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VII (A2b) First Reading of Ordinances: Ocoee PUD - AP-02-02-01; Ordinance No. 2003-14 - Initial Zoning
Agenda 3-4-2003 �becenter of Good tf Item VII A 2b Mayor 11179W; r_...� Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift //���a 0 ti Danny Howell, District 1 %id Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager � ' ' Rusty Johnson, District 3 _��` Jim Gleason Nancy J. Parker, District 4 STAFF REPORT DATE: February 27, 2003 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Planning Manager / THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Ocoee Commons PUD (a.k.a-Kazaros Property) PUD Zoning/ Land Use Plan Project#AP-02-02-01 Ordinance # 2003-14 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners adopt Ordinance # 2003-14, approving proposed PUD Zoning and the PUD Land Use Plan for the Ocoee Commons PUD? BACKGROUND: The location and significant features of the Ocoee Commons PUD property have been discussed with the annexation application. Future Land Use Map and Joint Planning Area (JPA) land use designations were also discussed with that application, so this report will focus on surrounding uses and zoning. The northern portion of the Ocoee Commons property is bounded on the east by the Hammocks subdivision (R-1-AA zoning), on the north by the Highlands subdivision (R-1-AA zoning) as well as some other single family homes (R-1-AA zoning), and on the west by the Shoal Creek subdivision (R-1-AA zoning). South of Shoal Creek, the property is bounded on the east by a large wetland area that is part of the Shoal Creek system (C-2 zoning) and by the Kent Property (proposed C-2 zoning), and it is bounded on the west by a large vacant parcel (R-3 zoning) and the Lake Bennett Center(C-2 zoning). DISCUSSION: The Ocoee Commons PUD includes three different land uses - Commercial and Office uses adjacent to Blackwood Avenue (Tracts 'D' and 'E', about 7.2 acres), Townhomes between the Kent Property and the Shoal Creek wetland area (Tract 'C', just under 12 acres), and Single Family Homes north of the Shoal Creek wetland area (Tracts 'A' and 'B', about 22.8 acres). The Shoal Creek wetland area running through the central portion of the site includes a total of just over 12 acres (Tracts 'N' and 'O'). All of this wetland area will all be preserved in a conservation area, except for the small portion where it will be crossed by Montgomery Avenue. It is anticipated that the Ocoee Commons PUD will be constructed in three phases corresponding to the three land uses, with the single family phase most likely being constructed first. February 27,2003 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 2 A very significant element of this PUD is its consistency with the Comprehensive Plan in that it provides a road connection between White Road to the north and SR 50 to the south by extending Montgomery Avenue through the PUD to Blackwood Avenue. It also provides a second connection to SR 50 with a future road (Tract 'K') running from Montgomery Avenue along the east side of the Townhome area. That second SR 50 connection will not be constructed as part of this PUD, but rather as part of a future City road project for which we are currently seeking funding from the State and the County. The internal roads within the Single Family area (Tracts 'A' and 'B') will provide indirect connections between the Hammocks subdivision and Montgomery Avenue, and between the Shoal Creek subdivision and Montgomery Avenue. However, these connections will be made in a fashion that discourages cut-through traffic in those neighborhoods. There are several existing road rights-of-way within the northern portion of the site, all of them currently unimproved, that will need to be vacated to accommodate the proposed development. The roads proposed to be vacated include portions of California Avenue, Montgomery Avenue, Maine Street, Georgia Street and Geneva Street. The third sheet of the PUD Land Use Plan graphically shows the portions of road rights-of-way to be vacated. A petition to vacate those road rights-of-way will be presented to the City Commission along with this PUD Land Use Plan. One of the important issues presented by this PUD Land Use Plan is the proposal to develop a portion of the site with townhomes (a multi-family residential use) in an area that has a Commercial future land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan. The State Road 50 Activity Center Special Development Plan is intended to allow this kind of flexibility in a master