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VI(A2) Approval of Ocoee Crown Point Master Plan. (A3) Authorization for the location of public buildings within the Ocoee Crown Point property as shown on Ocoee Crown Point Master Plan/PUD Land Use Plan
Agenda 9-02-2003 Mayor Abe CetPter d Llg Commissioners Item VI A 2&3 Ma y y _ S. Scott Vandergrift ': !!''' ••• Danny Howell, District 1 t ,' Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager Rusty Johnson, District 3 Jim Gleason Nancy J. Parker, District 4 STAFF REPORT • DATE: August 26, 2003 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Lewis,AICP, Planning Manager Vi./ THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Community Development Director WY SUBJECT: Ocoee Crown Point PUD (f.k.a—"Coke Property") Master Plan and Authorization of Public Buildings Project#LS-02-004 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Master Plan for the proposed Ocoee Crown Point PUD, including authorization of public buildings proposed within the PUD? BACKGROUND: General Description The Ocoee Crown Point PUD property, formerly known as the "Coke Property", includes a total of about 364 acres located adjacent to Lake Apopka. Most of the property is located north and west of SR 429 (Western Beltway), but it also includes land on both sides of Fullers Cross Road south of the Beltway, and on both sides of Ocoee Apopka Road south of the Beltway at the intersection of those two roads. The northern edge of the property is bounded by the centerline of Staten Branch, which is a significant stream/drainage way leading to Lake Apopka. All of the subject property is currently undeveloped and is covered with mostly planted pine trees, as well as significant wetlands. About 92 acres of the property is occupied by wetlands, mostly adjacent to Lake Apopka and Staten Branch. The West Orange Trail also runs through the central portion of the site. In the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and in the Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area (JPA) Agreement, the Ocoee Crown Point PUD property has a mix of future land use designations including Commercial, Professional Offices and Services, Public Facilities/Institutional, Low Density Residential and Conservation/Floodplains over the wetland areas. The proposed uses within the PUD are consistent with these Future Land Use designations. The Westyn Bay subdivision is adjacent to the northern boundary of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD and has mostly R-IAA zoning, with C-2 zoning near Ocoee Apopka Road. The property located to the east of the subject property, south of the Beltway, is owned by the Glad Tidings Church. The southeast corner of Fullers Cross Road and Ocoee Apopka Road is undeveloped with R-IAA zoning, and is owned by Chevron (currently under review for a Comprehensive Plan amendment to a Commercial future land use designation [Faraway Farms]). The Crown Point Woods subdivision is on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road (unincorporated Orange County). All the other property adjacent to the southern boundary of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD is in unincorporated Orange County and is currently undeveloped. City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee,Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100•fax: (407)656-8504•www.ci.ocoee.fl.us The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners August 26, 2003 Page 2 of 6 "Coke Property"Project History The City of Ocoee and the Orange County School Board jointly purchased the "Coke Property" in 2000, with a small additional land purchase in 2001 by the School Board. The two parties agreed to divide the property into essentially two equal parts, less the wetland areas that would not be developed, and divide the costs of preparing the plans. The School Board portion of the project includes a new high school and a new elementary school, as well as adult work force education facilities and possibly a bus maintenance/storage facility. Construction on the new high school is expected to begin in early September 2003. On its portion of the property,the City of Ocoee proposes land uses which would allow for future construction of a new fire station, a public safety training facility, a large public park with various recreation facilities and a small scale public boat ramp and associated service facilities (the Waterfront Village) adjacent to Lake Apopka. Development of these lands designated as "Institutional"would be subject to future funding and plan approvals by the City Commission and could be modified by the Commission in the future depending on the specific needs identified by the City at the time of development. The overall design concept for the Ocoee Crown Point PUD is to build a mixed-use neighborhood with complimentary residential and commercial uses, supplemented by schools and other beneficial public facilities. In order to cover the cost of land acquisition by the City and the cost of building the necessary roads and utilities to serve the property, the plan anticipates that portions of the property will be sold to private developers for various commercial and residential uses. From the beginning,the City and School Board worked on a strategic method to enable the City to pay for the costs of land acquisition and development by selling parcels to private developers. This involves the future sale of parcels to generate cash to repay the monies borrowed by the City as well as shifting certain infrastructure improvements to developers who may purchase portions of the property from the City. The City and School Board have been working together on this project for over three years. Prior to acquiring the property, a market feasibility study was done along with all other usual due diligence efforts. Before buying the property, the City wanted to be sure that a financially feasible project could be developed that would meet the needs of both the City and the School Board for public uses, but would also be able to support itself in the present real estate market. After the property was purchased, all the usual data about the site was gathered (soils, wetlands, endangered species, traffic, etc.) and the plans were prepared and reviewed by City staff in the same fashion as any other development project within the City, utilizing peer reviews for legal, engineering and traffic issues. Prior to entering into an agreement with the School Board to jointly purchase the property, presentations were made to the City Commission regarding the feasibility of the project. Approval was given to enter into the agreement with the School Board and to proceed with purchasing the property and contracting with consultants to do the project design work. As work on the project progressed, an additional parcel of land was purchased by the School Board and additional property was annexed into the City to complete the current project boundaries. In September of 2001, City Staff and the project consultants (VHB and Canin Associates) made a presentation to the City Commission to obtain consent to move forward with the master plan. The plan that was presented at that time included the multiple uses and spatial locations identified in the current PUD master plan. The economic program for the project was also spelled out by the City's market consultant at that time. The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners August 26, 2003 Page 3 of 6 The City Commission gave its consent to move forward with the master plan, so the PUD Land Use Plan and the Preliminary Subdivision Plan were finalized over time and submitted for review by City Staff. The School Board has also had input on the master plan, specifically on issues that relate to the School Board portion of the project. Progress was delayed for several months when the School Board reevaluated its schedule for building the high school, but when the schedule was finalized for construction to begin this fall, the review of the plans was resumed, resulting in the current Master Plan, PUD Land Use Plan and the Preliminary Subdivision Plan submittal. DISCUSSION: Master Plan Elements For purposes of the Interlocal Agreement with the School Board, the PUD Land Use Plan constitutes the Master Plan for the project. The Master Plan has been approved by the School Board. As discussed in the memorandum from the City Attorney, the Master Plan is being considered at the September 2 meeting and the PUD Ordinance, including the PUD Land Use Plan and Conditions of Approval, Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Phase 1 Final Subdivision Plan,will be formally considered at the September 16 meeting. As indicated above, the Ocoee Crown Point PUD includes a mixture of land uses including the following: the high school site and other School Board properties adjacent to the West Orange Trail; the elementary school site and public park areas adjacent to a residential neighborhood and conservation areas; a Waterfront Village on Lake Apopka; a mixed use Village Center across from the high school and adjacent to other commercial land in the Westyn Bay project; and other commercial/office uses and important public facilities adjacent to Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road. The PUD Land Use Plan also has provisions allowing townhomes to be developed on the School Board site located between the high school and the Western Beltway(Tract# 13), if that property is not developed as a bus maintenance/storage facility. All of the jurisdictional wetland areas on the site have been identified and approved by the proper agencies. Essentially all of the wetland areas within the PUD will be preserved in conservation areas. One small isolated wetland area will be removed with the construction of a road and a retention pond, and another degraded wetland area will be modified and improved with the construction of a retention pond (similar to wetland modifications in Westyn Bay). The first phase of construction in the Ocoee Crown Point PUD will be the high school and the infrastructure needed for the high school. Future phases will be developed according to market demands as soon as the property can be sold to private developers. The PUD has been designed with a master storm water system and a conceptual storm water management master plan has been approved by SJRWMD. Roadway Network The road network within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD will be built around Ocoee Crown Point Parkway. With Phase 1 of the project, this spine road will be extended from the point where it currently ends at the entrance to the single family portion of Westyn Bay, across Staten Branch (the stream / drainage way along the northern edge of the PUD) and southward to a point just south of the main entrance to the high school site. The remaining portion of the spine road, from the end of Phase 1 construction to its termination at Fullers Cross Road just west of the Western Beltway overpass,will be constructed with future phases. The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners August 26, 2003 Page 4 of 6 There will be a large Roundabout located on Ocoee Crown Point Parkway located just south of the Staten Branch crossing. Roads leading east and west from the Roundabout will provide access to the north side of the high school and the Village Center(to the east), and to the large public park, the water front area and the single family neighborhood (to the west). Another road also provides access to the single family neighborhood from Ocoee Crown Point Parkway. There will be a local road within the single family neighborhood that will be stubbed out to the provide future access to the adjacent property to the south. Access to Tract # 13, located between the West Orange Trail and the Western Beltway (bus facility / townhome site), will be provided at the north end by a small road leading from Village Center Drive through the Work Force education parcels,and at the south end by Ocoee Crown Point Parkway. In order to address the traffic impacts of the new development anticipated within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD, a traffic study was done to identify off-site traffic impacts and appropriate mitigation. The Conditions of Approval and notes in the plans, as welt as the road improvements shown on the plans reflect the findings and recommendations of the traffic study. Left and right turn lanes are shown on Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road as well as intersection improvements. The private developers who acquire the various tracts in the PUD will be responsible for all future infrastructure construction related to the parcels they develop. Village Center and Work Force The Village Center area (Tracts#6C,#6D,#6EF)is located adjacent to the north side of the high school site, west of Ocoee Apopka Road and south of Staten Branch. This area will include mixed commercial, office and possibly residential uses and will be very pedestrian friendly, taking advantage of the West Orange Trail and the high school. Village Center Drive, along the north side of the high school site, will have on-street parking and many pedestrian friendly elements. The School Board Work Force education sites (Tracts#6A,#6B,#6G,#7A & 7B)will also be a part of the Village Center area. All buildings within the Village Center area (commercial as well as Work Force) will be oriented towards the street with parking areas located primarily to the sides and rear of the buildings to maintain a pedestrian friendly character. In order to insure that all development within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD maintains the high standards and character desired by the City and the School Board, the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Development Standards have been prepared (see copy attached). These standards will not be part of the PUD zoning ordinance for the project, but they will be used as deed restrictions when the various tracts are sold to private developers. The standards give many detailed guidelines for how all the commercial, residential and public facilities within the PUD will be developed and what the buildings will look like. They include many illustrations and pictures showing what buildings, lighting, streets and landscaping should look like. The PUD zoning standards and the Development Standards provide for the options and guidelines for developing the single family neighborhood as a Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) rather than a conventional larger lot development. As indicated earlier, there is also the option and guidelines for developing Tract # 13 as townhomes rather than a bus maintenance/storage facility. The utilities and access for Tract# 13 have been designed to accommodate the more intense use of a townhome development. The Ocoee Crown Point PUD Development Standards will apply to all of the School Board's Work Force education sites when they are developed. These Development Standards will also apply to Tract# 13 when it is developed, whether it is developed by the School Board as a bus maintenance/storage facility, or by a private developer as towhomes. The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners August 26, 2003 Page 5 of 6 Public Buildings Section 5-7 of the Land Development Code requires public hearings to be held prior to authorizing the location of any public buildings or uses. As indicated above, the Ocoee Crown Point PUD includes several proposed public buildings and facilities, including a high school, an elementary school, adult work force education facilities, a bus maintenance/storage facility, a fire station, a public safety training facility, a public park (including ball fields, shelters and amphitheater) and a Waterfront Village (including a small scale public boat ramp). Along with review of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan and the Preliminary Subdivision Plan,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission will also need to review and consider authorizing the location of public buildings and facilities within the project. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan were reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) on August 4, 2003. There were several technical issues to be addressed from the City Attorney, from the Planning Division and from PEC (the City's engineering consultant) that were identified in written staff comments (see attached memos). Most of the written comments ask for minor clarifications and details to be addressed on the plans. The most significant issues were discussed and two additional comments were added to the Planning Division list. When the discussion was finished, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of both the PUD Land Use Plan and the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, subject to addressing all of the written staff comments and any additional issues brought up at the public hearings through an administrative review. The plans that were received on August 6, 2003 are the same plans that were reviewed by the DRC. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On August 12, 2003 the Planning and Zoning Commission held public hearings to consider the proposed PUD Zoning, the PUD Land Use Plan, and the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the Ocoee Crown Point PUD, including authorization of public buildings proposed within the PUD. The City Staff and the Project Engineer answered questions about a variety of issues. One of the Commission members asked whether there was any was to avoid portables on the school sites. The School Board representative, Jon Martin, indicated that some portables may be needed during transition / high growth periods, but the Board's policy is to not use portables for permanent capacity. There was discussion about the West Orange Trail running through the site and it's crossing at Ocoee Apopka Road and about wider sidewalks throughout the development. There was input from the HOA president for the adjacent Crown Point Woods subdivision—they are concerned about the uses that will be located on the adjacent Institutional parcel (Tract # 11). City Staff and Consultants addressed all of these issues. When the discussion was finished, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed PUD Zoning and the PUD Land Use Plan per the Staff recommendation. The vote was also unanimous to recommend approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, per the Staff recommendation, and the authorization of public buildings within the PUD. The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners August 26, 2003 Page 6 of 6 STAFF RECOMMENDMION: Based on the recommendations of the Development Review Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the following: a) The Ocoee Crown Point Master Plan consisting of Sheets C001, C002, C005 and X100 of that certain Land Use Plan for the Ocoee Crown Point PUD prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. date stamped received by the City on August 6, 2003, along with the changes to the Conditions of Approval set forth in the Memorandum from Assistant City Attorney Scott Cookson dated August 26, 2003, the attached written staff comments, and along with any additional issues brought up at the public hearings, through an administrative review; b) Pursuant to Section 5-7 of the Ocoee Land Development Code, authorize the location of public buildings and facilities within Tracts 1, 3, 3A, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6G, 7A, 7B, 8, 11, 12, and 13 as shown on the Ocoee Crown Point Master Plan, such buildings to include but not be limited to buildings including a high school, an elementary school, adult work force education facilities, a bus maintenance/storage facility, a fire station, a public safety training facility, a public park (including ball fields, shelters and amphitheater)and a Waterfront Village (including a small scale public boat ramp). Attachments: Copy of Public Hearing Ad Regarding Master Plan Copy of Public Hearing Ad Regarding Public Bldgs.And Alcohol Property Location Map Ocoee Crown Point PUD Development Standards Memo from Assistant City Attorney Scott Cookson,dated August 26,2003 Memo with Attorney staff comments,dated August 1,2003 Memo with PEC staff comments,dated August 7,2002 Memo with Planning staff comments dated August 4,2003 Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan,date stamped August 6, 2003 O:\Staff Reports\2003\SR03078 CC.doc Orlando Sentinel Tuesday,August 26,2003 LII Y UI-ULUEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MASTER PLAN RE- LATING TO THE PROPOSED OCOEE CROWN POINT PUD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN, that on Tuesday, Sep- tember 2,2003,at 7:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practical,the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the Ocoee City Commission Chambers, 150 North Lake shore Drive,Ocoee,Florida, to consider the Master Plan for the proposed Ocoee Crown Point PUD property, located approximately 650 feet west of the intersection of the Western Expressway (State Road 429) and Full- ers Cross Road intersection (the "Ocoee Crown Point property"). The complete case file, in- cluding a complete legal de- scription by metes and bounds of the Ocoee Crown Point property, may be in- spected at the Ocoee Com- munity Development De- partment, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,ex- cept legal holidays. The Ocoee City Commission may continue the public hearing to other dates and times,as they deem neces- sary. Any interested party shall be advised that the dates,times,and places of any continuation of this or continued public hearing shall be announced during the he'ring and that no fur- 1 ther notices regarding these matters will be published. Interested parties may ap- pear at the public hearing and be heard with respect thereto.Any person wishing to appeal any decision made during the public hearing will need o record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is mode which includes the testimo- ny and evidence upon which the appeal is based.Persons with disabilities needing as- sistance to participate in • any of the proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407)905-3105. JEAN GRAFTON, CITY CLERK COR5212483 AUG.26,2003 ORLANDO SENTINEL TUESDAY,AUGUST 5,2003 CITY OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE LOCATION OF PUB- LIC BUILDINGS AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LOCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE OCOEE CROWN POINT PUD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN,pursuant to Sections 5- 7.8, Ocoee Land Develop- ment Code, that on Tues- day,August 12,2003,at 7:00 p.m.,or as soon thereafter as practical, the PLAN- NING AND ZONING I COM- MISSION will hold a PUB- LIC HEARING at the Ocoee City Commission Chambers, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida,to consider the location of public build- ings within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD property,locat- ed approximately 650 feet west of the intersection of the Western- Expressway (State Rood 429)and Full- ers Cross Rood intersection ---- -- (the 'Ocoee Crown Point Commission and/or Mei PUD property'). In addi- Ocoee City Commission tion,pursuant to Sections 5- may continue the public 7.8, Ocoee Land Develop- hearings to other dates cr.d ment Code and Section 38- times,as they deem neces- 5.1,City of Ocoee Code of sari. Any interested party Ordinances, on Tuesday, shall be advised that the September 2,2003, at 7:15 dates,times,and places cf p.m.,or as soon thereafter any continuation of these or as practical, the OCOEE continued public hearings CITY COMMISSION will shall be announced during hold a separate PUBLIC the hearings and that no fur- HEARINGS at the Ocoee ther notices regarding these City Commission Chambers, matters will be published. 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida,to consider Interested parties may op- the location of public build- pear at the public hearings ings within the Ocoee Crown and be heard with respect Point PUD property and to thereto.Any person wishing consider an exemption to to appeal any decision mode the alcoholic beverage loco- during the public hearings tional requirements of the will need a record of the City of Ocoee Code of Ordi- proceedings and for this nances within the Ocoee purpose may need to ensure Crown Point PUD property. that a verbatim record of the proceedings is mode The complete case file, in- which includes the testimo- cluding a complete legal de- ny and evidence upon which scription by metes and the appeal is based.Persons bounds of the Ocoee Crown with disabilities needing as- Point PUD property, may sistance to participate in be inspected at the Ocoee any of the proceedings Community Development should contact the City Department, 150 North Clerk's Office 48 hours in Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, advance of the meeting at Florida,between the hours (407)905-3105. of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,ex- JEAN GRAFTON, CITY cept legal holidays. CLERK C R_5174858 AUG.5,2003 The Planning and Zoning Ocoee Crown Point PUD Location Map ) , / LAKE 49 APOPKA 417 /7 _, _.,. , ...._ ..• • Ov • Ocoee Crown Point Property _. _ " ,, IfH Y . . f 1 = 71 H I - 041INP, 1,, / 0 17,1/f I 0 ilill I I 1111111111v //0 te -- =- _411_111_ , 'd+fir /FULLERS C ' 4 S • 0 . 1--) 71 4114_ N LEGEND center of Liv. ' V - Subject Property S t Scale: 1 inch=1000 feet 0 250 500 7501000 Feet ---- J Ocoee Community Development Printed: February 2003 Department a ■ OCOF.F. CROWN POINT PUD DEVF,T .OPM HINT STANDARD S ire G,,Uter of Good,,,,_� �. • -\ N i 0,© P © per." `C j"^ Fes. . tet•{ Jf -,A }tr....t.,--; .S t..V•Ailz:." ,4 s „,;,,,i,• a{ 4 t. La ;; � �: s =i 5 , ' 1-/or �- ') ice- * ✓ - - , J--. <r+, • 1_t / 'f+ .y..�.l--. e� .1 j/firA f y7-., `'G•1, 1 -2 I IIL. ', `3 4r r •••-1.1''' 'J '� _.��f Y 1;` . w y -'4t'' .} . M-7,, ` -. • -{ +y _''2i j ':''t :fi41- 7;.:::-‘,..,1•,, , 1 F • "y..1. . 6. i icy” ,�,,,��F��aRv• .44:f . y• +..t� ♦ ,jk�'-'cam iii n4� c - i, .yTa� �''L/fid �. �`,.�.� ;- y` Sw tifit, prepared for THE CITY OF OCOEE September 2002 cmin VHB associates I Fit _ I Ocoee Crown Pointe PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS City of Ocoee TABLE OF CONTENTS , - . • , . JUL 2 2 2003 Page INTRODUCTION _____ i.- - SECTION 1 - GENERAL STANDARDS _ 2 1.1 Key Elements 3 1.2 Illustrative Conceptual Site Plan 3 1.3 Village Center Character 3 1.4 Support Graphics 3 SECTION 2 - BUILDING PLACEMENT & ORIENTATION 4 2.1 Building Placement/ Setbacks /Building Coverage - -4 2.2 Orientation to the Street 4 2.3 Placement of Entrances 4 2.4 Building Expansion 4 SECTION 3 - PARKING STANDARDS 5 3.1 Parking Locations 5 3.2 Service Locations 5 3.3 Parking 5 SECTION 4 - LIGHTING 6 4.1 Minimum Lighting Requirement 6 4.2 Light Intensity 6 4.3 Site Lighting Specifications 6 SECTION 5 - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS 9 5.1 Single-Family Detached Residential Units 9 5.2 Multi-Unit Residential Buildings 20 SECTION 6 - VILLAGE CENTER DESIGN STANDARDS 24 6.1 Design Standards 24 6.2 Village Center Facade Design Guidelines -Major Goals 25 6.3 Building Length, Height and Scale 27 6.4 Commercial Storefront Facade 28 6.5 Expression Line 29 6.6 Cornice 30 6.7 Roof Patch 32 6.8 Upper Facade 32 ccrun associates Ocoee Crown Pointe PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS City of Ocoez TABLE OF CONTENTS Lus. SECTION 6 -VILLAGE CENTER DESIGN STANDARDS (CONTINUED) 6.9 Awnings 33 _ 6.10 Canopies 36 6.11 Lighting 37 6.12 Signs 38 6.13 Facade Coordination 43 6.14 Color 44 SECTION 7 - OTHER CONIMERCIAL/OFFICE STANDARDS 45 7.1 Architectural Standards 45 7.2 Commercial Frontage 45 7.3 Commercial Buildings (Shopping Center) 47 7.4 Office 48 SECTION 8 - STREET STANDARDS "" 49 _ 8.1 Introduction 49 8.2 On-Street Parking 49 8.3 Sidewalks 49 8.4 Traffic Calming 49 8.5 Street Trees 50 8.6 Median Planting 50 SECTION 9 - LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS 53 9.1 General Landscape Standards 53 9.2 Specific Landscape Requirements 53 9.3 Plant Material 54 9.4 Landscape Maintenance 55 9.5 Landscape Irrigation 55 ccrun associates Ocoee Crown Point PLID DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - INTRODUCTION. City of Ocoee INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Development Standard Guidelines is to set forth general design standards to ensure the development of a well-balanced, vital, pedestrian-oriented project. The Development Standard Guidelines should be used as a planning tool for the projects approved within Ocoee Crown Point PUD. They should be used in conjunction with other City of Ocoee regulations and ordinances. The Ocoee Crown Point PUD Development Standard Guidelines have been prepared to implement the following design principles. • Create a Village Center with a strong sense of place and a pedestrian friendly environment. • Design streetscapes that are pedestrian in scale, safe, secure and protected from climate. • Provide linked pedestrian systems through the community. • Provide open spaces as social and recreational gathering places for residents, visitors, and workers. • Preserve and enhance existing vegetation and environmental systems. Page 1 cmin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - GENERAL STANDARDS City of Ocoee SECTION 1 - GENERAL STANDARDS 1.1 Key Elements The general intent of the Guidelines for Ocoee Crown Point PUD is to encourage the development of a vital, pedestrian-oriented district that can support a variety of residential. retail, commercial and institutional uses. In general,development shall conform with applicable regulations of the City of Ocoee and Ordinance #99-23 (as amended from time to time.) The key elements proposed in the Village Center include the following: • Mix of Uses - Street-oriented retail, office. high school, work force and resiaurants with residential or office space above will face commercial streets. • Public Spaces The plan is oriented around a Main Street that incorporates a high school and is surrounded by the West Orange Trail and community and environmental parks to the south. The proposed Village Center invites users of the West Orange Trial and the Crown Point High School to enjoy and patronize establishments on Main Street. • Urban Design Character All buildings and entrances will orient to Main Streetist pedestrian-oriented �idewalk edgeh Thisi s notd the buildings will be built to a build to line that is established at the intended as a limiting concept,however, patios and sidewalk cafes require a slightly greater setback. • Housing Mixed-use buildings, with apartments or offices on the second floor, are anticipated adalong to the Main the Main Street. Additionally, town homes may be developed in the Town Cen. J Street. • Pedestrian Connections Key pedestrian paths are proposed to connect the Village Center to the environmental park,community park,high school and residential neighborhoods. • Transit Connections The village plan and proposed transportation circulation lananticipate and buses0000 irdoi anoncur andntheon uence e of several modes of transportation,i.e.,walking,bicycling, autos Crown Point PUD project. High school bus circulation, however, will be discouraged on the Main Street. Page 2 cads associates Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - GENERAL STANDARDS City of Ocoee 1.2 Illustrative Conceptual Site Plan The illustrative plan reflects anticipated development. Actual development may vary depending on market conditions but will be compatible with the intent of this zone. This Illustrative Plan reflects the development envisioned at Ocoee Crown Point PUD. The specific location and scale of buildings, parking lots, stormwater ponds and access phoints the wt ithiit of this pmay depending on market conditions and detailed design,but shall be compatible CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN Ocoee Crown Point ft // !../ --r - I 1.3 Village Center Character • Buildings are oriented towards the street with main entrances and/or windows facing the street. • Parking may occur at the front of the buildings in the form /% \%>' // of parallel parking on the street,but the bulk of the parking ///// �4,,-T /,I%' is to the side and rear of the building in order to maintain s ` � .