HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-2019 Minutes MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 CALL TO ORDER- 6:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Oliver followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Commissioner Brinson, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver Absent: Commissioner Wilsen Also Present: Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - 6:17 PM Proclamation — Hispanic Heritage Month, read by Commission Firstner and proclaimed by Mayor Johnson. Proclamation — Diaper Need Awareness Week, read and proclaimed by Mayor Johnson. Proclamation accepted by Sharon Lyles with Central Florida Diaper Bank. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW- 6:22 PM Assistant City Manager Shadrix announced before them is the following: Emergency Item #1 - Approve of Change Order No. 2 for the Lakefront Park Improvements Project(Phase I) in the amount of$49,103.09 and increase project funding. (Utilities Director Smith) Assistant City Manager Shadrix briefly explained that due to the coordination complexity and public utility conflicts (City water, Duke Energy and Century Link) encountered during the lakefront park project, the contractor experienced significant delays resulting in several de/remobilizations. Change Order No. 2 addresses these contractor financial impact(s) and extends the contract timing accordingly. Additionally, there are two utilities related items that should be addressed at this time for maximum efficiency and cost savings. Lastly, Protect Ocoee Water Resource (POWR) program requirements, which includes planting material and irrigation resources for this endeavor. Motion: Move to approve Emergency Item #1, Change Order No. 2 for the Lakefront Park Improvements Project (Phase I) in the amount of $49,103.09 and increase project funding. Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. Emergency Item #2 - SJRWMD Grant Award for "The Hammocks Reclaim Retrofit Project". (Utilities Director Smith) Assistant City Manager Shadrix briefly explained that in the Spring of 2018 city staff prepared and submitted two (2)grant project applications for matching funds from Saint Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). Both projects, the Windermere Groves Reclaimed Retrofit Regular City Commission September 17, 2019 Project, and the Hammocks Reclaimed Retrofit Project, received high scores, but only the Windermere project received funding; the Windermere Project is now complete. SJRWMD, working with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), has inquired as to the City's desire to move forward with the Hammocks Project, as funding has now become available. Funding shall be based on thirty-three (33%) percent of the requested grant total ($397,692), which is approximately $131,238. Motion: Move to approve Emergency Item #2, SJRWMD Grant Award for The Hammocks Reclaim Retrofit Prosect. Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS - 6:28 PM Commissioner Brinson — Informed local business owners that the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority's Doing Business with GOAA seminar will be held at the Lakeshore Center on October 17th, mid-day. He encouraged them to save the date, as additional details will soon be released. Commissioner Firstner— Shared on October 12th, Orange County will be hosting a Household Hazardous and Electronic Waste Event, at which residents are encouraged to dispose of all unwanted hazardous household items. Commissioner Oliver—None Mayor Johnson—1) Announced information on the Budget Hearings can be found on the City's Website and on OcoeeTV. He mentioned as a reminder, the Final Budget Public Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, September 25th at 6 PM, in City Hall. 2) Announced the City will be launching a Parks & Recreation Community Survey later this week. He asked citizens to please look for social media announcements, or check the City's website to access the survey to assist the City in their efforts to improve public recreation, as their opinion matters. 3) Introduced Myra Kinnie and Gail Waxman, longtime residents of Ocoee and Authors of Ocoee a Novel. A brief overview of their book was given, and Mayor Johnson requested consensus from the commission to display and sell copies at City Hall. Consensus of the Board was to allow the books to be displayed and sold at City Hall. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - None CONSENT AGENDA- 6:34 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #15 with Items #7, #8, and #14 being pulled for discussion and separate consideration. Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 2IPage Regular City Commission September 17,2019 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Budget Workshop held August 8, 2019, and the Regular City Commission Meeting held August 20,2019. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 2. Approval of New Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board. (City Clerk Sibbitt) The Human Relations Diversity Board was created by Resolution in 2003. The purpose of this board is to promote understanding,respect,goodwill,and equality among all citizens and businesses of the City of Ocoee. Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve three-year terms. Currently, the Human Relations Diversity Board has eleven(11)members,and their resolution allows no less than seven(7)members and no more than thirteen (13) members. One (1) application has been received by Jennifer Porter-Smith who has shown an interest in being appointed to the Human Relations Diversity Board for a term ending May 2022. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 3. Approval of Contingency Fee Agreement with Romano Law Group, Schochor, Federico and Staton, PA, Osborne & Francis, Michael Kahn, PA, and Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP for Representation of the City in Connection with Claims for Damages Related to Opioid Drugs. (City Attorney Cookson) The Applicant Team, identified as the Romano Law Group, Schochor, Federico and Staton, PA, Osborne & Francis, Michael Kahn, PA, and Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP, has offered to represent the City on a contingency fee basis for the recovery of claims for damages sustained by the City related to the manufacture, distribution, and sale of opioid drugs. The City will not pay any fees or costs unless and until the Applicant Team makes the recovery of damages on behalf of the City. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 4. Approval of Resolution Relating to the Acquisition by Eminent Domain of Property. (Assistant City Manager Shadrix) The City needs to acquire certain property for the City of Ocoee Master Stormwater Pond Project. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 5. Approval of the Right-of-Way Transfer Agreement and Continuing Maintenance Agreement between the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) and the City. (City Planner Rumer) Ocoee Village is planning a gateway development into the City of Ocoee at SR429 and Franklin Street. In order to access Ocoee Village from Franklin Street(also known as State Road 438),the developer must obtain a driveway cut permit from the Florida Department of Transportation(FDOT).However,the frontage strip of property between Ocoee Village and Franklin Street is owned by the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) by eminent domain and is used by CFX as a drainage easement. CFX is not a permitting agency. Therefore, FDOT must issue a driveway cut permit; however, in order for FDOT to issue a driveway cut permit,the property must be owned by the City.CFX is proposing to transfer the property to the City of Ocoee via Quit Claim Deed in return for the City to agree to maintain the use of the strip as a drainage easement and to provide continuing future maintenance of the strip. The CFX jurisdictional transfer agreement is included for City approval subject only to approval by CFX and City staff of the legal description for the strip of property to be conveyed. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 31 Page Regular City Commission September 17, 2019 6. Approval of Utility Extension/Lift Station Agreement for 4 Locos Taco Restaurant— 101 West Silver Star Road. (City Planner Rumer) The City desires to support the development/redevelopment of properties in the downtown area. One of the ways the City supports development is by assisting with upgrades to the water and sewer systems. The City currently has the opportunity to partner with VMG Construction, Inc., (4 Locos Development) to extend central sewer and upgrade the waterline along North Cumberland Avenue,per"North Cumberland Lift Station #69 Construction Project" Plans. The project's improvements will directly support the "Initial Phase" of the North Cumberland Service Area and provide future sewer extension opportunities to the "Extended Phase." The partnership will consist of VMG constructing the water and sewer improvements with the City reimbursing VMG an amount of$222,500.00 ($210,000 for sewer and $11,500 for water) and providing a capital connection credit of two(2)ERUs(Equivalent Residential Unit)Sewer for the development.The City recently approved a similar partnership with Top Gun on August 6, 2019, where the City will reimburse the developer$215,170.87 for comparable lift station and force main improvements. Staff will be preparing and seeking commission approval for a fair share partnering program for any future development for this service area.The program will be similar to the Southwest Utilities Installation Program already in existence and will include seeking input and comments from stakeholders in the area. Staff/City Attorney will work with VMG Construction to prepare a "Letter of Understanding" formalizing the partnership conditions between the parties. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 7. Approval of Non-Substantial Amendment to Tract C of the Prairie Lake Planned Unit Development(PUD). (City Planner Rumer) The Prairie Lake PUD is located on both sides of Clarke Road between Hackney Prairie Road and A.D.Mims Road.However,this particular request will only affect Tract C of the Prairie Lake PUD. Specifically,Tract C is permitted for up to 125,000 S.F. of Commercial uses and is located on the northeast corner of Clarke Road and A.D. Mims Road and is approximately 13.99 acres in size. Tract C is under two(2)separate owners. The City owns what is shown as Tract Cl &C2,which consists of 11.99 acres,and two(2)acres are owned by the original developer.The entire tract is currently vacant,undeveloped and is mostly covered with trees.Meritage Homes is currently under contract with the City to purchase 8.71 acres of Tract C for the sole purpose of developing an 80-unit townhome development. Meritage Homes is requesting to amend Tract C, reduce the amount of Commercial and transfer unused residential density to the 8.71 aces. The City would retain 3.28 acres along Clarke Road. Staff has determined the proposed amendment to the PUD and PUD Land Use plan does not meet the threshold for processing under the substantial amendment process. Staff further determined that by developing a similar townhome product adjacent to the existing townhomes to the east,there will not be an adverse impact. Also, since townhomes are already located adjacent to Tract C, the remaining Commercial in Tract C will remain the same. Commissioner Oliver initially voiced objections on the approval of this project, due to a misunderstanding on the location; however, once clarification was given on the location, he advised he did not have an issue with this project. Motion: Move to approve Item #7 — Non-Substantial Amendment to Tract C of the Prairie Lake Planned Unit Development (PUD); Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 41 Page Regular City Commission September 17, 2019 8. Approval of a Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and Workmanship Agreement with Mattamy Orlando for the Preserve at Crown Point Phase 2B Subdivision. (Development Engineer Womack) The Preserve at Crown Point is a single-family residential subdivision located on Ocoee Crown Point Parkway just west of Ocoee High School. The Preserve at Crown Point Phase 2B is made up of 153 detached single- family homes. The developer has completed construction of the infrastructure improvements for the subdivision and has requested a Certificate of Completion. The infrastructure improvements include the potable water, sanitary sewer and reclaimed water utilities, the street and stormwater collection system, and the perimeter wall/fencing and associated landscaping. All identified punch list repairs have been completed and the developer is ready to start the two-year warranty period for the public improvements.As a requirement of the Land Development Code, the developer is required to furnish the City a Surety to cover any possible damages discovered during the next two years, should the developer not choose to make those repairs. Mattamy Orlando LLC has provided the City with a Letter of Credit in the amount of 10%of the constructed improvements. The Maintenance, Materials, and Workmanship Agreement acts as the executable document between the developer and the City. The Surety will be returned to the developer upon completion of the two- year warranty period and the repair of any damages caused over those two years. Commissioner Brinson inquired about the scheduling for Ocoee Crown Point Parkway on the backside of Crown Point. Assistant City Manager Shadrix explained this item is not related to the Ocoee Crown Point Parkway improvement. He briefly explained the approval of this item would put a two-year warranty on all the internal improvements specific to the Preserve at Crown Point Subdivision. As a requirement of the Land Development Code, the developer is required to furnish the City a Surety to cover any possible damages discovered during the next two years, should the developer choose not to make those repairs. City Planner Rumer provided Commissioner Brinson with a brief update on the Ocoee Crown Point Parkway. Motion: Move to approve Item #8 — Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and Workmanship Agreement with Mattamy Orlando for the Preserve at Crown Point Phase 2B Subdivision; Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 9. Approval of Interlocal Agreement Between Orange County and City of Ocoee for Fire Dispatch Services. (Fire Chief Miller) Orange County provides fire dispatch services for the City of Ocoee Fire Depaitcnent. The current agreement for these services expires on September 30, 2019. Orange County has provided a renewal for the agreement with a term of five(5)years to begin on October 1,2019,and terminate on September 30,2024. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 10. Approval to Award RFQ #19-008 Construction Manager at Risk for Fullers Cross Road and Ocoee Apopka Road Intersection Improvements. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The City Commission approved the Interlocal Agreement with Orange County for the improvements to the Fullers Cross Road and Ocoee-Apopka Road Intersection, whereas the City agreed to manage the design, bidding and construction of the Improvements. The design portion is current at 60% with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin(VHB), and the CMaR firm will provide pre-construction services in collaboration wNHB to finish the design. The existing intersection is a signalized, four-way crossing with rural sections on both roads.The 5IPage Regular City Commission September 17, 2019 proposed improvements will add left-turn deceleration lanes from the four approaches, adding southbound and eastbound right-turn deceleration lanes and the replacement of the existing traffic signal with a mast arm traffic signal. The RFQ was advertised on June 30, 2019 and was publicly opened on July 30, 2019. There were two (2) responses submitted. The Finance and Public Works Departments reviewed the qualification statements and both were considered responsive.The two(2)responses were evaluated by the RFQ Evaluation Committee appointed by the City Manager.The public RFQ Evaluation meeting was held on August 14,2019 for the purpose of interviewing the two (2) firms and finalizing the shortlist for recommendation of award. The evaluation committee short-listed the following firms in ranked order and recommends contracting with the top-ranked firm Oelrich Construction. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 11. Approval to Renew Motorola Service Agreement for Radio Services. (Police Chief Brown) In November 1995, the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorized the purchase of the Motorola 800 MHz Radio system,which is still being utilized by the City in conjunction with Orange County's radio system. Also purchased with the radio system was a service maintenance agreement. The agreement is required for equipment that is no longer under factory warranty.Included in the agreement is all covered radio equipment currently owned by the City of Ocoee with the exception of the radio equipment purchased by the City for the Fire Department. The proposed agreement takes effect on October 1, 2019 and runs through September 30,2020.The cost of the service agreement for the next 12 months is$21,738.96. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 12. Approval of Engineering Design Services for East Oakland Avenue from South Lakewood Avenue to North Lakeshore Drive with CPH,Inc. (Public Works Director Krug) The Engineering Design Services for the Commission approved Downtown Streets were awarded to CPH, Inc.,under RFQ#1705. In coordinating with the City Hall/Park Master Plan, it was determined the design of Oakland Avenue between Lakewood Avenue and Lakeshore Drive would best benefit the City by assigning the project to CPH,Inc., as the firm is also designing the adjoining portions of McKey and Lakewood around the new City Hall complex. The improvements to this portion of Oakland will include highly technical permitting of underground drainage features to treat stormwater from the Lakeshore Center/Maguire House parking areas along with the adjacent Lakewood and McKey upgrades. Public Works negotiated the fee for this work at$47,176.00. Public Works recommends approval of the work with CPH, Inc. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 13. Notification of Emergency Force Main Repair on Silver Star Road Near the Intersection of Clarke Road per Emergency Notification - Section 21.6, Chapter 21, City of Ocoee Code of Ordinances. (Utilities Director Smith) On Sunday, August 4, 2019,the Ocoee Police Department was notified that water was bubbling up from the East Silver Star Road near the Clarke Road intersection.The water source appeared to be from an existing 16- inch sewer force main;however,excavation was necessary to confirm.Due to the depth of the line a contractor was called in to complete the repair. Staff reached out to several contractors and J. Malever was the only company able to mobilize immediately. Once flow to the 16-inch force main was diverted,the roadway was excavated and it was determined that a 6-inch capped branch line stubbing off of the 16-inch force main ruptured. J. Malever performed excavation, pipe repairs, paving, and striping services. GEC performed the required backfill testing for submittal to FDOT for the roadway.Several septic companies assisted by pumping lift stations. Repairs were completed August 6,2019 at 8:30 AM. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. Wage Regular City Commission September 17, 2019 14. Notification of Emergency Reclaimed Water Main Repair on North Clarke Road per Emergency Notification-Section 21.6, Chapter 21, City of Ocoee Code of Ordinances. (Utilities Director Smith) Both the Public Works and Utilities Departments were notified in the second week of March 2019 of a damaged utility line under the pavement of North Clarke Road.A Kussmon Services LLC., a directional drill contractor, ruptured the City's 12-inch reclaimed waterline and due to the rupture caused the roadway to be undermined. Kussmon Services did not have the resources to make the necessary repairs. With concurrence of the Utilities Director and the Risk Manager, the Utilities Department requested Tri-Sure Corporation to mobilize to the site for repairs. Tri-Sure had previously done utility work for the City and was working in the City at the time of the incident. The reclaimed water system has been repaired, and the roadway has been patched until a full FDOT level repair can be completed. Commissioner Brinson inquired if Kussman Services, LLC had a surety bond and if the City would be reimbursed. Utilities Director Smith explained the company that caused the rupture of the water main was a subcontractor to American Traffic Solutions (ATS) so they would not have surety with the City; however, this has been turned over to risk management to proceed with reimbursement from ATS. Motion: Move to approve Item #14 — Notification of Emergency Reclaimed Water Main Repair on North Clarke Road per Emergency Notification - Section 21.6, Chapter 21, City of Ocoee Code of Ordinances; Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 15. Approval of Agreement to Formalize the Removed Water Systems Interconnection with Orange County. (Utilities Director Smith) The City and Orange County had previously agreed and constructed an emergency potable water supply interconnection on Clarke Road at the site of Orange County's elevated tank (potable water tower). The elevated tank was previously needed to ensure fire flows to West Oaks Mall. The County no longer needs the elevated tank and contacted the City requesting to physically terminate the interconnection. Due to Ocoee's water system improvements, and confirmed by the City's consultant Reiss Engineering, the interconnection was no longer required. Utilities agreed to the removal of the interconnect. The County has removed the interconnection and has requested the City of Ocoee formalize the removal and cause the vacating of an associated easement to the interconnection by the execution of the "Agreement to Terminate the Orange County/City of Ocoee Emergency Water Supply Interconnection and Easement Agreement." The agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney's office and found to be acceptable Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. PUBLIC HEARING - None 7IPage Regular City Commission September 17, 2019 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES—6:45 PM 16. First Reading of Ordinance for Skipper Property — 1936 Adair Street Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-05-19-82 & RZ-19-05-06. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for October 1, 2019, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (City Planner Rumer) This parcel is located directly west of Adair Street, south of 5th Avenue and west of Nicole Boulevard and Marlene Drive. The subject parcel is approximately 1.01 acres with one (1) existing single-family residence. The applicant is requesting to annex into the City limits as a condition to receive city portable water connection. The current zoning is Orange County Rural/Agricultural, and the rezoning is proposed to receive City of Ocoee Low-Density Residential (R-1). The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on the east.The property already benefits from Ocoee Fire Rescue services via a joint "First Responder" Agreement with Orange County, and the property already receives City of Ocoee water service. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided,and the annexation meets state and local regulations. a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances. Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission meeting on October 1, 2019,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter. 17. First Reading of Ordinance for Crews/Smeller Property — 1557 Blackwood Avenue Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-19-83 & RZ-19-06-08. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for October 1, 2019, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (City Planner Rumer) This parcel is located on the east side of Blackwood Avenue, 1,050 feet south of Old Winter Garden Road. The subject parcel is approximately 0.51 acres with one(1)existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits because they are now eligible for annexation and already benefit from City potable water connection. The property is located within the proposed Ocoee-Orange County JPA area and is bordered by the City of Ocoee to the north and east. The property already benefits from Ocoee Fire Rescue services via a joint"First Responder"Agreement with Orange County and benefits from City of Ocoee water service.The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits,urban services can be provided,and the annexation meets state and local regulations.The parcel will receive a City of Ocoee"R-1"(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning upon annexation. a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances. Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission meeting on October 1, 2019, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter. Wage Regular City Commission September 17,2019 18. First Reading of Ordinance for 8815 Hackney Prairie Road Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-19-84 & RZ-19-06-09. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for October 1, 2019, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (City Planner Rumer) The parcel is located on the north side of Hackney Prairie Road,approximately 2,683 feet east of North Clarke Road. The subject parcel is approximately 2.80 acres with one (1) existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as city-owned land. The property is located within the proposed Ocoee-Orange County JPA area and is bordered by the City of Ocoee to the north. The property already benefits from Ocoee Fire Rescue services via a joint"First Responder"Agreement with Orange County. The property will require City of Ocoee water service. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations. The parcel will receive a City of Ocoee A-1 (General Agricultural)zoning upon annexation. a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances. Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission meeting on October 1, 2019,at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES—PUBLIC HEARINGS - None REGULAR AGENDA - None STAFF ACTION ITEMS -None COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - 6:50 PM Dorcas Dillard, Ocoee Youth Council (OYC) Coordinator briefed the City Commission on the Board's current events and requested permission to use OYC funds to purchase snacks and light refreshments for the students on meeting nights. Consensus of the City Commission was to allow OYC to purchase snacks and Tight refreshments from their budgeted funds. Commissioner Oliver shared that he attended the same conference as the students, and was able to witness the students interacting with fellow peers. He also shared that the youth sit on a true Advisory Board which will eventually bring recommendations to the City Commission regarding youth events that they would like to see within the City. Ms. Dillard announced the Board currently has nine (9) vacancies and encouraged High School students that reside within the City of Ocoee to apply. William Maxwell,558 Woodson Ave, explained he was present on behalf of the Human Relation Diversity Board(HRDB),and shared a brief background on how and when the Board was created. He then expressed a discord with the Commission for having approved an outside organization to host a Heritage Festival celebrating the life of July Perry without looking to the HRDB for direction and worried about the intentions of the entity holding the event. He further shared that the HRDB had previously held events honoring July Perry; and furthermore, was currently working to hold a 100-year memorial on November 1, 2020. He shared that since May 10, 2018, the Board has worked diligently on the project to ensure a successful event. 9IPage Regular City Commission September 17,2019 Commissioner Oliver voiced his understanding of the event to be a music festival held by Senator Bracy's office honoring July Perry's life, and questioned why the HRDB felt this event was going to portray the City in a bad light. Mr. Maxwell stressed a strong concern regarding Bridge the Gap Coalition, one of the main entities affiliated with the event, stating that several other organizations have distanced themselves from this group due to their actions. Mayor Johnson shared that during the last HRDB meeting, Senator Bracy's representative attended and informed everyone that Bridge the Cap Coalition would be involved. Due to a previous encounter the City had with Bridge the Gap Coalition, he understood the Board's reservation to work alongside this organization. He then acknowledged that the Commission had already approved waving the rental fees for Bill Breeze Park, and voiced his only concern was making sure this event was not a political act; that it was strictly to honor the late July Perry. Commissioner Brinson expressed a discord with the HRDB explaining that once the Commission approved the request and asked the Board to work with Senator Bracy's office, regardless of the involvement with Bridge the Gap Coalition, the Board should have carried out the Commission's direction. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS— 7:03 PM Commissioner Firstner—None Commissioner Oliver—None Mayor Johnson— 1) Due to four(4) of the elected officials attending an out of town conference, Consensus of the City Commission was to cancel the Regular City Commission Meeting scheduled for November 19, 2019. Commissioner Brinson — Explained that the current salary received by the Commission was enacted and executed in 1998, and has never been increased. However, a stipend was created a few years later, but even that has not been increased since 2013. If the Commission were to vote to increase the salary, it would not take effect until the next election year; therefore,he wanted to have a conversation regarding any other possible options. Commissioner Oliver commented that he felt this was another great example of why the City needs to analyze the way it is currently operating. He noted that over the last 20 years,the number of residents has doubled. He stressed a need to come up with a formula similar to other municipalities of equal size, to compensate the leadership moving forward. City Attorney Cookson explained a salary increase is done by ordinance, and would not go into effect until the next election year. Whereas the stipend, a monthly compensation done by resolution, could go into effect the next fiscal year. He further explained that due to the timing, if the Commission chooses to increase the stipend they would need to factor it into the 2019-2020 budget; and further, reminded the Commission that the Final Budget hearing is next Wednesday, September 25th Commissioner Brinson questioned if the City Manager's Office had researched salaries. 10IPage Regular City Commission September 17,2019 Assistant City Manager Shadrix shared that he came to tonight's meeting prepared to discuss the option of raising the stipend, and explained that the research regarding salary has been initiated, but he was not ready to make a recommendation. He then suggested, at their discretion, he could coordinate with the City Clerk's office to distribute the research he conducted for their individual review. City Attorney Cookson explained the resolution that enacted the stipend was established to cover local travel, which the Commission does on behalf of the City. It was initially established in the early 2000s and was increased in either 2012 or 2013. Mayor Johnson suggested a monthly car allowance, similar to that of the City Manager and Staff Directors. Commissioner Oliver inquired about the discretionary funds discussed at a previous meeting, for each member of the Commission to distribute as they saw fit. Assistant City Manager Shadrix stated with the Commission's direction, staff can place into the budget a discretionary fund for each elected official. Commissioner Firstner questioned if that would be a violation against Sunshine Law. Commissioner Oliver replied by sharing that other larger cities, including Orange County, operates in this capacity. After further discussion, it was decided to bring this item to the public hearing on September 25th. Sue Lowrie, 1035 Red Dandy Drive, disagreed with using the stipends for charitable donations. She stressed that those funds were distributed to defray the cost associated with local travel, and should not be used as a personal slush fund. ADJOURNMENT— 7:35 NM APPROVED: ttest: off, •e imar4Ilk Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johns i t i 11IPage