HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item: 1412 Century Oak Drive Lift Station MayorShe renter of Good LtCommissioners S. Scott Vandergrift Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Acting City Manager ; ._ , Rusty Johnson, District 3 V. Eugene Williford, III -��„` \ Nancy J. Parker. District 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.E., Public Works Director DATE: June 15, 2004 RE: 1412 Century Oak Drive Lift Station ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve purchase and installation of an E/One Simplex lift station for$5,864.00 for 1412 Century Oak Drive? BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The residential home at 1412 Century Oak Drive has experienced flooding conditions four previous times from raw sewage that flows through and to Lift Station #17. The root cause of the problem is the fact that the home elevation is below the grade of the Lift station and is subject to frequent backup. The most recent flooding of 1412 Century Oak site was a result of a sewer line blockage. Previous incidents have caused damage to the interior of this home. To rectify this problem and to augment the existing Lift Station, staff is recommending installation of a small lift station at the site of the home. This installation will prevent any future back-up into the residence. Staff intends to purchase an E/ONE Simplex Panel and Pump in the amount of$3,064.00 from Ellis K. Phelps Co., who is our "best source" vendor. These Simplex Lift Stations are used at the Beech Center, the Community Center, and at the Public Works site on Maguire Road. City staff has replacement parts and pumps for this type of lift station. Glenn Tatum Transport will provide the labor for the installation of the panel and pump for $2,800.00. Other quotes were obtained for this work and are as follows: Sauer Septic Systems, $3,500.00 and Roto-Rooter refused to quote. The necessary funds are available and will be transferred from Account 401-535-00-5202 to 401-535-00-6400 for the purchase and installation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve purchase and installation of the E/One Simplex lift station; and authorize transfer of$5,864.00 from Account 401-535-00-5202 to 401-535-00-6400 for the purchase and the installation. Department of Public Works. 301 Maguire Road, Ocoee.FL 34761 Phone:(407)905-3170.Fax: (407)965-3176, WW .ci.ocoee.tl.us • JUN 15 2004 2:23PM HP LRSERJET cnr 3200 p, 2 (it 002/005 „up r-►M.A.• •,oiw;Awe MANUFAC i11RER's Pf 55N IA-FIFE Q WATE* ANO WAS / WAiFR TREAiMf1:i FOUL/MfNt i1 To: CITY OF OCOEE Date:h le 14,2004 10- r1 ` Subject: OCOEE-E-ONE LIFTST, 'ION tib • ,` r ' We are pleased to offer the fc dlo ' ° One (1) E/ONE 2010-61 PS 11240V " ��L` One (1) E/ONE SIMPLE X PANEL 1/240 : One (1) Start-up service "ti'' 1. One N. PRICE:E , QG 00 � phis taxes,F.O.H.factory,with freight allowed to; bsite , One (!) E/ONE 2010-74 PS 1/240V One (1) E/ONE SIMPLI.X PANEL 1/240 One (1) Start-up service PRICE:$ 3. /S 00 `plus taxes,F.O.B.factory,with freight allowed to ji bsite One (1) E/ONE 2010-93 PD 1/240V One (I) E/ONE SLMPLI,X PANEL 1/240 One (1) Start-up service PRICE:$ , /4„f 41 _ plus taxes,F.O.B.factory,with freight allowed to obsite. THIS PROPOSAL WILL E):PIRE IN THIRTY(30)DAYS UNLESS EXTENDED,I 1 WRITING,BY ELLIS K.PHELPS&COMPANY. NOTE:WE DO NOT SUPF LY PIPING,VALVES,GUIDE BARS,PRESSURE GA 1GES OR SPARE PARTS EXCEPT AS INDIC ATED ABOVE.. TERMS: SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL NET 30 DAYS AFTER DATE OF INVOICE OR 100% PAYABLE I iEFORE START-UP OP EQUIPMENT (WHICHEVI R COMES FIRST'). A SERVICE C lARGE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WILL BE ADDEL TO ALL BALANCES UNPAID 30.)AYS AFTER INVOICE DATE. FAILURE TO PAY L' ACCORDANCE WITH THESE TER?FIS WILL VOID ALL WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS: 1)Price is firm based on our receiving complete