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VII (A) Appointment to Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department
Mayor center el GoodLry/. ('ommisswnu Agenda 7-I5-2003 S. Scull.Vandergrift Danny I Iowan. Dn . etrl V❑ A �y'� Scott Anderson, liistriicct�2 Cr Milnnger V "� '-y Rusty Johnson. Dist'act 3 Jim Gleason Nancy J. Parker. District 4 STAFF REPORT TO:/ The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Jean Grafton, City Clerk 11 / VVV DATE: July 9,2003 RE: Appointments to Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (3-year terms) (Members must be either City residents or owners of real property or businesses in Ocoee or members of Ocoee Police Department) ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint two new members to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION Member Douglas Reece resigned on June 24, 2003, from a term ending February 1, 2006. There are now 23 of 25 possible members on CACOPD. You may wish to note that of the 23 members: 4 reside in District I, 11 reside in District 2, 2 reside in District 3, and 4 reside in District 4. Six applications have been submitted listing this board as the first or only choice. For District 2: Richard Hart and Amber Hart(Have attended Ocoee Citizens Police Academy.) Art Johnstone and Marge Johnstone (Not City residents, owners of business located at 8805 West Colonial Drive, Ocoee.) For District 4: DeWayne Cook and Louis Robert Tones RECOMMENDATION Should they wish to do so, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners: 1. Appoint an Applicant to complete Member Reece's 3-year term to February 1, 2006. 2. Appoint an Applicant for a 3-year term to end February 1, 2006. mg Center of Good Li '� Ve ri[t• nlml 10mq-, Vlncin' 6 __ - wort Vamlergril't en„ D t m 11 e dI. IL tl r-I S. - qa.>'/� }7y� S, t And r7on Distact City VI'm t�gr ��s y �,LI Y� l.'u ohnson District 3 dim ( Icndun /E � �� V:mi rd. Parker. District 4 APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS I. l Name:t ARCS -.)° k-Jlas aiNE Home Ph 4O7- LI`IS- 'ays 2. Home Address: (/d,ii Rio IDa10� I-,,‘Attic n,✓o0 FL 3atTF Jpl 2` 2::n 3. Business:Ocot IrgEd- &WI¢ Business Phone: -a01- '),90. foS UU 4. Business Address: �QS (l)(<.�i 0ioNtal_ AD21UE CkO[L F-l_ 'flL/ 5. Brief SummaryEducation /aLt Experience: � .. Y{�({h,' Da rise.� a ouafregist ) 6. Are youaregatered ter? Yes Nov District t. ? (pus%Kass 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes No , 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No ✓ 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No ✓ 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes L'" No 11. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH Tiwk -•INTEREST YOU : - - �c7-7/ Indicate our degree of interest as first choice- RI, second choice-#2,etc. * Board of Adjustment **Education Commission iv-- Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board * Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals * Planning& Zoning Commission * General Employees' Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Wh do you think you are ualified to serve n thi board? (j �� O d.JCm� �y�, 13. Would you consider serving on another Board othe than one(s)you selected above? Yes ✓ No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes ✓ No 15. Please attach resume.** What school does your child tte d? „ - b QS 1t-S-v-r--) SIGNATURE - estO _frJ DATE: O(e/a 10-2 Note: (I) Application effective fo NE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT c:\all data(FORMS\Bd AppFeb2003.doc City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore DOce • Ocoee-Florida 34761 phone. i 407)905-3100• fax.(407)656-8504 • owrc ci.ecoce.11.us Center of Good Lipp2.� Uaan �e (doo _ nrn T'i'�,e. =+ Dom lli s t•ll iii i l s Svc,' Aindcrtri'd Co,v DI mo rr � OR, Scott And rvn District Ru i lahn=on )i grin a � V Nancy I . rkri District t I . it Clcaxnn , ..,,�- i APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS 1. Name: o SoN( Home Pho,p : O1 - ie[ - L 37 S 2. Home Address: 11' . O .) IVf- Vflp,,et. T-�- 3 tr f' AN T= ='1 3. Business�`�,iF F 1lREy CeVt Btsmess Phone: 401 O: (0SDO 4. Business Address: ?Cr6G5Iw.tS 1CNiaLI)RWt' L.-L. 347U1 5. BppriefDuo ��Summary of Education/,aped Experience: _bin, 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes __ No 4..