planned development as long as it can be demonstrated that the impacts of the proposed use will be no greater than they would have been otherwise. Condition of Approval # 3(C) on the PUD Land Use Plan addresses this issue, indicating that the traffic impact analysis demonstrated that the impacts from the proposed multi-family development are less than they would have been if that area is developed with commercial uses. Therefore, the PUD Land Use Plan meets the intent of the State Road 50 Activity Center Special Development Plan. A Waiver Table presenting two proposed waivers from Code requirements is provided near the bottom lett corner on the first sheet of the PUD Land Use Plan. The first waiver involves the construction of sidewalks along the new alignment of Montgomery Avenue through the project. Instead of building 4' sidewalks on both sides of the road, the Applicant is asking to build an 8' sidewalk on one side of the road. The second waiver involves paving adjacent unimproved roads. A portion of Geneva Street along the northern boundary of the site is unimproved, but is not being vacated because there are a few existing lots north of the property that obtain access by that portion of Geneva Street. The Applicant is asking that he not be required to pave that unimproved street. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The proposed PUD Zoning and the PUD Land Use Plan for the Ocoee Commons PUD were reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DAC) on February 18, 2003. There were several technical issues to be addressed from the City Attorney and from the Planning Division that were identified in written staff comments. All of the issues were discussed and a few minor changes to the Plan were agreed upon. The most important issues were as follows: a) Road right-of-way for the new collector road (Tract 'K') running along the northeast side of the townhome tract (Tract 'C') will be dedicated to the City, but the road will not need to be constructed by the PUD developer or by the Tract 'C' developer. February 27,2003 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 3 b) The Conditions of Approval require certain road improvements to Blackwood Avenue, some of which are required to mitigate traffic impacts of this development, and some that are part of the improvements necessary for the City's Master Transportation Plan. Based on the results of calculations to determine the costs of road improvements needed for this projects traffic impact mitigation, the Developer would be able to get impact fee credits for some of the costs related to the Blackwood Avenue road improvements by accelerating this construction. c) The multi-family / townhome tract (Tract 'C') will be developed with fee simple ownership townhomes at a density of up to 11 units per acre. The land area of the portion of Tract 'G' located between Tract 'K' and Tract '0', which will be used for storm water management for Tract 'C', will be used along with the land area of Tract 'C' to calculate the density on Tract 'C'. d) When Tract 'C' is developed, the new Multi-Family Development Standards will be applied to that development. If Tract 'C' is developed as a private gated community, the Orange County gated community standards will be applied to that development. When the discussion was finished, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed PUD Zoning and the PUD Land Use Plan, subject to making the changes agreed upon at the DRC meeting. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On February 26, 2003 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing to consider the proposed PUD Zoning and the PUD Land Use Plan for the Ocoee Commons PUD. There was input from residents who live in the adjoining subdivisions — The Hammocks and Shoal Creek — and there was discussion about a variety of issues. The residents from both adjoining subdivisions who spoke voiced similar concerns: a) The residents from The Hammocks did not want Blue Spruce Drive to be connected through the new subdivision; The residents from Shoal Creek did not want Crooked Creek Drive to be connected through the new subdivision. b) The residents from both subdivisions wanted the minimum living area in the new single family subdivision to be increased to 1,900 or 2,000 square feet. c) The residents from both subdivisions wanted a fence or wall to be constructed along the rear of the homes in the new subdivision that back up to the existing homes in their subdivisions. d) The residents from both subdivisions wanted a condition stating that