• pedestrianfriendly street edges. .N � I!' T,. `,r ;., � e • � •. /.a, • Service areas should be placed awayfrom the addressing 4Yrai'� t4 `: ,,,,,,AAV.� street and screened from view. AN, r 1.4 Support Graphics' i -#lq, The numerous graphics included herein are intended to give � 1, clear direction as to the intent of the village design,and overall Ocoee Crown Point PUD development. The graphic images are intended to supplement and clarify the written text. Page 3 ccnin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - BUILDING PLACEMENT& ORIENTATION City of Ocoee SECTION 2 -BUILDING PLACEMENT & ORIENTATION 2.1 Building Placement/Setbacks/Building Coverage the eet. ings site close street. Buildings are encouraged to have a clear relationship ° buildingsdshould alao addresos secondary the activity and vitality of the street. On largerparcels, streets. ne is The fundamental objective of the urban design is theing of public space.s are to be located?Abuild-to line w 11 be mandatory and is the line parallel to the street where buildings established on a tract-by-tract basis. This generally will approximate 15'from back of curb,but may vary up to two feet from building to building. 0' side yards are permitted. 5' rear yard set back is permitted. Maximum building coverage 95cc. Maximum building height 45'. -_ 2.2 Orientation to the Street he"main" All buildings are encouraged to reinforce the street framework ty locang irregular ortrandom angles ao the sting ��t de either parallel or perpendicular to the street. Buildingsplaced at are not encouraged. Similarly;multiple building complexes e ed nature nf sou aged to maintain a consistent street orientation. Buildings may also reinforce the 2.3 Placement of Entrances Building entrances should be visible from the street, well lit, and a eoasand ily ccffss pay employeesstreet and visitors.Entrances should be conveniently located and adjacent lighting and roof forms will generally identify entrances. Through-lobbies or breezeways that address both the street and parking lots are permitted. 2.4 Building Expression curtain walls are discouraged as being Generally Buildings are encouraged to have consistent window eressions visible from the street. A"punched" window expression is desirable. Large expanses of glasso inconsistent with the Master Plan. Streetside, windowless buildingolatltio ns are also diiscroofoura ledd. BBuildings should express a clear base,middle and top with g cornice desirable. Page 4 canin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUY) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - PARKING STANDARDS; City of Ocoee SECTION 3 -PARKING STANDARDS 3.1 Parking Locations Parking with clear and convenient access for visitors and employees is required. A landscape zone or low screenwall or fence is encouraged between parking lots and secondary streets. Parking areas should have distinct access routes to allow for clear circulation within the site. Handicapped parking is to be located to the rear of buildings with access provided to the buildings and the street. 3.2 Service Location Service and loading activities must occur at the rear or side yard of the building. and must be screened from public view. Building service areas oriented away from major streets are encouraged. Service areas should be screened by walls of a material compatible with the exterior wall of the main building so that the visual elements remain seamless. 3.3 Parking 3.3.1 Minimum or maximum parking requirements will not be established. Parking lots are part of the total parking count which also includes on-street parallel parking. Parking for the Village will be evaluated in total and will take into consideration shared parking with other uses, such as the work force which has mostly after-hours parking. - 3.3.2 Tandem parking is allowed. 3.3.3 On-street parking may be used to meet parking requirements. 3.3.4 On-street parking will occur on the Main Street in the Village Center and along the community park road connecting to the residential subdivision. 3.3.5 Parking lots shall be developed behind buildings with convenient handicapped parking. 3.3.6 Shared parking lots,easily accessible from service streets may occur and are encouraged. Where feasible, all parking lots shall have pedestrian and vehicular interconnections. 3.3.7 Shared parking decks, accessible from the service streets of the Village Center.are also permissible. 3.3.8 Exterior wall materials for parking-decks should be compatible with the exterior wall materials utilized for adjacent buildings and shall be suitably landscaped to soften their visual impact. • Preclude any outlandish architectural styles, and colors,etc. • Promote a uniform architectural style within each building façade. • Preclude large monolithic building facades without architectural detail in order to break up the visual impact of the building mass. • Promote appropriate signage for commercial establishments and prohibit inappropriate signage that can detract for the character of the village. Page 5 calm associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LIGHTING City of Ocoee SECTION 4-LIGHTING 4.1 Minimum Lighting Requirement All site lighting shall meet the requirements established in ordinance#99-23 by the City of Ocoee. 4.2 Light Intensity Lighting shall be designed to prevent excessive light spillage on to adjacent sites. Intensity shall be no greater than required for vehicular and pedestrian safety. 4.3 Site Lighting Specifications 4.3.1 Pole top luminaries shall be installed in the traditional neighborhood areas and along store fronts within the Village Center. Areas outside the Village Center may utilize an alternative pole selection with a "flat"lens type. 4.3.2 Adequate Pathway Lighting shall be provided on all walkways which are not adequately illuminated by adjacent street lights as shown in Figure 6-1 - Pedestrian Path Lighting. d. • . . � ' . I ce. , . . • 12 ft.Pole and Fixture or ade: Round light Bollard (8"Diameter) ��� "i�j . ir e' ' Figure 6-1 Pedestrian Path Lighting 4.3.3 Style a. Exterior parking lot lighting fixtures shall be complementary in style and be compatible in color to the overall City of Ocoee development street lighting system. b. The finish of all free-standing fixtures, supports and poles shall be colored in black. Period-style fixtures within the traditional neighborhood area will utilize a one or two-pole luminaire light fixture (see Figure 6-4). Page 6 cmin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LIGHTING City of Ocoee ..:.`i:;.;• i tr :::.....,..ii. ,,`:.4-::1:i,,'.;'.: ra. a r .c k �ti ty 1 ,: •K4 i., l: t, f f • - 1 b! `f a• °. Figure 6-2 Parking Lot Lighting c. Architectural lighting shall be consistent in design and level of illumination. It shall enhance not only the building design,but also the adjoining landscape. d. Lighting designs which incorporate flood lighting of large areas or elevations will not be allowed unless approved by the city of Ocoee. e. Metal halide lamps shall be used for all exterior illumination unless otherwise approved by the City of Ocoee. 4.3.4 Poles ing, ol Joint-use poles which use an integrated est Roadm tExtension ines andtOcoeetraffic Apopka Road devices, and should be other elements are recommended o coordinated with FDOT. (See Figure 6-3 - Joint Use Pole). �„ u, 1 1WiLU .. .,,,,i.fuFMi / �.✓i J''',,,•::::. w:. KA t44 u`ti. /. 3.1 ` +brie..::*'--- i ■ 110 Figure 6-3 Joint Use Pole Page cmin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LIGHTING City of Ocoee STREET LIGHTING The Ocoee Crown Point PUD street lights shall conform to light below: ,L, kv`,�t ^cM{t;. 4 r3S` r }iXZut'sL ,xr r°2'310.n -'''y, ',�, ry,;�'e0 }ma y-,) �Wt r 5S�.,, ~�..S k*t7i..1kL Siy S";:;,;1 'o k- ;;.;a,--}- ..•"i.. 'kc .•r"...evr w fr .1...A'',.� Y•, ,4 .4*--*. 4 . ' v t g: " }six . , L s.4 7 . ��. 'Y _ 1{_ a e p y� t 4* , t 1, „,2,j:.x, �a .y. s�i.. t .?ri •,t * A.'" 0Y--fir .+P.' -; e` ; • r Ah,, iI's -Y y :—t+. 1 3 a .,56:„4-4,-4..-44.... a ., 1 : rt � # .'sem ' 1 '.SL r a r'4 'i- _.g �J."ir9f yW.,-04 y y& a ,,,z5',.:;.- y._... r' t 4 a a.`4,-.......,.:-. . ,. B � ..,4", ,.may'" ,e3 4'F '_ .s.s. " '.a,*;: l r <`„'` • -1-4,... L- "� psi, 3tiak• ey-r .,. •'Lu' " 3�rY s ' .! �`c'' ya '5,i "' `�1' . r ,/'S � tTs +'31.'",e'-`7'''''.5'''''''4. ;sy� k ur� v . `.�. '- h Yis )1f-ti."'r �.'. d a% -- 3 .- �7• �j'�R''� .ek,.•..,, ,,,311.,.y > w, ° - �; -4.114,';• �,,t,r „.,n.' :-''. ,:A b b ,,,y-th,s -477"'r-- -'�SY' `�^ r Sys. g 1� £ C \. ^� .'t3' • j . .r1F:� 1v c o• �' may- r• "i.. hr may /+ a '�''..r� ~ ✓'' " fi t.\ .. 1 - •' r . . ., ......„..., ,.....,....... ...... . . ..... ... . ., ,. ......„... . 7,..„„ , . ,,,,.. ,,. .., _ . ,...,. ., . .,.„..:.;.... .:___ , .... ..,..„.,,..:, ,,.. . ,„.. __ 4 =fit �• • k K r • • a,n�.1 ' ' { f:ad� . _ _ i rt , 4.4 'a y"1 • A 1 _ .-_.- _.-... -- .._- _ - Figure 6-4 Pole Top Luminaire Page 8 calinassociates Ocoee Crown Point PEW DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee SECTION 5 - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS 5.1 Single-Family Detached Residential Units Single-Family Detached Residential Units may be built on identified single-family development parcels within the Crown Point Community. DETACHED HOUSING-RESIDENTIAL GUIDELINES 7y A-SINGLE-FAMILY LARGE LOT CRITERIA MATRIX Residential Buildin Setbacks Garage Setbacks" Porches Pool Setbacks" Side Side Side Side ! Side Rear ! Side Encroachment Approximate" Front Side I Street Portico (Zero_ Lot)a Rear Front ; Side (Zero Lot); Street Lane"I Rear_Street I Front Side Rear _Setback" Lot Sire A , 8___t_—C , D _lE IF : GI H I ITJK ! L -M f—N 0 P-- - 0 (136'-70)x 110'Min. 15'Min.i 5'Min 15'Min. 5'Min, N/A I 20'Min20'Min i 5 Min ! 0' 15'Min. 18'Min j 5'Mm. 10'Min, 10'Min. 5'Min, 10'Min, 2'Min. (71'-100)n 110'Min 15 Mimi 5'Min.115'Min.15'Min.I WA—A20'Min_20'Min. 5 Min. 0' j 15'Min,58'Min.j 5'Min. 10'Min.110'Min, 5 Min. j 10'Min. 2'Min. (>100)x 110'Min 15'Min.+10'Mi-n 15 Min j 8'z-7—N/A {20'Min. 20'Min 5'Min 0' 15'Min j 18'Mm 5'Min. 10'Min j ID'Mm 5'Min. ;10'Mm B•SINGLE-FAMILY TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT(TND)CRITERIA MATRIX Residential Building Setbacks Garage Setbacks" Porches I Pool Setbacks" 1 I Side Side j Side 1 Side j Side 1 Rear Side j j Encroachment Approximate" Front I _S_Ide Street I Portico I (Zero Lot)"JI Rear Frontd_Side (Zero Lot)I Street 1 Lane j Rear Street i Front j Side_L_Rear Setback"__ Lot Size A + B C I D E I F G !Hi IIJI It L M N 0 P 0 (50'-54)x 100'Mm. 10'Mm.;5'Min 110'Min;3'Min I 5'or 0'&10'Min j 20'Mm 20'Min ! 3'Min ! 0' 15'Mm j 18'Min 5'Min, 10'Mm.;5'Min _3'Min j 5_Min 2'Min (55-55)x100'Mm 10'Min,-i5'Min 10'Min 13'Mm- i5'or0'&10'Mmj20'Mm. 20'Min 1 3'Min. i 0' 115'Mm j 18'Min 5'Min. 10'Mm.(5'Min.l 3'Mm 5'Min 2'Min. NOTE:All setbacks are measured from principal structure to property line.unless otherwise noted "Side loaded alley garage minimum setback 10'from edge of pavement "Pool setbacks also apply to screen enclosures "Maximum impernous cover not to exceed 75%on indmdu al lots Where zero-lot line architecture is utilized,1 setback vnll be 0' Rear lane garage setbacks measured from edge of pavement "Encroachment of a/c pads,chimneys,roof overhangs,utility equipment,bay windows and pr'nacy walls may extend into yard setbacks "See Design Guidelines Book 5.1.1 Building Heights: Maximum building heights are two stories. 5.1.2 Foundations: Preferred materials are brick, stucco or stone. 5.1.3 Foundation Heights: House foundations shall be elevated a minimum of 18"above grade in the front of the house,and in the rear of the house also,if the back of the house is visible from the street or lane. Due to minimized front yard setbacks,a minimum of three(3)risers from the grade level to the finished floor elevation of the front porch or stoop is desirable to provide privacy within the dwelling from passers-by. 5.1.4 Porches must be useable, and shall be a minimum of six feet(6') in depth. Front porches shall not be screened. 5.1.5 Chimneys: Chimneys may encroach into the side yard or front yard setbacks. 5.1.6 Exterior Cladding: Recommended materials include stucco,siding,brick or stone,or any combination. Other materials may be used, but are subject to Plan Review. When utilizing concrete block wall construction on the first floor and utilizing frame on the second floor, and skinning the structure with stucco,measures must be taken to ensure that the difference in the stucco thickness is not visible and the wall surface is of uniform thickness. This requirement also applies when using stucco over gable end trusses that bear on concrete block walls. If lap siding is used,lap exposure shall not be less than 6"nor more than 8". Page 9 ca-inassociates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee 5.1.7 Porch Railings: Recommended materials include wood or wrought iron or PVC. Aluminum is discouraged. Railing styles shall be consistent with their respective architectural styles. 5.1.8 Columns: Columns shall be authentically styled,and consistent with their respective style of architecture. Recommended materials may include wood or fiberglass. Other materials may be permitted at the discretion and approval of the Plan Review. Posts may be made of wood. with their capital and base made of wood trim. Decorative round columns of Sonotube material finished with stucco are acceptable. The use of boxed-out frame and concrete block column blocks trimmed with j-molds is not permitted. 5.1.9 Condenser Units: May be placed in side yards,but are not permitted in the front yard. 5.1.10 Elevation Diversity: To the extent possible,avoid replication of same or similar elevations within three- to four house groups on either side of a residential street. The design intent of each streetscape is to have elevation and style diversity. 5.1.11 Front Facade Design: Variety of the structure's massing and building forms is encouraged. This will create different and interesting facades along the streetscape. Facades shall be properly scaled and proportioned.Architectural style elements of the home shall be applied on all sides of the structure and includes window trim,window muntin patterns, attic ventilation louvers. eave details,etc. 5.1.12 Garages: Garages are mandatory"and may be one-car or two-car,or uphold a second story to serve as a bonus room or extra bedroom. Garages that face the street shall contain the same or similar architectural details that are used on the main structure and shall have architectural interest as if designed as the front façade of a house. The designer shall endeavor to make the garage and garage door appear as inconspicuous as possible. For two-car garages,garage door treatments may include two separate garage doors instead of a single-wide one,shadowed garage doors by recessing the door's inset behind the front wall,staggering the front wall to create interesting roof lines, etc. Front-loaded garages should have a second-story structure above the garage. Side-loaded front garages are discouraged. 5.1.13 Ceiling Heights: First-floor ceilings shall be a minimum of nine feet, four inches (9'-4") for concrete block construction and nine feet(9')for frame construction. Ten feet (10') is preferred. Second-floor ceilings shall be a minimum of nine (9') feet. These dimensions will give the front elevation some proportional stature and allow for appropriate window and door headers, as well as appropriate frieze and eave details. 