--- District# 'L (BusINESS) 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes No ✓ 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No t/ 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No v 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No__ II. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : F oo NnE2a 6°,1 Indicate our degree of interest as first choice- #l,second choice-#2, etc. *Board of Adjustment **Education Commission / Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory V for Police Department Board * Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals * Planning& Zoning Commission * General Employees' Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees l2. Wh 3o you t n you are ualified to serve on this board? 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s)yo selected above? Yes No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes ✓ No 15. Please attach resume. ** What school does your c ' d attend? n AJ 40._.) . SIGNATURE %1« DATE: 0(7a,a/0" Note: (I) App - non effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerks office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT gall data'FORMSBd AppFeb2003.doc City ofOcoee• ISO N Lakeshore Drive •Ocoee. Florida 34761 phone: 1407i 905-3100• foe(407)656-8504• WAvv ci ococc fl.us Centel of Good Li,., (\.-'e /12g t'ununl--ium�c Vl rvnl_ �.•,�.. _ nanny Hutr tll. t) n I I S ?colt V mdclt,rih . ',.� - Scustu Aid 'un. DI tri 2 Y � Itur Inhn on. Ih tr icl ( l�l AIona�cr �s iiiJJJ N;mcs .1. l arker. Di 'i net :1 -Ern (.11mk:on APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS I. Name: L)E 1/4)14/� de© it HomePhone: yd7- K77- 1962- 2. Home Address: �0 93 MA `( e 57 i C cl- $l oLt/D 3. Business:Gr./ iSA/�S CCIc*f -'O Business Phone: yr77— 27— (Z 4. Business Address:pO 0 / O c0 L V ( 2rj 40 5. Brief Summary of Education and xpedence: S ?o(lLJS /15P o�51C� 2-7 AlFil-vs ttA c)0 SEcv2T•-) I CA - 4-WA K r2 1 cel2 ta 1 s1,•,cT 1'\k3l( \4:1N�JvW '1 A S�;Cr S 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes v No District k if_ 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes '� NoNo - 8. Do you hold public office? YesNo 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No ' - 11. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate our degree of interest as first choice- #1,second choice-#2,etc. * Board of Adjustment **Education Commission Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board * Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals * Planning& Zoning Commission * General Employees' Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board'? � ��� �� �tie7 �, s l/AVE Si y�rA�s co/f/J1 TLE . Cc1z) L7 4r 7Lk A/FEA 5 of outi 6912,1n.•L> FA fit;A w;t`-k z / En.!h <vat 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s) you selected es ✓ No above? 14. Until such time you arc selected for the Board of your choice,may we submit yourNo application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes 15. Please attach resume. " What school does your child attend? ©COee li3OO(G Sc L SIGNATURE `— DATE: 3 — 3 —03 Note: (I) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT cnall dataAFORNSHd AppFeb2003.doc - City of Ocoee • UO N Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee. Florida 34761 phone:1407i 902 3100• fax (407)656-5504 • www.ci omce.11 us coder of Good\Ia_rt 't biviz?? ('u in LGoner- ti Srnu A mdprvrdt ..I D arm I lr..r ll. 1) uu I Ito,0„ in 5. Andre un Ul t hut 2 'II,. I mhrr £OIE.• Ru is fahn to Ur trier :i JunGI ,,on 0- Names-I Parker. OH rul .4 APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS 1. Name: Nt�� C A Home Phone: 1401-1.75q-I 31,C 2 Home Address: \.3:1 v. 3. Business:" .Ja,tc..-GtT?,c‘ _ -I Business Phone: Ho 7- IL;3-`II CC c k- 5 4. Business Address: a,010 �c',e:,„;ec Y--qrdi .-, (3-,)-\Cca--,>i,(---. 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: VV \--,,`-Y�cc.\-\-->v�\n.h j ��z�z» CAE-, aX \MPc�cy�� ) Ch .c .F`, 4\�u -�-csyc>_.S\- C .\, .Ztc-,S--\->cAcam. fACGCAPcrb-( --- 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes X No District#_La__ 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes X No S. Do you hold public office? Yes No X 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No 'X 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No 11. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate your degree of interest as fiat choice- )21,second choice-42,etc. * Board of.Adjustment **Education Commission Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board _ *Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board * Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals * Planning&Zoning Commission * General Employees' Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board_? l\ �-Vl.le. AwE!A ev ( :Cr;ec- re- 'fens- Q11c\ Ac C,1 \.v.