HomeMy WebLinkAboutV (C) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Contract With HHI for the McKey Street Improvements not to exceed $850,000 Agenda 7-15-2003 Mayer VA center of Good Li p� Conunissloner C C S. Scott A sndergrift - s" Danny Howell, Dis ne 1 Scott Anderson. District,•. I . �.trict,2 City al hnacer �1� 1� Rusty Johnson, District 3 Jim Gleason [ Nancy J. Parker, District-1 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Janet Shira, Assistant to the City Manager DATE: July 8, 2003 RE: Contract with 11111 for McKev Street Area Improvements ISSUE Should the City Commission approve the attached contract with Herbert Halback, Inc. and its suhconsultams for services related to the design and construction of various improvements in the downtown McKev Street area? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION In May 2000,the City of Ocoee contracted with Spillis Candela and Herbert Halback Inc. (HHI) for Planning, Architectural, and Engineering services for several city projects. One of those projects was the Downtown Ocoee Lakefront Master Plan. In August 2001, 11111 produced a document called `Downtown Ocoee, McKey Street Improvements". The Plan includes about$1.8 million in proposed improvements including roadway resurfacing, curbs and gutters,sidewalks, street landscaping, street lights, and several other beautification items. Last month the City of Ocoee signed an agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the Design and Construction of Downtown Ocoee-McKcy Streetscape Project. Under this agreement the FDOT will be reimbursing the City of Ocoee up to$850,000 towards improvements to the McKev Street area. More specifically, the FDOT will pay up to $100,000 for design-related expenses and up to $750,000 for construction of those improvements. 13ecause 11111 has already done the Master Plan for this area and because the original contract allowed for subsequent contracts for the actual design and construction phases, staff has asked the company to submit a proposal on the project. If the Commission authorizes the contract, staff will work with the company on a proposed plan using the 2001 document as a guideline, but keeping within the$850,000 budget Attached is the Scope of Work to include all the necessary items in the design phase as well as construction drawings and construction administration. The$99,690 fee would be reimbursable under the contact with FDOT. The remaining dollars would he used for construction. RECOMMENDATION Staffrespectfully recommends that the City Commission approve the contract with HHI and authorize staff to prepare a plan for improvements not to cvLL d the $850,000 total. This plan will be brought back to the City Commission for approval prior to bidding the project for construction. Cc: Jim Gleason, City Manager Ginger Corless. HHI V • DOWNTOWN OCOEE MCKEY STREET BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENTS HHI DRAFT SCOPE OF SERVICES June 27, 2003 PROJECT DESCRIPTION In August of 2001 Herbert•Halback, Inc. (HHI) provided the City of Ocoee (City) an administrative work program and operating budget for McKey Street improvements. The preliminary design for these improvements were fundamentally based on the concepts, design prototypes and budget estimates described in the Downtown Ocoee Lakefront Master Plan prepared by Spillis Candela DMJM, HHI and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB). The McKey Street improvement project area is defined as McKey Street from the Bluford Road intersection west to the Kissimmee Avenue intersection. • The proposed McKey Street improvements are primarily aesthetic in nature and include landscape, decorative hardscape, street resurfacing, sidewalk improvements; streetlights and site furnishings (as further defined in Attachment A). The 2001 McKey Streetscape Improvements document clearly articulated there was a need for the City to evaluate infrastructure improvements (stormwater, sanitary sewer and potable water) for McKey Street and the adjacent area. The budget provided in the documents for stormwater was to address the minor improvements specified in the document and did not provide costs to address the