HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item: Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church Property Mayor a Center of Good£iCommissioners
S. Scott Vandergrift ` e-4.4r1 ,-,..-0,,,,:, Danny Howell, District 1
/6-' Scott Anderson, District 2
Acting City Manager ''' , ` Rusty Johnson, District 3
V. Gene Williford i _ , —---— ': Nancy J. Parker, District 4
: Gene Williford,Acting City Manager
R i' : Johnny Farmer, Parks and Recreation Director
D June 8, 2004
i RE: Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church Property
As requested, please find a report concerning the potential usage of the Ocoee Oaks United
Methodist Church Property as a Parks and Recreation Facility, with information concerning the
potential cost of renovations and operating costs.
The Ocoee Oaks Property could be utilized in the following manner:
Performing Arts Center
Cultural Arts Center
Community Center
Senior Citizen's Center
The following is a listing of potential programs that could be offered at the Property:
Performing Arts
Dance Classes
Music Classes
Art Classes
Ceramic Classes
Pottery Classes
Art Exhibits
Children's Theatre
Community Theatre
Community Choir
Before School Programs
After School Programs
Summer Camp Programs
Senior Citizens Programs
The list above is only a small listing of programs and activities that could be offered at this
The following is a listing of potential operating costs for the Property as it relates to
programming and maintenance.
1 Supervisor @$37,000 with all benefits
7 Part-Time Recreation Aides @ 10.00 per hour X 30 hours per week X 42 weeks= $88,200
10 Part-Time Recreation Aides @10.00 per hour X 40 hours per week X 10 weeks= $40,000
2 Part-Time Custodians @ 10.00 per hour X 25 hours per week X 52 weeks= $26,000
1 Part-Time Recreation Aide @ 10.00 per hour X 25 hours per week X 52 weeks= $13,000
Electrical Expenses -Approximately$1500 per month X 12= $18,000
Water/Sewer Expenses-Approximately $200 per month X 12 = $2400
Telephone Expenses—Approximately$150 per month X 12= $1800
Operating Supplies-Approximately$6000.00 per year
Program Supplies- Approximately$40,000 per year
Approximate Yearly Cost To Operate Property- $272,400.00
The following is a listing of potential revenues that could be generated from the Property.
Before/After School Program- 100 participants @ 25 per week X 42 weeks= $105,000
Summer Camp-100 participants @ 50 per week X 10 weeks= $50,000
Rental Income— 104 rentals @$450= $46,800
Approximate Yearly Revenue Generated - $201,800
There is an approximate shortfall of$70,600 between the potential Operating Expense and the
Revenues generated from this Property.
These figures are approximate totals, and they could be lower or higher depending on the usage
of the Property.
The following is information obtained from the report by the Architects Group, Inc. who
performed the Feasibility Study for this property when the Ocoee Police Department was
considering this Property for the new Police Headquarters. (The study is attached for review. I
am highlighting some on the information in the report for your review.)
1. The Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church consists of the Sanctuary, Classrooms, and
Educational Wing (including Church Office). The complex is believed to have been built
in 1957. The Fellowship Hall was built in 1978. The estimated overall square footage of
all on-site buildings is 11,160.
2. Much of the facilities utilize through-the-wall unit air conditioners with a minority of the
facility on a central A/C system(the Sanctuary)
3. The electrical service has not been updated and is likely approaching, or at maximum
4. Two restrooms have been renovated to address accommodations of the physically
challenged, although it was observed that these renovated restrooms do not meet ADA
5. It is noted that maintenance of the facility is only fair and a severe leak was observed in
the Sanctuary. The leak has deteriorated the interior stucco/plaster finish of the
Sanctuary. Interior finishes include VCT and carpet floors, acoustic (2x4) and plaster
ceilings, paneling and plaster walls
6. A major renovation would be required. According to the Florida Unified Building Code
adopted in 2001, a major renovation will mandate compliance with all Code
Requirements. It is doubtful that the facility could be utilized in the "as is condition"and
therefore renovation will likely be very expensive.
7. It was observed that no on-site paved parking exists. Rather, parking is provided on-
street(floral Street) and at the unpaved lot owned by the Church north on Floral Street
As indicated in the letter to you from Ocoee Oaks on June 2, 2004,the price of the property with
furnishing is$640,000.
The cost to renovate the buildings on the property according to the report by Architects Design
Group,Inc. would be $1,004,400. (11,160 SF @$90.00)
The total cost of purchasing the property and doing a complete renovation of the facilities would
be approximately $1,644,400 and the approximate yearly operating cost would be $70,600.
