HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-11-2019 Supporting Documents Forwarded message
From: Chris Adkins<chris@yourcorporateconnection.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 9, 2019, 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: Budget
To: <gobabaseball@gmail.com>
Chris Adkins
606 Ridgefield Ave Ocoee FI, 34761
tel:+1 .407.304.9265
On Sep 9, 2019, at 11:51 AM, Chris Adkins wrote:
I would like to start by saying thank you,you have always been fair even in
times of disagreement. For myself,there has been many things that you have
talked to me about.That have given a different perspective to my thoughts.
When I come to meetings or speak, it is because I care. Not that I feel somehow
our City is horrible or that decisions made are ultimately wrong.Just another
perspective from a homeowner and tax payer.This is hard to do without
coming off upset or brash in 3 minutes. I would like to see additional time for
dialog if comments are made by the Commission to help with understanding
ones thoughts. For instance ad-valorem fees,the day you were pounding the
streets before becoming my commissioner.The 1st time I met you at my door,
this was a concern of mine. I'm sure you remember our conversation because if
you haven't noticed I wear my heart on my sleeve...lol.Actually,when Pete
McNeil was fire chief and Mayor Scott was in charge.This was discussed
between the three of us prior to your successful victory. My concern since the
1st fee for the Ocoee Fire Dept(without question on my part)that other fees
would follow.Well,that actually came true for Storm Water and Garbage in the
years to come.At the end of the day, our city is better off with having its own
Fire-Police departments.The job they do is outstanding and can not be
matched.You have always asked me, Chris do you get quality services in
Ocoee?My clear and strong answer is 100%YES,and I'm thankful. In addition
anyone can see how these fees help for other Budget reasons. Helping us to
secure money for Downtown,which by the way looks awesome and Ocoee
needed a face lift honestly.Would I like to see us look at these fees further,
absolutely. It is still my opinion that a 1000 sq ft or$150k home should pay the
same as a 3000 sq ft home at 500k imo,just isn't fair.We should look into a sq.
ft or value based fee, instead of a flat fee for all so we don't hurt those on a
fixed income-disability-veteran etc. I also don't think that they are always the
answer like with code violations. Many are having these violations because
they are struggling, or because the property is no longer occupied.Which in
turn hurts the next buyer whom was not at fault for the violations.At the end
of the day, I see more benefit to the community by having them.This would
also mean that our milage rate should not grow in good(or stay the same)
economic times. I would also like to see community areas like Jim Beech be
free to our youth in the city(including the pool for kids but adults must still
pay).That we don't charge fees to use debit/credit cards for various reasons.
We have enough volume of sales to offset these cost through merchant
services. But at the end of the day these ideas are not meant for any other
reason than to help those,whom help our city be successful. Help us grow and
help those who are paying to feel they aren't being taken advantage of at every
turn.That already happens to most people everywhere else and shouldn't
happen where they live.At the end of the day its all a fair conversation for us to
have. Given out of honest concern from myself and others I speak with.
To stay on the topic of non-ad valorem fees, specifically Garbage. It would
seem that if we are collecting these fees in addition to our normal milage rate.
The tax payer should NOT have a day of service cut or even be thought of, imo.
Two days is a standard we see in all municipalities and cutting a day would only
lead to additional trash control or trash sitting around in general.
I would like to make a comment on recycling though.This is a sector of pick up
that needs to be eliminated all together.As it is just another trash day in
disguise and those who artfully or care truly about recycling would be upset by
this. People who really recycle will drive to a central location to do so.So, I
would like to see one here in the City for our residents.One that serves as a
training center as well,to educate the public on the benefits of recycling. Not
just a giant drop spot that would be an eye sore. Clearly we don't want to loose
any jobs for those currently in the recycling dept.So, actually I see an
opportunity here to add another department using some of these employees.
With all the rain and the emergence of West Nile, Equine Encephalitis and the
new strain called EEE. I would like to see the City adopt a Mosquito Control
Dept.They are currently out of control everywhere and the County isn't doing a
good enough job for us. Having people on the payroll already who understand
routes.Trucks that I'm sure we can use.A license,dispensing equipment for the
trucks and product would be fairly inexpensive to start. Plus add an additional
service that would benefit our Residents.
Maybe we can convert the Recycling trucks to Garbage trucks since they are
newer and cleaner? Possibly get rid of some of the older units and save on new
truck cost possibly upcoming?
Now to a few Budget items, I will keep it simple and short as possible.A few of
these topics are not new in any way, as I have shown concern on many
occasions. But, I have been told that they would be addressed and as of yet
have not been.So, it is a bit frustrating to here items unanimously approved
then removed over seemingly little money.That being told a line item would be
in the budget but its not.At the end of the day,whether we agree or not. Being
transparent,good for our word and fair is not to much to ask. I teach my
children and those children that I mentor and coach the same.
(These items I would like to see funds moved and addressed in the current
1.Walking downtown at night seems to be very Dark and potentially
dangerous. Now there may be plans to have sidewalk lights but I'm not sure. I
do know that the street lights are not enough,that we will have additional
lighting around The Maguire House. Im meaning downtown once your away
from the City Hall area is where it seems dark So, if this isn't already planned it
would seem important to expedite this.
