to what the Contractor would have charged for doing the work, plus 15% of such amount. The contractor may he approached by some of the Home Owners Associations (HOA) about the contractor performing maintenance activities on HOA owned and maintained ponds. These HOA owned ponds are not part of the Ocoee Lawn Maintenance Contract and the City is not responsible for maintenance. Should the contractor contract with the HOA, it is strictly between the contractor and the HOA, the City will not intercede on either parry's behalf in any disputes. In addition, all outside work will not have an effect on the contractor meeting its obligations to the City of Ocoee. The contractor's employees shall wear uniform shirts and all trucks should be marked with the company name, at a minimum, for easy recognition by residents and City personnel. Employee safety is the contractor's responsibility, both in work clothing and actions, and shall be in accordance with applicable OSHA standards, and all equipment shall be operated in a safe manner as recommended by the manufacturer. UTILITIES Section 1 - Lawn Maintenance Locations: A. 8591 Hackney Prairie Rd. - Forest Oaks Water Plant C. 1800 A.D. Mims Rd. - Wastewater Treatment Plant D. 1108 Jamela Ave. - Jamela Water Plant 1. 401 Kissimmee Ave. - Abandoned water plant site J. 581 Maguire Rd. - South Water Plant Mowing All turf areas shall be mowed once per week during the growing season of April 1 through October 31 and twice per month from November 1 through March 31. Edging All curbs, sidewalks, driveways and plant beds will be edged every time the turf is mowed. 20 $ I Trimming I All shrubs and hedges shall be trimmed as necessary to maintain an attractive and well kept appearance. 1 Weed Control Applications of herbicides or, as required, the use of hand weeding as often as I necessary to keep the flowerbeds, curbs, fence lines, tree trunks, etc. weed free as possible. IGeneral Clean Up and Policing All parking areas, walks, curbs, driveways, etc. shall be swept, blown, and/or I vacuumed after each maintenance process. Policing of turf before mowing process is started is also required. IIrrigation System Any damages caused by the maintenance process will be repaired immediately at 1 the contractor's expense. II.-Cost to Provide Lawn Maintenance for Utility,Department Properties for (1) one year: 1 dollars & fa0 cents; ' $ 31) 5`6Cl 00 ISection 11-Bush Hogging ILocations A. Forest Oaks Plant — 15 feet along south and west property boundaries IL. Abandoned Wastewater Plant site on Sleepy Harbour Drive M. Abandoned Spray irrigation site on Montgomery Avenue N. 1800 A.D. Mims Rd. - Wastewater Treatment Plant — area around the Ipercolation ponds at the plant P. 1800 A.D. Mims Rd. - Wastewater Treatment Plant— the hillside outside the fence down to the ponds I Q. Future Reuse Plant Site (932 Maguire Road) I I21 Bush Hogging All areas shall be bush hogged on a monthly basis April through October and every other month November through March. IL Cost for Bush hogging for (1) one year: f— _dollars & eer _ cents; $�3 (05'j . 00 Section III-Easements All easements shall he cut monthly by mowing or string trimming. The use of herbicides is allowed with the contractor being responsible for any damage to adjacent properties. Weeds and grasses shall be reduced to a minimum height of 3 inches. The City will be responsible for hauling off any debris from the easements pending contractor notification to the City of such debris. Locations Easements arc located throughout the city. The easements vary in width between 8 feet to 10 feet and have a total length of 11,485 feet. III. Cost for Lawn Maintenance of Easements for (1) one year: I a ya,Ovsehur clresl SCuexv4.1 dollars & eer cents; 4.rte $ 3 IR 3 .co 22 Section IV-Discing Location There are 4 - 2 ' acre ponds located at the Forest Lake Golf Course (2) and the Wastewater Treatment Plant (2). Discing The referenced areas will be disced as directed by the Utilities Department, with a not to exceed quantity of four times per year. I IV. Cost for Discing for (1) one year: c P 4 n) s\� G,ve "WIN d f-A e\nily dollars & t cents; 5\7. $ 1r5`CIo PUBLIC WORKS STORMS2YATER Section V-Retention Ponds Locations 1. Saw Mill North 2. Saw Mill West 3. Saw Mill Front 4. Saw Mill South 5. Nicole East End of Nicole 6. Nicole West of Shari Lynn Terrace South of Nicole 7. Forest Oaks 8. Carriage Oaks 9. Clarke Rd. & A.D. Mims 10. Parkside 11. Coventry North 12. Hidden Glen 23 • I 53. South WTP 54. A.D. Mims WWTP 55. Beech Center 56. Maguire Road, eastside across from Brookestone 57. Maguire Road, eastside at entrance to South WTP 58. Maguire Road, eastside in the Plantation Grove Shopping Plaza 59. Maguire Road, west side south of Windermere Groves 60. Tornyn Road, across from Brookestone 61. Maguire Road, westside at