HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(A) Approval And Authorization For Mayor And City Clerk To Execute Amendment To VHB Professional Servicces Contract -- Coca Cola Property Agenda 10-01-2002
Center of Good - Item VII A
e IVl Commissionerss or `S�' "�`" ` " g Danny Howell, District 1
S. Scott\%alndergrift.
Scott Anderson, District 2
{ �f EE.1Rust- Johnson; District 3
Cit.v 1\1anager ice✓ Nancy J. Parker, District.4
Jun Gleason 4 ;, ;
DATE: September 25, 2002 •
TO: The Honorable Mayor& City Commissioners
FROM: Russ Wagner, AICP, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Proposed Amendment to VHB Professional Services Contract.
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve an amendment to the Master Planning and
Engineering Services Agreement with"Vanass-Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) for the Coca-Cola
The City entered into a contract with VHB on June 19, 2001 to provide a full range of
professional services to master plan the Coca-Cola property in partnership with Orange County
Public Schools (OCPS). The original scope of work under this contract is nearly complete, and
the actual PUD Master Plan for the property will come before the City Commission for approval
within the next 60 days. This plan was developed in close coordination with OCPS to ensure
that a new High School as well as other education facilities would be property integrated into the
development. The costs for this master planning effort are being proportionately shared by the
City and OCPS. .
In order to meet the OCPS schedule for construction of a High School on the Coca-Cola site,
construction plans for both the buildings as well as the infrastructure, including roads, sewer,
water, and storm water management facilities, must also be prepared. It is the intent of OCPS to
begin construction on the High School by this time next year and have it ready to open for the
2005 school year.
Based upon discussions with OCPS representatives, it is the intent of the School Board to
advance fund the construction of the necessary infrastructure to support the High School and
allow the City to pay this money back over time. The total cost of the infrastructure cost is
estimated at $2.2 million, of which OCPS will pay approximately $0.5 million. Accordingly, the
City will need to repay approximately $1.7 million to OCPS. These funds are anticipated to be
generated from the sale of the single-family portion of the project to a private developer.
September 19,2002
Planning and Zoning Commission
Page 2
Included in the $2.2 million cost for infrastructure are the design, permitting, and construction
management fees. Based upon Article 8 of the agreement with VHB, a Change Order including
a revised scope of work and fee schedule is to approved by the City Commissioner to authorize
any further design work on the project. The attached draft addendum outlines the various work
tasks that need to be accomplished in order to construct the infrastructure for the High School
and open up the Coca-Cola property for development.
Due to the need to get VHB working on the same schedule as the OCPS Architect, staff is
presenting this amendment to the City Commission as quickly as possible to enable the
negotiation of a final fee for_the.work in cooperation with OCPS staff. As will be noted in Exhibit
"D", OCPS will share in the cost of these tasks based upon their proportionate benefit. Once this
change order is negotiated and work is underway on construction design, OCPS and the City will
finalize amendments to our existing Interlocal Agreement to clarify all the details of the payback
arrangements for construction of the infrastructure and overall property development.
Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners authorize staff to
negotiate a finalized Change Order to the Master Planning and Engineering Services Agreement
with VHB to provide necessary professional services for design of infrastructure involvements on
.the Coca-Cola property based upon the draft addendum; and further, authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute said Change Order on behalf of the City subject to OCPS approval and
City Attorney review.
Attachments: Addendum to Master Planning and Engineering Services for Coke Property
O:\DOdell\ALL_DATA\CAPDFILE\Staff Reports\SR2002\SR02049 P&Z.doc
SEPTEMBER.24, 2002
The scope of this proposal is to provide final design, permitting and construction
administration services for the following improvements (referred to hereafter as
A. Modifications to Ocoee-Apopka Road at the re-aligned West Road intersection,
approx. 1,200 LF.
B. Signalization of the Ocoee-Apopka Road/West Groves.Blvd. intersection.
C. 2 lanes of a future 4-lane collector from West Groves Road the main high school
entrance, approx. 2,350 LF.
D. 2-lane local road from the main high school entrance to high school bus entrance,
approx. 1,300 LF.
E. Retention/Detention Ponds # 6 & 7 (Tract 37), 8 (Tract 38) and 9 (Tract 39),
approximately 7.36 acres.