According to the Finance Department,the first method of funding this project would be to
include it in next years budget and utilize a portion of the fund balance of the General Fund.
The Capital Reserve Fund, which has a balance of$800,000 would be the other option. (Utilizing
these funds would deplete funds that have been earmarked to make repairs to Clarke Road and
structural repairs to City Hall.)
If you have any questions or need additional information, please advise.
Cc: Wanda Horton, Finance Director
September 26, 2003 e
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Grp ' Mr. Steve Goclon
, A unG.
W. '` G,°up' Chief of Police
,. peswi Ocoee Police Department.
Pc,-gl 150 North Lakeside Drive
1,1, dP\���e
cs Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258
eels(DC:Peer\�eJeS\i.'' P RE: Feasibility Study—Interim Report
\S�.c� t Adaptive Reuse Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
res\ p,>•P ADG Project No. 690-03/1.2
\(e\1\" e P'e$1d�nt
ervo( Dear Chief Goclon:
jetty Oop en
Jtc) ReeJes The following is an Interim Report concerning feasibility of the Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
i. \UState Facility located at 120 Floral Street, to serve the Space Needs of the Ocoee Police Department. ADG
Ps ca accompanied Officer Tony Wilson and yourself on a tour of the facility Monday afternoon, September
serosa e 22nd. Pastor Ernie Post provided a tour of the facility and a set of construction documents for the
Pss McoareS Fellowship Hall (Laurel Hall) portion of the facility.
\-z \\I\
The Fellowship Flail documents were prepared by Hill Stiggins, Architect, in May 1978, and is the most
recent improvements to the facilities. Review of the documents provides ADG insight into the age,
Pdatess' construction, size and potential suitability of the facilities to serve the Departments Space Needs. After
M°`\,o\2\° '0-`) 1q� touring the facilities, we met in your office to review the Space Needs Analysis prepared by ADG in
P°te`Pac`�'F\� March 2001, to consider changes within the Department that could affect our conclusions. We agreed at
� adtess.\es Pie�e the conclusion of the meeting that an Interim Report (summary of initial findings) would assist the City
stte P"°`'.
Kr d 1� in considering the Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church as an option for solving the Police Department
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Space Needs.
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, iIA\ADMIN\JOB\690\Kevin\Interim Report 0926.3.doe
September 26, 2003
Adaptive Reuse Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study— Interim Report
Page 2
1. Available Space versus Required Space
At the lime ADG prepared the Spatial Needs Assessment for the Department, we identified a
total staff of 91 personnel excluding school crossing guards. You confirmed .that including
communications personnel (15 people), that the Department has only added two positions in the
past two years. We concluded that the recommended space needs of 26,584 square feet has not
been impacted. The recommended space needs could possibly be reduced, however there does
not appear to be an opportunity for significant savings. Given the fact that the City and West
Orange County in general, continues to gain population, become more urbanized and the demand
for Law Enforcement Service continue to increase, providing a recommendation for a reduced
facility will only increase the shortfall of future facility needs. The following chart compares
existing OPD Facility space, projected space and available space at Ocoee Oaks United
Methodist (as determined from review of Hill Stiggins 1978 documents.
Existing Department area: Ocoee Oaks United Spatial Needs Analysis
10,616 SF Methodist Church 11,160 SF 26,584 SF
Headquarters Sanctuary 3,040 SF
• 7,816 SF • Education/Offices
• CID at Public Works4,720 SF * March 200'f conclusion
2,800 SF • Fellowship Hall •
3,400 SF
The conclusion relative to available space at Ocoee Oaks United Methodist is based on a review
of the Fellowship Hall construction documents that includes a Plot Plan of the overall facility.
The sales promotion data sheet by Trammell Crow Company, prepared to market the complex
identifies a total building are of 10,760 square feet (approximate). Our conclusion is that the
I1:\ADM IN\jOrt\690\Kevin\Interim Report 0926.3.doc
September 26, 2003
Adaptive Reuse Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study—Interim Report
Page 3
available square footage at Ocoee Oaks United Methodist does not provide the necessary
additional area for resolving the shortfall of Police Department Space Needs.
2. Available Parking
The Spatial Needs Assessment completed in March 2001 identified that parking for police
vehicles is at a premium at the City Hall Complex. The March 2001 Study concluded that the
current need was for a total of 117 vehicles. For planning purposes, a standard of 350 SF per
parking space (accounting for paving, drainage, landscaping) is typically allocated. This
standard calculates to a requirement of 40,950 SF for parking, or just less than one acre of land.