the homes in the new subdivision would be limited to one story in height—they prefer not to see two story homes adjacent to their existing homes that are mostly one story. e) The residents from both subdivisions wanted the homes in the new subdivision to sell for at least $200,000. The Developer and his Engineer answered questions about a variety of issues — the roads are shown to be connected because Staff requested the connections per Code requirements; the lot sizes, minimum living area, building height, etc. shown in the conditions on the plan are consistent with the standards for all of the existing surrounding subdivisions; a fence or wall will be provided along both sides of Montgomery Avenue as required by Code, but he does not intend to provide fence or wall along the rear of lots backing up to the adjacent existing homes. February 27,2003 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 4 The Staff addressed the issue of road connections between subdivisions, confirming that this is a Code requirement and stating that road connections are intended for the safety and convenience of the residents. Staff described the benefits of road connections between subdivisions: better access for residents to surrounding areas resulting is better traffic circulation, better access for all public services (police, fire, ambulances, garbage trucks, school buses, deliveries, etc.) resulting in better service and thus better safety, better pedestrian access for all residents resulting in more livable communities. Discussion among the P & Z Commissioners included a variety of opinions both for and against road connections. Discussion also addressed the other issues raised by the residents, as well as school capacity issues. The new member appointed to speak to school issues, Dennis Foltz, gave figures on school capacities, stating that new elementary schools and a new high school are programmed to be constructed in the next few years to accommodate growth needs. The middle school for this area is currently under capacity, but a new middle school is also planned for Ocoee as well. Mr. Foltz also expressed that the School District always encourages connections between subdivisions for the safety of school children — they can walk to school without going onto collector roads—and for better school bus circulation. When the discussion was finished, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed PUD Zoning and the PUD Land Use Plan per the Staff recommendation. Note: When the Commission voted on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP), the vote was 5-2 to recommend approval of the proposed PSP per the Staff recommendation, except for the sidewalk waiver and including a condition that the minimum living area in the single family portion of the PUD will be 1,800 square feet. These issues are addressed in the PSP Conditions of Approval. However, it should be noted that all of the waivers and the Conditions of Approval on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan are identical to the waivers and Conditions of Approval on the PUD Land Use Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendations of the Development Review Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt Ordinance # 2003-14, approving the proposed PUD Zoning and the PUD Land Use Plan for the Ocoee Commons PUD, as date stamped received by the City on February 21, 2003, subject to making the changes agreed upon at the DRC meeting, with consideration given to the changes recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Approval of the PUD Land Use Plan will also need to be subject to City Commission approval of the annexation, the application for vacating several existing road rights-of- way within the project, and subject to execution and approval of the Development Agreement. Attachments: Ocoee Commons Initial PUD Zoning Map Ocoee Commons PUD,PUD Land Use Plan,date stamped February 21,2003 Ordinance#2003-14 O:\Stafl Reports\2003\SR03029 CC.doc Ocoee Commons PUD Annexation and PUD Land Use Plan Case #AP-02-02-01 Initial PUD Zoning Map (County) A-1 "Citrus Rural District", C-1 "Retail Commercial", and R-1 "Single-Family Residential" to (City) PUD "Planned Unit Development'. N r / ilium/ \----,---I?"4,•-• 1,1.7 , i... — .•:''O-Cet--'-' s Ocoee Community Development AL- ;?,..i....A.....,„.. r . -.I _ mi. .. Li ..,.... ... - w'.7nir ra -,- 1 1 1 _Di,..._%, i s- 1 .. _ ------ __ , ( Department , I II. Scale inch= 1000eet 4No — I_ '77, , , ,. .---= rs — F "1" .1 : 1 f ) sumo ski.: I oan ::: 7 — 0 250 500 750 1000 Feet SCONCI z:;,/.'''