HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01-2019 Minutes MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 1,2019 CALL TO ORDER- 6:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Commissioner Brinson,Commissioner Wilsen,Mayor Johnson,Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS -None STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW -None COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS—6:17 PM Commissioner Oliver— 1) Read aloud his press release statement which stressed an urgent need for an external City audit to ensure Ocoee residents that the City is operating in an efficient manner. He emphasized that the City has never performed an independent audit, which he believes will inform, empower, and substantiate the financial and operational health of the City. He then reminded everyone, that during the Final Budget meeting on September 25th, a memo was read on his behalf to request $100,000 to be set aside for an external audit. He stressed that when he ran for office he made promises which a year and a half later he has not been able to uphold due to the push back he has received. Therefore, he requested that the Commission earmark$100,000 from reserves to conduct an external audit,to include a risk assessment as well as financial and operational readiness assessments. Commissioner Wilsen noted that she believed all elected officials have been entrusted by the residents to do the right thing, which includes being good stewards of the funds, and voiced if $100,000 is available she would like to see the funds go towards much-needed road and sidewalk repairs;and further added,the Commission needs to finish what came out of the strategic planning session conducted for the Downtown Area. She noted that many residents attended the charrette held a few years back, and voiced a desire for the park and a new downtown. She emphasized that any additional funds truly need to be dedicated to this project, due to the ever-increasing unexpected construction costs. She agreed that an external audit would be a good thing, but feels at this time the money needs to be spent seeing other projects through. Mayor Johnson shared that he felt this subject should have been brought forth during one of the many budget sessions held, and then read a statement of his discord with current on-going activities. He noted that during the September 25th meeting he had Commissioner Oliver's memo read aloud, and no one chose to discuss the topic, or entertain a motion. He further clarified that the Finance Department does conduct an external audit every year, which is performed by a Regular City Commission Meeting October 1,2019 licensed company and verified by the state. He emphasized that in all of his years of tenure, this audit has always had a favorable outcome. He continued on, explaining that in recent years Police, Fire, and Development Services have all been placed under intense scrutiny, and underwent major transformations. He stressed that he believes our City operates in a very transparent manner. Commissioner Oliver responded that there has never been an external audit in the history of the City, and maintained that the current audits conducted by the state are internal. He continued on by sharing in 2016, Commissioner Grogan requested an independent audit that was agreed upon unanimously by the Commission in favor of performing an external audit but it was never completed. He asked the Commission to see this as a positive thing that could very well show residents how efficient the City is running, and maybe even show a few areas to save money. Mayor Johnson turned the Commissions' attention to the motion on the table. Due to confusion, City Attorney Cookson clarified that a"yes"vote would allow up to$100,000 for an audit, and a"no" vote would be for no audit. Motion: Move to earmark $100,000 from reserves to conduct an external audit to include a risk assessment as well as a financial and operational readiness. Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion died 2-3 with Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Wilsen, and Commissioner Firstner opposing. Mayor Johnson shared during a strategic planning session this process can be discussed and planned-out over several years,having each department individually audited,which would spread out the expense.He ended by seeking insight on which departments currently have external audits. City Manager Frank clarified the financial audit performed every year in the Finance Department is an external audit completed by an independent firm. The ISO accreditation process that the Police and Fire Department undergo evaluates their policies and procedures roughly every 2-3 years. Lastly, roughly eight years ago Development Services had an audit that resulted in multiple changes, which is where we get all of the accolades for our development process in Planning, Zoning, and Building. 2) Informed that he was unaware of the Ocoee Youth Council's budget not being carried forward into the new 2019-20 fiscal year. Commissioner Oliver moved to reinstate the Ocoee Youth Council funds permanently. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Wilsen explained that she was not comfortable with the wording of this motion advising that she is in support of the youth; however, she believes this line item should be reviewed annually. She further inquired about the funding and asked how the $20,000 is going to be used. City Manager Frank explained last year $20,000 was placed in the Ocoee Youth Council fund, $10,000 was designated towards the administrative oversight of the Youth Council and the other 21 Page Regular City Commission Meeting October 1,2019 $10,000 was used in a partnership with Career Source which leveraged those dollars to roughly $37,000. This money funded 15 interns throughout the City; eight positions here at the City, and 7 positions at companies within the City such as Sysco and Westgate. Commissioner Wilsen questioned if Career Source was going to partner with the City again this year. Commissioner Oliver confirmed that Career Source does anticipate working with the City in the Summer of 2020. Commissioner Wilsen asked if they had money in Contingency that could be applied towards this. City Manager Frank shared currently there is $50,000 in Contingency, and explained the only way to fund this is through contingency, or by transferring funds from another line item. He then explained, going into the reserves would require a budget amendment, which requires an Ordinance, all Ordinances require a public announcement and two hearings. Commissioner Firstner asked if they would receive a report detailing the Youth Council's activities. He requested to see a Board list, and to be briefed on what they have done, as well as how their funds were spent. He felt this would help to make a decision if the funds are being appropriately assigned. Commissioner Oliver shared that he understands there are seven members on the Ocoee Youth Council. Their first event was the Florida League of Cities, where they meet fellow peers, exchanged contact information, and learned what role they play as youth council members. Currently, they are working on their first competition which is set for next month. Once completed, they will report back to the Commission on the results. He then asked City Clerk Sibbitt to share her experience with the Summer interns. City Clerk Sibbitt shared that over the Summer her department had two interns. She acknowledged with their assistance she was able to complete a very large back scanning project. Because of their hard work, all Agenda Packets can now be viewed online by the Staff and the Public. She also shared that while scanning the packets they learned valuable information on how a meeting is conducted. She signified that it was an overall positive experience for her department. Mayor Johnson inquired about the contract with the Council's Coordinator, and requested that the salary be reduced. He felt the time required did not warrant an income of$700-$800 per month. City Manager Frank explained that the Coordinator's contract would need to be brought back to the Commission for approval. Motion Amended: Move to reinstate the Ocoee Youth Council line item allowing $20,000 for the Fiscal Year 19-20 from Contingency ($10,000 for Career Source and $10,000 for Ocoee Youth Council). Moved by Commissioner Oliver, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Johnson opposing. Commissioner Firstner—None Commissioner Wilsen—None 31 Page Regular City Commission Meeting October 1,2019 Commissioner Brinson—None Mayor Johnson—None COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC CONSENT AGENDA - 6:43 I'M Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items#1 -#4 with Item #2 being pulled for discussion and separate consideration. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried 5-0. 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held September 17, 2019. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval of Reappointments to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Members of the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board serve two-year terms. The Ordinance provides that the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board shall consist of nine(9)members;and,whenever possible,appointments to the Board may include one member from each of the following organizations: Ocoee Little League, Ocoee Youth Soccer League (OYSL), Ocoee Bulldog Pop Warner Football, and West Orange Senior Citizens Association. Currently the board has five (5) members and no applications on file. The two-year terms of Gordon Applegate and Ivan Maranan end October 1,2019. Members Applegate and Maranan have indicated they are willing to serve another two-year term, if reappointed. Chris Adkins, 606 Ridgefield Ave., commented that he has already spoken to City Clerk Sibbitt about some corrections on the names of the organizations listed which she advised is in the process of being updated. He further shared that he would like to have the Commission consider having the treasurers of each of the leagues currently in place be mandated to attend meetings of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and also be required to turn their budgets into the City once a year. He shared his concerns with restrictions not being placed on some of the leagues while the taxpayers pay for all the field maintenance. Commissioner Wilsen briefly clarified that the item before the City Commission is only for consideration of reappointments of two citizens to the board. She stated the comments shared by Mr.Adkins can be made before the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board as that board is allowed to make recommendations to the City Commission. Motion: Move to approve Item #2 - Reappointments to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. 