Reviewing the existing facilities at Ocoee Oaks United Methodist, it was observed that no on-site
paved parking exists. Rather, parking is provided on-street (Floral Street) and at the unpaved lot
owned by the Church north of Floral Street. A rough calculation concludes that the total
available site area (north and south of Floral Street) is approximately 1.6 acres. Although a
survey of the entire property is not readily available, we have concluded that the unpaved portion
of the site north of Floral Street is approximately 0.9 acres in size. Developing this area as a
secured parking lot for Police vehicles would help to accommodate the need, however, no area is
available to accommodate future need.
The following chart summarizes the site area requirements and available area at Ocoee Oaks
United Methodist Church.
i L\Allbl IN\OB\G90\Kevin\Interim Repoi t 0926.3.doc
September 26, 2003
Adaptive Reuse Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study–Interim Report
Page 4
Potential Available Available Site Area
Required Parking Parking Ocoee Oaks Required Site Area Ocoee Oaks United
United Methodist Methodist
117 Vehicles Unpaved Area Building Parking Buildings and
(0.94 Acres) (0.9 Acres) and Expansion Unpaved Lot
(2.5 Acres) (1.6 Acres)
3. Adequacy of Construction for a Law Enforcement Facility
The Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church consists of the Sanctuary, Classrooms and
Educational Wing (including Church Office) built around an open courtyard facing Floral Street.
The initial complex is believed to have been built in 1957. The most recent facility designed by
Hill Stiggins, Architect, known as Laurel Hall, (Fellowship Hall) was built in 1978. The
estimated overall square footage of all buildings on-site is 11,160 square feet. Additional
covered walkways surrounding the courtyard total approximately 1,200 square feet. The
documents reviewed for Laurel Hall indicate masonry construction with wood trusses. It was
observed that the Sanctuary, Classrooms and Educational Wing is of similar construction. It was
also noted that much of the facilities utilize "through-the-wall" unit air conditioners with a
minority of the facility on a central AIC system (the Sanctuary). It was also observed that the
electrical services have not been updated and is likely approaching, of at maximum capacity.
Two restrooms have been renovated to address accommodations of the physically challenged,
although it was observed that these renovated restrooms do not meet ADA Guidelines.
Windows, doors, doorframes and interior finishes are not of sufficient quality for a 24-hour/7-
day/12-month continually operating facility. Security Systems do not exist as would be required
for a Law Enforcement Facility. At a minimum, a secured public lobby and interview rooms
would be necessary. It is noted that maintenance of the facility is only fair and a severe leak was
observed in the Sanctuary. The leak has deteriorated the interior stucco/plaster finish of the
September 26, 2003
Adaptive Reuse Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study—Interim Report
Page 5
Sanctuary wall. Interior finishes include VCT and carpet floors, acoustic (2x4) and plaster
ceilings, paneling and plaster walls.
A major renovation would be required. According to the Florida Unified Building Code adopted
in 2001, a major renovation will mandate compliance with all Code Requirements. It is doubtful
that the facility could be utilized in the "as is condition" and therefore renovation will likely be
very expensive.
As noted earlier, the available area of the Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church is not adequate
to relieve the shortfall of current space for the Police Department. It is conceivable that a plan
could be developed to expand the existing area at the Church, possibly by infilling the courtyard
facing Floral Street. The City of Ocoee Planning and Development Ordinance allows a
maximum floor arca ration of 70% impervious surface (buildings and paving) to overall site area.
The following chart summarizes the potential "build-out" of the Ocoee Oaks United Methodist
Existing Area Maximum Possible Impervious Surface Arca
1.6 Acres 1.6 Acres @ 70%
(69,696 SF) (48,787 SF)
• Unpaved Lot Maximum'Allowable Area
@ 0.9 Acres of Building Parcel
(39,204 SF) Maximum Allowable Area • Existing
• Building Parcel of Unpaved Lot Building/Paving
@ 0.7 Acres (27,443 SF) @ 12,500 SF Hl
(30,492 SF) Parking for 78 Vehicles • Allowable Additional
Building/Paving f12
@ 8,844 SF
in This is the estimated arca of building and paving.
"'Total possible"build-out" including walkways, drives, structures is 21,344 SF.
