HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (A1, 2 a) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2003-24 & Ordinance No. 2003-25 Agenda 7-I5-2003 ply e center of Good rm. Commissioners� VI Al, 2, a S. Scott 4andcrgrill. mu Manny Rowell, Dist C ila�Alanr i ('� P Scott Anderson, District atiJ '^�� = Kuµlr Johnson, Dist ncl R Jun Gleason / _ 1a' �V Nancy J. Parker, Dist net 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: David A. Wheeler, P E., Director of Public Works DATE: July 8, 2003 RE: Proposed Water, Wastewater, and Reuse Rate Change ISSUE The financial trend for the water/wastewater fund over the last few years indicates revenues are increasing at a slower rate than expenditures. The City's water system has been operating in violation of its Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) with the St Johns River Water Management District (SIRWMD) since it was issued in 1996. The attached Ordinances 2003-24 for Chapter 173 —Water and Sewers and 2003-25 for Chapter 174— Reclaimed Water along with Resolution 2003-17 includes changes to the rate stnictures for water, wastewater, and reuse to assist in bringing Ocoee into regulatory compliance and meet the immediate and future financial needs of the Water and Wastewater funds for the next ten years. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION Revenues have increased at an average rate of 4% while expenditures have averaged an 8% increase for the last three years. This trend has been highlighted by the auditors in their Annual Report to the Commission over the past few years. Last year it appeared as a written comment on the Management Letter. The City has two options, increase revenues or decrease expenditures. Staff has reduced expenditures (primarily capital) over the past few years and is unable to reduce further without impacting services. With the exception of the temporary change to an inclined rate structure in 1998, the existing flat rate structure has been in place since 1991. An annual increase in the volumetric charge was implemented in October 2001. Though revenues are increasing due to the increase in customer base, expenditures are increasing at a higher level primarily due to personnel and operating costs and debt service. This fund has relied heavily on fund balance to maintain the levels of service thus reducing fund balance significantly. The amount of operating revenues used to fund debt service has increased since the revenues from the impact fees has reduced due to the use of prepaid capacity and development outside of the utility service area (for example the Westyn Bay and Forestbrooke subdivisions). Additionally, because of the financial trends, the coverage on the City's current water and wastewater bond issues is declining and if this continues the City will default on its bond covenants for coverage. Ocoee's CUP permit was issued in December of 1996 and it set levels for maximum daily withdrawals and maximum annual withdrawals of groundwater. Ocoee has exceeded these two levels starting in 1996. SJRWMD has noticed the City about this non-compliance issue for the past two years and is ready to issue a Consent Order requiring compliance should the City chose not to take any actions to correct this situation. The order could require Ocoee to take similar steps to those discussed in the Orlando Sentinel article on what Polk County is doing to comply with their CUP permit. Those steps were an inclined block rate structure for water conservation, strict enforcement of the water shortage order, and continued expansion of the reuse system to aid in the reduction of the potable water usage for irrigation. The threat of excessive fines is also a very real possibility if the non-compliance continues. For example, in 2002, Ocoee treated and pumped to its customers 1,868.74 million gallons of water. The CUP only allowed 1,348.8 million gallons. This equates to an excess of 1.42 million gallons per day that Ocoee exceeded its CUP. Ocoee is very much out of compliance. Two things that Ocoee can do to help it comply are to enact a water conservation inclined block rate structure and to continue to expand our reuse service to more customers. In February, staff presented a project list which included many projects to expand our reuse usage within Oocee's utility service area and reduce potable water usage. The proposed inclined block rate structure meets the other requirement. By implementing these two programs, Ocoee will move significantly towards compliance. The City should also continue the POWR program to educate our residents on water conservation issues and measures. The third reason for the rate structure change is to fund additional capital improvement projects over the next ten years. The projects proposed in February were to be funded by the bond refinancing. Subsequently two additional projects were identified and included in the refinancing, they were: Utility Relocation as part of the Old Winter Garden Road Project $1,000,000 Relocation and upgrade of the force main on SR 50 $1,500,000 Other projects that have been identified are: Maine Street through Story Road roadway project utility work $2,500,000 Reuse retrofit in Cross Creek subdivision $ 750,000 Reuse retrofit in the Wesmere subdivision $2,000,000 Maguire Road to Clarke Road reuse main $1,000,000 Utility relocation along SR 50 $2,500,000 The intent with the rate structure change is to not only encourage the utility customers to reduce water usage, therefore conserving, but to provide a funding mechanism for capital projects over the next ten years. Because of the magnitude of the rate structure change, staff has taken a very conservative approach to capital improvements in the near term future. If the Mobility 2020 program is approved later this year, the SR 50 widening and the construction of the Maine Street and Story Road projects move to an urgent need to be funded based upon the projected time schedule in the plan. The continued growth of the reuse system outside of new development needs to continue to provide reuse water to reduce potable water demands for irrigation and to allow for other expansions to the existing customers. If the Mobility 2020 program is not approved then those funds could he shifted to expansion of the reuse system service area. Staff believes the proposed inclined block rate with the annual indexing increase will allow the City to comply with the SJRWMD requirement to conserve water, fund future capital needs and increase funds available for operation and maintenance of the water and wastewater utility systems, thus reversing the negative financial trend. ORDINANCE NO. 2003-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA REPEALING ARTICLES I, II AND III OF CHAPTER 173 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE RELATING TO WATER AND SEWERS; ADOPTING ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 173 RELATED TO GENERAL TERMS, INCLUDING THE PROVISION OF , SECTION 173-4 WHICH IN SOME INSTANCES INCREASES WATER AND SEWER RATES; ADOPTING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 173 RELATED TO WATER SYSTEM EXTENSIONS; ADOPTING ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 173 RELATED TO SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSIONS; AMENDING SECTIONS 173-41.D, 173-41.E, 173.49.D AND 173-49.E OF CHAPTER 173 IN ORDER TO CHANGE "CITY ENGINEER" TO "DIRECTOR"; AMENDING SECTIONS 173-57 AND 173-66 OF CHAPTER 173 IN ORDER TO CHANGE "UTILITIES" TO "PUBLIC WORKS"; AMENDING SECTION 173-59 OF CHAPTER 173 IN ORDER TO CHANGE "UTILITIES DIRECTOR" TO "DIRECTOR"; AMENDING SECTION 173-61 OF CHAPTER 173 IN ORDER TO CHANGE WHO MAY INSTALL, TEST AND MAINTAIN PROTECTIVE DEVISES; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to repeal Articles I, II and III of Chapter 173 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida relating to Water and Sewers; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to establish new Articles I, II, and III of Chapter 173 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida relating to Water and Sewers; and 006.296998 3 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to amend Chapter 173 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, relating to Water and Sewers; and WHEREAS, notice of the revised rates have been provided to each customer of the utility through the utility's billing process in accordance with Section 180.136, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY TILE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Articles I, II and III of Chapter 173 of the Code of Ordinances are hereby repealed in their entirety. SECTION 3. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby adopts new Articles 1, II, and III of Chapter 173 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida relating to Water and Sewers as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made part hereof. SECTION 4. Section 173-41.D of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): D. If, after one (1) year following an allocation date, no subsequent allocation date has been scheduled and if water service capacity is available, that water service capacity may be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. The first- come-first-served basis shall be determined by the date and time the application was received by the city. There will be an application fee of five hundred dollars (5500.) paid to the I'4nanerDepartntenHvhieh,hall-reirnbw=se-lhe-city for review by the City-Engineer Director and legal fees. The application fee -2- 008.296998.3 shall be retained on all incomplete, erroneous, or withdrawn applications. As each applicant is offered the opportunity to purchase capacity, the applicant shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the water capacity charges currently in effect. An applicant shall be required to enter into a developer's agreement which includes but is not limited to payment of revenue and maintenance fees, design, construction and operation of on-site facilities, allocation and provision of water services capacity, assignments and transfers. SECTION 5. Section 173-41.E of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): E. Water service capacity may be reserved and payment of water capital charges shall be based on a reasonable estimate; provided, however, that upon completion of final engineering plan designs, the plan shall be reviewed by the C-ity—Engineer=pirector for water service capacity needs assessment and recomputation of water capital charges shall be accomplished. If the final engineering plans indicate that a water service capacity requirement in excess of the water service capacity previously reserved is required, additional water service capacity must be reserved, if available, in accordance with the allocation methods as may be amended from time to time, and the applicant shall be required to pay the additional capital charge in effect at time of final engineering. Failure to pay the additional water capital charge shall result in a forfeiture of any claim to the additional water service capacity that may have arisen hereunder. If an applicant requires more water service capacity than is allocated, it is the applicant's burden to cause the proposed development to be modified with regard to and subject to the limitations of available water service capacity, and all applicants shall state on the application form that they understand that development plans cannot be approved unless and until adequate water service capacity is available and allocated. All projects, whether residential, nonresidential or mixed, shall conform to all applicable provisions of the Land Development Code before being eligible for any certificate of occupancy. Reservation of water service capacity shall in no way guarantee that the subject property will be approved in any necessary review process or for any permit or in any other approval process. No rights of any nature shall vest in any applicant except as expressly provided. SECTION 6. Section 173-49.D of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): D. If, after one (1) year following an allocation date, no subsequent allocation date has been scheduled and if sewer service capacity is available, that sewer service capacity may be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. The first-come-first-served basis shall be determined by the date and time the -3- 006.296998 3 application was received by the city. There will be an application fee of five hundred dollars ($500.) paid to the Finance—Department -which- shall reimburse-the-city for the review by the City-Engineer Director and legal fees. The application fee shall be retained on all incomplete, erroneous or withdrawn applications. As each applicant is offered the opportunity to purchase capacity, the applicant shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the sewer capacity charges currently in effect. An applicant shall be required to enter into a developer's agreement which includes but is not limited to payment of revenue and maintenance fees, design, construction and operation of on-site facilities, allocation and provision of sewer services capacity, assignments and transfers. SECTION 7. Section 173-49.E of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): E. Sewer service capacity may be reserved and payment of sewer capital charges shall be based on a reasonable estimate; provided, however, that upon completion of final engineering plan designs, the plan shall be reviewed by the City—Engineer—Director for sewer service capacity needs assessment and recomputation of sewer capital charges shall be accomplished. If the final engineering plans indicate that a sewer service capacity requirement in excess of the sewer service capacity previously reserved is required, additional sewer service capacity must he reserved, if available, in accordance with the allocation methods as may be amended from time to time, and the applicant shall be required to pay the additional capital charge in effect at time of final engineering. Failure to pay the additional sewer capital charge shall result in a forfeiture of any claim to the additional sewer service capacity that may have arisen hereunder. If an applicant requires more sewer service capacity than is allocated, it is the applicant's burden to cause his proposed development to be modified with regard to and subject to the limitations of available sewer service capacity, and all applicants shall state on the application form that they understand that development plans cannot be approved unless and until adequate sewer service capacity is available and allocated. All projects, whether residential, nonresidential or mixed, shall conform with all applicable provisions of the Land Development Code before being eligible for any certificate of occupancy. Reservation of sewer service capacity shall in no way guarantee that the subject property will be approved in any necessary review process or for any permit or in any other approval process. No rights of any nature shall vest in any applicant except as expressly provided. SECTION S. Section 173-57 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): -4- 006.296998.3 § 173-57. Inspections. The-Utilities Director or his designee shall cause inspections to he made of all properties served by the public potable water supply where cross-connections with the public potable water supply is deemed possible. The frequency of inspections and reinspections based on potential health hazards involved shall be as established by the Manual of Cross-Connection Control of the Utilities Public Works Department of the city and in no case shall be less than once per year. Fees or charges may be established by the city for such inspections by resolution of the City Commission. SECTION 9. Section 173-59 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): § 173-59. Discontinued service. No water service connection shall be installed or maintained by the city unless the consumer is in compliance with the requirements of the Cross-Connection Control Manual. Service of water to any premises shall be discontinued if a backtlow prevention device is not installed, tested and maintained or if an unprotected cross-connection exists on the premises. Notice shall be given to the consumer prior to discontinuing service, except where in the judgment of the Utilities Director or his designee, the threat to public health is such that action must be taken immediately. SECTION 10. Section 173-61 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): § 173-61. Expenses and records. The consumer shall bear all expense of installing, testing and maintaining the protection devices required by the Cross-Connection Control Manual to ensure proper operation on a continuing basis. Installation, testing and maintenance of protective devices shall be conducted by a_licensed or_certified personnel approved--by-the-cit3os-Utilities-Department-Backflow Prevention Specialist. The consumer shall notify the city's Utilities- irblic Works Department at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, in writing, when the tests are to be undertaken so that it may have a representative witness the tests if it is so desired. The consumer shall keep records on his testing, maintenance and repair -5- 006.296998.3 activities related to cross-connection control and shall make these records available upon request. Copies of all testing, maintenance and repair records shall be sent to the city's Utilities—Public. Works Department immediately after the work is performed. SECTION 11. Section 173-66 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows (with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken): DEPARTMENT -- The City of Ocoee Public $fiMks Works Department. DIRECTOR -- The Director of the Public Utilities-Woiks Department. SECTION 12. Codifientinu. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter," "section," "article," or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent maybe authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re- codified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 13. Severahility. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shalt not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 14. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. -6- 006.296998.3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2003. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED , 2003 READ FIRST TIME , 2003 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED , 2003 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 2003. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney -7- 006.296998.3 EXHIBIT A ARTICLE I, General Provisions 173-1. Definitions. The following words, phrases and terms shall have the following meanings: COLLECTION FACILITIES -- The lines, pipes, lift stations and appurtenant equipment used to collect sewage from the improvements on the developer's property and to transmit it to the transmission facilities. CUSTOMER CHARGE - A charge intended to defray administrative expenses, and the cost of reading meters and processing billings. DIRECTOR- Director of Public Works of the City of Ocoee. DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES — The lines, pipes, meters and appurtenant equipment used to distribute water from the point of production to the developer's property. ERU -- Equivalent residential unit as that term is used in the utility's tariff, as it may be amended from time to time. FDEP-- The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, an agency of the State of Florida, or any successor agency. IMPROVEMENTS -- The improvements which will be constructed and developed by the developer on the developer's property or by the city projects. LOT OR TRACT -- Each separate subdivided building site as platted of record or as shown on the development plan which requires a customer installation. MASTER PLAN -- The Master Plan for the city's system prepared by the city or its engineers, as amended or modified from time to time. NON-RESIDENTIAL - Commercial, industrial, office, warehouse and/or institutional uses, whether master metered or individually metered; and/or multi-family residential units that are master metered. PHASE -- A part of a developer's property which is being or is to he developed as a unit. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS -- Those documents and drawings prepared by a developer's or the city's engineers for the design and construction of certain sewage and/or water facilities. PRIMARY INTERCEPTOR FORCE MAIN -- The transmission force main and appurtenant equipment connecting the collection facilities to the treatment facilities. -8- 006 296998.3 PRIMARY WATER MAIN -- The water main and appurtenant equipment connecting the distribution facilities to the treatment facilities. RESIDENTIAL —Single or multi-family residential units that are individually metered. SEWAGE -- Water-carried wastes from Residential and Non-Residential customers of the city system. SEWAGE FACILITIES -- All kinds of facilities, including collection, transmission and treatment facilities used to provide sewer service capacity. SEWER CAPITAL CHARGES -- The charges made by the city for each new customer connection to the city's sewer system, which is designed to defray a portion of the cost of the city's sewer system, as amended from time to time by the city and set forth in the city's tariff. SEWER SERVICE -- The transmission, treatment and disposal of sewage in accordance with applicable governmental requirements and regulations by the city. SEWER SERVICE CAPACITY -- The readiness and ability of the city to transmit, treat and dispose of sewage in accordance with applicable governmental requirements and regulations, typically expressed as a rate of sewage flow measured in gallons per day. TARIFF -- All ordinances, resolutions, procedures, policies and other practices adopted or approved from time to time by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee or any other appropriate governmental agency regarding rates, charges, fees, deposits, availability of service, rules, regulations, procedures, definitions and other matters relating to the ownership, operations, maintenance, expansion, improvement and service to the city's system. WATER -- Water treated by the city at the treatment facilities to be provided to customers of the city system. WATER CAPITAL CHARGES -- The charges made by the city for each new customer connection to the city's sewer/water system, which is designed to defray a portion of the cost of the city's water/sewer system, as amended from time to time by the city and set forth in the city's tariff. WATER FACILITIES -- All kinds of facilities, including distribution, transmission and treatment facilities used to provide water service capacity. WATER SERVICE -- The treatment, transmission and distribution of water in accordance with applicable governmental requirements and regulations by the city. WATER SERVICE CAPACITY -- The readiness and ability of the city to treat, transmit and distribute water in accordance with applicable governmental requirements and regulations, typically expressed as a rate of water flow measured in gallons per day. -9- 006 296998.3 § 173-2. Irrigation meter tap fee and capital charge. The city hereby authorizes the establishment of a secondary tap fee for the purposes of installing a second water meter, which shall be in addition to the potable water meter, to be used for irrigation purposes only. This fee shalt be computed in the same manner as the meter installation fee in §173-17; provided that customers installing residential irrigation meters of three-fourth inch or less shall be exempt from the additional capital charge. § 173-3. Account deposit. A. Each new consumer shall apply to the city for the initiation of water or sewer service and shall provide such information as may he requested by the city on forms prepared for that purpose. Such information may include the meter size, type of account (Residential or Non- Residential), whether a residence is owned or rented and proof of identification, and other information deemed necessary by the city. B. Each new consumer shall be required to place on deposit with the city an initial account deposit. A consumer who does not have a deposit on account with the city may be required to pay a deposit to the city in accordance with such policies as may from time to time be adopted by resolution of the City Commission. The deposit is intended as security for the payment of any bill which may be due to the city. The deposit is transferable by the same consumer to a new service address, provided that no outstanding balance is past due. The amount of the deposit shall be as follows: (1) Residential: Meter Type Water Deposit Sewer Deposit 3/4-inch Owner of residence $60.00 $60.00 Renter of residence 80.00 80.00 1-inch 140.00 140.00 (2) Non-Residential: Meter Type Water Deposit Sewer Deposit 3/4-inch $120.00 $120.00 1-inch $300.00 $300.00 1 '/cinch $450.00 $450.00 2-inch $520.00 $520.00 3-inch and larger To be determined by Director -10- 006.296998.3 C. The City Commission may, by resolution, provide for the accrual of interest on water and sewer deposits and the timing and circumstances under which such interest will be paid to consumers, the forfeiture of accrued interest on water and sewer deposits, the timing and circumstances under which water and sewer deposits will be refunded to consumers and interest thereon paid to consumers, the timing and circumstances under which water and sewer deposits will be applied to the payment of any outstanding past due balances and such other matters related to water and sewer deposits as the City Commission may determine. § 173-4. Charges and billing. A. The following shall be the schedule of monthly rates and charges for water and sewer service provided by the city. Meters containing two register units shall be billed based upon the base facility charge for the larger of the two nominal diameter flow paths, plus the sum of the volumetric charges as determined by the current readings of both registers. (1) Water. (a) Customer charge, effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003, without regard to the date of the meter reading. Meter Type Charge All Meter Types 51.14 (b) Plus: Base facility charge (zero consumption), effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003. without regard to the date of the meter reading: Meter Type Charge 3/4-inch S 3.70 1-inch 9.25 1 1/2-inch 18.50 2-inch 29.60 3-inch 59.20 4-inch 92.50 6-inch 185.00 8-inch 296.00 10-inch 462.50 12-inch 925.00 (c) Plus: Volumetric (gallons) charges, effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003, without regard to the date of the meter reading: -11- 006 296998 3 RESIDENTIAL NUMBER OF GALLONS CHARGE PER 1000 GALLONS O TO 4,000 GALLONS $0.78 4,001 TO 8,000 GALLONS $1.04 8,001 TO 12,000 GALLONS $2.08 12,001 GALLONS AND GREATER $3.12 NON-RESIDENTIAL NUMBER OF GALLONS CHARGE PER 1000 GALLONS O TO 4,000 GALLONS $0.78 4,001 TO 8,000 GALLONS $1.04 8,001 TO 12,000 GALLONS $2.08 12,001 GALLONS AND GREATER $2.08 (2) Sewer. (a) Customer charge, effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003, without regard to the date of the meter reading. Meter Type Charge All Meter Types $1.14 (b) Plus: Base facility charge (zero consumption), effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003, without regard to the date of the meter reading: Meter Type Charge 3/4-inch $12.37 1-inch 30.93 11/2-inch 61.85 2-inch 98.96 3-inch 197.92 4-inch 309.25 6-inch 618.50 8-inch 989.60 10-inch 1,422.51 12-inch 2,659.47 -12- 006296998.3 (c) Plus: Volumetric (gallons) charges effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003, without regard to the date of the meter reading: RESIDENTIAL NUMBER OF GALLONS CHARGE PER 1000 GALLONS 0 TO 4,000 GALLONS $1.98 4,001 TO 8,000 GALLONS $1.98 8,001 TO 12,000 GALLONS $1.98 12,001 GALLONS AND GREATER $0.00 NON-RESIDENTIAL NUMBER OF GALLONS L_ CHARGE PER 1000 GALLONS 0 TO 4,000 GALLONS $1.98 _ 4,001 TO 8,000 GALLONS $1.98 8,001 TO 12,000 GALLONS $1.98 12,001 GALLONS AND GREATER $1.98 (3) The schedule of monthly rates and charges for water and sewer service provided by the City as set forth in this Subsection A shall be applicable only to consumers located within the corporate limits of the City. The schedule of monthly rates and charges for water and sewer service provided by the City to consumers outside the corporate limits of the City shall be as provided in §173- 5.1 of this chapter. B. The billing period for water and sewer charges shall be monthly. All billings for water and sewer charges shall be due and payable on the 15th day of the month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday on which City Hall is closed, then the due date shall be extended to the next business day. The due date shall be shown on each utility bill. Payment in full must be made by 5:00 p.m. on the due date; otherwise, the account will be past due and subject to a late fee as provided in section 173-4(G)(2). If an account is two months or more in arrears, the City may terminate all water and sewer service and apply the deposits to payment of the past due balance. Prior to restoration of service, the entire past due balance and a service restoration charge must be paid. The service restoration charges shall he established by resolution of the City Commission. Restoration of service will require new deposits. If payment is made after 5:00 p.m., there will be no service restoration until the next business day. -13- 006296998.3 C. Service to consumers located outside city limits. Water and/or sewer services may, at the discretion of the City Commission, be provided to consumers outside the corporate limits of the city in accordance with such policies as may from time to time be adopted by resolution of the City Commission. Such policies may require that the land located outside the corporate limits of the city be annexed into the city as a condition prerequisite to the providing of sewer and/or water service to consumers located outside of the corporate limits of the city. Rates and charges for water and sewer service provided by the city to consumers located outside the corporate limits of the city shall be as provided in §173-5.1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. D. Specific charges. The City Commission may establish by resolution specific charges to be collected by the City from each consumer under the circumstances described in such resolution. Such specific charges may include but shall not be limited to charges for the following: turnon/turnoff for customer convenience; unauthorized connection penalty; fire hydrant meter deposit; tanker fill-up/bulk water charges; tampering with meter or installation of unauthorized bypass; fire lines; and meter testing. E. Nonsufficient funds or returned checks. The fee for checks returned to the city for nonsufficient funds or uncollected funds shall be established by resolution of the City Commission. Notification will be made to the customer advising that payment in the form of cash, money order or cashier's check must be received by the Utility Billing Department within twenty-four (24) hours of notification or service will be terminated. Payment shall include the amount of the check plus the aforementioned fee. If service is terminated, restoration of service will require payment of a service restoration fee as provided in §173-4B above. F. Effective October I of each year, the volumetric (gallons) charges for water service and sewer service set forth in §173-4(A) above shall automatically increase by the greater of three percent (3%) or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index as published by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics from January 1 to December 31 of the previous calendar year. This increase will apply to all bills issued after October 1 of each year without regard to the date of the meter reading. G. Surcharge; late fee. (1) Sewer users with discharges which exceed maximum concentrations shall be subject to a surcharge as set forth in §173-70 of this chapter. (2) All past due accounts shall be charged a late fee each month if there is any outstanding balance due on the account after the due date. The city must have actually received the payment by 5:00 p.m. on the due date in order to avoid the late fee. Mailing prior to the late fee date will not be sufficient. Late fees shall be established by resolution of the City Commission. § 173-5. Reserved. -14- 006.296998.3 § 173-5.1. Rates and charges for consumers outside city limits. The schedule of monthly rates and charges for water and sewer service provided by the city to consumers located outside of the corporate limits of the city shall be the rates from time to time established by the city for consumers inside the corporate limits of the city plus a surcharge equal to 20%. The surcharge shall be subsequently reduced according to the following schedule: • Date Reduced To January 1, 2003 19% January 1, 2004 18% January 1, 2005 17% January 1, 2006 16% January 1, 2007 15% § 173-5.2. Owner responsible for charges. In the case that an occupant or tenant of any Residential or Non-Residential lot or tract shall receive a bill for the services and facilities of the water or sewer system pursuant to this chapter and shall fail to pay such bill by the due date, then the owner of such lot, tract or property affected thereby shall be liable for such bill in the same manner as if issued to such owner, and the city shall not he required to look to the occupant, tenant or any person whatsoever other than such owner for the payment of such bill. § 173-6. Unpaid fees to constitute lien. In the case that an occupant or tenant of any lot or parcel shall receive a fees and charges bill for the services and facilities of the water or sewer system pursuant to this chapter and shall fail to pay such bill, then the owner of such lot or parcel shall be liable for such bill, and the city shall not be required to look to any person whatsoever other than the owner for the payment of such bill. In the event that any fees, rates or charges for the services and facilities of the water or sewer system shall not be paid as and when due, any unpaid balance thereof, along with all interest accruing thereon, shall be and constitute a lien on any parcel or property affected thereby. The city may record in the public records of Orange County, Florida, a notice of lien giving notice to all persons that the city is asserting a lien upon the affected parcel or property. In the event that any such service charge shall not be paid as and when due and shall be in default for 30 days or more, the unpaid balance thereof and all interest accrued thereon, together with the costs of collection, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and costs, may be recovered by the city in a civil action, and any such lien, accrued interest and any additional costs may be foreclosed or otherwise enforced by the city by action or suit in equity as for the foreclosure of a mortgage on real property. -15- 006.296998.3 § 173-6.1. Applicability outside city limits. Except as expressly set forth in this chapter, the provisions of this Chapter 173 shall he applicable to the provision of water and sewer services by the city both within the corporate limits of the city and outside the corporate limits of the city. § 173-6.2. Water and sewer service areas. A. The City and Orange County have established water and sewer territorial areas pursuant to the terms and conditions of that certain Orange County/City of Ocoee Water Service Territorial Agreement (Contract No. W-88-06) dated November 14, 1988, as from time to time amended (the "Water Service Territorial Agreement"), and that certain Orange County/City of Ocoee Sewer Service Territorial Agreement (Contract No. S-87-8) dated June 8, 1987, as from time to time amended (the "Sewer Service Territorial Agreement"), respectively. The water territorial area as defined in the Water Service Territorial Agreement shall constitute the city's "water service area." The sewer territorial area as defined in the Sewer Service Territorial Agreement shall constitute the city's "sewer service area." B. The city shall not provide water service outside of the water service area established by the Water Service Territorial Agreement, except to the extent expressly set forth therein or authorized pursuant to the terms thereof, without regard to whether or not the lands outside of said water service area are within the corporate limits of the city. C. The city shall not provide sewer service outside of the sewer service area established by the Sewer Service Territorial Agreement, except to the extent expressly set forth therein authorized pursuant to the terms thereof, without regard to whether or not the lands outside of said sewer service area are within the corporate limits of the city. D. The City Commission may, from time to time, adopt by resolution policies with respect to the provision of sewer and water service within the corporate limits of the city so as to be in compliance with the provisions of the Water Service Territorial Agreement and the Sewer Service Territorial Agreement. ARTICLE II, Water System Extension § 173-7. Purpose. The City of Ocoee, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the `city," as the owner and operator of the water system, hereinafter referred to as the "Ocoee water system" or the "city water system," hereby establishes this extension policy for the purpose of creating a uniform method of determining the capital charges to be borne by property owners, builders or developers within the water service area to defray or partially defray the cost of an on-site water distribution system, the allocable share of an off-site water distribution system and the allocable share of treatment plant costs. The city declares that this extension policy has as its goal the establishment of a uniform method of computing or determining such charges to the end that all such charges shall be nondiscriminatory among consumers in the area and shall be -16- 006 296998.3 applied as nearly as possible with uniformity to all consumers or prospective consumers within the present or future service area. 173-8. Availability. The provisions of this extension policy are available to consumers and property owners throughout the water service area of the Ocoee water system which shall allow the city to recover operating costs and expenses, required debt service, contributions to renewal and replacement funds and allocations from the general revenue fund for costs reasonably related to the water system. The term "water service area" as used herein is that area defined as the city's water service area in the adopted comprehensive plan of the City of Ocoee, as may be amended from time to time. 173-9. Reserved § 173-10. On-site facilities. A. Each developer, owner or builder (hereinafter referred to as "developer") shall be responsible for the design, installation, inspection and testing of the complete water system located in the streets or easements adjoining or within the boundaries of the developer's property. B. The term "complete water system" as used herein includes but is not limited to all component parts of a water distribution system, including pipes, valves, fittings, hydrants and all appurtenances as shown upon the approved design of such water distribution system. C. In the event the city requires the installation of oversized lines or facilities designed to provide service for other properties then the city shall pay for the cost of such oversizing by means of a direct cash payment by the city to the developer or a credit against water capital charges otherwise to be paid by the developer. The limited size of the developer's property for which service has been requested may indicate to the city the desirability of having the city design and install the water distribution system. In such event, the city reserves the right to compute the estimated cost of such extension and to require the developer to pay such cost of construction in lieu of the developer's installation of the water distribution system. 