HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI(B) Ocoee Buisness Park Preliminary Subdivision Plan, LS 2001-007 Agenda 10-01-2002
Item VI B
Center of Good L.
Mayor , .s.- vfzj Commissioners
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S. Scott �'andergtif(. '1 t Danny Howell, District IK
*� " " � Scott _Anderson, District. 2
City Manager: ,�:°'�. Rust, Johnson; District, $
Jun Gleason
^ 0.___
` �';``� Nancy J. Parker, District 4
DATE: September 26, 2002
TO: The Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Thomas Grimms, AICP, Senior Plan f
THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning 1j
SUBJECT: Ocoee Business Park (aka CPB Family Partnership):
Preliminary Subdivision Plan, LS 2001-007
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Ocoee
Business Park (aka CPB Family Partnership), LS 2001-007.
Ocoee Business Park is an industrial/commercial subdivision including 102.97 acres situated
along the southside of Franklin Street and encompassing lands just west of the Western Beltway
(S.R. 429) to land just east of Bowness Road. The development as proposed consists of ten
(10) industrial parcels of various sizes and two (2) commercial parcels along the southside of
Franklin Street. The area on the east side of Bowness Road (Tract 7-A) and the area on the
west side of the Western Beltway south of the railroad tracks (Tract 5-8) are environmentally
sensitive and are indicated as "Conservation/Flooplains" on the Future Land Use Map and as a
result these lands will remain undeveloped. Six retention ponds are proposed to handle
stormwater runoff, four on Parcel 4 and one pond on Parcel 1 and Parcel 3.
Approximately 80% of the subject property is indicated as "Light Industrial" on the City's Future
Land Use map and this area is indicted as I-1 "Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing"
zoning district. Approximately 10% will be used for commercial purposes and the remaining
10% will not be developed due to environmental sensitivity—wetlands.
The business park subdivision will have an internal loop road with an extension to the south
property line, which will ultimately connect to Roper Parkway. Due to difficulties negotiating a
City Commission Agenda LS-2001-007
October 1,2002
September 26, 2002
City Commission
Page 2
rail cross-over access, Roper Parkway will not be extended northward to Franklin Street as
originally planned in the Ocoee Transportation Master Plan, dated November, 1998. Instead,
there will be a traffic signal at the south entrance of the Ocoee Business Parkway with three
lanes from the entrance to the intersection with Roper Parkway. The north entrance will not
have a traffic signal. There will be right turn in and left turn in at both entrances. The west and
north portions of the Ocoee Business Parkway will be two lane, except for the north entrance
area which will have a center turn lane. On the west side of the development, the developer will
be monitoring for that signal over time. The transportation matrix will establish a clear
relationship between the development of the project and the timing of various traffic
Most of the subject property has been used in the past for citrus growing, which is indicative of
"high and dry" soil conditions. There are wetland areas on the subject property, as mentioned,
in the area on the east side of Bowness Road and the area on the west side of the Western
Beltway south of the railroad tracks. These wetland areas have been disturbed in the past due
to drainage and other management practices and as a result have disturbed the wetland
communities allowing exotic/nuisance vegetation to spread throughout the site, according to an
environmental study performed by Glatting, Jackson, Kercher, Anglin, Lopez & Rinehart Inc.
(See attached Conceptual Mitigation Plan). It was also noted by the consultant that "there is
little suitable habitat to support the occurrence of significant wildlife and plant species" due to the
impacts on and fragmentation of the habitat. The developer proposes to provide mitigation for
the lost wetland function by the creation of four (4) stormwater treatment ponds totaling 6.5
acres on Parcel 4 that will include enhanced wetland areas. These ponds along with the
wetland portion of Parcel 5 on the east side of Bowness Road are proposed to be placed under
a conservation easement for preservation.
The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the proposed Preliminary Plan for CPB
Family Partnership (aka Ocoee Business Park) on September 16, 2002 and discussed the traffic
improvement matrix and warranting of traffic signalization at the south entrance, and power line
easements and the desire to have power lines buried. The developer's representative agreed to
make certain changes to the preliminary plan. The DRC voted unanimously to recommend
approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan provided that the changes discussed are made to
the Preliminary Subdivision Plan prior to sending them to the Planning & Zoning Board for
review. Most of these changes are included in the most recent set of plans.
NOTE: Jacob Riger, of Renaissance Planning Group, the City's transportation consultant,
reviewed the latest traffic improvements matrix provided in the September 20th revised plans,
and noted four (4)- additional changes that he requested were inadvertently left out. (See
attached e-mail from Jacob Riger dated September 25, 2002.)
