HomeMy WebLinkAboutV(I) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Interlocal Agreement with Orange County for Emergency Medical Services Interlocal Agreement 02-03 Grant Awards Page 1 of 1 MayorGood zit_ Commissioners Agenda 9-02-2003 y � enter of g S. Scott Vandergrift Manny Howell,District 1 Item V I "` tt Anderson,District 2 City Manager ,_ `. eta Johnson,District 3 Jim Gleason J.Parker,District 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Ron Strosnider, Fire Chief DATE: July 29, 2003 RE: Interlocal Agreement FY2002-2003 Grant Awards#C2048 ISSUE For the Honorable Mayor and City Commission to consider the execution of the Emergency Medical Services Interlocal Agreement between Orange County, Florida and Ocoee, Florida. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION Attached are copies of the Interlocal Agreements and a list of the equipment purchased and transferred under the FY2003 Grant Awards that has been assigned to our Agency. RECOMMENDATION City Commission to consider the approval and execution of the Emergency Medical Services Interlocal Agreement between Orange County, Florida and Ocoee, Florida. file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\SR Interlocal_EMS Grant Ag... 8/25/2003 Interlocal EMS Grant Agreement Page 1 of 4 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND OCOEE,FLORIDA THIS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 2003, by and between Orange County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY," and to the City of Ocoee, hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER." WHEREAS, under Section 401.113(2), Florida Statutes, the Department of Health: Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, hereinafter referred to as the "DEPARTMENT" shall annually dispense funds contained in the Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has applied for its proportion of funds from said Trust Fund; and WHEREAS, Section 401.113(2)(a), Florida Statutes (hereinafter the "Statute"), provides that an individual Board of County Commissioners may distribute funds received under the Statute to licensed Emergency Medical Services Providers within the County as designated by the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) grant award; and the City of Ocoee. WHEREAS, Such grant money shall be used solely to improve and expand pre-hospital emergency medical services and will not be used to supplant or replace any other funds; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County, Florida, has agreed to purchase and distribute equipment and/or services or both, pursuant to grant awards #C2048 to the City of Ocoee, (OWNER). NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. OWNER agrees, warrants and covenants as follows. a. To use the facilities, vehicles, and equipment purchased under the grant award, solely for EMS throughout their useful life. Failure to use the facilities, vehicles and file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Interlocal Agreement.htm 8/25/2003 Interlocal EMS Grant Agreement Page 2 of 4 equipment for EMS will result in termination of this Agreement, items being returned to the COUNTY and further restrictions on future allocations. b. To accept full title to all designated equipment purchased with EMS grant funds. An Equipment Release Form will be provided at the time of distribution (Attached as Exhibit "Al - A2 "). c. To clearly document the assignment of equipment and usage and provide such documentation to the COUNTY within thirty (30) days of the assignment. d. To be responsible for properly insuring, licensing and maintaining equipment purchased with county EMS grant funds for the useful life of the equipment. e. To notify the COUNTY upon the loss, destruction, or theft of the equipment. f. To not sell, lease, rent, lend, encumber or dispose of said equipment without the written permission from the COUNTY. g. To provide access to all such information, reports and documents as may be required for the COUNTY to monitor the grant. h. To comply with all terms and conditions imposed on the COUNTY as "original owner" of the equipment. A copy of the grant requirements is attached as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein. i. That OWNER is duly authorized by law to provide pre-hospital emergency medical services and shall maintain all licenses and approvals required by any law, rule or regulation of the State of Florida required for the rendering of pre-hospital emergency medical services. j. That the COUNTY's sole responsibility is to distribute the designated equipment and/or services or both, pursuant to the grant award. k. That the undersigned possesses the authority to legally execute and bind OWNER to the terms of this Agreement. 