5.1.14 Windows: Window headers shall be at eight feet (8') above the finished floor minimum,for both first and second floors. Windows shall be vertically proportioned. Horizontal sliders are not permitted. 5.1.15 Window Muntins: Window muntin patterns shall be consistent with the historical architectural style of the structure and be applied to all windows on all sides of the structure. Recommendations for 36"x 60" windows are 6-pane over 6-pane,and for 36"x 72" windows,9-pane over 9-pane. 5.1.16 Shutters: If shutters are part of the design,then each shutter shall be,at a minimum,equal to half of the window width for windows up to 4' 0" wide. Shutters are not permitted on single or mulled windows greater than 4' 0"wide. Page 10 ccnin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee 5.1.17 Roof Materials: Finish roof material shall be consistent and appropriate with the architectural character of the structure. 5.1.18 Fascias: Recommended size is eight inches (8"). Six inches (6") is minimal. Four inches (4") is unacceptable. 5.1.19 Eaves: A minimum of six feet (6') of separation must be achieved between architectural projections/ overhangs of adjacent homes,measured from the outer face of the fascia. In the case where houses are ten feet (10') apart. measured from the face of the building wall of one unit to the face of the building wall of the next unit. then any architectural projection/overhang must extend a maximum of two feet (2'),measured to the outer face of the fascia. 5.1.20 Exterior Trim/Details: Any architectural appointments or trim details must be consistent with the architectural style of the structure. If architectural appointments such as shutters or louvers are decorative, they may be of wood or copolymer material. If stucco cladding is used, trim details must be raised or profiled by the use of j-molds or expanded polystyrene(EPS,foam). Details such as shutters,louvers or any other element may not be scored into the stucco. 5.1.21 Architectural styles: The goal of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD streetscapes is to attain an eclectic blend of varied,yet complementary vernacular styles. Such acceptable styles shall include,but not be limited to Colonial Revival. Classical Revival, Key West/Caribbean, Craftsman/Bungalow, Carolina Cottage, Coastal, Spanish. Florida Cracker, Georgian and Victorian (see representative samples of preferred architectural styles i. Other compatible architectural styles may be permitted at the discretion and approval of the Plan Review and Approval Team. The following exhibits graphically illustrate appropriate design standards for Single-Family Detached Residential development, with reference to site planning, architectural character,porches, garage options,fences, and lighting. Page 11 caninassociaces Ocoee Crown Point `LID DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee ACCEPTABLE ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER/STREETSCAPE *, tai _ ;Ll - �t ,%, YA, _' a \al ' _ •^ _ ! ® 1 r __ _ Of R 4 , r � � L U 40 I `'f mill l ' �t ;�![i�l�{,; dont ,:;!IIIIIIII I, i I L..... • IIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIUIIIIIII II§! figs ..ate z-, `"�`` , ,,,._ u. _ q n _ 1---_ , - ,I s> }r:`t. _. . � � - it . ., 4. _sr i , , , ., .....1 L 11 M y1 r r y7. ,4 . ,---y. _ wry r.,.r _ -— ._ TYPICAL FACADE SECTIONS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY AND MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL rez, -- 1 Fttnr µGPr if GAB1� I FAo► 1 I . 1 1 ao'4V int*dr•Wilir lI T -�p j•1_ tqcow' - e'why_?arr i9'min, r wuaw, Ic' q4" io'min_ m ne w+ . uD Y uJu l MINIM e 9aG B WNCON / r4rytcrR �e �� .�, 'y 0.6 G° awaN1pach,ilin. ,x„ � 1IIII�IIIrt I > Illl11llullll� ER t araemen-a /.�� �;:/,lEtl �1. %� ,; r vJriY. )Y"�i•,< � v I 1 1—] I I Stoop Option One-Stor, Porch Two-Story Porch Page 12 ca-unassociac€s Ocoee Crown pointer DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee ACCEPTABLE ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER/STREETSCAPE Flowering groundcover a,,d shrub beds of vanying heights to achieve a layered eFFect. The Lcilest shrubs shall be maintained at lees: n' beicw the Finish Floor of the porch or portico. Understory Ornamental Trees. Decorative white pvc or p: while woad Fence. Low shrub or grourocover planting in Front of Fence. c 0 Canopy or Soec r-er anode �Q tree spaced 3C-S( o.c. typo a See Apperdiz ! =cr dart list �IIIJII of acceptable apes es. to -:t ,, + a IT '31:o a c3 o f.,_ �� ..N; C St. A:gu .:re g' s sod tree flown. /1.1.A dac I '� 1.. c9 e a • ,� 1 �. • c� O -�• a t .6 -- o N- 0 , lir i a �.'-• r7`j'C3 1.1111111 �1,� lhh1lII! ii, 1 atmo 1i �:. IIP r,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,g,,,s,,,,t,/, 1 2'Landscape Walk cl'!na Strip i y i •,- i 10' Min. Setback i Landscape and I Utility Easement • 4' s R../Row TYPICAL STREET SECTION Page 13 ca-un associaccs Ocoee Crown pointer DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee SINGLE-FAMILY GARAGE OPTIONS A,illi !1 Street trees spaced Lone(41117 �� �—Prop 'M `s \ V-- Line < r/-50' o.c. typ. in L re { R.O.W. IT ./E Lone .��`` "� ■ S/B lo'Mn. Bda. 5/61 ti ®a;�r'1Ii► �-�-1� St. Augustine gross .Qtik , Street Street f-sod tree lawn. %ie Df...� �p ProP. 1B' fin. `u�•.' / lt Drive Line3pC4, -Allir1��. :5- i t i 1 i I /. �WA I 5� 5° rI Prop n + Prop/R.0 W Min Lme I`i 6dg. 5/r!�) .r� 1 Line I^ Geroge = 20'Min. Dor. 111111L4 Door Setback .l Stoop or Optional 8' Porch Varies ' Min. 1Geroge 5' Min. Geroge Setback From Front Facade 5' r-/- 5' Min. I I Mln.i'j Varies 1i I House ///I Stoop or Optional Porch 5' 15' Min. . r I ', 6'-0'Min. Porch I Min 5 1 10' Mint Front .,.+.<!n+�ab�:tt V I Turd Setback -r, �O AO 1 1.431k I Prop/R O.w LineVaries Sod ArStreet trees Or All spored +1- 50' Line o c in ROW. Street ■111- t�11 St. Augustine :a gross sod tree ��!! �� � lawn. Lot Width ��1 � Vories '/A\41lf.!/A!t SINGLE FAMILY LOT SINGLE FAMLY LOT FRONT LOADED ALLEY LOADED GARAGE GARAGE Page 14 caminassociates Ocoee Crown Point IIID DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee SINGLE-FAMILY GARAGE OPTIONS • epi Fp-7 • ■ ■ tilla ar • ■ ! s''''ae 1 1(Li i • MIMEMN 1 ■�iii: :Iv �� . _ I r■n►um =Us %I rf oII \_� ` 11113111MP 1111111111136 Nis" meow MEW noir Side Entrance Corner Lot -r — ---1 F--1 _.__.___. __ 410 I Gar. I ii-lit I I ila , ,,,,,, i., r- .„ ID '111 ; Gar. iI I .1.__ 410 1 Ilia t 1 i _ _._,N Now ler a....a. re. is...--wirram. w.0., i 9 %ha Front Loading Alley Lot Garage Side Entrance Garage Rear Garage I — I .:., II I gor 1 I )11%4 1 I 164 1 IAk Standard Front Typical Side Entrance Loading Garage NOT PERMITTED I NOT PERMITTED I Page 15 ccnin associates Ocoee Crown point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee FENCE DETAIL & STYLES .,,,,,..;,.-.-,,,)........,:-..v- °l:Szvz .--�%S - +1 .c srr 1/ C; ,t, � :9Y_4 T .t,. t ..3 • IF �t ' r.y�A t , , r • {1 ==l - , 1sT 1 �i'c` } �A tl� I• ,�e -II '''. .-. ...,111( I -1 ` ( I[ ! —J. j- E.-.---.T--77,-..3 ; 4 }"•fes k( � 1-'I :a tir t f t V k b F 2 'r • `1ti'Ij �� ,- t•90 t :' ., 1 ' ..•.'''' ':I; ..' . '''''I'."IT ;t'i-4:-41 1 1 '•Js, r , t- 1 ! �t7F i i 1 �`� - �'C 11 1 - SLxA 1,1 t,t1 �,v,;'` - -^+.� ' i.: - _ 1 ; ---i. V , T ice"""*► -„S'.q'1.."i•1 ` r'' .`- /” ^-�. III =I .� I • i• �2i i,�I �S 'tt s ` Nor, rti __4-• Ali Tr1- 111111111 , � !l111 l el l ,T � , i , i - a,--k:-1,7„„,_,4„..1.,..%. ..._." .,2Sjai L:" 1 ,`.. A1) a ..ds+11 ^t'"1�f 1 ._�. :1�� ,,y i• .� h.:JT": rE.E.K.r.t,,LilXll/.tr ANIS-cN:.it.'. -• �.tte and cap+ 1'L•-.5. leer M::WJED IN / " AC IITECTURA_C,IDELINE=Its ,.tap nil FUTJRF. _ / i rate I r-i r t d''�` Tvp.Cicku[:. E:mly:µ:c•:! 1 • , 1 .. .1.- t',1 .,- .I Tv C.Eat-crr rail 3.,,,„„„ ''tn� I III. III _ Ili II - q'-�'mm. II —Fi"-grade o-5u •rcich I _ , 1 •l- yo (r.rete-rootercr ,:L . tip. F— icr LmdecoCa 4'-8'oc. :—t,-o•tVp—� hbl: t IIIFI II�III S n n tyr Gate vaticn'Dieu, trp. rr CS Srrl, Typical Elevation (styles may vary) General Notes Acceptable Fence Materials: Grade A Red or White Cedar and S.Yellow Pine or non-fading white PVC. Acceptable Color and Finish: 2 coats white exterior latex enamel or solid white paint satin. Approved Manufacturers: Walpole Woodworkers(800)343-6948;Benson Fence(800)479-1026;!Croy Building Products(800)933-5769 or approved equal. Approved Dimensions: Front yard fences-Max.3'-0"high. Rear yard fences-Max.6'-0"high. Acceptable Locations: Front and rear yards only. In side yards only up to building face. Acceptable Styles: Front Yard Fences: Evenly spaced picket with or without bottom kicker bd;scalloped picket;alternating pickets;and closed picket. Rear Yard Fences: Spaced picket with facia;board fence with trellis or picket toppers;and trellis panels. Major Components: Posts: Shall be a minimum 4"diameter and finished with a post cap. Pickets: Shall be a minimum 2"wide,evenly spaced and securely anchored to railings Railings: Top and bottom rails shall be a min.2"x 4"and securely anchored to posts. Fasteners: Shall be rust proof and concealed from direct view. Typical Front Yard Fence Detail Page 16 ccninassociac€s Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee FENCE DETAIL & STYLES •.., .,1.y.;.,-.,,,.-.?,. 7t M7n, • •Yr .r.11/4# ' "7AVOSSAWt t 4:41 t #' " 'fl i,;'''' ;•;:.! - ;;;,- - • :11:.- ,* , - .511 . 4 TA prt • + $ : + +44`444 4-014 44 4 �� a,s , 11 # ' ; 4 �� �4�4 x:.:44II q �x y- j lltt s r ea w �0 7'. r 17 7 s1�t/' �•.'..., F >, ski i 1. 2 .. lie .r^ F '•' . NOTE_ FENCING GUIDELINES AND FENCING PLAN TO BE INC_UQE) INTyp. posts and ceps ARCH TECTURAL GUIDELINES IN j FUTURE. / / / I-6"mor.. / /—Typ. gate ha-dware }1 2-'mux. , 11 k..ali 11i1111•N1 p w■ ■im.■ 4-0'max. -- n Fnish grate of sod or mulch I j� Typ.excrete Footer iiiTT���------ I Minimum .i-4'J ! For Lancscape ...> 3typ"me-. .• .. �/ II III�I —6.-B'o.c typ. 5'-0" typ J Wal< I Ccte Section View o•_VIalF Scale Acceptable Fence Materials: Grade A Red or White Cedar and S.Yellow Pine or non-fading white PVC. Acceptable Color and Finish: 2 coats white exterior latex enamel or solid white paint satin. Approved Dimensions: Front yard fences—Max.3'—0"high. Rear yard fences—Max.6'—0"high. Side Yard Fences—Max.6\General Notes(3.4A) Acceptable Fence Materials: Grade A Red or White Cedar and S.Yellow Pine or non-fading white PVC. Acceptable Color and Finish: 2 coats white exterior latex enamel or solid white paint satin. Approved Manufacturers: Walpole Woodworkers(800)343-6948;Benson Fence(800)479-1026;Kroy Building Products(800)933-5769 or approved equal. Approved Dimensions: Front yard fences—Max.3'—0"high. Rear yard fences—Max.6'—0"high. Side Yard Fences—Max.6'—0"high. Acceptable Styles: Front Yard Fences(if used in rear): Evenly spaced picket with or without bottom kicker bd;scalloped picker,alternating pickets;and closed picket. Rear Yard Fences: Spaced picket with facia;board fence with trellis or picket toppers;and trellis panels. Major Components: Posts: Shall be a minimum 4"diameter and finished with a post cap. Pickets: Shall be a minimum 2"wide,boards shall be a minimum of 6"wide,evenly spaced and securely anchored to railings Railings: Top and bottom rails shall be a min.2"x 4"and securely anchored to posts. Fasteners: Shall be rust proof and concealed from direct view.—0"high. Typical Rear Yard Fence Detail Page 17 ccninassociacEs Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee TYPICAL FENCE COMPONENTS 0 ‘.4.-'....-. . • ....---------... , -----------. /!•A _. ------ .--- .-,--- ..............,...... 2011temporary U in I -1..n..r • _ • •. . . . •1 l' :i i I 1 , ... - . ... t WeStpOrt Old Saybrook il 1 :.. -. I: 'h . ., 1 I. •! ii - !t,......."... A H Sphere Colonial i t i i . 11iiI1 .1 .• . ., . 1'111' i il t , (1‘*-- ' - •.:!i.' : 1 ; r jr1.11 Bedliird Victorian , I l ; — ?;,•,..::.' l:... ..-} : ' . Tudor Falmouth Darien Lexington Wonham Bostonian ..-..ti Picket Tops .geri. - 14,_ .;:.,---- A . • 'aW SE2L Fl-• Miyako 44 -:....,..,,,; •,-.-e._•--:...,.'iAl -;-•-•,,i1I=..!;',. , . , • il, 'i,-.;:.•..-...i‘'1, --,:',1,:•-..i .-.,,,,..-,-, ., A ,,... Round Top Nantucket Princess Anne Queen Anne Pendant .,.>. . ,., . . ...— . ... 1'--7 ,— ..,, • . 1".. . . :."' 1 - IVI:irblelit-Ad Concord rvlominirm 11.1(10 Anclovcr 1:mincled , Shilt Page 18 ccnin associaces 1 Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee FREE-STANDING NIAILBOXES Mail boxes shall be joint hung in groups of two and located on every other building lot line. Cast Aluminum Mailbox AIIMMOMMIL 4" 9° 9.5" '1 19„ 13" 22° )— SCALE: SCALE:.7S"=12" BOLLARDS WITH MAILBOXES Page 19 calmassociates Ocoee Crown Point MD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee 5.2 Multi-Unit Residential Buildings Multi-Unit Residential Buildings include all attached residential units, including duplexes,townhomes and flats. Design standards for multi-unit residential buildings differ from the detached residential unit standards. These standards are comprised of three sections: General Criteria and Townhouse Criteria. The townhouse criteria are applicable to townhouse buildings only. The General Criteria are applicable to duplexes and residential flats. 5.2.1 General Criteria A. Building Orientation: Multi-unit buildings shall be arranged on their site so that the fronts of the buildings(those facades that face the public way)enhance the quality of the living environment and the public realm and exhibit pleasing architectural character. Garage doors and surface parking shall not be oriented toward the fronts of the buildings, nor shall garage doors and surface parking have an imposing presence within views from any public roadway. Parking shall be located-behind the buildings. B. Setbacks: Buildings shall be positioned at build-to line,in most cases,ten feet from the public right- of-way. C. Porches: Where buildings have ground level porches and patios close to the public realm,they shall be elevated a minimum of 24" for additional privacy,unless otherwise prohibited by code. D. Exterior Cladding: Recommended materials include stucco,siding,brick or stone,or any combination. Other materials may be used, but are subject to approval by the Plan Review and Approval Team. When utilizing concrete block wall construction on the first floor and utilizing frame on the second floor,and skinning the structure with stucco,measures must be taken to ensure that the difference in the stucco thickness is not visible and the wall surface is of uniform thickness. This requirement also applies when using stucco over gable end trusses that bear on concrete block walls. If lap siding is used,lap exposure shall not be less than 6" nor more than 8". E. Porch Railings: Recommended materials include wood, wrought iron or PVC. Aluminum is discouraged. Railing styles shall be consistent with their respective architectural styles. F. Columns: Columns shall be authentically styled, and consistent with their respective style of architecture. Materials may include wood or fiberglass. Other materials may be permitted at the discretion and approval of the Plan Review and Approval Team. Posts may be made of wood with their capital and base made of wood trim. Decorative round columns of Sonotube material finished with stucco are acceptable.The use of boxed out frame and concrete block column blocks trimmed with j-molds is not permitted. G. Front Facade Design: Variety of the structure's massing and building forms is encouraged. This will create different and interesting facades along the streetscape. Facades shall be properly scaled and proportioned. Architectural style elements of the buildings shall be applied on all sides of the structure and includes window trim, window muntin patterns, attic ventilation louvers, eave details, etc. Page 20 ccrun associates Ocoee Crown pointer DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee H. Ceiling Heights: First-floor ceilings shall be a minimum of nine feet,four inches(9'-4")for concrete block construction and nine feet(9') for frame construction. Ten feet (10') is preferred. Second- floor ceilings shall be a minimum of nine(9') feet. These dimensions will give the front elevation some proportional stature and allow for appropriate window and door headers,as well as appropriate frieze and eave details. I. Windows: Window headers shall be at eight feet (8') above the finished floor minimum, for both first and second floors. Windows shall be vertically proportioned. Horizontal sliders are not permit- ted. J. Window Muntins: Window muntin patterns shall be consistent with the historical architectural style of the structure and be applied to all windows on all sides of the structure. Recommendations for 36" x 60" windows are 6-pane over 6-pane, and for 36"x 72"windows, 9-pane over 9-pane. K. Shutters: If shutters are part of the design,then each shutter shall be,at a minimum,equal to half of the window width for windows up to 4' 0" wide. Shutters are not permitted on single or mulled windows greater than 4' 0" wide. L. Roof Materials: Finish roof material shall be consistent and appropriate with the architectural character of the structure. M. Fascias: Recommended size is eight inches (8"). Six inches (6") is minimal. Four inches (4") is unacceptable. N. Eaves: A minimum of six feet(6')of separation must be achieved between architectural projections/ overhangs of adjacent buildings, measured from the outer face of the fascia. O. Exterior Trim/Details: Any architectural appointments or trim details must be consistent with the architectural style of the structure. If architectural appointments such as shutters or louvers are decorative,they may be of wood or copolymer material. If stucco cladding is used,trim details must be raised or profiled by the use of j-molds or expanded polystyrene (EPS, foam). Details such as shutters,louvers or any other element may not be scored into the stucco. P. Ancillary Structures:. Any ancillary structures such as dumpster enclosures, mail kiosks, recycle centers, etc., shall have architectural character complimentary to the principal structures. 5.2.2 Townhouse Criteria The following criteria are applicable to townhouse buildings only. A. Driveways, garages and surface parking shall be located at the rear of the unit. B. Unit Separations: In order to minimize the horizontal read of the roof lines on multiple-unit attached townhouses,units shall be visually partitioned to a maximum of six(6)grouped units. This may be achieved by staggered,unaligned front facades,varied finished floor heights or parapeted separation walls. Page 21 ccnin associates Ocoee Crown Point PELT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee C. Foundation Heights: Townhouse foundations shall be elevated a minimum of 24"above grade in the front of the house,and in the rear of the house also,if the back of the house is visible from the street, unless otherwise disallowed by building codes. Due to minimized front yard setbacks, a minimum of four(4) risers from the grade level to the finished floor elevation of the front porch or stoop is desirable to provide privacy within the dwelling from passers-by. D. Porches: Minimum six feet(6' 0")of depth so they are usable. Front porches shall not be screened. E. Condenser Units: May be placed in the back yards or side yards only. +i 'Fr, �,e f *a "` - } x.7.. r' cam-,- y:•K ,{, ,s ■ " -may `, r� '``.‘.= '14". rti r-ft. ._ �. E_,r �xc -<a•-`- _;P .,..7.4.-,-:.;:_.'--.....,--... ._ _ _ t. .-1.77-,:*"' 1.�, ' '•. J TNie ' I_'' `,,• i _ ,:;".t_-•,„,, 72",, '.r-< j.,• J.-._ v , e ? tr a. �� �� r,,.-_ �J �' -ate 911. y.-a r .. ' fii -•• , 1 I i ill 11.' 3 11 li .`! -it, INN d , � la ,' MINIi 'fj + e 11• L • `�,� ,3 r, i; l ' fd( u`� 11 .0 dt*; .� ,. • r s • _ i s 1 ,`.,��. _ YY.I' . -�^` I _ s• . z.„-•Q.URx e Y r ti'= Ttsa+`+1 Desirable Townhouse Architectural Character Page 22 cminassociaces Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee ATTACHED HOUSING-RESIDENTIAL GUIDELINES TOWNHOME CRITERIA MATRIX Residential Building Setbacks Garage Setbacks'' Porches Pool Setbacks v Side Side Rear SideEncroachment Approximate" Front Side Corner Rear Front Side Zero Side Corner Lane u Corner Front Side Rear Setback e Lot Size A B C F I G H I J K M N 0 P 0 (20'-29')x 90'Min. 10'Min. 0'810'Min. 10'Min. 15'Min. 18'Min. 3'Min. 0' 5'Min. 18'Min. 3'Min. 5'Min. N/A N/A 2'Min. (30'-39')x90'Min. 10'Min. 0'810'Min. 10'Min. 15'Min. 18'Min. 3'Min. 0' 5'Min. 18'Min. 3'Min. 5'Min. 3'Min. 3'Min. 2'Min. (40'-45')x90'Min. 10'Min. 0'810'Min. 10'Min. 15'Min. 18'Min. 3'Min. 0' 5'Min. 18'Min. 3'Min. 5'Min. 3'Min. 3'Min. 2'Min. NOTE: All setbacks are measured from principal structure to property line,unless otherwise noted. "Side loaded alley garage minimum setback 10'from edge of pavement. v Pool setbacks also apply to screen enclosures. v Maximum impervious cover not to exceed 90%on individual lots. 41 Rear lane garage setbacks measured from edge of pavement. 9 Encroachment of at pads,chimneys,roof overhangs,utility equipment,bay windows and privacy walls may extend into yard setbacks. • Page 23 ccninassociaCEs Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee SECTION 6-VILLAGE CENTER DESIGN STANDARDS ,. %, w vis- „Yalit/\`1 ,y. • E `�+ .,. r - ,,,,A , i „:, , ,......., , ,,,___,., __,....„ _ . A R h• J �1i r ' • '72.--211*x` -*' - id 1R I 4-.1.; f ::?::.+' ,. ”` _ \ `'i` t ::. b% - • ----•- 4.• i;'' #411 ; , , .--r- • R'• • <.' 1 I '1s 0 i 'e� f . ° '� f . I r•-�'� 1K, 4. 'J rs •'• ". •'it 1[4• Iii :III 11 r 4 �r i l .� • __�t . atop. I ,�✓ x,11 „ ` 517_ir`z--"-,n, -- % _-'! e. S. {y _ i �,� � J • • 6.1 Design Standards The standards are aimed at enhancing '1 - the appearance of buildings by promoting interesting architecture. ���� Styles and facades of each individual building can promote an eclectic mix i%' of architectural styles and appearances. - Village Center (highlighted) Page 24 caninassociac€s Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.2 Village Center Facade Design Guidelines -Major Goals The Facade Design Guidelines have six major goals: • Promote high-quality,pedestrian-friendly,diverse architecture. • Preclude stores from looking like exact copies of their shopping mall counterparts. • Preclude any outlandish architectural styles, and colors,etc. • Promote a uniform architectural style within each building facade. • Preclude large monolithic building facades without architectural detail in order to break up the visual impact of the building mass. • Promote appropriate signage for commercial establishments and prohibit inappropriate signage that can detract from the character of the village. TYPICAL BUILDINGS 6,1:-:--4 4:-.k {u re raj{ ,i..,:._ : .:..4 ..._: s...,...1,-,v,....._*„..es..1„;-.,..- ,.. „..../ ii.4.,-,..7 ,...i . .._,..... ,7,,,,,,, ,,_...1-:_: . , •,.....,; .1 „, -,...-„, ,, .,..,,,,,... ,. ,...„. ,_ , . 1 ,::: ....,, 1, • . -..--'xr,v. ,t-: . ,,.. . ,.. 14T -4/417.7.,:- 0 -,frit,- --- •-• , ,, ' j • CV ..i r' I /. 'J.�r { en. r.. 4.... -..,- . .J.., _iz i _ i.- 1 1 i , _.„ _ r.. . ..., - ,.,1.,-, , 1 , ,... ....;.-_.......„ ,,,,r, 11._ - .`-=--� r E4' �.r t . 1f. <i • ,t•.- - — � 3: tik - J _ It Typical Main Street Ambiance Page 25 caninassociaces Ocoee Crown PointPUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee TYPICAL BUILDINGS k:/.'r1. ?L"---_• . s_1 e.. �����TT�.-:..tffl ;.. --"--4. - L \ a:, . 1 ..4 to ,ytt4 • '-, r 7 h ' lit!,vii f �. A• , 4, 4147,,1d.pt:ci '� ( �-i \i� ,,yam*,, _ .f:•:41:,�-. .". ', •tit` 'xs ,-' ,t 0• •,, I• t.,,,„,,• i • .i. - _4 a 1..- l 1 '2,? wry =i'4 1' c. .::a• C f tio s { r` :r i Er 4. pyo, t {� L ''• • S ` ' kV' 'I el 9..i 1' •''' 41E! ' 1 1 t. I i , �, , rte' ' � - � i v\ - • r is,.; Y _ .� w. ! "'� ` - ;,' rte•. I -;. t `\%,1 '� _, �-Ni - Desirable Streetscape and Building Scale iis t• 5 flii S 4.1 t pt Ilei _ r :.--, 6 w 9 •t4,.,'{�` • •'.4 '��' _, .0 'k h `Vyl .�. any - . r. ` .1. 4x .- \ . ."L„rrtrrevtt I tmen��. u ssvtesa , r-------1 ( li r r.�w.. �, rhe. b,' - Desirable Streetscape & Building Facades Page 26 caninassociaces Ocoee Crown Point TUE' DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.3 Building Length,Height and Scale 6.3.1 This building is an example of a larger building. It possesses an urban quality and human scale, while still being appropriate for a traditional downtown. The Rawlerson Building is located in downtown Fort Pierce,Florida. -_,,__- ,__. ..... H t__i __''.__, '1-- i----i, ------- k-I -ii--1 , p.L , _____ , ,, ,u ,,, L__., , , ,, , i , ,, .— .--71".‘"":-;;;;''''7"..!:;;.1.'1.'n'' rte"' "'•"V"'�'''V""..! 2. - 11.6.'4"7.(P 1.•.''''''ts .:" ' y I I ' 1 ' t 1'- i i l Fit ir 1 � "1 �� 1 I •�• , F , , 1 al ;�t 1 I I I ! I- ., '7 fel- 1 i _ The Rawlerson Building 6.3.2 Buildings, other than the high school within Ocoee Crown Point PUD, shall have for the most part frontages between 50'and 100'in length,with storefront bays of approximately 25' to 50'. This rhythm of architecturally diverse,urban buildings helps give a unique character and human scale and promotes visual identity for retailers. Buildings shall incorporate elements of the Crown Point High School style, and use complementary colors and materials in the design. 6.3.3 Appropriate variations in fenestration,materials,and expression lines will be necessary to preserve the intimacy and human scale. Such buildings should nevertheless present a coordinated and balance facade to the street; a"theme park" look of false fronts on a larger building is not intended. i :r' a!1 4�., `_ f4 `t61r-eWih , 1 - .. ": " �� Rf — 1 IIi.., –ce' J� wtFj.''' '-'. i • (41 Desirable High School Facade along Main Street Page 27 caninassociaces Ocoee Crown pointer DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.4 Commercial Storefront Facade ) CD O .1 < > I,I CORNICE LTJ Ll a l J L n � Window Hoods I �" I l -UPPER FACADE , 1 - 1 ,� 1 t l r I r I • Masonry Pier t i I Expression Line --Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu LIn Transom //// CTOREFRONT• Display Window Bulkhead ul 1 11° (11 ,. 6.4.1 The coordination of storefront facades among a group of contiguous storefronts in an individual building is necessary to create a successful overall appearance. The design guidelines,which are appropriate,are as follows: • When considering building color selection, sign location and size, and awning or canopy location and size,always take the existing context into consideration. The new storefront should be compat- ible with the architectural style of the adjacent high school and the existing storefronts within the same building. • Continue horizontal lines such as building trim, cornice lines or decoration from one storefront to the next whenever possible. 6.4.2 The basic commercial storefront facade consists of thee parts: • The storefront with entrance and display windows; • The expression line which delineates the transition between storefront and from the upper facade above; • The upper facade which contains the horizontal area utilized for wall signage,canopies or awnings (the area may also have windows if it is a multi-story building); • The cornice which is the architectural feature that tops the building. * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 28 carunassociates Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.5 Expression Line 6.5.1 The Expression Line is the architectural feature on the facade which delineates the transition between the ground floor level and the upper facade. This detail reinforces the pedestrian scale and traditional composition of the architecture. 6.5.2 An Expression Line shall be either a cornice or molding extending_a minimum of three inches,or offset in the surface plane of the building wall of a minimum of three inches. II i._.t (I L, _ .../ ' - LI __ _' _ _„.-_,.' -I STOREFRONT Framing / ��• / . I Door Kickplate ,{ Base of Masonry, —_ __ Concrete or Wood w Desirable STOREFRONT II 1 {I A ----.--- ,....7li 7ri, , , , ____J_ _,...._:.._Ll_ 1.-...*l...,...A.:1 STOREFRONT No Framing at Windows /- No Substantial Kickplate 1 • Insufficient 4"metal Base Undesirable * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 29 canin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.6 Cornice The cornice, which is the top architectural feature of the building, generally reflects the style of the building. In many cases the cornices have historical as well as architectural significance and therefore should be preserved as a contributing element to the appeal of the building. As a result, this cornice should not be covered with incompatible materials, veneers or signs. Building owners and tenants are encouraged,when possible, to expose the cornice facade in order to achieve these goals. • f ' •, �_�. : ----- - r ter. ' !- ORNICE . . v i .41! I � sz ,�` "� , �: ' N . , EXPRESSION LINE t{j r : . yi ... . i' sem•.., • L4L�"' �• ',.....-,:::---,:i 1 • * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 30 ccninassociaces Ocoee Crown Point P'U DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee CORNICE AND EXPRESSION LINE I- i n �i '" ‘` Cornices Visible and t Enhanced with Colors Compatible to Building iaIIIII LI E Expression Line Projects Enough to Create a Shadow Line I I 1 I1 Desirable il - _ 1-T 0 Cornices Removed or Covered A- i 1- ' with Incompatible Material gii"----mr lT 111--- j 1 I Expression Line Covered by Awning Undesirable Page 31 caninassociatEs Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.7 Roof Pitch Varied roof pitches will be permitted,as long as it fits in with the adjacent building's architectural style and should be approved by the Crown Point Architectural Review Committee. Generally, however, steep,pitched roofs are discouraged. 6.8 Upper Facade The upper facade is typically the area where wall signage, awnings or canopies are located. There are certain design features that should be observed in dealing with the upper facade area. These include the following: • There should be for each individual building, an architecturally coherent utilization of either cano- pies or awnings so that the building appears whole. • There should be compatibility in height, size,materials and color between the canopies or awnings on a building so that each individual storefront still portrays compatibility for each individual build- ing. • There should be wall signage of similar material and composition to the building so that this signage is compatible with the building's architectural composition. UPPER FACADE BtiILDM SIGN 111011 I I[1 Ili 1111111 111111 . {{� � ' -UPPER FACADE El Desirable Awnings&Canopies are Uniform in Size, Height and Color j ll r BUILDING ----.--- — - - wall Sign too Large, L SIGN r ' - Covering Decorative Cornice (-51 Undesirable ® -UPPER FACADE a r�] I, _ Undesirable gat l 114 / ► Page 32 ccninassociaces Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.9 Awnings Canvas awnings can be one of the most important design elements in the visual appeal of a storefront or building. It also can be a very important element contributing to the character of the Crown Point Village Center. Awnings also provide the functional benefit of providing shelter from Florida's omnipresent sun or rain,which is crucial for retail shoppers. There are certain design guidelines that should be followed in the application of awnings. These include the following: • Fabric awnings,such as canvas,vinyl-coated canvas or acrilan are encouraged. Metal awnings such as aluminum, copper and bronze should be utilized in a controlled manner, in a way which will enhance and emphasize hierarchical spaces such as main entrances and porticoes of the building. • Awnings should be architecturally coherent across the building in terms of height, size, materials and color so as to provide a unified appearance to an individual store. Awnings should not be of radically uneven or unusual shapes. However,a certain amount of diversity in the building facades • is desirable and should be encouraged. • The cumulative effect of individual storefront awnings on a building should be considered in designing a new awning. • An awning should reinforce-the frame of the storefront or office and should not cover the piers or the space between the second story building windows and cornice. • Awnings covering second story windows should conform to the size of the individual windows or should complement the first floor storefront awning in terms of size, materials,height,color,etc. • The color of the fabric awning should complement the building's color scheme. • Page 33 calm associates Ocoee Crown pointer DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee AWNINGS Ili MI Second Story Awnings Coordinate with Ground Floor 111111 I'!!" 