HomeMy WebLinkAboutV(E) Approval to Waive Formal RFP Process for POWR Television/Landscape Upgrade Program Agenda 08-03-2004
Mayor center of Goo Item V.E.
� d Commissioners
S. Scott Vandergrift Ig Danny Howell, District 1
Scott Anderson, District 2
City Manager 'y Rusty Johnson, District 3
Robert Frank ! i_ ; Nancy J. Parker, District 4
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Tonya Elliott, Multimedia/Community Events Manager
DATE: July 16, 2004
RE: Waive Formal RFP Process for POWR Television/Landscape Upgrade Program
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve and authorize the waiving of the formal
RFP process in order to enable staff to submit to the SJRWMD for a 50/50 cost share grant by the
postmarked deadline of August 6, 2004 and thus utilize the services of ValleyCrest Landscape
Maintenance, Glenn Acomb Florida Certified Landscape Architect and University of Florida Associate
Professor, Ocoee Wal-Mart, and John Deere Landscapes for all six landscape upgrade projects in FY
Water conservation is an important issue for the city at present. As the city continues to exceed its
SJRWMD designated annual C.U.P. allotments water conserving programs and projects continues to
be a key aspect in gaining a positive outcome for our C.U.P. renewal. Residential irrigation usage
continues to be the largest user in the City. In FY2005 the POWR program is requesting the addition of
water conserving landscape program for the television station. The project would serve two purposes,
one to create a half-hour program that could be aired on OGW to encourage, promote, and educate
the public on water conservation and its effectiveness, but also to proactively assist the City's largest
irrigation users with a way to create water conserving irrigation systems and landscapes that can not
only help them reduce their water bills but also create a demonstration site for further educational uses
and purposes.
The SJRWMD has a 50/50 cost share grant program the City is applying for to off set the costs of, not
only producing the television show, but also the landscape and irrigation upgrades. The City is
proposing to produce six shows annually and to upgrade six landscapes in this program. The programs
will begin with the FY 2005 Budget, however the grant application must be postmarked by August 6,
2004 making it necessary to ask for the waiving of the RFP process early as the point system for the
grant program is based upon partnering and we gain more points with set partners who contribute
letters detailing their support.
Page 2
POWR Landscape Program Staff Report
July 16, 2004
ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance, Glenn Acomb, Ocoee Wal-Mart and John Deere Landscapes
have agreed to partner with the City on this project and donate and give the city services at cost,
reduced rates, and in kind to keep the associated costs for the project down. According to Glen
Acomb, Landscape Architect and professor at the University of Florida a landscape upgrade including
irrigation and landscape revamps with materials and labor would typically cost between $6,000 and
$12,000 (this doesn't include design costs for the project.) In partnering with the city, ValleyCrest and
John Deere Landscapes will assist the city in staying within the City's per yard budget of$3,000 by
donating in kind materials and labor at cost. ValleyCrest, formerly WaterWise Landscaping has worked
with several municipal agencies over the last few years performing irrigation audits for water
conservation programs in the cities of Maitland and Altamonte Springs along with Seminole County,
which were also cost share projects with the SJRWMD. Glenn Acomb will keep the design costs for the
landscape and irrigation for each project to $1000. Ocoee Wal-Mart is on the process of working on
something to assist the program, whether it be grant monies or materials and supplies is unknown at
this point.
Total costs for the project are as follows:
Service Type City's Cost SJRWMD Portion Totals
TV Show Production Costs ~ ? ,y :: ;;-,', ==;q .: ;. . .
Producer Costs Per Show $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00
Videographer Costs Per Show $160.00 $160.00 $320.00
Editing Costs Per Show $200.00 $200.00 $400.00
Set -Up Fee $40.00 $40.00 $80.00
Graphics and Music $100.00 $100.00 $200.00
Total TV Production Per Show Costs $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00
Total Cost for All Six Shows $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $12,000.00
Landscape Upgrade Costs = . :s.,.. <; v r ;; ti .