--,c .E. v c-� . ( sir-.ce- : G. �ck.Ct <c- t A v .\ 13. Would yo4 V consider serving on another Board other than one(s)''ou selected \c\.(de_ Acc-AC nm- above? Yes "( No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit yourr / application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes X No 15. Please attach re me. ** What school oes yo child atten ? c, C\,N\< F c..‘ - SIGNATURE / at- a,c ' DATE: f` 7-L - .. Note: (I) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105- * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT cAall dataAFORNSVBd AppFeb2002.doc City of Ocoee• ISO N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone- 1407)905-3100• fax:(407)656-S504 •rmtiv.ci.ococe. l.us Ce t of Goof{Lf 1 Vlac 't�iz p/Its U nlim In'rp Fc tl A'Indi raril'I e,�,. I�' ---- Dann‘ I1norll Di Ilul { Scott And L un District 2 OHAI In l cr ,�����JJJJ� I(u i Johnson I)rvnun tt Jon 11i-tso , F `_ �� Nancy .1. Pa choir District 1 APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS I. Name: V-cc- A,ep._n 3- J-k.>:�11. Home Phone: 4♦0"1 (oSq 913G2 2, Home Address: 127 LPv S ST. 3. Business: u.1 tjt,.1 Business Phone: c40-7 Scoo siol 4. Business Address: 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: A.S. 'Mts<-NPn11<—AL be FTi r1Ci _Nest'.RYIEiiNA1-1 &=LsCTAICA+.I cif 12 SY.1 PO'-ICF roc-ADSMY 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes_( _ No District# z 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes_ / No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No_/ 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No ✓ 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No .....-__ IL PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate your degree of interest as first choice- #1,second choice-42,etc. *Board of Adjustment **Education Commission Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory I for Police Department Board Z * Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board *Construction Board of 3 Adjustment and Appeals * Planning& Zoning Commission * General Employees'Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board?Ac.•Ic. =ur4t - t't Oc roe_3 'c3 fRM-T"C-�1 PS N •TonN ' TN " CT12 J o.- S c A 3Itc f� D.,r-1 Y, ctr lL W 71 At- 1A Tf•4= r�Atlo N St_ &tsCT2t e. CanG UJGL-;v Iu' cvss_„ aYe.t e A..-t eta_ CN4r=S 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s) you selected above? Yes ,/ No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes- ,J" No 15. Please attach resume. ** What school does your ild attend? SIGNATURE DATE: 1/4143 Note: (I) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completiorL (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)903-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT c:tall dara\FORW9Bd AppFeb2002.doc City of Ocoee • 150 N Lakeshore DU)e• Ocoee Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100•fax (407)65('-8504• www ci oco c fits center of Good L VI_-l -or ,yYiz�'' Li..., t'omm i-. ign ors S yt'uiI A':mdiirri f'r E'4 =1E1 Dann Ilu ell. I)i=tric' I A. 1 �C° }}a Snob Andus1m Ih Iri i 9 li r II AI,mngier ,i�f � u tc Johnson. Ui trot i1 hmtII d-on : $l �E 2 IL.' NmtRiminiI. Iarkin uI Ui -in I APPLLiICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS I. Name:/,9 r//S 2&er ni 5 Home Phone: 9,�7t7 2. Home Addres:22;777*, ,c r,c- fG-r /3Lvq OCite ,zz,4 3Y7z / 3. Business: _ -__ Business Phone: - 4. Business Address: 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: �L/,o v/ S,,.,./ /02/!ae4:2 �42vg Zx (2if/6,vca/,u wn2E/ ov$ �i'�edirsA) .ihAra" v� /da i� A// Mg 'n'i' 4,o�re•eV, . :. u/'��`r- SU9'<v�Lg .ZG- r/- . ' / 6. Arere you registered voter? Yes !� No District;4' y �__a._ ate 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes , - No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes _ No Y 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No ,/_ 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No / I1. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate 'our degree of interest as first choice- #1, second choice-#2,etc. * Board of Adjustment **Education Commission Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory 7 / for Police Department Board * Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board _ * Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals * Planning&Zoning Commission * General Employees' Retirement * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Trust Fund Board of Trustees Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? SA^? A /2E7.i?t w4 RtL/B U SZ 5uv��z ✓: $ .a-2/4r9.✓4 Gc.[- % iAF' 6,vt A4a'i9 ,'7 iL 7-0 ,/tr .6.61o¢r---- -A ,v=is- -,-? 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s) you selected above? Yes No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes f-' No_15. Please attach resume. ** What schoo o+s your child attend? _— SIGNA,TrU•. „ ,w _ ALa DATE: nz/rZ703 Note: (I) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT ceall d-ta1FORMS)Bd AppFeb2002.doc - City ofOcoee • 150 N Lakeshore Drice•Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone:(4071 905-3100• fax: (407)656-S504•oww ci ocoeef-us Green, Marian From: McCosker, Steve Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:45 AM To: City Clerk Distribution List Cc: Goclon, Steve Subject: FW: CACOPD Original Message From: Reece, Doug Imailto:DREECEO2onesource.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:31 AM To: McCosker, Steve Subject: RE: CACOPD Sgt. McCosker: I regret to inform you that I must resign from any further participation in the CACOPD. My job responsibilities make it impossible to regularly devote the time required by the citizens group. I truly enjoyed my limited involvement with CACOPD as well as meeting you, the Chief and members of the City Commission. I extend my best wishes to the future success of CACOPD and, most importantly, the Ocoee Police. Thank you, Douglas Reece 1 CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Created by Res.#88-06 on 2/16/88/Amended by Res.#91-09,92-07&96-20 Member District Phone Number Term Expires Sherrall Applegate 1 407/656-7409 (H) February I, 2006 504 Spring Creek Drive 407/521-2330 x 243 (W) 'applegitrQinrtzero net Lindsey Asay 4 (407)445-3729 (H) December 1, 2005 711 Rich Drive (407)762-4444 (W) 'Eau Michael Barnes 4 321/206-0345 (H) May 1, 2005 2042 Ancient Oak Drive 407/295-5200 (W) mikc6t)familyhames,cont Norman Beier 2 407/656-2954 (H) July 1, 2004 1275 Sandy Cove John (Jack) Cooper 4 407/297-7737 (H) November 1,2004 1360 Vickers Lake Drive 407/762-0560 (W) lark Cooper eSmtnrct corn Richard Davis 3 407/656-6467 (H) September 1, 2003 608 Gallego Avenue John W. Grogan 1 407/654-7226 (H) July 1, 2004 1002 Sabrina Drive 407/560-5101 (W) Jwg ogan n aol Pont Thomas A. Hendrix, Sr. 2 407/654-5837 (H) January I, 2006 608 Jay Street 407/758-4056 (Cell) (Mailing: P.O. Box 74) Tony Kissoon 4 407/522-2779 (H) April I, 2004 1249 Montheath Circle Joel F. Keller 4 407/578-5191 (H) January I, 2006 5021 Lighterwood Court 407/841-4755 x 2337 (W) IkeIlrrfr#fl rr rom 2 Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Victoria Laney 2 407/294-1651 (H) February 1, 2004 830 Hammocks Drive vlaney@aol.com Mark Linn 2 407/877-0458 (H) August I, 2004 703 Lakeview Drive Robert M. McKey(Vice Chairman) 2 407/292-2586(H) January 1, 2006 1110 Wineberry Court 407/292-2586 (W) RobMcKey414yros rem Freddy Milner 2 407/656-1544(H) January 1, 2004 904 Flewelling Avenue Ricky Osborne 1 407/877-7411 (H) February 1, 2006 1609 Maureen Ave 407/839-0000 (W) Bradley Phillips 2 407/654-0521 (H) February 1, 2006 1603 A.D. Mims Road 407/656-3097 (W) Cecil W. Sammons 1 407/656-0422 (H) July 1, 2004 1264 Russell Drive 407/299-6161 (W) cadirs7007Oyahnn row Mark A. Scalzo 4 407/298-1473 (H) January 1, 2006 6938 Crosscut Court 407/422-4561 (W) 407/468-5375 (C) msrabonmearstransporlation corn Mel Shaner 2 407/656-8091 (H) February 1,2006 615 Orange Avenue Jim Sills (Chairman) 2 407/656-0644 (H) February 1, 2006 205 S. Lakeshore Drive 407/656-3700 (W) 407/620-6489 (Cell) Sil I S9570(s2AOI COM Gene Snow 2 407/656-4595 (H) February I,2006 401 N.W. Flewelling Avenue hillbilyf(cJaol corn Frank Venturella 3 407/877-6215 (H) November I, 2004 2410 Copperhill Loop 3 Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Sam Woodson 2 407/656-3954(H) November 1, 2003 814 Chicago Avenue SJ WJQAO1 COM Ex-Officio Members Nancy Parker, Commissioner 407/298-8000 (W) Appt. 4/17/01 407/905-3100 x 1040 nparker it ri ornee fins Steve Goclon, Police Chief 407/905-3100 x 3027 Steve McCosker, Sergeant 407/905-3100 x 3316 s nrcosker@)ei ornee it us Clerk Brenda Maxwell,Deputy City Clerk 407/905-3105#2 hmaxwell4i)ri ornrr fl us camµVmbgiiune 25,2003 Declined