HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-2019 CRA Agenda Packet - Annual Budget GZ!312:.3131!BOOVBM!CVEHFU TABLE OF CONTENTS Section CRA BOARD DIRECTORY1 BUDGET MEETING AGENDA2 CRA BOARD MEETING MINUTES –May07, 20193 BUDGET MESSAGE4 FY 2019/ 2020REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES5 PROPOSED BUDGET DETAIL6 -CIP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-7 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING8 PROPOSED FY 2019/ 2020CRA BOARD MEETING DATES9 UPDATE ON EXISTING PROJECTS10 (For information only, this will not be presented at the CRA Board Meeting) CRA Board Directory City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYDIRECTORY September17,2019 Board Members Richard Firstner(407) 905-3112 officerfirstner@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Chair Vacant CRA Vice Chair Rusty Johnson(407) 905-3112 office rjohnson@ocoee.org Mayor/CRA Board Member Rosemary Wilsen(407) 905-3112 office rwilsen@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Board Member Larry Brinson, Sr.(407) 905-3112 office lbrinson@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Board Member George Oliver III(407) 905-3112 office goliver@ocoee.org Commissioner/CRA Board Member Randy June(407) 325-1422 office randy@jec3.com Orange County CRA Board Member Staff Rob Frank (407) 905-3100 x 1500office rfrank@ocoee.org City Manager/Executive Director Craig Shadrix(407) 905-3100 x 1081officecraig.shadrix@ocoee.org Assistant City Manager Ginger Corless(407) 905-3100 x 1028office vcorless@ocoee.org CRA Administrator Gilda Shaw(407) 905-3100 x 1027 office gshaw@ocoee.org Administrative Assistant Legal Counsel Scott A. Cookson, Esq.(407) 581-9800scookson@shuffieldlowman.com Shuffield, Lowman & Wilson, PA CRA Board Budget Meeting Agenda City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYANNUAL BUDGETMEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida September17, 2019AGENDA5:00p.m. CALL TO ORDER I.Roll Call and Determination of Quorum II.Public Comments III.Approvalof Minutes of the May07, 2019,CRARegularMeeting IV.StaffLead Presentation & Discussion, CRA Administrator Corless a)Resignation of Board Member Todd Duncan b)ProposedFY 2019-2020Budget(Approvalby Resolution) c)SetFY2019/2020CRABoardMeeting Dates V.Florida Redevelopment Association,Assistant City Manager Shadrix VI.Board Comments ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRESTO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILLNEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULDCONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407)905 -3105 48 HOURSIN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 1-1 CRA Board Meeting May07, 2019 Meeting Minutes City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida May 7, 2019MINUTES5:00 p.m. I.Roll Call and Determination of Quorum CRAVice-Chair Firstnercalled the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:01 PMin the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbittcalled roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call:Vice Chair Firstner,Member Brinson, Member Wilsen, Member Johnson,Member Oliver, Member Duncan and Member June. Also Present:City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and City Clerk Sibbitt. II.Selection of Chair Vice-Chair Firstnerannounced that due to Mr. Grogan not being re-elected,and as he was Chair for the CRA Board, nomination for a New Chair will be needed. He further opened the floor for nominations for Chair. MemberWilsen, seconded by MemberOliver, moved to nominate Vice Chair Firstner as CRA Board Chair. Motion carried 7-0. MemberWilsen, seconded by MemberJohnson, moved to nominate Member Duncan as CRA Board Vice-Chair. Motion carried 7-0. III.Public Comments-None CRA Regular Meeting 5-7-2019 Page 1 IV.Approval of Minutes of the February 19, 2019, CRA Regular Meeting Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to approve the CRA Regular Meeting Minutes ofFebruary 19, 2019, as presented. Motion carried7-0. V.Staff Led Presentation & Discussion A)Administrative Assistant,Gilda Shaw Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessintroduced her new administrative assistant,Gilda Shaw,to the Board. B)Annual Report Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessannounced the CRA Annual Report for 2017-2018 has been distributed and was completed a month before the State’s deadline. Copies have been uploaded on the website and can also be found at the offices of the CRA and City Clerk. To date 54 copies of the Annual Report have been distributedto interested community members and potential developers within the community.New legislation has increasedthe information that is required in the Annual Report,and future reports will include those requirements which will be further explained in this presentation. C)Legislative Update Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessexplained House Bill 9 (HB 9)which was recently adopted by theSenate and is going before the Governor.This bill increases accountability and transparency requirements without unduly limiting CRA operations or planning.The CRA staff and City arepleased to announce they have already implemented many of the requirements that are within this new legislation, to include:updating the CRA by-laws to follow the City’s procurement policy and processes,Redevelopment Area BoundaryMap and total acreage of the Redevelopment Area to be provided on CRA website,and meeting deadline of st March 31for the filing and distribution of the audit report. Additional amendments under HB 9 arethat the 3-year clause for Capital Projects was removed, thus giving the CRA a bit more freedom;additionally, funds dedicated to Capital Projects can only be re-appropriated if the budget is amended by the CRA Board due to delay,redesign, or if they are reassigned