system. Therefore, engineering support is deemed to be minimal and construction documents will not include infrastructure improvements unless we are directed to include such improvements by the City and at such time will submit an additional service to incorporate the necessary services and components. _ The City has negotiated with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to take over the maintenance of several streets within the City, including McKey Street and Bluford Road. In addition, the City has secured funding in the amount of $850,000.00 from the FDOT to make certain improvements on McKey Street and the area defined in the McKey Street Improvements document dated August 2001. The City desires HHI, through the Spillas Candela DMJM contract, to provide design services for the McKey Street improvement project. HHI shall provide the following services. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.0 Kick-Off/Preliminary Design Refinement 1.V Prior to the kick-off, HHI will visit the project site to further document existing conditions. This task is not a physical survey. The task will provide the designers with an understanding of the existing environment prior to design refinement,design development and construction document phases. OCOEE MCKEY STREET IMPROVEMENTS DRAFT 1 -SCOPE OF SERVICES June 27, 2003 Page 2 of 5 1.2 Conduct a project kick-off meeting and preliminary design refinement workshop with City staff to refine project goals and budgets and set the design schedule. 2.0 Survey Coordination HHI shall coordinate and direct the City's survey consultant to provide the necessary physical information from which to generate base plans. See attached proposal from Southeastern Surveying. 3.0 Design Development 3.1 Based on the information gathered in task 1.0 through 2.0, HHI will refine the preliminary design presented in the McKey Street Improvements August 2001 document. 3.2 Since it has been nearly two years since the McKey Street Improvement document was prepared, HHI will produce a site analysis plan of the McKey Street corridor outlining any additional opportunities and constraints associated with the beautification project. HHI will render in color the site analysis/opportunity and constraints plan for use in the staff meetings associated with the design development tasks. 3.3 Based on the refinement of the preliminary design, site inspections and survey information, HHI will refine the budgets presented in the McKey Street Improvements documented dated August 2001. 3.4 HHI will conduct a design development review meeting with City staff to present the design and cost estimate refinements and to receive comments. During this meeting, infrastructure issues will be discussed with the City. It is noted that this scope does not include engineering support other than what may be necessary for resurtacing and minor stormwater improvements. 3.5 HHI will Revise the design documents as required based on the review • comments. 3.6 HHI will provide a presentation to the City Council and interested citizens reviewing the design development documentation and cost estimate. 4.0 Construction Documents • 4.1 Based on the approved design development documentation and any review comments made during the City Council presentation, HHI will provide complete construction documents for the improvement project. The documents will be OCOEE MCKEY STREET IMPROVEMENTS DRAFT 1 - SCOPE OF SERVICES June 27, 2003 Page 3 of 5 submitted to City staff for review and comment at the 60%, 90% and 100% stages of completion. Specific requirements for the construction documents are as follows. 4.1.1 Provide ACAD planting design documents indicating all plant material as to location, quantity and size. 4.1.2 Provide ACAD Irrigation design documents for a fully automatic, underground sprinkler system serviced by water sources as directed by the City. Drawings shall indicate all piping, valves, heads, required back flow devices and controllers. 4.1.3 Provide ACAD drawings for decorative hardscape, site furnishings and street resurfacing. 4.1.4 Provide a detailed final estimate of probable construction cost for the improvement project. 