HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of December 17, 2002 Agenda 1-07-2003
Item III A
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers located in City Hall at 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Commissioner Anderson led in
prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton
called the roll and announced a quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also present
were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal.City Clerk Grafton, Community
Development Director Wagner, Human Resources Director Diedrich. Information Systems
Director Ross, Parks/Recreation Director Farmer, Planning Manager Lewis, Police Chief
Goclon, and Public Works Director Wheeler.
ABSENT: Commissioner Howell
Years of Service Awards. (Human Resources Director Diedrich)
5 Years— Evelyn Goitia (unable to be present)
15 Years —Bruce Combs, Fred Ostrander
Mayor Vandergrift read brief biographical sketches of their years with the City for Police
Sergeant Combs and Chief Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Ostrander, then presented each
in turn with a plaque and a gift certificate to the West Oaks Mall. Public Works Director
Wheeler expressed his appreciation for Mr. Ostrander's dedication to the job, and Police Chief
Goclon thanked Sergeant Combs for his years of service to the citizens.
Tennis Program Awards. (Parks/Recreation Director Farmer)
Mayor Vandergrift said this award is presented by the City of Ocoee Parks and Recreation
Department to the outstanding male and female players participating in the Ocoee Tennis
Academy. He then presented the awards to Charrelle Johnson and Ryan Benaglio, who have
trained exclusively with the program since it began in 1993. Both Coach Vinson and
Parks/Recreation Director Farmer added comments of praise for these young people who give
their time freely to help teach others in the community.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and I). After staff responded to several
questions which were raised, Mayor Vandergrift seconded by Commissioner Parker moved
to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of
December 10, 2002. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Approval and Authorization to Use Forfeiture Funds to Purchase Equipment
and Software. (Police Chief Goclon)
The Police Department requests authorization to use forfeiture funds (not to exceed
$22,000) and approximately $5,000 from their Computer Equipment account (001-
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting DRAFT
December 17,2002
521-00-6405) to purchase six desktop and four laptop computers and related
software/equipment that was not funded in this fiscal year's budget. The current
balance in the forfeiture account is approximately $45,000.
C. Approval and Authorization to Use Forfeiture Funds to Purchase Less Lethal
Launchers and Related Equipment. (Police Chief Goelon)
The Police Department requests authorization to use forfeiture funds (not to exceed
$11,000)to purchase twelve"less lethal" munitions launchers, "less lethal"
munitions, vehicle racks and necessary accessories. The current balance in the
forfeiture account is approximately $45,000.
D. Approval and Authorization for the Police Department to Charge a
Fingerprinting Fee for Non-Residents in the Amount of$5.00 and Place the
Monies Collected for this Service in Account No. 001-521-00-5202. (Police Chief
There is no local law enforcement agency,in or around Orange County, which
provides the service of fingerprinting to non-residents free of charge. Most agencies
charge their residents a fee and charge non-residents a higher fee for the service of
fingerprinting. These fees range from free to $7.50 for residents and $2.00 to $10.00
for non-residents.
Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, added some thankyous to her list presented at the last
meeting, and said the senior citizens enjoyed the dinner last Friday.
Commissioner Parker said a few years ago Jason's Restaurant won the critics choice award for
a non-chain establishment from the Orlando Sentinel and this year Los Primps won the same
award for the best authentic Mexican food in the area.
A request for the temporary closing of Cedar Bluff Lane on New Years Eve was submitted too
late to be on the agenda, but was needed in order for the neighborhood to proceed with plans
for a block party. Therefore, Mayor Vandergrift declared this to he an emergency item.
Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of Cedar Bluff Lane, in the Coventry
Subdivision, for a Special Event on December 31, 2002,from 8:00 p.m. to 2: a.m. (Building
Official Washington)
This authorization requires: (1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be
notified in advance; (2) Health Central Ambulance must he notified of the road closure in
advance; (3) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades; and (4) An emergency lane must be
maintained during the event.
Mayor Vander rift seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to annrove the request for
temporary street closure for Cedar Bluff Lane. Motion carried 4-0.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 17,2002 DRAFT
Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2002-26, Adopting City Seal. (City Clerk Grafton)
With the recent adoption of a new logo for the City, the official seal that incorporated the old
logo became obsolete. As the corporate seal that was originally used from 1925 to 1986 was still
in good shape, staff was directed to prepare this Ordinance to return the old seal to active use.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance for the second reading.
The public hearing was opened, and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to adopt Ordinance No.
2002-26, adopting_the City Seal. Motion carried 4-0
First Reading of Ordinance No. 2003-01, Amending the Land Development Code.
