HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-2019 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Garone called the meeting to order. Member Laney lead the invocation. Member Mann lead the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT Member Ball, Member Laney, Chairperson Garone, Member Lewis, Member Orme, Member Anderson, Member Lomneck, Member Mann, Member Braunskill, and Member Brown.Also present: Sgt. Mireya Iannuzzi, and Recording Clerk Maria Serrano. ABSENT UNEXCUSED Member Hill, Member Lovejoy and Member Simon. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM Declared by Recording Clerk Serrano. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE JULY 25. 2019 MEETING Member Lomneck made a motion to approve the minutes from July 25, 2019,second by Member Lewis. The motion was unanimous. SIGNING OF MINUTES FROM THE MAY 23, 2019 MEETING Member Laney opened discussion to change the May minutes, Sgt. Iannuzzi informed the board no changes can be made to minutes the board has previously approved. This agenda item was solely for signature by the chairperson. ACCREDITATION Sgt. Iannuzzi informed the board that Chief Brown and various staff members will be attending a conference at which accreditation will be officially awarded to the Ocoee Police Department. She further stated that the department hoped to have accreditation decals on all vehicles by the end of the year. BODY CAMERA POLICY Chairperson Garone opened the discussion. Member Laney asked if the department has been provided internal policies from the local hospital or healthcare providers. Sgt. Iannuzzi advised that no such policies have been communicated to the department. Chairperson Garone stated that Subsection Cl of the Body Camera Policy outlines that use of the body camera in places of worship or healthcare setting is at the discretion of the officer. Member Anderson asked Sgt. Iannuzzi if the Body Camera Policy was in place when the department was assessed for accreditation and if the assessors recommended any changes. Sgt. Iannuzzi informed the board the policy was in place and no changes were made to it. Member Anderson asked that the board move to the next agenda item. Department Code of Conduct Member Anderson asked if the Department Code of Conduct was in place during the assessment for accreditation and if the assessors recommended any changes. Sgt. Iannuzzi informed the board the policy was in place and no changes were made to it. Member Anderson made a motion that the board move to the next agenda item, second by Member Mann. The motion was unanimous. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ENGAGEMENT Chairperson Garone updated the board. EVENTS Chairperson Garone opened the discussion. Member Brown expressed that she would like to see the board host an event for the 20th anniversary of September 11th. She suggested inviting local media and the local school band to perform. Sgt. Iannuzzi informed the board that the City of Ocoee was one of the first cities to be given a piece of the World Trade Center. The monument is displayed at Fire Station #25. Sgt. Iannuzzi suggested the event be done with the help of the Advisory Board to the Fire Department. Member Orme informed the board he is a member of the Fire Department advisory board and will act as a liaison for the September 11th Event. Chairperson Garone made a motion that the board plan an event in remembrance of 09/11 to take place in 2021, with Member Brown to spearhead the event. Seconded by Member Lomneck, the motion is unanimous. Chairperson Garone made a motion that the board meet on November 21, 2019 at 7pm, second by Member Brown. The motion is unanimous. SURVEY Member Anderson updated the board. He referenced the recent Parks and Recreation online survey; they used multiple choice options and text boxes for answers. The board would like see to see number of responses their survey has received. BRADY LIST Chairperson Garone opened the discussion. Sgt. Iannuzzi advised the board the department has not been made aware of any Ocoee officers on the list. BYLAWS DISCUSSION Member Orme commented about updating the bylaws. Sgt. Iannuzzi will contact the City Clerk's office for information on how to proceed to change bylaws. This item is tabled to the next meeting. TREASURER REPORT Member Lomneck reported that the new fiscal year will begin on October 1st. and asked what awards will be purchased in the new year. Sgt. Iannuzzi informed the board that $200.00 of the new budget will be spent on quarterly and yearly awards. Chairperson Garone asked about the K9 badge the board sponsored. Sgt. Iannuzzi stated the badge was purchased and she will be inviting the K9 unit to next meeting. DEPARTMENT UPDATES Chairperson Garone opened the discussion. Sgt. Iannuzzi updated the board. McDonald's at Maguire and HW 50 will be hosting National Coffee with a Cop Day. The annual Founders' Day Festival is coming up at the end of October and the department will be holding a poker tournament, to benefit the Holiday Toys for Kids in Need Program. The toy program will kick off in November, the department provides toys to over 650 children in the community. Sgt. Iannuzzi highlighted local businesses: VMG Construction for the bike donation they make each year, Crown Consulting for hams and First Baptist Church of Windermere for their food basket donations. Sgt. Iannuzzi invited the board to the West Oaks Library for Cookies and Milk with a Cop,which will resume during winter break. She announced the retirements of Deputy Chief Stephen McCosker and Community Service Officer Linda Michaelis. Sgt. Iannuzzi asked the board to view the departments promotion and recruitment video on Facebook. Sgt. Iannuzzi directly addressed Member Laney about her attendance at the National Law Enforcement Operations Conference. Member Laney acknowledged attending the conference. Member Anderson asked to speak and discussion ensued. Member Anderson motioned that Member Laney be removed from the board, second by Member Braunskill. Discussion ensued. Sgt. Iannuzzi confirmed for the board that they have the authority to remove a member by a motion, second and majority vote. Further discussion ensued. Chairperson Garone directed the board to a vote. The motion was unanimous. ADJOURNMENT Member Lomneck made a motion to adjourn,seconded and declared by Chairperson Garone. Respectfully Submitted, • A .A.A LaL. 0 Recording erk Serrano / a - on