HomeMy WebLinkAboutV (F) Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of a Portion of N. Lakeshore Dr. and Public Boat Ramp at Starke Lake for Boat Regatta Agenda 9-16-2003 Mayor Abe enter of Good Lig Commissioner ssV F S. Scott Vandergrift -,. Danny Howell, District 1 111" Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager .,, Rusty Johnson, District 3 Jim Gleason - Nancy J. Parker, District 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: James A. Phelps, Building Official DATE: September 8, 2003 RE: Special Event Boat Regatta—Road and Boat Ramp Closing ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the temporary closing of a public street and boat ramp for the purpose of the Ocoee Professional Firefighter's boat races? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION In order to temporarily close a public street and boat ramp,the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is required. Mr. Steve Ellis has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for boat races that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street and boat ramp. The event will be held on October 25-26, 2003, from 9am-5pm on Saturday and l2pm-5pm on Sunday. The street to be closed is a portion of North Lakeshore Drive and the public boat ramp at Starke Lake. This street will be closed from Sam until 7pm daily. See attached location map. RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully recommends approval with the following requirements: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained; 4) Proper barricades must be used for blocking the road; and, signs be posted at the boat ramp in advance to notify citizens of its closing. _ Center of Good Mayor `S>>e Ll vjng Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift R i Danny Howell, District 1 i COE - Scott Anderson, District 2City Manager s ORusty Johnson, District 3 F �` �� Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Jim Gleason jJ -- - Organiz tion Head Q11Kters Name: C.-:ere.... I''s-c2Ce 55-,o.;ca E �.(- ; -)\q"� 2-5 Address: 3 0 fit` 0 C.J...)t_p CIX9-,7,QV..._c-N. � c) ,.): State: c2\ c� Zip Code: 3'----1-/ City:�Cu i��-�_ 41�'7� C�1� Phone#: \D--- �S-7-7- Representative Name:�+_ - e).—\` 5 Address: City: State: Zip Code: - Phone#: Applicant(if different): Name: Address: ` City: State: Zip Code: Phone#: Type of Event: Parade Ceremony Exhibition Show Concert Demonstration Other C,:..t -1. -e_ 4 Date (s) and time (s) scheduled: OCC ��-0., �1,� Nature and types of activities: -S-2 .-.)c-1.---- \'\K-;Vc, ( ece_ • Approximate number of spectators and participants: `00 nor-c;: •, ---2ckoc��5 Purpose of Special event: t A.5 'E ye/AT Exact location of event: > l--c.�V....Q_ 1_ c,` Designation of public facilities or equipment to be used: c,.k.e,mc) Lc.k /S\'@ /�` ---9- ---1:74..._.e....4...,,`) '\ \e v�n 9 .E.,.�� . Toe,,\/....\e,»J e\ r ©&door .► 4,9_003 OI1/"f 4 Number of temporary directional signs: x$5.00 per sign= ---430-- City --430rCity of Ocoee • 150 N Lakeshore Drive •Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407)905-3104 • fax: (407)656-5398 •www.ci.ocoee.fl.us in No Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used• rn Yes For Parade: Exact location of marshali• and staging area: Time at which its of parade will begin to arrive: Time at w ' units of parade will be dispersed: Exact -•ute to be traveled shown on attached map: (1 Yes 71 No P ase attach approximate# of persons, animals, &vehicles participating with descriptio• a s /'types of animals and vehicles. El No L Parade will occupy all of the width of the street,roadway, or sidewalk: ■ 'es For Fireworks: The following shall be attached to this application: 1) A detailed listing of the type & quantity of fir- •rks to be used. ro nate safetyprocedures which will be used at fireworks display in order to protec A detailed written statement outlining al safety of the public and all surrounding property. 3) A detailed written statement d- ribing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. 4) If applicable, applic s federal license# for transporting fireworks across state line; and 5) A detailed list o ames, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be respons' e for the actual display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The backgrounds state t should include a complete history of the experience of the individuals invol ved and wi respect to their use to fireworks, including a detailed list and explanation of eachevery accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the individual has been responsible for, or involved in. 6) A map showing exact launc el a int and are• +f • •ut. Applicant Signature: � . .. i Date: 4/6-?.5 Approved ,11 *isapproved CI Conditions for permit attached Police Chief A�M4A Date: �''�6 3 _ �A roved 1 D'-ipprnveA r ❑ Conditions for e it attached . pi :tu . Date: 91003 Fire Chief ��i�� -�-- Approved ❑ Dis•,• roved ■ on�itions for permit attached 1 atiBuildin and Zoning O fficial .s /Date: ��- � g ; 7 1 au. 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