2.Audit-Yes,the Police-Fire and overall finances are audited yearly and
independently.This is for a reason and rightfully so.Audit's are not simply a
negative process,although many view it as such. It is actually a tool to promote
accountability but as well efficiency and accuracy.ALL other departments
should have an adult performed in the same manner as the Police-Fire and
Financial.With my background in auditing, I was absolutely surprised to find
out that we as a City have never done this. It should not be done yearly but
every 5 years would be acceptable. Our past Commissioner Mr.Grogan put a
motion on the floor for 65k to do this and it unanimously passed.Yet,the
reason given to me from the Commission was that it would cost 100k.That we
didn't have the money so we didn't proceed and we all know that we can find
35k easily.This should be voted on again and put in place without waiting any
longer. Like mentioned above, it should be budgeted on a 5 year turn.So every
5 years this happens for whoever is in charge of our City or Departments.
Proposed Budget Amendments
1. Founders Day Budget-Income and Expense line items-During the last two
meetings and clearly as we all know video taped. Founders Day has come up,
the last meeting it was brought up about diversity. Of coarse my belief is that
diversity should be more than tolerated but accepted in general. During the
discussion Mayor you mention that Founders Day works best with the current
line up.That maybe we could look into another event for the community and
tasked Mr. Oliver with this potentially.The meeting prior to that instance, I
brought up how yet again we are not seeing transparency with Founders Day in
the Budget.Something I have been talking about for years now honestly.
Mayor you told us and directed at me,that there would be line item's in the
Budget this year.That it doesn't cost the City anything,a group takes care of
everything and we make money. I believe you mention something like 50-60k
profits?As I have said on many occasions,this is not about NOT having
Founders Day. It never has been, its just about transparency. Its about how do
we repeat an event like this without having it all in black and white and public?
If we want to do an event every quarter what do we follow?When and if you
are not Mayor who will be able to take care of the event?The group you speak
of imo,shouldn't have the Mayor in charge solely. It should be a committee or
Board and should include the a few members of the public and the Mayor.See
like anything else that needs to be successful long term, it need structure that
allows people to step in place a run it.So in short, I don't actually know why we
wouldn't have all this already done as a budget is the foundation of success. If
we have it done in some form,which I imagine we do. It needs to be Public
because we are using tax payers funds and resources to have this event. Even if
it doesn't actually cost us much in the end because of the awesome
Sponsorships we get.
2.Sports Programs on the Cities Behalf or Representing the City. (Not City Run
I want to be CLEAR, in noway am I against these programs or the service they
provide for Ocoee. But,over the past few years these programs have changed
and I have pointed that out. It use to be that these programs were for Ocoee
residents and the enrollment was based on primarily living in Ocoee.These
programs do not pay any money to the city regularly.The tax payers pay 100%
of the electric,water,field and property maintenance in addition to the
buildings being used. Every other City charges these leagues a fee and leaves all
of that stuff for them to cover as well.The issue that is in front of us now, is
that some of these leagues are for profit. Now what is happening is the
enrollment is NOT primarily from Ocoee but from as far as Oviedo to Clermont.
This is an unfair burden for Ocoee taxpayers to fund while so many others from
all over are using these programs. Now, I understand that they were in need of
additional enrollment and that this is the reason they have chosen this path.
But, its time for them to give something regularly because of this. I would say
that ANY program using Ocoee tax payer money be first non for profit. In
addition that they supply a yearly budget to the city and pay at least 10%of
their gross income in the form of a fee from the city.
3. Fountain Area-Boat Ramp Area-I would like to see some additional funding
goto this area. Maybe dredge or deepen it? Maybe build a seawall or Rock the
banks in some way?It just is an eyesore to the Heart and Beauty of our City and
it saddens me that it looks as it does so much.
I look forward to seeing everyone on the 12th and hopefully you all get a
chance to read and think about this e-mail. In noway do I take anything
personal and I hope you do not as well.The City of Ocoee is my home and has
been for 20 plus years. I care about it more than most know and the people in
it as we grow. May God Bless you and may you have a wonderful day.
Best Regards,
Chris Adkins
606 Ridgefield Ave Ocoee FI, 34761
tel:+1 .407.304.9265
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
ocoee - Ocoee, Florida 34761
r!o.Ida 407-905-3100
Ni(.,TE: The public is allowed to comment on any items that are on the agenda but not part of a
Public hearing comments are to be heard during that portion of the meeting.Any comments you woul to
that slaurk lar4 nook I"tharndolVill be heard under the ciatiesiggigic commints at the end ofike meeting.
NAME df/S. AI,/hS PHONE# 47 3°V-9-34s
ADDRESS CJ66J 'ie to ici / CITY aige� ZIP CODE 3 Y 6
E-MAIL l3'04�Ir1 6 cr,seJGJ // ,.5- M 4+ !j, re- _
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No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form.
All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back
The following time limits to speak are in effect:
Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments -5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal-5
Open to Public—Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting.
`\ 150 N. Lakeshore Drive
ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761
florida 407-905-3100
!t_: The public is allowed to comment on any items that are on the agenda but not part of a public hearing.
Public hearing comments are to be heard during that portion of the meeting.Any comments you would like to make
•-• agenda w4be heard under the citizens/puttlic comments at the end of/hp meeting.
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No x Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form.
All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back
The following time limits to speak are in effect:
Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal -5
Open to Public—Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting.