HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (B) Resolution No. 2003-02, Relating to Acquisition by Eminent Domain of Various Parcels Owned by Usmani Family, LLC., Westlake Partners, Ltd., Oak Forest Partners, Ltd. for the Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project Agenda 01-21-2003 Item VII B FOLEY : LARDNER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE,SUITE 1800 ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32801-2306 P.O.BOX 2193 ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32802-2193 TELEPHONE:4074237656 FACSIMILE.407.649.1743 wNVV.FOLEYLARDNER COM MEMORANDUM CI IFNT-MATTER NUMBER 02B3]7 054] TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee FROM: Mary A. Doty, Assistant City Attorney THROUGH: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney DATE: January 10, 2003 RE: Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Widening Project Resolution No. 2003-02 Based on the final project design prepared by PEC, the City needs to acquire the following properties: PARCEL NO. PROPERTY PROPERTY LOCATION OF APPRAISED OWNER INTEREST PROPERTY VALUE NEEDED 109 Usmani Family Fee Simple Title West side of $11,626.00 LLC Bluford Avenue, North of its intersection with Old Winter Garden Road 707 Usmani Family Temporary West side of $1,483.00 LLC Construction Bluford Avenue, Easement North of its intersection with Old Winter Garden Road 110A Westlake Fee Simple Title South side of S64.348.00 Partners, Ltd. Old Winter Garden Road, just east of intersection with Bluford Avenue 708A Westlake Temporary South side of $17,274.00 Partners, Ltd. Construction Old Winter Easement Garden Road, just east of intersection with Bluford Avenue 110B Oak Forest Fee Simple Title South side of $47,959.00 Partners, Ltd. Old Winter Garden Road, just west of Blackwood Avenue 708B Oak Forest Temporary South side of $14,381.00 Partners, Ltd. Construction Old Winter Easement Garden Road, just west of Blackwood Avenue Sketches of these parcels are attached. The appraisal firm of DeRango, Best & Associates has appraised these interests and the appraised values are set forth in the chart above. Copies of the appraisal reports are available in the City Clerk's office for your review. We have sent offers to purchase these interests to the property owners identified, all of which are now represented by counsel. It is still possible to negotiate voluntary sales/acquisitions of the necessary interests, however, in the event voluntary sales cannot be negotiated, it will then be necessary to acquire these interests by filing a condemnation action. Attached is proposed Resolution No. 2003-02 which authorizes the filing of a condemnation action. The adoption of this Resolution and the filing of a condemnation action are necessary in order to avoid any delay in the schedule prepared by City Staff. It is our intention to file a condemnation action, and to proceed to acquire the interests by a quick taking proceeding if voluntary sales cannot he accomplished by February 1, 2003. A quick take proceeding allows the City to acquire title to the needed property by demonstrating to the Court's satisfaction a public need and necessity for the property and the deposit of the City's good faith estimate of value in the Court's Registry. This evidence is presented at an Order of Taking hearing, generally held sixty to ninety days after the suit is filed. Once the City deposits its good faith estimate of value, title to the property transfers to the City. The property owners, however, are entitled to a jury trial on the ultimate valuation of the property at some time in the future. This procedure allows public bodies to obtain title quickly so the public projects are not delayed but imposes the risk on the public body of what the ultimate valuation of the acquired property is determined to be. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the Mayor and City Commissioners: 1. Approve Resolution No. 2003-02 , authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk, and further authorizing all necessary actions in order to proceed to acquire the property by quick take proceeding. MAD/jlc cc: Jim Gleason David Wheeler PARCEL 109 RIGHT OF WAY LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Lot 11, West Orange Commercial Center, as recorded in Plat Rook 25, Page 67 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the Southeast corner of said Lot 11 and the Southwesterly Right al Way line of Old Winter Garden Rood, thence 589'42'52"W 40.00 feet along the south line of said Lot II; thence N18"29'31"W 69.09 feet to o point on said Southwesterly right of way line: thence 54527'54"E, 90.00 feet along said right of way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1,313 square feet, more or less. Note: Bearings shown hereon are based on the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Nortnwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 Last as being N89"42'I5"E (Assumed). Legal Description Date """°°' 8 P April 22, 2002 ce c 77i, + I a. FOR Job No.. Score. ♦1 t,4l1}d Fla,. 