Design Costs Per Show (Irrigation/Landscape) $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00
Labor& Installation Costs/Site Prep. Per Show $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00
Total Landscape/Irrigation Per Show Costs $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00
Total Cost for All Six Shows $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $24,000.00
Grand Totals $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $36,000.00
The total cost of the project in FY 2005 would be $36,000 with the city's portion of that being $18,000.
The necessary $18,000 in funds to cover the cost share amount has been budgeted within the FY 2005
POWR program line item. Funding for this project is tentative at this point as it is dependant upon the
passing of the FY 2005 Budget.
Staff respectfully requests the Honorable Mayor and City Commission authorize the waiving of a formal
RFP process for the development of the six landscape upgrades with ValleyCrest Landscape
Maintenance, Glenn Acomb, Ocoee Wal-Mart and John Deere Landscapes so that we can submit the
grant paperwork to the SJRWMD meeting their August 6th deadline for submittal. The funding for this
project is dependent upon approval of the FY 2005 Budget and successfully being awarded the grant
by the SJRWMD.
July 26, 2004
Ms. Tonya A. Elliott
Multimedia/Community Events Manager
City of Ocoee
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Letter of Support of the Power Landscape Television Program
Dear Tonya:
This is a letter of support of the "Power Landscape Television Program" you are
currently planning for the City of Ocoee's water conservation efforts and public
awareness. This is a creative and inventive approach to the challenges of educating the
public of the importance of water conservation.
Approached as "having your cake and eating it, too," this program will illustrate how
native plants, reduced turf and low-volume irrigation techniques can greatly reduce water
consumption while providing for attractive landscapes. Further, by being presented in
this new and popular format of a landscape makeover program, it has an even greater
chance of making an impact.
Since sustainability and water conservation in the landscape are the primary focus areas
of my research, I am pleased to be a part of this exciting project.
Glenn A. Acomb, ASLA
Associate Professor
Department of Landscape Architecture
336 ARCH
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-5704
Landscape Architect License #FL0000475
July 5, 2004
To: Tonya Elliott, The City of Ocoee
FROM: Glenn A. Acomb, ASLA
RE: Issues in the Preparation of Water Conservation Landscape Makeover Projects
These recommendations are made to the City of Ocoee based on my experience in designing and
implementing landscape demonstration projects for St. Johns River Water Management District over the
past 4 years.
The City of Ocoee wishes to undertake water conservation demonstration through landscape"makeover' projects
selected from the City's most significant water consumers over a 12-month schedule. These makeover projects will
be funded in part by the City of Ocoee and through a grant application to the St. Johns River Water Management
District's Cost Sharing Landscape Demonstration projects. These makeover projects will be documented through
video photography and are intended for broadcast via the City's Government Cable channel.
As a new endeavor, there are important considerations for the successful implementation of this project:
1. Since this is a new undertaking, I strongly recommend undertaking fewer projects than 12. Instead, I
recommend undertaking 4-6 projects in this first year.
2. Pre-select(with my involvement) the candidate projects based on review of existing conditions, size of
lot and other critical conditions and arrangements. For budget reasons, lot sizes should be limited to
approximately 1/3 acre and irrigation improvements should be separately metered for monitoring
purposes. Consider projects that address a wide range in home values so that all viewers will relate to
the makeovers. A Habitat for Humanity home might be an excellent consideration, as well as to
undertake a model center home landscape for a residential development if they commit to offering
landscape and irrigation of the homes in accordance with the resource efficient guidelines used in our
3. Plan to undertake projects with an improvement budgets of approximately$6,000-$12,000 (includes
landscape, turf and irrigation). Lesser budgets could be considered only if good plants/trees could be
preserved to provide a strong visual basis and lessen installation costs. This presumes that front a rear
yards are included as long as neither are extensive. Avoid projects that need drainage, grading,
hardscape or utilities improvements in any significant way because this would likely cause the budget
to be exceeded or require greater design effort that is currently planned. Also, this will cause the
coordination of other trades such as masonry contractor, grading contractor, etc. and likely extend the
4. Select qualified landscape and irrigation contractors (Central Florida area firms are preferred) that have
a verifiable track record in the identification, installation and care of native landscapes and the design
of low volume irrigation. Professional certification of contractors is strongly recommended. Since the
City is participating, it is important to ascertain that contractors can be selected without a"request for
qualifications" procedure. If not, the schedule for each project will have to be of longer duration.