11111 !""' 111111 111111Storefront Awnings ... . ..... Awnings Uniform in Height, ■ Size,Materials and color IIIIllhIIIIIlIIIII „.., ill il �1.81111M111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111113111391111111 111111111111111111111111111S1 i■ ri 1 1 �■1 om Desirable r__,_ t i BUILDINGI' SIGN um! ME -j Ii -UPPER FACADE L _ f _Li M �� �� - �T Awnings&Canopies are Uneven Sizes, I I Heights and Color I_ CI Undesirable * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 34 ccnin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee TYPICAL AWNINGS Iii ------- h 4- + = t ffi/i t1CTURFTINtOTHY'S GALL' ) 1 ii ild Ij1 e LI r III ; • II • !I- __ -,Iq 1.1, ES ___ _ _ 414- OPIC.IN7 . - i' 11x} ` 4 Examples of Appropriate Facades, Awnings and Store Signage Page 35 ccninassociacEs Ocoee Crown Point PEW DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.10 Canopies A canopy is a permanent appendage to a building which functions as a horizontal element covering the storefront sidewalk. Canopies provide the same benefits to the shopper that are accomplished by awnings. Canopies as a permanent building element are sometimes preferred since they need less maintenance than canvas awnings. Canopies in some situations reflect the historic character of a building since this was the predominant style of shelter used for older buildings. Canopies generally are more difficult as a design feature in producing an appealing image since there is less vertical area facing the street and there are typically supports to the building wall or sidewalk to reinforce the awning. The design guidelines that should be followed in the treatment of canopies are as follows: • Flat canopies should be dressed-up with 12-24 inch fabric awning valance so as to increase visual appeal of the canopy. • Canopies and any signage on the face of canopies should be of colors that complement building's color scheme. ' L=7 1 ZniiiI ; &H st\ wb1e \- f ___ ___41011LimiamuniEl ---- [j 12" -24" awning valance /, i j.i 1 * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 36 ccninassociatEs Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.11 Lighting The nighttime appearance of a building is an important consideration in building design. Lighting may serve as a security function as well as promoting business after hours. Certain design guidelines should be utilized in the use of lighting as follows: • Use lighting efficiently and sparingly to highlight display windows, entrances, signs and architec- tural detail. • Balance the intensity of overall lighting with that of display windows. • Light sources should be shielded. Avoid high intensity floor lights directed at pedestrian or vehicles. • The spillover from lighting in proximity to residential settings should be minimized so as not to be a nuisance. - • Storefronts shall remain unshuttered at night. Storefronts should provide view of interior spaces lit from within(backless displays). 6.12 Signs 7 / -' ap EP Outdoor Lighting is Shielded and Enhances Architectural Detail n G II I r(-1 Display Lights Directed Toward J / Display and Away from Pedestrians f Avoid Floor Lights * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 37 cminassociates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.12.1 Signs play a particularly important role in the appearance of individual storefronts and buildings. The size and design characteristics of signs strongly influence the public's perceptions of the Crown Point Village Center and its individual businesses. Business owners tend to overestimate the value and function of signage when the success of a business is primarily related to the appeal of the products and prices. A successful sign is not one which stands out from adjacent businesses, but one which reinforces the quality image of the Crown Point Village Center. Aside from compliance with the zoning regulations, there are certain other design guidelines which should be followed: 1) The size, color, shape and location of a sign should complement the building facade. Building elements such as windows,cornices or decorative details should not be obscured. 2) Sign material should be chosen which harmonize with and complement the building's design. Signs should never be so large as to overpower the facade. 3) Individual storefront signs should be compatible with the other storefronts within the same building in terms of design, size and placement on the building. 4) Temporary window signs, such as special sale signs, are not permitted. All signs must be pre- approved by the Crown Ponit Village Center Architectural Review Committee. 5) Front lighting of signs is encouraged. 6) Signage above the expression line shall be prohibited except: • Wall mounted hanging signs that are highly decorative and compliment the building facade. • Small window signs. • Signs that identify a building,incorporated in the cornice detail. 6.12.2 Other types of signage located above the expressions line shall not be allowed. • Page 38 cam associates Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee SIGNS .t r .1 L, SIGN Sibs are Coordinated in Size and i PFtaERSypA Placement with Building and / . S 'S . Adjacent Storefront a — t 1 ' — Desirable S y 1 'a it d• • Awning Sign Covers Masonry Pier \SIG! B. `-1wair` '"'" Sale Sign too Large for Storefront and Poorly Placed in Display Window 541e . ., Ec Ga` H a 1�� Undesirable * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 39 ccninassociaccs Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee SIGNS 0 METAL POST METAL SUPPORT GAL.CHAIN 1'(TYP.) PLAQUE 2'(TYP.) 10'(MIN.) 8'(MIN.) 1 Typical free-standing signs are encouraged Page 40 ccninassociaccs Ocoee Crown pointer DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee SIGNS 11: 1 P' iiii ,allSecond Story Wall Mounted Hanging - Signs. Proportional in Scale and •---- -- Complementary to the Building Facade. Desirable t FE 1 . - SIGN I Wall Mounted Sign Covers Cornice. agt MI The Sign is out of Proportion with the — - Building Facade. _ F F Undesirable * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 41 cmin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee EXAMPLES OF DESIRABLE SIGNAGE . . .....„z.,. 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The new storefront should coordinate with the architectural style of the building and the existing storefronts within the same building. • Continue horizontal lines such as building trim, cornice lines or decoration from one storefront to the next whenever possible. --1 r-' r-i t—► r- 111111 111111 11111 11111 ■ ■ Architectural Details and Cornice Are Exposed and Enhanced , ^ r+.1111111 Awnings Coordinate in Size, Color And Placement j Desirable Fl Ilhlll�l Cornice is Covered by Awnings Individual Storefronts are Painted Contrasting Colors. Facade is not Architecturally Unified • _ _ Undesirable Page 43 cmun associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - VILLAGE CENTER City of Ocoee 6.14 Color The color palette can make the most dramatic improvements to a building or one of the most offensive changes to a building. Choosing the right combination of colors can unify the building elements with the facade as well as relate the building to others on the street. There is no reason to limit color variation to what was original to a building. A business can benefit if the color of a building is changed in that customers will take notice. However,selection of colors compatible with surrounding buildings is essential. This does not mean that the color must match,but they should not compete. Color schemes that are too bright or intense,electric or Day-Glo shall not be utilized. Colors shall be approved by the Crown Point Village Center Architectural Review Committee. MI . r, I i. , rill nnn ...,...„..., .,...__ . „,____,. . ra_. — 1 --- - -- . Desirable Colors of the Storefronts are Coordinated to Unify the Appearance of the Entire Building Facade 1 I Am., I iLiF 1— - l 111 Il 1[ Il 1 ( .,-- i f i. res _ S40 ______— , ,•Y .:• Li__...___, , ______ .,.___ _______, , • , , 1 ..„.._,,,,,, ___,, ,/- ;,, .___. .,,,:, . , , _ 5. 1 __ _._ il Undesirable individual Storefronts Painted Various Colors Which Break up the Uniform Appearance of the * Building Facades * Graphic Source- City of Winter Park Page 44 calm associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - OTHER COMMERCIAL/OFFICE STANDARDS City of Ocoee SECTION 7 -OTHER COMMERCIAL/OFFICE STANDARDS 7.1 Architectural Standards The objective of the Architectural Design Guidelines is to establish aesthetic and thematic standards for Ocoee Crown Point PUD. Flexibility in interpretation and innovation is encouraged to create distinct building identities and interesting diversity while utilizing the southeastern vernacular architectural theme(s)especially on the main streets and in the traditional neighborhood area. The larger commercial buildings may employ other compatible architectural design. Building facades should be varied and articulated to provide visual interest within a harmonious, organizing theme, rather than creating an overly monotonous image. Use of arcades or bays are encouraged. Architectural Theme(Southeastern Vernacular)-The architectural character for the Ocoee Crown Point PUD project is derived from local and regional architectural styles which have been popular in Florida since the late 19th century.This vernacular architecture includes the Coastal/Plantation,Colonial Revival and Classical Revival styles and eclectic variations of each,which must be approved by the City of Ocoee. The intent is not to create highly-themed period architecture,but rather architectural diversity and interest that draws on these vernacular elements. Architectural Elements -The use of the southeastern vernacular architectural elements which make up these traditional styles will provide a continuity and cohesiveness needed to tie much of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD development together. Use of architectural styles,features and materials that are indigenous to the region are encouraged. (See Figure 7-1 - Architectural Applications.) 7.2 Commercial Frontage Commercial out-parcels may be developed by national franchises, however, traditional elements of Southeastern Vernacular architecture shall be incorporated. Every effort should be made during the design process to incorporate materials and details which are compatible with the Southeastern Vernacular styles.The City of Ocoee will work with national franchises to help find appropriate solutions to incorporating the Southeastern Vernacular Theme. (See Figure 7-1- Architectural Applications.) Page 45 ccnin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - OTHER COMMERCIAL/OFFICE STANDARDS City of Ocoee „s_ 4 ,, • . ..... , `Iit P, - •11 :.. fr, • .-...4.--.l0-,,ifi-_-,4•„l,--.,„.--v-.i,-'.4•,„_,ffl..-•- ,..,r.-,..-•4.-.,....i.”.-fA,1,-_t.i-._1.,-•,..l ,-...,i.,•..,i,,r,:4.v-i_•:..7..*i':.,-s_-.-•-.-.•I.-•7n•1-•.-•1.:.—"_---I_7-._-pI__'-l”-a- ii•','''o...:....4.,..„ 1 it =- 1 , -' '• ,,_4 _ . - _ -- ' . i . V4 , i1 I. .., MN r A • { , -' ,, --- .C31;i-t---? ' • t '3'` 1 .L.-:4---\-•• •••-\2.-..1 ••• N'\• "\\\,-,-•,_ -.' . 14'4 _,,i! ..,_,---..„;_ _- , i. • , ., 5,-, ILT2 . ."-'-r 1.-- f . 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Roof forms and building elements shall be articulated to provide variety and interest. The following pictures are examples of how a large commercial building can be enriched to provide variety and interest. 0. . '—l f �--� --- —. --' . �;T -£kms IIV- 40.11664' ilkeite410104e73: 7A ---. MI i 0- l'—'111. I - vett' • '41: ' . My, t'. �,ir .3, -' ts •'-'1:;.:441r,.._: s , .. . i4 ` - r; may+ i a .man = ,. iI� ( lune mc' � � ��•' /7 - ( /7 f In :. I (.��+�I�� -�,[� ` _ ! _ �$___. I l .rti Figure 7-2 Commercial Buildings Page 47 caninassociates Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - OTHER COMMERCIAL/OFFICE STANDARDS City Of Ocoee 7.4 Office 7.4.1 Office buildings located along Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road shall also incorporate elements of the southeastern vernacular architectural theme or other appropriate design treatments. Large horizontal masses should be broken where possible to provide visual interest. The buildings'aesthetic appearance should be addressed as well as its functional aspects. 7.4.2 Mixed use is encouraged with Tract#9. Permitted uses include commercial or office on the ground floor with residential or office on the floors above. 7.4.3 Office buildings shall incorporate elements of the Southeastern Vernacular architectural theme or other formal or compatible themes as illustrated below. Office buildings should be articulated to provide interest to the facade by providing variation in the building mass and roof forms. 7.4.4 The following pictures are examples of how an appropriate architectural style can be incorporated into an office building. h ;_ _ VAlir _ I 1 1.1.1 IN -'e-7s A.. * Its f 'I v`pp f r ! LV.LL .0.,� 1®I * A it 4 111',1?mAAlf • IS ,, .sr... '-r- " - - -- .7;L------,--:,:t' ------ i-- -:-..z--If4,171,0"- c '4'...:!.!syi,:,..Y',1:-• _ - - ,'p' f < i � 111 - . rl.,'' il,.,. __-, ... '.,?,:ski„.1,,,-., -;ik,-•:-: 1 _ -+' :J.L;;;.„, V. ...!...„*.;11111 \_t .i 'I 1 II '.. r ,...- ,..- I __it -1 W1 gi L 4,...r. ,- - kld/• _ i c co -� :fir - c 4 -. ,1 _ -I.; i,; ,pit& i- ��.1,,.... IS - Figure 7-3 Office Buildings Page 48 ccninassociaces Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - STREET STANDARDS City of Ocoee SECTION 8 -STREET STANDARDS 8.1 Introduction The following standards reflect standards for the street types to be incorporated into Ocoee Crown Point PUD. These include Village Center Main Streets, Residential Streets and Alleys or Rear Lanes. Several Design Objectives are incorporated into the street system in the plan. 8.1.1 Provide a plan that is designed to create greater roadway connectivity within and around the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Development. 8.1.2 Ensure that the traffic that moves through the Village on its Main Streets is calmed,and moves at a slow speed compatible with a pedestrian-friendly environment. This is accomplished by reducing the width of lanes, providing on-street parallel parking,landscaping with shade trees, the introduction of signals, when warranted, safe pedestrian crossings and placing buildings up closer to the street. 8.2 On-Street Parking Parallel parking shall be provided in the Village Center on all streets and along the community park on the northern residential connection road. 8.3 Sidewalks In residential neighborhoods, sidewalks shall be installed on each side of the street. In like manner, sidewalks in the Village Center shall be located on both sides of the street. In the Village Center, street trees, and furniture shall be located within the sidewalk area. Handicap access shall be provided on all approaches, at all intersections and at all pedestrian crossing areas. The thickness and minimum width of the sidewalks, and the design for handicap access shall be in compliance with current FDOT design standards,current ADA and Florida Accessibility Code Standards. 