4572706? 1 50 L 1. Professional Engineering _ _ p Consultants SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. CH. 6ICv-6, Flood() Admin,arodve 324 North Orlando Avenue Code maudes that a legal descop bon Moillond, Florida 32 751-4702 drawing bear the notation that (407) 647-8895 CERT. NO. L82105 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. a infoOsaneo a mneyin corn SHEET 1 Cr 2 Y 13. RICK REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4245 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION N o = 50 �O GRAPHIC SCALE I 0 25 50 100� 4 t40 clop or LOT 11 -i o < s 'pli o WEST ORANGE COMMERCIAL CENTER °, "70 Z '- PLAT BOOK 25. PAGE 67 .s4F W N E 1/4 N W 1/4 .5).cc O V SECTION 29-22-28 1r m w o 4F USMANI FAMILY ILC 1 09 41, PARCEL ID NO. ' 28-22-28-9158-00- 110 RIGHT OF WAY W co e.k It3 to cV$ SOUTH LINE, LOT 11 ---- 1 40.00' S89'42'52" LOT 12 TRACT A POINT OF BEGINNING SOUTNERS! CORNER LOT 11 ABBREVIATIONS.q/W = RIGHT OF WAY / YT[�S 1 YA g177 [XIST.= EXISTING i_ 1 _ !A✓``• Drownq No 05727067 SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING de YMPING CORP. Job No. 45927 324 North Orlando Avenue Data Ap/u 22. 2007 CBvG Noitlond. Florida 32751-4702 Sheet 2 of 2 (407) 647-8898 fox: (407) 647-1667 See Sheet I for Legal DescH6Non Parcel 707 Temporary Construction Easement LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Lot 1 I, West Orange Commercial Center, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 67 of the Public Records of Orange County. Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the intersection the Southwesterly right of way line of Old Winter Garden Road and the Southeast corner of said Lot 11; thence along the South line of said Lot 11 589'42'52"W, 40.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue 589'42.52'W 70.53 feet along said line; thence N18'29'31'W, 87.27 feet to sold Southwesterly right of way line; thence 543'27'54"E, 23.69 feet along said Southwesterly right of way line; thence departing said Southwesterly right of way line 518129'31"E, 69.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 782 square feet more or less. Note: Bearings shown hereon are based on the North linc of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 Eost as being N89142'15"E (Assumed). Legal Description Dale: April 22, 2002 CevG ❑ g ns7s7oes Job Na.: Scale. ❑TI/tr Isz.i.irrtr 2'�'Lr' FOR _ _r._�_ r 45727668 1" = 50' t !fi t.-ry�L L� _ - Professional Engineering as Consultants SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. CH. 61517-6, rioridn Adminisbdive 324 North Orlando Avenue Code requires that a legal description Maitland, Florida 32751-4702 drawing bear the notation that (407) 647-8898 CERT. NO. LB2I08 THIS Is NOT A SURVEY. e ail: inrocsgea e survey cam �KJj-! Sheet 1 of 2 �REEGISYE B.C.-RICKunvsrOR NO. 4745 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION p� hi O 1 " - 50 soA GRAPHIC SCALE LAP �4/l x 0 25 50 100 48 -Pc,_cE P"%Fs* nlu Pc s, C.O0 -4_ 9``AOF L LOT 11 y ` ! s QY WEST ORANGE COMMERCIAL CENTER �'y0 PLAT 800K 25, PAGE 67 3 Z o N E 1/4 N W 1/4 W . SECTION 29-22-28 m IT O " TEMPORARY 2. CO3 CONSTRUCTION 707 .D• EASEMENT s USMANI FAMILY LLC p ?>� PARCEL ID NO. jN� "tr.28-22-28-9158-00-110 <6 10.53' a SOUTH LINE LOT II 40.00' - 589'42'52'W / / LOT 12 POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SOUTHEAST CORNER LOT II A9BREVIATIONS. R/W = RIGHT OF WAY r1„ erg �' EXIST= EXISTING `1!.1 171 i-1^.," 'I" _ + • I�� • t yrb SYY�'IFe�oAl. =_ Orcwing No. 45727068 SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. Job No. 45727 324 North Orlando Avenue Dole. 2g.ol 22. 2002 CBvC (407) 647-8898 r, a 32751-4702 5hfax: (407) 647-1667 See Sheet 1 for Legal Description SCHEDULE "A" PARCEL 110A PURPOSE: Road Right—of—Way A portion of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida Being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the South right of way line of Old Winter Garden Road per Deed Book 431, Page 212 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and the West line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence N89'41'02"E along said right of way line 695,95 feet; thence SO0'16'O5"E a distance of 26-00 feet; thence 589'41'02"W a distance of 293.63 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southerly having a radius of 2,812.0D feet, a central angle of 04'00'20" and a chord of 196.55 feet that bears 587'40'51"W; thence westerly along the arc of said curve, 196.59 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave northerly having a radius of 2,918.00 feet and a central angle of 04'02'45" and a chord of 206.01 feet that bears S87'42'03"W; thence westerly along the arc of said curve, 206.05 feet to a point on the West line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29, thence NOCS16'48"W along said line 40.