HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-2019 Minutes � i FIFTY
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ocoee WEST
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
May 7, 2019 MINUTES 5:00 p.m.
I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
CRA Vice-Chair Firstner called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:01
PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a
quorum present.
Roll Call: Vice-Chair Firstner, Member Brinson, Member Wilsen, Member Johnson, Member
Oliver, Member Duncan and Member June.
Also Present: City Manager Frank,Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and
City Clerk Sibbitt.
II. Selection of Chair
Vice-Chair Firstner announced that due to Mr. Grogan not being re-elected, and as he was Chair
for the CRA Board, nomination for a New Chair will be needed. He further opened the floor for
nominations for Chair.
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to nominate Vice-Chair
Firstner as CRA Board Chair. Motion carried 7-0.
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to nominate Member
Duncan as CRA Board Vice-Chair. Motion carried 7-0.
III. Public Comments -None
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IV. Approval of Minutes of the February 19,2019, CRA Regular Meeting
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to approve the CRA Regular
Meeting Minutes of February 19, 2019, as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
V. Staff Led Presentation & Discussion
A) Administrative Assistant, Gilda Shaw
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless introduced her new
administrative assistant, Gilda Shaw, to the Board.
B) Annual Report
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the CRA
Annual Report for 2017-2018 has been distributed and was completed a month before the State's
deadline. Copies have been uploaded on the website and can also be found at the offices of the
CRA and City Clerk. To date 54 copies of the Annual Report have been distributed to interested
community members and potential developers within the community. New legislation has
increased the information that is required in the Annual Report, and future reports will include
those requirements which will be further explained in this presentation.
C) Legislative Update
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained House Bill 9
(HB 9) which was recently adopted by the Senate and is going before the Governor. This bill
increases accountability and transparency requirements without unduly limiting CRA operations
or planning.The CRA staff and City are pleased to announce they have already implemented many
of the requirements that are within this new legislation, to include: updating the CRA by-laws to
follow the City's procurement policy and processes,Redevelopment Area Boundary Map and total
acreage of the Redevelopment Area to be provided on CRA website, and meeting deadline of
March 31'for the filing and distribution of the audit report.
Additional amendments under HB 9 are that the 3-year clause for Capital Projects was removed,
thus giving the CRA a bit more freedom; additionally,funds dedicated to Capital Projects can only
be re-appropriated if the budget is amended by the CRA Board due to delay, redesign, or if they
are reassigned in the next annual budget.
New Audit and Reporting Requirements are also contained in HB 9 which were provided to the
City's Finance Director.
The House Bill further addresses the termination of all CRA's which will sunset on Sept. 30,2039,
unless the governing bodies that created the agency agree by majority vote to extend the term. The
CRA for Ocoee, however, entered into an interlocal agreement with Orange County to sunset in
As it relates to the new annual report requirements, the CRA staff and City are already following
most of the requirements. The requirements that are in the process of being implemented are: a
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summary regarding how CRA has achieved the redevelopment goals as outlined in the plan, and
total number of projects started and completed are to be listed along with the costs. Amount
expended on affordable housing is also a new annual report requirement; however, as the CRA did
not incorporate this into the redevelopment plan, this will not need to be addressed.
D) Ethics Training
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced State Statutes
require 4 hours of ethics training for each Board member each calendar year. The ethics training
the elected officials are required to complete will count toward this training. The CRA Office will
be keeping track of those who complete their training and those who cannot attend an ethics class;
the Florida Institute of Government offers online courses.
E) Current Projects Update
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board on the
following projects:
Old Winter Garden Road Median Landscaping — Phase II has started and is scheduled to be
completed by May 15th. Phase I was completed last fiscal year; however, BrightView will be
replacing the Silvery Sunproof Liriope with Blue Daze as well as one of the Sabal Palms. These
replacements are covered under the warranty.