173-11. Water capital charges. A. The intent of this section is to establish charges for the purpose of compensating the city for costs incurred in providing water treatment facilities and in extending water distribution and transmission lines to a point of reasonable availability for connection to the city water system. The charges shall be computed on the basis of real property use, zoning and size in approximate proportion to the benefits received. The determination of the point of reasonable availability for connection to the city water system shall be determined in accordance with policies from time to time established by the city. As set forth in this chapter, the developer may incur additional charges and expenses in order to obtain water service, -17- 006.296998 3 which charges and expenses are not defrayed by its payment of water capital charges. Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed to obligate the city to extend water services to any lands within its water service area. B. A water capital charge is hereby established at nine hundred sixty-six dollars ($966.) per equivalent residential unit (ERU). Those persons, corporations or entities which have previously prepaid the existing water connection charge or who have entered into an agreement with the city providing credits against the water connection charge shalt he exempt from paying this water capital charge. The amount of credit shall not exceed the amount prepaid or the approved credit authorized in the developer's agreement. C. For the purpose of calculating and imposing the water capital charge, the ERU factor for any particular connection shall he calculated and imposed in the manner provided as follows: ESTABLISHMENT I Unit Factor IRESIDENTIAL PROJECTS Duplex (1-2 Bedrooms) _ Per Unit 0.833 Duplex (3 or more Bedrooms) Per Unit 1.000 Mobile Home (1-2 Bedrooms) Per Unit 0.667 Mobile Home (3 or more Per Unit 0.833 ' bedrooms) _ {I ,,Multifamily, Efficiency (Less than Per Unit 0.500 [500 sf) L_ ,Multifamily, (1 bedroom units) (See Per Unit 0.583 !Multifamily,Note 9) bedroom units) (See (2 Per Unit 0.833 rNote 91 _ ,Multifamily, (3 or more bedroom Per Unit 1.000 'units) (See Note 9)[Single Family Family Residence I Per Unit 1.000 COMMERCIAL PROJECTS 'Animal Kennels Per Kennel Run 0.160 ,A Per Seat 0.017 uditorium _ `I ( 0.250 Automotive Repair & Maintenance Per_ Per Seat Repair Bay I`0.250 1 Bar/ Cocktail Lounge _ (Barber/Beauty Shop I - - - Per Seat 0.300 Bowling Alley _ Per Operator Station 0.330 Church _t _ __ _ 1—.I .. 0.017 -18- 006296990.3 Convenience Store (No Gas By FU See FU .Pumps) Table Below Dentist Office Per Dentist 0.833 Extended Care Facilities Per Efficiency 0.500 'Hospital --- --Per Bed 0.833 Hotel / Motel (See Note 1) 4 Per Room - 0.500 Hotel / Motel Suites, 1 Bedroom Per Unit 0.583 (eNote1) 'Hotel / Motel Suites, 2 Per Unit 0.833 Bedrooms (SeeNote 1 L Per Unit 1.000 Bedrooms See Note _ _ Hotel / Motel Suites, 3 or more Industrial Buildings ( See Note 2) Per Employee 0.117 'with showers Industrial Buildings ( See Note 2) Per Employee 0.050 ,without showers Landscape Irrigation Per 1,000 SF 0.125 Laundry, Self Service Per Machine 1.333 Medical Office (formerly: Doctor's Per Doctor 0.833 Office) 'Meeting & Banquet Room_s _ Per Seat 0.017 Nursing Home - Per Bed 0.417 Office Building ( See Note 3)_, Per 1,000 SF, gross 0.334 Restaurant (Cafeteria), Full Service Per Seat 0.1007 (Restaurant, 24 hour _ Per Seat 0.167 Restaurant, Fast Food I Per Seat 0.050 Retail Spaces By FU See FU Table Below 'Schools, Elementary & Nursery ' Per Student _ - 0.025 Schools, Middle & High _ _ Per Student 0.067 elf Service Gas Station (See Note Per Toilet Room 1.000 5) [Service Station (See Note 6) Per Toilet Room � ! 1.000 [Service Station (See Note 6) Per Service Bay 1.000 Service Station (See Note 6) r _Per Wash Bay 3.200 Theater Per Seat 0.0107 'Theater (Dinner) _ . __- _ _- Per Seat L 0.067_1 Trailer Park (overnig) _ Per Space -_ 1- 0.333 Warehouse Space (See Note 4) l By FU See FU Table Below C NOTES -19- 006 296998.3 �RI Hotels and motels: add food service, banquet & meeting rooms, and self service laundries. '2. Add food service; does not include industrial waste flows which are calculated on Fixture' Unit (FU) basis._ --- - 3. Office buildings: add food service and retail space. 4. Warehouses: add office space, food service, and retail space. 5. Self service as stations: add Fixture Units (FU). 6. rvice asoline) tions: add the total of ERU factors for all service ays, bays recycled)redo) Ind gtoil t rooms. d Automaticallyaled lltirrecycled ecycleate oavehivehicle ty washing bsyst ms hrequire noa P 9 age. 7. See Fixture Unit (FU) calculations on FU Table below. _ 8. Ocoee requires a minimum of 1.000 ERU per each separate commercial establishment. 9. Mufti-family projects based upon units only; no additional capital charges for laundries, pool, or management offices. _. - _ --_I Capacity Demand Based Upon Fixture Units (FU) Type of Fixture Fixture ERU Units - COMMERCIAL PROJECTS (FU) Factor Drains, condensate I ._ 1 0 0.083 Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: 1 1/4 inch 1.0 P0.083 'trap 3.0 0 250 I-Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: 1 1/2 inch 2.0 0.167 _ _strap - 'Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: - '2 inch trap _ Drains, floor & fixtures not listed 2 1/2 inch I 4.0 0.333 ;trap Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: '3 inch trap _ 5.0 0.417 _ - 'Drains, floor &fixtures not listed: 6 4 inch trap I, 0 0 0.500 � T I 5!Drinking Fountain _ 0.042 _ 2.0 0.167 rLdry Tray Lavatory, large drain (greater than 1 2.0 0.167 1 1-1/4 inch trap) _._ I Lavatory, small drain (1-1/4 inch 1.0 0.083 trap) L_ _ Showers (per head) _. — I 3.0 0.250 Sink, combination (food service) 1.-. _ I _ i 3.0 f 0.250 Sink, combination (garbage grinder) 4.0 0.333 - Sink, compartmented (2) _ _ 3.0 _ 0.250i Sink, compartmented (3) _ 4.0 T _ 0.333 Sink, flushing rim 8.0 0.667 ' Sink, service (mop/janitor) J 3.0 ) 0.250 1 -20- 006 296998.3 • Sink service ("Q' trap) (Hand) 2.0 0.167 Sink, (pot, scullery, etc.) 4.0 0.333 Urinal 4.0 • 0.333 ' Washing Machine (Non coin Varies Varies laundryJby drain size above _ Water Closet, public 6.0 0.500 RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS I g_ han 5/8 meter)re wnn ar ert Bathroom Group I 6.0 0.500 (water closet, lavatory.bathtub/shower) Bath, Half _ _ _ 4.0 0.333 Dishwasher 2.0 0.167 Drains (by drain size above) Varies Varies Lavatory 4.0 0.333 Shower Stall - 3.0 _ - 0.250 'Sink, kitchen 2.0 0.167 Sink, kitchen (garbage 3.0 0.250 grinder/dishwasher) Sink, laundry 2.0 0.167 Washer, clothes (by drain size, Varies Varies above)_ NOTES per Coll onfinuous minute and semi-continuous of flow. flows (pumps, air conditioning systems, etc.) are 2.0 FU'. er (gpm) D. One (1) ERU shall have an assigned value of one (1.00). One (1) ERU is hereby established and determined to be equal to a flow of three hundred (300) gallons per day (GPD), average annual basis. The water capital charge shall be determined by multiplying the ERU factor listed in Subsection C above times nine hundred sixty-six dollars ($966.), times the number of units. E. For all establishments not listed in Subsection C above, the water capital charge shall be determined by multiplying the number of fixture units, as published in the Standard Plumbing Code, by twenty-five (25), times nine hundred sixty-six dollars ($966.), and -21- 006 296998.3 dividing that numerator by three hundred (300) GPD/ERU; provided, however, all such establishments shall have a minimum ERU value of one (1.00). F. The water capital charge shall be paid prior to the execution by the city of the FDEP construction application, but in no event later than the issuance of the building permit. G. Requested decreases and revised charges. (1) An applicant may submit data and other information on actual usage,'anticipated usage, peak load requirements or a combination of the foregoing to the Director to support a requested decrease in the total equivalent residential unit value. The Director may use this information to determine a revised total ERU value, which may he less than or greater than that established by Subsection C above, and which will be used to determine a revised water capital charge. In either case, the applicant shall pay the revised water capital charge instead of the water capital charge established by Subsection C above. (2) Alternatively, an applicant may pay the water capital charge as established by Subsection C above and, after one (1) year of operation, submit one (1) year's data on actual usage to the Director for review. The Director may use this information to determine a total ERU value, which may be less than or greater than that established by Subsection C above, and which will be used to determine a revised water capital charge. If the applicant desires to use this alternative method of calculation, the applicant must advise the Director of such determination prior to the payment of the water capital charge. _22_ 006.296996 3 § 173-12. Obligations of city. A. The city shall maintain copies of this extension policy available for the inspection of any property owner, developer, builder or prospective consumer desiring information regarding all elements of the cost of connecting to the water facilities of the city. Such copies shall be maintained at the general office of the-Ocoee water system. B. 1'he city shall maintain as-built information on its water facilities in its office or in the office of its designated representatives for the purpose of providing reasonable information concerning the location of its water facilities. C. The city shall install all meters upon the request of prospective consumers, provided that all fees and charges as described herein and the established meter installation fees have been paid in accordance with the provisions of the extension policy. D. In instances where the city undertakes the installation of water distribution lines at the cost and expense of the developer in lieu of the developer's installation of such facilities, the city will provide laterals for water service to a developer's lot line ready for plumber's hookup and the installation of meters. § 173-13. Obligations of developer. It shall be the developer's obligation to furnish to the city accurate information with regard to matters of engineering, construction of buildings and dwellings and proposed densities. Developers who increase their density factors and/or consumption requirements during the course of construction of the project are exposed to an adjustment in their hydraulic share for off-site facilities and/or an increase in connection charges applicable to the developer's project. The developer is responsible for errors or changes in engineering information furnished to the city when such error or change results in increased cost to the city for any construction which the city may undertake in connection with installing water distribution facilities or which could necessitate a new design or redesign of water distribution plans. § 173-14. Developer agreements required. An owner, builder or developer may be required to execute a developer's agreement setting forth such reasonable provisions governing a developer's and the city's responsibility pertaining to the installation of service facilities; the interconnection of plumber's lines with the facilities of the city; the manner and method of payment of contributions in aid of construction; matters of exclusive service rights by the city; standards of construction or specifications; time commitments to take and use water services; engineering errors and omissions; rules, regulations and procedures of the city; prohibitions against improper use of the city's facilities; and other matters normally associated with and contained in developer agreements. Nothing contained in such developer agreements shall be in conflict with this extension policy or the city's ordinances and resolutions governing rates, fees and charges for services and other requirements regarding the rendition of water utility service. The city may -23- 006.296998.3 require that the developer, in addition to the contribution formulas set forth herein, hear the cost of the preparation of developer agreements by independent counsel or persons qualified to draft and prepare such agreements. Said charge shall not exceed that amount normally to be contemplated for such services. 173-15. Easements and rights-of-way. As a prerequisite to the construction of any water distribution system proposed to be connected to the facilities of the city, the developer shall grant to the city easements or rights-of-way corresponding with the installation of the proposed facilities. Such grant or conveyance shall be in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney. All such easements or rights-of-way shall be in a form acceptable to the city. Such conveyances when located on the property of the developer shall be made without cost to the city. The city reserves the right to require such easement or right-of-way to the point at which the meter is proposed to be installed or at the point of delivery of service, being the point at which the facilities of the city joins with the consumers on installation. § 173-16. System design; independent engineers; city's engineer. A. The city shall recognize the design of water facilities prepared by a registered professional engineer regularly engaged in the field of civil engineering, covering the design of a developer's on-site water distribution system and any off-site facilities which may be required by the city; provided, however, that each such design shall be fully subject to the approval of the Director and shall conform in all respects to the criteria of the city governing the installation of utility facilities ultimately to be accepted by the city for ownership, operation and maintenance. In addition to other fees and charges, the city reserves the right to charge a review fee commensurate with the cost to the city of reviewing such engineering plans and furnishing to the developer's engineer various information regarding location and criteria. Any such review fee shall be in accordance with resolutions adopted by the City Commission. All designs of water distribution facilities are at all times subject to the approval of other agencies having jurisdiction over such design. B. The city maintains a relationship with its consulting engineer to provide utility design services to developers for the purpose of facilitating the design of a developer's on-site water distribution system and any off-site facilities which may be required by the city. Designs prepared by the city's consulting engineer are acceptable to the city but are at all times subject to the approval of any other governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter of such design. The cost of plans prepared by the city's consulting engineer shall be borne by the developer. However, in such cases the developer will not he required to pay the charge for review of such plans as provided for in the Subsection A. § 173-17. Meter installation fees. A. Ocoee will charge to each prospective consumer requesting water service a meter installation fee to defray the city's cost of the meter and meter appurtenances and the cost of -24- 006.296998.3 installation and related administrative and overhead costs. Such meter installation fee shall be in accordance with the meter installation fee schedule established by resolution of the City Commission. The city will require the payment of such meter installation fee concurrently with the request by prospective consumers for the meter installation. The meter installation fee shall be charged only one (1) time for the installation of a meter at any one (1) location; provided, however, that requests to exchange existing meters for meters of a larger size will result in a charge to the prospective consumer of the difference between the existing smaller size meter and the requested larger single size meter. B. Meter Installation Fees. Meter installation fees as adopted by resolution of the City Commission are minimum fees