Another consideration is for the City Staff(Parks Department) to purchase plants and using their labor
pool. This alternative, however, will require greater involvement for procurement and supervision.
5. Determine if you can allow contractors to install more than one project. While choosing new
contractors each time is more democratic, it increases the potential for problems especially if the pool
of experienced contractors is limited. You can install and film them as consecutive installations, and
economize on video labor and editing time.
6. Consider asking the homeowner to participate in funding so that they are "invested" in the solution.
7. For participation in the SJRWMD cost-sharing grant, there will need to be a commitment to retain the
design as is, and maintain it based on Florida Yards & Neighborhoods guidelines. The owner might be
encouraged to attend FY&N educational sessions (contact Orange County Extension Office). Follow-
up visits are a part of the SJRWMD grant and occasionally signs are placed in the landscapes for
information and promotional purposes.
8. The City's Code should be reviewed to be sure that the project's improvements are not in conflict with
the code or ordinances. If the Code does not contain water conservation and/or green design
guidelines, then consider implementing such codes using this project as a model. I can provide
assistance with this.
9. I presume that I will be meeting with homeowners as a part of this project. If so, there should be a
presentation to them with color rendering (scale drawing), and perhaps a computer-generated drawing
for use in the broadcast. Computer imaging could be used to represent the before and after conditions.
10. The City should take advantage of other opportunities to expand this project. Seek opportunities to
educate the public further, and to collect data on project performance. The University of Florida will
probably be interested or be a source of assistance in these areas.
11. It is common in residential site design that many clients do not have an accurate site plan/base map
(except for a survey in the act of sale) that records new features added since the home purchase,
especially locations of new patios and walks, as well as trees and shrubs that may be saved. Allocate
a budget to accurately prepare a site plan to be used in the design work. This can be achieved by
hiring a land surveyor or having City staff measure conditions in the field.
Based on your consideration of the above issues, we can get a better understanding of my involvement,
time requirements, and fee. Also, this understanding will be useful in assisting you in identifying a realistic
project schedule.
Glenn A. Acomb, ASLA, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture
336 ARCH, P.O. Box 115704, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-5704
Phone: (352) 392-6098 x 315
Fax: (352) 392-6233
Email: acomb@ufl.edu
fibk 4,1'
f r the Future Fiscal Year 2004-2005 44,4 ( c.`APPLICATION tiAGENce
Applicant organization: City of Ocoee, Florida
Street and mailing address: 150 North Lakeshore Dr
City: Ocoee State/Zip code: FI, 34761
Telephone: 407-905-3109 Fax: 407-656-8504
Application preparer's name: Tonva Elliott
Preparer's title or relationship to applicant organization: Multimedia/Community Events Manager
Preparer's street and mailing address: same as above
City: same as above State/Zip code: same as above
Telephone: same as above Fax: same as above
E-mail address: telliottci.ocoee.fl.us
Cost-share reimbursement checks should go to:
Payee name: City of Ocoee (POWR Program)
Address: same as above
Contact name and title of fiscal representative, if applicable:
® Yes ❑ No Does applicant organization have Chapter 40C-2, F.A.C., consumptive use permit(s)
(CUP) from the St. Johns River Water Management District? Please list all:
Permit Number Expiration Date Permit Number Expiration Date
2-095-0092UGM4R December 10, 2006
❑ Yes® No Is the project being undertaken in response to enforcement actions taken against the
applicant because of failure to comply with permit conditions or other regulations?
If yes, identify agency and regulatory program.
® Yes❑ No Will the proposed project help fulfill permit conditions?
® Yes❑ No Will the proposed project take place in a water resource caution area? (Refer to
enclosed map if unsure.)
Where, specifically, will the project or its sum components take place? Within the City limits of the
City of Ocoee, Florida in West Orange County.
Project Proposal (An additional page may be attached to complete your responses.)
Projects will be ranked by percentage of possible points —70 possible points for each project,
100 possible points for landscape projects.