2. COUNTY agrees, covenants and warrants: a. To comply with all terms and conditions as "Grantee" of the grant award. b. To purchase and distribute the designated EMS equipment and/or services or both to OWNER. file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Interlocal_Agreement.htm 8/25/2003 Interlocal EMS Grant Agreement Page 3 of 4 c. To transfer title of the designated equipment to OWNER at the time of distribution. 3. This Agreement may be terminated upon the OWNER returning all equipment purchased with EMS grant funds to the COUNTY. • file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Interlocal_Agreement.htm 8/25/2003 Interlocal EMS Grant Agreement Page 4 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Interlocal Agreement to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. Orange County, Florida By: Board of County Commissioners By: County Chairman Date: Attest: Martha Haynie, Comptroller As Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners By: Deputy Clerk City of Ocoee, Florida By: Title: Date: Federal Employer I.D. # Attest: Title: By: file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Interlocal_Agreement.htm 8/25/2003 EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 2 I,-ri i OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 44n1�uxluat1 Riad,Salta A-1 1 70;laa 1 blt ul:t 1�.?;11 •N17-6557.-Mil•Fax 4t)7.31t3-4.- wa-winanlat-t*tntyn tv1 atinly IRA tHA,I .0 i T1, 0111 %111. EQUIPMENT FOR OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT EMS AWARDS C-2048 Year 2002-2003 item Quantity Part Number Serial Number{ PO Number LIFEPAK 500 AED's 2 94401-000618 31005399 M5662 31005400 M5662 EQUIPMENT PICKED UP BY: .1 sn, lc div' .4'�•.. - Pr ntPr nt Name Sign- r C, o- �-rLe e_Sc7),-70'2 id/ Orange aunty EMS Represer�l�tive file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Exhibit_A_l.htm 8/25/2003 EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 (Y* 7 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 4401 Vk cIuul trend,Sostr A-11.•rh°tantin,Florid-1 )2:411 4a)7 ti+O Oft •Fax 44)7:itit 3J3 wwwxir ,i9ccx�tintyil nt t L LINTY GOVERNMENT EQUIPMENT FOR OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT EMS AWARDS C-2048 Year 2002-2003 Item `Quantity Part Number Serial Number PO Number LIFEPAK 500 AEI]'s 6 94401-000618 31087292 M6268 31087293 M6268 31087294 M6268 31087295 M6268 31087296 M6268r EQUIPMENT PICKED UP BY: VP.,,. MA- (1114. //71-V - .4.7Print Name Sig ature _r // r DATE /J' //‹ 7 4t, Orange ounty EMS Represent ive file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Exhibit_A 2.htm 8/25/2003 Page 1 of 4 EXHIBIT B EMS County Grant are subject to the availability of funds. The department's performance and obligation to pay General Conditions under this grant is contingent upon a sufficient annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature 1. The grantee hereby agrees to: and adequate cash in the EMS Trust Fund. a. improve the existing quality of 6. Decals:The department may provide the prehospital EMS activities, services, or to grantee DOH logos and decals. If so,the grantee decrease patient mortality and morbidity;and shall affix these, in a prominent location, to all b. toe and the extent,size or number equipment purchased in whole or part with grant expand funds. of existing prehospital EMS activities or services. The activities and services to be provided are 7. Computer Hardware/Software: The described in the EMS county grant application grantee agrees that all computer hardware and and its department approved revisions on file in software shall be approved in writing by the state the state of Florida,Department of Health,Bureau Bureau of EMS. Costs of computer equipment of EMS,Tallahassee,Florida. and activities which do not have this prepurchase 2. Statute and Rule: Prehospital EMS approval are not allowable. activities will be rendered by the grantee in a 8. Communications: The grantee agrees that manner consistent with Chapter 401, Florida all communications activities, services, and Statutes, Chapter 64E-2.030, Florida equipment shall be approved in writing by the Administrative Code, and the work plan in the Florida Department of Management Services, grantee's EMS county grant application and its Information Technology Program(ITP)as required department approved revisions on file with the by chapter 401.024, F.S. The written approval department. Further, the grantee agrees to must be dated after the beginning date of the implement provisions of this grant in accordance grant and prior to any commitment to purchase with federal, state, and local laws, and rules, the requested equipment and/or services. This regulations, and policies. approval is required in addition to any previous 3. Confidentiality: The grantee shall not use ITP recommendation,review,conceptual or other or disclose any client/patient information under approval dated prior to the beginning date of the this grant for any purpose not in conformity with grant. Costs incurred prior to the grant starting state regulations and federal regulations(45 CFR, date cannot be paid under the grant. For further Part 205.50)except upon written consent of the information contact: client/patient or his/her responsible parent or Director guardian as authorized by law. Information Technology Program 4. Incident Reporting: Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way, Building 4030 a. Client Risk Prevention. If services Tallahassee,Florida 32399-0950 to clients will be provided under this grant, the (850)922-7415 or(SC)292-7415 grantee and any subcontractors shall, in accordance with the client risk prevention system, 9• Travel/per diem: Travel and per diem report those situations listed in Department of expenses shall be in compliance with secton Children and Familities 215-6, Paragraph 5, in 112.061, F.S. The grantee shall be solely the manner prescribed in that regulation. responsible for all costs: b. Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation a. which the grantee pays prior to the Reporting. In compliance with Chapter 415,F.S., beginning date of the project; an employee of the grantee who knows, or has b. which the grantee does not reasonable cause to suspect, that a child, aged person or disabled adult is or has been abused, encumber before the grant ending date, and neglected,or exploited,shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the central abuse c. which the grantee encumbered registry and tracking system of the department before the grant ending date but pays 41 or on the single statewide toll-free telephone number more days after the ending date of the grant. (1-800-96ABUSE). 10. Purchasing: A Vendor Ombudsman has 5. Availability of Funds: EMS county grants been established within the department of Banking 13 file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Exhibit_%20B.htm 8/25/2003 Page 2 of 4 and Finance. The duties of this individual include one half of current value of the items must be acting as an advocate for vendors who may be returned to the state by the grantee who received m experiencing problems in obtaining timely e grantunderwhichtheoriginalpurchaseswere made. payment(s)from the state agency. The Vendor Ombudsman may be contacted at(850)488-2924 13. Lobbying:The grantee agrees to comply or the State Comptroller's Hotline, 1-800-848- with the provisions of sections 11.062 and 3792. 216.347, F.S.,which prohibit the expenditure of 11. Ownership/Assignment:The grantee shall grant funds for the purpose of lobbying the own all items including vehicles, buildings and Legislature,judicial branch, or a state agency. equipment purchased with state EMS county grant 14. Monitoring:The grantee agrees to assign funds unless otherwise described in the grant a person to maintain a file for each grant which application. The grantee shall clearly document includes a copy of the Notice of Grant Award the assignment of equipment ownership and letter, Bureau approved application including usage, and maintain these documents so they approved budget and all appendixes, approved are available during monitoring by the state. The changes, and this grant manual. The grantee owner of vehicles and equipment purchased with shall ensure that any financial documents related state EMS grant funds shall be responsible for its to this activity are made available to the bureau proper insurance, licensing, permitting, and or its designee upon request,for a period of five maintenance. years from the ending date of the grant. The When any state EMS grant funded equipment grantee, his subgrantee(s) or contractor(s) and assiceases to have any useful life it may be sold for whatever shallfr provide issrine reasonable hours scrap or disposed of in the customary way that whatever informaor theoh necessary,i for the the agency disposes of equipment which has no to department records mrelatedito grant,including access further functional use. The grantee must use the client the grant. resulting funds, if any, for prehospital EMS in 15. Income,Fees, and Other Cash: If project Florida. activity results in the payment to the grantee or If a private organization is the owner of any other party of income,fees,or cash of any other kequipment funded in whole or part by state EMS to the total amount projeof ct. cash shall be applied grant funds, and purchased that equipment to to the costs of the project. provide services for a municipality, county, or Before any state funds can be assigned as other public agency, and the services cease allowable costs, the total amount of such cash within five years after the grant ends, the paid during the grant shall be applied to the total ownership of the equipment must be transferred activity costs after the ending of the grant and all to that municipality,county or other public agency. costs are final. There shall be no cost to the recipient organization. This is applicable even when services cease due to a contract ending or for EMS County Grant any other reason. General Requirements 12. Maintenance of Efforts: Any improvement or expansion brought