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 20,943 square feet or 0.48 acres, more or less. 1. Bearings shown hereon ore e based on the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29. Township 22 South. Range 28 East as being N89'42'15"E (Assumed). 2. I hereby certify that the "Sketch of Description of the above described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief o recently drawn under my direction and that it meets the technical standards set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers pursuant to Section 472.027 of the Florida Statutes. Date: CERT. No. L82100 45I2/052 Description 9/26/2002 �w �, FOR Job No.: Scale: ;IT V'L r51-yy'e'1 '__'Vua.: 45727052 I" — too' —• il a hi: � sa Professional Engineering a- COnSllltantS SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING k MAPPING CORP. CH. 61917-6, Florida Administrative 324 North Orlando Avenue Code requires that a legal description Maitland, Florida 32751 drawing bear the notation that (40 )647-8898 fax(407)647-1667 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. email infokasoutt Ste gsur,eyin .com SHEET 1 OF 2 ARY 0 CRICK 5 S SEE SHEET 2 FOR SKETCH REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR Na. 4246 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION PARCEL 110A OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD 66' R/W -•INT OF BEGINNING OUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE PER DEED BOOK 431 PAGE 212 N89'41'02"E 695.95' 3 0 1- 293.63' "A" N89'41'02"E b b bS Cat � � o Z * RIGHT OF WAY WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH. RANGE 28 EAST R=2812.00 L=196.59' A=4'00'20" "B" CB=S87-40'51"W R=2918.00 L=206.05' CHORD=1 96.551 A=04 02'45" CB=N8742'03"E CHORD=206.01' WESTLAKE PARTNERS LTD PARCEL ID NO. 28-22-28-0000-00-085 NOT PLATTED S W 1/4, N E 1/4 SECTION 29 1 wir\ ABBREVIATIONS ' R/W = RIGHT OF WAY _y`ti A.1� r; 7 - L LENGTH OF CURVE d1i ,k \_ R = RADIUS / sr —••tea d = CENTRAL ANGLE 1" =100 ' CB = CHORD BEARING GRAPHIC SCALE SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. Drawing No. 45727052 324 YI2 drtlorid•Orlandoth Avenue Job No. 45727 0 50 100 200 (407)647-BB98 fax(407)647-1897 Dote: 9/26/2002 cevg Cert. No. _ 2108 maiLinfoOnoutheeeterueuneyln Sheet 2 of 2 a E.00m See Sheet 1 for Legal Description SCHEDULE "A" PARCEL 7O8A PURPOSE: Temporary Construction Easement • A portion of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida Being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the South right of way line of Old Winter Garden Road per Deed Book 431, Page 212 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and the West line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence 500'16148"E along said Section line 40.00 feet to a point on a curve concave northerly, having a radius of 2918.00, a central angle of 03'03'14 a chord of 156.35 feet that bears N88'11'19"E; thence easterly 156.37 feet along the arc of said curve to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along a curve concave northerly, having a radius of 2918.00 feet, a central angle of 00'58'32", a chord of 49.68 feet that bears N86'09'57'E; thence easterly 49.68 feet along the arc of said curve to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave southerly, having a radius of 2812.00 feet, a central angle of 04'00'20", a chord of 196.55 feet that bears N87'4O'51"E; thence easterly 196.59 feet along the arc of said curve to a point of tangency; thence N89'41102"E 293.63 feet; thence 50O'16'O5'E a distance of 15.10 feet; thence 589'41'10"W a distance of 207.32 feet; thence SOO'17'S0"E a distance of 10.00 feet; thence 589'42'10"W a distance of 60.00 feet: thence NOO'1715O"W a distance of 10.00 feet; thence 589'42'1O"W a distance of 272.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 7829 square feet or 0.18 acres, more or less. Bearings shown hereon ore based on the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East as being N89'42'15"E (Assumed). 2. I hereby certify that the "Sketch of Description' of the above described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief asrecently drawn under my direction and that it meets the technical standards set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers pursuant to Section 472.027 of the Florida Statutes. Dote: CERT. NO. LB2108 45727071 Description9/26/2002 chug 'j__�, r FOR Job No.: Scale: '7E_!t3_-: -'Y'- 45727071 1" = 100' = jm1 �2j vZ�� Professional Engineering man a a CORSU1LanLs SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING k MAPPING CORP. Cll. 61017-5. Florida Administrative 324 North Orlando Avenue code requires that a legal description Maitland, Florida 32751 drawing bear the notation that (40 )647—e80e fax(407)647-1867 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. email info®soutt Ste urveyin .coal • SHEET 1 OF 2 ARY B SEiICK SEE SHEET 2 FOR SKETCH REGISTERED LARD SURVEYOR NO. 4245 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION PARCEL 708A OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 66' R/W �OUTH oese RIGHT pOOF WAY LINE PER DEED BOOK 431 PAGE 212 BEGINNING --_"A lal m o E N8741'02"E 293.63' 0 og o v. •r / 272.33' ,+e re 207.32' `O N00'17'S0"1N/ S89.42'10"W S894211CFW S89'42'10"W r b 5.0 TEMPORARY C08� } - 1n CONSTRUCTION IT, Igg EASEMENT Ti WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE p •- NE OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, S— !ems RANEAST 28 (n "A" R=2812.00 L=196.59' A=400'20" "B" CB=N8740'51"E R=2918.00 L=49.68' CHORD=196.55' A=O'58'32" WESILAKE PARTNERS LTD CB=N86'09'57'E PARCEL ID NO. •r 0H0RD=49.68' 28-22-28-0000-00-085 R=2916.00 L=156 37 6-0S03I4 C 1488111i P. E C19" N 0 T PLATTED HORD SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH. RANGE 28 EAST .4\ ABBREVIATIONS: �` S' 7'2 �=Y•T Y., R W = RIGHT OF WAY LL_�i'.-L'_L 1A L/ = LENGTH OF CURVE 1' =100 �T�-�'I"I'�� � _ � R = RADIUS GRAPHIC SCALE ./lid��1e1 _u�a A = CENTRAL ANGLE p - I CB = CHORD BEARING 0 50 100 200 SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING I MAPPING CORP Drawing Na. 45727071 324 North Orlando Avenue Job 26/ Maitland, Rarltla 32751-407)64002 Dote:No. 457272002 c6vg (407)647-8899 'DB-2108 ]-1667 Sheet 2 of 2 e Cent. No. LB-2108 See Sheet 1 for Legal Description malNinfa@sautheosternsurveyingmn SCHEDULE "A" PARCEL 110B PURPOSE: Road Right-of-Way A portion of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida Being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29, run N89'39'07"E along the South line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29 a distance of 1316.63 feet to a point on the East line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence NO0'02'27"W along said East line; also being the East line of a Parcel described in Official Records Book 4180, Pages 1006 and 1007 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida 1242.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N85'35'157/ a distance of 24.98 feet; thence N00'02'33"W o distance of 10.03 feet to the point on the arc of a non-tangent curve concave to the south having a radius of 2,030.00 feet, a central angle of 04'21'09'. and a chord of 154.18 feet that bears N88'0a'23"W; thence westerly along the arc of said curve, 154.21 feet; thence S89'41'02"W, 446.95 feet to a point on the westerly line of aforesaid Parcel, described in Official Records Book 4180, Pages 1006 and 1007; thence N00'16'05"W along said westerly line 26.00 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Old Winter Gorden Road; thence N89'41'02"E along said right of way line 551.48 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave to the south having a radius of 1,053.68 feet, a central angle of 04'03'26" and a chord of 74.60 feet that bears S88'17'16"E; thence easterly along the arc of said curve, 74.61 feet to a point on the west right of way line of Blackwood Avenue; thence 500'02'27"E along said right of way line 41.30 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 16,932 square feet or 0.39 acres, more or less. . Bearings shown hereon ore based on the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East as being N834215" E (Assumed). 2. I hereby certify that the "Sketch of Description" of the above described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as recently drawn under my direction and that it meets the technical standards set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers pursuant to Section 472.027 of the Florida Statutes. Date': CERT. NO. LB2108 45/2/053 Description 9/26/2002 cbvg Job Na. Scale: �T r .w-+-T"x�'�' FOR 45727053 1" - 100' —`4.T("p`,.4*t -=R. * is t Professional Engineering .11 Consultants SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. cM. 61G17-5, Florida Adm'mistrative 324 North Orlando Avenue code requires that a legal description Maltlend, Florida 32751 drawing beer the notation that (40 )047-13898 f(.x(407)647-1667 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. email fo®sad. ste urveyin .corn SHEET 1 OF 2 ARY sn ICK SEE SHEET 2 FOR SKETCH REGISTERED LARD SURVEYOR NW 4245 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION PARCEL 110E OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD 66' R/W SOUTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH. RANGE 28 EAST W NORTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/9 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST (W SOUTHERLY R UNE k a ' • RC "Bn I-.l 3$ :W o� \ S89'41'0 W 446.9 PT "q" �N LINE BEING SOUTH OF ND PARALLEL WITH 1 1 OB N00'02'33"W 10.03' / zto b HE SOUTHERLY R/W NNEN85'3NT OF5" BEGINNINGW 24.98 0RIGHT OF WAY POINT OF 3 Z WESTERLY UNE OF PARCEL DESCRIBED CC 1N O.R. BOOK 4180, PAGES 1006 & 1007 EAST LINE OF PARCEL DESCRIBED Q IN O.R. BOOK 4180, PAGES 1006 & 1007 O "a" "A Will- O R=1053.68 L=74.61' R=2030.00 L=154.21' • A=04'03'26" A=04'21'09" Y CB=S8817'16"E CB=N8808'23"W L5 CHORD=74.60' CHORD=154.18' F iN OAK FOREST PARTNERS LTD ,,,= CO tW PARCEL ID NO. VP o 28-22-28-0000-00-089 oi5 S W 1/4, N E 1/4 ZU'V S E C T I O N 2 9LJ La " TOWNSHIP -41\ .. I- •,_ 2 2 SOUTH, SI r RANGE 2 8 EAST _ N O T PLATTED % e 0 1" =100' / SOUTH LINE OF PARCEL DESCRIBED GRAPHIC SCALE IN O.R. BOOK 9180, PAGES 1006 & 1007 1 50 100 200 BBRENATIONS /W RIGHT OF WAY 8.:9e..