(Community Development Director Wagner)Second Reading and Public Hearing
Scheduled for January 7, 2003 at 7:15 p.m.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. Community Development
Director Wagner gave the staff report, explaining that this Ordinance amends the Ocoee Land
Development Code in three places: I) changes Development Review Fees definitions, 2) adds a
School Board representative to the Planning and Zoning Commission as a non-voting member,
and 3) adds"Auto Body Repair Shop" as a permitted use in the I-I zoning district.
The public hearing was opened, and, as no one wished to speak, was closed. Mayor
Vandergrift announced the time and date of the second reading and public hearing.
First Reading of Ordinances.Second Readings and Public Hearings Scheduled for January
7, 2003 at 7:15 p.m.
Ordinance No. 20113-02, Crown Point Annexation. (Senior Planner Grimms)
This is a proposed annexation of approximately 14 acres, vacant land, located approximately 650
feet west of the intersection of Ocoee-Apopka Road and the Western Beltway.
Ordinance No. 2003-03, Case No. AR-01-07-01: Caballero Annexation. (Senior Planner
This is a proposed annexation of a vacant 1.77 acre parcel located approximately 350 feet cast of
the intersection of Ocoee-Apopka Road and Silver Star Road on the north side of Silver Star
Ordinance No. 2003-04, Case No. AR-01-07-01:Caballero Rezoning. (Senior Planner
This is a proposed initial zoning of the parcel referenced above of C-2, Community Commercial
District, which is consistent with the Commercial designation on the Ocoee Future Land Use
Ordinance No.2003-05, Case No. RZ-02-11-09:Murcia Rezoning. (Senior Planner Grimms)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 17,2002
This is a request to change the zoning for parcel ID 18-22-28-3116-01-070 from C-1
Neighborhood Shopping District to C-2 Community Commercial District. The parcel is located
on the north side of Franklin Street between Ocoee-Apopka Road and Taylor Street.
Ordinance No.2003-06, Case No. 12Z-02-11-08:Gage Rezoning. (Senior Planner Grimms)
This is a proposed rezoning of parcel ID 18-22-28-31 16-01-050 from R-1 Single Family
Dwelling District to C-2 Community Commercial District. he parcel is located on the north
side of Franklin Street between Ocoee-Apopka Road and "l aylor Street.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the titles of the above ordinances in order. Mayor pro tern
Anderson announced the time and date of the second readings and public hearings of the
ordinances, as Mayor Vandergrift had stepped away from the dais.
Final Subdivision Plan - Project No. LS-99-016, Windstone Phase II. (Planning Manager
Planning Manager Lewis presented the staff report, displaying details on the overhead. 'the
Windstone at Ocoee subdivision, located on the south side of Clarcona-Ocoee Road, between
Clarke Road and Apopka-Vineland Road, will include a total of 122 single family residential
lots, with 64 lots in Phase 2. Staff advised both the Development Review Committee and the
Planning and Zoning Commission, in accordance with staff recommendation, recommended
Mayor Vandergrift proposed using brick streets and using impact fees for the difference in cost
between asphalt and the bricks, and Commissioner Parker suggested brick intersections.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, and Michael Buccino,2613 Cedar Bluff
Lane, raised questions to which staff responded.
Mayor Vandererift._,5csrnded b Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the Final
Subdivision Plan for Phase 2 of Windstone at Ocoee, as date stamped received by the City on
November 26 2002. Motion carried 4-0.
Resolution No. 2002-26, Condemnation of Parcel 108, Professional Parkway/Old Winter
Garden Road Improvement Project. (Assistant City Attorney Doty)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution. Assistant City Attorney Doty
gave the staff report. Based on the final project design prepared by PEC, the City needs to
acquire the retention pond located in the West Orange Commercial Center Office Park located at
the northwest corner of Bluford Avenue and Professional Parkway. The parcel known as Parcel
108 currently serves as off site drainage for the office and industrial properties developed within
the West Orange Commercial Center Office Park and will be incorporated into the drainage and
retention function of the City's roadway drainage system. An offer to purchase the property has
been sent to a former director of the Homeowners' Association and if a response happens in a
timely manner a voluntary sale/acquisition of the parcel based on its appraised value is possible.
If this does not happen, adoption of this resolution empowers the attorneys to proceed with quick
take proceedings.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting DRAFT
December 17,2002
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to adopt Resolution No.
2002-26. authorizine execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk, and further authorizimall
necessary actions in order to proceed to uire the oroncrrty by quick take proceeding. Motion
carried 4-0.
Discussion re Glad Tidings Assembly of God Property. (Parks/Recreation Director
Parks/Recreation Director Farmer gave the staff report, and listed the various ways the
property could be used by the Parks/Recreation Department. Ile asked for direction regarding an
appraisal. Mayor Vandergrift asked if consideration had been given to using the site for the
Police Department as well, and he wished to discuss how to finance the purchase before
proceeding any further.