F. Water Distribution System, from West Groves Blvd, along West Road Extension to the
middle of the high school site, southeastward to the West Orange Trail, northeastward
• along the trail to the entrance road, eastward along the entrance road to Ocoee-
Apopka Road, then along Ocoee-Apopka Road to Fuller Cross Road, approximately
6,500 LF.
G. Sanitary Sewer Lift Station to be located on the southwest side of Pond 8.
H. Sanitary Forcemain from the lift station to-Ocoee-Apopka Road along West Road,
then along Ocoee-Apopka Road to Cauley Road, a total of approximately 7,000 LF.
I. Sanitary Sewer.Gravity Collection System along West Road Extension, approximately
1,500 LF.
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This will be accomplished in the following tasks:
Final Engineering Phase
1.0 Route Survey
VHB will perform a specific purpose route survey in compliance with Chapter 61G17-6 of
the Florida Administrative'Code (Minimum Technical'Standards for Florida Surveyors and
Mappers); to include a limited topographic survey-as needed for:design purposes. - VHB
will perform a design survey over an area (project limits) defined as follows: the existing
Ocoee-Apopka Road.at.the re-aligned West Road intersection (approx. 1,200 LF), the
• proposed West Road right-of-way from Ocoee-Apopka Road to the proposed high school
bus entrance (approx. 3,650:LF), a portion of.West.Orange Trail and Ocoee-Apopka Road
along the proposed Water:Distribution System alignment not within the proposed West
• Groves Blvd. Right-of-way (approx. 3,000 LF), and a portion of West Road and Ocoee-
Apopka Road to Cauley Road along the proposed forcemain alignment(approx. 5,000 LF)
and the proposed retention pond areas for Phase I. VHB's topographic coverage of this
area will include: horizontal and vertical mapping of all above ground permanent
improvements, including tents currently within the project limits; one-foot interval contour
mapping; horizontal location and mapping of subsurface utilities, as marked in the field by
utility company representative.
.Should precise mapping:of the vertical and horizontal position of underground utilities be
deemed necessary, VHB will, at CLIENT's'request, either•coordinate a subcontractor for .
these services, or coordinate with CLIENT'S designated subsurface utility location
contractor, as an addition to this contract.
• 2.0 Geotechnical Investigation
VHB will contract with the team Geotechnical Engineer to perform the geotechnical
investigation for the proposed roadways and lake locations. The geotechnical scope of
services includes:
2.1 Perform four(4) auger borings to a depth of 20 feet in pond sites. Perform up to four
(4) permeability tests on samples from the pond sites.
2.2 Perform limited hand probing in the area where the existing creek may be modified
near the north cluster of ponds (this will be done under remaining budget from the
preliminary exploration).
2.3 Perform eleven (11) auger borings to a depth of 10 feet for roadways.
2.4 Perform visual classification and required laboratory testing of the soil samples
obtained from the borings.
2.4 Identification of unsuitable materials, and preparation of the methodology for the
removal and replacement of same.
2.5 VHB will assist the Geotechnical Engineer and the Surveyor in the preparation of
the coordinate data sheet of the proposed boring locations, and supply the
coordinate data for staking of the locations.
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3.0 Final Engineering Design and Construction Document Preparation
VHB will prepare the Final Engineering Design and Construction Documents for the
Improvements, based on the City-approved PSP. The plans will be designed to meet the
Final Subdivision Plans Requirements as established by the City of Ocoee LDC. The
plans will include:
3.1 Geometry Plans—Based on the approved Master Plan, VHB will prepare coordinate
geometry plans. Theses plans will establish the location of the centerline for
roadways;intersections, connections to existing improvements points, sidewalks and
other key site features. The -coordinate system will tie back to the surveyor's
boundary survey and coordinate.geometry. This will be incorporated into the design
plans for the site contractor's use.
3.2 Roadway Plans — VHB will prepare complete plan, profiles and sections for the
approximately 4,850 linear feet of proposed roadways, including pavement markings.
Plans will be prepared in accordance with the City of Ocoee Standards and the State
of Florida Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction,
Maintenance of Streets and Highways. Plans shall be furnished to the client in
reproducible form at a scale of one-inch equals forty feet and shall be accurate,
legible, complete in design.
3.3 Utility Plans — VHB will design and prepare plans and specifications for the water
distribution,.wastewater collection, and wastewater transmission facilities lying as
part of the "Improvements". A portion of this work is beyond the proposed road
rights-of-way, therefore additional base sheets will be prepared. Service from the
utility providers will be coordinated.
