HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (C) Approval of Resignation, Removal, and Appointment of Members of CACOPD Agenda 2-04-2003 tenter of Good Lip Item Ill C Aluvor esb , ?e ('umIni. . inm.r N. Null AluulrI�rifl 4 I)nnm I Iun II.I)HIrI(1 I Srnl I An I<r.nn. I), I rmi 2 ( ni Vlan; \lgrr CO / q Rw.i) 1 hn.un. I)i nirl .i dim NMI('\ I n kr r_ Iti i lrl I MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Jean Grafton, City Clerk) Date: January 29, 2003 Re: Appointments to Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (3-year terms) (Members must be either City residents or owners of real property or businesses in Ocoee or members of Ocoee Police Department) Member Eugene Davis has resigned (verbally) due to other commitments. Member Karen Vanek has been unable to attend the meetings, so the board is requesting her removal. (See attached memo from Sgt. McCosker). As they requested, Members Aycock, Fiedler, and Slimick were not reappointed in January, so there are now 20 of 25 possible members on the board. Attached are applications submitted by John W. Grogan (District 1), Victoria Laney (District 2), and Bradley Phillips (District 2). All three have graduated from Ocoee Citizens' Police Academy and list this board as their first choice. Staff Recommendation Should they wish to do so, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners: a. Accept Member Eugene Davis' resignation. b. Authorize removal of Member Karen Vanek from the board. c. Appoint Applicant Grogan to complete the term of Eugene Davis to July 1, 2004. d. Appoint Applicant Laney to complete the term of Karen Vanek to February 1, 2004. e. Appoint Applicant Phillips for a 3-year term to end February 1, 2006. mg Attachments: Applications McCosker Memorandum Current Member Listing Brief Description of City Boards ('ilv or(lcocc• I so N I akcvhorc Dncc • Umec. I lurid( phouc. i407'90,-1100• Ili/_11071(, 6-S304 • ovo Cl ococe 11 lS Victoria Laney 830 Hammocks Dr. Ocoee, Fl. 34761 (407)294-1651 QUALIFICATIONS FOR CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL Graduate of the Ocoee Citizen Police Academy. With mother,sponsored class III. Mc Mother is a disabled senior citizen. We attend many senior events, and I want to protect them from fraud and other crimes. I am aware of the special needs of seniors that make them vulnerable. While still employed with IBM, I conducted retail sates training,including loss prevention. (Boca Raton, FL, and San Mateo, CA) I was a substitute teacher at two alternative high schools where the students were adjudicated. I worked closely with armed officers patrolling the hallways to prevent violence theft,and drug use. I testified in court, and reported parole violations, even when threatened. (Cobb County, Georgia) I attended the conventions of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and National Association of Sheriffs. Studies included police/media relations, and domestic terrorism. I am familiar with many types of police equipment, both high and low tech. For example.I know the difference between stop sticks and spike strips and the advantages of each method for stopping vehicles during chases. 1 have consulted with Ken Berry's Bioterrorism special deputy (a physician), and implemented most recommendations of the FIGHT Blueprint for Family Safety Checklist so that I can be a resource, rather than a drain on resources, in the event of a disaster. GENERAL BACKGROUND 'len years consulting, writing, and competitive analysis on technology issues. 'twelve years with IBM in personnel, training, and educational software project management(voluntary resignation) Currently I am a caring for Mom full-time,but active in several volunteer projects, including Presidency of the Orlando Chapter of the Funeral Consumer's Alliance,an affiliate of a national organization which works with the FTC, AARP and Consumer's Union to prevent fraud. I am also on the state board of the Florida Funeral and Cemetery Consumer Advocacy. I teach eight home-schooled students as a volunteer. I am an emeritus member of several national nonprofit hoards Center of Good Li,.. a% AF l 22 4:55 I Mayor gyve r4g CnnunnuOrlel> S Srnll A':mdcrm9ft te.. . wl Danny I lowell. District I fr }�y Srott Anderson. District 2 ('ii Mani itr r � . • .L] Rusty Johnson. District 3 ]im Gleason NancyJ. Parker. District 4 6- APPLICATION FORFOR SEI VING ON CITY BOARDS 1. Name: (_3nV\ n l,,) G r Q c Home Phone: I^LO ) C 69 - -7a Q(o 2. Home Address: /00Q S.Yb C• ,*„ 0r 3. Business: () 0ln) Business Phone: -kjo ,cCO -StO ) 4. Business Address: Oa /,S„x_ y p a o SS L t_1/ - 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: {�irlars 4rn AeC,i;` - C', iLcs r cid.rc. 1-,ci ,_ Ocoee ()PI line C.4-.iie.1S 44-r4n51_ _ Or see Poi cc LbAA Pao __De_,4_c.x.