and assume that the consumer's facility is ready for a meter set. The Director may assess such other fees as necessary to recover the cost of meter installation. § 173-18. Inspection fees. A. The city reserves the right to inspect the installation of all water distribution facilities installed by a developer or developer's contractors, which facilities are proposed to be transferred to the city for ownership, operation and control. Such inspection is designed to assure the city that waterlines are installed in accordance with approved designs and are further consistent with the criteria and specifications governing the kind and quality of such installation. The city further reserves the right to be present at tests of component parts of the water distribution system for the purpose of determining that the system, as constructed, conforms to the city's criteria for exfiltration, infiltration, pressure testing, line and grade. Such tests will be performed by the developer or developer's contractor but only under the direct supervision of the city's engineer or authorized inspector. B. The city shall charge an inspection fee not to exceed three percent (3%) of the cost, either actual or estimated, of the subject water facility as installed by the developer. The city maintains full-time inspection availability, and the cost for inspection services as set forth herein is and shall continue to be designed to defray the actual cost of conducting such inspections and testing. § 173-19. Transfer of contributed property; bills of sale. A. Each developer who has constructed portions of the water distribution system on the developer's own property or on other property with respect to any required off-site facilities shall, prior to interconnection with the city's existing facilities, convey such component parts of the water distribution system to the city by bill of sale in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, together with such evidence as may be required by the city that the water distribution system proposed to be transferred to the city is free of all liens and encumbrances. B. Any facilities in the category of consumer's lines or plumber's lines located on the discharge side of the water meter or on the consumer's side of the point of delivery of service -25- 006.296998.3 shall not be transferred to the city and shall remain the property of the developer, a subsequent owner-occupant or their successors and assigns. Such consumer's lines or plumber's lines shall remain the maintenance responsibility of the developer or subsequent consumers. C. The city shall not be required to accept title to any component part of the water distribution system as constructed by the developer until the city has approved the construction of said lines, accepted the tests to determine that such construction is in accordance with the criteria established by the city and accepted for use by the FDEP and thereby has evidenced acceptance of such lines for the city's ownership, operation and maintenance. D. The developer shall maintain accurate cost records establishing the construction costs of all utility facilities constructed by the developer and proposed to be transferred to the city. Such cost information shall be furnished to the city concurrently with the bill of sale, and such cost information shall be a prerequisite for the acceptance by the city of the portion of the water distribution system constructed by the developer. E. The city reserves the right to refuse connection and to deny the commencement of service to any consumer seeking to be connected to portions of the water distribution system installed by a developer until such time as the provisions of this section have been fully met by the developer or developer's successors or assigns. § 173-20. Off-Site facilities; Refundable advances. A. There are properties within the city's water service area where the city does not have in place the off-site water infrastructure facilities necessary to connect a developer's property to the city water system. In these cases it may be necessary to undertake the extension of water mains and pumping stations necessary to connect the developer's property with the then terminus of the Ocoee water system in compliance with the City Water System Master Plan. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to require the city to extend any such off-site facilities to a developer's property or to enter into a refunding agreement or reimbursement agreement should a developer or others elect to undertake any such extension. B. When a developer seeks water service for property for which the city does not have in place the off-site water infrastructure facilities necessary to connect such property to the city water system, the city may require, in addition to the contribution provisions set forth herein, that the developer pay (without any credits against the applicable water capital charges) the entire cost of any extension of off-site facilities necessary to connect the developer's property with the then terminus of the Ocoee water system in compliance with the City Water System Master Plan. C. As an alternative to the developer's payment of the entire cost of extension of such off- site water facilities, the developer may request that the city and other property owners potentially benefited by such extension enter into a funding or reimbursement agreement to equitably allocate the cost of any such extension among the benefited properties, which agreement shall be in addition to the contribution provisions set forth herein. The city may -26- 006296998.3 accept or reject any proposed agreement which may be presented to share the cost of such extensions as aforesaid. If the city elects to accept such an agreement, it shall be on terms and conditions acceptable to the city in its discretion. D. As another alternative to the developer's payment of the entire cost of extension of such off-site water facilities, the developer may-request that the city enter into a refunding agreement whereby the refundable advance is made by the developer to further temporarily defray the cost of any off-site extension of water mains and pumping stations necessary to connect the developer's property with the then terminus of the Ocoee water system in compliance with the City Water System Master Plan. The city may accept or reject any such proposed refunding agreement. If the city elects to accept such a refunding agreement, it shall be on terms and conditions acceptable to the city and shall be consistent with the requirements of this subsection. Any such refunding agreement shall include the following as the minimum provisions thereof: (i) The developer shall always be responsible for his hydraulic share of the cost of such facilities, as determined by the city; (ii) All amounts expended by the developer over and above the developer's hydraulic share for off-site facilities, as determined by the city, shall be refunded to the developer only if a refund agreement is entered into with the city prior to the connection of the developer's property with the then terminus of the Ocoee water system; (iii) The refund agreement shall provide for a plan of refund based upon the connection of other properties, to the extent of their hydraulic share, which properties shall be served by the off-site facilities installed by the developer; (iv) The city may limit the life of such refund agreement to a term of not more than seven (7) years, after which time any portion of the refund not made to the developer by the terms and conditions of the refund agreement will have lapsed, and thereafter such refund agreement will be canceled; (v) In no event shall a developer recover an amount greater than the difference between the capitalized cost of such off-site improvements and the developer's own hydraulic share of such improvements; (vi) The city shall not include any interest upon the refund of a developer's advance; (vii) If the city advances any of the costs of such off-site facilities, the city shall be reimbursed in full before any payment is made to the developer; (viii) The refunding agreement shall contain a sketch or legal description of the benefited properties; and (ix) The refunding agreement shall be recorded in the public records of Orange County, Florida. If the city enters into a refunding agreement as aforesaid then a developer or property owner who makes use of such off-site facilities provided by another developer under the terms of this section shall be required to pay the city for a portion of the costs of such off-site facilities based upon his hydraulic share, as determined by the city. In accordance with the terms of the refunding agreement, the city shall pay the appropriate share of such reimbursement to the developer who initially funded the improvements; provided, however, that the payment will be retained by the city in the event that the developer has been fully reimbursed by the city or in the event that the reimbursement obligation of the city has lapsed under the terms of the refund agreement. § 173-21. Connection water capital charge adjustment; escalation. The basis for the water capital charge schedule set forth herein has been structured by the city with regard to two (2) major but variable factors. First, the present level of construction costs -27- 006296996.3 of water distribution and water treatment plant facilities; second, the treatment facilities and treatment levels as prescribed by the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection or other governmental entities with jurisdiction. The city hereby declares that the schedule of water capital charges set forth herein shall be escalated based upon increases arising from these factors as set forth and identified in the Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Cost Index as established on January 1 of each year. The water capital charges shall be automatically adjusted annually by the percentage change in the ENR Construction Cost Index as established on January 1 of each year. § 173-21.1. Water capital charges for consumers outside city limits. The water capital charges established by §173-11, as from time to time adjusted pursuant to §173-21, shall be applicable only to consumers located within the corporate limits of the city. The water capital charges for consumers outside the corporate limits of the city shall be the water capital charges from time to time established by the city for consumers inside the corporate limits of the city plus a surcharge equal to that surcharge established in §173-5.1 above. § 173-22. Availability of copies of policy. Copies of this extension policy shall be maintained at the Ocoee water system's offices and shall be available to all prospective consumers upon request, either in person or by mail, addressed to the city. ARTICLE III, Sewer System Extension § 173-23. Purpose. The City of Ocoee, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "city," as the owner and operator of the sewer system, hereinafter referred to as the "Ocoee sewer system" or the "city sewer system," hereby establishes this extension policy for the purpose of creating a uniform method of determining the capital charges to be borne by property owners, builders or developers within the service area to defray or partially defray the cost of an on-site sewer system, the allocable share of an off-site sewer system and the allocable shares of treatment plant costs. The city declares that this extension policy has as its goal the establishment of a uniform method of computing or determining such contributions to the end that all such contributions shall be nondiscriminatory among consumers in the area and shall be applied as nearly as possible with uniformity to all consumers and prospective consumers within the present or future service area. § 173-24. Availability. The provisions of this extension policy are available to consumers and property owners throughout the service area of the Ocoee sewer system, which shall allow the city to recover operating costs and expenses, required debt service, contributions to renewal and replacement -28- 006 296998 3 funds and allocations from the general revenue fund for costs reasonably related to the sewer system. The term "service area" as used herein is that area defined in the adopted comprehensive plan of the City of Ocoee, as may be amended from time to time. 173-25. Reserved § 173-26. Agreements with other municipalities. The city may enter into an agreement with Orange County or another municipality to provide wholesale service so that the county or municipality may provide service to a developer outside the city's service area. Such wholesale agreements shall he subject to sewer capital charges as provided in this chapter. § 173-27. On-site facilities. A. Each developer, owner or builder, hereinafter referred to as "developer," shall be responsible for the design, installation, inspection and testing of the complete sewer system located in the street or streets adjoining or within the boundaries of developer's property. B. The term "complete sewer system" as used herein includes but is not limited to all component parts of a sewage collection system, including gravity lines, force mains, pump stations, valves and all appurtenances as shown upon the approved design of such sewer system. C. In the event the city requires the installation of oversized lines or facilities designed to provide service for other properties then the city shall pay for the cost of such oversizing by means of a direct cash payment by the city to the developer or a credit against water capital charges otherwise to be paid by the developer. The limited size of the developer's property for which service has been requested may indicate to the city the desirability of having the city design and install the sewer system. In such event, the city reserves the right to compute the estimated cost of such extension and to require the developer to pay such cost of construction in lieu of the developer's installation of the sewer system. § 173-28. Sewer capital charges. A. The intent of this section is to establish fees for the purpose of compensating the city for costs incurred in providing sewage treatment facilities, effluent disposal facilities and pumping stations and extending sewage collection lines to a point of reasonable availability for connection to the city sewer system. The charges shall be computed on the basis of real property use, zoning and size in approximate proportion to the benefits received. The determination of the point of reasonable availability for connection to the city sewer system shall be determined in accordance with policies from time to time established by the city. As set forth in this chapter, the developer may incur additional charges and expenses in order to obtain sewer service, which charges and expenses are not defrayed by its payment of sewer -29- 006 296998.3 capital charges. Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed to obligate the city to extend sewer services to any lands within its sewer system territory. B. A sewer capital charge is hereby established at two thousand eight hundred sixty-tive dollars ($2,865.) per equivalent residential unit (ERU). Those persons, corporations or entities which have previously prepaid the existing sewer capacity charges or who prepaid sewer capacity charges to Prima Vista Utility Company, Inc., (PVU) which were transferred from PVU to the city pursuant to the agreement between PVU and the city dated December 3, 1987, shall be exempt from paying this sewer capital charge. The exemption or credit shall equal the amount prepurchased or transferred as authorized in the Prima Vista package/sale agreement. C. For the purpose of calculating and imposing the sewer capital charge, the ERU factor for any particular connection shall be calculated and imposed in the manner provided as follows: ESTABLISHMENT Unit Factor ,RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS L - - 'Duplex (1-2 Bedrooms) Per Unit 0.833 • Du lex 3 or more Bedrooms) Per Unit 1.000 Mobile Home (1-2 Bedrooms) Per Unit 0.667 Mobile Home (3 or more Per Unit i 0.833 bedrooms) 'Multifamily, Efficiency (Less than Per Unit 0.500 1500 sf) _ - ---- - _ ([Multifamily, (1 bedroom units) (See Per Unit 0.583 'Note 9) y, (2units) (See bedroom Per Unit 0.833 Note 9) Multifamily, (3 or more bedroom Per Unit ! 1.000 units) (See Note 9) Single Family Residence T Per Unit 1.000 COMMERCIAL PROJECTS -_ Animal Kennels _ Per Kennel Run i 0.160 Auditorium ' _ Per Seat _ 0.017 Automotive Repair & Maintenance . Per Repair Bay -_ 0.250 (Bar/ Cocktail Lounge ` i Per Seat 0.067 Barber/Beauty Shop Per Operator Station 0.300 _ Bowling Alley _ Per Lane 0.330 _I Church 1 Per Seat l 0.017 1 -30- 006.296998.3 !Convenience Store (No Gas By FU See FU !Pumps) Table Below Dentist Office Per Dentist 0.833 !Extended Care Facilities Per Efficiency 0.500 Hospital - _ Per Bed 0.833 Hotel / Motel (See Note 1) Per Room 0.500 Hotel / Motel Suites, 1 Bedroom Per Unit 0.583 (See Note 1) Hotel / Motel Suites, 2 Per Unit 0.833 Bedrooms(See Note 1) Hotel / Motel Suites, 3 or more ! Per Unit 1.000 Bedrooms (See Note 1) Industrial Buildings ( See Note 2) Per Employee ! 0.117 with showers ',Industrial Buildings ( See Note 2) I Per Employee 0.050 without showers Landscape Irrigation Per 1,000 SF 0.125 'Laundry, Self Service Per Machine 1.333 Medical Office (formerly: Doctor's Per Doctor 0.833 Office) Meeting & Banquet Rooms Per Seat 0.017 ( ) I _ _ _ Per Bed - -- 0.417 Restaurant (Cafeteria), Full Service _ Per 1 Per S gross 0.100 9 L I Office Building' See Note 3) ' `_ Per Seat 0.100 Restaurant 24 hour Per Seat 0.167 Restaurant Fast Food Per Seat 0.050 'Retail Spaces By FU ! See FU Table Below !Schools, Elementary & Nursery Per Student 0.025 !. Schools, Middle & High ! Per Student 0.067 'Self Service Gas Station (See Note Per Toilet Room 1.000 tPerrvice Station (See Note 6} Toilet Room 1.000 'Service Station (See Note 6)- Per Service Bay_ 1.000 Service Station (See Note 6) Per Wash Bay 3.200 Theater _Per Seat 0.010 Theater (Dinner) Per Seat 0.067 hTrailer Park (overnight) H Per Space - 0.333 Warehouse Space (See Note 4) By FU See FU Table j ; Below t NOT �- ES -31- 006296996.3 1. Hotels and motels: add food service, banquet & meeting rooms, and self service laundries. 2. Add food service; does not include industrial waste flows which are calculated on Fixture, Unit (FU) basis. 3. Office buildings: add food service and retail space. 4. Warehouses: add office space, food service, and retail space. 5. Self service gas stations: add Fixture Units (FU). 6. Service (gasoline) Stations: add the total of ERU factors for all service bays, wash bays (not !recycled) and toilet rooms. Automatically recycled vehicle washing systems require a (professional engineer's signed and sealed estimate of capacity usage. 