Mercantile Court F. 30 foot wide area between Lakes Hackney and Prairie and the Forest Oaks Subdivision Pick up and remove all trash and debris before mowing, mow all grass areas twice per month during the growing season of April 1 through October 31 and monthly during the off-season of November 1 through March 31. Repair fences, as N damaged by the maintenance process, notify Public Works Department of any damages not as a result of maintenance process. Weed eat all fences, inlets, pipes, culverts, outfall structures, etc. as a part of each maintenance. Clean all inlets, grates, skimmers, and structures of trash as a part of each maintenance. Edge all sidewalks that run along ponds, if any, and pick up trimmings as a part of each maintenance. Keep all trees, plants, etc. trimmed and pick up all trimmings. Keep all eroded areas repaired. Report any problems and keep a written daily log of all activities and turn in to the Streets and Stormwater Supervisor on a weekly basis. Each retention pond that is fenced, has a double wide gate that should allow for easy access of equipment to be used for maintenance activities. The contractor N should be aware that not all ponds have the same slopes; therefore the contractor is required to furnish all necessary equipment to adequately perform the maintenance activities required. The retention ponds will not require any fertilization of the landscaping. If required, plants and/or trees will be installed or replaced by the City. `i Cost for Retenta Po d,s irra�tt,r e 47122 f ; , -'-r r. I�vorAYf ,ne -14vv cconA 4v,d -}we\.te dollars & -0e- cents; 4 $ act . 00 25 EAST SIDE OF MAGUIRE ROAD: South WTP Entrance to Professional Parkway: Mow from north of the retention pond for the Cross Creek subdivision to the southern end of the liealth Central Ambulance Center. The area to be mowed will be from the curb to a distance of approximately 25 feet hack or he curb. The slopes of the bridge over the Florida's Turnpike and the flat area approximately I0 feet off the toe of slope are also to be mowed. Forth of Colonial Drive The area north of the Best Western Inn to the driveway into the Time Warner Communication office needs to be mowed from back of curb to about three feet behind the drainage ditch. WEST SIDE OF MAGUIRE ROAD: Tomyn Road to Colonial Drive The area north of Tomyn Road to the entrance into the old Colony Plaza needs to be mowed. The slopes of the bridge over the Florida's Turnpike and the flat area approximately 10 feet off the toe of slope are also to be mowed. VI. Cost to Provide Lawn Maintenance for Clarke and Maguire Road Right- of-Way for (1) one year: N;nekeer14,n1Sard ceurhunA'ced dollars & 0123-' cents: av,a E1ev02.-x- S 19 t-I N 0 30 Irrigation System Any damages caused by the maintenance process will be repaired immediately at the contractor's expense. VII.(A) Cost to Provide Lawn Maintenance for Municipal Complex Properties for (1) one year: S.ax-4\ t-rsx� . Fe h lvm&cecA �'dollars & cents; ForAyQovh+ s 7 S4Ici co VII.(B) Cost to Provide Lawn Maintenance for Fire Department Properties # 3 and 4 for (1) one year: �y �kw,ti der ,Hahn tilca A dollars & 91Ri" cents; S `7 CO 06 TOTAL COST FOR (I) YEAR FOR SECTION?I THROUGH SECTION VIL(B), B03-OI: e ntrrc4ce A Ord er,2 -Prauso ncl dollars & ,0e" cents; eta*\Nrnace& >v dS'alicoo,- $ 101 s6c1 .co Note: Please see attached map for approximate locations of properties. Company Name: Cienu 42k oG L'c Y.a cuA F�nr\&. By: C72Oct>t 1; cn Title: ?cee;,ror-t 32 CODE ENFORCEMENT ALTERNATE' NO. 7: Cost to mow (I) acre of abandoned property: 4sE�Ve _ dollars & -etc" cents; pQper acre. ALTERNATE NO. 2: The City will be responsible for the removing abandoned vehicles, if any, from the abandoned property. Cost to remove trash & rubbish from abandoned property to be mowed; per one (1) ton: C-'we Vie \rAioA dollars & eRs" cents; s 5hQ .co per ton. 33 BID CHECKLIST FOR: BID #1303-01 CITY-WIDE LAWN MAINTENANCE — Millennium Lawn ValleyCrest Metroscape Groundtek of Yards Etc Calvert's The Bon Terre Matthew Watson Precision Maintenance Landscape Corp Central FL Landscaping Group Landscaping Landscape Base Bid S101,864.00 S111,500.00 S124,900.00 Alternate No. 1 $45.00/acre $50.00/acre S30.00/acre Alternate No. 2 $500.00/ton $20.00/ton $215.00/ton Bid Guarantee bid bond cashiers ck bid bond Copy of Insurance yes yes yes (1)Original & yes yes yes (2)Copies References/Subs yes yes yes Equipment Listing yes yes yes Summary of Litigation yes yes yes BID CHECKLIST FOR: BID #B03-01 CITY-WIDE LAWN MAINTENANCE Platinum Fairview Complete Lawn Eagle Landscaping Property Maint Care Lawnscaping Base Bid S468,007.00 Alternate No. 1 S60.00/acre Alternate No. 2 $130.00/ton Bid Guarantee cashiers ck Copy of Insurance yes (1)Original & yes (2)Copies References/Subs yes Equipment Listing yes Summary of Litigation yes