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VII(D) Approval of the Community Merit Award Grants for the April 2004 Cycle
Agenda 06-15-2004 Item VII D Mayor Center of Good Lip Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Acting City Manager _` Rusty Johnson, District 3 V. Gene Williford Nancy J. Parker, District 4 • STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Janet Shira, Assistant to the City Manager DATE: June 1, 2004 RE: Community Merit Award Applications for the April 2004 Cycle ISSUE Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the recommendations made by the Community Merit Awards Board at their May 26th meeting? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION The application window for this cycle was April 1st through April 30th. The cycle was advertised in the West Orange Times, on the City's website, on the OGTV bulletin board, and postcards were mailed to previous applicants and those organizations who have requested to be notified of potential grant opportunities. The City received 15 applications and they are attached for your review. A total of $7,500 was requested from the 15 applicants. The Community Merit Award grant program was allotted $10,000 in the 2003/2004 fiscal year. After awarding the first round of grants in November, there is $4,400 remaining for this cycle. The table below identifies all the applicants for this cycle, the funds they requested, the Community Merit Award (CMA) Board's recommendations, and a summary of the comments made by the Board members during their discussions of the applications. The CMA Board considered several factors when making their recommendations: • The amount of money remaining in the budget for these grants • Past grants received by the applicants • When the applicants needed the funds (whether they could wait until the Fall cycle) • How well the application met the criteria of the Community Merit Awards Program Also attached to this report is a report from each cycle which lists the applicants, the amount of money they requested, and the amount awarded by the City. Page 2 - Community Merit Awards Staff Report Applicant Funds CMA Board CMA Board Comments Requested Recommendation American Legion Post 109 $500 $0 Applicant needs to be more specific on how many banners and how many school medals/awards will be purchased with the grant funds and when those programs take place during the year. Recommend to reapply in November. American Legion Post 63 $500 $150. Applicant needs to be more specific on what the funds will be used for and when those programs take place during the year. Also urged to ask the City of Winter Garden for a monetary contribution. West Orange High School $500 $300. Quarterback Club People to People Student $500 $350. Recommend to make check payable to Ambassador Program individual since People to People is not a non- profit organization. Award recommendation based on Randi Keith being one of a group of 36 attending from the Orlando area. Girl Scout Troop#1687 $500 $400. West Oaks Academy $500 $300. The Foundation for $500 $250. Westside Tech New Beginnings of $500 $200. Central Florida,Inc. West Orange Christian $500 $500. Service Center Ocoee Historical $500 $350. Commission S.T.A.R.S. of West Orange $500 $500. Ocoee Little League $500 $0 This recommendation to deny was made because they had received other funding from the City this fiscal year and there was limited funding available this cycle. Rotary Club of Ocoee $500 $500. Health Central Foundation $500 $350. School Nurse Program Ocoee Elementary Clinic $500 $250. TOTALS $7,500 $4,400 RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the recommendations made by the Community Merit Awards Board. The CMA Board also asked that the City Commission consider increasing the amount of money set aside for CMA grants in the fiscal year 2004/2005 budget. Cc: Gene Williford,Acting City Manager Wanda Horton,Finance Director CMA Board members CMA April 2004 cycle applicants Community Merit Awards Apr-02 Organization Request Given Boy Scout Troop 217 $ 500 $ 500 Health Central Auxiliary $ 500 $ - Ocoee Historical Commission $ 500 $ 500 Ocoee Jr./Sr. Football League $ 500 $ 500 Ocoee Little League $ 500 $ 500 OES Student Council $ 500 $ 500 Rotary Club of Ocoee $ 500 $ 500 Seniors First, Inc. $ 500 $ 500 Spring Lake Elementary $ 500 $ 500 West Orange YMCA $ 500 $ 500 Woman's Club of Ocoee $ 500 $ 500 Total $ 5,500 $ 5,000 Page 1 of 3 Community Merit Awards Nov-02 Organization Request Given City Relay for Life Team $ , 500 $ 500 OES -Media Center $ 500 $ 500 OMS 8th Grade $ 500 $ 500 Orlando United Soccer $ 500 $ 500 Rotary Club of Ocoee $ 500 $ 500 Seniors First , Inc $ 500 $ 500 WOHS Renaissance $ 500 $ 500 WOHS Soccer Team $ 500 $ 500 WOHS Spring Competition $ 500 $ - WOHS Wrestling Booster $ 250 $ - Total $ 4,750 $ 4,000 Apr-03 Organization Request Given American Legion 63 & 109 $ 500 $ 500 Boy Scout Troup 217 $ 500 $ 500 Christian Service Center $ 500 $ 500 Edgewood Children's Ranch $ 500 $ 500 Girl Scout Troop 567 $ 500 $ 500 Health Central Foundation $ 500 $ 500 National Multiple Sclerosis $ 500 $ 500 Ocoee Historical Comm. $ 500 $ 500 OES Chorus $ 500 $ 500 Rotary Club of Ocoee $ 500 $ 500 St. Paul's Presbyterian Ch $ 500 $ 500 Thornebrooke Guidance Dept $ 500 $ - WOHS Aquatic Boosters $ 500 $ 500 WOHS Boys Basketball $ 500 $ 500 WOHS Boys Tennis $ 500 $ 500 WOHS Softball Tern $ 500 $ 500 Total $ 8,000 $ 7,500 Page 2 of 3 Community Merit Awards Nov-03 Organization Request Given American Legion Post 109 $ 500 $ 500 American Legion Post 63 $ 500 $ 500 Central Florida YMCA $ 500 $ 500 City Relay for Life Team $ 500 $ 500 New Beginnings Central FL $ 500 $ 100 OES Litany Club $ 500 $ 500 Ocoee Little League $ 500 $ 500 OMS 8th Grade $ 500 $ 500 Rotary Club of Ocoee $ 500 $ 500 Seniors First, Inc. $ 500 $ 500 WO Junior Service League $ 500 $ - WOHS Cheerleaders $ 500 $ 500 WOHS Tennis Team $ 500 $ 500 Total $ 6,500 $ 5,600 Apr-04 Organization Request Given American Legion Post 109 $ 500 American Legion Post 63 $ 500 Christian Service Center $ 500 Foundation for Westside Tech $ 500 Girl Scout Troop 1687 $ 500 Health Central School Nurse $ 500 New Beginnings Central FL $ 500 Ocoee Historical Commission $ 500 Ocoee Little League $ 500 OES Clinic $ 500 People to People Student Ambassador $ 500 Rotary Club of Ocoee $ 500 S.T.A.R.S of West Orange $ 500 West Oaks Academy $ 500 WOHS Quarterback Club $ 500 Total $ 7,500 Page 3 of 3 Funding Cycle: April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. 4141414141414141441414141414140414141414141414141414141414141414141 ® 4141 41 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: The American Legion Post 109 (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: P.O.Box 666 Ocoee, Florida 34761 Contact person for this application: (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number 407-877-6057 E-mail address: ebowers@att.com What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?The Blue Star Banner Program, Family members of individuals serving in the military in the Iraqi war receive a BSB-School Medals and Certificates Award Program, Is presented to four students in the 5th grade each year for good Citizenship Decided By our local six(6) Elementary schools in Ocoee- What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? No What is your organization's primary funding source?Membership How much money does your organization receive from this source each year?$124.00 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? none What is your annual budget for this year? $800.00 Last year?$891 List the fundraisers your organization holds?none How many members does your organization have?31 How many live in Ocoee? 21 How many clients does your organization serve?last year 10 How many live in Ocoee? All Page 2—Community Merit Awards Application—April 2004 Cycle Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes If so, when and what did you apply for? Nov 03 $500.00 Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive?$500.00 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in?We have a Service Officer at City Hall each Thursday to help our Ocoee veterans with medical benefits V.A benefits information and much more-Memorial Day-place flags on all veterans graves at the Ocoee cemetery-Founders Day parade -Veteran Day-raise the main flag to half staff until) noon - raise flag to full staff until)dust-Ocoee Christmas Parade How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented?Service Officer at city hall 416 hours per year- Parades,Cemetery duty,Flag raising 10 hours per year-American Legion Headquarters keeps talley by the condolidation report Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months:This year alone we have help about 8 veterans or there family here in Ocoee to gain info of V.A benefits, medical benefits, burial benefits. We have just receive Incorporation status at our post and is now(The American Legion Post 109 of Ocoee Inc.) Our best accomplishment is to keep and maintain veterans to perform duties as subscribe above to our community, 40% of our members are WWII veterans and we are loosing them each day. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:To continue our Legion school awards medal program - Blue Star Banner Program and other events listed.We are a small post, we have WWII veterans who are up in age and our Koren vet's are not to far behind, and the vietnam vets are getting there. We need help to help others in our community to fine the information or social gathering that they need. Please attach documentation(meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only ` c'Y, r ' L� j+� Date Application Received C` Was Application Received Complete? / :k If not,Date Application Returned c : '744)119.1 COMPLIED BY ED BOWERS MINUTES OF DATE APRIL 12.2004 ATTENDANCE TIME APPROVED BY TOMMIE SANDERS OFFICERS 2 7:00 MEMBERS 2 ADJOURNED 8:00 POST 109 DEPT OF FLORIDA OCOEE,FLORIDA THE AMERICAN LEGION OUR COMMANDER TOMMIE SANDERS CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER at 19;00 HOURS. PRAYER—CONDUCTED BY SAM WOODSON HAND SALUTE THE FLAG&THE READINGS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION PREAMBLE NEW BUSINESS—INCORPORATION PAPER ARE FILED.THE FILLING FEE IS$148.75 THE NEXT MEETING WE SHOULD HAVE A GUESS RANDY FREEMAN.HE WILL BE GOING OVER SOME INFORMATION ABOUT MAKING THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 109 A FOUNDATION. A POSSIBLE FISH FRY AT THE POST TIME-WHERE-WHEN NOT POSTED AT THIS TIME SIX SCHOOL REPORTING IN FOR THE SCHOOL AWARD STARTING MAY 13TH OLD BUSINESS—NONE MEETING ADJOURN AT 8:00 PM.PRAYER BY SAM WOODSON MEMBERS PRESENT AT THE MEETING TOMMIE SANDERS ED BOWERS SAM WOODSON TOMMIE RITTEN Q. ;t Blue Star Service Banner (`i` Fact Sheet • The Blue Star Service Banner was designed and patented in 1917 by World War I Army Capt.Robert L.Queissner of the 5th Ohio Infantry who had two sons serving on the front line. It quickly became the unofficial symbol of a child in the service. • On Sept.24, 1917,an Ohio congressman read the following into the Congressional Record: "...The mayor of Cleveland,the Chamber of Commerce and the governor of Ohio have adopted this service flag. The world should know of those who give so much for liberty. The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother-their children." .• During World War II,the Department of War issued specifications on the manufacture of the flag as well as guidelines indicating when and by whom the Service flag could be flown or the Service Lapel button could be worn. The Department of Defense updated the guidelines on December 1, 1967 with DoD Directive 1348.1,which implemented an Act of Congress authorizing a service flag and a service lapel button(U.S.C. 179-182). • The Blue Star Service Banner typically displayed in windows is an 8.5 by 14-inch white field with a blue star(s)sewn onto a red banner. The size may vary but should be in proportion to the size of the U.S.Flag. • Today Blue Star Service Banners are displayed by families who have a loved one serving in the armed forces including the National Guard and Reserves of all military departments (https://www-perscom.anny.mil/tagd/tioh/FAQ/ServiceFlagFactSheet.htm). The banner displayed in the front window of a home shows a family's pride in their loved one serving in the military,and reminds others that preserving America's freedom demands much. • The blue star represents one family member serving in the armed forces. A banner can have up to five stars,signifying that five members of that family are currently in military uniform on active duty. • If the individual symbolized is killed or dies while serving the star representing that individual will have superimposed on it a gold star of smaller size so that the blue forms a border. On flags displaying multiple stars,including gold stars,when the flags are suspended as against a wall,the gold star(s)will be to the right of,or above the blue star(s)a place of honor nearest the staff. • Blue Star Mothers and Gold Star Mothers organizations were established during World War I and remain active today. • Blue Star Service Banners,while widely used across America during World Wars I and II, were not embraced during the Korean or Vietnam wars with nearly the same enthusiasm. • The American Legion is rekindling the spirit of pride in our military men and women following the horrific terrorist attacks of September 11,2001. The American Legion is providing banners to families in communities across the nation. Free color downloads are available at www.legion.org of the banners and static cling versions for home and automobile,as well as lapel pins,are available from The American Legion National Emblem Sales. • The American Legion also has a special Blue Star Banner Corporate Flag for government and corporate America to show their support for employees called to active duty in the war against terrorism. 71 Funding Cycle:April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 90E3109 or-" e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. e414011401111 . 111140404040404011404040404040401140404040111140114040111140 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards ProgramApplication Name of Non-Profit Organization: f?r1 e( i C a N 1 6-c,c Pii b 5-/ 4.3 (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) 1 Address of Organization: 9 �!.) �' S't !I 1 1, 5--/ Li) ; 1.4fe,e- Arc Contact person for this application: i'i rn g/ao l r &?, 4 J j u toh/t (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number: /b1- 63Z-->7k_?Y mil address: Yc7—i ( 6+6 ff What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for? Yee; , e.; fdgo ,q I youth f(1,704 0‘4 sucA os BG/s. S- / 4 f5-koc 1 /1k $4Rd ( t e1At P�diRArt JseDc-k SkL!i.'}!� f y r What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is $500.) 4- ,SO©• 0 o Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? eS, y� At CArJ4-1 ��ri44 is; ivy ; £; sidnt Nc,4s1Oesaley 12e,-,-h./. What is your organization's primary funding source? DL'Q5/ f N b) 6)c&. ?ar',d'ts410 ow5 How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? S ec Aye.Lf What other sources of revenue does your organization have? 511- t;cr Nf What is your annual budget for this year? IS /3. 6020-6c Last year? g-46/5. ac, List the fundraisers your organization holds? 5 00 e r erc'•s:4- How many members does your organization have? / V How many live in Ocoee? 3 7 Page 2—Community Merit Awards Application—April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve?Atvb How many live in Ocoee? coo Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? If so, when,,aa'nd what did you apply for? /h viy .20 c.3 k Y�d ,jj o?5d. O-o NAY4 a7 ao3 7ecteucd i` 560 t a t Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in?k� �t ye S. V CO 2 e e(AS-65 m s e (IP,de c®v xi°e'ItS D A/ re $11! vAls, 13Ici mo6tJe, Jai v.H, -/frisve dotes Row 45 1105-t /t= i • many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? Apeco A imierie 0,7Ve Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: L"Po a- sed ili576(y /o( 02c Gel . Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: 5(1 I Lfd S13ryt�a {'� rn)2 Je 71 Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only r Date Application Received 14 110 . Was Application Received Complete? If not. Date Application Returned ,�•�f'R''�„,,, Hugh T. Gregory .•"'''I i C1, = American Legion Post 63 =,.,..!"----,:o.-�to, ' t P.O. Box 771041 p. ;4 'moi<E ;�,�',�`� Winter Garden, Florida 34777-1041 ��'�,<e ov 4.4' iii',i;a'`�� 407-656-6361 *q"tiiIto Friday. April 16,2004 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee.Flonda 34761 Subject:Merit Grant for three School Programs. Dear Committee, The Hugh T. Gregory American Legion Post 63 has the following American Legion has Educational programs in eleven schools this year One of the programs is the School Award Medal Program which teaches Good Citizenship training to students in 5th Grade and 8th Grade classes. A total of 48 students in 12 classes will be presented with an American Legion Medal and Certificate or a Honorable Mention Certificate this year. The Oratorical Contest which after 8 to 10 speeches,the student can earn$24,500.00 in scholarships has been suspended. Boys State in June 2005 where a boy can earn 3 college credits in a week Also,he may be eligible for a$20,000.00 Sang Sung Scholarship. Seven were distributed this year. The cost for theses programs is: SAM? $360.00; Boys State $350.00 per individual boy. Two individuals are allocated to Post 63. We,also,will use the grant for presenting Blue Star Service Banners to eligible families of serviceman and woman serving overseas in Harms Way. The cost is$5.00 per Individual Blue Star Service Banner that is presented. We have presented 17 Blue Star Service Banners The City of Ocoee's Education Commission has 14 schools on their list;Post 63 has school programs in 5 of the 14 schools. Your approval of our grant request would be appreciated. Respectfully, ,--Xd”Ailv l '41/ :)-#1.. aures R.Fleming Sr. (Ra Adjutant& I'Vice Commander "For God and Country" 4,•�E l ob, Hugh T. Gregory ,.E R!�c11441 �,, ,, American Legion Post 63 :sir Z P.O. Box 771041 t %,(4. 0\14' Winter Garden, Florida 34777-1041 407-656-6361 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR POST 63 FOR 2003-2004 YEAR Friday, April 16, 2004 INCOME MEMBERSHIP DUES $1176.50 BINGO $100.00 PER WEEK $5200.00 DONATIONS FROM MEMBERS $350.00 CITY OF OCOEE COMMUNITY MERIT GRANT $500.00 BUILDING RENTAL $1000.00 SCHOOL AWARD METAL PROGRAM SPONSORSHIPS 00.00 CITY OF WINTER GARDEN IN KIND SERVICES $3500.00 TOTAL $11 ,726.50 EXPENSES BLUE STAR SERVICE BANNERS S160.00 CHILDREN & YOUTH PROGRAMS MS. STEVENS DC TRIP, 6TH GRADER, OCOEE $100.00 TEAM ELLIOTT, ICE- SKATING COMPETITION, OCOEE $100.00 BOYS STATE, 2 DELEGATES, 1-OCOEE, 1 -WG $700.00 SCHOOL AWARD METAL PROGRAM, 12 5TH & 8TH GRADE $360.00 JROTC W 0 HIGH, 2 MEDALS , I-OCOEE $50.00 ORATORICAL CONTEST 1 OF 3 FROM OCOEE X200.00 TOTAL S 1670.00 "For God and Country" VETERAN RELIEF BENEFITS CARBERRY MEDICAL FUND, GREAT GRANDFATHER POST 63 MEMBER, LIVES IN OCOEE $500.00 THREE POST MEMBERS ASSISTED $7.000.00 TOTAL $7,500.00 BUILDING & FACILITIES $4.800.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $13.620.00 SUBMITTED BY DAMES R. FLEMING SR (RET), ADJUTANT POST 63I ' ,,4 4/12/04 11:35 AM UP DATE AMERICAN LEGION POST 63 SCHOOL AWARD PRESENTATIONS 1. Friday, March 26. 2004 @ Zellwood Elementary School @ 9:15 AM RECIPIENTS ARE: F/W Bertha Jimenez: M/W Harold Carter. F/HM Tori Crawford: M/HM Brandon Underwood CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Johnson, 5th Grade teacher @ 407-884-2258 X268. CEREIitIIY COMPLETED 8Y ADJIITANT.IEN FLEMING 2. Monday. May 17, 2004 @ 1100 AM luncheon at Tanner Hall . Presentation for Foundation Academy 5th Grade Students. RECIPIENTS ARE: F/W Emily Ross: M/W Robert Smith: F/HM Jennifer Armbruster: M/HM Austin Blakenship. Tuesday. May 18, 2004 @ 8:00 AM @ Foundation Academy for presentations to 8th grade students. RECIPIENTS ARE: F/W Whitney Abell : M/W Robbie Ogle: F/HM Rachel Smith: M/HM Ryan Muhlbach. SCHOOL CONTACT PERSON: Trish Johnson @ 407-656-3677 or fax # 407- 656-0118 or Judy Rosenbaun. 