*J.^• POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 71 �" LENGTH Of CURVE T'1 T.�'� = RADIUS SW CORNER OF THE SW /9 OF THE NE 1/9 !" J..l..la'. .l Yj--i' j,r.�uw4 = CENTRAL ANGLE ECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 28 EAST. RANGE 28 EAST - /y/A , t• G��Y\ B .= CHORD BEARING SOUTH LINE OF THE SW I/q OF THE NE 1/4 ��� �� - ���� II en-X. = POINT OF CURVATURE / SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 28 EAST RANGE 28 EAST T. POINT= OF TANGENCY + - SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING k YAPPING CORP. N89'. .17 1315.6J' 324 North Orlando Avenue rowing No No. 45727053 Yaltland. Florida 32751-4702 ob oh ojz57 27 cbvg (407)647-e09e cu(407)04v-10et ae ale: 2 26of 2 m Cert. No. 18-210R Sheet 1 Tar Legal Description eail:i¢totecutheeeterneurveyi¢Fcom SCHEDULE "A" PARCEL 7G8B PURPOSE: Temporary Construction Eoscmont A portion of Section 29, Township 22 South, Ronde 28 East, Lnatge Ccur ly, Florida Bend more partcularly described as fa lows: Commencing at the Southwest carrier of the SW 1/4 of ',tie NE 1/4 of said Secficn 29, r4r, N89'29'07E along the Ceuta line of the `SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29 a distance of 1316.63 feet to a point on tne East line of the SW 1/4 of tne NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence NG0'02'27"'N along said East line; also being the East I:nc of a Parcel described in Official Records gook 4180, Pages 1006 and 1007 Cr the Public Records of Orongo County, Florida 12h 2.66 feet, thence N85135'15"W a distance of 24.98 feet to :he POINT OF BEGINNING; thence 389'47'59'W a distance of 347.16 feet; thence S00'17'50`F a distance of 10.00 feet; thence 589'42'10"W a distance of 70.00 feet; thence NO0'17'50"W a cistance of 10.00 feet; thence 589142'10"W a distance of 183.82 feel to a point on the Westerly line of lands described in CIicial Records Book 4190, Pages 1006 and 1007 of the Pubic Records of Orange County, Florida; thence NCO'16'05'W along the westerly line of said parcel 16.10 feet; thence 58914I'02"W, 446.95 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the south having a radius of 2,030.00 feet, n central angle of 04121'09" and a chord of 154.18 feet that bears S58'08'23"E: thence westerly clang the ore of said curve, 154.21 feet; thence S00'02'33"E a distance of 10.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING_ Containing C634 square feet or 0.22 acres, more or less. Scorings shown hereon or e based on the North Ike of the Southwest I/a of He Northwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 22 South. Range 20 East os being "89'42'15"E (Assured) 2. I hereby certify that the 'sketch of Description" the obevu described gruperty Imre end co.rect to the best or my knowledge and belief as recently drown ruder my direction and tea lee .cl slst d rar . vat forthby the Florida Pocrd of Surveyors and Mappers pusuant to Section 472027 of the fto"ida S.uWtoc. Date: CERT. Na. t132108 45727070 Description 9/ 6/2002 ebvg FOR fobNo Scale: 45727070 " - i00' Professional Engineering e C OIISU]ia nLS SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING di MAPPING CORP. CH. B ICI!—a F mica Acmlash native 024 North Orlando Avenue Code requires trial a legal deshoton Maitland, Florida 32751 crewing beer he ncn nut i /)647-01190 fax(407)647-1667 ail THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. email In[ossouU a:te turveyin car SNFFI 1 Or 2 ,ARY B KRfCK SEE SHEET 2 OR SK[ICI! REGISTERED [AND SURVEYOR NO. 4245 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION PARCEL 7088 OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD 66' R/W SOUTH LINE OF TIE NW 1/4 OF El L NE 1/4 O SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 22 SOJ '1, FIANCE 99 ivy r W NORTH LINE OR THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 DF _ECTON 29. TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANCE 28 EAST D L E BEND OJT- OF REF V N 5011 ILHLY 1l/w LINE THE SOLIDER Fr R/W UNE II C Z / 389'41.02"W 446.95' PT. "A" II Lii o o l , _. mvi 183.82' 4 41 589'4T59W 347.16' 222fff of 589'42'10"W g 989'42'10"W S00'02'33"E 10.03' i Q o o_ (0L') ;moo UI POINT OF BEGINNING no b. TEMPORARY NBs35'15'W 24.99-� o� �o CONSTRUCTION Q z o FAST MLNI b- LAS LINE OF YARCEL DESCRIBED — 0 IN O.R. BOCK 41b0. PACES 1005 & l0m WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL DESCRIBED V1 �n1 IN O.R. BOOK 