September 26, 2003
Adaptive Reuse Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study—Interim Report
Page 6
We conclude therefore that expanding the current one-story structures to the maximum build-out
of the Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church site (if possible) would not meet the current
projected needs of the Police Department. A multistory facility could' meet the needs of the
Department, however, this would require demolition of the.existing facilities and allocating a
significant part of the overall site area to accommodate the needs of parking.
4. Potential Cost
The asking price for the property is (church and vacant land) is $850,000. This calculates to a
cost of$531.250 per acre. As a point of reference, ADG spoke with Westar, Inc., owners and
developers of a 6.2 acre undeveloped parcel currently for sale adjacent to the Winn Dixie
Shopping Center at the southwest corner of Silver Star and Clarke Road. The asking price for
• the Westar parcel of 6.2 acres at $2.5 million that equates to a cost of$403,226 per acre. We
conclude therefore that the relative value of the existing structures would equate to the difference
in cost per acre between the vacant lot, buildings and remaining land. Therefore the value of the
buildings could be established at $204,839 as a prorated portion of the overall $850,000 asking
price. We have concluded that the buildings are not suitable for use by the Police Department
without significant renovation. We have also concluded that the area available in the buildings
does not meet the current projected space needs of the Department. Therefore, additions to the
existing facilities are required. ADG currently estimates the construction cost of a new Police
Facility to be $140.00/SF (includes telecommunications, security, emergency power systems).
The following chart summarizes the asking price of the Church, vacant l nd and redevelopment
cost that the City could anticipate for an adequate Police Facility.
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September 26, 2003
Adaptive Reuse Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study — Interim Report
Page 7
Property Asking Price •'.
Renovation Cost
$11,160 Sh fir) $90.00/SF Total Estimated Project Cost
= $1,004,400 $3,540,160
Building Addition Cost • Total Building Arca
10,184 SF @ $140.00/SF 21,344 SF
= $1,425,760 • Total Parking
78 Spaces
Site Development Cost •
1.6 Acres @ $162,500/Acre
= $260,000 ••
5. Conclusion
Based upon the initial analysis of the feasibility of the Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church to
serve the needs of the Ocoee Police Department, ADG concludes that the cost does not seem to
provide a benefit for long term operations. Our conclusion is based on the following:
• Construction of the Facility is not of appropriate materials and technology systems to serve
the City without significant cost for adaptive reuse and renovation.
• The size of the parcel and maximum "build-out" potential does not serve current spatial
needs, nor provide area for expansion.
n3 This is the total impervious surface or"build-out"of the project. Actual areas of icnovation and building addition and
paving are dependent on Iiicility design.
II.\AIN.IInI\II\II\i Ill\\ ....l) 11111'1/. 1.11•
September 26, 2003
Adaptive Reuse Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study—Interim Report
Page 8
• Cost of redevelopment of the project includes the need to provide paving for parking in the
grass parcel to the north.
• The current asking price for the Church and Vacant Land of $850,000 does not seem to
present a cost effective opportunity to the City because the existing buildings can not be
utilized in an "as is condition".
The findings and conclusions contained in this interim Report may be su fficici.l,t for the City's need in
determining feasibility; however AUG, at the direction of the City, will complete the more detailed
evaluation of the property (hat includes investigations of site infrastructure and evaluation of the
structure, I IVAC system and electrical system by appropriate engineering disciplines.
ADG is pleased to be of service to the City. We can meet with you to discuss the findings of this
Interim Report. We await your direction in how you desire we proceed.
(evin Ratigan, AIA
Senior Vice President
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Ocoee Police Department
Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study for Adaptive Reuse
Facility Evaluation September 22, 2003—Photos (Page. 1)
1. View of undeveloped north
parcel currently used for parking.
., The site is not paved.
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Ocoee Police 1)cpartment
Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study for Adaptive Reuse
Facility Evaluation September 22, 2003—Photos (Page 2)
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Ocoee Police Department
Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church
Feasibility Study for Adaptive Reuse
Facility Evaluation Septenuhcr 22, 2003 —Photos (Page 3)
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June 2, 2004
OAKS Dear Gene,
Uunrn MfluOD!ST 61111101 I appreciate your effort in this process.I have enclosed an inventory list with furniture
and fixtures available. I also listed cost to replace, though I know some of the chairs
120 W. Floral Street and tables are 10 years old. I also know a buyer for the pews if interested.
Ocoee, Florida 34161
ph: y01-656-21,11 I got a strong sense that the mayor and Scott Anderson are going to vote against this
fx: 107-656-1211 no matter what we do, but I am willing to wait 2 weeks to see. I can tell you that the
wwm.omeeoak1umccom $625,000 Rusty Johnson suggested is a fair price for the building and land but is low
if we want to include the F1'E. I have highlighted the items on the inventory list the
items that would be included in the$625,000. If you want to include all of the audio
visual items on the inventory we need to sell for$640.000.