in the next annual budget. New Audit and Reporting Requirementsare also contained in HB 9 which were provided to the City’s Finance Director. The House Bill further addresses the termination of all CRA’swhich will sunset on Sept. 30, 2039, unless the governing bodies that created the agency agree by majority vote to extend the term.The CRA for Ocoee, however, entered into an interlocal agreement with Orange County to sunset in 2036. Asit relates to the new annual report requirements, the CRA staff and City arealready following most of the requirements. The requirements that are in the process of being implemented are: a CRA Regular Meeting 5-7-2019 Page 2 summary regarding how CRA has achieved the redevelopment goals as outlined in the plan,and total number of projects started and completed are to be listed along with the costs.Amount expended on affordable housingis also a new annual report requirement; however, as the CRA did not incorporate this into the redevelopment plan, this will not need to be addressed. D)Ethics Training Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator CorlessannouncedState Statutes require 4 hours of ethics training for each Board member each calendar year.The ethicstraining the elected officials are required to complete will count toward this training. The CRA Office will be keeping track of those who complete their training and those who cannot attend an ethics class; theFlorida Institute of Government offers online courses. E)Current ProjectsUpdate Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessupdated the Board on the following projects: Old Winter Garden Road Median Landscaping–Phase II has startedand is scheduled to be th completed by May 15.Phase I was completed last fiscal year; however, BrightView will be replacing the SilverySunproof Liriope with Blue Daze as well asone of the SabalPalms. These replacements are covered under the warranty. Wellness Park–The property and stormwater management agreements have been transferred to the Cityand a temporary fence was installed around the park, per FDOT. This fence will be eliminated once construction on the park begins. The design of the Wellness Park isunderway and estimated to cost between $1.5and $1.9 million. Once staff has the plans in hand, they will apply for grant funds to leverage increment revenues. A highlight of the Wellness Park will be explained in a design statement which will also be utilized when applying for grants. The statement will read as follows: Creatingan urban park that provides the visitor access to wellness through the careful placement of fitness equipment, a perimeter walking path,and places to sit and contemplate. N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape–All surveying is complete and roadway design is 30% complete, including integration of the roundabout at Montgomery. Staff will be looking at alternative ways to get this project built, such as seeking partnerships. City Center West Orange will begin their roadway work this summer which will improve the road and provide connectivity. A pedestrian sidewalk will also be installed which was not in their original plans. CRA staff is working with City Center West Orange to incorporate an iconic sign in the roundabout, as this development will be a major economic hub for activity for the CRA. The signage will not be provided, just placement for it. SR 50 Median Landscape Grant–Grant has been obtained and biddocuments are under final review by FDOT; staff hopesto bid by June. Even though this is not a matching grant,there are non-refundable costs the CRA will incur which areestimated at $150,000. Staff will need to secure a consultant to provide construction observation services over the project,as well as seek a price quote from the City’s Continuing Landscape Architect, GAI, for the design. FDOT does not allow the designer to provide construction observation services; hence, the requirement for the two entities. CRA Regular Meeting 5-7-2019 Page 3 Bluford Corridor Plan–Concept Planning is complete. The corridor incorporates Old Winter Garden Road to Orlando Avenue,and from a conceptual standpoint,Orlando Avenue and how it connects to Delaware Street. The design statement for this project will read as follows: Goal is to create an aesthetically pleasing corridor, while providing a safe and comfortable walking and biking environment. Connecting people to schools, homes, shopping, entertainment, work and places to play.The concept plan includes character areas along the right-of-way. The estimated construction cost is between $2.8and $3.5 million, excluding road resurfacing/striping and moving overhead utilitiesunderground.The next step is designing,which staff will be working with Finance on to securean Engineer & Design Team through an RFP. Member Juneinquired about the property onthe southwest corner of Bluford Avenue and SR50. Assistant City Manager Shadrixexplained they have had several meetings with the WestgateResort owners regarding their propertyanda masterplan has been developed. He furtherexplained the details of the development and shared once the final masterplan is approved an update will be brought back before the CRA Board as part of their project briefing. Discussion ensued. Maine Street Park (CCWO)–The park is being designed and constructed by City Center West Orangebut will be a City park. The design concept is to include historic interpretations by providing a nice urban walk area, arbor screens, walkway, and dog waste containers. Staff is working with St. John’s Water Management District to decide whether it will be a dry or wet pond. City is seeking a wet pond but there may be some additional cost. Clarke Road Median Refresh–CRA Staff has been receiving quite a few comments from the public on the condition of the Clarke Road median from State Road 50 up to the entrance of the mall. If the board feels this is something they wish CRA staff to move forward with,then they will do an in-house design tomove forward with pricing for this project. Consensusof the CRA Board wasto move forward with Maine Street Park at City Center West Orange and Clarke Road Median Refresh as recommended by CRA Staff. F)CRABoard Mid-Summer Update Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessshared this can be provided by email. VI.Confirm Next RegularCRA Board Meeting Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessannounced the next meeting will be the annual budget meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 5:00 PM. VII.Board Comments Member Duncaninquired if they could be provided an update sheet which listsall the CRA projects. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessadvised there was a condensed summary of projects provided in their agenda packet.She furthershared staff is in the process of doing a project spreadsheet which willbe providedto themin their mid-summer email. CRA Regular Meeting 5-7-2019 Page 4 Member Wilseninquired if anything has been discussed about the wrapping of the signal boxes. Deputy Development Services Director/CRAAdministrator Corlessshared most of the boxes within the CRA are FDOT traffic signal boxes which they can not touch. Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the painted signal boxes in Orlando.Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corlessexplained that Orlando has a painting project through the Orlando Public Art Program which allows them to paint the boxes.Further discussion ensuedabout branding the boxes with Fifty West logo verses public art. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM. Attest:APPROVED: _________________________________________________________ Melanie Sibbitt, SecretaryRichard Firstner,Chair CRA Regular Meeting 5-7-2019 Page 5 CRA Board Budget Message City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ MEMORANDUM TO:Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency Board FROM:Ginger Corless, Deputy Development ServicesDirector/CRA Administrator DATE:July 29, 2019 RE:Budget Message for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 The economic outlook for Fifty West is good, as new businesses relocate, existing businesses look to expand, and current projects under construction become operational. Staff is pleasedto present the CRAbudget for Fiscal Year(FY)2019-2020 for your review and consideration. The estimated revenue for FY 2019-2020is$3,234,280.00.There isa4.5% increasein the estimated city/county incrementdue to the increase in property values and new businesses.The estimated increment was calculated based on the City’s proposedmillage of 5.25,County’s current millage of and the Orange County propertyvaluation for the Fifty West Redevelopment District as of May 31, 2019. Historical Increment Assessment $1,600,000.00 $1,400,000.00 $1,200,000.00 $1,000,000.00 City $800,000.00 COUNTY $600,000.00 TOTAL $400,000.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 FY 15-16FY 16-17FY 17-18FY 18-19FY 19-20 FY 2019 - 2020 Estimated Revenues Estimated CityIncrement Contribution$734,457.00 Estimated CountyIncrement Contributions$620,399.00 Estimated Starting Cash Balance $1,879,424.00 Total $3,234,280.00 City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167 ocoee.org _____________ CRA Budget Memo July29, 2019 Page 2of 2 The CRA must adopt, by resolution, a balanced budget.Therefore, it is important that estimated revenues and expenditures are the same. If revenues increase or decrease after FY 2018-2019 closes, the FY 2019-2020 budget must be updated to maintain a balanced budget. In the past, the CRA has approved the Executive Director or his designee to update any resulting budget change accordingly, including increasing or decreasing the CRA Reserves. FY 2019 -2020 Proposed Expenditures Personnel Services$377,365.00 Operating Expenses$390,100.00 Capital$2,466,815.00 Total$3,234,280.00 Personal Services Operating Expenses Capital To build in flexibility thecapital expenditures($2,466,815)are dividedinto three (3) categories: On-going Projects from FY 18/19($1,485,000) New Projects($775,000) Acquisition/Incentive Programs($206,815) o Includes a CRA Vehicle The budget detail is provided in sections 5 –6. Section 7 provides a copy of the Resolution required to adopt the budget. Section 8 provides a copy ofthe advertisement that ran on th September 5announcingthe Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year (FY) th 2019-20Budget meeting to be held on September 17, at5:00 p.m. CRA Board FY 2019/2020 Revenues and Expenditures City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ - -- 620,399.00734,457.00 Budget 1,879,424.001,879,424.001,354,856.003,234,280.00 2020 Tentative - 1,505,382.001,505,382.001,233,066.001,233,066.002,738,448.00 2019 Budgeted - 2,012.97 662,282.00662,282.00 1,105,406.211,107,419.181,769,701.18 2018 Actuals 110.80110.80 286,727.00286,727.00480,381.00480,381.00767,218.80 2017 Actuals Account Description BEGINNING CASH BALANCEMISCELLANEOUS REVENUEINTEREST EARNINGSCONTRIBUTIONSCITY CONTRIBUTION Account 130Revenue30-000036-000036-110031-110038-1100 Function FundTrans TypeCash BalanceCash Balance TotalOther RevenuesOther Revenues TotalTaxesTaxes TotalGrand Total 000 $0$0$0$0 500 36004000$600$350$500$500$150 695.6 2162629542120001050010000 5204.9$3,500$1,000$1,000$1,000$2,000$2,500$5,000 229291235000 1100.552006.55$75,000$15,000$10,000 84298.83$390,100 2020 Budget Tentative 377,365.43 0 500 - 75004000$350$350$500$500$500$150 1200010000 $3,500$1,000$1,000$2,000$2,250$5,000 150000 $50,000$15,000$10,000 $240,000$516,100 2019 Budgeted - 4080$163$361$262$448 4320.4$1,494$2,076$1,607$1,345$2,855$3,205 1886.13$15,000 10241.9968530.02$147,006$264,881 2018 Actuals $28$34 - $163$128$920 