4100, PACES '006 & 1907 „A" R=2030.00 L=154.21 ' . '-. =4'21 '09" ' Cr C8=S88'08'23"E o CHORD=154.18' �a 1 OAK FOREST PARTNERS LTD N m PARCEL ID NO. '3^i 28-22-28-0000-00-089 0 w'o"m FLID 11 5 W 1/4, N E 1/4 - SECTION 2 9 \1 TOWNSHIP 22 S O U T H, L wop RANCE 28 EAST I1 1 N 0 T PLATTED S. - -lop ' "-LASOUTH LINE OF PARCEL DESCRIBED GRAPHIC SCALE cN 0.1. COOK 418C. PAGES '.000 4 100/ / 0 50 100 200/ of POINT OF COMMENCEMENT sW UGHNLH OF DE SW 1/4 OF IHL NL 1/4 FICTION 29, TOWNSHIP 28 EAST, RANCE 2 EAST ARFRFVATICNS. SCRIM INE OF TIE SW 1/4 OF HE NE 1/4 R/V RIG-II 12 WAY /SEC ION 214 TOWNSHIP 28 LAST RANGE 2tl LAST R CENTRAL NCL`_ + N89 }9 C] IG.6} T^-1.11 1" �' CO CHORD BEARING Aw aradiii-iiiht-' _ P.C. POINT Cr CLRVAIuNI / S . _. - _ _.1 P.I. - POINT OF TANGE NCY SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. 324 North Orlando Avenue Drow!r0 No. 4572 i02C Maitland, Florida 32751-4702 Joo No, 45727 Oo'c: 9/26/2002 co (409)e49-9999 fax(404)647-IGO? steel 2 0l 2 g Cert. No. LB-2106 S e Slues 1 for Lcgol Ocscool,on ameiLin(o®eoufheaateraeurveyiug.com RESOLUTION NO. 2003-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN OF PROPERTY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FEE TITLE AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS, LOCATED GENERALLY ALONG PROFESSIONAL PARKWAY AND OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to serve the traffic and drainage needs for the future development of the City of Ocoee; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166. Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee finds a public need and necessity exists to acquire, by eminent domain, various interests in the land described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee finds a public need and necessity exists to acquire the lands and other interests described in Exhibit "A" hereto for public street/road and drainage purposes, said street/road and drainage purposes including, but not being limited to, the acquisition of right-of-way and temporary construction easements for the purpose of performing upon said right-of-way such activities as may be reasonably necessary in connection with the design, engineering, construction, and development of the Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road Project ("the Project"); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee finds that the acquisition of said lands is necessary for public safety and stormwater management, and that the acquisition of said lands therein otherwise to be in the public interest of the municipality and the people thereof; and WHEREAS, the interests to he acquired, arc more particularly described in Exhibit "A" hereto; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of Ocoee has caused the property described in Exhibit "A" hereto to be surveyed and has located its line or area of construction and intends in good faith to construct the Project on or over the described property in accordance with Section 73.021(6), Florida Statutes (2002); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee finds it its necessary for public street/road purposes and stormwater management that the City acquire a fee simple interest and temporary construction easements in the property identified and described in the attached Exhibit "A," said acquisition being for street/road and drainage purposes; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the exercise of the power of eminent domain have been satisfied by the City of Ocoee; and WHEREAS, if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto; and WHEREAS, this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 2 Section 1. That the acquisition, by eminent domain, of the interests indicated in the following parcels for the purposes set forth above has been found to be, and is found and determined to be, necessary, in the best interest of the public, and for a public use and purpose, the legal descriptions of said parcels being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: PARCEL NO. 109 OWNER: Usmani Family LLC, a Florida limited liability company INTEREST: Fee Simple Title PARCEL NO. 707 OWNER: Usmani Family LLC, a Florida limited liability company INTEREST: Temporary Construction Easement PARCEL NO. 110A OWNER: Westlake Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership INTEREST: Fee Simple Title PARCEL NO. 708A OWNER: Westlake Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership INTEREST: Temporary Construction Easement PARCEL NO. 110B OWNER: Oak Forest Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership INTEREST: Fee Simple Title PARCEL NO. 708B OWNER: Oak Forest Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership INTEREST: Temporary Construction Easement Section 2. That the appropriate officers, employees and attorneys of the City of Ocoee are authorized to proceed forthwith to institute such necessary and proper actions and proceedings and to comply with all legal requirements as may be necessary or proper for the acquisition by eminent domain of the fee simple absolute title and temporary construction easement in the property described in attached Exhibit "A," the specific interest to be acquired therein being further set forth above and in the attached Exhibit "A." Section 3. That if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 4. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2003. ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: By: Name: Jean Grafton Name: S. Scott Vandergrift Title: Clerk Title: Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF 2003. FOLEY & LARDNER APPROVAL BY 'PIPE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD By: ON , 2003 UNDER Name: Paul E. Rosenthal AGENDA ITEM NO. Title: City Attorney 4 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL NO. 109 OWNER: Usmani Family LLC, a Florida limited liability company INTEREST: Fee Simple Title PARCEL 109 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Lot I I, West Orange Commercial Center, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 67 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the Southeast corner of said Lot I 1 and the Southwesterly Right of Way line of Old Winter Garden Road; thence S89°42'52"W 40.00 feet along the south line of said Lot II; thence NI8°29'3I"W 69.09 feet to a point on said Southwesterly right of way line; thence S43°27'54"E, 90.00 feet along said right of way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1,313 square feet, more or less. OTHER INTERESTS: SunTrust Bank Orange County Tax Collector Page 1 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL NO. 707 OWNER: Usmani Family LLC, a Florida limited liability company INTEREST: Temporary Construction Easement PARCEL 707 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Lot I I, West Orange Commercial Center, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 67 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the intersection the Southwesterly right of way line of Old Winter Garden Road and the Southeast corner of said Lot II; thence along the South line of said Lot I I S89512'52"W, 40.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue S89°42'2"W 10.53 feet along said line; thence N I8°29'31"W, 87.27 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line; thence S43°27'54"E, 23.69 feet along said Southwesterly right of way line; thence departing said Southwesterly right of way line S I8°29'31"E, 69.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 782 square feet more or less. OTHER INTERESTS: SunTrust Bank Page 2 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL NO. 110A OWNER: Westlake Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership INTEREST: Fee Simple Title PARCEL 110A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida Being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the South right of way line of Old Winter Garden Road per Deed Book 431, Page 212 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and the West line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence N89°4 I'02"E along said right of way line 695.95 feet; thence S00°16'05"E a distance of 26.00 feet; thence S89°41'02"W a distance of 293.63 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southerly having a radius of 2,812.00 feet, a central angle of 04'00'20" and a chord of 196.55 feet that bears S87°40'51"W; thence westerly along the arc of said curve, 196.59 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave northerly having a radius of 2,918.00 feet and a central angle of 04°02'45" and a chord of 206.01 feet that bears S87°42'03"W; thence westerly along the arc of said curve, 206.05 feet to a point on the West line of the SW I/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence N00°16'48"W along said line 40.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 20,943 square feet or 0.48 acres, more or less. OTHER INTERESTS: Reilly Mortgage Group, Inc. If S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Orange County Tax Collector Page 3 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL NO. 708A OWNER: Westlake Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership INTEREST: Temporary Construction Easement PARCEL 708A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida Being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the South right of way line of Old Winter Garden Road per Deed Book 431, Page 212 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and the West line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence SOO°16'48"E along said Section line 40.00 feet to a point on a curve concave northerly, having a radius of 2918.00, a central angle of 03°03'14", a chord of 156.35 feet that bears NS8°I I'19"E; thence easterly 156.37 feet along the arc of said curve