3. Tuesday, May 18, 2004 @ 6:30 PM @ Lakeview Middle School in School Auditorium. RECIPIENTS: TBD SCHOOL CONTACT: TBD 4. Friday May, 21, 2004 @ 9:00 AM @ Maxey Elementary School Cafetorium. RECIPIENTS ARE: M/W Andy Singh: F/W Quentinee Brinson. M/HM Denesh Totaram: F/HM Rianna Parrinello CONTACT PERSON: Tashanda Brawn-Cannon @ 407-877-5020 x224 5. Monday, May 24, @ 8:30 AM in Auditorium @ old campus of Dillard Street Elementary School . RECIPIENTS ARE: TBD on Friday May 7th CONTACT PERSON: Malia Kalczynski @ tel . 407-877-5000 or Fax # 407- 877-5009. 6. Monday. May 24, 2004 @ 9:00 AM in Lake Whitney Elementary Dinning Hall . RECIPIENTS ARE: M/W Shawn Janetzke: F/W Matalie Chetram; HONORABLE MENTION ARE: M/HM Conor Babb: F/HN Chelsea Hankins. SAMP PRESENTATION PAGE 2 FOR 2004 7. Thursday. June 3. 2004 @ @ Windermere Preparatory School RECIPIENTS ARE: TBD for 5th & 8th Grade classes. CONTACT PERSON: Jimmie Hargrove, Director, Tel . 407-905-7737 8. Tildenville Elementary School : DAY, DATE, TIME. LOCATION TBD. RECIPIENTS: TBD 5th Grade SCHOOL CONTACT: TBD 9. CENTRAL FLORIDA PREP SCHOOL. DAY. DATE, TIME, LOCATION TBD. RECIPIENTS: TBD 5th & 8th Grades SCHOLL CONTACT: TBD A COMMANDER IS REQUIRED 10. Thursday, April 22, 2004 @ 7:30 PM in Cafeteria, ROTC 2 MEDALS @ West Orange 9h Grade Center RECIPIENTS: Scholastic Excellence is Tyler Reed: Military Excellence is Paul Rivera. SCHOOL CONTACT: Col . Shelton a 407-905-2400. ;"6? JO L‘-DI - -7.7t-47./S--"C`' Z ,-- AMES R. FLEMING SR. (RET ADJUTANT & 2ND VICE COMMANDER 1 ' HUGH T. GREGORYAMERICANLEGIONPOST63HISTORYFORC , . 11441--t-- program. Sens of American Logien Detachment 63 received its cnarter on December 15. 2001 with 11 members in Detachment 63. PL-AiU members were 174. New members were 93. One transfer in from Post 2R4 was James R. Fleming SR. . first grandson of Lt. Col . Sam T. Salisbury. Commander in 1921 when Permanent Charter was reeeived. 2002 Post achieved 100Z membership, send two delegates to Boys State in Tallahassee, El : kOlU Awards: Donations - Children & youth: First Patriotic Day Remembrance Ceremony for September 1. 2001. at Vaterar's memnrii Dark. Daid memher were 174 With no new members. rows Post conducted "1 AM NOi A NUMBER PROGRAM" as requested by American Legion National l;cadquartcrs. Forty v'eterans were contacted. surveyed and 19 returned medical surveys. Boys State Delegates were Raymond Danei Flynn and Robert L. LUUU III . Three Flpmentary and nrP Middle school participated in School Award Medal .-,rogram: 12-5th (waders and 4-8th Graders received medals and certificates. Lt. Mike Reed. OFD. was nominee for Firefighter of the Year or 20u3. Seraeant Charlie Hrown. OPO, was nominee r Lu v Offccr of the Year for 2003. fust 63 conducted a Patriotic Fiao Day * Dignified nisposal of Unserviceable Plags in Veteran's Memorial Park on Flag Day. Post conducted Oratorical Contest. cemmander Bob Warren presorted ROTC Modals at West Orange High. (inc member increasea ADH Handicap parking spaces at local hospital tram 27 spaces to 64 spaces. New Members and transfers in are HUOh Barbour. Joseph (. 1epardi . Bernard H. Dalton, William 1; Flati Sr . , Ron Hutchison, Vernard R. Ireland. Raymond F. McGrath, lnhn A, ParkHrSt. Charles R. pnwell lnhn Ramcey, Philip Slmore, kiLhard e. watson Jr. . Wally N. bur lean, Loran B. Feming, 1-.J-; grandson of 1221 cosmander. rliffton E. Haney. Garland W. harry Jr. . Erarkie L . Massey. victor Menaez. biarence w. Pierce. Clifford A. Radice. Richard R. RGZOMO, Sam T. Salisbury III. 4th orandson & name sake of 1921 Commander. Horace W. Saroent Jr. . Larry Saucer . Clarence M. Spangler. james Ward. Keath A. iareloss, samuel n Bro . William R. Pal:terser, R,ralt, R Buhwr. Chic E. indmpson. 'briaries L LK, Pedro u. tidueroa. James u. Haiiisey. florin. 1 ,'nny Stark. Albert Cestantine, Thomas E. Readirc, ion E . Rust, Sherman k. Firden, Jonn R. Mullins, Claade E. Blakency (%FL ) . f.,,,- 43 Lkd -.4-ii members from Jan. 1 . 200 +-K; i) ql 2003. o . Ove . \° It Funding Cycle: April 2004 3 1- ,,k\-1; 1ie, For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete the attached vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: , Ui (1•�•r..1; , f �4 h �i 'J cr1 '1,Ct�`-,,:i. - .c� L 044 `a - (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentatln from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: I f v ).ri ) kil,L„l(7,1) rCA . W11' 1 yr (.?0Lal-or' i rz'/c.. 5'117F7 Contact person for this application: L)1 ,-.,..0,. J'k, ,:•f'/.' 7 cc) (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number: 4 % 6'9.6 i ; .' „' E-mail address: Ali i 1"' �'n''J' 4i' 1 "1) `4. / 11 What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for? MC,- Iv Gt. i t LjP-'t-tt:,. 1't.,/-..i..• (lid 'iff-,4' ',/,4 l :!., rf('(I./ ,i. /1'("rip ,5 ' L' 1-1—, Lt. iii I /14: s.•."7; What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) • :5 CL - 4"e Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? tki L' What is your organization's primlry funding source? 71941 i'1 p I:7, ,o r ,`141 1p (Iv,: t,y f'/ x , , :.... 3 i',) L , T Y (.';• (1,,:•,,• )G,. ') (f /i' 0Q! )�I�1.t_.{e.-' ti.O/1 1"��'-'q 4l(1 i 1 ,' I -A How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? �` .i ' C C. ( L/ C' - '<- What other sources of revenue does your organization have? C Or %•Or-- �','ryiN.2w, ' d.rr / J 4lr What is your annual budget for this year? /S� C'C'e/. C1` Last year? uI. J (;:L)U. C .Ci List the fundraisers your organization holds? 1.(.,1' JJ ), tom, ) Li/fi//A i t,r? / (?.CE./,' ,,A a 5, (1'('1 i' I C f__v'r;E...,'r;4%_,L i. ) 6 CU" I G(.,(. . ��) / kir)/2<;_,,-- How ir)/2<:J; How many members does your organization have? / 9 How many live in Ocoee? 1 C Page 2—Community Merit Awards Application—April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve? How many live in Ocoee? 'r ,/�Cc t +t i G. Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Ii G' rr�'y} CQ. If so, when and what did you apply for? ti/i; Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? /tl//? Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? // 11 t i1lri t./ir !.+ 1 t i �'t+ �I s .' `^ �/ y c, ✓~ V��:/ • (i U LL • � . i t r�-~�r J V z'.) /' (;11'" 1 L ./) / i,? ' i . t./ ' +.* ( <>7-) IL„r r How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? 7 Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: %r {moi i' r h ' y �' � t ll,� / �./ 'tk. F1`. 'r'i�. ( F !!. ! !. ff 1 . i+ (.'t .�`!/ /I ! r'1. ;1 j , } /;.'.tL, f;,t �i. . /. Ii.,.'.r,.i ` t 'L l/2 1 J-i / .' �r 1; l J,,"(y J J ' I t t'�. l t J F` f 1 jr'�' K Lut, fl ?f.:' �'_ C♦ �J 4'/ /(' !'.� -'/( f�'i y�i +ft; �1 /1l t/'tJrr1,'i.,A L . rf-l'' f dJ i � 1. `�t/if f.. '�lt'l'�t Li �( ji'j{ 1.{4 (U?, i lt,•S. /, F 'f1 f/v J./. j. Cz Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or!ll this specific grant request/G- that you feel would help the City in making its decision: / )94— .5 6i: CO/ i`'i h0/7r' i ,r/ /y (24 fyf 0(24 ‘`-7F� h 21 IltJ?f k)(.2.,0 plzy ft; //) (4./,,/- Are rirrt_/Y) Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only Date Application Received (f ,':}6 jC q iL' Was Application Received Complete? tft±-i) If not, Date Application Returned April 15,2004 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Dear Staff, The West Orange Quarterback Club met on Monday,April 12th, and discussed the Community Merit Awards grant. It was a unanimous decision to request funding for our project as specified in the application. Attached are the quotes we plan on using on the sign.The cost of this project is$500.00. We appreciate your consideration.Thank you. West Orange Quarterback Club Diane Thompson West Orange High School Quarterback Club Meeting Monday April 12, 2004 Woodies Restaurant Winter Garden, Florida Officers President Steve Hartman Vice President Diane Thompson Treasurer Patty Porter Secretary Laurie Boculac Concessions Manager Larry Powell Agenda — Monday, April 12, 2004 Topic-Concession Speaker-Larry Powell Note• cleanup alter rel.t!, t,,r Iiti° Topic-Signs Speaker-Diane Thompson Note: i!Nate on ,U,Itt, Topic -Treasurers Report Speaker-Patty Porter Note: \\hat is the Mallet; in thee<re ce_itnt Topic-Souvenir Sales Speaker-Laurie Boculac Note: Can 1N stet items tier Glue ()range game:' Topic -Quarterback Club Girls Speaker-Debi Hartman Topic- BBQ Speaker-Steve Hartman \itte: I'lxiate ~,herr tie art• Topic—City of Ocoee Speaker-Diane Thompson ;rant \lone Topic -Team Update Speaker-Coach Smith \,.ate: ci+41t Tournament. t ar \tut,' tial. Previous Meeting Minutes — Not Available Quotes for weight room/ locker room I would like for these to all be visible, done in Orange & Royal blue. Call if you have any questions! I want 5 signs that are 1' x 3'( locker room east side) 1.One mission one heartbeat 2.NEVER QUIT! 3.Champions are committed to the TEAM 4. The harder you work,the harder it is to surrender. 5. Strength& Honor I want 4 signs 2' x 2' (locker room west side) 1.The power to succeed or fail is ours alone. 2. "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." Vince Lombardi 3. "In order to have a winner,the TEAM must have a feeling of UNITY,every player must put the Team first. Ahead of Personal Glory." Bear Bryant 4. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. I want 8 signs 3' x 3' (weight room) 1.The difference between EXTRAORDINARY and ordinary is the EXTRA! 2.All HARD WORK yields a profit,but mere talk leads only to poverty. Proverbs 14:23 3. "A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile,it can be done." Vince Lombardi 4. "All men are alike in their dreams, And all men are alike in the promises they make. The difference is what they do." 5. Through sacrifice and a commitment to excellence, character is developed and character wins more games than any other single trait an athlete may possess. 