41 Page Regular City Commission Meeting October 1, 2019 3. Approval of Interlocal Agreements for Police Dispatching Services with the City of Winter Garden. (Police Chief Brown) The Police Department is asking to renew our contract with the City of Winter Garden for police dispatching services. The cost for dispatching services for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 will be $608,324.00 with a maximum 5% increase for subsequent years through Fiscal Year 2023-2024. The City of Winter Garden Commission has approved the proposed contract. Additionally,as the City of Winter Garden provides dispatch services for the Town of Windermere, there is an additional Interlocal Agreement that allows City of Winter Garden to continue their current practice of dispatching Windermere Police units on the City of Ocoee radio talk groups. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval of Agreement with Violations Hearing Special Magistrate. (Police Chief Brown) On May 1, 2018, the City adopted Ordinance 2018-018 which established the Violations Hearing Special Magistrate(the"Special Magistrate").The Special Magistrate hears and considers contests of designated City Code violations including, but not limited to, violations relating to nuisance fire alarms, noise, and parking violations. Attorney Robin Drage has served as the City's Special Magistrate since May 2018, but recently resigned from her post.The City Attorney recommends local attorney Chenicqua(Nikki)Williams be retained to serve as the Violations Hearing Special Magistrate.Ms. Williams is very experienced in local government matters and in code enforcement. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING - 6:50 NM 5. Request for Variance — Chaudhry Property, 1108 East Silver Star Road; Project No: VR-19-02. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, September 19, 2019) (Zoning Manager Gajadhar) The applicant,Nasim Chaudhry, is requesting approval for a minimum required lot width variance from 70 feet to 65.56 feet in order to meet the City of Ocoee Single-Family Dwelling(R-1)zoning requirements. The subject property was a result of a recent lot split from plots 22, 23, and half of 21 of the Hillcrest Heights Ocoee Subdivision Plat M.The lot split resulted in two lots,one with a width of 70.03 feet,and the other,the subject lot, with a width of 65.56 feet. The original zoning of Orange County R-1 allowed a minimum lot width of 50 feet,but upon annexing into the city,the property now requires a minimum lot width of 70 feet to conform to City of Ocoee Single-Family Dwelling(R-1)zoning requirements.The surrounding properties are zoned as"R-1" Single-Family Dwelling with some having a lot width of 50 feet. Granting a 65.56 minimum lot width variance to the applicant will allow for construction of a single-family dwelling on the property. Zoning Manager Gajadhar presented a PowerPoint explaining the variance request in which the applicant is seeking approval for a minimum required lot width variance from 70 feet to 65.56 feet in order to meet the City of Ocoee Single-Family Dwelling (R-1) zoning requirements. He further stated the original zoning of Orange County R-1 allowed a minimum lot width of 50 feet, but upon annexing into the city, the property now requires a minimum lot width of 70 feet to conform to the City of Ocoee Single-Family Dwelling (R-1) zoning requirements. The surrounding properties are zoned as "R-1" Single-Family Dwelling with some having a lot width of 50 feet. If approved, the variance will allow for construction of a single-family home similar to the adjacent surrounding lots. He stated staff does not object to approving this variance. SIPage Regular City Commission Meeting October 1, 2019 Commissioner Wilsen confirmed that the entrance to the property was on the back of the lot as Silver Star Road is a high traffic road. Zoning Manager Gajadhar answered in the affirmative, and advised there is no entrance to the property off of Silver Star Road. Commissioner Wilsen further confirmed if the easement to get onto the property was obtained by the applicant. Zoning Manager Gajadhar confirmed that there was an easement dedicated for access onto the property. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to approve the variance for Chaudhry Property - 1108 East Silver Star Road, Project No: VR-19-02; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES - 6:55 l'1 'l 6. First Reading of Ordinance for VMG Estates/Ocoee Townhomes — 815 Clarcona Ocoee Road Small Scale Land Use Amendment & Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD); Project No(s): CPA-2019-004 & RZ-19-08-10. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for October 15,2019,Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (City Planner Rumer) The subject site is approximately 3.89 acres in size and is located at 815 Clarcona Ocoee Road, on the east side of N. Lakewood Avenue. The subject site is currently undeveloped. The Parcel ID Number is 08-22-28- 0000-00-028.The parcel is currently zoned R-1 and has a Low Density Residential Land Use designation.The subject property was annexed on December 4, 2019. At the time of annexation, the applicant did not know what type of development density they needed to facilitate their plan for development. Staff decided to move the project forward by annexing with the zoning and land use change at a later date.The applicant is proposing to rezone the 3.89 acres from"Orange County"R-1 to"City of Ocoee"PUD in order to develop 26 townhome units. The proposed density is seven(7)dwelling units per acre which is allowed under the Medium-Density Land Use designation.The Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment consists of classifying all 3.89 acres of the subject property from"Low-Density Residential"to"Medium Density Residential"in order to accommodate the density of seven(7)dwelling units per acre in the PUD.All townhome units will contain two (2) car garages and provide an open space and recreation tract, stormwater retention, and a lift station tract. The internal roadway will be public and meet minimum roadway standards. A Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plan will be provided in the next step of the process. a) First Reading of Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinances. Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission meeting on October 15, 2019 at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES—PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:57 NM 7. Second Reading of Ordinance for Skipper Property — 1936 Adair Street Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-05-19-82 & RZ-19-05-06. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, September 19, 2019 and Thursday, September 26, 2019.) (City Planner Rumer) This parcel is located at directly west of Adair Street, south of 5th Avenue and west of Nicole Boulevard and Marlene Drive. The subject parcel is approximately 1.01 acres with one(1) existing single-family residence. The applicant is requesting to annex into the City limits as a condition to receive city portable water 61 Page Regular City Commission Meeting October 1, 2019 connection.The current zoning is Orange County Rural/Agricultural,and the rezoning is proposed to receive City of Ocoee Low Density Residential (R-1). The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on the east.The property already benefits from Ocoee Fire Rescue services via a joint "First Responder" Agreement with Orange County, and the property already receives City of Ocoee water service. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits,urban services can be provided,and the annexation meets state and local regulations. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance City Planner Rumer presented a brief PowerPoint on this proposed annexation and rezoning. This parcel is located directly west of Adair Street, south of Clarcona-Ocoee Road. The Applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive city potable water connection.The current zoning is Orange County Rural/Agricultural with a proposed zoning of City of Ocoee/Low- Density Residential. The subject parcel has one (1) existing Single-Family Residence. City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the annexation and rezoning ordinance. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-027, Skipper Annexation - 1936 Adair Street, Project No: AX-05-19-82; Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried unanimously. b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-028, Skipper Rezoning — 1936 Adair Street, Project No: RZ-19-05-06; Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried unanimously. 8. Second Reading of Ordinance for Crews/Smeller Property— 1557 Blackwood Avenue Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-19-83 & RZ-19-06-08. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, September 19, 2019 and Thursday, September 26, 2019.) (City Planner Rumer) This parcel is located on the east side of Blackwood Avenue, 1,050 feet south of Old Winter Garden Road. The subject parcel is approximately 0.51 acres with one(1)existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits because they are now eligible for annexation and already benefit from City potable water connection. The property is located within the proposed Ocoee-Orange County JPA area and is bordered by the City of Ocoee to the north and east. The property already benefits from Ocoee Fire Rescue services via a joint"First Responder"Agreement with Orange County and benefits from City of Ocoee water service.The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits,urban services can be provided,and the annexation meets state and local regulations.The parcel will receive a City of Ocoee"R-1"(Single-Family Dwelling)zoning upon annexation. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance 7IPage Regular City Commission Meeting October 1, 2019 City Planner Rumer presented a PowerPoint explaining this proposed annexation and rezoning is for a parcel located on the east side of Blackwood Avenue; south of Old Winter Garden Road. The subject parcel has one (1) existing Single-Family Residence with a property size of +/- 0.51 acres. The Applicant is annexing into the City limits as a condition to receive a city potable water connection. The current zoning is Orange County/Rural/Agricultural, and the proposed rezoning is City of Ocoee/Low-Density Residential. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee as it is bordered by property located within the City limits on the north and west. City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the annexation and rezoning ordinance. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-029, Crews/Smeller Annexation - 1557 Blackwood Avenue, Project No: AX-06-19-83; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried unanimously. b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-030, Crews/Smeller Rezoning - 1557 Blackwood Avenue, Project No: RZ-19-06-08; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried unanimously. 9. Second Reading of Ordinance for 8815 Hackney Prairie Road Annexation & Rezoning; Project No(s): AX-06-19-84 & RZ-19-06-09. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, September 19, 2019 and Thursday, September 26, 2019.) (City Planner Rumer) The parcel is located on the north side of Hackney Prairie Road,approximately 2,683 feet east of North Clarke Road. The subject parcel is approximately 2.80 acres with one (1) existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as city-owned land. The property is located within the proposed Ocoee-Orange County JPA area and is bordered by the City of Ocoee to the north. The property already benefits from Ocoee Fire Rescue services via a joint"First Responder"Agreement with Orange County. The property will require City of Ocoee water service. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations. The parcel will receive a City of Ocoee A-1 (General Agricultural)zoning upon annexation. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance City Planner Rumer presented a PowerPoint to explain that this proposed annexation and rezoning is for a parcel located on the north side of Hackney Prairie Road, between Apopka- Vineland and N. Clarke Road. The City has purchased the subject parcel which contains one (1) existing Single-Family Residence. The intent of the purchase is to further research the drainage issue on the north side of the parcel near the stormwater pond. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee as it is bordered by property located within the City limits to the north. 81 Page Regular City Commission Meeting October 1,2019 City Planner Rumer advised a letter from the property owners on the west side of the subject property has been provided to the elected officials which explains that the current driveway of the subject parcel is also utilized by them. City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the annexation and rezoning ordinance. The public hearing was opened. Deanne Claiborne, 8829 Hackney Prairie Road, Orlando, shared that she appreciates the comments of the City Planner and feels that he explained their situation well. She further stated her family is happy to hear it will not be a park as was stated in a previous meeting. She also noted that it is interesting that there is a great deal of concern in using the City's money wisely and, supports the City reselling the property as a single-family home once the flooding problem is resolved. Her attorney has drafted two letters regarding their request to have a decision made regarding the easement, which they have enjoyed for almost 20 years, but have yet to receive a response. She shared that they currently maintain their portion of that easement. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if they currently have an additional driveway off of Hackney Prairie Road. Ms. Claiborne answered that they do not. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if the City sold the lot would that infringe the on easement rights of a new owner. City Attorney Cookson advised the ideal situation would be to establish an easement now for the neighboring property to use so if the property is sold it would be subject to that easement. Commissioner Firstner agreed that process would be fair and would eliminate any disagreements in the future between the neighbors for use of the easement. A brief discussion ensued on the width of the easement. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-031, Hackney Prairie Road Annexation — 8815 Hackney Prairie Road, Project No: AX-06-19-84; Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion carried unanimously. b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-032, Hackney Prairie Road Rezoning — 8815 Hackney Prairie Road, Project No: RZ-19-06-09; Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried unanimously. Motion: Move to direct City staff to work with neighboring property owners west of 8815 Hackney Prairie Road to establish an easement over the flap portion of the property. Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried unanimously. 