7. See Fixture Unit (FU) calculations on FU Table below. 8. Ocoee requires a minimum of 1.000 ERU p r each separate commercial establishment. 9. Multi-family projects based upon units only; no additional capital charges for laundries, pool,' jor management offices. Capacity Demand Based Upon Fixture Units (FU) Type of Fixture Fixture ERU Units COMMERCIAL PROJECTS (FU) Factor Drains, condensate r 1 1.0 _ 0.083 ,Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: 1 1/4 inch 1.0 0.083 'trap ,Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: '.1 1/2 inch 2.0 0.167 I' trap Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: 2 inch trap 3.0 0.250 ,Drains, floor & fixtures not listed 2 1/2 inch 4.0 ' 0.333 trap ''Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: 3 inch tra _ 5.0 _ 1 0.417 Drains, floor & fixtures not listed: 4 inch tra 6.0 0.500 Drinking Fountain 0.5 0.042 Laundry Tray -_ _ 2.0 0.167 ,Lavatory, large drain (greater than 2.0 0.167 1 1-1/4 inch trap) - ___ _' Lavatory, small drain (1-1/4 inch 1.0 0.083 trap) 1 Showers (per head) 3.0 0.250 Sink, combination (food service) 3.0 0.250 'Sink, combination (garbage grinder) 4.0 _ 0.333 !Sink, compartmented (2) 3.0 0.250 Sink, compartmented (3) i _ 4.0 _ 0.333 Sink, flushing rim 18 0 ' 0.667 , [Sink, service (mop/janitor) _'�. I 1 3.0 0.250 -32- 006.296998 3 Oink, service ("p" trap) (Hand) T --� -- _ 2_0 __ _ 0.167 Sink, (pot, scullery, etc.) 4.0 0.333 (Urinal 4.0 ` 0.333 _ Washing Machine (Non coin i Varies li Varies laundry) by drain size above • Water Closet, public 6.0 ' 0.500 • RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS (requiring larger than 5/8" meter) Bathroom Group 6.0 0.500 (water closet, lavatory.bathtub/shower) Bath, Half 4.0 0.333 Dishwasher 2.0 _ 0.167 ,Drains (by drain size above) Varies Varies Lavatory _ 4.0 0.333 Shower Stall 1 3.0 - -I 0.250 _. ' Sink, kitchen I� _ j 2.0 0.167 Sink, kitchen (garbage 3.0 0.250 grinder/dishwasher) 'Sink, laundry 2.0 0.167 I - W (by asher, clothesdrain size, Varies Varies iabove) - NOTES r ( etc.) 1. Continuous and semi-continuous flows (pumps, air conditioning systems, are 2.0 FU der gallon per minute (gpm) of flow. _ D. One (1) ERU shall have an assigned value of one (1.00). One (1) ERU is hereby established and determined to be equal to a flow of two hundred seventy (270) gallons per day (GPD), average annual basis. The sewer capital charge shall be determined by multiplying the ERU factor listed in Subsection C above times two thousand eight hundred sixty-five dollars ($2,865.), times the number of units. E. For all establishments not listed in Subsection C above, the sewer capital charge shall he determined by multiplying the number of fixture units, as published in the Standard Plumbing Code, by twenty-five (25), times two thousand eight hundred sixty-five dollars ($2,865.), and dividing that numerator by two hundred seventy (270) GPD/ERU; provided, however, all such establishments shall have a minimum ERU value of one (1.00). -33- 006.29699a 3 F. The sewer capital charge shall be paid prior to the execution by the city of the FDEP sewer construction application, but in no event later than the issuance of the building permit. G. Requested decreases and revised charges. (1) An applicant may submit data and other information on actual usage, anticipated usage, peak load requirements or a combination of the foregoing to the Director to support a requested decrease in the total equivalent residential unit value. The Director may use this information to determine a revised total ERU value, which may be less than or greater than that established by Subsection C above, and which will be used to determine a revised sewer capital charge. In either case, the applicant shall pay the revised sewer capital charge instead of the sewer capital charge established by Subsection C above. (2) Alternatively, an applicant may pay the sewer capital charge as established by Subsection C above and, after one (1) year of operation, submit one (1) year's data on actual usage to the Director for review. The Director may use this information to determine a total ERU value, which may be less than or greater than that established by Subsection C above, and which will be used to determine a revised sewer capital charge. If the applicant desires to use this alternative method of calculation, the applicant must advise the Director of such determination prior to the payment of the sewer capital charge. § 173-29. Obligations of city. A. The city shall maintain copies of this extension policy available for the inspection of any property owner, developer, builder or prospective consumer desiring information regarding all elements of the cost of connecting to the sewer facilities of the city. Such copies shall be maintained at the general office of the Ocoee sewer system. B. The city shall maintain as-built information on its sewer facilities in its office or in the office of its designated representatives for the purpose of providing reasonable information concerning the location of its sewer facilities. C. In instances where the city undertakes the installation of sewer lines at the cost and expense of the developer in lieu of the developer's installation of such facilities, the city will provide lines for sewer service to a developer's lot line ready for plumber's hookup and the installation of meters. § 173-30. Obligations of developer. It shall be the developer's obligation to furnish to the city accurate information with regard to matters of engineering, construction of buildings and dwellings and proposed densities. Developers who increase their density factors and/or discharge requirements during the course of construction of the project are exposed to an adjustment in their proportionate share for off- site facilities and/or an increase in capital charges applicable to the developer's project. The -34- 006.296998.3 developer is responsible for errors or changes in engineering information furnished to the city when such error or change results in increased cost to the city for any construction which the city may undertake in connection with installing sewer facilities or which could necessitate a new design or redesign of sewer system plans. § 173-31. Developer agreements required. An owner, builder or developer may be required to execute a developer's agreement setting forth such reasonable provisions governing a developer's and the city's responsibility pertaining to the installation of service facilities; the interconnection of lines with the facilities of the city; the manner and method of payment of contributions in aid of construction; matters of exclusive service rights by the city; standards of construction or specifications; time commitments to take and use sewer service; engineering errors and omissions; rules, regulations and procedures of the city; prohibitions against improper use of the city's facilities; and other matters normally associated with and contained in developer agreements. Nothing contained in such developer agreement shall be in conflict with this extension policy or the city's ordinances and resolutions governing rates, fees and charges for services and other requirements regarding the rendition of sewer utility service. The developer, in addition to the contribution formulas set forth herein, shall bear the cost of the preparation of developer agreements by independent counsel or persons qualified to draft and prepare such agreements. Said charge shall not exceed that amount normally to be contemplated for such services. § 173-32. Easements and rights-of-way. As a prerequisite to the construction of any sewer system proposed to be connected to the facilities of the city, the developer shall grant to the city easements or rights-of-way corresponding with the installation of the proposed facilities. All such easements or rights-of- way shall be in a form acceptable to the city. Such grant or conveyance shall be in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney. Such conveyances when located on the property of the developer shall be made without cost to the city. § 173-33. System design; independent engineer; city's engineer. A. The city shall recognize the design of sewer facilities prepared by a registered professional engineer regularly engaged in the field of civil engineering, covering the design of a developer's on-site sewer system and any off-site improvements which may be required by the city; provided, however, that each such design shall be fully subject to the approval of the Director and shall conform in all respects to the criteria of the city governing the installation of utility facilities ultimately to be accepted by the city for ownership, operation and maintenance. In addition to other fees and charges, the city shall charge a review fee commensurate with the cost to the city of reviewing such engineering plans and furnishing to the developer's engineer various information regarding location and criteria. Any such review fee shall be in accordance with resolutions approved by the City Commission. All designs of sewer facilities are at all times subject to the approval of other agencies having jurisdiction over such design. -35- 006 296998.3 B. The city maintains a relationship with its consulting engineer to provide utility design services to developers for the purpose of facilitating the design of developer's on-site sewer system and any off-site improvements which may he required by the city. Designs prepared by the city's consulting engineer are acceptable to the city but are at all times subject to the approval of any other governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter of such design. The cost of plans prepared by the city's consulting engineer shall be borne by the developer. However, in such cases the developer will not be required to pay the charge for review of such plans as provided for in the Subsection A. § 173-34. Inspection fees. A. The city reserves the right to inspect the installation of all sewer facilities installed by a developer or developer's contractors, which facilities are proposed to be transferred to the city for ownership, operation and control. Such inspection is designed to assure the city that sewer lines are installed in accordance with approved designs and are further consistent with the criteria and specifications governing the kind and quality of such installation. The city further reserves the right to be present at tests of component parts of the sewer system for the purpose of determining that the system, as constructed, conforms to the city's criteria. Such tests will he performed by the developer or developer's contractor but only under the direct supervision of the city's engineer or authorized inspector. B. The city shall charge an inspection fee not to exceed three percent (3%) of the cost, either actual or estimated, of the subject sewer facility as installed by the developer. The city maintains full-time inspection availability, and the cost for inspection services as set forth herein is and shall continue to he designed to defray the actual cost of conducting such inspections and testing. -36- 006.296998.3 § 173-35. Transfer of contributed property; bills of sale. A. Each developer who has constructed portions of the sewer system on the developer's own property or other property with respect to any required off-site facilities shall, prior to interconnection with the city's existing facilities, convey such component parts of the sewer system to the city by bill of sale in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, together with such evidence as may be required by the city that the sewer system proposed to be transferred to the city is free of all liens and encumbrances. 13. Any facilities in the category of consumer's lines located on the consumer's side of the point of service shall not be transferred to the city and shall remain the property of the developer, a subsequent owner-occupant or their successors and assigns. Such consumer lines shall remain the maintenance responsibility of the developer or subsequent consumers. C. The city shall not be required to accept title to any component part of the sewer system as constructed by the developer until the city has approved the construction of said lines, accepted the tests to determine that such construction is in accordance with the criteria established by the city and accepted for use by the FDEP and thereby has evidenced acceptance of such lines for the city's ownership, operation and maintenance. D. The developer shall maintain accurate cost records establishing the construction costs of all utility facilities constructed by the developer and proposed to be transferred to the city. Such cost information shall be furnished to the city concurrently with the bill of sale, and such cost information shall be a prerequisite for the acceptance by the city of the portion of the watcr distribution system constructed by the developer. E. The city reserves the right to refuse connection and to deny the commencement of service to any consumer seeking to be connected to portions of the sewer system installed by a developer until such time as the provisions of this section have been fully met by the developer or the developer's successors or assigns. § 173-36. Off-Site facilities; Refundable advances. A. There are properties within the city's sewer service area where the city does not have in place the off-site sewer infrastructure lines and facilities necessary to connect a developer's property to the city sewer system. In these cases it may be necessary to undertake the extension of sewage lines and facilities necessary to connect the developer's property with the city sewer system and the primary interceptor force main in compliance with the City Sewer System Master Plan. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to require the city to extend any such off-site lines and facilities to a developer's property or to enter into a refunding agreement or reimbursement agreement should a developer or others elect to undertake any such extension of lines and facilities; provided, however, that whenever a developer or others undertake any such extension of off-site lines and facilities the city may require the installation of oversized lines or facilities to provide service for other properties, in which case the city -37- 006.296998 3 shall be responsible for the cost of any such oversized lines or facilities to the extent and in the manner provided for in §173-27 hereof. B. When a developer seeks sewer service for property for which the city does not have in place the off-site sewer infrastructure lines and facilities necessary to connect such property to the city sewer system, the city may require, in addition to the contribution provisions set forth herein, that the developer pay (without any credits against the applicable sewer capital charges) the entire cost of any extension of off-site sewage lines and facilities necessary to,connect the developer's property with the city sewer system and its primary interceptor force main in compliance with the City Sewer System Master Plan, subject to the provisions of §173-27 and §173-36A regarding oversized lines and facilities. C. As an alternative to the developer's payment of the entire cost of extension of such off- site sewer lines and facilities, the developer may request that the city and other property owners potentially benefited by such extension enter into a funding or reimbursement agreement to equitably allocate the cost of any such extension among the benefited properties, which agreement shall be in addition to the contribution provisions set forth herein. The city may accept or reject any proposed agreement which may be presented to share the cost of such extensions as aforesaid. If the city elects to accept such an agreement, it shall be on terms and conditions acceptable to the city in its discretion. D. As another alternative to the developer's payment of the entire cost of extension of such off-site sewer lines and facilities, the developer may request that the city enter into a refunding agreement whereby the refundable advance is made by the developer to further temporarily defray the cost of any off-sit extension of sewage lines and facilities necessary to connect the developer's property to the city sewer system and the primary interceptor force main in compliance with the City Sewer System Master Plan. The city may accept or reject any such proposed refunding agreement. If the city elects to accept such a refunding agreement, it shall be on terms and conditions acceptable to the city and shall be consistent with the requirements of this subsection. Any such refunding agreement shall include the following as the minimum provisions thereof: (i) The developer shall always be responsible for his proportionate share of the cost of such lines and facilities, as determined by the city; (ii) All amounts expended by the developer over and above the developer's proportionate share for facilities, as determined by the city, shall be refunded to the developer only if a refund agreement is entered into with the city prior to the connection of the developer's property with the primary interceptor force main; (iii) The refund agreement shall provide for a plan of refund based upon the connection of other properties to the extent of their proportionate share, which properties will be served by the facilities installed by the developer; (iv) The city may limit the life of such refund agreement to a term of not more than seven (7) years, after which time any portion of the refund not made to the developer by the terms and conditions of the refund agreement will have lapsed, and thereafter such refund agreement will be canceled; (v) In no event shall a developer recover an amount greater than the difference between the capitalized cost of such improvements and the developer's own proportionate share of such improvements; (vi) The city shall not include any interest upon the refund of a developer's advance; (vii) If the city advances any of the costs of such lines and facilities, the city shall be reimbursed in full before -38- 006.296998.3 any payment is made to the developer; (viii) The refunding agreement shall contain a sketch or legal description of the benefited properties; and (ix) The refunding agreement shall be recorded in the public records of Orange County, Florida. If the city enters into a refunding agreement as aforesaid then a developer or property owner who makes use of lines and facilities provided by another developer under the terms of this section shall be required to pay the city for his proportionate share of the costs of such facilities, as determined by the city. In accordance with the terms of the refunding agreement, the city shall pay the appropriate share of such reimbursement to the developer who initially funded the improvements; provided, however, that the payment will be retained by the city in the event that the developer has been fully reimbursed by the city or in the event that the reimbursement obligation of the city has lapsed under the terms of the refund agreement. § 173-37. Sewer capital charge escalation. The basis for the sewer capital charges schedule set forth herein has been structured by the city with regard to two (2) major but variable factors. First, the present level of construction costs of sewer collection and treatment plant facilities; second, the treatment level as prescribed by the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection or other governmental entities with jurisdiction. The city hereby declares that the schedule of sewer capital charges set forth herein shall be escalated based upon increases arising from these factors or as set forth and identified in the Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Cost Index. The sewer capital charges shall be automatically adjusted annually by the percentage change in the ENR Construction Cost Index. § 173-37.1. Sewer capital charges for consumers outside city limits. The sewer capital charges established by §173-28, as from time to time adjusted pursuant to §173-37, shall be applicable only to consumers located within the corporate limits of the city. The sewer capital charges for consumers outside the corporate limits of the city shall be the sewer capital charges from time to time established by the city for consumers inside the corporate limits of the city plus a surcharge equal to that surcharge established in §173-5.1 above. -39- 006 296998.3 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 174 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF TILE CITY OF OCOEE RELATING TO RECLAIMED WATER IN ORDER TO ADOPT REVISED DEFINITIONS AND CONFORM THE CHAPTER SO AS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE REVISED DEFINITIONS, IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION BY RESOLUTION OF RECLAIMED WATER LATE FEES AND RECONNECTION FEES, IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO GRANT EXEMPTIONS FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO CONSTRUCT RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION MAINS WHEN NOT FEASIBLE OR IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY AND IN ORDER TO UPDATE THE POLICY GOVERNING THE INSTALLATION AND USE OF THE CITY'S RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to amend Chapter 174 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida relating to Reclaimed Water. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. 006 300476.1 SECTION 2. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby amends Chapter 174 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida relating to Reclaimed Water as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made part hereof(with additions double-underlined and deletions stricken). SECTION 3. Cndifiratiion. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter," "section," "article," or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent maybe authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re- codified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 4. Severahility. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 5. Fffertive Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. -2- 006 300476.1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2003. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrif, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED , 2003 READ FIRST TIME , 2003 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED , 2003 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 2003. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney -3- 006.300476.1 EXHIBIT "A" CHAPTER 174 RECLAIMED WATER ARTICLE I, General Provisions § 174-1. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in this section: BILLING -- The charge made for reclaimed water service. The charge may be made on a separate invoice or may be included on the monthly utility bill. CITY -- The City of Ocoee, Florida, and its Utilities Public Works Department. CITY MANAGER -- The City Manager of the City of Ocoee. CUSTOMER -- The actual user of the reclaimed water. CUSTOMER CHARGE _ A charge intended to.defray administrative expenses and.the_ cost of reading meters and pQessing_btllings, CROSS-CONNECTION -- Any physical connection or arrangement which could allow the transfer of waters between the City's potable water supply and distribution system, and the reclaimed water supply and distribution system or any other nonpotable water source. DEVELOPMENT -- Any proposed change in land use which alters the demands for water and/or wastewater services. DIRECTOR -- The Director of Public Utilities Works of the City of Ocoee. DISCONTINUATION OF SERVICE — Cessation of a service by physical separation from the system's service lines to ensure that no service can be received. DISTRIBUTION MAIN -- A conduit used to supply reclaimed water from transmission mains to service lines. EFFLUENT -- Treated wastewater flowing out of any treatment facility. FDEP -- The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, or its successor in function. -4- 006.300476.1 NON-RESIDENTIAL Cmmerctal,_industrial, office _warehouse and/or institutional uses, whether master metered or individually metered and/or multi family residential units that are master metereth PUBLIC EATING, DRINKING OR BATHING FACILITY -- Water fountains, picnic tables, swimming pools, spas and food service facilities, such as tables and beverage counters, that are open to and provide service for the public. RECLAIMED WATER -- Effluent-from City owned and operated-wastewates-treatment-plaru, which effluent-has been treated to advanced secondary treatment standards in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Includes the term "treated effluent." The treated effluent may come from the city-owned and operated wastewater treatment plan„ RECLAIMED WATER REUSE SYSTEM -- Those reclaimed water mains, lines, fittings, valves and appurtenances, installed in public right-of-way or utility easements, which are owned by the City of Ocoee. RESIDENTIAL - Single or w j-f4 nly_residential_units that are individually metered. REUSE SERVICE AREA (UTILITY SERVICE AREA) -- Those areas where the installation of reclaimed water systems shall be available as provided in this article and shall be geographically defined as the existing Sewer Utility Service Area of the City of Ocoee, all areas now or hereafter within the City limits of the City of Ocoee and those areas which the City of Ocoee may designate by resolution at a later date. TRANSMISSION MAINS -- These mains, together with the storage and pumping facilities, transmit the reclaimed water to the distribution systems and other points of use of the reclaimed water. This transmission (delivery) system has been provided by the City. § 174-2. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a reclaimed water use program. The establishment of a reclaimed water system is a vital ingredient in a program for conserving potable water. As the general welfare, health, safety and convenience of the Ocoee community are directly affected by the use of reclaimed water, it is in the interest of the public that the reclaimed water system be designed and developed in accordance with sound rules and proper minimum standards. § 174-3. Promulgation and enforcement water service procedures and regulations. A. This chapter hereby establishes that the City's existing Public Utilities--Works Department is expanded to include services and responsibilities for reclaimed water facilities owned and operated by the City of Ocoee. -5- 006.300476.1 B. The City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall have the power to promulgate procedures and regulations with respect to the following matters, which procedures and regulations shall become effective upon a resolution approving the same being adopted by the City Commission: (1) Application procedures, forms-and requirements and allowable uses other than irrigation. All uses must be in accordance with applicable FDEP regulation. (2) Installation requirements, including specification of acceptable materials, devices and regulations to prevent backflow or cross-connections with other systems. (3) Procedures for enforcement of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to reclaimed water, including procedures for inspection of the customer's system. (4) Procedures for the orderly expansion of the reclaimed water system. (5) Procedures and regulations for the efficient operation of the reclaimed water system. C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Manager or City Manager's designee may, when necessary for the efficient operation of the reclaimed water system or for the health or safety of the general public or the customer, establish regulations regarding the following matters, which regulations shall become effective at the time of promulgation without the need for City Commission approval: (1) The time(s) of day or night which the reclaimed water may be used by customers. (2) The maximum rate of use of the reclaimed water. D. No person shall construct, operate, maintain or allow to remain present on property owned or controlled by him any device or system which is connected to or which controls a device or system connected to the City's reclaimed water system and which is not in compliance with all provisions of FDEP Regulations and this code related to reclaimed water and with all procedures and regulations promulgated pursuant to this section. Reclaimed water shall not be directed, conveyed or piped into any residence or building used as dwelling unit. The person who owns or controls the property upon which such a noncomplying device or system is found shall be liable to the City for the amount by which the costs associated with the securing and/or removal of the noncomplying device or system exceeds the cost of a normal discontinuance of service. These excess costs shall constitute a lien against the property upon which the noncomplying device or system is located. E. Any customer whose reclaimed water system is in violation of any City ordinance, regulation or procedure shall be subject to immediate discontinuance of reclaimed water -6- 006.300476.1 service. Such discontinuance of service shall not relieve any person of liability for civil actions or for criminal or municipal ordinance violation prosecution. § 174-4. Areas embraced. All territory within the City of Ocoee and the reuse servee-e area-Reuse Service Area served by the City of Ocoee reclaimed water system shall be governed by this chapter to the extent permitted by law. § 174-5. Public easement requirements. Reclaimed water service mains and lines shall be provided for properties located within the designated reuse service area at the same time and by the same person, entity or agency that is providing new or replacement sewer service lines and mains. Reclaimed water service shall comply with all provisions of such service as set forth in this article. A. No facilities will be installed under the provisions outlined herein and accepted by the City for maintenance unless they are in dedicated public rights-of-way or dedicated public easements. A dedicated public easement will be required for all facilities located within private roadways. Any new easement shall be adequately sized as approved by the City to accommodate construction and maintenance of any reclaimed system component. No obstruction of whatever kind shall be planned, built or otherwise created within the limits of the easement or right-of-way without written permission of the City. B. Reclaimed water system extensions and improvements shall be accepted by the City only upon receipt of the proper dedication documentation and the acceptance of ownership by the Director or his designee. § 174-6. Ownership. All reclaimed water facilities and appurtenances within dedicated public rights-of-way or dedicated public easements, when constructed or accepted by the City, shall become and remain the property of the City. No person shall by payment of any charges provided herein or by causing any construction of facilities accepted by the City acquire any interest or right in any of these facilities or any portion thereof other than the privilege of having their property connected thereto for reclaimed water service in accordance with this chapter and any amendments thereof. ARTICLE II, Reclaimed Water Service § 174-7. Connection required. A. Where available, the owner of every lot or parcel of land within the City of Ocoee developed for pubhFeemmerc-ial-of€ace, industrial�vareheusing and/or-multifamily use(s) Non- Residn__al use0Land/or multi family units, whether.indUALhially metered -7- 006.300476.1 or master metered shall connect or cause to be connected with the reclaimed water distribution system. B. Single-family home developments approved for construction after June 7, 1994, shall include reclaimed water distribution mains and shall connect to the system when reclaimed water service becomes available. C. Connection to the system is mandatory for all existing-new single-family homes and for all single-family homes constmeted after June 7, 1994, where reclaimed water service is available. D. All connections shall be made in accordance with policies and regulations adopted by the City. This provision shall not be construed to entitle any person to cross the property of another to make such connection. E. For purposes of this chapter, the term "available" or "availability" shall mean that a transmission main is contiguous to or within 100 feet of any property line-of-a-Glass-A omit-or-within 1.000 feet-e€aGlas.-A-M-or-Clan B unit. F. Required connections shall be made within 90 days of notification by the City that reclaimed water service is available. G. All connections to the reclaimed water system shall be metered. § 174-8. Reserved-Reciaimed-*Later user classification -if-here is-hereby establi.4led-a-uniform-eT3ssif-ieatiou e#=water use �rs- .o oll ..cws< A- alas; A. Detached-single family-residential-units:Meter-required. B Mass AM. Multifamily residential facilities:-Master meter required C. Clas- B. Office, commercial, -public--industriat—and—warehousing facilities. Meter required. § 174-9. Reclaimed water rates and charges. A. The City Commission shall establish by resolution rates and charges by class for the use or availability of the City's reclaimed water system inside or outside the City. B. The City will charge to each customer connecting to the City's reclaimed water system a meter installation fee to defray the City's cost of the meter and meter appurtenances and the cost of installation and related administrative and overhead costs. The City will require the payment of such meter installation fee concurrently with the request by prospective customer for the meter installation. The meter installation fee shall be -8- 006300476.1 charged only one time for the installation of a meter at any one location; provided, however, that requests to exchange existing meters for meters of a larger size will result in a charge to the prospective customer of the difference between the existing smaller size meter and the requested larger single-size meter. The City Commission shall establish by resolution the installation fees. C. A customer whose reclaimed water_service has been discontinued may resume reclaimed water service by payment of past due amounts and a reconnection fee as established.by resolution of $;z� he City Commission; provided, however, that where reclaimed water service has been discontinued for violation of the policies and regulations relating to the use of the reclaimed water system, such service will not be reconnected until the City receives, in its opinion, reasonable and sufficient guaranty that the violation will not reoccur,The foregoq g applies only to the reconnection of reclaimed water service_ Reconnection of water or sewer service is_governed by the provisions of Chapter _173 of the Code of Ordinances for the Cit of coee. § 174-10. Billing and collection of fees. A. The reclaimed water fees and charges shall be billed and collected with the monthly utility bill for those properties utilizing City utilities. The reclaimed water fees and charges shall be billed and collected separately for those developed lots or parcels and owners thereof not utilizing other City utilities. B. All bills for reclaimed water fees and charges shall be rendered monthly and shall he payable at the same time and in the same manner and subject to the same penalties as utility bills of the City under the terms and conditions of the Code of the City. The reclaimed water fees and charges are part of a consolidated statement for utility customers which is generally paid by a single payment. In the event that a partial payment is received, the payment shall first be applied to garbage and trash, next applied to stormwater management, next applied to sewer, next applied to the reclaimed water fees and charges and finally applied to the water account. C. In addition to any other remedies or penalties provided by this chapter or any other ordinance of the City, failure of any user of City utilities within the City to pay said reclaimed water fees and charges promptly when due shall subject such user to discontinuance of water and sewer utility services, and the City Manager is hereby empowered and directed to enforce this provision as to any and all delinquent users. D. In the case that an occupant or tenant of any lot or parcel shall receive a reclaimed water fees and charges bill pursuant to this chapter and shall fail to pay such bill, then the owner of such lot or parcel shall be liable for such bill, and the City shall not be required to look to any person whatsoever other than the owner for the payment of such bill. In the event that any reclaimed water fees and charges bill shall not be paid as and when due, any unpaid balance thereof, along with all interest accruing thereon, shall be and constitute a lien on any lot or parcel affected thereby. The City may record in the public records of Orange County, Florida, a notice of lien giving notice to all -9- 006.300476.1 • persons that the City is asserting a lien upon the affected lot or parcel. In the event that any such utility fee shall not he paid as and when due and shall be in default for 30 days or more, the unpaid balance thereof and all interest accrued thereon, together with the costs of collection, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and costs, may be recovered by the City in a