Proposed water conservation project (one project per application): Create and produce a "Trading
Spaces"type landscape show, which will take some of the City's highest irrigation users and transform
their irrigation and landscaping into a water conserving one. This will be filmed and edited and air on the
City's local television station OGTV Channel 10. We propose to create and produce six shows annually.
The shows will also highlight the reduction results achieved at each home afforded this remodel.
Projected budget total for project: $36,000
Request amount from SJRWMD Strategic Water Conservation Cost-Share Fund: $18,000
Amount budgeted/available for project this fiscal year by applicant organization: $18,000
List project cooperators and what they will offer for services, support, or financing.
Valley Crest Landscape and Irrigation - To handle needed irrigation supplies and landscape plant
materials and some installation labor.
Glen Acomb Landscape Architect, professor at University of Florida. To plan the landscapes and
irrigation plans for the remodel.
All landscape and irrigation plans will be approved by the appropriate SJRWMD staff person prior to
Letters of commitment from cooperators will add points to project application. (Points, 0-5)
1. Objectives—Cite project goals. (Points, 0-5) To not only show the community that it is possible to
create beautiful landscaping that is water conserving, but also to effectively effectuate reduction results
for the City's largest residential irrigation users. It will be possible to track usage before and after the
project to show the reduction possibilities associated with fixing ones irrigation system and installing new
plant materials that are in the right place, in the right location, and suitable to the Florida seasons and
climate. This program will air often on OGTV Channel 10 for all Ocoee, Brighthouse Cable subscribers
to view. Copies would also be available to the SJRWMD for distribution as educational resources and
2. How much water savings is expected from the project, and over what time frame? Show how
estimate is derived. (Points, 0-5) The City's highest residential irrigation users can at times use well
above 100,000 gallons a month on their yards. Based upon data on irrigation and landscaping retrofit
projects in other municipalities the City is expecting that at least 50% reductions could be realized at a
minimum with this project.
3. Describe evidence of need for project. (Points, 0-10) The city of Ocoee currently exceeds its
annual CUP allotments by more than 100%. Residential irrigation usage is the highest water user in the
City. This program is designed to target and reduce our highest users and through their example
effectuate this type of change to other large irrigation users within the City. It has been proven that Cities
must be willing to assist and contribute monetary or service incentives to water conserving projects for
their residents to realize this type of behavioral change.
4. State criteria for success in achieving stated objectives, including number of people
influenced. (Points, 0-15) Criteria for success: 1. To effectively target our top irrigation users. 2.
Prove that the City is firmly committed to water conservation and are willing to put our money where our
mouths are and assist our residents in achieving positive water conservation results. 3. Effectively
create water conservation programming that is relevant, informative, and habit changing for our
community members. 4. To use the yards as positive demonstration sites for others to model. The
number of people that will be influenced are not only the people having their yards re done but also the
City of Ocoee residents that receive Brighthouse Cable. This potential exposure can also include the
residents of the City of Winter Garden community as they also have access to OGTV Channel 10 at
certain times.
5. Provide data collection methods of actual water savings and/or consumer survey of
awareness, increased knowledge, or behavior change. (Points, 0-15) The data collection and
analysis of the reduction results will be through tracking the utility bill consumption before and after the
project completion. Monthly, annual, and historical comparisons will be able to be made at each
residential location.
6. Project Implementation — Provide a brief overview of project steps; include any contractual
bidding processes. (Points, 0-5) As production of a television show falls under the artistic category no
formal bid process will have to be done. City Staff went to the City Commission on their August 3`d
meeting and requested that they waive the formal RFP process for all six of these projects. The City
Commission voted to accept this request. The City under its television station has freelance television
production professionals and videographers to fulfill the production needs associated with the project.
The show production will begin in October of 2004 with the advent of the City's new fiscal year. There
will be six shows produced annually. Show production will take place in October and continue through
September. The shows will initially air the month after they were produced and will then be rebroadcast
periodically. The videos will also be used at presentations with Home Owner's Associations and as a
resource for HOA's to utilize within their own communities for educational and informational purposes.