As you are trying to figure out the financing, we would accept a$5,000 deposit up
front, allow for a 45 day due diligence and close for $100,000 non refundable. The
balance could be paid Oct. 1.That would be ideal.We would also consider paying the
balance over 2 years but would expect some additional monies for holding a note.
You also should know that we already have three churches renting the fellowship hall
and I am certain they would stay with the new owner. Our current income from that
is$2000 a month. You could easily rent the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings and the
rest of the building during the week and gross $4,000 a month.
Hope this helps,
Op .
i t'e}/,t-t f-• Sheetl
Item Location Condition Replacement total cost
Desks Cost each
Administrator pb 325 325
Music pb 239 239
room 4 pb 239 239
Room 2 pb 636 636
Bookcases 81 each
Pastor pb
2- Lura pb
2-Toddler pine
Room 5 pb 486
1/2 size book case 49 each
Toddler pine
Infant pine
Office Chairs 150
6-Pastor 1 good 5 poor
2-Administration good
room 5 good
2 - Lura Hall poor
Folding chairs 20 each
5-room 2 good
4-room 4 poor
5-bathroom hall poor
1-Marsden poor 300
Banquet Chairs 186 25 each
6 foot folding table 98 each
18 1764
8 foot folding table 130 each
6 780
5 foot round tables 125 each
10- Marsden fair
Conference Table 215
Room 5 good
Wooden Table
1 - Room 3 poor 80 each
2- narthex poor
TVNCR/Cart 450 each
Room 3 poor
Page 1
Room 5 poor
Lura Hall poor 1350
Metal Storage 158 each
Cabinets 2- Bathroom Hall poor 316
4 foot pews 18 a foot*
2 -sanctuary good 144 144
10 foot pews
1 -woman's bathroom fair
2- Marsden good
3-sanctuary good 1080 1080
12 foot pews
3-Marsden good
24-sanctuary good 5832
14 foot pews
1 -Marsden good 252
Organ and bench 5000
Baldwin Marsden good
Piano and bench
Lura fair 2499
Sanctuary good 2499 4898
Oak Pulpit 3150 3150
Marsden good
Oak Lecturn
Sanctuary good 2650 2650
Oak Communion Table
Marsden good 1895 1895
Oak Altar
Sanctuary good 3875 3875
12 foot communion rails 2650 5300
2-sanctuary good
Small Lecturn
Sanctuary good 125 125
Flower Stands
2-sanctuary fair 180 360
Pedastal stands 180 360
Page 2
2 - sanctuary fair
Pots and pans
Marsden fair 900 900
Lura 600 600
Marsden fair 560 568
Marsden poor 780 780
Marsden fair 125 125
Coffeemaker 80
1 - marsden fair 400
1 - Lura fair
Trash cans 35
3 - Marsden fair 105
Refrigerator 790
1- Marsden fair 1580
1 - Lura good
Double refrigerator 1950
1 - Marsden good 1950
small freezer 155
1 - Marsden new 155
Microwave 200 each
2 - Marsden fair 600
1 - Lura fair
stove 400 400
Lura fair
Marsden - new new 230 230
Lura fair 185 185
Phone system
includes phones hall closet good 3800 3800
2- hall closet good 145 each 290
2- marsden fair 55 each 220
Page 3
2 - hall closet fair
Amp Rack
Sanctuary good 4,000 4000
2 - sanctuary good 5500 5500
2 sanctuary good 1000 1000
12 sanctuary new 1200 1200
4 - music good 280 280
2 - music good 320 320
2 - music new 600 600
2- music new 380 380
mike stands
12 sanctuary good 360 360
mike dual attach
8-sanctuary good 120 120
2 -sanctuary new 1900 1900
sanctuary new 2000 2000
splitters and ampifiers
sanctuary new 2000 2000
sound board
sanctuary good 2500 2500
reverb unit
sanctuary new 300 300
cassette deck
sanctuary new 200 200
wireless mikes
1 -sanctuary 1 new 1200 1200
r Y
total 86207
Page 4