about in whole or part by The EMS County grant general conditions and grant funds shall be maintained for five years requirements are an integral part of the county grant after the project ends. Reduction within the five agreement between the agency/organization(grantee) years which is not approved by the Bureau, and the state of Florida,Department of Health(grantor shall necessitate the return by the grantee of the or department). In the event of a conflict,the following involved project's funds plus interest if any, as requirements shall always be controlling: specified by the department. The grantee must send the funds within 40 days of written 1. Records: The grantee shall maintain financial notification by the department. and other documents related to the grants to support all revenue and expenditures. The final expenditure After the five years,all equipment purchased with report shall include all expenditures of the EMS County state EMS grant funds must continue to be used Grant funds for the grant period. for prehospital EMS in Florida throughout its useful life,whether owned by the grantee or others. If Bills and payment records for fees or other a violation is found at any time after the five years, compensation for services and expenses shall be regardless of equipment ownership at that time, maintained by the grantee in sufficient detail for the 14 file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Exhibit %20B.htm 8/25/2003 Page 3 of 4 funds expires on the ending date of the grant adequate monitoring and auditing of the grantee. time period,which is cited in the Notice of Grant Award letter. Encumbered funds must be paid 2. Expenditure Reports: The Expenditure within 40 days of the grant ending date. Report(Appendix C-1)indicates all agreed upon budget expenditures and contains columns to be Unencumbered EMS County completed for reports. Reports cover a six,nine and twelve month period of activities(final report). Grant Funds (Rollovers) The expenditure Plan (Item 7)in your approved application has a blank "expenditures year-to- date"Any unemcumbered EMS grant column to report expenditures and a place funds, including interest,county, giant programithe to write the amount of interest earned on the state funds. Copy this page,complete it,and submit it assigned grantee account at the end of a grant period shall be reported to the department. The for your expenditure reports. grantee will retain these funds in the EMS County 3. Program Activity Report: The Program Activity Grant account and include them in the budget of Report(DH Form 1684A,Jan.98)must be provided at the next county grant application. the end by the date specified in the Notice of Grant Award letter. Report all program activities as described in the Disallowed Expenditures approved grant work plan and subsequent amendments approved in Change Requests. The report must cover No expenditures are allowable as grant costs the entire grant period. unless they clearly are specified as a line item in the approved grant budget, including approved 4. Withheld Payment: Any payments due the change requests, or are clearly included under grantee under the terms of this grant may be withheld an existing line item. until the grantee provides all reports that the grantee owes to the department, and the department has Any disallowed EMS county grant expenditure approved all of the grantee's reports and is satisfied the shall be returned to the EMS county grant account grantee has met all obligations. maintained by the grantee within 40 days after the department's notification. The costs of 5. Early Termination: If the project disallowed items are the responsibility of the accomplishes all of its objectives before the grant county. ending date, the grantee may request that the grant be closed, and send a final expenditure Revisions and program activity report. If the state EMS grant manager approves,the manager will close The grantee shall obtain written approval from the the grant. Thereafter, because the grant has state EMS grant manager, on the Grant Change ended, there can be no further activities or Request form (Appendix B) prior to any of the expenditures under the grant. following changes to the approved grant budget. 1. Adding a new line item to the Credit Statement approved budget. 