City Commission Agenda LS-2001-007
October 1,2002
September 26, 2002
City Commission
Page 3
At its September 25, 2002 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing to
review the proposed Preliminary Subdivision Plan and discussed the proposed retention ponds
and the wetlands that exist on the subject property and transportation issues involving access
from Franklin Street, road widening to address the impacts, and the revised traffic improvements
matrix on Sheet 3. The consultant engineer addressed the issues and agreed to incorporate
Jacob Riger's four (4) additional changes into a revised Preliminary Plan set before the
proposed development is presented to the City Commission. The Planning & Zoning
Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan,
conditioned on the four (4) additional changes to the traffic improvements matrix, requested by
Jacob Riger, being incorporated into a revised Preliminary Plan set.
Based on the recommendation of the DRC, and the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Staff
respectfully recommends that the City Commission approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for
Ocoee Business Park (aka CPB Family Partnership) subject to the four (4) additional changes to
the traffic improvements matrix, requested by Jacob Riger, being incorporated into a revised
Preliminary Plan set.
Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Conceptual Mitigation Plan for Wetland Impacts on the CPB Commercial Project Site,
Ocoee, Florida
E-mail from Jacob Riger, dated September 25, 2002
Preliminary Subdivision Plan, date stamped September 20, 2002
O:\DOdeIIWLL_DATA\CAPDFILE\Staff Reports\SR2002\SR02052 CC.doc
City Commission Agenda LS-2001-007
October 1,2002
EN,pursuant to Section 4-3
Ocoee Land Development
Code,thot on Wednesday,
September 25,2002,at 7:00
p.m. or as soon thereafter'
as-practical,the Planning&
Zoning Comniission will
hold a Public Hearing at the
Ocoee City Commission
Chambers,150 North Lake-
shore Drive,Ocoee,Florida,
to consider the CPB Fomily
Partnership 'Ocoee Busi-
ness Park' Preliminary
Subdivision Plan,consisting
of approximately 103 acres
and located on the south
side of Franklin Street with
parcels on both sides of the
Western Beltway(S.R.429).
The planned use of the prop-
erty is primarily far indus•
trial and warehousing oper•
EN,pursuant to Section 4-3
Ocoee Lond Development
Code,that on Tuesday,Oc-
tober 1,2002.at 7:15 p.m.or
cs soon thereafter as practl-
cal, the City Commission
will hold a Public Hearing
at the Ocoee City Commis-
sion Chambers, 150 North
Lakeshore Drive,•Ocoee,
Florida, to consider the
CPB Family Partnership
• 'Ocoee Business Park'Pre-
4consistino of approximately'
103 acres and located an the
south side of Franklin Street
I with parcels an both sides of
the Western Beltway (S.R.
429).The planned use of the
property is primarily for in-
dustrial and warehousing
The Planning & Zoning
Commission and/or the City
Commission may continue
the public hearing to other
dates and times as it deems
necessary. Any Interested
Iparty shall be advised that
the dotes,times,and places
of any continuation of this
or continued public hearings
shall be announced during
the hearings and that no fur-
ther notices regarding these
matters will be published.
A copy of the proposed pre-
liminary subdivision plan
and all related documents
may be inspected by'the
public at the Ocoee Plan-
ning Departrnent,150 North
Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,
Florida,between the hours
of 8:00 p.m.and 5:00 p.m:,
Monday through Friday,ex-
cept legal holidays.
Interested parties may ap-
pear at the public hearings
and be heard with respect to
the proposed preliminary
subdivision plan. Any per-
son wishing to appeal any
decision made during the
public hearings will need a
record of the proceedings
and for this purpose may
need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceed-
ings is made which includes
the testimony and evidence
upon which the appeal is
based.Persons with disabil-
ities needing assistance to
Participate in any of the
proceedings should contact
the City Clerk's Office 48
hours in advance of the
meeting at 407-905-3105.
CO R 4660847 SEPT.13,2002
; ii
Exhibit W1
Conceptual Mitigation Plan for Wetland Impacts
On the CPB Commercial Project Site, Ocoee, Florida
A site assessment was conducted on April 26, 2001 to determine the extent of wetland
communities, threatened and endangered (T&E) wildlife species, and other ecological
constraints that may affect development of the subject property. A variety of technical
materials were utilized to complete the ecological constraints review on this project
site, including: USDA Soil Conservation Service Orange County Soil Survey, 1989;
aerial photography from 1994 and 2000; US Geological Survey Winter Garden
Quadrangle (photorevised 1980); The Florida Wetlands Delineation Manual; and
Official Lists of Florida's Endangered Species, Threatened Species, and Species of
Special Concern (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC),
August 1997). Based on this assessment, constraints to development are described as
The subject property is described as having four different land cover-types, which also
correspond with wetland jurisdiction (Figure 1). Approximately 16.5 acres of
jurisdictional wetlands occur on the subject property. These areas were mapped to
Level III according to the Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System
(Florida Department of Transportation, 1985), and are described as follows:
Upland areas on the subject property have been impacted extensively by historic
agricultural practices. As a result, native vegetation communities are not represented
on the property, and all upland areas are classified as successional citrus grove.
260 Successional Grove (+50.9 acres)
The fallow grove areas support Citrus sp. with a host of successional vegetation. These species
include ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), common pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus),
maidencane (Panicum hemitomon), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), dogfennel (Eupatorium
capillifolium), rough Mexican clover (Richardia scabra), toadflax (Linaria canadensis), lantana
(Lantana camara). Ragweed constituted approximately 80 percent of vegetation coverage.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 1 of 5
Wetland communities have been adversely impacted through historic management practices,
especially drainage appurtances on, and adjacent to, the project site. These ditch features have
served to drain existing wetland communities and, in combination with the adjacent disturbed
uplands, have allowed exotic/nuisance vegetation to spread throughout the site.
534 Borrow Pond(±0.14 acres)
This area is an old borrow pond.
630 Wetland Forested Mixed (±15.3 acres)
These areas were historically larger systems but have been impacted by surrounding
development. Canopy species included loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus), sweetbay
(1�lagr�olia virginiana), cypress (Taxodium ascendens), red maple (Acer rubrurn),
blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora) and camphor-tree (Cinnamomum camphora).
Understory species included wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), air-potato (Dioscorea
bulbifera), elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia), Virginia
chainfern (Woodwardia virginica), royal fern (Osmunda regalis) and blackberry
(Rubus spp.).
740 Disturbed(f5.6 acres)
This disturbed area is located on the north end of Parcel 5. Vegetation in the area is dominated by
chinaberry (Melia azedarach) and extensive air potato. There are also immature red maple
saplings, lantana (Lantana camara), saltbush (Baccharis halimifolia), dogfennel (Eupatorium
capillifolium), pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), caesarweed (Urena lobata), morning glory
(Ipornea spp.), witchgrass (Dichanthelium spp.), brackenfern (Pteridium aquilinum), Virginia
chainfern, blackberry, elephant ear (Xanthosoma sagittifoliurn) and red mulberry (Monts rubra).
742 Excavation/Ditch (f1.01 acres)
These areas are dispersed throughout the site and include a variety of vegetation
species as listed above. Carolina willow (Salix caroliniana) was also observed in these
Threatened and Endangered Wildlife Species
The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), through the Endangered Species Act and
other regulatory instruments, and the FFWCC, through Chapter 68 of the Florida
Administrative Code, regulate activities that may affect protected threatened and
endangered (T&E) wildlife and plant species. The subject parcel was evaluated for the
occurrence, or potential occurrence, of T&E species.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 2 of 5
Given the urban location, fragmentation of adjacent habitat, and previous impacts to
the site, there is little suitable habitat to support the occurrence of significant wildlife
and plant species. One gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), listed as a Species of
Special Concern by the FFWCC, was observed walking along the southern ditch/field
road. However, no burrows were observed on the subject property during the 15%
census. Thus, no T&E species would appear to preclude development of the project
Proposed impacts to Natural Resource Management Areas (NRMAs) include the
following (Figure 1):
• Fill impact to ± 0.54 acre of (742) Excavation/Ditch.
• Dredge impact to ±0.47 acre of(742) Excavation/Ditch.
• Fill impact to ± 0.14 acre of(534) Borrow Pond.
• Fill impact to ± 0.1 acre of (630) Wetland Forested Mixed habitat.
• Dredge impact to ±0.41 acre of(630) Wetland Forested Mixed habitat.
This results in a.total impact of 1.66 acres to NRMAs. However, ±1.15 acres of this
are impacts to (742) Excavation/Ditch and (534) Borrow Pond, and the value of these
areas as NRMAs is questionable. Due to the classification of these areas, and their
current condition, they will likely not require mitigation by the SJRWMD and ACOE.
Thus, the more appropriate interpretation of impacts to NRMAs is 0.51 acre.
Mitigation (i.e., compensation for the lost wetland function) will be provided in
stormwater treatment ponds provided on Parcel 4 of the project site. Approximately
6.5 acres of ponds will be constructed on this parcel, the littoral zones of which will be
planted with appropriate wetland vegetation. NRMAs proposed for impact have
reduced function due to severe drainage throughout the area. However, they still have
the vegetative structure to provide some benefit to wildlife. This can be replicated in
the stormwater ponds by planting the following vegetation species:
• • Canopy Plantings - Pond cypress, black gum, loblolly bay and sweetbay.
• Herbaceous Plantings - pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata) and duck potato
(Sagittaria latifolia).
Glutting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 3 of 5
Additionally, Parcel 4 and the wetland portion of Parcel 5 (Figure 2) will be placed
under conservation easement and preserved in perpetuity. These parcels are contiguous
with other property owners, thereby eliminating any opportunity for hydrologic
enhancement. Additionally, most exotic vegetation is confined to the upland portion of
Parcel 5. Therefore, no management recommendations are proposed for these parcels.
Three primary federal and state regulatory agencies have jurisdictional permitting
authority over the wetlands and listed species on-site. These agencies include the
ACOE, SJRWMD and FFWCC. The role of these regulatory agencies is described
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The ACOE, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, exerts regulatory authority for
dredge and fill activities over the "waters of the United States," including wetlands.
Wetlands are defined as "those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or
groundwater at a frequency and duration significant to support, and that under normal
conditions do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated
soil conditions" (33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 323.2). •
An Individual Permit will be required, with an appropriate mitigation plan, since
proposed impacts to wetlands total more than one-half acre. The US Environmental
Protection Agency and the USFWS may also comment on ACOE permit applications.
St. Johns River Water Management District
Since the development of the unified method for delineation of wetlands was approved
by the legislature in 1994, the FDEP, water management districts and local
governments have been mandated to use the same wetland delineation methodology.
The SJRWMD regulations for wetland delineation and review of proposed wetland
impacts are included in the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit (ERP)
Applications. The SJRWMD has been delegated permitting authority for surface water
management systems and wetland impacts.
An ERP will be required before the construction of a surface water management
system or impacts to wetlands may occur. Specifically, an Individual Permit will be
required for this project since wetland and surface water impacts total more than one
• acre, and the project site is greater than 100 acres.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 4 of 5
While the density of gopher tortoises is very low on the property, mitigation will be
required through FFWCC. This will be accomplished by off-site relocation or an
Incidental Take Permit (ITP). The most appropriate option will be determined
subsequent to additional censusing during the permitting phase of the project.
P:\15\15871 -CPB-Ocoee DD\Technical\ECO-OCOEE SUBMITTAL.Revision.doc
Glatting Jackson KercherAnglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 5 of 5
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LEGEND ...„.Appro Scala In Feet \�
January 2002
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534 Borrow Pond
630 Wetland Forested Mixed
740 Disturbed Figure 1
742 Excavation/Ditch
{ Vegetative Communities &
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GLATTING Proposed Wetland Impacts
ANGLINo CPB Family Partnership, Ltd.
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Approx.Scale la Feet
LEGEND November 2001
. .....1"""" '".
100 ZOO 400 NORTH GI Project#(5871.0
M Proposed Mitigation Areas
. Figure 2
Proposed Mitigation Areas
CPB Family .
Partnership, Ltd.
Grimms, Thomas
To: Jacob Riger
Subject: RE: CPB Partnership traffic improvements matrix
Original Message
Frpm: Jacob Riger [mailto:JRiger@CitiesThatWork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 5:10 PM
To: Thomas Grimms
Cc: jriger@citiesthatwork.com
Subject: CPB Partnership traffic improvements matrix
As we discussed, here are my comments on the latest version of the matrix
that is included on the site plan. The following should be added to the
1. The matrix (or a companion table) should include the development program
components for each phase and parcel.
2. The matrix should specifically list the project entrances to be improved
on SR 438 as is shown for Bowness Road (south entrance, etc. ) .
3. The first footnote should be clarified to state that monitoring will
occur not just for the need for signalization, but also the need for other
types of improvements (such as additional turn lanes) .
4. The second footnote (regarding the intersection of SR 438 and Bowness
Road) should be edited for grammatical clarity, and a clause should be
added referencing that the monitoring will be for the need for intersection
geometry or signal timing/phasing improvements.
Jacob M. Riger, AICP
Senior Planner
Renaissance Planning Group
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Please note our new address and phone number effective August 26th.
Renaissance Planning Group
100 East Pine Street, Suite 401
Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 487-0061, ext. 16
(407) 487-0058 Fax