3.4.:Stormwater Management Plans —VHB will design and prepare construction plans
and specifications for the stormwater ponds as part of the "Improvements". This will
be based on the approved Master Stormwater Management Plan prepared by the
VHB described in a previous contract. Erosion control plans will be prepared for the
construction site area. Plans shall be furnished to the client in reproducible form at a
scale of one-inch equals forty feet and shall be accurate, legible, and complete in
design. It is assumed that no off-site drainage facilities will be required and the
outfall will discharge to the adjacent wetland.
3.5 Landscape Design Services—VHB will contract with the project planner to provide
landscape and hardscape plans for the project. The plans will show the approximate
location and specification of the proposed plant material and hardscape features
(signage, site furniture, lighting) as required by the City of Ocoee. Irrigation plans will
be provided for West Road (from West Groves Boulevard to the high school bus
entrance) only. The hardscape design for the future West Road / Village Center
Boulevard intersection is not included in the scope of services.
An engineer's estimate of probable construction costs will be provided for the bonded
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4.0 Environmental Services
VHB will conduct a gopher tortoise relocation program for the project site. The specific
tasks include:
4.1 Conduct a field survey covering 100% of the above-referenced project to locate by
numbered flagging the location•of all gopher tortoise burrows.
4.2 Bucket trap each active and:inactive:burrow found during the field survey.
4.3 Approximate•burrow-'locations:will be plotted on°'an aerial photograph for use in
project permitting.
4.4 The bucket traps will'be checked-'once,daily for-up to 20 days or until 25%'of the
gopher tortoise population has been captured.
4.5 Draw blood and prepare 'blood samples for laboratory -testing for the Upper
Respiratory Tract Disease (URTD).
4.6 Forward the gopher tortoise blood samples to a Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission approved testing laboratory.
4.7 Submit a gopher tortoise capture and relocation permit 'application to the Florida
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) for relocation of tortoises off-
site pursuant to requirements of.'Chapter 39, -Florida Administrative Code, if
negative testing results are received.
:�4.8- Obtain-the services:of a .subcontractor to::provide- a backhoe and.operator to -.
• - perform -the gopher -tortoise burrow.-excavations .for one day (billed .as a -
reimbursable expense).
4:9 Supervise the excavation ofup to twenty-five (25)'gopher tortoise burrows.
- 4.10-. Prior to release on the-'recipient.site, each relocated tortoise shall be sexed (adults
only), measured and-permanently and -uniquely 'marked by scute-notching per
established FFWCC guidelines.
4.11 Relocate captured healthy tortoises, if applicable, to the approved recipient site as
identified and approved by others. The recipient site shall be declared suitable for
gopher tortoise relocation by the FFWCC.
4.12 Prepare a report to the FFWCC summarizing the results of the relocation activities.
5.0 Final Subdivision Processing
VHB will submit and process the Final Subdivision Plan for a portion of the Crown Point-
PUD as required by the City of Ocoee. Included is representation at DRC (two
meetings), P &Z (one meeting) and City Commission (one meeting). The preparation of
the responses to comments are included in this scope of services.
6.0 Permitting
VHB will provide the expertise, coordination and project management assistance
required to obtain the necessary approvals and permits for the permits as identified .
below. The client will be responsible for all application, review, and connection charges
associated with these approvals. As part of the design process, permit applications will
be submitted and processed to the applicable governmental agencies. These agencies
will consist of the following:
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• Orange County Public Works
• • St.Johns River Water Management District ERP
• Florida Department of Environmental Regulation—Sanitary Sewer
• Florida Department of Environmental Regulation-Water Supply
• NPDES Notice of Intent, Pollution Prevention Plan
7.0 Project Meetings/Coordination
- The VHB Project Principal,and/orAhe Project:Manager will--attend:.project:meetings-.with:: _ .
Client'and/or the design team-to-coordinate.,the overall .projectdesign.- .It:is_anticipated
• .there will be four (4):,coordination:meetings. In addition,.VHB will coordinate with-.the:-City- _
of Ocoee and.the OCPS:throughout the,design:-phase•.of.•the project:on matters such as
:compatibility of utility/drainage connections,-,design ..requirements,- and':.:development:: -
Construction Phase
8.0. Pre-Construction Administration Services
VHB will provide .,services, required -to •coordinate and facilitate the beginning of
-.construction. This will- include:preparing_bid documents.based on the client-supplied
'.format, responding•to' bidders•inquiries regarding project..scope, assisting in'evaluating
- bids or proposals, and assisting:in assembling and awarding contracts.