6. WINNERS intke habits of doing the things that losers don't like to do. 7. The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack. 8. "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING! Funding Cycle: April 2004 \*,_.\ For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at(407)905-3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to$500. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 City of Ocoee CommunitypMerit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: / r~?d )e c RoO 1E-3- x frr KAni& `Og�Q (Applicants must attach a copy of the ftcumentation fro the Internal Revenue Service vihicb1 attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) n Address of Organization: 110 .Sp� Fe vt i y 1 6 F)< n W bo 9?aaa /If Contact person for this application: R(1 n(1,1 (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) / Daytime phone number: y0`I-e9)5 5 7 E-mail address: C(On f�P ' lam?CP/. i'7'C0/1/ What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for? I Cir) . ` xnavo4t..it,)1II ISP_ ( � C (50 t_"` ..?►;�-'1C L \iC.k. (' `-436O . 06. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is$500.) —°,560 •00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? W eA '1(4,S0 .cry c4 o c9 Ct. Lk as I K _y',or) (1.6naii616, o What is your organization's primary funding source? 40-4,rru3e r-5 How much money does your organization receive from this source each year /000. ov livi—y0.71. What other sources of revenue does your organization have? none What is your annual budget for this year? 1,300.QJ Last year? List the fundraisers your organization holds? A (,1..2 _1 t'1 -0 --T/,Q 6\., Qx2' _1,0a4A, . How many members oes your organization have? N Q* How many live in Ocoee? C A .Q'wt.k2 G c j .n 1 Z.ct`i•-i Page 2—Community Merit Awards Application—April 2004 Cycle c°4. t tact/. How many clients does your organization serve?� a gow mrany live in Ocoee? � `�•o �I Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? N 0 If so,when and what did you apply for? Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? )\CL& ctO L f.Q _ rito -t)p pi o jec How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? E.wax,11 �i.-t c I- ÷"'' e c.�.�.+-t c�_t cc { ? i'n �-C Iz.�1h cam► of- o L�U is a Co m rno o i h o rc, Y a.t-a..d-u c 64 `fh etc Please list the specific accomplishments ur organization h chieved in Me past 24 months: P9 P• • •_� • ' a • • kArk.A IA& b .•L A 1*•r44' r r: . . n m rn9'l. .Ka • 4 r. a re • ♦ •mrrl(IA)k 4-1(5 cc-r t L ••16- Please include any of er pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: n,9 Q cci-onNitc5 " G C pe,t .cretOtro ckj h f, ,ill 414, a • Ea . t'� �L .. 'a i .4 at' M ra OP A.12/`c-td 1 pQ rr�� inj�k�a1 d rc od c ¢vQ1a 1e�eJ5 marl l PTea e alta documentation.. eefing minutes orletter)to verify that your arnzation stfpp s his application. For Staff Use Only }. Date Application Received 00/ , 2 /?/4'. •-: ` Was Application Received Complete? If not,Date Application Returned .: Print Version :. Page 1 of 1 r westorangeti n = - s Print Page I Friday,January 23,2004 Last modified Wednesday,January 21, 2004 10:23 AM EST Ocoee girl to serve as student ambassador • Ten-year-old Randi Keith,the daughter of Sam and Donna Keith of Ocoee, has been chosen to serve as a People to People Student 4 Ambassador to Australia and New Zealand this summer. The program was founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956,and it provides opportunities for grade school,juniorw' high and senior high students to explore ` ; • domestic and foreign destinations and to learn " about the history, government, economy and culture of the areas they visit. A fifth-grader at Ocoee Elementary, gr Randi is looking forward to her trip Down Under and is r . q-_••�- ' seeking help from the community in the form of donations. The South Pacific Program costs $4,300,and so far she has raised$300. She is Randi Keith,a student at Ocoee Elementary,signs sponsor letters in connection with currently sending out sponsor letters and her trip to Australia and New Zealand. holding fund-raisers to help raise her tuition money. An avid student, Randi is a member of the Girl Scouts and enjoys playing soccer. As an ambassador, she can earn high school credit because of the many educational elements involved in the program. Her 16-day trip will begin June 10 and continue through June 25. Her journey will blend learning with outdoor exploration. She will visit cities,historic towns and natural environs in Australia, New Zealand and nearby exotic islands. Donations can be made out to Randi Keith or People to People Student Ambassadors and sent to Ocoee Elementary School at 400 S. Lakewood Ave, Ocoee, Fla. 34761. http://www.wotimes.comrarticles/2004/01/21/community/ocoeeirandi.prt 1/23/2004 Funding Cycle:April 2004 / For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407)9013109 orD\ e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: 6,f\ S o`-":k 14081 (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Q Address of Organization: Cll Lica eta *Dr r awe PI . 3c/ 76/ Contact person for this application: Ita e1 (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) / 1 Daytime phone number: 1O ' 8F7 673/9 E-mail address: mCp I vol 6 Q0I . c o What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for? tsf(Atuai pr ems+ aidc� kip - ttauce GZ 4-7-//6-Iv UiS(/- abler SCa J5 --t 2 d c- erPn-f. 14 - «a What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.) 500 k)C Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? no ` tt -] What is your organization's primary funding source? 1 r ` �QUC? Sa t E'S o How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? 50or,Tx What other sources of revenue does your organization have? h On E' What is your annual budget for this year? Uavi-eS Last year? List the fundraisers your organization holds? C devk ttei Ste-\E'S, C.004c-cam., CiA r t%41 P'c•-S e- u e vt4 How many members does your organization have? 7 How mny live in Ocoee? J Page 2—Community Merit Awards Application—April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve? N t W How many live in Ocoee? /11/"1- Has U{"Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? 110 If so, when and what did you apply for? Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? LoLVe... CA-e0Lr. l.) QI foi_n dens Wa11� hrictc 4 1 s4 r req till. / Cr,S4is Parade How many yearly volunteer hours does your�torganization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? 75- - /00 krs . Leckciv2r.s 41Neep - -Ya.c k 0( ck. ( ` hOu.is. Please list the specific accomplishments your org iz tion has achieved in the past 24 months: G4- \ Sc«_- rove ze Ar� bO led ci,vin r Io +A_ c/ r 1 (O0Azdic / ss) hkFed Ct rii 4 la K ), Spr'ytl �ke Schou/ s, 7 cbi/r"/' J Il r�S clor e`' -\w- e \-z.)\-z.) i}oceaA C ree Sc j\S (Yl c--1. Ua.✓ie�`j Goa)c, t(!j Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: i'k. Pv-er Atuarci i s )A.e 2". iLjk aru rd ~f1� 3/r/s tt K to ith-fesc4. -ace pflje. t w�Ic�. lNi �( -�t�� blur -1Atah 30k lb e,,s,/ Sc! is Zr 4 k Ozkidielijitti (jute( ôrl wA14Wa2les eite(Ora (lover ~ Kew Mafia i4iitAje e4.(c-e& arc Tetfikejr Yea-�ina-r CSI r'Is AR vc comrt eti4 alp corcc4 C. .►d00e.-k 'biter /D0,6 4Aje e4,0efs over-14 Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports thisneY/ application. j eaV: For Staff Use Only /��,A- )(/k� Date Application Received y/2r/O ct g ,/' / 7 `U Was Application Received Complete?_ `f aS If not,Date Application Returned Funding Cycle. Aprjugg4 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at(407)9053109 or e-mail janets jci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application. use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the nonprofit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to Issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to;500. • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • •• • • • • • ♦ • 4040 • • • • • • • • • •••• • City of Ocoee Co.nmtadty Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: '( 94 KS ON '-›--''„~t, (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the internal flevenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: e$76 `( A - R_ Ow/11,661f- (A 3-1. e Contact person for this application: I /-f-t)/vv' 3 t RAI;elm (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number: (A7- E-mailff"i"if/ address: What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically wiN the money be used for? e c'x rd e Opt R o e I,r. c ii/v4 :,,-h 4: L., .4I K Le f, �t Q �rS LLx 4.1 Lite S("Led ci 0(.1 Cit e c_icc, rt What doNar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.) G Q is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? JG What is your organization's primary funding source? ----ft-TA . zi., 1 c K Ler.5/.n•A c l _ 574.4-it- AA How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? Ap .1) JOS D What other sources of revenue does your organization have? l S BGG What is your annual budget for this year? tea / -- Last year? 736-x, List the fundraisers your organization holds? C/iF,•5./n v 64xe 6 57, "is How many members does your organization have? ) How many live in Ocoee? 5-4 / j�'Lt, ti �J0 0tt.e � J ,t//i' c'1 (-���i' - cit.ti <<..� c � � K. 6.(: r ` ' T- ; c •d ootesose.o uoEzdaoaa d*tizO *O gZ udd Page 2-Community Merit Awards Application-April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve? /16 How many live in Ocoee? / _�: Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? /2/10 It so,when and what did you apply for? Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? Does your organization volunteer In the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? pv1Ki? /�U./�•l��U cct,tp ,(.t`/l,,G� r t�11i��+c Fc::c/t.4 et -k O C,C -e0 SeGcmc Cunt /. e f (Js Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: IAJ ..r"(. Q AA rtisV" k lk4J, /Li f,si. r;s., keic, (4 ' :i, Jul }btt� / (1/)c. af+ I (0115 r \vf C l4, Pc-0 , X5,2- el e.›0.:1 e)c- r,,-G1rt,t,4-ks-s Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: (A)/ /1.4. 1(—)3 ti� e f O(,,4( 5/f�,.