HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-2019 Minutes Budget Workshop
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL
August 8, 2019 MINUTES 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Johnson opened the workshop meeting.
Present: Commissioner Brinson, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner
Firstner, Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank and City Clerk Sibbitt
FY19/20 Budget Overview - Finance Director Roberts - 6:02 PM
Finance Director Roberts provided a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the Proposed
Budget for FY2019-2020. Budget Highlights in the presentation covered:
• Economic Highlights
• Millage Calculation
• Revenue/Expenditure Summary
• General Fund Revenues/Expenditures
• New Positions and Personnel Changes
• Vehicle Replacements
• Equipment
• Capital Improvements
• Sanitation Fund
Residential Solid Waste Program Update—Public Works Director Krug—6:12 PM
Public Works Director Krug presented a PowerPoint that discussed the City's residential solid
waste program, and indicated the current collection program needs to be updated. He advised
recycling, service frequency, and a rate adjustment should be addressed at this time because of
recent external fee increases beyond the City's control. He discussed several options for
recycling/garbage collection; and furthermore, his recommended service options are the
• Two (2) garbage pick-up days per week
• Central drop off for recycling
• Return to four(4) day weekly yard &bulk waste pick-up
• 2020 annual rate would be $284.64, or $23.72 monthly (13% increase after 11 yrs.)
• Provide a truck maintenance day
• Extend the service life of equipment
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 8, 2019
Mayor Johnson inquired if he had received quotes to bid the service out. Public Works
Director Krug explained he received a verbal quote, but was not provided anything in writing.
Mayor Johnson inquired if he would have the written quotes by the tentative budget hearing so
they can decide how to proceed.
Commissioner Wilsen stated she is not in favor of privatizing services as the City tried it once
and the services were horrible. She plans on speaking with her district residents to encourage
them to speak with members of other communities that may have private services to compare our
City services with what they are receiving. She commented that the City has not had a rate
increase since 2008, and inquired if they would be deciding the service options at the budget
hearing. Mayor Johnson briefly commented that the Commission should consider private
companies and the services they provide as he is aware of a City that likes the private services
they receive.
Commissioner Oliver stated he recalls when the City had private services, and he personally
agrees that the experience was horrible. If it is decided to award services to a private company,
he asked that a due diligence report on all companies bidding be provided to them; and further,
he inquired if there is a standard protocol that City staff considers for replacement of trucks such
as millage or warranty. Public Works Director Krug replied that the trucks are run beyond their
warranty, and they replace their trucks on a four-year plan.
Commissioner Brinson inquired if this would go out for bid as a Request for Qualification
(RFQ) or Request for Proposal (RFP). Public Works Director Krug answered it would be bid
out as an RFQ as they would want the company that provides the best services. Commissioner
Wilsen inquired how many employees in the Solid Waste Department would be displaced.
Public Works Director Krug replied they have a team of fourteen (14) employees, and would
need two (2) employees to manage the new solid waste program, if approved. If there are no jobs
within the City to shift an employee to, he felt confident that those staff members would be
offered positions with the selected vendor as his employees are solicited for jobs daily.
Commissioner Firstner stated that if they bid out for RFQ, he would also like to see the
information from the prospective vendors. A private company can do just as well as the City
provided they have the service record and recommendations on their level of service. He
commented that overall he feels the best option is to drop the recycling completely.
A brief discussion ensued regarding what makes a recycling load contaminated.
Discussion - 6:37 PM
Mayor Johnson announced that they will not be going through the budget book page-by-page as
the Commission has had time to review their budget books; he further stated if there are any
questions pertaining to any area of the budget, he would like to begin with those questions. He
opened the discussion in the order of the seating arrangement, beginning with Commissioner
Commissioner Brinson shared he currently did not have any comments.
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 8, 2019
Commissioner Wilsen stated she noticed there is $12,000 for the Neighborhood Grant Fund and
because they have had residents come before the Commission for donations she would like to
take the $12,000, along with the Commission's uniform allowance and travel funding, and
further divide that total by the five members to allow for discretionary funds. Mayor Johnson
commented that he feels they should keep the travel funding as most of them do use those funds;
and further, suggested that the Commission give up their health insurance. Commissioner
Wilsen replied that she is not asking to do away with the travel funds, but rather split all the
funds. Discussion ensued regarding the Neighborhood Grant Program and the implementation of
a policy. City Manager Frank commented that the funds were placed in the budget, and it was
his understanding that they were to have a discussion on the program at some point during the
year, which he believes they did; however, there was no consensus provided to move forward.
Commissioner Brinson inquired if this program had been implemented in the past. It was
answered in the affirmative. He further inquired why it had been dissolved. Commissioner
Wilsen explained the program and shared it was not a well-received program because it was said
that the same neighborhoods kept requesting funds. Mayor Johnson commented that it seemed
to him to be certain areas with homeowners' associations that received the funds. He further
asked the City Manager to have staff work on a set of rules or procedures for the program as he
would not dislike the program if it worked for everyone. City Manager Frank stated that he can
bring back suggestive rules for the program to the public hearing.
Commissioner Firstner shared he has no issue with the budget and was happy to see many
departments reduced their budget.
Commissioner Oliver stated that he also noticed some reductions and felt those reductions were
very well-noted. He continued by addressing the Commission on the importance of strategic
planning, mission/vision statement, and looking at the core values of the City; and further, stated
that he felt the City should be operating as if it were already at a population of 75,000.
Page 38 - Commissioner Oliver commented that he was pleased with the clean-up for the gun
range ($100,000), and inquired if it could be explained how the City would implement this. City
Manager Frank replied that the gun range is in the 5-year capital budget and will most likely
not be in the same location.
Pg.39—Commissioner Oliver stated that he was looking at the different projects for the parks in
the 5-year capital budget, but did not see Coventry Park which is in bad disrepair. Parks and
Recreation Director Johnson replied that Coventry Park is in this current budget. Staff is
currently getting quotes for the tennis court, and the basketball court has funds to be refurbished.
Pg.41 — Commissioner Oliver stated he sees a proposed traffic signal for Bluford Avenue at
Maine Street, as well as for Clarcona Ocoee at Ingram Road, and further inquired why the
Bluford Ave. traffic signal was being replaced sooner. Public Works Director Krug explained
the traffic signal wires at Bluford Avenue are at their service life, and need to be repaired or
replaced. Mayor Johnson added that the City also received funding from the Oasis Developer
for that traffic signal. Commissioner Oliver commented that he recalls funding from one of the
developers in the amount of$250,000 for Ingram Road. City Planner Rumer replied as part of
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 8, 2019
the Development Agreement for Arden Park, the developer had to make a payment of$250,000
that can be used in the area. The funds were originally for a specific signal at Clarke Road and
Clarcona Ocoee, but when the County had plans to widen the road they put a signal in. The
Development Agreement was then adjusted to be a $250,000 transportation mitigation payment.
City Planner Rumer further briefly explained the steps required in order to get a traffic signal
with the County. Commissioner Oliver stated that he feels that the Ingram Road intersection is
dangerous, and he would propose that it be determined how the City can press forward with the
$250,000 and get assistance from the County to get the traffic signal installed. City Planner
Rumer explained the $250,000 can be set aside by the City for that traffic signal, but a warrant
analysis is required by the County as it is their road. Commissioner Oliver shared he will
continue to push this through the County to make the traffic signal happen.
Commissioner Oliver stated that he would like to have funds set aside to have an audit on the
City's financial health, as was approved by the City Commission in 2016. City Manager Frank
clarified what was proposed by the Commissioner during that time was an operational audit, not
a financial audit, as the City has auditors that conducts annual financial audits. He further
explained the operational audit was never defined, but he believes it was for a particular
program. Finance Director Roberts stated that the City is certainly audited by general auditing
practices conducted by a public accounting firm that is certified by the State. Commissioner
Oliver said he is suggesting an organizational audit that determines the City's health and
efficiency. Finance Director Roberts further elaborated on the financial audit which does
determine if the City is a healthy financial institution and in compliance with all regulatory
requirements; however, it does not determine if the City is organizationally processing
transactions efficiently. Further discussion ensued regarding operational audits.
Commissioner Oliver said he would like to provide infrastructure information to the residents,
and would like to request funds be put aside for an informational notice to be sent out to all
districts. Mayor Johnson briefly commented that he visits many of homeowners' associations to
let them know what is happening in the City, and suggested that they all try to do the same in
their districts. He agreed that a brochure or notice being sent out quarterly is not a bad idea. City
Manager Frank stated the City will fund whatever the Commission provides consensus too. He
further stated that the City did send out quarterly newsletters in the past, but it encompassed the
projects going on in the City and was not district specific. Further discussion ensued.
Mayor Johnson commented within the next few years he would like to look at the property near
the cemetery so they may consider expanding the cemetery. The current cemetery is at capacity,
and they always have new residents moving in. He further shared he is not asking for approval
this evening, but for the Commission to consider this as a long term goal. Discussion ensued
about the condition of the cemetery grounds.
Mayor Johnson inquired about the reserve funds. Finance Director Roberts shared she is
projecting the reserves for this year will be around $20 million. Mayor Johnson stated that the
City has one of the healthiest reserves than any city our size. City Manager Frank briefly
explained some of the upcoming projects that will require funding from the reserves such as the
city hall relocation project. Mayor Johnson further thanked the City staff for keeping the City in
good shape. He shared that the budget this year reflects a 3% COLA for the employees.
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 8, 2019
Mayor Johnson inquired if the next budget workshop was needed, a consensus of the City
Commission was to cancel the August 14th Budget Workshop. Mayor Johnson
announced the Tentative Budget Public Hearing is scheduled for September 11th at 6:00 PM.
ttest: City of O e
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty JohnsonIor