8.4 Traffic Calming "Traffic Calming" is a term used to describe the slowing of vehicular speeds and in some cases, the reduction in traffic volume along certain streets. The Crown Point Village and Residential streets are to be traffic calmed. Speed may be controlled or influenced by a number of measures. The following traffic calming methods may be incorporated in the community were needed,but this list is illustrative only and other devices not listed,but recognized by the City of Ocoee,to accomplish the same purpose may also be employed: • Bump Outs • Change in Street Surface Texture or Material Page 49 canin associates Ocoee Crown pointer DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - STREET STANDARDS City of Ocoee • Clear Signage • On-Street Parking • Optical street width reduction, such as street trees,median plantings, paving patterns, street lights and street furniture • Pedestrian-Operated Signals at Crossings • Roundabouts • Smaller Building Setbacks • Stop Signs - • Traffic Circles • Reduced Curb Radii to a Minimum of fifteen(15') at Curb Edges. In addition to providing traffic calming within the community,several of these devices also are intended to reduce the distance necessary for pedestrian crossings and to enhance the attractiveness of walking throughout the neighborhoods. All such devices must be engineered and constructed to allow the efficient utilization of the same by emergency vehicles. Pedestrian crossings within the Village Center and Ocoee Apopka Road shall have full pedestrian features with marked crosswalks. 8.5 Street Trees On all village streets, shade trees shall be installed prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for village uses. Street trees shall be planted 50 feet(50') on center. All roadway landscaping shall conform to the City of Ocoee Ordinance#99-23 for sight distances and clear recovery areas. 8.6 Median Planting The median plantings are intended to provide seasonal color and act as a buffer between traffic lanes. The plant material may include a mixture of shade and ornamental trees and shrubs in varying sizes. All plants shall be at a clear distance from intersections. Page 50 ccninassociaces Ocoee Crown Point PTJV DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - STREET STANDARDS City of Ocoee tip .A <-0i., ..i./ .- .4 =• yt.tr•,, Its' ". 'x �v p •-• Ocoee Crown Point Parkway - 120' Right-of-Way 442 C44202 22215 t g: 3 ,..-- t,47-g..... 4 ..,:tr.,.... .... . • • -,:tro,.,... ., , ..,,..,„ . ,.. Orr � L.E. Fay. o ` Z I .J ____ xI r / o w I / OM UK 0244 00 LOOM.404201 V IV / / roR..a 1.40.22 SIM tl NM WW2 Ocoee Crown Point Parkway - 60' Right-of-Way Page 51 cmin assocuaccs Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - STREET STANDARDS City of Ocoee WOW. I—I 1_, _ -... . ,.......c.....- N —,,,“. \ •& '.2.P k, 1 e' ,g :,,,.. V-4:-*4,, . :•65.• •6,6 -e-,...,, mmilliMIlliirt_ ',.. g..-F t 4. j ini=mi... tf 1 6.61•111. 0 Ir a 's r 06 / ' / / ••• ,../ .. / P.la . A > /< 4 1 664.1.1 111/IR NM* M.''' I ... Roadway Adjacent to Community Park - 50'Right-of-Way .._ _ — 'LlgelZT-PT -001.11'1+,7, / .--.' ‘. \, Z ;;1...,,• " - t re.,,'--:- x:-.SZ.`; ,,,".. •*...4,, -q-1:•yr'. •es . •-tt.,- 1 _=...-, -- ---‘-4 ,i,.47,. , ,.., ; ' • , -‘,/,” t _ . , I. .2 I __ t 't 11__—.7,11 I .7.--;,_ .Y I . ,t4,1 I ' 17. 1 ._ Lt'-- - ; `-'; — -,,-n-rt..- I -7- -6 , ttt§i''," 1r '" — __ , ,..,,,,.,. 66.6 In •' ' , I ir 6(AI,\ I ' I t 1 I 1 ' ' 1 ' " I I ) ,v,....... ...:A. i. 4er Village Center- 60'Right-of-Way Page 52 cmin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee SECTION 9-LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS 9.1 General Landscape Standards 9.1.1 Objectives The objective of this section is to promote and enhance the aesthetic character of Ocoee Crown Point PUD. The Design Standards and conceptual landscape site plans for the Crown Point Village Center focus on identifying treatment options for streetscape, open space, off-street parking and service areas. For the purposes of these Design Standards,site furniture,irrigation and landscape lighting are considered landscape elements. 9.1.2 General Responsibilities The property owner and/or tenant shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the landscape and irrigation on their specific parcel and within abutting right-of-ways in accordance with their Master Landscape and Irrigation Plans. 9.1.3 Preservation Of Existing Vegetation A reasonable effort will be made to preserve existing natural tree cover, if any. All trees that have a minimum trunk caliper of twelve(12) inches or larger will be considered for preservation. 9.1.4 Safety Standards All landscape materials shall be planted in a manner which will not impede or create a hazard for vehicular or pedestrian traffic. 9.2 Specific Landscape Requirements 9.2.1 Streetscape and Building Landscaping • The landscape areas designated along the streetscape and adjacent to the buildings shall be landscaped completely with trees, shrubs, groundcovers and/or annuals. • The landscape for Ocoee Crown Point PUD shall be in accordance with the Conceptual Landscape set plans and shall be appropriate to the scale and design of each building.Shrubs and groundcovers will be used around the base of the trees and in pots/planters to provide accent and seasonal color. • The landscaped area along the streetscape or `street side' of each building shall present an attractive appearance,emphasizing and reinforcing the primary entry of the structure.Shade and/or flowering trees shall be incorporated into the landscape design along the street and wherever areas will appropriately allow space for these elements.The use of movable pots and planters, wall trellises, flower boxes, etc., is encouraged to bring color and diversity into the streetscape (see exhibits for illustrations). All buildings with interior courtyards shall be appropriately landscaped and, where space allows, provided with sitting areas and other amenities such as water features for pedestrian enjoyment. Page 53 ccnin associates Ocoee Crown Point PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee • Where space allows,landscape treatments along the sides of buildings shall be a continuation of the design of the streetscape. • Landscape treatment of the building rear yards and service areas shall focus on clearly defining points of building access and pedestrian pathways. Service areas external to the building envelope shall be landscaped and screened from public view by decorative walls or fences (see exhibits for illustration). 9.2.2 Landscape Buffers • Where buffer areas exist,landscaping will be provided in combination with decorative walls and/or fences to provide an effective visual screen. The landscaping shall consist of a combination of trees and shrub and groundcover beds of varying heights, seasonal color and texture. • Adjacent to vehicular use areas, landscape buffers will be provided to screen parking from direct view. The screening in this buffer area shall typically consist of shade trees and understory trees, shrub beds and decorative fences or walls. The tallest shrubs should be typically maintained at a minimum height of 3 feet.All areas between the street curb and right-of-way line where a right-of-way abuts a parcel shall also be landscaped. 9.2.3 Parking Lot Landscaping • Entry drives into parking areas shall be landscaped and shall incorporate the design of landscaping in adjoining buffer areas. The design shall utilize only approved trees and shrubs in a manner that visually emphasizes the area and offers the driver and pedestrian an attractive appearance from the street. Landscape treatment of entry areas shall be designed to allow safe viewing distances for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. • The majority of the off-street parking lots in Ocoee Crown Point PUD will require both perimeter and interior landscaping to influence the micro-climate and break up the large expanses of paved surface area. Where feasible, interior planting islands will be provided between. at the ends and within rows of parking spaces (see exhibits for illustrations of these islands). Canopy shade trees will be introduced in these interior islands to provide an effective shade canopy.Trees will be installed that are limbed up to facilitate sight distance, provide shade and help to reduce the impact of this visual scale of the parking. • All perimeter and interior planting islands of parking lots shall be provided with shade trees selected from the Master Plant List(see Appendix and exhibits for illustrations). In addition, the landscape area under the trees shall be planted with shrubs and/or groundcovers.Parking lots shall be designed to minimize vehicle overhang encroachment into any landscaped areas. 9.3 Plant Material All plant material installed within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD shall equal or exceed the standards for Florida No. 1,as given in"Grades and Standards for Nursery Plant," Parts I and Part II.current edition, State of Florida Department of Agriculture,and any amendments thereto.All plant materials should be capable of flourishing in Central Florida's climate and soil conditions. Page 54 calm associates Ocoee Crown Point PUT) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee All plant material used in the Ocoee Crown Point PUD shall be selected from the Master Plant List, unless otherwise noted the plant material sizes and specifications listed are the minimum sizes at the time of planting. 9.4 Landscape Maintenance All landscape areas shall be maintained in order to maintain the appearance of Ocoee Crown Point PUD. Maintenance will include, but not be necessarily limited to the following: Keeping all papers, trash, debris and unsightly items picked up and disposed of; replenishing mulch in shrub and groundcover beds at periodic intervals;keeping all weeds out of landscaped areas;mowing and edging as required to keep lawn areas at a suitable height and in a neat and attractive condition; trimming and pruning all landscaping using hand or other tools, in order to present a neat appearance at all times; and watering and fertilizing all plant materials as required to maintain a vigorous and healthy condition. 9.5 Landscape Irrigation The parcel owner and/or tenant shall be responsible for the installation,maintenance and proper utilization of an automatically controlled landscape irrigation system for each parcel and the areas between the street curb and right-of-way line where a right-of-way abuts a parcel. The irrigation system shall provide adequate irrigation with full coverage.In streetscape areas with small landscape cutouts and/or pots, adequate underground sleeving and special drip and bubbler heads shall be installed to minimize overspray. A water sensor gauge shall be employed on all irrigation systems to prevent overwatering.Irrigation devices shall not be installed above finish grade where they could create a tripping hazard for pedestrians. The irrigation backflow preventor and automatic controls shall be located in designated service areas and screened from public view. Page 55 caninassociaces Ocoee Crown Point TUE' DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee Ljig:„t„��.�..;; TiFif I Building =� ,,.., 161144N��, Offsets Wall Kccesses 4 V:' 4 . pil 3 �, iiiii.�� 1i is �� i . Awnings t44I I fR1,t .r i h Canopies . � j?,. t� ,.kith, $.,'• e�, On Street Parking ��. . 51 `�^ 7—r-1:14314...A-,-,gt4s i ! y n / AT 1,1 441 # r?, j r04, s Ih c -0 �a _ �.�°Til,;&: h'si , I kL-,'N..rt•:‘•,,L.,,,,.:! ''Ici-lZigis d.; —1 �Y ? $ :a Street Level > 1 Furniture & Landscaping Page 56 canin associates Ocoee Crown pointer DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee 5O1.113 A91'1WV03 MA1 IA. `le ilils`!o►lro ►'G Landscape • bre Hedge Trash tv Dumpster Typ. yp• Concrete Pad �`l100liO4.1��1 /01I0.I .._. Planter ' bowls with flowers for color • Page 57 ccninassociaces Ocoee Crown Point PZ1D DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS City of Ocoee 2way > !�- aisles Q- `. "7-1 q ' ,.-i;,, ;, i r Eric --> .1, ,. ip , , ,--7, islands ' \-7-1' 7 .4)aik 44,,, �' .-, p .. : 'Ter Atlik tenter _ 7. I "I ovally.c median 4,.,,.,,.,,,i, ui-ji i,_- , .444.,:r.. vie ¥ z . Hedge or Fe r imeter � shrub beds landscape I ca)(- � bu�'ers �; . '�� 4 . / ‘464°11k Ww4IP fir& %..-41P2' , ,.. i . - .,,,,,,r...„, , ,, ,, ,. „,,„.„:,:„:„.. ,..,..„,.,....ki.:....7.. v,„„b,., vh.,.,,,., - -..t. ........ - ..,. ,-.. -- ...._., — ....... , - " , :,, , 1 .„,,,., ..,,-,,v; — a4 \ A il it Canopy trees Understory trees Groundcover beds Page 58 ccninassociaces MEMORANDUM CLIENT-MATTER NUMBER 020377-0604 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee FROM: Scott A. Cookson, Esq., Assistant City Attorney THROUGH: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Attorney DATE: August 26, 2003 RE: Proposed Revisions to Ocoee Crown Point PUD Conditions of Approval Following the latest submission (August 6, 2003) of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan, Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Master Plan, City Staff has determined that in order to provide some flexibility for the City as the developer on this project that certain revisions should be made to the Conditions of Approval set forth on the plans. These revisions include: 1. Adding the following language to the end of Condition of Approval 2 which relates to the Crown Point Development Standards: "Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City, or its assigns, as developer of the PUD may grant waivers from, amend or modify the Crown Point Development Standards to the extent mastich waivers, amendments or modifications are not expressly inconsistent with the Land Use Plan and the Land Development Code. Any such waiver, amendment or modification shall not requirethe approval of the City in its governmental capacity." 2. Condition of Approval 12 which relates to a landscape buffer and the planting of shade trees should be deleted. 3. The following additional Conditions of Approval should be included: 101. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Conditions of Approval or shown on any sheet of the plans to which these Conditions of Approval are attached, the City is under no obligation to include any specific level of landscaping (including, but not limited to trees, bushes or decorative details, structures or fountains) with any of the subdivision infrastructure. 102. The Owner of each tract within the PUD shall have the right to apply to the City for a change in the land use or specific Conditions of Approval as they relate to that tract without the requirement that the tract owner obtain the joinder and consent of any other land owner within the PUD. 006.307276. FOLEY&LARDNER FOLEY : LARDNER 103. Pursuant to Section 174-20.0 of the City Code, the City Commission has determined that it is not in the best interests of the City to extend reuse transmission lines to land located within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD and has exempted such development from the requirement to construct reclaimed water distribution and transmission mains and lines and from the requirement that homes, lots and parcels within such development connect to the City's reuse system. 2 006.307276. FOLEY : LARDNER MEMORANDUM CLIENT-MATTER NUMBER 020377-0563 TO: Carolyn Alexander, Development Review Coordinator FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Attorney Scott A. Cookson, Esq., Assistant City Attorney DATE: August 1, 2003 RE: Ocoee Crown Point PUD—PUD Land Use Plan/Preliminary Subdivision Plan (Third Review) Project No. LS-02-004 In connection with the above-referenced project, we have reviewed the following documents: 1. Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan/Preliminary Subdivision Plan prey Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. stamped received by the City of Ocoee on July 23, 2( "LUP/PSP"); and 2. Ocoee Crown Point Development Standards stamped received by the City c on July 22, 2003 ("Development Standards"). This memorandum supersedes our prior memoranda dated August 19, 2002 and January 23, 2003. Based upon our review of the documents noted above pursuant to the Land Development Code, we have the following comments: 1. Please be advised that the Sheet numbering on the LUP/PSP is incorrect and inconsistent with what is set forth on the Index on the Cover Sheet. Please ensure that each Sheet is consecutively numbered and that all inconsistencies are corrected. 