91Page Regular City Commission Meeting October 1,2019 REGULAR AGENDA - None STAFF ACTION ITEMS -None COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - 7:17 PM Lashonda Geffrard, Ocoee Business Owner of Paw Shop, recapped her visit with the elected officials in March, and shared that after much discussion with residents and other organizations, Paws of Hope has decided to hold a Free Community Pet Health Fair at the Bill Breeze Park on Saturday, October 5th from 10:00 AM—2:00 PM. She announced that the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando will offer free rabies vaccinations, and micro-chipping for dogs and cats. Dr. Hyatt of the Hiawassee and Clarcona Ocoee Animal Hospital will be offering free wellness exams. West Side Tech will have Veterinarian Tech students in attendance as volunteers, and multiple professional trainers will be available offering free tips and advice. She also shared that the Park and Recreation Staff has assisted her regarding a layout for the event and that the Building Department has assisted her with the Special Event Permit. She confirmed that all required paperwork had been submitted. She then asked the Elected Officials for their support by waiving the fees associated with rental of the park and requested road closures along the lakefront to ensure the safety of those in attendance. Motion: Move to approve road closure and waive rental fees for Bill Breeze Park for a Free Community Pet Health Fair to be held on Saturday, October 5th. Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried unanimously. Antonio Neves, 77 Shipyard Court, 1) Recommended that the Commission consider restricting the use of sprinkler systems to evening hours for all government buildings, business and residential properties explaining that it is a safety concern. 2) Invited the elected officials, in particular Commissioner Wilsen,to walk with him through Admiral Pointe so that he could share multiple concerns he has regarding safety issues that clearly are a violation of federal laws passed with the Americans with Disabilities Act. He noted that he has been in contact with multiple departments within the City to no avail, and felt addressing the Commission was his only option. He stressed that he was only looking to have Federal and State Laws, as well as City Ordinance enforced. Commissioner Wilsen asked which ADA regulation was being violated. Antonio Neves replied that cars are parked over sidewalks, and overgrown grass and bushes were obstructing the use of the sidewalks. Commissioner Wilsen and Mayor Johnson offered to meet individually with Mr. Neves over the weekend. Chris Adkins, 606 Ridgefield Ave, noted recently the Commission opted to outsource the City's garbage collection and inquired if the recycling program would be included. City Engineer Campanale confirmed that the City's recycles would be handled by the same contractor. 10IPage Regular City Commission Meeting October 1,2019 COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - 7:29 PM Commissioner Brinson — Announced on October 17th from 8 AM — 11 AM the City and the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority's Doing Business with GOAA seminar will be held at the Lakeshore Center. He encouraged all small business owners interested in doing work with GOAA and/or the City of Ocoee to attend. Representatives with GOAA will explain the process of becoming certified, which allows you access within the airport to provided services. Commissioner Wilsen — Informed residents that October will be a very busy month in Ocoee with many exciting events coming up including two haunted houses. Commissioner Firstner — Invited residents to Coffee with a Cop on Wednesday, October 2nd from 8:00 AM— 10:00 AM at the McDonald's on State Road 50, next to Old Time Pottery. He shared that McDonald's will be providing free coffee, in celebration of"Free Coffee Month". Commissioner Oliver— 1) Shared that during the City of Ocoee Budget Hearing Sessions, the Road Capacity and Road Ops line items were collectively allotted$9.6 million. He then requested to have a portion of those funds assigned to District 4, and proposed for work to begin at the first of the year, noting that several roads need to be repaved. 2) Informed that he has had many conversations with the County Mayor,and County Commissioner of District 2,regarding the need for a traffic light at the intersection of Ingram Road and Clarcona-Ocoee Road. He then read aloud an e-mail that shared the County agrees the intersection warrants a light, and it is currently in the design phase. Mayor Johnson — 1) Encouraged residents to take part in the Parks & Recreation Community Survey online. The City is seeking thoughts and new ideas on the City's existing parks, recreational programs, and special events. Residents can visit the City's webpage to find the survey or go to ocoeeparksnrec.metroquest.com. 2) Announced the City of Ocoee will hold its 12th Annual Haunted House on Fridays and Saturdays, October 5th, 11th, 12th, 18th, and 19th. The Haunted House is located at 951 Ocoee Apopka Road. Admission is $5.00 each for the Haunted House, and the Haunted Walk and doors will open at 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM. Younger children can experience fun activities including a bounce house, candy, and refreshments. 3) Announced the Annual Ocoee Founders' Day Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, October 18th, hosted at the Forest Lake Golf Club in Ocoee. Registration begins at 11:30 AM and play commences with shotgun start at 12:30 PM. Entry Fees include green fees, cart, range balls, and dinner. Prizes will be awarded. ADJOURNMENT - 7:35 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee tat4111 Melanie Sib‘i4, City Clerk Rusty Jo' G, Mayor 11 ! Page