2. Increasing a salary rate of pay or The grantee ensures that where activities supported by other payment rate to an individual for services, this grant produce original writing, sound recording, by more than ten percent. pictorial reproductions, drawings or other graphic representations and works of any other nature,notices, 3. Beginning a sub-grantee or informational pamphlets, press releases, contractor relationship that is not specifically advertisements,descriptions of the sponsorship of the identified in the approved budget or application. program, research reports, and similar public notices prepared and released by the provider shall include the Reports and Documentation statement: 1. Due Dates: The grantee shall send to the "Sponsored by[Your Organization's Name]and the State state EMS grant manager one original and one of Florida,Department of Health,Office of Emergency copy of the required reports by the date specified Medical Services." in the Notice of Award letter. Progam activity and expenditure reports will be used to ensure 16 file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Exhibit_%20B.htm 8/25/2003 Page 4 of 4 requiring compliance with the terms of this assurance If the provider has received any funds from a grants or seek other appropriate judicial or administrative relief, and aids appropriation,the provider shall have an audit to include this and other state EMS grants being or submit an attestation statement in accordance with terminated and further state EMS grants being denied. Section 216,349,Florida Statutes,and indicate on the schedule of financial assistance which contracts are The department shall not be liable for violations by funded from state grants and aids appropriations. The grantees of any of the federal laws,rules,regulations, provider has"received"funds when it has obtained the or guidelines outlined herein. cash from the department or when it has incurred reimbursable expenses. Audit Requirements The provider agrees to submit the required reports as FINANCIAL AND shown in Part IV. COMPLIANCE AUDIT PART II: STATE FUNDED This attachment is applicable, if the provider or This part is applicable if the provider is a nonprofit grantee,hereinafter referred to as provider,is any local organization that expends a total of$100,000 or more govemment entity,nonprofit organization,or for-profit in funds from the department during its fiscal year,which organization. An audit performed by the Auditor General was not paid from a rate contract based on a set state shall satisfy the requirement of this attachment. or area-wide fixed rate for service, and of which less PART I: FEDERALLY FUNDED that$300,000isfederalyfunded. The determination of when a provider has"expended"funds is based on when the activity related to the award occurs. This part is applicable if the provider is a local government entity or nonprofit organization and expends The provider agrees to have an annual financial audit a total of$300,000 or more in federal funds passed performed by independent auditors in accordance with through the department during its fiscal year. The the current Government Auditing Standards issued by determination of when a provider has"expended"federal the Comptroller General of the United States. Such funds is based on when the activity related to the award audits shall cover the entire organization for the occurs. organization's fiscal year. The scope of the audit performed shall cover the financial statements and Local governments shall comply with the audit include reports onintemalcontrolandcompliance. The requirements contained in the Office of Management reporting package shall include a schedule that and Budget(OMB)Circular A-128,Audits of State and discloses the amount of expenditures and/or receipts Local Governments. Nonprofit providers shall comply by contract number for each contract with the with OMB Circular A-133,Audits of Institutions of Higher department in effect during the audit period. Learning and other nonprofit institutions, except as modified herein. Such audits shall cover the entire Compliance findings related to contracts with the organization for the organization's fiscal year. The department shall be based on the contract reporting package shall include a schedule that requirements, including any rules, regulations, or discloses the amount of expenditures and/or receipts statutes referenced in the contract. The financial by contract number for each contract with the statements shall disclose whether or not the matching department in effect during the audit period. requirement was met for each applicable contract.All questioned costs and liabilities due to the department Compliance findings related to contracts with the shall be fully disclosed in the audit report with reference department shall be based on the contract to the department contract involved. requirements, including any rules, regulations, or statutes referenced in the contract. The financial If the provider has received any funds from a grants statements shall disclose whether or not the matching and aids appropriation,the provider shall have an audit, requirement was met for each applicable contract. All or submit an attestation statement,in accordance with questioned costs and liabilities due to the department Section 216.349,Florida Statutes,and indicate on the shall be fully disclosed in the audit report with reference schedule of financial assistance which contracts are to the department contract involved. 18 file://Y:\Fire\Interlocal%20EMS%20Grant%20Agreement\Exhibit_%20B.htm 8/25/2003