+ s_. .VIee Awn•sR_ tar#o<.r3 ,; K ace/fe.ALe. ��d-4, 6. Arc you a registered voter'. Yes ✓ No v District# ) _ gc 6,eve.ieni 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes No 4wr,rc( S. Do you hold public office? Yes No ,/- 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No ,/ 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No >/ I I. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate your degree of interest as first choice - #1,second choice-112,etc. *Board of Adjustment 9 **Education Commission Citizen Advisory Council ? Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department /JI Board * Code Enforcement Board '7 Personnel Board * Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals * Planning&Zoning Commission * General Employees' Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Finid Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? p 4&rkin6 f-F -Fhc7, many rAP VT(st�- .rile cF My �rh , � Id _.pe a c/(LWJetX -„rfor*4., 4,E,n9' (, h r nm.avn ,cr•+t"IA 51*il __Ii_ci 4,, a,Inww ,,.e I-a br,a ty ne''s i-tl•`r. 13. Would you consider serving on another Bo`Ard other than one(s)you selected above? Yes \7 No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your .. application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes No L. IS. Please attach resume.. ** What school does your child attend? (its O /--/ .5 S' rt q n,r�p- SIGNATURE o-.�. C ��n.c, . DATE: / 2a -03 _ Note: (1) pplication effective for ONE EAR date of completion. (2) Ifyou have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT otall data\FORMS\Bd AppFeb2002.doc Cin'of Ocoee • ISO N Lakeshore Drive• Ocoee.Florida 34761 phone 1407)905-3100 •fay: (U)7)656-S504 • olaw.ci.ococe.11.ns Center of Good L Llayoy ,Che [DrOg motion,.mnci'> .S. Scott Anndrrgril't ms, a.a ... Danny Ho“ell. District I .Sind lntltrson. Di tticI 2 Hi hl il;'' �� � Ru t Inhn,nn. Di nict :l lint GI snn ; Nana 1 Parker. DLtri t 4 APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS 1. Name: II100riD Laney Ilome Phone: (1/07) 94-145f os.itill 2S nr29 fie 2. Home Address: te 30 H?,n otriclis Or Orr,Pe cI 3 v'b. I n 3. Business: nec Business Phone: 4. Business Address: 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: GA �ny/,s ti f'l. n , )a ye-.� ih Perc annel/trarainy ivy T6 Hi IV yaars 'Ill che,- )c6s (Tre 'Vivo.e') GraA-tfe ±,.el 5to0h3or of Ciifiveet Pcl c. Acac(*.ny 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes f No istrict# 2, 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes J No_ 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No ✓ 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No ✓y 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No ✓ 1 I. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate your degree of interest as first choice- #1,second choice -#2,etc. _ G * Board of Adjustment **Education Commission _ Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board LI * Code Enforcement Board a Personnel Board * Construction Board of 5 Adjustment and Appeals tX 3 *Planning & Zoning Commission * General Employees' Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do youn think you are qualified to serve on this board? CY?d'VaJ f c,f Ci(5f C ti7-e.t Police Or dein)/ W:nde le he,. to ram(. le: (c,t 4 licked) try cvhpor t a ( 0 cue e Po hce Phu, Se Medic,/ rrVttx.- 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s)you selected / above? Yes ,/ No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes ,/ No 15. Please attach resume. ** What school does your child attend?atte rwne SIGNATURE �.LP.(y -/"- Uzi' -/ DATE: /-2 — 03 Note: (I) Application effective for ONE EAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT e:Aad data'FORMSVBd AppFeb2002doc City of Ococe• 150 N Lakeshore Drive• Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100• fax: (407)656-8504• nnv.ci.ocoee.Rus Cep[ec of Good L \loco• .sbe- ____ t'ommivoionerc S >nnl Vol-ITT-Tin 5•1 Donn‘ I lu„ell. I)is inl I Z1 5odir Andrrson DE:Dr( 3 litn LilyA, � yer g �J,(j lohn*n Ul I. ,u t :', •I,ntia nn 0- Nancy 1 i ,lrkr, ni meal - 6s JEW i 1.:1Si APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS I. Name: UrUF\ PG., AIi p 5 6h51u. Home Phone: 1-101_ C+S 4 0531 2. Home Address: I(803 A C. (Y1,ms f-A. _ 3. Business: A/,L-j(. 1 ,j(oC{t + Ct„„<H.-- Business Phone: rid) 45Lc 3( 5-7 4. Business Address: I le O { A . D n-\,rn /Tr! 