to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along a curve concave northerly, having a radius of 2918.00 feet, a central angle of 00°58'32", a chord of 49.68 feet that bears N86°09'57"E; thence easterly 49.68 feet along the arc of said curve to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave southerly, having a radius of 2812.00 feet, a central angle of 04°00'20", a chord of 196.55 feet that hears N87°40'SI"E; thence easterly 196.59 feet along the arc of said curve to a point of tangency; thence N89°41'02"E 293.63 feet; thence S00°16'05"E a distance of 15.10 feet; thence S89°41'10"W a distance of 207.32 feel; thence SOO°17'31"E a distance of 10.00 feet; thence S89°42'10"W a distance of 60.00 feet; thence N00°17'50"W a distance of 10.00 feet; thence S89°42'10"W a distance of 272.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 7829 square feet or 0.18 acres, more or less. OTHER INTERESTS: Reilly Mortgage Group, Inc. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL NO. 110B OWNER: Oak Forest Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership INTEREST: Fee Simple Title PARCEL 11013 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida Being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29, run N89°39'07"E along the South line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29 a distance of 1316.63 feet to a point on the East line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence N00°02'27"W along said East line; also being the East line of a Parcel described in Official Records Book 4180, Pages 1006 and 1007 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida 1242.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N85°35'15"W a distance of 24.98 feet; thence N00°CP'33"W a distance of 10.03 feet to the point on the arc of a non-tangent curve concave to the south having a radius of 2,030.00 feet, a central angle of 04°21'09" and a chord of 154.18 feet that bears N88°C8'23"W; thence westerly along the arc of said curve, 154.21 feet; thence S89°4I'02"W, 446.95 feet to a point on the westerly line of aforesaid Parcel, described in Official Records Book 4180, Pages 1006 and 1007; thence N00°16'05"W along said westerly line 26.00 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Old Winter Garden Road; thence N89°41'02"E along said right of way line 551.48 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave to the south having a radius of 1,053.68 feet, a central angle of 04'03'26" and a chord of 74.60 feet that bears S88°17'16"E; thence easterly along the arc of said curve, 74.61 feet to a point on the west right of way line of Blackwood Avenue; thence S00°W'27"E along said right of way line 41.30 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 16,932 square feet or 0.39 acres, more or less. OTHER INTERESTS: Greystone Servicing Corporation, Inc. Integrated Resources American Insured Mortgage Investors—Series 85, a California limited partnership IJ.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Orange County Tax Collector Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL NO. 708B OWNER: Oak Forest Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership INTEREST: Temporary Construction Easement PARCEL 708B LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County. Florida Being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29, run N89°3707"E along the South line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29 a distance of 1316.63 feet to a point on the East line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence N00°02'27"W along said East line; also being the East line of a Parcel described in Official Records Book 4180, Pages 1006 and 1007 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida 1242.66 feet; thence N85°35'15"W a distance of 24.98 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence 589°47'59"W a distance of 347.16 feet; thence 500°17'53"E a distance of 10.00 feet; thence S89°42'10"W a distance of 70.00 feet; thence N00°17'S0"W a distance of 10.00 feet; thence S89°42'10"W a distance of 183.82 feet to a point on the Westerly line of lands described in Official Records Book 4180, Pages 1006 and 1007 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida; thence N00°16'05"W along the westerly line of said parcel 15.10 feet; thence N89°41'02"W, 446.95 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the south having a radius of 2,030.00 feet, a central angle of 04°21'09" and a chord of 154.18 feet that bears S88°08'23"E; thence westerly along the arc of said curve, 154.21 feet; thence S00T/2'33"E a distance of 10.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 9634 square feet or 0.22 acres, more or less. OTHER INTERESTS: Greystone Servicing Corporation, Inc. Integrated Resources American Insured Mortgage Investors — Series 85, a California limited partnership U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Page 6 of 6