2. Attached please find the most recent version of the Declaration of Conditions of Approval (the "Declaration") which is submitted in lieu of the PUD Developer Agreement otherwise required by the Land Development Code. Please note that this Declaration will need to be executed by both the City and the School Board. 3. Attached please find a draft of the proposed PUD Zoning Ordinance for review by City Staff. FOLEY&LARDNER 006.304250. FOLEY : LARDNER 4. City Staff should confirm that the Development Standards have been revised to be consistent with the current version of the LUP/PSP. 5. City Staff should be advised that by reference in the Conditions of Approval, the Development Standards become a part of the PUD Land Use Plan. As such, amendments, waivers or modifications to the Development Standards subsequent to approval of the PUD Zoning Ordinance could only be made by Ordinance. In order to avoid having the City strictly bound to the Development Standards without a PUD Land Use Plan amending Ordinance, City Staff should consider the following options: 1) delete Condition of Approval ("COA") 2 from the LUP/PSP, or 2) revise Condition of Approval 2 to add the following thereto: "Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City, or its assigns, as developer of the PUD may grant waivers from, amend or modify the Development Standards to the extent such waivers, amendments or modifications are-not expressly inconsistent with the Land Use Plan and the Land Development Code." Deletion of COA 2 will not preclude the City, as a landowner, from requiring compliance with the Development Standards as part of a real estate sales contract. This would be the more typical approach rather than having-them created as governmental zoning requirements. 6. Please note the following approvals that will be required with this Project: a) PUD Ordinance for Land Use Plan approval (approval conditioned upon approval of items b-e); b) Approval of the Declaration of Conditions of Approval (approval conditioned upon approval of items c-e); c) Special approval relating to public buildings (approval conditioned upon approval of items d and e); d) • Special approval relating to alcoholic beverage locational requirements (approval conditioned upon approval of item e); e) Approval of the First Amendment to Tri-Party Easement Agreement; 0 Preliminary Subdivision Plan approval; g) Final Subdivision Plan for Phase 1 infrastructure; and h) Approval of specified sheets from the PUD Land Use Plan as the "Master Plan" under the Interlocal Agreement; and i) Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to convey the OCSB sites to OCBS and to accept the 2 006.304250. FOLEY : LARDNER OCSB owned property to be conveyed to the City, including all necessary deeds and easements. 7. COA 12 references a landscape buffer adjacent to the residential subdivision along the Ocoee Parkway having shade trees every 30'. It is our understanding that this is in reference to Ocoee Crown Point Parkway, but there is no such residential subdivision adjacent thereto. This COA may need to be deleted or amended. To the extent this may impose additional landscape costs on the City which exceed Code requirements, serious consideration should be given to deleting this COA. 8. [Similar Comment on FSP] City Staff should consider including the following COA to the LUP/PSP and a similar note placed on the Phase 1 Infrastructure FSP and Landscape Plans (the "FSP"): "Notwithstanding anything contained in these Conditions of Approval or shown on any sheet of the plans to which these Conditions of Approval are attached, the City is under no obligation to include any specific level of landscaping (including, but not limited to trees, bushes or decorative details;structures or fountains) with any of the subdivision infrastructure. 9. [Similar Comment on FSP] If the City does not install all of the landscaping set forth in the Landscape Plan, then the LUP/PSP and FSP needs to address phasing of landscaping improvements. Again, this goes the question as to whether the landscaping is a PUD zoning and/or Code requirement or something that can be done at the option of the developer (i.e., the City). This should be clarified to avoid unanticipated landscape costs to the City. 10. City Staff should consider having the following Condition of Approval added to the LUP/PSP to create some flexibility in the development of the City property: "The Owner of each tract within the PUD shall have the right to apply to the City for a change in the land use or specific Conditions of Approval as they relate to that tract without the requirement that the tract owner obtain the joinder and consent of any other land owner within the PUD." If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. 3 006.304250. • PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSUL TANTS, INC. PROJECT MEMORANDUM TO: David Wheeler, P.E. City of Ocoee Director of Public Works FROM: Leylah Saavedra, P.E. DATE: August 7, 2003 RE: Crown Point PUD PUD Land Use Plan / Preliminary Subdivision Plan SUBJECT: PEC Review Comments No. 1 Pursuant to the City of_ Ocoee's request, PEC has reviewed the P Subdivision Plans associated with the above-mentioned project, dated 2003. Note that these constructions plans were revised pursuant to tL.. .,iLy or Ocoee latest review comments dated November 13, 2002. Based upon review of the above information, PEC is currently coordinating with the Consultant (VHB / Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.) on the resolution of minor drainage concerns, which will not affect the design of the proposed works. Consequently, PEC recommends the approval of this project contingent upon the resolution of the minor outstanding drainage concerns, which are to be addressed in a final submittal to the City for record keeping purposes, as well as the following highway design concerns: 1. Please provide sight distance analysis along the roadways including at the SR 429 bridge crossings. 2. Pavement sections appear inadequate. Please revisit. 3. Please address the West Orange Trail crossings at all roadways including required treatment. 4. Median openings on CR 437 just north of Fullers Cross Road and south of Village Center Drive are too close to the signalized intersections. Please consider removing these openings or modify access. Page 2 Mr. David Wheeler August 7,2003 5. Several turn lane lengths appear to be substandard. Please revisit. 6. We suggest extending the four-land section on CR 437 to the south some distance away from the intersection of Fuller Cross Road. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-422- 8062,extension 192 or via e-mail at IIs@peconline.com cc: Russ Wagner, City of Ocoee David Hamstra, PEC Ce.ater of Good Livg Commissioners Mayor Danny Howell. District I S. Scott �'andergrift t :Ui�4u°•` „'` ' Scott Anderson. District 2 Rust- Johnson. District :3 City Manager ` Nancy J. Parker. District l Jim Gleason ' MEMORANDUM DATE: August 4, 2003 TO: Development Review Committee f ) FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Planning Manager la " SUBJ: Planning Comments Ocoee Crown Point PUD, 3rd Staff Review - PUD Land Use Plan/ Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Received July 23, 2003 These comments are intended to list the remaining concerns of the Planning Division related to the current plan submittal. It is our intent that these comments be addressed with revisions to the plans that will be made after the-public hearings for the PUD Land Use Plan / Preliminary Subdivision Plan. 1) Sheet C004 — In the 4th line of Note # 1, change "Agreement Number 1"to "Amendment Number 1". 2) Sheet C004 — The plan currently shows the road leading from Village Center Drive (Tracts # 33 and # 33A) past Tracts # 6D, # 7A and # 7B to Tract # 13 as a single continuous tract—Tract # 34. The plan should show a line separating that road tract for the Village Center Drive tract. I should also show that road as three separate tracts (# 34A, # 34B and # 34C) rather than one tract. 3) Sheet C004—The Inter-local Agreement Property Distribution table should show Tract # 34 as three separate tracts (# 34A [City] — between # 33 and the WO Trail; # 34B [City] —between the WO Trail and # 7B; and # 34C [School Board] —between # 6D and # 13). 4) Sheet C005 — Provide a new footnote for the Detached Housing — Residential Guidelines tables. The footnotes currently include a note (# 3) describing the maximum impervious cover on individual lots as 75%. Instead of one footnote for this purpose, there should be two — one note for Single Family Large Lot table and one note for the Single Family Traditional Neighborhood table. The first note (large lots) should describe the maximum impervious cover on individual lots as 65%. The second note (traditional lots) should describe the maximum impervious cover on individual lots as 75%. (See Comment # 19 below for a similar change to Condition of Approval # 18.) 5) Please revise the same tables located on page 9 in the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Development Standards to be consistent with the changes described in the previous comment. City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee.Florida 34761 phone: (407)905-3100• fax: (407)656-8504• www.ci.ocoee.fl.us August 4, 2003 Development Review Committee Page 2 6) Sheet C005 — Please make the following revisions to the Master Development Plan table: a. Please provide a 3.0 FAR in the Floor Area Ration/Density cell for Tract # 11. b. Please change the Land Use cell description for Tract # 12 from `Institutional" to "R.O.W. & Retention". c. Please delete the entire line for Tract R6 (the tract from the Westyn Bay subdivision). d. Please delete the second sentence in the Notes cell for Tract # 3, that reads 'The setbacks for the ball fields shall be 25 feet to any property line". 5) Sheet C005 — Provide a Traffic Impact Mitigation table showing the road and intersection improvements that need to be built along with the development of this PUD, consistent with the recommendations of the traffic study. The information in the table should also indicate which improvements will be built along with each of the tracts within the PUD (who is responsible) and when those improvements need to be built (timing of construction relative to development of each tract). This table should be on Sheet C005 or some other sheet that makes it part of the PUD land use plan. 6) Sheet C006 — The changes that were made on Sheet C005 to the various tables also need to be made to the sametables on Sheet C006. 7) Sheet C006 — It appears that the driveway cuts shown from the east side of Ocoee Crown Point Parkway to the high school site (Tract # 5) do not match up with driveways shown on the current site plan for the high school. There are other sheets in this plan set that also have this discrepancy. Please revise all sheets for consistency. 8) Sheet C101 — It appears that the large access arrows shown on the plan do not match up with the appropriate driveway cut locations on Tracts # 5, # 9, # 10 and # 11. This discrepancy is also on Sheets C103 and C104. Please revise all sheets for consistency. 9) Sheet C103 — The water main line connection shown along the east side of Ocoee Apopka Road under the Western Beltway (connecting the water main north of the Beltway with the water main south of the Beltway) should be deleted from the plans. 10) Sheet C104 — [Repeat Comment] The large arrows indicating the location of access points to the tracts on Sheet C104 should match the curb cut locations shown on the plan. That sheet should also show an additional access point for Tract 9 from Fullers Cross Road at its eastern boundary, which will function as a joint access with the adjacent property to the east. 11) Sheet C104 — The turn lane improvements shown that provide access to each of the tracts from Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road do not appear to be sufficient. Please review the traffic study for the appropriate turn lane improvements and revise this sheet (and other appropriate sheets) to show adequate turn lane improvements, consistent with the Traffic Impact Mitigation table to be provided on Sheet C005. 12) Sheet C104 — Provide a note on this sheet that reads as follows: "Commercial uses on Tracts # 9 and # 10 shall complete all traffic operational improvements at the time of development of each tract, based upon a detailed traffic impact analysis." 13) Sheet C104— [Repeat Comment] Revise the Plan to show sidewalks to be constructed along Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road adjacent to the subject property. August 4, 2003 Development Review Committee Page 3 14) Sheet C200 — The road and intersection improvements and the appropriate cross section drawings on this sheet need to be revised to reflect the improvements recommended by the traffic study (see Comment # 11 above). 15) Sheet C300 — The Notes Regarding West Road Extension on Sheet C300 deal mostly with the timing of construction for Ocoee Crown Point Parkway that were addressed in the Westyn Bay plans. These notes are not really necessary for these plans and so they should be deleted from these plans. 16) Sheet C400 — [Repeat Comment] Even though there are Conditions of Approval related to underground utilities on Sheet X100, to make this absolutely clear, Sheet C400 should also include a note that reads: "All utility lines to be constructed within the Crown Point PUD shall be placed below ground." 17) Sheet L108 — The title of this sheet, located at the bottom right corner, should be revised to read "Conceptual Open Space/Signage Plan"(a /should be added between Space and Signage). 18) Sheet X100 — Please delete "childcare facility"from the list of prohibited uses (last line) in Condition of Approval #5 19) Sheet X100 — Please revise the maximum building coverage and maximum impervious surface figures in Condition of Approval # 18 for single family large lots (first two lines) from 40% and 50% to 55% and 65%, respectively, to be consistent with the notes referenced in Comment#4 above. 20) Sheet X100 — Please revise the last part of Condition of Approval # 20 to read as follows: "... placed back off the street at least 25'from the road right-of-way line on all residential lots." 21) Sheet X100 — General Comment — There are several places within these Conditions of Approval that still need to be edited. Some of the section titles should be underlined and bold to be consistent with the rest. There are also several places that need to be edited to be consistent with other changes that have occurred on the plans — please review all the Conditions of Approval and revise them as necessary for consistency. 22) Development Standards — In the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Development Standards, delete any references to a name for the high school, it should be referenced only as the high school site (there is at least one reference on page 27, but there may be others). Comments Added from DRC Discussion: 23) Sheet C104 — Revise the plans to show the sanitary sewer force main from the lift station located on Fullers Cross Road (SW corner of Tract # 10) running eastward on Fullers Cross Road, rather than to the west as currently shown. Provide a note indicating that the force main will be connected to the City's wastewater treatment system at a future date. 24) Sheet L102 — Revise the plans to show the West Orange Trail crossing Ocoee Apopka Road on the south side of Village Center Drive, rather than crossing Village Center Drive on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road and then crossing Ocoee Apopka Road. O:\CAlexander\DRC\DRC 2003\DRC03076.doc