Reappointment for 2/01/03 Ruth Aycock 3 407/656-5842 (H) February 1,2003 Phil Fiedler 2 407/656-4024 (H) February 1,2003 Tom Slimick 2 407/656-8191 (H) February 1, 2003 Resigned Eugene Davis 4 407/297-4193 (H) July 1,2004 Douglas Reece(6/24/2003) 3 407/654-9363 (H) February I, 2006 Dean Richards 2 407/656-3464 (H) December 1, 2005 Removed for Non-Attendance on 2/04/03 Karen Vanek 1 407/656-8653 (H) February 1, 2004 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CITY OF OCOEE BOARDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (City residents only/not City employees) Meets as needed (on Thursday following 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.) 5 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms Duties: To hear and decide appeals for administrative review; to hear and recommend to City Commission variances to the zoning ordinance. CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT (Ocoee residents, owners of real property, members of OPD, owners of businesses - per CACOPD By-Laws) Meets 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms Duties: To promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a positive relationship between the citizens of the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (City residents only) Meets 4th Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. 7 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms (Membership will, when practicable, include an architect, a businessman, an engineer, a general contractor, a sub-contractor and a realtor) . Duties: To review infractions of City technical codes, negotiate compliance and impose Eines for failure to comply. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS (See residency requirements below) Meets as needed 5 members, 3 year terms (after initial appointments for staggered term lengths) (Membership should include: 3 among the following: a Division 1 contractor; an electrical contractor; a mechanical contractor; a plumbing contractor; an architect; or an engineer [City residency not required] AND 2 members of the general public who must be City residents) Duties: To hear appeals of decisions of the Building and Zoning Official related to interpretation and implementation of the Florida Building Code and consider variances of technical codes. EDUCATION COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 1st Mondays, 7:00 p.m. No less than 7 members, no more than 15 members - 2 year terms (Membership shall include at least one representative member for each public school within the City.) Duties: To improve the quality of education for Ocoee students by serving as an advisory body to the City Commission on education issues within the City. PARES AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (City residents only) Meets 3rd Mondays, alternate months, 7:30 p.m. 13 members - 2 year terms Duties: To advise the City Commission, City Manager and Recreation Director on the operation of the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. PERSONNEL BOARD (City residents who are registered voters) Meets as needed 5 members - 3 year terms (Membership will include at least 1 City employee, 1 City Commissioner, 1 person who holds management position with City, and 1 citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and does not hold office with City. All must be qualified electors of the City.) Duties: Responsible for reviewing personnel policies for the City which are submitted to them by City Manager and recommending such policies to City Commission for adoption. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. (and 4th Wednesdays, if needed) 9 members - 3 year terms (Membership will, when reasonable, include an architect, an engineer, a general building contractor, a real estate agent and lay persons) . Duties: Establishes principles and policies for guiding action affecting development in the City and its environs. Determines whether special proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan. Acts in advisory capacity to the City Commission. Brief Description of City of Ocoee Boards Page 2 GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 2 employees, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for general employees. POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 1 police officer, 1 firefighter, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for the City's police officers and firefighters. BROSDES/mbg/April 14, 2003