•''‘‘ • 1111111in c: i MI 4 , ,,t. NNNNN'll .44 1.111-11111 1 enrig 7:••‘, '' 1111111111111 MIIII: / , . . ,ts'et, „ it;.e Printed: February 2003 simi al ,;* ' A ,1•4A igle 11 I 1 I 11 1 IV ---7-. 111 . . c• N N ‘, )t • .4 LEGEND - -11tin-7\ IAA _ , . muuniii t. „. I.. : c • 4\1 V:e IMO Subject Property .'i 7-- IIIIIII ,-, — '.'""ti 5,1 , _ r , Unincorporated Territory k 4/M111112 L-- I and Other Municipalities -1... imiw ' ..," 1 •r'*'' ''.4. .i. •.; ; ,t, 4. /4 '• ' ' Rail Lines II lli '''''All '. in'42*.:*.474,4;***- •• ' kin mit. 0.,if:‘,4•,.#47. ./. 44, 4 .4 #4} ,. Or Zoning Classification: * of •• ' A*4 ' ; 44 ran. -•,i r . A-1, General Agriculture / _ , . .... lila.' ,*;'" , ..,, V Ne 4,44iril • •44. 4' ‘ \\ A-2, Suburban // , ,",4, '- . ..• ,41t44 , / R-1AAA, Single Family Dwelling ,/ MAINE ST 4 ..,.,5?' --- •' :** e Vr4`. .. \ 0 R-1AA, Single Family Dwelling re 1 r Ti ' • re ;A„..4 . R-1A, Single Family Dwelling '/ ? 4-.41 ..4+e e ; lo t 474- R-1, Single Family Dwelling ;-"' i...e.: ; /A ( \ • s. RT-1, Mobile Home Subdivision District / . .1 Ar. ''':\.' -*4 . . // • // A41, 4 .• A R-2, One and Two Family Dwelling // /Z / ::: Z::". . 4,.. ./ :4.4..4; ..." R-3, Multi Family Dwelling ./A = 47,A , 7 7 dor **It Zdo Ai 7• P-S, Professional Offices and Services // v. A.:, 44.Li —1^ // ° '•Ar AP' „4W, C-1, Neighborhood Shopping ; riArff:-: t:16! VI COLON! DR ,/ / /A. C-2, Community Commercial ,k,,,.", -''.. C-3, General Commercial . 1-1, Restricted Manufacturing -t-- -. -.:7.q / - :!•-43.0 w, A g . / r .1; '1 1 ,...,::.11 1-2, General Industrial I / ./ i ' A / / A ', i Ill PUD-Low Density Residential /./, jr4 ., • PUD-Medium Density Residential 1, '' . , , - :, PUD-High Density Residential Pi] 1 " 0 ,'47+'',.:,+'.# nem i PUD-Commercial 1 ;-,L ..-*ar • 4 i er Jim.L.. A •/"Jd'• Lakes and Water Bodies Unclassified ' 444,444,4,4444:v++. ..**-4-'4 ii-,it...• ,• N....-- 11:*'•••!•■•II -c--L.- ---l------)-7/-1-'.71-17- ---- - ' '\'' .':::.::::i . MIIII -(17 i.•44"tinti.t.t.%-#.44,4•4- 00000 UBE 0000 OOO R0 OCOEE COMMONS Pu i I FEB 2 1 2003 CITY OF OCOEE9 FLORIDA [p[Roo JIM"T H0. 01=064 OWNERS LIST LEGAL DESCRIPTION PUD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL z= t—I, I=T= —I- �,,Iit T-1 t,t,t- IIII I,f If z, —7 . ...... Illl tot— I I,, D� I, he N. 1. ILI, 1. F, If NH It.", IDII I, .-I, T—I I., I I'I"'I I It It It I . If I. =—Z— F.IIII, T raA B. lnlullll VICINITY VAP LUP WAIVER TABLE DONE SECTION CODE STANDARD PROPOSED STANDARD LOC ARTICLE 6-3H ONE 4' SIOEWA� ONE 8' SIOEWA� C1.1 TO IMPROVE OFF - EACH SIDE OF STREET ONE SIDE OF MONTICMERY STREET PEDESTRIAN AVE. EXTENSION ONLY ACCESS BUMEEN THE VARIOUS BUD �NO USES WC ARMS 6-2A RA',TS UNIMPROVED R/W :10 PAVING 40 NEN LOTS wl� THAT ABUT SUBOIGMSIGN ACCESS UNIMPROVED R/V UTlUTIES ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SURVEYOR PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: P.IPSC Tii WATER III SEWER 0 NER� EGA DESCRIPTION N S L L P 0 W R, ME- —olm�— '7 LI BECH70L E14GINEERING ACCURIGHT SURVEYS OF USTLER-FAGAN, INC. Desip Service Group, Inc, ENVIRONMENTAL HORTUS OASIS CONSULTING GROUP, INC. TESTING, INC. ORLANDO, INC. 2012 E. ROBINSON STREET 1152 SOLANA AVENUE 150 OXFORD ROAD, SUITE 1,30 1425 BERKSHIRE AVENUE 605 W. NEW YORK AVE SUITE A ORLANDO, F- 32ES03 WINTER PARK FL 32789 362A SOUTH GRANT STREET ELECTRIC: P05T OFFICE BOX 181518 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 DO -AND, FL 32720-5243 LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32M0.11II CASSELSERRY, FLORIDA 327111-1518 (407) 672-488fi (386) 734-8444 (407) 894-6314 (407) 629-9449 (407) 331- 773 (407) 331-6599 FAX.' (4-07) 622-4887 FAX- (386) 734-8541 FAX.' (407) 897-3777 FAY- (407) 629-6274 FAX (407) Off-O cos: nkn (407) 331-3860 E-MAIL. betchtolClag.nat E-MAIU acc,uSUrw,y0aOI.=m E-MAIL dealgin FAX E-MAJU- sPCte9OsChcrtUIIfO03t&com CABLE vtlV�CONTACT., MR. REESE KESSLER, JR CONTACT. STEPHEN PATFGAS,ASLA CONTACT: THOMAS BECHTOL, PE CONTACT: FRANK RAYMOND, JR, PLS CONTACT., MR. BILL FAGAN CONTACT: R NALD H SON It, PE C�FICEIDA lICISIRATCft .0- ZI63. BLUE s FRUZE D R. TRACT 'a' - HE TRACT VB 30HOLE-F&HOLY REMDEHML Ot-38'5 30.00 RECREATOOM AREA TRACT VAT V 00_38.37E7-1306.67'e(,µ� I I I a"ll IM y O� 7s OW D&M NWN �1.1 M TRACT WKW FUTURE ROAD TRACT Ic NULYR-FaNLY RESOBEH79AL TRACT 'j, C MKOH AREA TRACT 'L' —M AVE. R/wd M', 4 N, TRACT 'o, TH, cy - V4 V Co BLAC:A7700�D A BAr KARIES RACY 19, Lo `m 00 '21,46" El 122.01 O L rwEn. 0 kgw Z;4; U) Z 2L _,j O Ln O ° 50 00 3'3 o z IV 0 IUl = lool r--- 2 OF 11 SW- 10.00' SO �272rl I PROPOSED r--MOa4-OF-MAY I - - MQC ATOOOH LOn�OTS (— NOTE — — N} AOES AREA = UVITS OF EAMNG RIGHT-OF-WAY. N0T OPEN OR IMPROVED, WHIOH THE APPLICANT p REQUESTS BE VACATES. THE TOTAL AREA CF PIATT© RIGIT-OF-WAY TO E£ VACATES IS 7.e ACRES, 6.60 ACRES WTHIN THE OCCE- CCMNONS Ic PUS WERE ALTERNATE ROAD RIGHT-GF-WAYS 'M1ILL m ATTED AND 1.2 ACRES TO ADJACENT LOT OBE PLWNERS ALONG THE NORTH @ NESi owNOARIES o I I I I — — —£ 00•23'10" A 589. 