HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (F) Consideration of Ocoee Education Commission Participation in The Foundation for Orange County Public Schools Agenda 8-05-2003
Item VII F
Recommendation for Participation
The Foundation for Orange County Public Schools
Ocoee Education Commission
Presented by
David Morris, Chairman
Heidi Koch, Member
July 15, 2003
The Commission
The City of Ocoee Education Commission was established to advise the Ocoee City
Commission on ways to promote and improve education in the City of Ocoee (ss 4 of
Resolution No. 98-07).
As evidenced by recent headlines, our public schools are in need of community support
now more than ever. Money is tight and harder to come by at the federal, state and local
governmental levels, but the needs of the schools still grow. It therefore falls upon the
communities the schools serve to find ways to support the schools' educational mission.
Based on discussions with members of the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) that
serve the residents of the City of Ocoee, it is the advice of this Commission that the City
of Ocoee establishes a City of Ocoee Education Fund (COEF) in support of these
After meeting with Nancy Peed, Executive Director of the Foundation for Orange County
Public Schools, Inc., the Commission believes the best course of action would be for the
City to establish the COEF as part of that Foundation. Establishing the COFF in this way
has the following advantages'
I. All donations would be tax deductible as charitable contributions
because The Foundation is a 50I C (3) organization
2. The Foundation would act its an administrator for the account for an
annual charge of S250.00 or 5% of income as of June 30 of each year,
whichever is greater
3. The Foundation would issue checks at the request of the City's
designee and take care of all paperwork
4. There would be no start-up costs because we would be part of an
existing foundation
We propose the COEF be supervised by a committee of the Education Commission under
the following guidelines:
Mission Statement
To provide resources that support and enhance quality public education in the schools
serving the residents of the City of Ocoee.
The purpose of the COFF is to supplement the support the local, public elementary,
middle and senior high schools receive by matching available resources with the needs
identified by the schools. In this way. The Fund hopes to increase public participation in
the educational process and improve the quality of education the residents of Ocoee
The City of Ocoee Education Commission will establish a COEF Committee consisting
of 3-5 Education Commission members whose responsibilities will include:
A) Ascertaining the needs of the local public schools serving the residents of
the City of Ocoee.
I. The committee will conduct a periodic survey of the local public
schools asking them to rank their greatest needs based on the
following criteria:
• Enhances curriculum (e.g. for FLAT, academic enrichment,
• Supports student needs (e.g. school supplies)
• Enhances student performance(e.g. books, A/V equipment, lab
• Benefits teachers (e.g. teacher appreciation)
2. The length of time allotted to complete the survey will be at the
discretion of the committee
3. The Education Commission, by simple majority vote, may request a
survey be issued if:
• The time between surveys has been sufficient to warrant
another survey
• The goals of the last survey have been met
• The public interest myould be better served by another survey
• Another survey is warranted based on public input
• The City Commission requests another survey
• Any other reason the Commission may feel justifies the
issuance of another survey
B) Identifying the greatest common need of a majority of the public schools
serving the residents of Ocoee.
I. At a public meeting the Committee will tally the results of the surveys
• Only the surveys handed in by the deadline set by the
Committee will be considered
• Each item listed on the qualified surveys will be tallied and
placed within appropriate categories (e.g. library books, A/V
material may be placed in general category labeled Library)
• These categories are to be determined by the Committee at the
time the survey results are tallied and would reflect the best
possible grouping of the items in the surveys
2. The Committee would then rank the results of the surveys based on the
results of the tally and on the following considerations:
• each item will be discussed in turn
• previous support will be considered
• existing programs that may already be in place to support one
of the needs listed
• public in-put at the meeting
Organization (cont.)
• ability to raise funds/support for an item
• any other point the Committee feels is pertinent
3. The Committee would then decide which of these needs could best be
supported by The Fund
C) Present the list to the Education Commission for approval
I. Notify schools of the results of the survey
• Advise schools the results will be presented to Education
Commission at a public meeting giving time and date
• Advise schools they will have the opportunity to speak if they
• Advise schools of the remainder of the process
2. Present Committee's results at a public meeting of the Education
• Explain how list was developed
• Seek Commission and public in-put
• List may be amended, modified and/or approved by simple
majority vote of Education Commission
D) Present the Commission-approved list to the Ocoee City Commission
I. Notify schools of results of Commission meeting
• Advise schools the results will presented to Ocoee City
Commission at a public meeting giving time and date
• Advise schools they will have an opportunity to speak if they
• Advise schools the list approved by the City Commission is the
list The Fund will he using to seek support
2. Present Commission-approved list to Ocoee City Commission
• Explain how list was developed
• Seek City commission and public in-put
• List may be amended, modified and/or approved by simple
majority vote of City Commission
E) Raising the funds and support for the COEF based on the City
Commission-approved list
L Notify schools of final results and determine which schools wish to
receive support
• Schools will fill out simple application form
• Deadline determined by Fund Committee
• Distribute funds/support equally among the public schools who
wish to participate
Organization (cont.)
