HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-24-2019 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE Code Enforcement Board September 24,2019 I.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Lowery called the Code Enforcement Board regular meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida. A. INVOCATION: Member Lewis initiated the moment of silence. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Member Mann led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S.flag. C. ROLL CALL AND DETERMINATION OF QUORUM: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras performed roll call and declared a quorum (4) present. PRESENT: Chairman Lowery& Members: Lewis, Mirza, & Mann. Also present: Board Attorney Mary Sneed, Support Services Director Al Butler, Code Enforcement Clerk Justin Mieras, and Code Enforcement Officers Siegrist& Loeffler. ABSENT: Members Odom and Bandur are unexcused absences. D. SWEARING OF OFFICERS/WITNESSES: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers and to anyone intending to speak regarding a case. II. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT THE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. A. MINUTES:August 27, 2019 Code Enforcement Board Meeting. B. DISMISSAL OR COMPLIANCE:Support Services Director Al Butler presented the dismissals and compliances CASE NO 2019-00602 OFFICER DIAZ 286 SPRUCE PINE RD ZHIFENG CHEN Complied CASE NO 2019-00701 OFFICER SIRGRIST 2700 CULLENS CT CSH 2016-2 BORROWER LLC Dismissed—Property Owner Changed CASE NO 2019-00748 OFFICER LOEFFLER 1615 MONA AVE BRUCE A WARD Complied CASE NO 2019-00761 OFFICER LOEFFLER 2007 SHARI LYNN TER BISON I LLC Complied CASE NO 2019-00780 OFFICER LOEFFLER 1013 ARIZONA CT HOARD MELVILLE L TR Complied CASE NO 2019-00831 OFFICER LOEFFLER 2009 JESSICA LEA LN CHENG TED CHEN LEE-CHUN WANG CHEN Complied C. ORDER OF CONTINUANCE: CASE NO 2019-00700 OFFICER DIAZ 612 BANDERAS AVE MILDRED STAPLER Continued to October 22, 2019 D. REMOVED: CASE NO 2019-00540 OFFICER LOEFFLER 1004 MARLENE DR GONZALEZ MARLENE BARZAGA ARTURO Dismissed in the August 27th, 2019 Meeting Member Mann, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that the supplemental consent agenda be accepted as presented. Motion carried unanimously. III. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS CASE NO 2019-00614 OFFICER SIEGRIST 5021 MILL STREAM RD STACEY K SAMMARTINO RAYL MAIN Violation Cited: §108-23.D. & §108-23.E.(1)(2) Summary: Every exterior wall shall be free of holes, breaks, lose or rotting boards or timbers and any other conditions; all siding material shall be kept in good and sound structural condition. All portions, additions, or sections of a roof shall be complete and shall not display signs of deterioration. Observation: Rear exterior wall in sub-standard poor condition. Roof with multiple holes. Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. Officer Siegrist further explained that as of September 24, 2019, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for Order of Compliance within 30 days or thereafter to be fined $50.00 per day, per violation until found in compliance. Member Lewis, seconded by Member Mann, moved that Case in #2019-00614, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of August 19, 2019, and be given until October 24, 2019, to come into compliance or be fined$50.00 per day,per violation that remains in non-compliance. Motion carried unanimously. CASE NO 2019-00694 OFFICER SIEGRIST 6918 SAWMILL BLVD JOY 0 ROSS Violation Cited: §115-3.A.(1) Summary: No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as nuisance and menace to public health, safety and welfare. Dead, diseased, decaying and unsafe trees or any limb or other portion thereof is defined as a nuisance and menace to public health. Observation: Large tree in backyard that appears to be dead and a potential hazard to at least two (2) structures. Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. Officer Siegrist further explained that as of September 24, 2019, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for Order of Compliance within 30 days or thereafter to be fined $50.00 per day, per violation until found in compliance. Member Mann, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that Case in #2019-00694, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of August 13, 2019, and be given until October 24, 2019, to come into compliance or be fined$50.00 per day, per violation that remains in non-compliance. Motion carried unanimously. CASE NO 2019-00734 OFFICER LOEFFLER 1510 MAUREEN AVE JASON DUFFINA Violation Cited: §115-3.A(3), §115-3.B., §143-27.A., & §165-3.A. Summary: No person shall allow or permit excessive growth, ten inches or more on property owned, of weeds, grass, undergrowth or other dead or living plant life. No person shall allow or permit excessive growth, ten inches or more on property owned, of weeds, grass, undergrowth or other dead or living plant life. At non-pickup times,garbage carts shall be placed in side yards or rear yards and screened from view to the extent practicable. Except as provided herein,garbage carts shall at no time be placed in the front yard of the premises. No person shall keep any abandoned or junk vehicle on any public property or any private property. Observation: Misc. junk and debris deteriorating car port area. Tall weeds and grass front, side, rear yards and under vehicle. Waste can stored in prohibited location. 