28_DSJ/ BLACA7000 APTNUB RAY KA— R[c,5' 00'81'46" £ 1P,.Of DV NO] h �I o• nI ^.ca sa ,1054P ORDINANCE NO.2003-14 (PUD Zoning Ordinance for Ocoee Commons PUD) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ESTABLISHING OCOEE "PUD" ZONING, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, FOR CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 65.2943 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROAD 50 AND BLACKWOOD AVENUE, PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner (the "Owner") of certain real property located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, as hereinafter described,has submitted an application to the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida(the "Ocoee City Commission") to zone said real property to Ocoee"PUD", Planned Unit Development District(the"Zoning"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5-9(B) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee (the "Ocoee City Code"), the Planning Director has reviewed said application and determined that the Zoning requested by the Owner is consistent with the 1991 City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance No. 91-28, adopted September 18, 1991, as amended (the"Ocoee Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, on February 11, 1994, Orange County and the City of Ocoee entered into a Joint Planning Area Agreement which has been amended from time to time (the "JPA Agreement") and 006.285685. WHEREAS, the JPA Agreement affects the future land use of the real property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6(B) of the JPA Agreement, the City has the authority to establish zoning for the real property hereinafter described and to immediately exercise municipal jurisdiction over said real property for the purposes of Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Zoning was scheduled for study and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee("PZC"); and WHEREAS, the PZC has held a public hearing with public notice thereof and reviewed the Zoning for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the JPA Agreement and determined that the Zoning is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the JPA Agreement and is in the best interest of the City and has recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that it approve the Zoning and find it consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the JPA Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has held a de novo public hearing with public notice thereof with respect to the Zoning; and WHEREAS,this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee City Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041(3), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Owner has requested that this Ordinance not become effective until such time as the Owner has conveyed the Property to the Property's contract purchaser; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to delay the effective date of this Ordinance as an accommodation to the owners and the contract purchaser. 006.285685. -2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166,Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Zoning. The zoning classification, as defined in the Ocoee City Code, of the following described parcel of land containing approximately 65.2943 acres located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby established as Ocoee "PUD", Planned Unit Development District: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (the"Property"). SECTION 3. Map. A map of the Property which clearly shows the area of Zoning is attached hereto as Exhibit"B" and by this reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 4. Land Use Plan. The following Land Use Plan for the Property is hereby approved subject to the Conditions of Approval and Waiver(s) from the Ocoee Land Development Code set forth thereon: That certain Land Use Plan for Ocoee Commons PUD prepared by Design Service Group, Inc. date stamped received by the City on with such additional revisions thereto, if any, as may be reflected in the minutes of the City Commission of the City of Ocoee meeting approving the same. The above described Land Use Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and by this reference made a part hereof. SECTION 5. Official Zoning Map. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City of Ocoee in order to incorporate the -3-OD6.285685. Zoning enacted by this Ordinance and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said revised Official Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-1(G) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code. SECTION 6. Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and JPA Consistency. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the WA Agreement. SECTION 7. Inconsistent Ordinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. SECTION 8. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon Ordinance No. 2003- (Annexation Ordinance for Ocoee Commons PUD) becoming effective according to its terms. 006.285685. -Q PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2003. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift,Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED ,2003 READ FIRST TIME ,2003 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ,2003 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 2003. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney 006.285685. -5 EXHIBIT "A" SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Begin at the East 1/4 corner of Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida per Certified Corner Record /6415; thence S00-27'27'W along the Eost line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 20 and the centerline of vacated B.C. Terry Rood. a distance of 1989.09 feet to Southeast corner of the North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 20; thence N89'09'40"W along the South line of said North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance of 996.55 feet to the Northwest corner of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 20; thence S00'23'10"W along the West line of the said East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance of 599.28 feet to a point on the North right of way line of State Road No. 50; thence N89*23'37'W along said North right of way line, a distance of 331.93 feet to the Southeast corner of Lake Bennet Centre as recorded in Plat Book 35, Pages 126 and 127, Public Records of Oronge County, Florida; thence N00'21 '46"E along said East line, a distance of 1272.01 feet to a point on the centerline of Moine Street as shown of the Plat of "Town of Ocoee" and recorded in Plot Book "A", Pages 100 and 101, Public Records of Orange County, Florida; thence N88'48'49"W along said centerline, a distance of 38.48 feet to a point on the Southerly extension of the Westerly right of way line of California Avenue; thence N00'38'39"E along said Westerly right of way line, o distance of 1366.73 feet to a point on the Westerly extension of the Northerly right of way line of Geneva Street; thence S88'21 '09"E along said Northerly right of way line a distance of 1364. 13 feet to the point on the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of aforesaid Section 20; thence S00'27'27"W along said East line of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 30.01 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 67.628 acres or 2,945,899 square feet more or less. 6.285885. _6_ EXHIBIT "B" Ocoee Commons PUD Annexation and PUD Land Use Plan Case#AP-02-02-01 Initial PUD Zoning Map (County)A-1 "Citrus Rural District',C-1 'Retail Commercial",and R-1 "Single-Family Residentiar to (City)PUD'Planned Unit Development" w .n M it II y� FFi — :ft MIL m `I�Y lrl I . I. 1 a nm- u a a,a .. �_ r, ter. �M aul n l L pna 0 ^,PP•aea Tenlbry Q -nm • n -. 00Mas MUnIflW01Be `� rr RCl ss k r ‘y K i s Q Z qG nlaal o¢ �� -x General/.gncunun SgW 7 R 1 AA a� Suburban Ir— Y A Single Family Dwellingb- FHAA,8n0le Family Dwelling ®� q;.ab" i FHA Single Family DDBlnq y3�pWW 71y `l R 6 qe Family Dwelling ��� "— // W6 R-I Mobile RPTe Subdivision Dlml/ �� / R2,0 and TwP FamlH Dwelling / J /� �" • -R3,M (Famly Dwelling P-S P lbbornal Orates and Se // Cl.Neighborhood Commercial a ro 1 �1�� � � t ///FSCommunity C lel ISIQ, C30 eneralC w RMim d M anufacturing ®Flell 'a�af FOB / / . 6 W toU9 q � � rI ,% I • Mt PUD-L D Py R d li I I MOPUD Medium DCyResidential 4- 1 a NW PA /la t� III PUD High D RR eloenle � � A IMIMS PUD C l I I1I `" � ' ' i, a . 111111Lakes eWater eads.. •- Unclass Unclassified ( �llr& tr pull —7 006.285685. EXHIBIT "C" [Insert Land Use Plan] 006285685. -8-