9.0 .Construction Observation and Certification
• -VHB-will-provide-civil'engineering construction.support:and.periodic"constructiorr.site. . ... ..
visits for the purposes of Providing engineer-of-record.certifications.. It is-assumed that
the duration of the construction will be for five (5) months. Site observation will be
provided as needed as determined by the engineer-of-record. The services to be
provided include:
• Coordination and attendance at the City's Pre-Construction Meeting.
• Periodic site visits to visually monitor construction and compare to approved
engineering plans.
• Provide engineering interpretation and clarification responding to contractor's
• Review contractor's material and shop drawing submittals.
• Observation of storm drainage structures and ponds.
• Observe utility testing by contractor or municipality. •
• Monitor construction and provide Client recommendations regarding change
order submittals by the contractor.
VHB will provide the Completion of Construction Certifications for the FDEP Water and .
Wastewater Permits (two separate certifications), and the SJRWMD Permit. The
contractor will provide the required as-built survey and drawings needed for VHB to
prepare these certifications.
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10.0 Resident Project Representation
In addition to the Construction Observation and Certification task, VHB will provide part-
time project representation, and will endeavor to provide protection for the client against
defects and deficiencies in the work of the general contractor and his or her agents.. An
additional 16 hours per week of construction administration services will be budgeted for
the duration of the project as defined above. This representation will not be exhaustive
or continuous, however. VHB will not be responsible for the :means, methods,
techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by the contractor or the
safety precautions and programs incidental to .the work of the contractor: Additional
services will include:
• Attend weekly progress meetings during the site infrastructure construction period.
• Provide observation and comments to client after each weekly site visit and make
recommendations for any observed deficiencies on-site.
• Assist client and contractor in interpreting utility permit conditions and make
suggestions for compliance.
• Maintain log of utility tests for site civil elements. Review test reports and make
recommendations for field tests.
• Prepare punchlist for known or observed deficiencies in site civil elements.
• Make recommendations regarding pay requisition approval and acceptance of work
after construction is complete.
• Attend additional_field meetings as scheduled by the client.
11.0 Compensation
VHB will perform the Scope of Services contained in this Addendum on a time and expense basis
at the standard hourly billing rates in effect at the time the work is performed. The estimated
Upset Limit for Labor for this Scope of Services is$227,100 allocated as shown in Exhibit"D".
It is understood that VHB will perform services under the..sole direction of the client. In the
performance of these services, VHB will coordinate its efforts with those of other project team
members, the client's architect, and other consultants, as required. The client shall provide VHB
with project-related technical data including, but not limited to,the following:
• Development program and requirements
• Permit fees in addition to fees quoted herein
• Construction bond,tax receipt,,opinion of title
• Any other data pertinent to this design that is available in project data files
VHB will rely upon the accuracy and completeness of client-furnished information in connection
with the performance of services under this Agreement.
12.0 Additional Services
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Consultant will provide Additional Services upon written request from the Client. The
scope and fee required for these services will be identified negotiated and supplemental
agreement executed prior to initiation of the professional service.
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13.0 Reimbursable Expenses
In addition to the labor compensation the Consultant shall be reimbursed for
expenditures made specifically for the project such as: printing and reprographics; traffic-
counts; application/filing fees; out of County travel and subsistence; backhoe services for
percolation testing; long distance telephones charges; shipping, postage, and courier
service charges; purchase of maps and-similar documents. These direct expenses will
be billed at cost. If subconsultants and subcontractors are engaged by the Consultant for .
this project and are under contract to the Consultant, their services will be invoiced at
their actual cost.The budget has been established as 10%of the contract amount.
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September 24, 2002
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) shall provide prepare the required boundary surveys for the
Crown Point PUD property, which will be owned by OPCS. The parcels are Tract 4, 5, 6A, 6B,
6G, 7A, 7B, 13, 34, 40 and 41.
VHB will develop plans and legal descriptions identifying the property, which will be owned by
OCPS. This task shall include the following:
1.0 Property Ownership Map
'Based on the conceptual agreements between the City of Ocoee and OCPS, VHB will prepare a
detailed map showing the limits of the parry's post-development ownership limits. The map will
include a table showing the allocation of the joint-use pond system between the parties based on
the conceptual water management study. This map will become the basis for the final
agreement between the City and school board.