The actual re-vamping of the landscaping will be scheduled with the irrigation contractor and landscape
architect during the development of the shows production schedule. A producer to develop this schedule
will be hired with the funds associated with this project. The City of Ocoee would be happy to give the
SJRWMD copies of all six programs for them to distribute as educational information and resources to
other cities and counties.
7. Project Budget— Include all projected project expenses (do not include staff time as an
expense for cost-share). (Points, 0-5) This project would be for a 30-minute program based upon
freelancing the editing services out. As we want this to be a high level piece that will actually be
appealing to our community we have budgeted $2000 a show. The cost breakdown per show for the
production costs are as follows: Videography at 2 days (16 hours X $20/hr= $320), editing at 2 days
(16 hours X $25/hr= $400), a producer for the show at 5 days (40 hours X $25/hr= $1000), plus one day
working with Ocoee staff on set-up at $80, and $200 a show for graphics and music for a per show total
of$2000 and an annual cost of$12,000 for the proposed 6 shows. The cost for yard re-landscaping
and irrigation revamping would be $4000 per yard for a total of$24,000 for all 6 yards. The total amount
needed for the project would be $36,000, with a cost share amount from the SJRWMD of$18,000. The
City has requested $12,000 in the POWR FY2005 budget for the water conservation television program
and $5000 for demonstration site creation with an extra $1000 available in promotional monies meaning
the City has the necessary $18,000 in funds to contribute to the project which meets the 50/50 cost share
requirements. This funding however is contingent upon approval of the City's proposed FY 2005 budget.
8. List time frames for implementing project, from planning through all data collection and
reporting. City staff will compile a list of the City's highest irrigation users prior to the new Fiscal Year.
Then we will take the top irrigation users in the City's four districts the remaining two revamps being an
HOA entryway and a model home site. The City will do landscape and irrigation revamps for all six of
these irrigation users in FY 2005. During the month of September preliminary analysis will be conducted
to determine the top six sites. Once the budget passes in October we will begin on the first homeowners
irrigation and landscape revamp process. In October we will shoot the transformation as it is performed
on candidate#1 and continue this process through all the remaining 5 candidates. On each new show
we will give an update on the status of the previous show transformation. The Community Relations
Office will track results on all 6 transformations and prepare a report for the SJRWMD annually to ensure
the transformed properties continue to stay at a reduced state. The schedule will be subject to the
Landscapes Architects time constraints as well as the partnering landscape company, which
necessitates some scheduling flexibility. (A tentative timetable is attached for the completion of all six
For Waterwise Landscape Demonstration Project proposals only (30 possible points)
Project Criteria
These projects should provide high-profile educational sites to showcase water-efficient landscaping
techniques, irrigation system designs, irrigation system management, and environmentally sound
maintenance practices. Designs aren't required for this application; however, projects must ultimately
adhere to the following to receive cost-share funding:
• Design by a professional licensed landscape architect. Select projects may be eligible for the
services of a professional landscape architect contracted by SJRWMD.
• Water-efficient landscape design consistent with the principles of Xeriscape and Florida-friendly
landscaping, to include
o Separation of turf and non-turf areas
o Site-appropriate plant and turf species selections so that little or no irrigation will be necessary
for plant survival after initial plant establishment
• Plant palette based on site conditions and in context with naturally occurring plant communities,
using appropriate Florida native plants whenever feasible
• No more than 50 percent of site in turf grass, preferably less
• Sixty percent Florida native plants suitable to site conditions
• Exclusion of plant species known to be invasive in Florida as identified in lists by the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP), and the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) Category I
• Efficient, District-approved design for any irrigation systems
• Tasteful signage with plant identification that includes common and botanical names
For landscape project proposals. Provide the following information. If landscape design, plant
palette, and/or irrigation plans have already been developed, include in the application
1. (Points,0-5) Describe the attributes of the selected site for demonstration/educational purposes.
The attributes of the site are that they are high irrigation usage customers that need to cut back
their irrigation.
2. Name the organization and/or the individual(s) responsible for long-term maintenance after
installation.The long-term maintenance responsibility of the remodeled property will be that of the
homeowner. Letters of commitment to the above stated will be obtained prior to the production and
construction commencing on each of the six properties.