2 inoperable, expired tag vehicles on jacks, flat tires etc. Driveway & prohibited grass area. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Officer Loeffler further explained that as of September 24, 2019, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for Order of Compliance within 15 days or thereafter to be fined $25.00 per day, per violation until found in compliance. Member Lewis, seconded by Member Mann, moved that Case in #2019-00734, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of August 16, 2019, but in compliance of 143-27.A. as of September 24, 2019 with no fines assessed for that violation. The respondent is given until October 9, 2019, to come into compliance or be fined $25.00 per day, per violation that remains in non-compliance. Motion carried unanimously. CASE NO 2019-00841 OFFICER LOEFFLER 702 MALCOM RD YOUNG ARTHUR F JR ESTATE Violation Cited: §108-35. Summary: When nuisance conditions or hazards degenerate or cumulatively impact on structures, dwellings or other buildings regulated by the Minimum Standards Codes, to the extent that repair, removal, securing or demolition is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare,then the Code Enforcement Board is authorized to order the property owner or City agents to repair, remove,secure,vacate or demolish such structures according to procedures outlined herein. Observation: Unsanitary unsafe conditions: occupancy of dwelling no connection to electric or water utilities in violation of related minimum housing standards and creating a health and safety nuisance to the occupants and surrounding residents. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Officer Loeffler further explained that as of September 24, 2019, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for Order of Compliance within 5 days or thereafter to be fined $100.00 per day, per violation until found in compliance and asked for a provision to abate the property if the property becomes vacant. Member Mann, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that Case in #2019-00841, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of August 30,2019, and be given until September 30, 2019, to come into compliance or be fined$100.00 per day, per violation that remains in non-compliance. The Board further moved to authorize the City to abate the property if the property is found vacant. Motion carried unanimously. IV.CASE RESOLUTION CASE NO 2019-00195 OFFICER RODRIGUEZ 1577 GLENHAVEN THOMAS DENFIELD THOMAS BRENDA Violation Cited: §165-4.A.B.C.D. Summary: No person shall keep any abandoned or junk vehicle on any public property or any private property Observation:Two Untagged/Expired Tag/Inoperable Vehicles on the property. Officer Loeffler explained that the property is in compliance. No further action requested. CASE NO 2019-00322 OFFICER LOEFFLER 2831 STONEGATE DR THOMAS JOEL DEWAYNE Violation Cited: §51-13. Summary: It shall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtaining a permit. Observation: Web Generated Complaint; Fence constructed without permit; verified via contact with Building Department. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Officer Loeffler further explained that as of September 24, 2019, the property is still in non-compliance.The City asked for an Order of Continuance to the October meeting. Member Lewis, seconded by Member Mann, moved that in Case #2019-00322, the compliance date be extended October 21, 2019. Motion carried unanimously. CASE NO 2019-00549 OFFICER SIEGRIST 2406 GRIFFIN CT SEIDE LINDA DESIR WILNA Violation Cited: §115-3.A.(1)(2)(3) &§115-3.B. Summary: No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as nuisance and menace to public health, safety and welfare. No person shall allow or permit excessive growth, ten inches or more on property owned, of weeds, grass, undergrowth or other dead or living plant life. Observation: Misc.trash &debris and mow grass/weeds. Officer Siegrist presented the case and gave its history. Officer Siegrist further explained that as of September 5, 2019, the property is in compliance. No further action requested. CASE NO 2019-00554 OFFICER LEOFFLER 480 MEADOW SWEET CT OSSORIO STEVEN Violation Cited: §115-3.B. Summary: No person shall allow or permit excessive growth,ten inches or more on property owned, of weeds,grass, undergrowth or other dead or living plant life. Observation:Very overgrown tall weeds and grass;front side & rear.Occupied residential. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. Officer Loeffler further explained that as of September 24, 2019, the property is still in non-compliance.The City asked for an Order Imposing Fine. Member Lewis, seconded by Member Mann, moved that in Case#2019-00554, the Board imposes fines as of September 7, 2019, of$25.00 per day as previously set by this Board. V.COMMENTS Clerk Mieras reminded the Board about confirming a date for an attorney workshop with the Board. Member Mann, seconded by Member Lewis, moved to have workshop with the attorney for the Board members at 6:00PM on October 22,2019. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Lowery asked for multiple reminder to the Board about the workshop. Meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: t/y1,44*—e:t 0044(v-i___ Justin Mieras Code Enforcement Clerk Darrell Lowery,Chairman Notice: Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting.