HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Apppointment to the Code Enforcement Board AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 27, 2007 Item # 2.. Contact Name: Contact Number: Melanie Sibbitt Ext. 1026 . Reviewed By: ~ Department Director: ____ City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board. Background Summary: The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16, 1981. The purpose of this board is to review infractions of the City technical Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. The Code Enforcement Board is to have seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all with three year terms. The board currently consists of seven (7) regular members and one (1) alternate member. Therefore, there is currently one (1) alternate member position available. One application has been submitted for a position on the board by Shahzad Ahmad (District 3). Issue: Should the City Commission appoint Shahzad Ahmad (District 3) to the Code Enforcement Board as an alternate member with a term ending June 201 O? Recommendations Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider appointing Shahzad Ahmad (District 3) as an alternate member to the Code Enforcement Board. Attachments: Board Application Board List Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution -L Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: .-L- Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Created by Ord. #741 on 6/16/81/Amended by Ord. #1004 on 9/1/87/ #89-43 on 11/21/89/ #95-06 on 3-7-95. Members must be City residents per 9 7-5.A, Code of Ordinances and they will serve 3 year terms. (7 regular and 2 alternate members) l Members District Phone Number Term Expires 1. Randy Chancey (V-Chair) 4 407/293-6251 (H) June 2008 1856 Sparkling Water Circle 407/560-3775 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 randy .chancev@disneV.com 2. Robert Godek (Chairman) 2 407/877-0973 (H) June 2008 1316 Olympia Park Circle 407/420-6665 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 407/466-4428 (C) rhQodek@tecopartners.com 3. Michael Godek 1 407/886-8641 (H) June 2008 3289 Jamber Drive 407/363-0059 Ocoee, FL 34761 mrQodek@pcl.com 4. Jim Morton 708 E. Lakeshore Dr 2 407/656-8914 (H) June 2009 Ocoee, FL 34761 321/278-7231 (W) CPSA89@earthlink.net 5. Lee Ann Stanley 3 407/993-4020 (H) June 2009 563 S. Bluford Avenue leeannstanlev@aol.com Ocoee, FL 34761 6. Michael Hopper 2 407/656/2720 (H) June 2007 1405 Daria Street 352/536-6880 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 352/536-6866 (W) mhopper317 @vahoo.com 7. Steven Ballard 2 407/291-1086 (H) June 2008 1029 Featherstone Circle 407/432-3700 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 sballard@masondixon.com 1 Alternates 1. Darrel Lowery 507 Bernadino Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407/877 -0265 (H) 321/278-5211 (C) dlowerv2@cfl.rr.com June 2009 2. Attorney Fowler & O'Quinn, P.A. Mary Sneed, Esq. Empire Building 28 W. Central Blvd. Orlando, FL 32801 407/425-2684 (W) 407/425-2690 (Fax) RESIGNED John H. Linebarier 2005 John Konicek 2005 Robert Donenfeld 2005 Ron Strosnider 2006 Carol Arney 2006 Denise Lenko 2006 REMOVED Bill Henderson (removed 10/05) 2 de Beaubien, Knight 3/9/2007 4:43 PAGE 4/4 RightFax CITY OFOCOD APPUCATION POll SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (please Print Legibly) 1. Name: Shah2ad Ahmad E-mail Address:shahzadesq@earthIink.net 2. HomeAddress:146 Lonahirst LOOD Home Phone: 407-905-9790 City. Slate, Zip: Deoee. pI 34761 3. Business: DBKSM&N Business Pbonc: 407-422-2454 4. Business Addresl: 332 N. Maqnolia Ave. Orlando. Fl 32801 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: B. A -Criminal Justice J .D- Law Beven years of exnerienc8 as B nract1cing attorney. 6. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes -:!.- No Are you a registeted votAlr? Yes * No Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by tbe City? Do you now serve on & City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: District 1# .3 Yes ....:!!...- No Ves_ No * Yes No ~ Yea No * 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. .~ UOW' cIettree of interest IS tint choice. '1. secoad choice. '2, etc. * GaImIJ ElRpIe~' R.etJr..eat Trust Fund Board of Trustees ..l.- * Board of AdJustmeot Citizu AdYIsery Coudl for Fire Department CJtizu AdY!Iory C..cD for PoIb J)eper1mellt Human RellltionllDiversity Board Puks a.d ReeratJOII AdvlsOly Board ..:.:L * Code 1lI~ Board c-allltf Merit A wQrds RevIew Board -- PerseueI Board _ · .....blt Ie ZoalnE Commlssloa · hUc:e Onken' ..tI F1reftghms' Retirement Tnlst F1Iftd Botln! of Tnutea COlIStrIIdion BolInt of ~ AdJuta_t_d AIlPe8Is "Ed~ttoD Commlsskm .. ... JiJNANCJAL DISCLOSUU FORMS AURl.QUlUD rou.oWlNG APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only for Edue1ltion Commission) 12. Why do you think you are qualified to servo on this board? Ag an Attornev, I have an overall understanding o~ the 1e9a1 ~rineip1eB that affect a eitv qovernment and itg citi2Ang.MoraovRr, I am about to be appointed as an arbitrator for the NASD. which involves-COnt J., 13 - Please .u.ch resumeror other information to mist Commission in making appointmenfl. SIONA~ -=> DArE: 3/9'",/07 Note: (I) Applicallon dTcclive for om. YEAR from dllle of compleliOll. (Z) Iryou U\'4I111)' quatioaI, pICIIIl can Ik City CIaIt's otUcllll (407) 905-.J IOS O:BOAIlDUS I'SIBd.\ppU.... doc '* . Continued-detailed analysis and collective decision making. de Beaubien, Knight 3/9/2007 4:43 PAGE 3/4 SBAHZAD .AII.MJ:D EDUCATION EXPERIENCE HISTORYI SKILLS RightFax 146 LonpirstLoop, Ocoee. FL 34761 (407) 341-0981 e-mail: shahzadesq@eartbilinknet Florida Bill', admitted June 1998 Touro College Jacob D. Fudlsberg Law CeII.r, Long Island. NY CAIl6) J.D. Graduate. December] 997 Awsnll: Dean's List, Spring 1997 AttMtks: ReseardI Editor, International Law Review, Fall 199& Assist1lnt Managing Editor. Environmental Law Journal, Spring 1997 Anistaftt C,tes Editor, Environmental Law Journal, Spring 1997 Jud&c. Student Bill' Association ludicial Review Board, 1997 Ameri<:an Trial Lawy<<s Association Touro Law Center Summer Law PrOZrDm in India, Shimla, India, 1995 Florida Atlantic: Uoivenlty, Boca Raton, FL B.A. Criminal Justice 1994 Broward Community College, Coconut Creek, FL Aw.rdl: PnlSident'a Ust, Spring J992 Dean'sUst, FaJ11991, Fall 1992 Activities: Phi Theta Kappe Honor Society, 1991-1992 (comnwnity services) Law Firm of de Beaubien, Knlaht, Simmons, Mantzaris, & Neal, P.A., Orlando, FL Associata Attorney March 2002 - Present Reviewed contracts, analyzed laws and cases; practiced corporate and immigration law, Law Offices otRalph S. Francois, North Miami Beach, FL Associate Attorney October 2001 - Febnwy 2002 Represented individual and corporate clients; practiced bankruptcy and immigration law. Law omc:es ofLawreoce P. Latalf. Fort Lauderdale, FL Aaodale Attor.ey August 2001 - October 2001 Represented corporate clients; practiced immigration law. Law 0ftI_ of'Carto .Jeaa..Jnepb, Fort Lauderdale, FL AaociateAttorJleY January 2DOO-August2oo1 Represented individual and corporate clients; practiced benkruptcy and immigration law. Indepelldeat Work. Fort Lauderdale, FL Aalodat. Attor..y July 1999 - December 2000 Practiced bankroptcy. immigration (family-based petitions), and some corporate law. Claolces & AlIOtfates,lae.. Fort Lauderdale, FL la-boUR Couosel Febnl8lY 1999 - December 2000 Negotiated, drafted agreements, and managed legal affai~ of corporation. AmerJeau RepJatory Servicu Corp., Fort Lauderdale, FL IJa..bouae CoaDel February 1999 - December 2000 Provided Icpladvice and drafted tariffs for 1elecommunicationa companies. Ultra-uratyles. lac., Fort Lauderdale, FL Praid.t May 1998-July 1999 Built and managed profitable sales organization of over 700 personnel. Law 0fIiee ofDavlcl SperliDg. Long Island, NY Febrwuy 1997 - JWIO 1997 LeplAallCant August 1997-November 1997 Conduch:d legal research in immigration law, drafU:d petitions. IateraatlollaJ Bu...... Ricb.. aDd Aaylam CUalc, Long Island. NY Shide.t Aupstl997 - December 1991 Conductl:d legal research on asylum issues. Born in 1972; U.s. Citizen for OYer 20 years; Multilingual (fluent in Urdu aDd Hindi).. Word; WordPerfect, WESTLA W; Internet. de Beaubien, Knight 3/9/2007 4:43 PACE 2/4 RightFax March 8, 2007 City Clerk City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee. FL 34761 Facsimile 407.6S6-S72S Dear Sir or Madam, Please accept the attached resume and application for the Advisor Board positions that may be available in the City of Ocoee. Although my primary choice is the Code Enforcement Board. I would 8lsa like to serve on the Board of Adjustment or the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals at the same time if possible. Currently, I work for the Law Finn of de Beaubi~ Knight, Simmons, Mantzaris, &. Neal. P A, the seventh Iarpst fum in CentIal Florida. My job duties consist of reviewing real estate contracts and lawsuits. negotiating settlements. and providing legal consultation. It is 8lsa noteworthy that I am about to become a certified arbitrator for the NASD (National Association of Securities Dealen). I have passed the lI'bitration exam and on March 22, 2007, I will become eligible to preside over securities disputes. Thank you for considering this application. Please contact me to arrange an interview. Trulr;{ --- ~ > .- Shahzad Ahmed. Esq. 146 LOllghirst Loop Ocoee, FL 34761 407.341-0981 (cell) 407-905-9790 (H) Sbllh7Mf!llt1@earthlink.net