6538.54987.5896.17822.31221.93$2,459$1,120$7,975 $13,367 $113,681$153,342 2017 Actuals Account Description OTHER SERVICESREGULAR SALARIESOVERTIME PAYPTO BUYOUTFICA TAXESRETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONSHEALTH INSURANCELIFE INSURANCEDENTAL/VISION INSURANCEACCIDENT/DISABILITY INSURANCEWORKERS' COMP INSURANCELEGAL FEESPROFESSIONAL SERVICESCONTRACTUAL SERVICESTRAVEL EXPENSETELEPHONE EXPENSEPOSTAGE & FREIGHTAUTO LIABILITY INSURANCEVEHICLE PARTS REPAIRSEQUIP MAINT CONTRACTSPRINTING AND BINDINGNEWSLETTER EXPENSERESERVE FOR CONTINGENCADMINISTRATION LEGAL ADSMISCELLANEOUSOFFICE SUPPLIESPOL SUPPLIESOPERATING SUPPLIESCOPYING EXPENSECOMPUTER PERIPHERALS - SOFTWARE UNDER $1000BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONSPROFESSIONAL DUESTRAINING EXPENSECOMMUNITY PROMOTIONSPUBLIC RELATIONS DEVELOPMENTTRANSFERS OUTTRANSFERS OUT-DEBT SER 110112001400151021002200230023012302230324003101312834004000410042004501460546064700480049004901490251005200520252165401540254058200820590009100 5235 Account 130516-00CRA Group FundDeptDivisionPersonnel ServicesPersonnel Services TotalOperating ExpensesOperating Expenses Total $0$0$0$0 $40,000 2020 Budget $2,426,815$2,466,815$3,234,280 Tentative $0 2019 $2,222,348$2,222,348$2,738,448 Budgeted $196,227$196,227$461,107 2018 Actuals $0 $153,342 2017 Actuals Account Description LAND PURCHASEPAVING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTSEQUIPMENTCAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSVEHICLESCPUs - LAPTOPS - SOFTWARE 610063006400630264016405 Account Group CapitalCapital TotalGrand Total CRA Board Proposed Budget Detail City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ FY 2019-2020 CRA BUDGET DETAIL & CIP WORK PROGRAM The following provides a more detailed overview of the CRA’s budget and capital work program. PERSONNEL$377,365 This accountcovers salary, FICA,and benefit costs forthe CRA Administrator, the CRA Administrative Assistant,and a percentage of theAssistant City Manager and the City Manager personnelcost. This line item is new to the CRA. In past budgets, employee related costs were assigned to the “Transfers Out” category. OPERATING EXPENSES$390,100 3101 Legal Expense -$12,000 Legal costs associated with potential acquisitions, legal review of documents, attendance at CRA Board meetings and other legal issues pertaining to implementation of the CRA Plan and/or amendment, or other planning documents; as well as, the day to day activities of the office of the CRA.This amount is the same as FY 18-19. 3128 Professional Services/Other –$10,500 The allocation includes funds to support annual report design, marketing, and graphic services including promotional materials and advertising for Fifty West.This account was increased from $7,500 to better reflect the use experienced in 2018- 2019. 3400 Contractual Services –$235,000 Provides funds for graphic design services for the creation of materials and displays. Economic development marketing services. Planning services related to implementing the CRA’s vision,including additional small area studies and small design projects that are not yet identified within the Capital Projects’category. Landscape and ground maintenance for State Road 50 and other CRA rights-of- way. This account was increased from $150,000 to account for the added landscape maintenance for the CRA. 4000 Travel Expense -$10,000 4100 Telephone Expense -$4,000 City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoee.org _____________ Proposed Budget Detail July30, 2019 Page 2of 3 4200 Postage and Freight -$500 4700 Printing and Binding -$3,500 For various print jobs, such as the CRA Annual Report, CRA Target Area Special Development Plan Booklets, and miscellaneous printing and binding. 4800 Newsletter Expense –$1,000 Provides funds for outside printing of newsletter and flyers. 4900 Reserve for Contingency –$75,000 In order to provide greater flexibility to the Board for future endeavors, excess revenues,and unexpended capital funds have been placed into the fund to facilitate the implementation of projects or development opportunities not yet identified.This account was increased from $50,000 in FY 18-19. 4901 Administrative Legal Ads –$600 4902 Miscellaneous Expense -$350 5100 Office Supplies -$500 5200 POL Supplies-$500 5202 Operating Supplies -$1,000 5216 Copying Expense -$1,000 5235 Computer Equipment/Software -$2,000 5401 Books/Subscriptions -$150 5402 Professional Dues -$2,500 5405 Training Expense -$5,000 8200 Community Promotions -$15,000 Provides funding for sponsorship of local events and Founders’ Day. 8205 Public Relations Development –$10,000 Provides funds for a variety of expanded promotional activities designed to broaden CRA awareness including participation at the national and local ICSC conferences, business promotional programs, and specialty public relations activities. Proposed Budget Detail July30, 2019 Page 3of 3 6302 Capital Improvements-$2,46,815 The following provides details for each of the three (3) capital improvement program categories. Ongoing Projects fromFY 2018/2019($1,485,000) o N BlackwoodAvenue($100,000)–The total construction cost of this projectis currently estimated at $1,200,000. Based on timing of theCity Center development,staffestimatesexpending$100,000in FY 19-20 and the remainder inFY 20-21and FY 21-22. o SR 50 –SR429Median Landscaping($615,000)–FDOT grant for $775,000, and City/CRAportion is around $615,000.This includes the ConstructionInspections services(CEI), maintenance costs throughestablishment period,and the non- reimbursablecosts. o WellnessPark($520,000) – Total construction is currently estimated at $1,800,000. Weestimateinitiatingconstructioninmidtolate2020andexpending approximately $50,000. Staff will alsobe seeking additional funding sources thatwilldecreaseCRAdollarsinFY2021. o S. Bluford StreetscapeDesign & Engineering($250,000),this will have to go out to bid since the project is over 2 million. The estimated construction cost isover $3,000,000.CRAStaffishoping to get the design underway inDecember2019. estimated design fee isbetween$200,000 - $250,000. Staff will needto secure supplemental fundingforthis project. Constructionisnotestimatedtocommence untilFY 2020 - 2021. New Projects ($775,000)-Miscellaneous beautification and/or capital projects that meet theintent as defined by the Community Redevelopment Plan, but not yet identified. Acquisition/Incentives($6,815)–Thisitem covers the cost of potential appraisal or site assessment costs; furthermore, it provides funding for potential developer incentives. 6401 Vehicles - $40,000.00 CRA staff need a vehicle in order to perform inspections within the CRA, as well as to take potential business owners, developers, and other interested parties, organizations and/or agencies on tours of the Fifty West Redevelopment District. The CRA Division once had a vehicle; but, when that vehicle was decommissioned, a replacement car was not provided. CRA staff will have the CRA/Fifty Westlogo placed on the vehicle along with contact information. CRA Board Capital Improvements Program (CIP) FY 19-20 throughFY 23-24 City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ CRA 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) FY 2019-2020; 5.25 Mil Sum of 5 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Years On-going Projects $ 1,485,000 $ 3,963,805 $ 3,550,000 $ 3,000,000 $ - $ 11,998,805 N. Blackwood Avenue Roadway Redesign & Streetscape$ 100,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 $ - $ - $ 1,200,000 Design - CPH$ - Construction - this needs to be done in concert with CCWO - could phase over 2 years$ 100,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 $ - $ - $ 1,200,000 SR 50 Landscape Median Landscape Grant$ 615,000 $ - $ - $ - $ -$ 615,000 Design - CPH City is responsible for about $550,000, total grant is for $775,000 - is reimbursement. Total construction cost $ 550,000 $ 550,000 CEI$ 65,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 65,000 Wellness Park$ 520,000 $ 1,413,805 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,923,805 Design, Fence & Survey$ 10,000 Construction$ 500,000 $ 1,400,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,900,000 Design$120,350 Construction Ph Svcs $23,805$ 10,000 $ 13,805 $ 23,805 S. Bluford Streetscape$ 250,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ - $ 4,250,000 Design - project will have to be phased$ 250,000 $ 250,000 Construction will be in 3 phases$ 1,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ - $ 4,000,000 Sum of 5 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Years New Projects $ 775,000 $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 3,525,000 Maguire Rd Ph. 5 Design Review$ 50,000 $ 50,000 Misc. Project(s)Not Yet Defined$ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 3,250,000 Maine Street Park Interpretative Signs and Site Amenities$ 50,000 $ 50,000 Mast Arm Bluford & Geneva$ 175,000 $ 175,000 Sum of 5 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Years Acquisitions & Incentives $ 206,815 $ 300,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 2,506,815 Acquisition Dollars for FY 19-20 should be directed in the vicinity of target area 1$ 166,815 $ 300,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,000,000 CRA Vehicle$ 40,000 Sum of 5 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Years Final Budget $ 2,466,815 $ 4,763,805 $ 4,300,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 18,030,620 Summary On-Going Projects$ 1,485,000 $ 3,963,805 $ 3,550,000 $ 3,000,000 $ - $ 11,998,805 New Projects$ 775,000 $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 3,525,000 Acquisitions/Incentives (incl. Vehicle) $ 206,815 $ 300,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 2,506,815 $ 18,030,620 Total$ 2,466,815 $ 4,763,805 $ 4,300,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 2,500,000 * Only the projects in FY 19-20 are funded CRA Board Budget Resolution City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2019- A RESOLUTION OF THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020; PROVIDING FOR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency (the “CRA”) was created pursuant to Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Ordinance No. 2006-007 of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, the CRA is a dependent special district under Chapter 189, Florida Statutes, known as the Uniform Special District Accountability Act (the “Special District Act”); and WHEREAS, the Special District Act requires all special districts, including dependent special districts, such as the CRA, to adopt a budget for each fiscal year by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority.The CRA has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to the Special District Act. SECTION 2. Adoption of Budget.The governing body of the CRA does hereby approve and adopt a budget for the CRA for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. A copy of the budget is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”and incorporated herein by reference. 1 SECTION 3. Budget Adjustments.As of the date of adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, the governing body of the CRA maynothavereceived the final calculations regarding tax increment revenuesand/or carried forward moniesto be deposited into the Community Redevelopment Trust Fund for the Community Redevelopment Area which will be available for use by the CRA for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. Accordingly, the governing body of the CRA does hereby direct that tax increment revenuesreceived and/or monies carried forward in excess of the projected budgeted revenues be allocated to the 4900 Reserve for Contingency line item as set forth in Exhibit “A”and that any shortfalls in the projected budgeted tax increment revenues and/or monies carried forward be deductedfrom the 4900 Reserve for Contingency line item as set forth in Exhibit ”A”.The Executive Director of the CRA is hereby authorized to administratively make any adjustments to the budget which may be required to implement the provisions of this section. SECTION 4. Appropriations.There are hereby expressly appropriated out of anticipated revenues all funds and monies necessary to meet the appropriations stipulated by and in the attached budget. SECTION 5. Severability.If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remainingportion hereto. SECTION 6. Effective Date.This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption, and the budget adopted and approved by this Resolution shall be effective as of October 1, 2019. 2 th PASSEDAND ADOPTEDthis 17ofSeptember, 2019. APPROVED: ATTEST:OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ______________________________________________________ Melanie Sibbitt,SecretaryRichard Firstner,Chair (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE OCOEE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY th This17day of September, 2019. SHUFFIELD, LOWMAN & WILSON, PA By:_____________________________ Scott Cookson,City Attorney 3 000 $0$0$0$0 500 36004000$600$350$500$500$150 695.6 2162629542120001050010000 5204.9$3,500$1,000$1,000$1,000$2,000$2,500$5,000 229291235000 1100.552006.55$75,000$15,000$10,000 84298.83$390,100 2020 Budget Tentative 377,365.43 0 500 - 75004000$350$350$500$500$500$150 1200010000 $3,500$1,000$1,000$2,000$2,250$5,000 150000 $50,000$15,000$10,000 $240,000$516,100 2019 Budgeted - 4080$163$361$262$448 4320.4$1,494$2,076$1,607$1,345$2,855$3,205 1886.13$15,000 10241.9968530.02$147,006$264,881 2018 Actuals $28$34 - $163$128$920 6538.54987.5896.17822.31221.93$2,459$1,120$7,975 $13,367 $113,681$153,342 2017 Actuals EXHIBIT A Account Description OTHER SERVICESREGULAR SALARIESOVERTIME PAYPTO BUYOUTFICA TAXESRETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONSHEALTH INSURANCELIFE INSURANCEDENTAL/VISION INSURANCEACCIDENT/DISABILITY INSURANCEWORKERS' COMP INSURANCELEGAL FEESPROFESSIONAL SERVICESCONTRACTUAL SERVICESTRAVEL EXPENSETELEPHONE EXPENSEPOSTAGE & FREIGHTAUTO LIABILITY INSURANCEVEHICLE PARTS REPAIRSEQUIP MAINT CONTRACTSPRINTING AND BINDINGNEWSLETTER EXPENSERESERVE FOR CONTINGENCADMINISTRATION LEGAL ADSMISCELLANEOUSOFFICE SUPPLIESPOL SUPPLIESOPERATING SUPPLIESCOPYING EXPENSECOMPUTER PERIPHERALS - SOFTWARE UNDER $1000BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONSPROFESSIONAL DUESTRAINING EXPENSECOMMUNITY PROMOTIONSPUBLIC RELATIONS DEVELOPMENTTRANSFERS OUTTRANSFERS OUT-DEBT SER 110112001400151021002200230023012302230324003101312834004000410042004501460546064700480049004901490251005200520252165401540254058200820590009100 5235 Account 130516-00CRA Group FundDeptDivisionPersonnel ServicesPersonnel Services TotalOperating ExpensesOperating Expenses Total $0$0$0$0 $40,000 2020 Budget $2,426,815$2,466,815$3,234,280 Tentative $0 2019 $2,222,348$2,222,348$2,738,448 Budgeted $196,227$196,227$461,107 2018 Actuals $0 $153,342 2017 Actuals Account Description LAND PURCHASEPAVING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTSEQUIPMENTCAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSVEHICLESCPUs - LAPTOPS - SOFTWARE 610063006400630264016405 Account Group CapitalCapital TotalGrand Total CRA Board Notice of Public Meeting City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ Š ‹ Proposed FY 2019/2020 CRA Board Meeting Dates City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ MEMORANDUM TO:Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency Board FROM:Ginger Corless, Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator DATE:September 17, 2019 RE:Proposed City of Ocoee CRA Meeting Schedule for FY 2019/2020 Pursuant to the Bylaws of the CRA, below are possible dates to be considered for the four (4) meetings for Fiscal Year 2019/2020:If these dates don’t work CRA is to propose new dates. 1.Meeting#1: thth Tuesday, November 5or 19at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission meeting) 2.Meeting #2: Tuesday, February 18th at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission meeting) rdth Alternate dates –March 3or 17at 5:00 p.m. (before City Commission Meeting) th *Tuesday, February 4is state of the City 3.Meeting #3: thth Tuesday,May 5or 19at 5:00 p.m.(before City Commission meeting) 4.Meeting #4: stth Tuesday, September 1or 15at 5:00 p.m.(before City Commission Meeting) Staff request CRA adoption of FY 2019-2020 meeting calendar. OcoeeCRAorth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ CRA Board Updated on Existing Projects City of Ocoee orth phone: (407) 905-905-3167ocoeecra.com _____________ CRA Projects A Year in Review 2018-2019 Over the past fiscal year (FY2018-2019), CRA staff have been very busy in initiating, implementingand monitoringprojects throughout the Fifty West Redevelopment District.The following provides an update on theseprojects,as well as,a glimpse to the activities planned for next fiscal year. Beautifying Fifty West Where once barren soil and dying plants represented the state of beautification within Fifty West, landscaping is now flourishing in the medians of S. Blackwood Avenue, Old Winter Garden Road and Clarke Road.The design concept for re- landscapingthe medianswas based on integrating native palms, oaks and grasses along with easy to maintain shrubs such as Burford Holly and Petite Oleander. Medjool Date Palms, European Fan Palms and Crape Myrtles were placed to punctuate the median with a sense of sophistication. The first step on both phases included the removal of all old plant material and 6” of the existing dirt. A prepared planting mix was then installed to promote strong growth of the new plantings. The irrigation was redesigned and installed from a single point system to three (3) zones, one for turf, one for shrubs and one for trees/palms. This along with installingplants withsimilar watering requirements together, met the City’s goals for water conservation in the landscape. S. Blackwood Avenue Refresh–The S. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape was constructednearly a decade ago. As with any landscape, there comes a time when plant material degrades and needs to be replaced. Keeping with the CRA’s edict to provide well-designed and maintained streetscapes, staff was directed to clean up the S. BlackwoodAvenuelandscape. The City’s Design Studio developed a plan that removed many of the shrubs that were dead and/or served to catch trash. Crape Myrtles were installed and the dead palms removed and replaced. Sod replaced many of the shrub bedsto not only increase the ease of maintenance, but also,to provide a strong foundation for tree and palm growth. To further assist with the clean-up, the City’s Public Works Streets Crew pruned the palm trees, removing the dead and dying fronds. This project was completed in November 2018 for $67,262.00. Old Winter Garden Road Median Landscape Refreshwas one of the firstnew beautification projects undertaken by the CRA in over a decade. The project was completed in two-phases. The first phase addressed the medians between Maguire Road and S. Blackwood Avenue; this project was actually completed in the previous fiscal year, but set the tone for the entire refresh project.Thesecond phase continued the landscape theme from S. Blackwood Avenue east to Hempel Avenue. The landscape design for each of the phaseswas provided though the City’s Design Studio and the installation by the City’s landscape contractor, BrightView Landscape Services. Phase 1, Maguire Road to S. Blackwood Avenue was completed in April 2018, for $154,899.01. Phase II –S. Blackwood Avenue to just west of Hempel Avenue was installed for $211,251.50.The total cost to improve the median landscaping (Phase I and Phase II) was $366,150.51. Only $211,251.50 of the$366,150.51was expended in FY 2018-2019. Associated Costsfor FY 2018-2019 Fifty West Beautification Efforts Old Winter Garden Road Phase 2$211,251.50 S. Blackwood Avenue Refresh$67,262.00 Grand Total$278,513.50 Clarke Roadmedians are next to be refreshed. On May 7, 2019 the CRA Board provided direction for CRA staff to prepare a landscape plan for the medians that arelocated within Redevelopment District, SR 50 north to Matthew Paris Boulevard. Staff has completed the design and processeda purchase order in the amount of $95,986.00 forthe City’s landscape contractor, BrightView Landscape Services. We anticipate completing this project in October 2019. SR 50, the Pulse of Fifty West State Road (SR) 50 traverses through the center of the Fifty West Redevelopment District. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) completed the six-laning of SR50between SR 429 and Good HomesRoad in June of 2018. Once the paving was complete and the heavy equipment left, the City was left with large expanses ofgrassmediansand a roadway that was void of street lights between SR 429 and just west of Lake Lotta. FDOTLandscape Grant-In 2018, the City was awarded a $775,000 grant to beautify the corridor by adding palms, trees and understory plant materialsto the medians.This project has seen a major delay based on the FDOT design review process. The City had to request a variance due to the speed within the City is 45 MPH and result in the inability to include any trees. Now that all plans are pending final approval, we estimate the landscape package to hit the streets for bids this fall. We have been assured by FDOT that we are not in jeopardy of losing the funds. The total design for SR 50 is approximately $1.3million dollars for the approximate 3-mile section. Please note, the CRA’s portionof the project is only between SR 429 and Clarke Road. The section of SR 50 east of Clarke Road to Good Homes Road cannot be paid with CRA funds.The FDOT Grant will not pay for such items as irrigation, some site preparation, maintenance of traffic (MOT) and CEI services. CPH was enlisted to prepare the landscape construction documents to meet FDOT requirements. The approval process has taken over nine (9) months. By the end of September,it is estimated thatthe City will have processedpayments to CPHin the amount$38,049.55for this fiscal year.Prior to October 1, 2018, the City paid CPH the amount of $7,499.34. The total design costs estimated to be paid to CPH by the September 30, 2019,is $45,549.00 (includes funds from both FY2017- 2018and FY2018-2019). Since the CRA’s meeting inMay, the Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) services have been secured through GAI Southeast’s continuing landscape architecture contract for $64,545. CEI services are required by FDOT. GAI will be responsible for inspecting the project to ensure that the installation meets the State’s approved plans. SR 50 Streetlighting–The City was contacted in August2019byFDOT and Duke Energy regarding the design and installation of the streetlightson SR 50 beginning east of SR 429 and ends west of Good Homes Road. The installation of the streetlights is being engineered by SRD Engineers, installed by Duke Energy and the installation paid for by FDOT.FDOT is requiring that the City enter into a maintenance agreement with the FDOT.FDOT will reimburse the City 90% of the annual cost. CRA and Public Works Department staff are waiting to hear back from SRD Engineers and hope to have a more thorough report at the November 2019 CRA Board meeting. Planning Activities led toFramework for the Bluford Avenue Corridor S. Bluford Avenue is a critical local