4.1.5 Provide written technical specifications in CSI format for all components included in the McKey Street Beautification project. 4.1.6 After receipt of any City review comments on the 90% construction documents, HHI shalrmake any required revisions and submit the 100% drawings and technical specifications to the City 4.1.7 Following final review of the project elements and cost, HHI will prepare a phasing plan for project implementation. 5.0 Bidding - - 5.1 Based on direction from the City, HHI will prepare a Phase I bid document package and submit to the City for bidding purposes. It is assumed phase I will be the FDOT funding minus design and surveying costs. 5.2 Provide reproducible copies of the phase I construction drawings and technical specifications to the City for reproduction and distribution to bidders. 5.3 Attend a phase I pre-bid conference to answer contractor questions and issue - any required addendums. 5.4 Answer questions as required from contractors during the phase I bidding process. • OCOEE MCKEY STREET IMPROVEMENTS DRAFT 1 -SCOPE OF SERVICES June 27, 2003 Page 4 of 5 5.5 Review Phase I contractor bids and issue a recommendation to the City for contract award. 6.0 Construction Administration 6.1 Attend a pre-construction meeting. 6.2 Review for approval in a timely manner, all shop drawings, submittals and samples. All shop drawings review shall be completed withih (10) gays from receipt of shop drawing. 6..3 Prepare change orders and substitutions when directed by the City. 6..4 Provide responses in writing to the City and contractor regarding requests for information (RFI). Responses, which resolve the issue under consideratidn, shall ' be completed with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. Maximum response time shall be five (5)working days from receipt of request. 6.5 Consult with contractor for clarification of documents. 6.6 Providing on-site observation to ensure quality, proper progress of the work and conformity to the documents and the design intent. Provide substantial/final inspections and prepare a punch list for all items of work within the scope of • these design services. Site visits shall not exceed eight (8) including the substantial and final inspections and shall be accompanied by inspection reports. Fee Summary For McKey Street Beautification Project Base Services 1.0 Kick-Off/Site Analysis $ 3,320.00 2.0 Survey Coordination $ 2,570.00 3.0 Design Development $ 24,390.00 4.0 Construction Documents $35,280.00 5.0 Bidding $4,200.00 • 6.0 Construction Administration $8,540.00 HHI Fee Totals $74,260.00 HHI Expense Estimate $6,500.00 HHI Total Fees and Expenses $80,760.00 OCOEE MCKEY STREET IMPROVEMENTS DRAFT 1 - SCOPE OF SERVICES June 27, 2003 Page 5 of 5 Subconsultant Services Survey $ 5,840.00 Engineering Consultant $ 10,010.00 Geotechnical Services $ 3,080.00 Subconsultant Fee Totals $18,930.00 Grand Total Fees and Expenses $99,690.00 • See attached fee breakdown and subconsultant proposals for more detail. Downtown Ocoee Streetscape Program HHI Estimate of Hours and Budget Prepared By: Virginia L.Corless, President,HHI-June 2,2003 HHI HHI HHI HHI HHI HHI Principal Sr Sr Add Associate Associate Designer Designer Support Hour Fee $135.00 $95.00 $75.00 $55.00 $45.00 $35.00 Total •Inig ..: C x .. aIRVA E€ ... .EWE" ?11WW1n 9.t tr 1.1 Site Inspection 6 0 8 8 0 2 24 $1,920.00 1.2 Kick-off Meetinr with City 6 0 4 4 0 2 16 $1,400.00 12 0 12 12 0 4 40 $3 . tr _ ,.i . . .SEE k 2.0 Survey Coordination 16 { 0 ! 0 I 24 0 2 42 $3,550 00 3.1 Design Refinement 24 0 20 40 0 6 90 $7,150.00 3.2 Site Analysis Plan 4 0 16 24 0 2 46 $3,1 30.00 3.3 Cost estimate 6 0 4 16 0 4 30 $2,120.00 3.4 Staff Workshop 6 0 0 6 0 2 14 $1,210.00 3.5 Refinements 4 4 8 16 16 2 50 $3,11,0.00 3.6 Cit Council Presentation 6 0 12 8 0 4 30 $2,290.00 90 4 84 158 16 30 382 $19 TAM E< r=__7' tail .,.-,72.i r n ,,,por-3 tP pP; :;I t stttt„ :nawatoiHPS' I. 31.10 , . 't.irl 5. . , k - 4.0 Construction Documents 50 70 80 160 140 30 530 $35,5'20.00 50 70 80 160 140 30 530 $35,;. 1.00 . ysola:stut°, , 1-0.