� �.t /s j�.7T-P/ t ' Cc �, e �,/.0„,Y1 -F-L, t �-�-� 4�' )i r� L l f , s T t /�A., L C>`l..C 4 7.ti".I © f F-P t't Ock r-iac :f. /.j { d (.r2.)/1,,/v1c, . Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. [For Stuff 11ec Only A vA, (,) ,4044 ( )t 'Pat:Applieal n lt;v't: it 4 Funding Cycle: April 2004 \� For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to$500. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: The Foundation for Westside Tech (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: 955 E. Story Road, Winter Garden,Florida 34787 Contact person for this application: Walt Cobb, J r. (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number 407-905-2001 E-mail address: cobbw@ocps.net What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?Student financial aid and teacher/staff recognition What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? No What is your organization's primary funding source?Fundraising activities How much money does your organization receive from this source each year?$8,000.00 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Contributions What is your annual budget for this year? $7,500.00 Last year?$8,000.00 List the fundraisers your organization holds?Golf Tournament, Bar B Que How many members does your organization have? 105 How many live in Ocoee? 11 How many clients does your organization serve? 1698 How many live in Ocoee? 361 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? No If so, when and what did you apply for? NA Page 2-Community Merit Awards Application-April 2004 Cycle Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in?Yes. Spring Fling, Ocoee Elementary; Founder's Day; West Oaks Mall Senior Walkers-massage; Health Central internships; installation of photovoltaic panels at Ocoee Elementary and Ocoee Middle Schools; Blood Drives; West Orange Neighborhood Center for Families-purchase and donation of Christmas gifts for children and providing dinner for Christmas function. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented?850-950 hours yearly. Teachers or sponsors document and report hours to administration and the school volunteer coordinator. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: 1.) Massage Therapy student interaction with West Oaks Mall Senior Walkers- approximately 380 hours or$7000. massage value. 2.) Massage Therapy student interaction at Spring Fling-24 volunteer hours. 3.) Pharmacy Tech student volunteer internship at Health Central approximately 300 hours. 4.) Installation of money saving photovoltaic panels at two Ocoee schools 150 volunteer hours. 5.) Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) interaction at Founder's Day 40 hours. 6.) Staff and faculty provided gifts for 98 children (52 in 2002 and 46 in 2003) served through the West Orange Neighborhood Center for Families. Also, the Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts program provided dinner for the families of those children. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Westside Tech and the Foundation for Westside Tech feel strong ties with all of west Orange County. The student population is made up of high school dual enrollment students as well as adult students. In past years, students and teachers have assisted with several Habitat for Humanity homes in west Orange County. In 2003 one program gave volunteer hours at Give Kids the World. This year, faculty and staff raised $4,000. for Relay for Life. The Foundation for Westside Tech encourages community involvement. Please attach documentation(meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only /�� /` t�� � Date Application Received y 1 " `f m r ' } 1 Was Application Received Complete? .�" !_ �,` +�.{:{ t Y''. tL,. •! The FOUNDATION for WESTSIDE TECH,INC We.tsicleTech 955 East store Road Winter Garden,Florida 34787 3798 Peter a Berrg,Pd.D. Telephone 407.906.209 Foundation Sec tetarq Pa: 407.906.2064 April 23,2004 Community Relations Department City of Ocoee Gentlemen: The Board of Directors of the Foundation for Westside Tech,Inc wholly supports the application being submitted to the City of Ocoee. The subject application is for consideration of a$500 grant from the City. The Foundation for Westside Tech,Inc.,functions for the sole purpose of raising and distributing funds to assist the students of Westside Tech and to support the school's faculty/staff recognition program. Receipt of the subject grant funds would enhance the opportunity to benefit additional students through scholarships and emergency assistance. Your consideration of this application will be greatly appreciated. Secretary, Peter . ,Ed.D. Funding Cycle: April 2004 ' For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407)90&3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to$500. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Appli tion Name of Non-Profit Organization: 'Rea) 4C-'— ,nn, 3 (em / o�x � (Applicants must attach a copy of the docu ntat fr the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-pro it&) status.) akle4Address of Organization: A Q• 7 �/3G' /1)//i/ex "7/ 3V17V--- Y/3e, Contact person for this application: ',6a UP I/i0 (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) ` ,/' Daytime phone number: '07 `/%6 ©o2 77 E-mail address: 'i'/'X�f))riJI .nn� 3eT/elf ei1 /nN?fS C /�/Say; iS What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money sed fdr? feet? t:.11are .t/elhroe_ i2is 447 S4e/i4,7' 'S , . ' ? , .: C ulegT G/s What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.) t)a. (49 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? `ho What is your organization's primary funding source? rub/'C `i°/OO,t t How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? / Ara, , What other sources of revenue doesyour organization have? ge. Iviii Dfere4 ac ak,4 Mm aA,ck, heases a4th it tit ex/S adr- az: A..- CC A W' CCG' t.'!� �L'a/�- ' y Wh-t is your annual budget for"th's year? I' ` 9' p` Last y ar? • dU�hale Sot /� �u��q�f Du am ?/7a *i /h7& '3 Lirayourorzats? ln Saks hake. -Salest Ra�,.les How many members does your organization have? /)k- How many live in Ocoee? Page 2—Community Merit Awards Application—April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve?. How many live in Ocoee? 61, Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? @eS If so, when and what did you apply for? ®eWGvC.J .1)c1/4.3. tOQ GC,(?llll pR.Ae.0() oeR Le 6ee07U>7,a1. ruche!€ OOisd f.?ntf Were you uccessful and, if so, how much money did you receive? geS. t �&Re bleS6ed✓ W 1 t1 TIDO. 00 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? #145. u- Res,dent volunOexs c West Dra e s eRvice, en tee) How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? ,Shz c R1 l//an/eek &uie.S Cult_ R an►Ifulien, 66n-640716 t s apM .�/ be as We,e, de n have f� M AOL S ..• n t� Ott �s �n rt/ , Jcial�k gease n �.o Jbc� ��list t e specific accomplishments your organization has achiev in the pas24vhonths: �v tUe, keetioe due. 6-401(e13 eye/vim-rt.. reel/ /.4,67 i!aancheL. & zz Un cued... tho€ 4'1 is tS aJ e © Vied.. Oar -�hxr Shop ,CSI Which a t o,� mems aRei d#u Whic, ass r6fdh bJe, Je&'�ue, to as. Please include'any other pertinent information about ydelr ocanization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: OS We Relocated ear patrj we havc- been ee,dzeen d. `? . ' '/Vi til S f i �P r� �� - 1�� mon 69td ne. 4J) wilts big tie Pre mond dd b at ithaw )de, Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only f : Date Application Received 1751-''51() Was Application Received Complete? If not.Date Application Returned. _ NI;W I3EGINNINGS OF CENTRAL L F1.()Rl I).1. INC. brek 336 E. Plant St. Winter Garden. Fla 34787 Phone: (407) 654-8450 Fax: (407)654-8479 Email: newbeginningscfl.org April 23,2004 City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2259 The Board of Directors of New Beginnings of Central Florida, Inc. is in support of the application for the City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application. We appreciate your consideration for the$500.00 grant to help us make a difference in a child's life. Sincerely, Lisa M Collins,Director New Beginnings of Central Florida P.O. Box 784136 Winter Garden, FL 34778-4136 407-445-0274(phone) 407-445-0275 (fax) lcollins@newbeginningscfl.org j ce Funding Cycle: April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. 000000000000000000 • 000000000000000000 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc. -West Orange (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: 300 Franklin St.,Ocoee, Florida 34761 Contact person for this application: (Y ©lbr ci (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number 407-656-6678 E-mail address:wocsc@hotmail.com What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?We have developed a program focusing on the needs of adults who provide care to other family member or individuals in need. This program is called"Care for the Caregiver" and we offer supports to any individual regarding resources, research and relaxation techniques. We would respectfully request funds to cover materials, supplies and contracted services for speakers/trainers. What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.)$500.00 Ls your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? No What is your organization's primary funding source? Church donations, foundations, grants, United Way, County Commission for Children. How much money does your organization receive from this source each year?$215,600.00 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Fundraising, Thrift Shop Revenue. What is your annual budget for this year? $272,727.00 Last year?$258,325.00 List the fundraisers your organization holds? Golf Tournament, United Way Activities, Rummage Sales, Car Washes, Church Presentations etc. How many members does your organization have? 133 How many live in Ocoee? 82 Page 2—Community Merit Awards Application—April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve? Over 20,000 How many live in Ocoee? 11600(58%)approximately. Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes If so, when and what did you apply for? April 2003 Community Merit Award and 2003/2004 MVP Awards. Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? April 2003 -$500 and February 2004-$2500.00 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? if yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in?Yes- Founders Day Celebrations, Christmas Parades,West Orange Neighborhood Center for Families, RSVP activities and local Food Drives, school presentations. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented?Agency wide, over 9300 volunteer hours were logged during this last year which were trackede daily by volunteer sign in sheets. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months:Our site now serves a noontime meal 6 days per week. Our KidsFOCUS Program has provided at risk families with counseling and social skills classes, along with after school tutoring and summer enrichment opportunities. We have developed a new program called"Care for the Caregiver", providing support to anyone in the role of caregiving with a focus on Grandparents raising grand children. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:Our agency has been serving those in need from our West Orange community for 23 years through our Daily Bread Program, Family and Emergency Services, KidsFOCUS (formerly Mothers Helping Mothers)and our Thrift Shop. Our prayer is that we will continue to be able to partner with the City of Ocoee for the overall greater good of our local residents and community. Please attach documentation(meeting minutes or letter)to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only �,p Date Application Received `�` Z 1!/o y /0' y ^-V Was Application Received Complete? If not,Date Application Returned Apr-26-04 15:07 Christian Service Center 407 426 9513 P.01 41 fit •w �cE cE THE CHRISTIAN SERVICE CENTER FOR CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. April 26,2004 City of Ocoee AIM: Community Merit Awards Review Committee 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,FL 34761-2258 Dear Ladles/Gentlemen, On behalf of the Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc.and our West Orange Ministries,located in Ocoee,Florida,we ore pleased and honored to submit on application for the City of Ocoee Community Merit Award Program. For more than 20 years,we hove had the privilege of serving the citizens of Ocoee through our West Orange LIFE Center. We ore deeply grateful for your support and that of the entire city council. We oro optimistic that this application meets with your approval and is supported by the odministration for support of our work in your community. Thank you for your dedication to the City of Ocoee and for the outstanding support that we receive from all of your staff. Sin y, Robert Stuart Executive Director cc: Honorable S.Scott Vandergrift,Mayor,City of Ocoee City Commission,City of Ocoee 808 W. Central Boulevard •Orlando, Florida 32805 • (407)425.2523 • Fax (407)425-9513 Family & Emergency Servires . Daily Bread • Operation Hume Fires • Fresh Start • KidsFOCUS • Thrift Store .in partnership with United Way www.Chris NanSe rvleeCentee.oeg Funding Cycle:April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 9063109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. • + . . . • . . • • . . . • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ ♦ City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization Ocoee Historical Commission (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: 150 No. Lakeshore Dr. , Ocoee Contact person for this application:Elizabeth M. Ervine (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number407-656-0073 E-mail address: emervine@webtv.net What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for? To establish an Ocoee Historical Museum separate from the Withers/Maguire House What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is$500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? NO What is your organization's primary funding source? Arts & Crafts show — How much money does your organization receive from this sc+••r;e each year? $3800 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? dues, house tours and sale of merchandise What is your annual budget for this year? $12,500. Last year? $13000 List the fundraisers your organization holds*e arts & crafts at Founders' Day How many members does your organization have? 27 How many live in Ocoee72 Page 2-Community Merit Awards Application-April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve? 600 How many live in Ocoee? 607. Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes If so, when and what did you apply for? 2002 & 2003, education help Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? Yes - $500 each Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? We help maintain the Withers/Maguire House and man it for house tours. We are also endeavoring to set up an educational program about Ocoee history for the Ocoee schools. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? House open weekly for 4 hours and manned by 2 volunteers. 25 volunteers decorate the house and grounds for the Christmas Program and then are present for over 5 hours to provide the program. iOclrounders' pay 25 .volunteers m n t e house and grounds alay. volunteers give scooand private tours. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: We have helped keep up the Withers/Maguire House. Made new acquisitions for the house and provided the services listed above. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: The OHC would like the Withers/Maguire House to become a house museum. We have multiple memorabilia given to us that we cannot display at this time due to lack of appropriate space. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only Date Application Received__ 1 , 1C. + ?/^ r l j L A Was Application Received Complete? _ _ If not,Date Application Returned __ -- OCOEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION , I N C April 29, 2004 Community Relations Department City of Ocoee, Florida Ocoee City Hall 150 No. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 To Whom It May Concern: The members of the Ocoee Historical Commission are very interested in the city having a historical museum devoted exclusively to the history of this city. Such a museum would better display the artifacts and memorabilia of past citizens of this rapidly growing city. The image of the city would be greatly enhanced by the establishment of an institution that truly celebrates the city's history of accomplishments and its very active citizens who were both busy in Ocoee, as well as in Orange County and the State of Florida. The awarding of the City of Ocoee Community Merit Award this year will help us move toward this needed goal. Sincerely, / Elizabeth M. Ervine, president Funding Cycle: April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-310 e-mail janets©ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. ®® \, ®®®00®®O ® . ®®®®® City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application S.T.A.R.S. of West Orange, Name of Non-Profit Organization: a ministry of St. Pauls Presbyterian Church, Inc. (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service, which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: 9600 West Colonial Drive, Ocoee FL 34761-6900 Contact person for this application: Chesta Hembrooke (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number: (407)292-3559 E-mail address: STARS-of-West-Orange(a7cfl.rr.com What are you seeking grant money for?What specifically will the money be used for? S.T.A.R.S. is a community partnership to benefit economically disadvantaged West Orange County students. Money will be used to purchase back-to-school supplies for elementary students identified by the schools as qualifying for free&reduced lunches. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? All funding for this project is from individual, business&corporate donations. What is your organization's primary funding source? donations How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? 100% What other sources of revenue does your organization have? We accept "in kind" donations which, although they are not$$$, per se. are supplies we do not have to purchase, therefore they have value. What is your annual budget for this year? $37,000 Last year? $16,000 List the fundraisers your organization holds?: Fabric was donated, a quilt was made and tickets were sold with proceeds benefiting S.T.A.R.S. How many members does your organization have? St.P-653 How many live in Ocoee? St.P-107 S.T.A.R.S.-36 S.T.A.R.S.-12 Page 2–Community Merit Awards Application–April 2003 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve? 4000 How many live in Ocoee? 1400 (appr.) Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? yes If so, when and what did you apply for? April 2003 Cycle Community Merit Award Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? yes, $500 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? S.T.A.R.S. of West Orange's staff is comprised of all volunteers who not only oversee the program, but also sorted, packed and distributed the backpacks. (St. Pauls, as a church, volunteers many hours in various areas of the community.) How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? In 2001 St. Pauls completed over 350 hours on their backpack and Christmas gift drives in addition to other volunteer work completed in the community. In 2002, over 400 hours. In 2003, S.T.A.R.S. volunteers contributed over 568 hours on the back-pack project. Hours&volunteers are registered on sign-in sheets &tallied. S.T.A.R.S. also involves residents from the greater West Orange area. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: August, 2003-2329 West Orange Elementary Children received backpacks (2079-basic backpacks, 250 complete backpacks), Orlo Vista received 750 complete backpacks, Mascotte Elementary 200 backpacks & supplies: August, 2002—Mascotte Elementary-250 backpacks & every student at Orlo Vista Elementary(over 700) received a filled backpack. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: S.T.A.R.S. has fine-tuned the model developed at St. Pauls and not only distributed to the targeted 7 elementary schools in 2003, but helped 3 other groups in Orange County replicate the model and start their own local programs. This year S.T.A.R.S. will reach students in all 13 local elementary schools—Citrus, Clarcona, Dillard, Frangus, Hiawassee, Lake Whitney, Maxey, Ocoee, Pinewood, Spring Lake, Thomebrooke, Tildenville & Windermere. S.T.A.R.S. is endorsed by the Education Committee of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce which is providing even greater exposure than in 2003 and the West Orange Ministerial Association. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only / Date Application Received t//9 7/ q 3t J�' r)1 Was Application Received Complete? if not.Date Application Returned MI eait6 ` IrJ&- 60i6A0 li1o6tk--(.7f'f -( ' 4 S ,T .A .R .S , of West Orange(Supplies To Asst ouR Students) ': ` f-444e for Meeting g I Ipj April 7, 2004 Present: Lorraine Bremner(Frangus), Tashanda Brown (Maxey), Valerie Campbell (Spring Lake), Linda Cannon (Ocoee Elem.), Audrie Clark(Pinewood), Joe Hembrooke (St. Pauls), Korene Henderson Davis (Hiawassee), Doug Isaacs (St. Pauls), Jay Michael May (West Orange Neighborhood Center for Families), Barbara Robertson (Tildenville), Mary Schaarschmidt(Citrus), Mary Schaarschmidt (Citrus) The minutes were reviewed and approved. Joe told us that he would be conducting this month's meeting, as Chesta was feeling under the weather. He said that he would be quick and to the point. This next school year we will be implementing a "scissor project", where scissors will be used more than once. Each class will have a block of wood to hold the "class scissors". Only broken ones will be replaced each year. Email Chesta, if your school would like to be part of this project. The Chamber of Commerce has turned into being a big supporter for S.T.A.R.S. We get a lot of recognition from them. We are trying to obtain a school bus to advertise S.T.A.R.S. This bus would have a banner on the side that would draw attention to our program. We can move the bus from school to school to draw attention and get the fr word out. Barbara made a motion that we send in an application for the City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program. Valerie seconded the motion. All the committee Lvoted and agreed to send it in. We talked about backpacks and items left over from last year. Some schools were using the extra for new students coming into the school. As they enrolled, they were given a backpack full of supplies. What a Welcome! All schools need to take an inventory of leftover items. We talked about trying to get away from the clear backpacks for this next school year. Some people feel as if this singles out which children are getting the free backpacks. Future Meetings: May 5th 8:30 (St. Pauls) and June 2nd (lunch at noon) Funding Cycle: April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or e-mail janets©ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. ® 00000000000000000000000000000000000 00 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: Ocoee Lithe League (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: P 0 Box 266, Ocoee, FL 34761 Contact person for this application: e....111\ jLk r1(i i i K 5 ut 1 (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number 407 578 9974 E-mail address: khendrixsonl0@earthlink.net What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?Money will be used for the funding of the Jr/Sr lighting project or for the shade cloth project at the Flewelling Complex. What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.)$500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Yes, we have received the Field of Dreams Grant from the Orange County Parks and Recreation for our lighting project. What is your organization's primary funding source? Donations, fundraising, concession stand sales, sponsorships and membership dues. How much money does your organization receive from this source each year?90,000.00 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? none What is your annual budget for this year? $90,000.00 Last year?$90,000.00 List the fundraisers your organization holds?Discount cards from area retailers. How many members does your organization have? 1000 How many live in Ocoee? 875 Page 2—Community Merit Awards Application—April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve?450 How many live in Ocoee? 400 Has your organization applied Or a grant from the City before? Yes if so, when and what did you apply for? Novemeber 2003 Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive?Yes, and $500.00 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in?Yes, Ocoee Little League volunteered in the Founders Day festivities, ehancement to Soreneson Field, Central Park Fields and we volunteered time to pressure wash, and repaint the bleachers, dugouts, press box and the concession stand at the Central Park location. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? 102,000 hours and these hours are not tracked because they are all volunteer hours for the operation of the league. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: Pressure Washing/Repainting the Central Park location, getting ready to put up shade cloths , we had the Major, Minor and Rookie fields reburbished and had the lips fixed by the Major League Sports Fields Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: We are trying our hardest to put lights up at the Jr Field on Soreneson Lane. The grant money we received from the OC Parks& Recreation does not cover the whole cost of this project. We are trying to provide a safer environment for the children to participate in. Please attach documentation(meeting minutes or letter)to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only Date Application Received / c/.1 q , I Ci Was Application Received Complete? If not.Date Application Returned Ocoee Little League April 29, 2004 Those present: Vickie Britton Tony Daughtry Max Britton Kim Cannon Kim Hendrixson Donny Arsenault Karen Parker Lou Hermesman Steve Wood Todd Rainer Lisa Evans Vicki Champion Meeting called to order at 7:15 p.m. Group reviewed paperwork that will be submitted for the Ocoee Community Merit Award Program. Everyone supports this application and appreciates the city taking the time to review our application. Group reviewed estimates presented to add lights to the Junior Field or shade cloth at the Flewelling complex. Group reviewed survey and proposed area for lighting. Notes made as to remaining information that must be provided for grant. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. 0 Funding Cycle: April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at(407) 905-3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to$500. 00000 . 000 • • • • 0000 . • 000 •• 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 • • 0 . 00 • City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: 4 OC( (Applicants must attach a copy of the ocu enta from the internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or n-pro t stat s.) (� Address of Organization: -,(4(11\.)WO It cot PQ t�x q I 1 0/ T" 3(i 1 Le I Contact person for this application: � G�.f b"TGA-Q /fl(Ln (The contact member must be a member o he ck�anization.) Daytime phone number: 461 DV IOW E-mail address:tg)6 k(cou se.ecnss 1 P s CCrr What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for? let eva Au t '-n v6,,,,L, ic, acr . Cejr4jp1'erth�c_ ,p/c✓�elki,- ytrivabiae tos k htismpt 5,-b k 0 &O a Wh0 cttn.ne+ t�s2d- - C�//��//�} hat dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is$500.) 500 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? la ape-tic,' 0 or. Af s 4 rtUltie, olovc607S atm. Otrea,Q. tepid What is your organization's primary funding source?source? IfCbtOMIt S t fritemtheiL. C ...- How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? F.I eag-) J`, DO What other sources of revenue does your organization have? VO 1 L4�- r r t b S1 a3tc aalt1 chat ro1f3. - - ._ What is your annual budget for this year? O 4 l( (Y !. I iu — Last year? t IQ�"i,n or,I$ /.(0/ I List the fundraisers your organization holds? t{�Iu.41 lok, I I aro.vduX WALL Ia ,9 , F&n. f{ How many members does your organization have? 2_0 How many live in Ocoee? 121/ . IS Page 2-Community Merit Awards Application-April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve ,_r.,,�`�!! How many live in Ocoee? 5 /G Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? ,, If so,when and what did you apply for? .?102 ')0O3 Q bOt_. bA pC%b0b1. hQ�,,rnl4 I Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? $500 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, at volunteer activities do you participate in? ifj ,ci6 a el vle, (div?ker 01 lcutocd1 °-) -kW ads as Zapped 4t, alia 4 Fikt gs 4 OWt_ How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? Itk.,(S 1 -1-fa i i • , gsve."4- ai 'Coat •cui 1 r) . We , ii 41 a a-. ' Gik. Zpnr0X go 4evta-1 e a Liz aa- a...pp(cx 11 to hi- ,(ctcr1 Please list the specific accomplishments your organization- _ has achieved in the past 24 months: etilOt �S F" (GVtdedr10ihtj45 -tG Co'1t0� hV lySLit_ unaLrprIvile c d Atildnh, pioActict btCAA)6is & Apod ,� ikettrap, IZehlR-ktocti#'lon 4o 4,� c�-�v lhc Q� ei oakt Please include ahy other pertinent in ormation about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: itejOritIit (3CC .4 i S a maw •fruAdia d.0 b-tr2a olcincidup S hour-) liktA p qYL b WAR CRJ. Cc . �k x is rn cc) o dyt lQc�d.r C�.t-Q eLt () > ftrc. Cr , , it, r Cict rho! Cra,s s, lt 4,,at atau�t5 a h� d -kz� 0 0ease a a�umentation (meeting minutes or le�venfy that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only i� Date Application Received ' , 3' t '. 1 'k Was Application Received Complete? If not,Date Application Returned To whom it may concern. Please consider this letter in support of the grant application completed on behalf of the Rotary Club of Ocoee. Rotary Club of Ocoee is a 20 member civic organization that actively seeks to answer the needs of the Ocoee Community. Through programs like our helmet fittings and safety education in partnership with Health Central,Ocoee Police and Fin Departments. and SafeKids of Orlando,the Rotary is able to provide underprivekgcd children with appropriate safety equipment like helmets and bike and car scat checks to ensure their safety as they travel in the community. We are also participating in the Rotary Internationl Centennial Celebration, helping build an educational center at the Oakland Nature Preserve, as well as the National Night Out event in conjunction with OPD and Fire. Again,please consider this letter of support when considering Rotary of Ogee for the Community Merit Awards Programs Application.Thank you for consideration,please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, 111 Marge Johnstone,.. •: Funding Cycle: April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. CO410AAC00000000000000000000000000000000 City of Ocoee Community� Merit Awards Program Application *AIM 1 Name of Non-Profit Organization: c19_4 (bale/\ &hove Rm. i t0 ' (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: tO.000 \AJ.CC 2> , Occ Q , G� 341('I Contact person for this application: fI a(Al p/c, (� / • N• (The contact member must be a member he�fgaanilr�tion.) Daytime phone number: 1O'r) co5aLr..6 X2tos E-mail address: cci. -10()Cps 11'el What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for? HIT no(il itit 00p-. ,has tn cL w a lL.l..vi b tot po Grovr & ocaee uta •(Cmt?Eicr 4Q Cr r 't ler-rt 3 4 i nam- t r•r�r ,� What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.) 50 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? 7hiou5h ,cn-,ltd decd-W15 , mantel. Lur-V,bul e103 pass' • doh ITC4.5 What is your organization's primary funding source? CO /tls ( >• C*, OJYt .i' How much money does your organization receive from this source each year? t( t ( - �i loi Paver) What other sources of revenue doesour organization have? Y1c )e C -� Y &1J 96rn2 WX,6- .Cd O*l(Y1 What is your annual budget for this year? 116 !fQ ICYn- Last year? ----- MCI et- awn' List the fundraisers your organization holds? How many members does your organization have?t3-5 How many live in Ocoee? j 6 - l Z. dtT)-e✓j Yc i v (tier s}se t r) 5 1 IC Ln Clan Page 2-Community Merit Awards Application-April 2004 Cycle How many clients does your organization serve?/0u1How many live in Ocoee? l Oo% Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? 1.p If so,when and what did you apply for? 0`C3'&4 cl , ttii a_pptaat bCtc cnd.0 -- --4- c L pi rcha t paK 66CU �. ire-e C' c, Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive? n , 4330 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, at volunteer activities do you participate in? -Melilla/lb t-r1t h 640 prop W _.a....1101( nt U+ (A Stit,14) 00 UXiJ 060 4i.,2 cteeCLntc_, Ncoatt r) 62thifc s pov-4 tc i,p(t3icn CO Necii h Fa,uct) , .Q,'M . How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? A4 BoctictrporikwS vdtrileiff s eve a Q_ h Y S o uYrJ k, bat_ -1" er 5 . ani-+ratha fx. Q?u iatc64 Q Gould lc Qox Tit L Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved intt"e past 24 months: `1 LL cnlcll.l Vet-err LO a unt pie+ ptrx4 c A\r acrthi--1/15 &mktrroct abet g.tuLli Len a&tot tri achiena j 0Ascare,4e3Call tC(.0 t 55 LAQA & Ln nufr1,�-100c. educ--ice, 6 eh i[OA hiC0 CefL J . Please inclua any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: ‘lhaparictin to.,00 ci t xaWL1 to -io c 1 1c4 c4/3 wd, `'u -,-N f(Von Co a fa,rd& C7 4, tutile YYt v E pp j-• W l-Aito :5 LP Mo.ci it d we wta airAvtiti si, LA_ AI-) A ' . 11 4- (tin un —1-iu_ ,,,zo 1-1-5 ato(oWiu.0 II i 1 Please attach documenta ion (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For Staff Use Only Date Application Received C--C--/13(A'(/ I 3 . #l� ° 1 I Was Application Received Complete? If not,Date Application Returned www.health-centrat.org Central al 10000 West Colonial Drive Ocoee,Florida 34761 Phone: (407)296-1000 Fax: (407)521-3400 Please consider this letter in support of the grant application completed on behalf of the Health Central Foundation School Nurse Program's Walking for Fitness Program. Walking for Fitness is a pilot program and a collaboration with the School Nurse Program, Michellee Puppets, and Health Central Wellness Department to help combat childhood obesity and the health risks associated with obesity like juvenile diabetes, asthma, and cardiac issues not usually seen in children. The program has been a success in there is an increase in the fitness levels and activity at Ocoee Elementary. We wish to bring the program back to Ocoee Elementary and continue piloting it at other schools as well. Again,please consider this letter of support when considering the Walking for Fitness Pilot Program for the Community Merit Awards Program. Thank you for consideration, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Nancy Pfaff,R.N,Children's Medical Resource Coordinator Hospital Park Surgery Center Paramedic ExpressCar Funding Cycle: April 2004 For more information, please call the Community Relations Department at (407) 905-3109 or e-mail janets@ci.ocoee.fl.us. When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachments should be the non-profit status documentation and the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue a check. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. ® , ® ® ® ® ® ® 40 ® ® ® ® ® ® 40 ® ® ® 40 ® ® ®® ® 4040 ® ® 40 ® ® ® 40 ® ® ® 40 City of Ocoee Community Merit Awards Program Application Name of Non-Profit Organization: Ocoee Elementary Clinic (Applicants must attach a copy of the documentation from the Internal Revenue Service which attests to your organization's charitable or non-profit status.) Address of Organization: 400 S. Lakewood Ave. Ocoee, FL 34761 Contact person for this application: (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number(407) 877-5027 E-mail address: hooperd@ocps.net What are you seeking grant money for? What specifically will the money be used for?Each year approximately 20%of our students wear glasses. We can contact the Lion's club to assist a needy family in attaining glasses for a child, however we have no funds to assist students needing eyeglass repairs. Children have had to go for months without glasses as these families have no funds for repairs. Additionally, if a child has additional academic needs, the necessary testing can not be administered until the glasses are repaired and it can be determined the needs are academic, not as the result of impaired vision. Consequently, valuable learning time is lost. We would like to use the money to repair glasses in a timely manner. If we had the funds available, we could take the glasses to Walmart and have them repaired within 24 hours. Each repair generally costs $75.00. What dollar amount are you requesting?(The maximum grant award is$500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? no What is your organization's primary funding source? donations, grants How much money does your organization receive from this source each year?We have had no funding in the past, this is a vision of our school nurse. What other sources of revenue does your organization have? donations What is your annual budget for this year? 0 Last year?0 Page 2-Community Merit Awards Application -April 2004 Cycle List the fundraisers your organization holds?Nickels for Nurses How many members does your organization have?657 How many live in Ocoee? 600 How many clients does your organization serve?657 How many live in Ocoee? 600 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Ocoee Elementary has applied for a grant before. If so, when and what did you apply for? 11/04 We used the money to purchase books for our literacy breakfast. Were you successful and, if so, how much money did you receive?Yes, the breakfast was well attended and the students were thrilled with their packet of books. Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in?Yes we man a booth at Founder's day. We hold a breakfast every month to teach parents how to most effectively work with students. We have Saturday School in addition to tutoring both before and after school. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented?28,000 volunteers sign in on a computer Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved tt the p 24 months: All Ocoee Elementary students have their medical needs from scraped needs and head kea'th ....+ f:.,y S. ... .... ... ..fir' !-!ave di:,ltieti:. students which require continuous monitoring We have a wheelchair student who has a catheter daily have le': ru C.tl a, needs met. Our goal is to keep children healthy and in school, so they do not miss valuable educational time Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Piease attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Fur Starr t.".e Onto D:1!k: fi(l_ I -ix: 4701 Was.Appltcaiion Recei'. d Comptek' If not. Date .\pplicatfon Returned ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS OCOEE Elementary School 400 South Lakewood Avenue Ocoee,Florida 34761 (407)877-5o27•••FAX(407)877-8583 Community Merit Awards Program Dear Committee: Our principal, Sheilla Johnson, and all the Ocoee Elementary teachers make optimizing learning time a top priority. When a child cannot learn because of illness or another physical problem,they visit the clinic and I attempt to help them. I do this based on the resources available to the clinic. One problem that can be easily solved is the replacement of broken eyeglasses. Working parents or families with limited budgets are often unable to replace or repair glasses in a timely manner. This can negatively impact a child's learning. The attached grant request would enable eyeglasses to be replaced promptly. Please consider this grant application. Sincerely, Diane Nathanson R.N.