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to direct staff to get an
appraisal on the Glad Tidings property and bring back financing options. Motion carried 3_I
with Mayor Vandergrift voting no.
Approval of Renewal of Contract for Private Consulting of Governmental Legislation and
Procedures. (City Manager Gleason)
City Manager Gleason presented the staff report and recommended renewing the contract for
private consulting of governmental legislation and procedures with Rotundo and Associates. He
then introduced Louis Rotundo, who addressed the Commission at length.
Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to renew the contract
with Rotundo and Associates for one tear.January 2003, through December 2003 usin_> funds
budgeted in the legal services line item. Motion carried 4-0.
Resolution No. 2002-27,Deleting Position of Communications Manager and Adding
Position of Chief Communications Supervisor. (Human Resources Director Diedrich)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution. Human Resources Director
Diedrich was present to answer questions.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Resolution
No. 2002-27_deletin2 the position of Communications Manager and adding the position of Chief
Communications Supervisor. Motion carried 4-0.
Set Date for Work Session in December-January to Discuss Sunshine Law Updates,
Commission Operational Rules, City Manager-Commission Policy-Operations. (City
Manager Gleason)
After discussing dates that may or may not be available,consensus was reached that each would
provide Administrative Assistant Cowan with his/her free dates and let her work out an
appropriate date when all would be available to hold the work session.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 17,2002
City Manager Gleason
I) Asked that Police Chief Goclon and his family be kept in the Commission's prayers as
they arc dealing with a medical challenge.
2) Congratulated Assistant to the City Manager Shira and her staff for the 2003 calendar.
3) Distributed a draft of the Crotty Report which will be debated Wednesday and pointed
out the only project included which will benefit the City of Ocoee is West Colonial Drive
to the Lake County line for an amount of$166,700,000. He said the report will he
presented to the County Commission in January and he intended to be present at that
meeting. Commissioner Johnson said to make sure the citizens are advised.
4) Distributed a printout of the Transportation Task Force Customer Balance Summary and
recommended not paying the $5,000 invoice and forming a separate group with Oakland,
Windermere, and Winter Garden. Mayor Vandergrift wanted to invite the Chairman to
a meeting for discussion and explanation and Mr. Gleason said he would contact them
and advise.
5) Advised that several businesses have inquired about purchasing a portion of the City's
C&W property and also property on Enterprise. He asked for authorization to explore the
options available to work out something mutually beneficial. Without objection. this
authorization was given.
6) Wished all a happy and a safe holiday.
Mayor Vandergrift read an e-mail message from Commissioner Howell wishing all a Merry
Christmas and I lappy New Year, and each official in turn expressed similar wishes.
Commissioner Anderson reported the e-hay auction for the boxing equipment is up to $4,200
and the reserve bid is $7,500.
Commissioner Johnson
1) Said it is past time to go into Pioneer Key Parks I and II and enforce the Code
Enforcement issues, as well as police issues
2) Asked how we could accept the Maguire Road Widening Project when they did not even
put in a connection for the lights, and who inspected it. City Manager Gleason said
there had been a problem with the contractor and he would provide the answers to these
questions shortly.
3) Wants the other nine lights put up on McKey Street from Lakeshore going west.
4) Noted the traffic stacking up at the intersection of I lighway 50 and Bluford Avenue and
wants the police to start issuing tickets.
5) Wants signs put up about parking cars marked "For Sale"on Clarke Road. Police Chief
Goclon said they are addressing the issue of cars parking on the side of the road on
Clarke Road and Maguire Road as well, and he had directed the police force to pay
attention to the red light runners and intersection blockers on the Ilighway 50 corridor.
Discussion ensued about the timing of the lights.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting DRAFT
December 17,2002
Commissioner Parker said this past weekend was the beginning of some nice traditions for the
City with the Withers-Maguire House Pageant and the Christmas decorations put up by the
Parks/Recreation Department. She said this Commission should support their efforts.
Mayor Vandcrgrift
1) Asked that the police officers, as part of their duties as safety officers, take notes and
report the need for reflectors or other safety devices at those different areas of streets
and medians around the city that are obscured during rainy periods. Police Chief
Goelon said that anything would help but Public Works is better qualified to say what
is needed where, and his people would probably have them put reflectors everywhere.
2) Some of the Christmas lights are out around the lake.
3) Regarding the Trailer Parks mentioned earlier, he said we have come a long way over
the years and the Code Enforcement rules have been improved. He would like to go
in with grants to purchase some of those properties to provide low-income housing.
4) Asked that the double door from the Chambers to the Conference Room he fixed so
that it can be opened without injuring ones person.
5) Said he drove into the back of the old Piggly Wiggly building that is on Highway 50
off Maguire Road and there was a big black hole and puddle at the loading ramp that
needs attention from Code Enforcement.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandcrgrift, Mayor
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