2. Seek funds, service and/or support for determined need
• Set goal of Fund
• Local support
i. Businesses
ii. Civic groups
iii. Individuals
• Other
i. State and Federal government
ii. Grants
iii. National service organizations
3. Collect documentation/verification of use of funds from recipients
4. Advertise The Fund's activities to generate support
• Ocoee News To You
• Local papers
F) General
I. Liaison between COEF, the Education Commission and the City
2. Advise Education Commission and City Commission in August and
January of each year of a time a place for disbursement of Rinds
3. Advise Education Commission and City Commission of the time and
place of distribution of product and/or service in support of The
Fund's campaign
4. Provide periodic status reports of the COEF to the Education
Commission and the City Commission
The support the public schools receive could be monetary, in-kind services, or assistance
in locating grants or resources. It is not the purpose of the Fund to take the place of
SACs, PTAs or other organizations in supporting the public schools, but to
supplement this support and to channel as much additional help as possible to the
public schools.
The community is given four opportunities to voice their concerns and opinions during
this process: during the initial survey, at the Committee meeting, the Education
Commission meeting and at the City Commission meeting.
Periodic assessments of the COEF, its goals and operating procedures will be conducted
by the Education Commission
The Ocoee Education Commission
etT City of Ocoee Education on, on h of - _
Ocoeehe 's school children, seeks Commissi to establish the be Cityalf of ■=
Ocoee Education Fund (COEF). This fund will be -- _ _
established and maintained by the Orange County Public a—lb
Schools (OCPS) Foundation. This Foundation is a 501 C 3, and
therefore all contributions to the COEF will be tax deductible. Please see attached
guidelines for detailed information regarding the set up and management of this fund.
After surveying public schools that are attended by Ocoee residents, and reviewing the
needs/wish lists, the most requested need was books and resource materials.
Therefore, for it's inaugural program, the Education Commission has chosen to launch a
campaign called "BUCKS FOR BOOKS'.
"BUCKS FOR BOOKS' is anticipated to assist Ocoee school children as
> Provide funding for Library and Media Resource materials such as books,
accompanying software and programs, audio visual needs, and such.
Engage the community and its' resources with respect to needs within our
community's schools.
7- Utilizing a slogan such as "BOOK BUDDIES", emphasize the need for mentors
in our schools. One example would be to encourage seniors to spend just an
hour or so a month reading to a child. This program will allow for the
coordination of such needs.
The information below basically outlines how we will achieve our objective:
Page 2
r COEF Subcommittee members will approach community businesses to
sponsor or partner on this program. An example might be asking Borders to
become a partner by promoting this program in various ways, and/or
offsetting the cost of promotional materials for distribution. This is just one
possibility of how businesses can participate.
v Encourage contributions from the community to the COEF.
As noted above, prepare publicity materials to promote the program.
Education Commission members will seek out opportunities to promote the
"BUCKS FOR BOOKS" program. This may include spearheading,
participating in, and/or encouraging fundraisers. The Education Commission
will also, with the approval of the City Commission and/or its liaisons, pursue
opportunities for media attention to promote this program within the
community and beyond.
Research similar programs that we can utilize or partner with, such as Read
to Succeed, Reading is Fundamental, etc.
One to two times annually, the Ocoee Education Commission will request the
City Commission to disburse funds from the COEF to be distributed equally
amongst participating schools. These funds can only be utilized for library
and media center materials.
y After disbursement of funds to schools, Education Commission members will
track the use of funds by schools and provide that information to the City
Commission to be utilized in publications, OGTV, etc. This will provide
recognition and visibility of the program, and subsequently the Education
Commission. It is anticipated that such recognition will allow for credibility
when promoting future programs or issues regarding education.
The Ocoee Education Commission
atThe City of Ocoee Education Commission, on behalf of Ocoee's school
children, seeks to establish the City of Ocoee Education Fund (COEF).
This fund will be established and maintained by the Orange County Public
Schools (OCPS) Foundation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do you determine which schools are eligible to participate in this
A. All public schools that have Ocoee residents enrolled will be invited to apply for
these funds. ( See attached list for eligible schools.)
Q. How did the Ocoee Education Commission determine what the school
needs are?
A In April and May of 2003, all schools noted on the attached list were provided a
survey to be completed and returned to the Ocoee Education Commission.
Education Commission members divided up the school list, and each school
was visited by a member of this Commission. All schools returned completed
surveys by early June. A chart highlighting these responses is attached.
Q. How did the Education Commission determine what need should be
A. A subcommittee was formed to address this issue. The compiled list of
responses to needs was reviewed and the Subcommittee chose to move forward
with a program that addressed the need that was indicated by the majority of
surveys; Library and Media Center resources.