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: B. A. - Boil,v, 1 SE .c„cc (n s. crl. .ld e,... Ctv-d c,o le ..f Cif'? Yel c ,-lr rrl.,.. �C La'', � —itZL4.er P1„cc' ot*1 � lee,5lt.r 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes V No District# 1 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes ✓ No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No ✓ 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No ✓_ 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No ,/ I I. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU Indicate your degree of interest as first choice- #1, second choice-#2, etc. * Board of Adjustment **Education Commission 1 s Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board * Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board * Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals * Planning& Zoning Commission * General Employees'Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. \1'hv do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? — '..n*e hum„ rokv< ll,:, ca.cr,...M,,,,,1,i Xor over drvs g\I Cc5 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s) you selected above? Yes No ✓ _ 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes ✓ No 15. Please attach resume. ** - What school does your child attend? X..),LAu„ Cf,nst r. 15 Ar r,rAe mvf SIGNATURE AG o , IL-Th1 Pt 4 DATE: I - 7 W - 6 3 Note: (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerks office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT stall dal FOR.1S`Dd AppFeb2002.doc City ofOcoce• 150 N Lakeshore Drivc • Ocow-Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100• fax:(407)656-3504 • o\swci ocooc.fl.as OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners From: Sgt. S. McCosker, CACOPD Ex-officio member Date: January 28, 2003 Subject: CACOPD Appointment The members of the CACOPD respectfully request that Karen Vanek be removed from the Council. This request is being made after a unanimous vote on the matter. The reason for the request is due to Karen Vanek's poor attendance which is in violation of the councils by-laws. Since May of 2002, Karen Vanek has only attended one meeting since her appointment to the board. Karen Vanek has not contacted members of the board or staff to notify them of any absences. She has received meeting notifications via mail and in a conversation with Chairman Jim Sills, Karen Vanek stated she has missed the meetings because of family and work related conflict. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Approved Disapproved Acknowledged Initial Date Approved Disapproved Acknowledged Initial Date _ Approved Disapproved Acknowledged Initial Date Approved Disapproved Acknowledged Initial Date Approved Disapproved Acknowledged Initial Date CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Created by Res.#88-06 on 2/16/88/Amended by Rcs.#91-09,92-07&96-20 Member District Phone Number Term Expires Sherrall Applegate I 407/656-7409 (H) February I,2006 504 Spring Creek Drive 407/521-2330 x 243 (W) gpplegate@netzero.net Lindsey Asay 4 (407)445-3729 (H) December 1,2005 711 Rich Drive (407)762-4444 (W) Michael Barnes 4 407/877-1173 (H) May 1, 2005 2042 Ancient Oak Drive 407/649-0011 (W) Norman Beier 2 407/656-2954 (H) July I, 2004 1275 Sandy Cove John (Jack) Cooper 4 407/297-7737 (H) November 1, 2004 1360 Vickers Lake Drive 407/812-0560 (W) jcooper578@aol.com Eugene Davis (Resigned) 4 407/297-4193 (H) July I, 2004 6721 Lumberjack Lane Richard Davis 3 407/656-6467 (H) September 1, 2003 608 Gallego Avenue Thomas A. Hendrix, Sr. 2 407/654-5837 (H) January 1, 2006 608 Jay Street 407/758-4056 (Cell) (Mailing: P.O. Box 74) Tony Kissoon 4 407/522-2779 (H) April I,2004 1249 Montheath Circle Joel F. Keller 4 407/578-5191 (H) January 1, 2006 5021 Lighterwood Court 407/841-4755 x 2337 (W) JKelleremagicnet.net Mark Linn 2 407/877-0458 (H) August 1,2004 703 Lakeview Drive 2 Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Member District Phone Number Term Expires Robert M. McKey (Vice Chairman) 2 407/292-2586 (H) January I, 2006 1110 Wineberry Court 407/292-2586 (W) RobMcKey@lyeos.com Freddy Milner 2 407/656-1544 (H) January 1, 2004 904 Flewelling Avenue Dean Richards 2 407/656-3464 (H) December 1, 2005 805 Ridgefield Avenue Cecil W. Sammons I 407/656-0422 (H) July I, 2004 1264 Russell Drive 407/299-6161 (W) Mark A. Scalzo 4 407/298-1473 (II) January I,2006 6938 Crosscut Court 407/422-4561 (W) scalzo@mindspring.com Mel Shaner 2 407/656-8091 (H) February 1, 2006 615 Orange Avenue Jim Sills (Chairman) 2 407/656-0644 (H) February I, 2006 205 S. Lakeshore Drive 407/656-3700 (W) 407/620-6489 (Cell) SILLS9570@AOL.COM Gene Snow 2 407/656-4595 (H) February 1, 2006 401 N.W. Flewelling Avenue Ilillbilyll.@aol.com Karen Vanek (Removal Requested) I 407/656-8653 (H) February 1, 2004 1104 De-La-Key Court 407/523-0300 (W) Frank Venturclla 3 407/877-6215 (11) November 1, 2004 2410 Copperhill Loop Sam Woodson 2 407/656-3954 (H) November 1, 2003 814 Chicago Avenue SLWJ@AOL.COM 3 Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Member District Phone Number Term Expires Ex-Officio Members Nancy Parker, Commissioner 407/298-8000 (W) Appt. 4/17/01 407/905-3100 x 1040 nparker@ci.ocoee.fl.us Steve Goelon, Police Chief 407/905-3100 x 3027 Steve McCosker, Sergeant 407/905-3100 x 3316 smecosker@ci.ocoee.fl.us Clerk Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk 407/905-3100 x 9-1026 swhitford@ei.oeoec.11.us cacurddnbg/]un uury 28,2003 Declined Reappointment for 2/01/03 Ruth Aycock 3 407/656-5842 (H) February 1, 2003 Phil Fiedler 2 407/656-4024 (H) February I, 2003 Tom Slimiek 2 407/656-8191 (H) February 1, 2003 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CITY OF OCOEE BOARDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (City residents only/not City employees) Meets as needed (on Thursday following 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. ) 5 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms Duties: To hear and decide appeals for administrative review; to hear and recommend to City Commission variances to the zoning ordinance. CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT (Ocoee residents, owners of real property, members of OPD, owners of businesses - per CACOPD By-Laws) Meets 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms Duties: To promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a positive relationship between the citizens of the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (City residents only) Meets 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 7 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms (Membership will, when practicable, include an architect, a businessman, an engineer, a general contractor, a sub-contractor and a realtor) . Duties: To review infractions of City technical codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS (See residency requirements below) Meets as needed 5 members, 3 year terms (after initial appointments for staggered term lengths) (Membership should include: 3 among the following: a Division 1 contractor; an electrical contractor; a mechanical contractor; a plumbing contractor; an architect; or an engineer (City residency not required] AND 2 members of the general public who must be City residents) Duties: To hear appeals of decisions of the Building and Zoning Official related to interpretation and implementation of the Florida Building Code and consider variances of technical codes. EDUCATION COIMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 1st Mondays, 7:00 p.m. No less than 7 members, no more than 15 members - 2 year terms (Membership shall include at least one representative member for each public school within the City.) Duties: To improve the quality of education for Ocoee students by serving as an advisory body to the City Commission on education issues within the City. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (City residents only) Meets 3rd Mondays, alternate months, 7:30 p.m. 13 members - 2 year terms Duties: To advise the City Commission, City Manager and Recreation Director on the operation of the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. PERSONNEL BOARD (City residents who are registered voters) Meets as needed 5 members - 3 year terms (Membership will include at least 1 City employee, 1 City Commissioner, 1 person who holds management position with City, and 1 citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and does not hold office with City. All must be qualified electors of the City.) Duties: Responsible for reviewing personnel policies for the City which are submitted to them by City Manager and recommending such policies to City Commission for adoption. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. (and 4th Wednesdays, if needed) 9 members - 3 year terms (Membership will, when reasonable, include an architect, an engineer, a general building contractor, a real estate agent and lay persons) . Duties: Establishes principles and policies for guiding action affecting development in the City and its environs. Determines whether special proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan. Acts in advisory capacity to the City Commission. Brief Description of City of Ocoee Boards Page 2 GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 2 employees, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for general employees. POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 1 police officer, 1 firefighter, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for the City's police officers and firefighters. ER➢SDES/mbg/January 11, 2003