2.0 Boundary Survey Preparation
Based on the Property Ownership Map, four (4) boundary surveys will be prepared for each of
the contiguous OOPS properties. The off-site pond which will provide stormwater treatment for
the OCPS property will also be included. The surveys will be prepared in accordance with the
minimum technical standards established by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers.
3.0 Easements—Legal Descriptions
VHB will identify on the Property Ownership Map the potential location of the required access,
construction, drainage and utility easement for the High School development. Once approved
by the City and OCPS, sketch and legal descriptions will be prepared for recordation by others.
The documents will be prepared in accordance with the minimum technical standards
established by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers.
4.0 Agreement Coordination
VHB will coordinate closely with the City and OCPS during the process of preparing the above
referenced documents, and will assist in providing technical support for the preparation of the
final agreement between the parties.
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5.0 Compensation
VHB will perform the Scope of Services contained in this Addendum on a time and
expense basis at the standard hourly billing rates in effect at the time the work is
performed. The estimated Upset Limit for Labor for this Scope of Services is $39,000
allocated as shown in Exhibit"D".
6.0 Additional Services
Consultant will provide.Additional Services upon written request from the Client. The
- scope and fee required for these services will be identified negotiated and supplemental
agreement executed prior to initiation of the professional service.
7.0 Reimbursable Expenses
In addition to the labor compensation the Consultant shall be reimbursed for
expenditures made specifically for the project such as: printing and reprographics;
traffic counts; application/filing fees; out of County travel and subsistence; backhoe
services for percolation testing; long distance telephones charges; shipping, postage,
and courier service charges; purchase of maps and similar documents. These direct
expenses will be billed at cost. If subconsultants and subcontractors are engaged by
the Consultant for this project and are under contract to.the Consultant, their services
will be invoiced at their actual cost. The budget has been established as 10% of the
contract amount.
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'September 24, 2002
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) shall provide surveying services for preparation of a final plat as
required by the City of Ocoee. The plat area shall include the high school site (Tracts 5, 6A, 6B,
and 6G), the proposed Phase I rights-of-ways, and the retention detention pond necessary for
Phase I
This will be accomplished in the following tasks:
1.0 Final Record Plat Preparation
VHB will prepare a'Final,Record Plat for a.portion of the Crown Point PUD associated with the
Improvements. Specifically the final plat will include Tract #16, 19, 26, 32, 37, 38 and 39. The
record •plat will be prepared in accordance with the technical standards established by the
Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers. In addition,.VHB will assist in coordinating acquisition
of the submittal documents such as the surety bond,tax receipt,title report, etc.
2.0 Final Record Plat Processing
VHB will assist in processing the record:plat with the City of Ocoee and Orange County,
including coordination with staff and attendance at a City Commission meeting.
3.0 Monumentation
VHB will set all monumentation in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 177, Florida
Statutes and the requirements of the City of Ocoee.
4.0 Compensation
VHB will perform the Scope of Services contained in this Addendum on a time and expense
basis at the standard hourly billing rates in effect at the time the work is performed. The
estimated Upset Limit for Labor for this Scope of Services is $280,200 allocated as shown in
It is understood that VHB will perform services under the sole direction of the client. In the
performance of these services, VHB will coordinate its efforts with those of other project team
members, the client's architect, and other consultants, as required. The client shall provide VHB
with project-related technical data including, but not limited to,the following:
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• Permit fees in addition to fees quoted herein
• Any other data pertinent to this design that is available in project data files
VHB will rely upon the accuracy and completeness of client-furnished information in connection
with the performance of services under this Agreement.
5.0 Additional Services
Consultant will provide Additional Services, upon written request from the Client. The
scope and fee required for these services-will be identified negotiated and supplemental
agreement executed priorto initiation of the professional service.
6.0 Reimbursable Expenses
In addition to the labor compensation the Consultant shall be reimbursed for
expenditures made specifically for the project such as: printing and reprographics;
traffic counts; application/filing fees; out of County travel and subsistence; backhoe
services for percolation testing; long distance telephones charges; shipping, postage,
and courier service charges; purchase of maps and similar documents. These direct
expenses will be billed at cost. If subconsultants and subcontractors are engaged by
the Consultant for this project and are under contract to the Consultant, their services
will be invoiced at one (1) times their actual cost.