Wellness Park—The property and stormwater management agreements have been transferred to
the City and a temporary fence was installed around the park, per FDOT. This fence will be
eliminated once construction on the park begins. The design of the Wellness Park is underway and
estimated to cost between $1.5 and $1.9 million. Once staff has the plans in hand, they will apply
for grant funds to leverage increment revenues. A highlight of the Wellness Park will be explained
in a design statement which will also be utilized when applying for grants. The statement will read
as follows: Creating an urban park that provides the visitor access to wellness through the careful
placement of fitness equipment, a perimeter walking path, and places to sit and contemplate.
N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape — All surveying is complete and roadway design is 30%
complete, including integration of the roundabout at Montgomery. Staff will be looking at
alternative ways to get this project built, such as seeking partnerships. City Center West Orange
will begin their roadway work this summer which will improve the road and provide connectivity.
A pedestrian sidewalk will also be installed which was not in their original plans. CRA staff is
working with City Center West Orange to incorporate an iconic sign in the roundabout, as this
development will be a major economic hub for activity for the CRA. The signage will not be
provided,just placement for it.
SR 50 Median Landscape Grant— Grant has been obtained and bid documents are under final
review by FDOT; staff hopes to bid by June. Even though this is not a matching grant, there are
non-refundable costs the CRA will incur which are estimated at$150,000. Staff will need to secure
a consultant to provide construction observation services over the project, as well as seek a price
quote from the City's Continuing Landscape Architect, GAI, for the design. FDOT does not allow
the designer to provide construction observation services; hence, the requirement for the two
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Bluford Corridor Plan — Concept Planning is complete. The corridor incorporates Old Winter
Garden Road to Orlando Avenue, and from a conceptual standpoint, Orlando Avenue and how it
connects to Delaware Street. The design statement for this project will read as follows: Goal is to
create an aesthetically pleasing corridor, while providing a safe and comfortable walking and
biking environment. Connecting people to schools, homes, shopping, entertainment, work and
places to play. The concept plan includes character areas along the right-of-way. The estimated
construction cost is between$2.8 and$3.5 million,excluding road resurfacing/striping and moving
overhead utilities underground. The next step is designing, which staff will be working with
Finance on to secure an Engineer& Design Team through an RFP. Member June inquired about
the property on the southwest corner of Bluford Avenue and SR50. Assistant City Manager
Shadrix explained they have had several meetings with the Westgate Resort owners regarding
their property and a masterplan has been developed. He further explained the details of the
development and shared once the final masterplan is approved an update will be brought back
before the CRA Board as part of their project briefing. Discussion ensued.
Maine Street Park(CCWO)—The park is being designed and constructed by City Center West
Orange but will be a City park. The design concept is to include historic interpretations by
providing a nice urban walk area, arbor screens, walkway, and dog waste containers. Staff is
working with St.John's Water Management District to decide whether it will be a dry or wet pond.
City is seeking a wet pond but there may be some additional cost.
Clarke Road Median Refresh — CRA Staff has been receiving quite a few comments from the
public on the condition of the Clarke Road median from State Road 50 up to the entrance of the
mall. If the board feels this is something they wish CRA staff to move forward with,then they will
do an in-house design to move forward with pricing for this project. Consensus of the CRA
Board was to move forward with Maine Street Park at City Center West Orange and
Clarke Road Median Refresh as recommended by CRA Staff.
F) CRA Board Mid-Summer Update
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared this can be
provided by email.
VI. Confirm Next Regular CRA Board Meeting
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the next
meeting will be the annual budget meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, 2019
at 5:00 PM.
VII. Board Comments
Member Duncan inquired if they could be provided an update sheet which lists all the CRA
projects. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless advised there
was a condensed summary of projects provided in their agenda packet. She further shared staff is
in the process of doing a project spreadsheet which will be provided to them in their mid-summer
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Member Wilsen inquired if anything has been discussed about the wrapping of the signal boxes.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless shared most of the boxes
within the CRA are FDOT traffic signal boxes which they can not touch. Commissioner
Wilsen inquired about the painted signal boxes in Orlando. Deputy Development Services
Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained that Orlando has a painting project through the
Orlando Public Art Program which allows them to paint the boxes.Further discussion ensued about
branding the boxes with Fifty West logo verses public art.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM.
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Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Richard Firstner, Chair
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