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MayorLAgenda 7/6/04
��;uce.�of Good Commissioners g
S. Scott Vandergrift
c'',`400004.0‘.* Danny Howell, District 1 Item VII. B.
y ..._
.[� Scott Anderson,District 2
Acting City Manager C, » Rusty Johnson, District 3
V. Gene Williford ..= Nancy J. Parker, District 4
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City._.Commissioners
FROM: Wanda Horton, Finance Director
DATE: June 7, 2004
RE: Water/Wastewater Fund Analysis
The rate study and"Financial Feasibility Report"conducted and prepared by Burton and Associates
summarizes the assumptions and projections of operations over a five-year period (2004-2008) for the
City of Ocoee Water and Wastewater Utility System.
f • The City will continue to provide services to its current service area and no material changes will
occur to reduce significantly the number of customers served or their demand.
• Management has considered current and anticipated Federal and State government regulations
concerning environmental and other matters affecting operations of the System.
• Increases in rate revenue due to growth are expected to average about 2.85%per year for water
and 4.35% for sewer based upon a projection of an additional 300 equivalent residential units
connecting annually.
• Water and Sewer Impact fee revenue is projected to average $498,000 annually based upon 130
connections in addition to the pre-purchased capacity and/or impact fee credits.
• Cost of Operations and Maintenance are projected to increase 3% annually during this period.
• A working capital reserve equal to three months of Operation and Maintenance costs will be
• Annual debt service payments of $1,471,000will be paid from impact and user fees
• An annual interest rate of 1.5%will be earned on the funds.
• Capital expenditures in addition to the projects identified in the 2003 bond issue will not exceed a
designated amount each year.
• No additional bonds/borrowings would be required during the five-year period.
• Net Revenues will be sufficient to meet the debt service coverage as required by the rate
covenant. (110%of annual debt service payment).
The rate structure presented to the Commission and subsequently adopted by them is projected
• Provide revenues to fund the operations and maintenance required on the system for the period
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• Provide funds for designated capital projects not included in the bond projects through 2008
• Generate funds to pay the annual debt service payments on the bond issues
• Generate revenues sufficient to meet the rate covenant coverage on the bond
• Maintain a three-month working capital reserve (fund balance) in the operating fund.
• Generate an additional $1,500,000 in revenue the first year(2005) over the estimated annual
increase of$158,000 due to growth
The $1,500,000 to be generated the first year would equal $125,000/month.
The projected additional revenue to be generated the next four years (as a result of the rate increase)
would average $198,500 a year.
The $158,000 annual increase (due to normal growth) is approximately $13,167/month.
Based upon the assumptions and projections in the pro-forma, this fiscal year, the City should realize
$138,167 more monthly in revenue than it did last year.
• The increase in revenue received for the first seven months of FY2004 for commercial and
residential utility service is $1,060,471.
• This averages to $151,496 per month compared to the projected$138,167 per month.
• This difference of$13,329 per month would result in an annual increase of$159,948 more than
projected if the current usage pattern continues.
• This amount will increase or decrease based upon usage.
file://Y:\Finance\SR waterwastewateranalysis_2004\SR waterwastewateanalysis_2004.htm 6/29/2004
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