civil action, and any such lien, accrued interest and any additional costs may be foreclosed or otherwise enforced by the City by action or suit in equity as for the foreclosure of a mortgage on real property. § 174-11. Right to refuse service. A. No connection shall be made to the reclaimed water system unless specifically approved by the Director or his designee. B. No payment of any costs, submittal of any petition or any other act to receive reclaimed water reuse service shall guarantee such service. The City shall have the right, at all times, to refuse to extend services on the basis that a use is detrimental to the system; or there is an inadequate supply of reclaimed water; or lack of payment of required service charges; or for any other reason which, in the judgment of the Director, will cause the extension not to be in the best interests of the City. § 174-12. Service interruption. A. The City reserves the right to temporarily discontinue service to any portion of or the entire reclaimed water system as deemed necessary by the Director. B. The Director shall have the authority to establish schedules to control the use of the water reuse system in order to reduce-maximum-pressure demands on the system and to regulate usage of reuse water to balance with supply and storage availability. ARTICLE III, Installation and Use of Reclaimed Water System § 174-13. Policies and regulations adopted; compliance required. The City adopts by reference the Policy Governing the Installation and Use of the Reclaimed Water System, dated May 10, 1994, as revised September, '00-1 June 2003: said policy being attached hereto as Schedule A and made a part of this chapter. Compliance with the policy is hereby required. § 174-14. Use of reclaimed water. A. Reclaimed water may be used for the irrigation of crops not intended for human consumption; residential lawns; golf courses; cemeteries; parks; landscaped areas; highway medians and rights-of-way; or for any other purpose specifically approved by the Director. B. Reclaimed water may not be used inside of any residential dwelling or to fill swimming pools, hot tubs, spas or wading pools. -10- 006.300476.1 C. The use of reclaimed water shall be restricted so that no wetted surfaces are located within 100 feet of any public eating, drinking or bathing facility. D. Reclaimed water shall not be applied to impervious surfaces that allow drainage to surface waters. Reclaimed water shall not he applied to properties containing subsurface drainage tiles or plates. E. All uses of reclaimed water shall require a reuse permit, issued by the Utilities-Public Works Department, following procedures established by the Director. § 174-15. Maintenance. A. All portions of the system owned by the City will be operated and maintained by the City. No person shall do any work or be reimbursed for any work on the system unless written authorization is provided prior to beginning any part of the work. B. The customer or property owner shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of all on-site facilities, including irrigation lines, spray heads and appurtenances on property served by the City. Failure to maintain the on-site system in the proper manner will be grounds for discontinuance of service until such time as the City certifies that the required maintenance has been performed. § 174-16. Petition for distribution main extension. Reclaimed water service may be provided to portions of the reuse service area as a part of the City's ongoing reclaimed water distribution main extension program. Property owners or residents may request extension of service to a street or within a subdivision or contiguous part thereof by filing a petition for reclaimed water service with the City. Forms for the petition are available from the Utilities—Public Works Department. Upon receipt of completed and signed petitions from at least 51% of all properties along a street or within a contiguous area, the City shall consider such petition and, if approved, schedule the installation of the reclaimed water distribution system at the earliest practicable date. § 174-17. Inspections. A. Duly authorized employees of the City bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter any building, structure or property serviced by a connection to the reclaimed water system of the City for the purposes of inspecting the piping system or systems, backflow preventer, valves and/or all devices installed by the customer which connect to or control the reclaimed water distribution system or use of reclaimed water on such property. B. Consent to such access shall be obtained from a person of suitable age and discretion therein or in control thereof. The refusal of such information or refusal of access, when requested, shall be deemed evidence of the presence of violation of the policies and regulations adopted herein. -11- 006 300476.1 C. Inspections shall be at reasonable times and with reasonable frequency. Where there exists cause to believe that a violation is committed, the City may cause the property to be inspected as necessary to prevent or terminate the occurrence of such violation(s). § 174-18. Discontinuance of service. The Director-of -Public-Utilities or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to discontinue reclaimed water service to any property, after notice, where any violation of this chapter exists, and to take such other precautionary measures deemed necessary to eliminate any danger of contamination of the public potable water supply system. Reclaimed water service to such property shall not be restored until the violation has been eliminated in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. § 174-19. Unlawful works or connections to the reclaimed water system. A. No person shall be allowed to work on the reclaimed water distribution system without written consent of the City, and then only under the direction and supervision of the City. No person shall tamper with, alter, damage, cut into or make connection with the reclaimed water system or a City reclaimed water facility. B. No person shall open or close valves to the system, turn on hydrants or cause water to flow from the reclaimed water system without prior written consent of the City. C. Any person found violating this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties provided in Chapter 1 of this Code. § 174-20. Exemptions-und-varances. Exemptions and variances shall be approved or denied by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee after public hearing, based upon the recommendation of the Director, and upon consideration of the following conditions: A. Alternate reuse sites. Properties being developed as planned unit developments or developments of regional impact may be exempted from the requirements of reuse connection if a binding contract is executed for the provision of alternate reuse sites and lines that otherwise would not require the installation of reuse lines. For each acre of wetted surface to be exempted from the reuse requirement, 1.5 acres of alternate reuse wetted surface will be provided, including all lines and sprayheads necessary to irrigate the area. Any site considered as an alternate site shall be ready to receive reclaimed water concurrent with the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy in the exempted area. For the purpose of this exemption, golf courses are normally required to utilize reuse and therefore are not considered as an alternate site. B. Low-income housing subdivisions. Those housing projects receiving federal housing subsidies and other similar financial assistance may be exempted, upon recommendation of the Director, after submittal of information documenting that the -12- 006.300476.1 future residents of the project will be unable to purchase and maintain the necessary in- ground irrigation equipment. C_ _ Reuse service not feasi tile. If the City Commission determines that it is not feasible or not in the best interests- of the City to extend transmission lines to serve apropssed development,._then the City Commission may exempt such development fr-om_.the requirement to construct reclaimed water distribution mains and from the requirement that homes lots and parcels within such development connect to the Ctty's reuse system. Under such cirnumstances the City Commission may reguireasa conditioner such exemption that a payment be made to the City in lieu of its construction of reclaimed water distribution maim § 174-21. Inspection fees. A. The City reserves the right to inspect the installation of all reclaimed water facilities installed by a developer or developer's contractors, which facilities are proposed to be transferred to the City for ownership, operation and control. Such inspection is designed to assure the City that reclaimed water lines are installed in accordance with approved designs and are further consistent with the criteria and specifications governing the kind and quality of such installation. The City further reserves the right to be present at tests of component parts of the reclaimed water facilities for the purpose of determining that the facilities, as constructed, conform to the City's criteria. Such tests will be performed by the developer or developer's contractor but only under the direct supervision of the City's engineer or authorized inspector. B. The City shall charge an inspection fee not to exceed 2%—three percent (3%) of the cost, either actual or estimated, of the subject reclaimed water facility as installed by the developer. The City maintains full-time inspection availability, and the cost for inspection services as set forth herein is and shall continue to be designed to defray the actual cost of conducting such inspections and testing. ARTICLE IV, Enforceability § 174-22. Violation liability. A. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punishable as provided in § 1-12 of Chapter 1, Article II, and Chapter 7, Enforcement of Code, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and additional violation. In addition, such person or customer shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the case, including attorney's fees. B. Any person or customer in violation of any of the provisions in this chapter shall become liable to the City for any expense, loss or damage incurred by the City by reason of such violation, including attorney's fees and costs of correcting unauthorized work, tampering or damage to the system. -13- 006 300476 1 C. In addition to any penalty provided by law for the violation of any provisions of this chapter, the City may bring suit in the appropriate court to enjoin, restrain or otherwise prevent the violation. -14- 006.3004➢6.1 Reclaimed Water System Policy POLICY GOVERNING THE INSTALLATION AND USE OF THE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM City of Ocoee Public UtilitiesWorks Department May 10, 1994, as-revised September 2001 June 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Benefits 1.3 Source and Quality of Reclaimed Water => 2.0 DEFINITIONS 4 2.1 General 4 3.0 POLICIES RELATING TO RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE 6 3.1 In-City Service 6 3.2 Outside-City Service 3.3 Availability of Service 3.4 Use of the Reclaimed Water Distribution System 6 3.5 Restrictions on Use of Alternative Water Source 6 3.6 Property Service Connection 3.7 CustomeCs System-Sintile Dwelling Units((las, A)Residential 8 n i O " 3.8 Customer=s System- �n Non-Residential Industrial4Vareliouse4Glass-Br-afel-Mfdti-Family - -Develepm2Hts-(€las AM) 8 3.9 Backflow Prevention 9 3.9.1 Single Family Dw Resideth31 3 9 2 Multi F • :- AM) Non-Residential 4 93 Pablic, Commercial, Office, Industrial{E4as B) - 10 3.10 Property Service Connection lA -15- 006.300476.1 3.11 Discontinuance of Service by Customer -1-0 3.12 Service Not Guaranteed 4-0 4.0 APPLICATION FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE 4-I- 4.1 The Distribution System 4-1 4.2 Application for Reclaimed Water Service, C-1a-3' - LNon-Residential and-Class B Customer's— - - 11 4.3 Application for Reclaimed Water Service, Glass A -Residential E.ustenHf —. • -16- 006.300476.1 • APPLICATION FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has adopted a reclaimed water program which provides guidelines, requirements and an implementation (permitting) process that both encourage and require the use of reclaimed water in a manner that is beneficial to the environment and non-detrimental to the public health and welfare. This program is required to regulate and manage the comprehensive reclaimed water distribution system which conveys reclaimed water throughout the City's Utility Service District. This reclaimed water is primarily used for the irrigation of residential, commercial and public properties, parks, highway medians, and other athletic and recreational facilities. Other potential uses for the reclaimed water include: toilet flushing in new office and industrial buildings, cooling water, industrial process water, supply for automatic car washes, and, in specific cases, lake level control-and-ornamental uses such as fountains and waterfalls. 1.2 Benefits. The benefits to be derived from the success of this program arc several, and include conservation of the potable water supply, reuse of a valuable water resource, recharge of the upper aquifer, reduction in nutrient discharge to surface waters, reduction in transfer of saltwater contamination to the aquifer, and utilization of an environmentally safe and sensible method of disposing of effluent (reclaimed water). 1.3 Source and Quality of Reclaimed Water. The source of reclaimed water, which is delivered to the point of use by the reclaimed water distribution system, is the effluent from the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Thetreatment proces es at-the-plant include secondary treatment followed by dual media filtration--and—high—level disinfectionsor effluent._purchased from r_governmental entities or utilities. These treatment processes produce a reclaimed water with the following qualities: good appearance, good clarity, non-staining, odorless, low turbidity and bacteriologically safe. The water contains low-levels of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) which, if properly applied, will be beneficial to plant and turf growth. While you should not drink the reclaimed water, there is no known danger to an individual's health from casual contact when the water is being used for the intended purposes. The following policies and regulations govern the installation and uses of the reclaimed water distribution system and its related sub-systems and facilities within the Utility Service District of the City of Ocoee, Florida. -17- 006 300476.1 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 General. The following definitions of titles, terms and system components, as well as definitions included in Chapter 174 of_theCity Code, are presented for the purposes of uniformity and to afford a more specific understanding of the following policies and regulations governing the installation and use of the City's reclaimed water utility. The other utilities owned and operated by the City which have varying degrees of relationship with the reclaimed water utility are the potable water system and the wastewater collection and treatment system. Approved Uses for Reclaimed Water -- Reclaimed water shall he used for irrigation of public and private landscaped areas and such other uses as are permitted by law. Reclaimed water may be used in conjunction with a drip-type irrigation system to irrigate vegetable gardens. Overhead irrigation of vegetables is acceptable only if the vegetables are peeled, cooked, or thermally processed before human consumption. Current FDEP Regulation (17-610) does not permit the use of reclaimed water for drinking purposes and/or in swimming pools. Available or Availability -- Shall mean contiguous to or within one hundred (100) feet of any property line. Rackflow Prevention Device/Assembly -- Shall mean an approved device as designated for a particular application and as described in the Cross-Connection Control Manual which has been adopted by reference as part of Article VII of Chapter 173 of the Code of the City of Ocoee. Cross Connection Control Ordinance -- Shall mean Article VII of Chapter 173 of the Code of the City of Ocoee. Cross Connection Control Supervisor -- Shall mean the City employee in the Public Utilities Works Department who is responsible for the cross connection control program. Customer Category CustomerClas' B shall-mean-all public, commercial; offe industriallwareheusing--Customer-Class-AM shall mean all-multi-family developments. Customer Class ,hall-.man-all-simgle-family dwelling units, Dual Distribution System -- Is a general term used by the American Water Works Association to describe a two-component water distribution system designed to serve an area. One component delivers potable water for drinking, cooking, bathing and other uses requiring potable water. The other component delivers non-potable water (in the case of Ocoee, reclaimed water) for irrigation and other uses not requiring potable water. While these two -18- 006300476 1 systems may parallel one another and both may serve a property, there is no interconnection and their separation is strictly defined and carefully monitored. Irrigation System -- Shall mean the customer's in-ground piped system which delivers water to spray or drip-type irrigation devices located throughout the property. The system may be controlled by an electric timer or may be controlled manually. The system shall be equipped with special lockable hose bibb boxes providing irrigation by hose and/or portable sprinkler devices in addition to the in-ground piped system. Irrigation Well -- Shall mean a well located on private property and used to supply water to an in-ground irrigation system or other irrigation devices which serve the property. Metered Connection -- All service connections to publie-eon mereial, office-Non:Residential and Residential custorishalLbe-meterel. Non-Residential-= Commercial, industrial/warehousing, office. warehouse and/or institutional uses whether master metered or individuallymetered: and/or multi-family residential units and single family-homes-al tomers hall-be-that are master metered. Reclaimed Water Charges -- Shall mean all other charges relating to providing or discontinuing reclaimed water service. Reclaimed Water Distribution System A comprehensive piping system provided to deliver reclaimed water to customers within the City's Utility Service District. The reclaimed water distribution system is made up of the following components: storage basins, high service delivery pumps, transmission mains and distribution mains and (property) service connections. Reclaimed Water Rates -- Shall mean the monthly charges for reclaimed water service, which have been established by; and may be changed by, resolution of the City Commission. Residential=Single or multi-family residential units that are individually metered_._ Service Connection -- Shall mean the reclaimed water service connection from the transmission or distribution main to the customer's property line, and shall include a corporation stop tapping valve at the main, the service connection pipe and a lockable curb stop, box, and shutoff valve at the property line. 3.0 POLICIES RELATING TO RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE 3.1 In-City Service. Reclaimed water service shall be provided for properties located within the City of Ocoee, on a first-priority--basis-to the extent available, which comply with the provisions for such service as set forth in these policies. Reclaimed water service shall be available to these properties as the transmission and distribution systems are extended. -19- 006.300476.1 3.2 Outside-City Service. Reclanned To_the exten> ranted by Ia-w, reclaimed water service may be provided to properties located outside of the City but within-the-beunsin accordance with resolutions as may be adopted by the City Commission of the City's-Utility Service Area;un-a second-priefibrbasis: At the City's -option-and-convenience. service tosuch-properties strategically located-along-transrnissiorrmain-retines-nay-he-provided on a first priority-basis of_Ocoee. 