--a :..t ,., z6&ilistpt ,:r . .xr -s. 0 sit- i:s .1':'' , rye'}? R 5.0 Bidding 8 16 0 24 0 8 56 $4,220.00 6.0 Construction Admin 16 20 24 32 8 16 116 $8,50.00 24 36 24 56 8 24 172 $12, '-.I.:00 EE x: "` . . La . ^l. _ , nit ; ?P'.,Y.,** a Estimated Out-of-Pocket Allowance (graphics, printing,travel) $6 5 0 D00 Total HHI Estimated Fees& Expenses $80 Jt r Survey $5,P40.00 Engineering Consultant $10,010.00 Geotechnical Services $3,P 0,00 Total Subconsultant Fees $18E: Eta Grand Total Fees 8 Expenses $99,'. Zal JUN.27.2003 1:43PM JHB :HC. i ce.ago r._ • /.GGEELSLfUT rori fT,:'i^'(_i.o F2.;(: :. ::._. BETWEEN VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN, INC. AND HERBERT HALBACK, INC. (HHI) FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES DOWNTOWN OCOEE—MCKEY STREET BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENTS VHB CONTRACT NO. 80046.01 June 26,2003 Thi'.t Agreement is composed of Pan I and Part II. Part I includes details of the services to be perfumed,timing of the services,and compensation. Part II(attached)contains the Terms and Conditions of Agreement which are the general terms of the engagement between Herbert Hal;ack, Inc.(HHI)hereinafter called the"client,`and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB). PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Ocoee intends to make certain improvements on McKey Street from Kissimmee Avenue to Bluford Road. A conceptual plan for the proposed improvements has been prepared by Herbert Ha?back, Inc. (HHI)showing that the scope of the project is primarily aesthetic in nab.re and includes landscaping,deooreave hardscape, street resurfacing,sidewalk improvements,street lighting and site furnishings.The infrastructure improvements(story neater, sanitary sewer and potable)are not included in the scope of the project at this time. However, the,r,sthetic improvements need to be evaluated by a civil engineer to address drainage impacts that tie proposed improvements may have on the existing properties and right-of-ways within the project boundary. In support of these improvements, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc. (VHB)will function as the lead civil engineering consultant.The approved conceptual site plans which will serve as the base for the civil design will be provided by HHI. It is assumed that VHB will commence their work at the construction document phase of the project. VHB will provide the following services: PART I SCOPE OF SERVICES Civil end Geotechnical Services for the Downtown Ocoee—McKay Street Beautification Imei,wemenis. DESIGN PHASE 1.0 Civil Engineering Construction Documents Eased on the approved design development documentation(provided by others), VHS will prepare civil construction documents In support of the proposed beautification project. Drawings and other documents will include: \.151-arrn,akaiepOAAMWaaW abort e-M43.0c JUIY.cc.GHHJ 1 -4 t1 iI 'JHtl alYl. ,iv.a,u r.o 1.1 Scopc-of-Work Demol:t,nn Drcdncs— Limits o1 durnc.iuc1 wan Identification of specific items to be demolished, instructions for method of demolition,and handling is not included in this scope of services. 1.2 Site Geometry Plan -Based on the approved site plans and topographic survey provided by others, VHS will prepare a site geometry plan with planar coordinates for the proposed improvements, This plan will serve as a base sheet for the other site development plans. 1.3 Secondary Drainage and Pavement Plan-Plan(s)showing the site grading and conveyance system improvements for the project. Water Management facaity design is not anticipated and is not included in the scone of services. Based on the geotechnical engineer's recommendation, the proposed pavement section(s)will be shown, 1.4 Conceptual Maintenance of Traffic Plan-Plan(s)showing the proposed maintenance of traffic concept. The contractor will be responsible for providing more detailed MOT plans as necessary for permitting and construction. 2.0 Preliminary Geotechnical Analysis VHB will contract with a registered geotechnical engineer to provide a limited sub-surface analysis consisting of two Standard Penetration Tests, two asphalt core samples, and a report with recommendations for pavement cross-section. 