approval and re =se for production four (4)wF:eks after drawings have been submitted by l"sllis K.Phelp: &Co. 2)PAR' LAI,BILLING WILL BE MADE ON ANY PARTIAL SI fPMENT. We thank you for your intere st in our equipment a look forward to being of service toy u in the near future.A SIGNED FACSIMILE COP'C OF THIS PROPOSAL IS ACCEPTABLE AS A BINDIt G CONTRACT. ELLIS K. PHELPS&COMPANY Company Name: Accepted By: .470414111 Print Name: " Date: Ken Johnson DG 2152 SPquNl it' D • APOPKA, FLORIDA 92103 • 407-000.2900 • FAR 407.8 7.2952 A P O P K A FT MVC WEST / AIM DIACH C W A N N 1H C. • JUN 15 2004 2: 23PM LASERJET 3200 P. 3 _. ,..1:t. bLtP1+� .TATU!! w002 GLENN W. TATUM SEPTIC SER VICE, INC. P.O. BOX 967, ZELLWOOD, FL 32798 TEL: 407-814-9098 FAX: 407-814-9083 tatumseptis 19earthiink.net City of Ocoee Ob-Oa 04 Atm:Robert Holland Re: 1412 Sterling Lake Drive Pronosal for Sewer Connection Repai We appreciate the opportunity to submit the following bid for repair of set er connection. Per our conversation you will find the job bid both ways;one with us sup; ying the pump and material and the other with the use of your pump and material.I am al n sending you the specs on the pump that is in our material bid.Please let me know if yon need any more information or if we can Anther assist you. Repakwith Our Mak*, • Install 30 gallon tank with pump,per attached specs • Install and connect all plumbing necessary to connect pump to s vier connection • Pull permit for electrical • Connect electric for pump • Locate all utilities • Cover and rake site • One year warranty Total job: S 3,800.00 Repair with Bundled Material • Install supplied tank with pump • Install supplied material necessary to connect pump tank to sewe, connection • Pull permit for electrical • Connect electric for pump • Locate all utilities • Cover and rake site • One year Total job cost:S 2800.00r�tY Warranted for 1 year covers repair or replacement of system failure due to mi serial or whip,under normal conditions.Not responsible for damage done to: atdscape, driveways,walkways undisclosed utilities,or irrigation. • • JUN 15 2004 2:23PM HP LRSERJET 3200 p• 4 . '.• _••••• a a•4 J 4t7l 0149442 NELSONS INS SERVICES PAGE 01/02 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE NATE rrNYlrw Ooli 08/07/2004 mown NIB CERTTFICAT5 IS ISSUED. S A MATTER • INFORMATION Nelson's Insurance Services ONLY AND CONFERS NO Rh NTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 10 North Park Avenue HOLDER. NOY O �IT THE Apopka FL 32703 INSURERS WOWING COMM : /WC* ' Glenn Tatum Transport&Septic Inc. ' A.Maryland CasualtyCom n nr- _._ 18356 PO Box 967 """"'"'rINAL Zellwood FL 32798 mac. — . nARwo:I IOSNE ' COVERAGES 'ma PCUCIEB OF s4NRAN0e uBTED BELOW MAN!BEEN MVO)TO THE PO9URiO MAD MOW FOR nil POLICY PE co INDICATED.NOTWITHBTANOI as ANT R$OI IENENT.TERM CII CONDITION OR MAY CONTRACT ON OTHER DOCIIANNT MTh RESPECT TO WHICH TI• S CERTRFlCATB MAY OE ISSUED OR MAY FIRTAIN.THE INBURANCS ARRORDW eV TMS POUCEB 0E9CABSD IEEREd al BUWECT TO ALL THE TERMi.GA UR ONS AND CQNDITIONI CF SUCH POLICES.ACCRERATSLASTS BNOWMd MAY HAYS ISRNREDUCEE EYPNOCLANB. i TtPasaauAwel. ►oLNITMIMRaAR ' Min eRIgRALtaAlNAT1 EACHO :tARiACc i 1.000,000 X I COMM OW moor I i E ; s 1,000,000 t oe aA,�Tewlee "r occult wad! /*w000 al S 10,000 A SCP43163089 04/30/2004 04/3012005 ,veNso. ..a�ev�+war ,s 1`0Q0 maw AP�Ma t_ t 2,12.00.0a aaITLAS sassteLINTMOM 1:1; I !-COMM'Ain AA 2,000000 1.ivT1 S r TUC_ L i AVTON01/11eu.Ra rf � IMM I1R LLL Y Wt + 4 A4LORM6oAUTO, UNIOULEDPO/Oe 0006.1r I tiRY 1 s WED AMOS NON.OnalAUTOS RD1 IO S Vh q 1 i PoctOnir :MAGI 1 wAs!LSIEanT *team pAUROON notation +WTD ON .N +wr0 AOG S /-lamSNAleR,1AL1AMlln/ WACHOCI NRENC$ 1 ooant 0 moms cum0011.10111.1I S s !TEMO Lweauscarrass ! sNetwluTrnwANo A t I tag R L.nem :MINT A ii.symLYNn a Daum,list aissi. veossi 'U ..PROg'tr 4LOiSEA !•tAI�IOst! ! 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