3.3 Availability of Service. Reclaimed water service is available from either the primary transmission mains or the installed distribution mains. Distribution mains will be extended into areas not presently served in accordance with procedures outlined in these policies and regulations. 3.4 Use of the Reclaimed Water Distribution System. —Connection UUe exempt from connection pursuant to Section 174-20 of_ the Code connection to the system is required for all public, commercial. office; industrial/warehousmng—multi-family development Residential and ssmel family residential Non-Residential development in accordance with Chapter 174 of the Code of the City of Ocoee. 3.5 Restrictions on Use of Alternative Water Sources. Existing private irrigation systems which connect to the reclaimed water system and are presently served by an on-site well or other water source shall disconnect the well or other water source permanently. Dual or temporary connections of wells to irrigation systems served by reclaimed water are not permitted. Dual or temporary connections may be made to natural surface waters or artificially created surface impoundments as permittable by FDEP and/or St. Johns River Water Management District when declared exempt by the Public Utilities Director. The Public-Utilities-Director may make such declaration of exemption as to a limited area or particular lake or as to a particular property or class of properties (i.e., et�Residennal_or No_n-Residential) and for such a limited time period as determined necessary by the Director of Pubhie-Utilities-to serve and protect the public interest. In making such determinations, the Director of-Ptiblie Utilities shall consider, among other things, the following factors: a. Whether city-wide reuse irrigation utilization is high; b. Whether such irrigation would not be detrimental to the body of water; -20- 006 300476.1 c. Whether the particular property or class of properties has the physical means to take water from the body of water using available facilities which can be isolated from other piping systems so as not to pose cross connection control problems. A declaration of exemption issued under this section shall not exempt the user or property from compliance with all other regulatory requirements of the St. Johns River Water Management District, State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the City of Ocoee, and all other applicable local, regional, state or federal agencies. , 3.6 Property Service Connections. Property service connections shall be as required by the property served, but in no case shall be less than one inch in diameter. Each service connection shall be equipped with a lockable corporation stop or shutoff valve at the main and a curb stop or shutoff valve and box at the property line. The City's valve box cover at the property line shall be square and marked "Reclaimed Water." This service connection, together with its valves, are the property of the City. The customer may install his own shutoff valve immediately inside his property line for his own use. Two (2) or more customers may be served by one service connection if sufficient capacity is available. Such common service lines will be sized to provide adequate supply to each customer. 3.7 Customer' s System - Single Dwelling Unit (Class A)Residential. The customer's on-site system may be either a standard in-ground landscape irrigation system with a specially designed lockable in-ground control box or a specially designed lockable hose bibb box containing one hose bibb to be used to irrigate the property by means of garden hoses or portable sprinklers. The in-ground system may be controlled either by a manually-operated zone valve or automatically by a timer and related zone valve. If the customer elects to use the in-ground lockable hose bibb box, it will be supplied and installed by the City. The box may be installed anywhere along the property frontage on the property side of the sidewalk, and will be equipped with a special locking device to provide the customer the capability to control the use of reclaimed water on his or her property. The lid of the hose bibb box will be clearly marked -- Reclaimed Water. The service connection contains a tag stating "Irrigation -- Reclaimed Water -- Do Not Drink." The City will provide a quick disconnect device to be installed by the City, on the customer's 5/8-inch garden hose. The hose containing the device must be used for connection to the reclaimed water system ONLY. Above ground hose bibbs on the reclaimed system are NOT allowed under current FDEP regulations. 3.8 Customer's System -- Public. Commercial. Office. lndastriai/Warehouse (Class B) and-Multi Family Developments (Class_'AM)Non-Residential. The customer's on-site system for these types--of—Non-Residential development may be a standard in-ground landscape irrigation system. The City prefers that the system be zoned and controlled by a timer. Low trajectory or drip-type systems are recommended; however, they are not mandatory. Signs as approved by the City shall be -21- 006.300476.1 placed in conspicuous locations within the landscaped areas of the developments. They shall read, "Irrigation with Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink." If the owner or manager of these types-of-2'on-Resident developments permits or causes vehicles to be washed on the property, a special area shall be set aside for that purpose and it shall he served by one or more lockable in-ground hose bibb boxes connected to the on-site reclaimed water system. The hose bibb rack shall be clearly marked and readily visible with at least one sign stating "Auto Washing, Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink." 3.9 Backflow Prevention. Backflow prevention devices will be required on potable water lines when reclaimed water is delivered to the property in accordance with FDEP regulation 17- 555.360 and the City's adopted "Manual of Cross Connection Control." The City will install appropriate backtlow prevention devices on single family potable service connections when reclaimed water is delivered to the property. The following summarizes Section II, Reclaimed Water Systems, of the City's adopted "Manual of Cross Connection Control" and defines backflow prevention device requirements on the reclaimed system. Other sections of the "Manual of Cross Connection Control" should be referred to for specific information regarding backflow prevention assembly or device installation and testing. 3.9.1 Single Family Dwelling Units (Class M. Backflow prevention assemblies or devices will be required on all single- family reclaimed potable water services where reuse services are provided. The homeowner will be required to maintain the backflow prevention assembly (RPBA) in these situations. "Where a hackflaw-prevention assembly has been installed-onan-irrigation service conneetien to-the potable water system- " assembly -may be eliminated by City personnel (or City Cow-actor)-v.hen the reclaimed system replaces-the-potable-send deuce of hazard-of-the-existing irrigation syster. . ,�in � eter...ining fact r in nether-the assembly-must remain on the irrigation-system -to-the reclaimed uennecs:. The homeowner-will-be-required to maintainThe-assembly-in-these-situations. if the assembly ie eliminated it remains the property ocam' ^ ho.^eownec7 3=4.2 Multi-Family Developments (Ctass AM). 19.2 Non-Residential,. Backflow prevention assemblies will be required on all multi family reclaimed-irrigation-ar.;ce-conecdons:--Where-a backtlow preventio m�^�Nty-;ras-bLen installed-on-an-irrigation system connected-to the-Non-Residential potable water ystem,-that assembly may-be-eliminated by City personnel (or-City-Contractor) when4he-potable-serviee connection-is chan d- to a reelaimed-servieeeouneetiotrservicesconnectionswhere reuse services are provided. Whether-4 ,-use-of-the-assembly must be continued will-depend-upon -22- 006 300476.1 the-degree--of hazard a seciated-with--the-existing-irrigation-system. If the-assembly-is eliminated-it-remains the property of the-facility owner The property owner of multi family Non_Residential units is responsible for maintaining all backflow prevention assemblies on the reclaimed system. 3-9 -PuhliE-Camme.m.aof€ieelndustrial/-Werehouse{C1 rss t3} -Baektlow-prevention assemblies-will--be required on-ail--eenmiercial reclaimed irrigation-service connections- —Where a back-Bow prevention-assembly has-been in tailed-on an irrigation-system cennected._to- he-potable-water-systemthat-assembly-name 1-im n ted-hy City-personnel (or City Contractor) when the potable service- connection-is-changed to -t reclaimed-service connection -Whether the use of assembly must-betentinued- will--depend upon-the-degree--of-hazard-associated-with-the existing-irrigation--system-l-f-the-assembly-is eliminated-it-remains-the-property--ef-the-facilit3-ewner,The-property owner-of a commercial facility-is-responsibh, for maintaining-all-bac-cfew-prevention-assemblies-en the reclaimed system. 3.10 System Pressures. The City will provide reclaimed water at pressures which are adequate to satisfactorily operate all standard irrigation systems and devices. Should the customer require pressures which are higher, he shall provide, at his cost, whatever devices are necessary to provide the higher pressures. Before installing such devices, the customer shall obtain a permit from the City Utility-Public Works Department. Electrical permits are separate permits which are still required. 3.11 Discontinuance of Service by Customer. If the customer desires a temporary discontinuance of service the procedures applicable to a temporary discontinuance of water service shall apply. 3.12 Service Not Guaranteed. The source of the reclaimed water is the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility which can produce a finite quantity of reclaimed water. The City will carefully monitor the number of connections being made to the system so as not to overtax its capacity; however, at the same time, it is the desire of the City, and the intent of the program, to provide the service to the maximum number of customers. During extended dry periods, it -23- 006.300476.1 may be necessary to limit a customer's water use or, under extreme conditions, to temporarily discontinue service. 4.0 APPLICATION FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE The requirements for site plans, building permits and the like that presently exist are not altered by these regulations, but where connection is proposed to the reclaimed water system, there will be an additional submittal to the Utility-Ptublic Works Department, as hereinafter described. 4.1 Obtaining Application Forms. Application forms for reclaimed water service may be obtained from the Utility-Public Works Billing Office in City Hall or from the offices of the Utility-Public Works Department. All questions relating to completing the application form should be directed to the Utility-Public Works Department. Completed application forms should be mailed or hand delivered to the Utility-Public Works Department. The application form must be accompanied by a check or money order, made payable to the City of Ocoee, in an amount sufficient to cover any fees and charges for the reclaimed water service connection. The application shall specify whether the customer requires increased reclaimed water pressures which are higher than standard as described below. 4.2 Application for Reclaimed Water Service, Clas. AM and Class B Non- Residential-Customers. Applications for reclaimed water service to Gass-AM-or ^- s B Non- Residential Customers ncluding-puhlie_-commercial,-office;-industriallwarehe se-or-multr family--developments shall be accompanied by a detailed site plan showing the size and location of the service connection to the distribution main, the layout of the primary delivery mains within the development and the location and type of irrigation devices to be installed in the irrigation system. The maximum steady-state demand for reclaimed water that the irrigation system will require to function properly must also be provided. The irrigation system may be a standard in-ground type with permanently placed sprinkler devices. The service connection shall be equipped with a shutoff valve just inside the public right-of-way, a meter, and a customer shutoff valve on the customer side of the meter. The size of the service connection and meter will be determined by City personnel based upon the maximum steady- state demand of the irrigation system. Small, neat signs stating "Irrigation with Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink" shall be placed in conspicuous locations throughout the landscaped areas. If auto washing is permitted on the property, a special area shall he set aside for this activity and it shall utilize reclaimed water. A sign, or signs, shall be placed on the hose bibb rack stating "Auto Washing, Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink." 4.3 Application for Reclaimed Water Service, Class A Residential Customer. The application must state the type of irrigation system which will be used; that is, a standard in-ground system with fixed sprinkler devices or the special hose bibb box to be -24- 006.300476.1 • furnished at cost by the City. A single residential service connection will consist of a corporation stop at the distribution main, the service pipe and a curb stop, meter and box at the property line. A single reclaimed water service connection will be one inch in diameter. Immediately inside the property line, the customer may choose to install a shutoff valve for his use in repairing, extending and maintaining the on-site system. If the customer presently uses an irrigation well, he must so state and agree to disconnect that well from the system. -25- 006.300476.1 RESOLUTION NO. 2003- 17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO RECLAIMED WATER; AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2001-11; REVISING THE RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE USE OR AVAILABILITY OF THE CITY'S RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Section 174-9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to revise the reclaimed water rates adopted in Resolution No. 2001-11 relating to Reclaimed Water; provided, however, that the rates established in Resolution No. 2001-11 shall remain in effect for hills issued through September 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee desires to establish a revised schedule of rates and charges for the use or availability of the City's Reclaimed Water System; and WHEREAS, the new rates shall apply to hills issued on or after October 1, 2003; and WHEREAS, notice of the revised rates have been provided to each customer of the utility through the utility's billing process in accordance with Section 180.136, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 006.296925.2 DRAFT June 18, 2003 � naU SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Section 174-9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. Florida, Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Reclaimed Water System Rates. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby adopts and approves the RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RATES as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made part hereof; provided, however, that the rates established in Resolution No. 2001-11 shall remain in effect for bills issued through September 31, 2003 without regard to the date of the meter reading. The rates established in Exhibit "A" of this Resolution shall apply to bills issued on or after October 1, 2003 without regard to the date of the meter reading. SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall he deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 4. Fffertive Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. 006.296925.2 -2- PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2003. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADOPTED ON THE ABOVE DATE UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 2003. FOLEY & LARDNER By: City Attorney -3-006.296925.2 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RATES EFFECTIVE FOR BILLS ISSUED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER I, 2003 (a) Customer charge, effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003, without regard to the date of the meter reading. Meter Tyne Charge All Meter Types $1.14 (b) Plus: Base facility charge (zero consumption), effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003, without regard to the date of the meter reading. Meter Type Charge 3-inch $2.78 1.0-inch $6.94 1.5-inch $13.88 2.0-inch $22.20 3.0-inch $44.40 4.0-inch $69.38 6.0-inch $138.75 8.0-inch $222.00 10.0-inch $346.88 12.0-inch $693.75 0062969252 (c) Plus: Volumetric (gallons) charges, effective for all bills issued on or after October 1, 2003, without regard to the date of the meter reading: RESIDENTIAL NUMBER OF GALLONS CHARGE PER 1000 GALLONS 0 TO 4,000 GALLONS $0.59 4,001 TO 8,000 GALLONS $0.78 8,001 TO 12,000 GALLONS $1.56 12,001 GALLONS AND GREATER $2.34 NONRESIDENTIAL, NUMBER OF GALLONS CHARGE PER 1000 GALLONS 0 TO 4,000 GALLONS $0.59 4,001 TO 8,000 GALLONS $0.78 8,001 TO 12,000 GALLONS $1.56 12,001 GALLONS AND GREATER $1.56 006 296925 2 -5-