3. (Points, 0-10)Provide a letter of commitment from the maintaining entity which includes a
commitment to:
a. Abide by and/or develop a maintenance plan based on environmentally sound landscape best
management practices (BMPs)
b. Exhibit understanding of or learn and train staff in BMPs as needed
4. (Points,0—5) If a landscape architect has been identified to create the design, please provide the
name and briefly describe affiliation and qualifications. Glen Acomb Landscape Architect, professor at
University of Florida.
5. (Points,0-5) If a water-conserving landscape ordinance exists in the project area or such an
ordinance is being developed, please provide an explanation and attach sections of the ordinance or
the draft ordinance that promote water conservation in landscapes. The City of Ocoee does have a
water conservation ordinance in effect as well as a water restriction ordinance, which imposes fines.
Ordinances are attached for your review.
Does any SJRWMD employee, Governing Board member, contractor, or other affiliate of the applicant have a
financial interest in this project, the property associated with this project, or with any party that may profit financially
from this project? Does any employee, Board member, elected official, contractor, or other affiliate of the applicant
organization or cooperating entities have a financial interest in this project or in property associated with it?
Yes ❑ No El
If yes, identify all such parties and describe their interests.
This application must be signed by a financially accountable agent to the applicant organization. The
applicant acknowledges that mutually agreed upon objectives will be met for any approved projects before invoicing
SJRWMD for cost-share reimbursement of up to 50% of the total project unless otherwise agreed upon.
Name and Title(please print)
Signature Date
Mail or deliver applications to:
Katherine Pordeli, do Cheryl Keel
St.Johns River Water Management District
Division of Water Supply Management
4049 Reid Street, P.O. Box 1429
Palatka, FL 32177
Sunflower Page 1 of 1
Elliott, Tonya
I am looking forward to helping the City of Ocoee promote water conservation through the
landscape television program you are working on. I have spoken with my Rain Bird rep.
about helping out on this project, she is also thrilled to be a part of this program. I am
willing to help out with the irrigation, as far as the landscape products I can't really commit,
more than saying I will help out as much as possible without seeing some kind of landscape
plan...(ie..qtys,specimen, sizes, etc) I look forward to working with you!!
James Hewett Jr.
John Deere Landscapes
Account Manager
(407) 948-4108
Original Message
From: Elliott, Tonya [mailto:TElliott@ci.ocoee.fl.us]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 2:24 PM
To: Hewett, James
Subject: Reminder
Importance: High
Just a reminder about the email showing your support for the partnering on the
landscape television program and Rain Birds assistance. If you could have that to me
before noon tomorrow it would be great. Once again I appreciate your help and I look
forward to meeting with you.
Thanks so much,
Tonya A Elliott
Multimedia/Community Events Manager
City of Ocoee,Florida
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee,Fl. 34761
407-905-3100 ext. 9-1061
407-656-8504 fax
July 26, 2004
Ms. Tonya Elliott
Multimedia/Community Events Manager
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
RE: TV Show Water Conservation Project
Dear Ms. Elliott:
Thank you for contacting ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance to inquire about our
participation in your water conservation project. As a company, we are committed to
helping increase the awareness and practice of water conservation in our community. We
understand the importance for water conservation and recognize the value of your
proposed project.
As a company, we would be willing to donate 10 hours per retrofit project for the six sites
proposed (60 total man hours). Our management has agreed upon the following rates per
hour for the remaining labor needed to complete each site. The labor rate for removing
and installing landscaping would be $30.00 per man-hour. The labor rate for the
irrigation portion of the project would be $45.00 per man-hour. Due to the present
uncertainties with the scope of work required, we are unable to give exact labor hours or
costs for the sites. Once more detailed plans and information becomes available, we can
provide more accurate labor hours and costs.
I have already provided you with a contact at one of our local suppliers. I hope this
information proves to be helpful in achieving success with your project. If I can be of
any more service providing contacts, please let me know.
Again,thank you for contacting ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance. We look forward
to working with you.
Eric Rothell, CIC, CID, CLIA
Irrigation Account Manager
ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance
4777 Old Winter Garden Road
Orlando, FL 32811