3.0 Meeting Attendance A senor engineer will attend up to Iwo team meetings through the course of the project ASSUMPTIONS It is understood that VHB will perform services under the sole direction of the client. In the performance of these services, VHB will coordinate Its efforts with those of other project team menders, the client's architect, and other consultants, as required. The following assumptions are Bede: • the proposal is based on the current plan, any changes to the plan may warrant additional rarvices. • the site is located in a developable area. There are no flood plains, wetlands or 'endangered or threatened species on site or in a location that would affect the development is the site. • :3ewer and water services currently exist to the site and no improvements to the water and :ewer system is proposed. • Additional impervious surfaces potentially requiring a St.John River Water Management District Permit are not proposed.In other words,there will be no net increase in impervious urea. VHB will rely upon the accuracy and completeness of client-lumished information in connection with lie performance of services under this Agreement. SCH:DULE VHB will begin performance of the above services on the date written authorization to proceed and -he retainer (if requested) is received. The schedule is also subject to timely delivery of information promised by the client and is exclusive of client and local review of interim products. (t \\FI rrn,%e080045wIWe0Weneck 6.1601 dQ COMPENSATION Vh13 will perform the Scope of Services contained in this Agreement on a lump sum basis per tatl:. The total lump sum and estimated reimbursable expenses is $13,090.00, allocated apxoxirnately as follows: j h t i ry Sw r R i I ursstjR Fe. E n'.e� • I01,1 DESIGN PHASE Cvvil Engineering $8,200.00 $820.00 $9,020.00 Meetings Civil Services $900.00 $90.00 $990.00 Total $9,100.00 $910.00 $10.010.00 G>reehnical Services $2,800.00 $2SC.OD $3,080.00 _ GRAND TOTAL $11,900.00 $1.190.00 S19,090.00 CLIENT-FURNISHED INFORMATION It is understood that VHB will perform services under the sole direction of the client. In the penarmance of these services, VHB will coordinate its efforts with those of other project team members,the client's architect, and other consultants,as required. The client shall provide VHB witt ;project-related technical data including, but not limited to,the following: • Proposed concept site plans • Development program and requirements • Permit fees In addition to fees quoted herein • Any other data pertinent to this design that is available in project data files SEFVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are not anticipated and, therefore, not included in this Agreement at this time Surveying Permitting ,. Utility design or locations ii Off-site infrastructure improvements. Platting andr'cr lot splitting. Engineer's cost estimate. I Traffic and environmental consulting. • Site lighting design. • Consumptive Use Permit • Signalization plans • Bidding assistance • Construction administration services • Hardscape and Landscaping Design • Irrigation Design ha® \p;nl nakete000011dnuVlalback 6-26-03A« PJIY.cr.ctlU t&M VNI1 ft. rni.iI r.n ShcL d wcrk be required In hose areas, or areEr Ev . ., cc-cr?ec', AyeT wvi I re a proposal or amendment, at the client's request, that contains the Scope of Services, fee, and schedule required to complete the additional work items. VANIASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN, INC.AUTHORIZATION By: 12' Titi Dale: CLIENT AUTHORIZATION Herbert Halback, Inc. agrees with Part I,which includes the Scope of Services, Compensation, Schedule,and Part II, Terms and Conditions of Agreement (attached hereto and acknowledged as being received). Together they constitute the entire Agreement between Vanessa Hangen Bmalin, Inc.and Herbert Halback,Inc. Total Lump Sum Fee and Estimated Reimbursable Fees$13,090.00 By: Title: Date: ('® \\B-al tarketooasolvou R,k ck 6.260!dx r _� --- ••TT • x Myron r.Lucas, P.S.M. James M.Dunn.P.S.M. reP� r Thom! K.Mead,P.S.M. _emu R.Bind,P$.M. ! �('i1 L4 s Dominkk Ppwmd,P.S.M. Mai P.Garvey,P.E. ��� y Jemay Petersen,P.S.M. Wllllam L.GOYIM P.S.M. ze A'_� ���=�\ Charles E.Pu bap,SM JaNN J.Henry,P.