Q. How will schools be able to participate and receive funds or assistance?
A. The public schools that have Ocoee residents enrolled will be given an
application to fill out and return indicating they would like to participate.
Q. Will the money from the fund be distributed equally or by greatest need?
Page 2
A. Any income the fund generates will be distributed equally (one to two times per
year) to the schools that have indicated (by returning a completed application)
they want to participate.
Q. What kinds of assistance is the BUCKS For BOOKS program seeking?
A. This program is seeking tax deductible contributions, materials, in-kind services,
and volunteers such as mentors and reading buddies.
Q. There are a great many needs within our schools. Why is this program
only focusing on books?
A. The Education Commission concurs that the needs of our schools are great. At
the same time, it is the feeling of this Commission that, in order to highlight those
needs, and offer some assistance, it is important that we move forward with one
particular, well planned program. This will allow the Education Commission an
opportunity to successfully engage the community on a specific need, and
provide the credibility and visibility to spearhead similar programs in the future.
Q. There are currently other programs in the community assisting student
needs such as STARS and SOS. Why is another program necessary?
A. There are indeed some wonderful existing programs that will assist with needs
for our students. The BUCKS For BOOKS program will work in concert with
these programs, but will fund additional needs that are not currently part of the
other programs. Also, contributions made to the COEF are tax deductible.
Q. What is the time frame for the BUCKS For BOOKS program
A. The Ocoee Education Commission has determined that this program will run for
at least one year. The COEF program provides for periodic reviews and
assessments. This will allow the Education Commission to thoroughly review
and assess the success of this program.
Schools That Serve Ocoee Children
School Address Principal _ Telephone
Olympia High 4301 S.Apopka- Dr. Janice Pratt (407) 905-6400
School Vineland Rd.
Orlando, FL 32835
West Orange 1625 S. Beulah Rd. Michael (407) 905-2400 ,
High School Winter Garden, FL Armbruster
West Orange Same as above Mark Brown, Sr. (407) 905-2400
gth Grade Asst. Principal ext. 2660
Gotha Middle 9155 Gotha Road William J. Floyd (407) 521-2360
Windermere, FL
Lakeview 1200 West Bay Debra Lucas (4007) 877-5010
Middle Street
Winter Garden, FL
Ocoee Middle 300 South Bluford Dr. Katherine C. (407) 877-5035
** Avenue Clark
Ocoee, FL 34761
Citrus 87 North Clarke Louise Brown (407) 445-5475
Elementary ** Road
Ocoee, FL 34761
Clarcona 3607 Damon Road Dr. Bruce (407) 884-2220
Elementary Apopka, FL 32703 Suther
Lake Whitney ' 1351 Windermere Elizabeth A. (407) 877-8888
Elementary Road Prince
Winter Garden, FL
Maxey 1100 East Maple Belinda Davis (407) 877-5020
Elementary . Street
Winter Garden, FL
34787 _
Ocoee 400 S. Lakewood Sheilla Johnson (407) 877-5027
Elementary ** Avenue
_ Ocoee, FL 34761
Spring Lake 115 Spring Lake Dr. Angela (407) 877-5047
Elementary ** Circle Osborne
Ocoee, FL 34761 _
Thornebrooke 601 Thornebrooke Daniel Axtell (407) 909-1301
Elementary ** Drive
_ Ocoee, FL 34761
Magnolia 1900 Matterhorne Linda Weekley 1 (407) 296-6499
Orlando, FL 32818
** Denotes that the school is physically located within the corporate limits of Ocoee.
School Needs Survey Results
Olympia High Counselors Library Pamphlet for
materials �I incoming students;
material for parents
W.O. High Science:centrifuges
and hotplates
Art: new kiln
W.O. 9'" I Reading Counts '�. i Video projector;
Grade library sets; wireless speaker;
audio books digital camera
Gotha Middle Class sets of
Lakeview Mentors; Books for
Middle volunteers for media center
media center,
monitors, guest
Ocoee Middle Books for - School supplies for
media center students in need;
landscaping _
Citrus Books for Plexiglass covers Web-based literacy
Elementary media center; for classroom program; outdoor
small book I charts activity area
Clarcona Books for Supplies for
Elementary I media center science
Lake Whitney Computer and Covered walkways
Elementary software that for portables;
tracks visitors walkie talkies;
on campus stage curtain;
Maxey j Books for ' Computer lab Stage lighting
Elementary I library and system;
accelerated '. supplement
reader ro ram uniform purchases
Ocoee Science materials Student
Elementary (scales, weights, computer
slides, circuits, stations
Spring Lake Voyager
Elementary reading !,
Thornebrooke Benches;
Elementary computerized
microscopes; tape
I recorder;
incubators; nature
Magnolia ' Teacher
appreciation and
staff gifts; film
developing and
_. _ _ Polaroid film;