connector road for the City,as well as forFifty Westin that it connects SR 50 to City Center and Downtown.On May 7, 2019, the CRA was presented the concept for the development of Bluford Avenue between Old Winter Garden Road north to Orlando Avenue. Included in this concept was the development of a 10’ multipurpose path on the east side of the roadway to provide safe pedestrian connections not just between developments,but also,proposing safe routes toOcoee Middle and Elementary schools. CRA funds, $25,390, were used to prepare the concept plans and conceptual cost estimate;toimplement the project as designed will cost over three million dollars. CRA staff are in the process of preparing a scope of services to go out to bid for a consultant to engineer the project and prepare the construction documents. The professional services are estimated to be around $250,000. The design and engineering fees have been identified in the FY 2019- 2020 CRA budget.It is anticipated that the project will need to be implemented in three (3) phases and alternative funding will need to be secured to leverage CRA funds. In FY 2019-2020, the CRA is partnering with the City to replace the existing signal span wire system at the intersection of BlufordAvenueand GenevaStreetwith a Master ArmSystem. The CRA’s share of the intersection improvements is estimated at $175,000. Wellness Park Designing Parks that Embrace Healthy Community Initiatives In May 2019, the CRA was informed that the FDOT property had been deeded over to the City and the fence had been installed, per FDOT’s requirement. Our consultant, GAI,received the requested site surveys andis currently developing 60% construction documentsfor the park.The park currently is scheduled to include four (4) outdoor exercise areas that include a total of ten (10) pieces of exercise equipment. Each of the exercise areas will be located underneath a sunshade. The park will also include awalking loop and a ceremonial plaza. The cost to construct Wellness Park is in the vicinity of $1,900,000. This project will be presented to the CRA Board at theNovember meeting. This fiscal year$95,725.79is estimated to be expended ontheWellness Park, including the design, survey and fencing through September 2019.The design is scheduledto be completedin December of 2019. CRA staff will be looking to secure grants to construct the park through such groups asthe West Orange Health Care District. Gateways to City Center When constructed, City Center will serve as a major destination not just for the Redevelopment District, but for the City as a whole. Over the past year, staff has been working with several initiativesthat will serve to enhance the entrances to City Center at Maine Street and N. Blackwood Avenue. Maine Street Parkwill be developed at the corner of Bluford Avenue and MaineStreet, where there is an existing retention pond. This pond is being enlarged and a park developed that includes a walkway around the pond, seating areas, enhanced landscape and overlooks at either end of the pond where once the historic Maine Street traversed. Whereas, the CRA is not paying for construction of thepark, $50,000 has been allocated in the FY 2019-2020 budgetto design and fabricate historical interpretive exhibits, and for detailing at each of the overlooks. N. Blackwood Avenuewill be the primary access to City Center from SR 50. Recognizing the importance of this connection, staff is working with an engineering and landscape architecture consultant to design a new Streetscape. Improvements include a roundabout at Montgomery Avenue, enlarged medians, landscaping and new streetlight. Based on the change in direction to incorporate a roundabout, this project has been delayed. Survey has been completedand the consultant is nearly at 60% complete with the construction documents.The consultant expects to complete the plans in early fall. The estimated construction cost is currently $1,200,000.In FY2018-2019,the CRA expended $32,833.01on the design and survey. The FY 2019-2020 capital budget includes $100,000 to complete the design and initiate right-of-way acquisition needed for the roundabout. Staff will be working with City Center regarding the timing for construction and implementation partnerships. Small Area Plans “Public-Private” Partnerships Staff has been working with property owners of prime redevelopment locations within Fifty West to visualize the potential of their property and the role it can play in implementing the CRA Redevelopment Plan and the Target Areas Special Development Plan. Working with GAI Consultants we envisioned what the areas south of SR 50, between Bluford Avenue and Maguire Road could look like in the future. The cost of this exercise was$22,500. Furthermore, we are proceeding in developing a Master Infrastructure Plan for Target Area 1. Professional Services for the Target Area 1 Infrastructure Master Plan was initiated in August 2019 and is expected to be complete towards the end of the calendar year. The CRA Board will be presented additional information on this Plan at their November 2019 meeting. The total cost of the Target Area Infrastructure Master Plan is$35,000. Maintaining the Public Realm Staffschedules weekly inspections of the entire CRA. Issues such as poor landscape maintenance, potential code violations, condition of retention ponds and trash are documented. Staff immediatelyrequests support from other departments,such as Code Enforcement and Public Works to assist with any issues. They also inspectthe quality of work that is being performed by the CRA’s landscapemaintenance contractor. In FY 2018-2019,the CRA is estimated to spend $44,352.00 for the SR 50 landscape maintenance services. FY 2018-2019 Updated Expenditures At the November CRA Board meeting, CRA staff will provide an updatedreview of the expenditures for FY 2018-2019.