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Exhibit "D"
Crown Point Construction Plans Fee Summary
Crown Point Construction Plans- Phase I Infrastructure-Civil Engineering
Task Task Description Fee Est. Total Fee Ocoee OCPS
No. Reimbursabl %of %of
e Fee' Fee Amount Fee Amount
1.0 Route Survey $ 22,400 $ 2,240 $ 24,640 76% $ 18,726 24% $ 5,914
_ 2.0 Geotechnical $ 8,000 $ 800 '.$ 8,800 76% $ 6,688 24% $ :2,112
3.0 Final Engineering Design
and CD Prep.
a. Geometry Plans $15,500 $ -1,550 $ 17,050 76% $ 12,958 24% $ 4,092
b. Roadway Plans $45,000 $ 4,500 -$ 49,500 76% $ .37,620 24% $- 11,880 -
c. Utility Plans $24,000 •$ 2,400 _$ 26,400 76% $ - 20,064 24% ..$ .6,336
d...Stormwater Mgmt $17,000 $ 1,700 $ 18,700 76% $ 14,212 24% $ 4,488
e. Landscape Design Sys $10,000 ,$ 1,000 '$ 11,000 76% $ 8,360 24% $ 2,640 '
4.0 Environmental Services $ 9,600 $ 960 . $ 10,560 76% $ 8,026 24% $ 2,534 ,
5.0 Final Subdivision $ 7,600 $ 760 $ 8,360 76% $ 6,354 24% $ 2,006
6.0 Permitting $ 9,000 $ 900 $ 9,900 76% $ 7,524 24% $ 2,376
7.0 Meetings/Coordination $ 14,000 $ 1,400 $ 15,400 50% $ 7,700 50% $ 7,700
8.0 Pre-Construction
Administration Services $ 3,000 $ 300 $ 3,300 76% $ 2,508 24% $ 792
9.0 Construction Observation
and Certification $ 10,000 '$ 1,000 $ ' 11,000 76% $ 8,360 24% $ . 2;640
10.0. Resident Project
Representation $- 32,000 $ •3;200 $ 35,200 76% $ 26,752 24% .$ .. .8,448
Subtotal , $227,100 $ 22,710 $ 249,810 $ 185,852 $ 63,958
'10%of Task Fee
2Includes Off-Site Retention Ponds (Tracts 19, 26, 28,38 and 39).
3 Includes Portion of West Road and Off-site Retention Ponds.
Exhibit "D"
Crown Point Construction Plans Fee Summary
Crown Point Construction Plans -OCPS Boundary Survey and Legal Descriptions
Task Task Description Fee Est. Total Fee Ocoee OCPS
No. Reimbursabl %of % of
e Fee' Fee Amount Fee Amount
1.0 Property Ownership Map $ 8,000 $ -.- 800 :$ 8,800: '50% $ - .-4,400 50% .$. -4,400 _..
2.0 Boundary Survey High
School2 $ 20,500 $ - 2,050 $ 22,550 0% $ 100% $ :22,550 •
3.0 Easements-Legal
Descriptions $ 4,000 $ 400. $ 4,400 0% $ -100% $ 4,400 _
4.0 Agreement Coordination $ 6,500 $ 650 $ - 7,150 50% $ 3,575 50% '$ 3,575
z.'. Subtotal $ 39,000 ;$ 3,900 $ 42,900 :; $ 7,975 $ _ . 34,925
Crown Point Construction Plans - Phase I Platting
Task Task Description Fee Est. Total Fee Ocoee OCPS
No. Reimbursabl %of % of
e Fee' Fee Amount Fee Amount
1.0 Final Record Plat
Preparation3 $ 6,500 $ 650 $ 7,150 50% $ 3,575 50% $ 3,575_
2.0 Final Record Plat
Processing $ 4,600 $ 460 $ 5,060 :50% .$ 2,530 50% $ 2,530
3.0 Monumentation $ 3,00Q $ 300 $ -3,300 50% $ 1,650 50% $ 1,650
Subtotal $ 14,100 $ 1,410. $ 15,510 $ 7,755 $ . 7,755
Total $280,200 $ 28,020 $ 308,220 -- :; $ .201,582 $ 106,638
'10%of Task Fee
2lncludes Off-Site Retention Ponds (Tracts 19, 26, 28, 38 and 39).
3Includes Portion of West Road and Off-site Retention Ponds.