$.M. SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING A MAPPING CORP WilliamC.Rowe,P SM. Gary B.Krltl,P.S.M SURVEYING PLOPIOA SINCE 1972 Rickey.1.Travis,P$,M. Providing Lend Sumsying.G.P.S.Auer Imami:r Les,Geogmpht Inlorme Ilon Systems,d U6ely GesigvehonloufloVMappirc S0'4000 June 20, 2003 VIA FAX NO: (407)875-0851 Mr. Randy Raiman - Herbert Halbeck, Inc. 423 South Keller Road Suite 300 Maitland, Florida 32751 RE: McKey Street Improvements Dear Mr. Reiman, We are pleased to submit our Proposal for surveying services on the above referenced project. SCOPE OF WORK: Provide a Topographic Survey in accordance with Chapter 61G]7.6 F.A.C. to include the following: Locate all improvements and utilities; as evidenced by above ground features or as marked by the designated utility company representative. 2. Obtain spot elevations on natural ground and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one foot contours to be shown on the final drawing. 3. Establish a minimum of(2)site benchmarks. 4. Indicate existing building facades and doorways throughout project corridor 5. Provide details of sanitary and storm structures to include pipe size invert, and direction. 6. Coordinate utility locations with Sunshine State One Call Service. 7. Topographic coverage will be limited to the area of McKay Street from Kissimmee Avenue to Rluford Avenue to include the Rluford Avenue intersection pns 200' North South and East of the intersection. The final product will be three(3)certified prints, and an electronic file of same on disk for your use. \'Sm2HNNn'OATA1P:gpWV.'ilr OlCase:f54A lcK.y kn'lm mv4v444v/M OFFICE 6500 All American Boulevard.Orlando,Florida 32810 4071292.8580 Fax 407 I292-0141 err•H;inloesolt:uelemsurveyirccom LOCATIONS 13e7 R.Cn:re,R&Iroad Avenue,Ch ploy,Florida 32428 860/638-0790 Fax 850/8384000 r --------.6g.00m "CBE6'00L'rf Page 2. Mr. Randy Raiman McKey Street Improvements Our fee for the above referenced work will be Five Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Dollars & 00/100 (S5,840.00). We anticipate completion of the above described work within four('; weeks after receipt of a written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty(30)days of invoice. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project Sincerely,er�el/ elizuzAar William L. Gilbert,P.S M. Project Manager ay;,>sey If your firm requires a contract to be in place said contract will need to be furnished to Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation in lieu of your signature of approval. No work will be commenced prior to the acceptance of said contract. If the above scope,period of service and method of compensation meets with your approval, please execute below and fax to Southeastern Surveying&Mapping Corp. as notice to proceed along with the notice of commencement. ACCEPTED BY: Authorized Signature Printed Name -- Date Title If different than addressed above,please indicate the following: C01°pany Phone No.: Address FAX No.; `A9cwAsAA\➢.ATaNapaNClry a!OWOC46T➢M,S " TILL.� •i��. nev.n 4ap,w,,,,,. Arifir=litm. 1ik a�wnsu= i ; '.i ESE6'°W PIA Pt! oro- •r� uno NEE QUOTATION PROPOSAL Due: hmc 20 2003 Prrgacr Name McKcy Street Improvcnrents on1nu City of Ocoee ComialltnE Services Contract Name of Finn: Southeastern Surveying R MaPlunx Corporation PLS SEN TEED DRAFTSPERSON 2 MAN (FEW _ 3MAN CREW 1 i?Pe tErv,fett ,.:m 4^xi.Mkb. 7tSf..ffi Ilk Pee A Fet � itt Fa Max Iih Fa Ma 14y km I1 a. ROE Ih Itch N�. Rat Taptfl icServry/II r QICDDO 0.5 15.00 9250 650D 6500 55.00 110.00 0 9000 360.00 - 11000 OM TepcQnploc Sirwy/Vaecal Cmlml a 85.00 8500 65.00 13000 3 55.10 16500 6 M.00 54000 11000 9na 1 00 255.00 6 65.00 390.00 12 5500 66000 24 W On J.16000 11 OD O W I� O 55 S 15.W 8230 2 LS.OD 130W © SSLO 165 PI R %rAI TNI00 11000 000 F 2500 0.00 6500 000 5500 0.00 90.W 000 11000 0.00 85.00 0.00 6500 000 5500 000 9000 0.00 11000 000y 85.00 000 fi500 0D0 55.00 000 9000 ODO II6.W 000 , it 85W 9M _® 900 5500 000 9000 l.W MOO 000 II LIMMINIMMINIMIll____.. ._ 85 W 900 6500 0W _ 55LO O.W `A.W 000 110.00 0W 'i LUMP SUM FEE BREAKDOWN Professional Surveyor $ 425 00 ScmorMechniciaa $ 71500 Draftsperson $ 1100.00 Two-Man Crew $ 3,600 00 Three-Man Crcw $ 0.00 _.__ 0.00 NiMNlauco .Erpensn S 0.00 f .12n471.Slim vne.7(v7ni. 0 a mu ov is _i frt.;trr, e , i J _ M10 aWasuMATADTyMKLy ciOnee.'.waN M14.1“q naa lagnnv,m vril