HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-2019 Minutes MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 5,2019 CALL TO ORDER- 6:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Firstner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Johnson. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Mayor Johnson announced that due to recovery from a medical procedure, Commissioner Brinson will be participating in the meeting via conference call. Present: Commissioner Brinson (via Conference Call), Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - 6:16 PM Award Presentations ➢ Building Department Certification for Inspector Training & Plan Reviewer Training Program was presented by Assistant City Manager Shadrix, accepted by Building Official Hall and the Development Services Division. It was announced that the City of Ocoee's Building Department is now a licensed building code education provider. This honor was approved by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Bureau of Education and Testing, as well as the Florida Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board. ➢ ABC (Associated Builders and Contractors) Central Florida 2019 Excellence in Construction Eagle Award for Infrastructure $5 - $10 Million: Bluford Avenue Reconstruction presented by Assistant City Manager Shadrix, accepted by Public Works Director Krug for his outstanding leadership and cohesive partnership with over thirty-seven contractors, and multiple departments within the City, for the extensive work performed along Bluford Ave. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW- 6:28 PM City Manager Frank requested Item #5 to be pulled from the Consent Agenda and brought back to the December 3rd Meeting, additional time is required to finalize minor details. Motion: Move to pull Item #5 from Consent Agenda and bring back to the December 3, 2019, Regular City Commission Meeting. Moved by Commission Wilsen, second by Commissioner Firstner. Motion carried unanimously. City Manager Frank explained before them was a memorandum for an Emergency Repair Notification at Bluford Avenue and Highway 50. He shared the Utility Department is currently 11Page Regular City Commission Meeting November 5,2019 in the process of assessing and repairing a collapsed line within a 20' deep manhole on Highway 50, which is under a travel lane. He reiterated this unforeseen circumstance is a very complicated and costly repair that will cause on-going traffic concerns for an extended period of time as the northbound lane of Bluford Ave will need to be shut down for repairs. City Manager Frank reminded the Commission that the current lease for Fire Station #38, located on West Road, ends on December 31, 2019, and emphasized the need for a temporary Fire Station until the public-private partnership completes the new station. He noted that during the Budget Hearings $250,000 was allocated for a temporary station, and shared multiple ideas were explored by Staff. He recommended the purchase of a temporary trailer which would cost roughly $150,000, and mentioned once the new station is complete the trailer could be sold. Commissioner Wilsen asked where the temporary station would go. City Manager Frank replied the exact location had not been determined but reassured the Commission that staff was looking to utilize one of the properties currently owned by the City. Commissioner Wilsen asked for confirmation that the requested $150,000 would come from the $250,000 allocated during the budget sessions. City Manager Frank affirmed and shared there would be additional site work costs including the possibility of a small septic system. Commissioner Oliver inquired if staff had reached out to the current leaseholder to renew, or request an extension. City Manager Frank confirmed that staff had reached out, but it was not an option as the leaseholder needs their property back. Motion: Move to Approve the Purchase of a Temporary Trailer up to $150,000 for Fire Station #38. Moved by Commission Wilsen, second by Commissioner Oliver. Motion carried unanimously. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS - 6:35 PM Commissioner Oliver—None Commissioner Firstner—None Commissioner Wilsen—None Commissioner Brinson—None Mayor Johnson—1) The next Regular City Commission Meeting scheduled for November 19th has been canceled. The next City Commission Meeting will be held on December 3rd. 2) In observance of Thanksgiving Day, City Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th. No trash collection is scheduled for Thursday. Mayor Johnson further directed staff to place the above-mentioned notices on Ocoee TV. 21 Page Regular City Commission Meeting November 5, 2019 CONSENT AGENDA - 6:37 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #13, with Item #5 being removed. Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held February 19, 2019. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval of Contract with the McKinnon Corporation for Economic Development and Transportation Consulting. (Assistant City Manager Shadrix) The City of Ocoee continues to realize savings through use of economic development consultants versus the traditional hire of an economic development director. Currently,the City uses Central Florida Strategies for employer recruitment,retail recruitment, and evaluation of incentive programs on a per project basis. With a potential sales tax currently up for construction, as well as implementation goals of the City's long range transportation program, staff is recommending that the Commission authorize the hire of Scott Boyd with the McKinnon Corporation for economic development and regional and local transportation systems development. Mr. Boyd has extensive experience working with State and Local agencies to help make major roadway projects a reality.And given the current climate with the proposed Orange County Sales Tax, as well as major imminent growth within the City, it is important to begin laying groundwork to leverage City dollars with those of other agencies to begin putting these projects into place. The proposed contract is for 12 months at $3000 per month for a total of$36,000. With this contract, the City would still realize a savings over hiring an economic development director which typically would lack the resources and experience to make infrastructure projects work from a multi-agency standpoint. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Approval of Revised Scope of Work and Fee Proposal from GAI for the CEI Services for Medians on SR 50 for the FDOT Beautification Grant. (Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless) On June 18, 2019, the City approved a purchase order for GAI Community Solutions Group to provide construction engineering and inspection (CEI) services in the amount of $64,545 for the SR 50 Median Landscape project. Over the past few months, there have been changes to the project scope, including increased budget and schedule modifications. The project design has finally been released by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for construction. During the final review process, FDOT requested a change to the CEI man-hours. Based on this request,GAI has submitted a revised CEI scope of work and fee proposal. The revised CEI fee is $83,805.40. The SR 50 median landscaping project is scheduled to be advertised by the City on November 10,2019 and opened on December 10,2019. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 31 Page Regular City Commission Meeting November 5, 2019 4. Approval of the Sixth Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange — Phase 1. (Development Services Director Rumer) On September 6, 2016, the City Commission approved and executed a Development and Economic Incentive Agreement for City Center West Orange Phase 1, by and between CCWO Development Management, LLC, WSCC Development, LLC, MB II, the City of Ocoee, and the Ocoee CRA, for the development of City Center West Orange. A Second Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement was approved and executed on January 17, 2017. A Third Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement was approved on December 19, 2017. A Fourth Amendment to the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement was approved on September 18, 2018. A Fifth Amendment was approved on March 19, 2019. This proposed Sixth Amendment is a final request from the Developer to meet deadlines associated with the Fourth and Fifth Amendments for compliance with Building Permit issuance and Certificate of Occupancy for the City Center Development. The Developer is requesting a final extension of one (1) year for each as financing for the Community Development District will be paid in full by February 2020. CCWO has provided a schedule that will consist of finishing the Building plans for Building A-J, construction of the lakefront road in November 2019. Construction will start in February 2020, for the completion of the road extension for the remaining unimproved Maine Street to Blackwood Avenue,and the Foundation work for Building A-J will start construction by February 2020. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval of Clinic Operations to Crowne Consulting Group, Inc. (Human Resources Director Williford) In 2007,the City executed a contract with Crowne Consulting Group to operate the City's newly constructed employee clinic (revised/re-executed in 2010). In subsequent years, the Crowne Group merged with CareHere and the contracts were assigned as required to continue with their clinic operations. The City's contract continues on a year-to-year basis. In 2018, CareHere and the Crowne Consulting Group separated into distinct entities, and their clinic operations were divided between the two companies. The City requested our clinic operations be assigned back to our original contractor(Crowne);however, CareHere did not honor our wishes and continued to serve as our clinic operator. Due to the expiration of a noncompete clause, the Crowne Consulting Group is now able to serve as our clinic operator once again. Since the bulk of the City's experience in clinic operations has been handled in an exemplary manner by Crowne, staff is of the opinion that clinic operations should be moved to Crowne once again. In addition, Crowne has a contractual provision with CareHere whereby they can maintain the existing medical staff at the clinic. This item was pulled under Staff Reports and Agenda Review comments. 6. Approval to Award RFP #19-009 Citywide Wrecker Towing Services. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The City's current contract for wrecker towing services for public roads and City vehicles expires on November 30, 2019. In conformance with Chapter 21 (Purchasing Code) of the City Code of Ordinances, and in the best interest of the public and the City, the City solicited proposals from experienced Contractors to establish a multi-year contract with up to three contractors for City-wide Wrecker Towing Services. The RFP was advertised on August 11,2019 and was publicly opened on September 18,2019.There were a total of three (3)proposals submitted. The Finance and Police Depatlments reviewed the proposals and all were considered responsive. The three (3) responses were evaluated by the RFP Evaluation Committee. The Evaluation Committee conducted site/facility inspections and interviews with each Respondent on October 28, 2019. The RFP Evaluation Committee meeting was held on October 28, 2019 with the Evaluation Committee evaluating and short-listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. The Evaluation Committee short-listed the following firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with the top two ranked firms, Car Store of West Orange and Sly's Towing & Recovery, LLC per the award recommendation from the Deputy Chief of Police. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 41 Page Regular City Commission Meeting November 5, 2019 7. Approval to Award RFP #19-011 Emergency-Disaster Debris Monitoring Services Term Contract. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The City's current contract for Emergency-Disaster Debris Monitoring services has expired. In compliance with State and Federal Regulations and Chapter 21 of the City's Code of Ordinances, the City solicited proposals for pre-event emergency-disaster debris monitoring services from qualified firms to perform the required services. This pre-event contract is subject to the provisions of 2 C.F.R. Part 200 and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. The RFP describes and defines the services required for the execution of paper and electronic debris removal monitoring, including grant (reimbursement) management, for the City following a natural disaster. The RFP was advertised on August 18,2019 and was publicly opened on September 17, 2019. There were three (3) responses received. The Finance and Public Works Departments reviewed the proposals and all were considered responsive. The public RFP Evaluation Committee meeting was held on October 16, 2019 with the Evaluation Committee evaluating and short- listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. The evaluation committee short-listed the firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with the top-ranked firm, Thompson Consulting Services, LLC; and with the second-ranked firm, True North Emergency Management as an alternate/secondary term contract. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 8. Approval of a Settlement Agreement and General Release of Claims. (Police Chief Brown) The City of Ocoee Police Department seized $27,498 from Mr. Erick Budhram on September 2, 2019, pursuant to a felony arrest. After the initiation of forfeiture proceedings, Mr. Budhram's attorney approached the City's Attorney requesting the consideration of a Settlement Agreement and General Release of Claims. Pursuant to discussions between the legal counsels, an agreement was reached in which Mr. Budhram retains $9,498 and surrenders $18,000 to the City. Mr. Budhram has executed a Settlement Agreement and General Release of Claims. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 9. Approval of RFQ #19-008 Construction Manager at Risk for Fullers Cross Road and Ocoee-Apopka Road Intersection Improvements, Preconstruction and Design Services Contract. (Public Works Director Krug) The Commission awarded the Construction Manager at Risk(CMR) contract for the Fullers Cross Road and Ocoee-Apopka Road Intersection Improvements at the September 17,2019 meeting to Oelrich Construction, Inc., (OCI). The next step in the CMR process was to negotiate the preconstruction services portion of the contract, and City Staff has completed this task with OCI. The scope of the preconstruction services is to provide design and construction document review,value engineering and recommendations in collaborations with the project design team and utility companies while the design is finalized. The next step in the CMR process is to negotiate the Guaranteed Maximum Price and completion date for the various elements of the construction. These elements include adding left and right-turn lanes, stormwater improvements and new traffic signalization, which will be brought back before the Commission for approval as the design progresses to the point where construction can begin. Public Works and Utilities recommend approval of the contract with Oelrich Construction, Inc., with a construction management fee of 8.0% and Preconstruction and Design Services for$10,862.00 as detailed in the proposal. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 10. Approval of Resolution and State Maintenance Agreement for the Lake Olympia Outfall. (Public Works Director Krug) The FDOT has agreed to upgrade the existing Silver Star Road drainage system to Lake Olympia by installing a baffle box adjacent to Hawthorne Cove Drive in order to collect roadway contaminants before they reach the lake. The agreement to install the baffle box is based on the City providing routine 5IPage Regular City Commission Meeting November 5,2019 maintenance to clean the structure of debris. The value of the work by the FDOT is approximately$100,000. The upgrades will improve the quality of the stormwater reaching Lake Olympia from the State right-of- way. Public Works will add the cleaning of the structure to the Stormwater Division's routine neighborhood inspection and maintenance schedule following completion of the improvements. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 11. Approval of the 2019/2020 Budget Vehicle/Equipment Purchase. (Public Works Director Krug) The City traditionally purchases vehicles and equipment through various competitively bid annual contracts. Public Works has researched pricing and has found the Florida Sheriffs Association continues to provide the lowest competitively bid pricing for vehicles and equipment utilizing competitively bid contracts. The following vehicles are incorporated in the approved budget for purchase: one(1)Vac-Con 11 on Freightliner chassis, $465,781.00 (Utilities—New); one (1) Ford F-150 Ext Cab 4x4, $32,162.00 (Utilities—New); one (1)Ford F-150 4x4, $27,501.00(Stormwater—New);one(1)Ford Escape AWD, $25,611.00(CRA—New). Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 12. Approval of the 2019/2020 Budget Vehicle Purchase for Police Pursuit - Dodge Chargers. (Public Works Director Krug) The City traditionally purchases vehicles and equipment through various competitively bid annual contracts. Public Works has researched pricing and found the Sourcewell (formerly NJPA) Purchasing Cooperative provides the lowest competitively bid pricing for Police Pursuit Dodge Chargers utilizing competitively bid contracts. Public Works has been notified by the Dodge dealers there is an order deadline of November 13, 2019, for Dodge Chargers due to a scheduled plant shutdown for the retooling of the next version. The budget includes five (5)new Police Pursuit Dodge Chargers for outright purchase and six (6)replacements to be financed with the remainder of the vehicles budgeted for financing within the current fiscal year. Public Works is requesting City Commission to commit to funding the total order of eleven (11) Police Pursuit Dodge Chargers from either direct purchase or lease by issuing a purchase order for the vehicles in advance of the stated order deadline. Dodge Chargers have been a reliable and economical pursuit vehicle and make up the majority of the City's Police Department fleet. The following vehicles are incorporated in the approved budget for purchase; five (5) Police Pursuit Dodge Chargers at $33,068.00, totaling $165,340.00 (New); six (6) Police Pursuit Dodge Chargers at $33,068.00, totaling $198,408.00 (Replacement). Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 13. Approval of Change Order No. 3 for the Lakefront Park Improvements Project Final/Closeout(Phase I). (Utilities Director Smith) The Utilities Department has been tasked with overseeing the closeout of the Lakefront Park Improvements Project Phase I. The Department has been reviewing the Change Orders under consideration since April of this year. In total there are thirty-eight(38) items on the list requiring adjustment. Four of the items involve cost reductions; including the removal of the stormwater exfiltration system from the scope of work and the elimination of a decorative fountain and decorative boulders. The deducted items total $179,268.38. The remaining thirty-four (34) items were either unforeseen items which arose during construction or owner directed changes. A complete list of all the changes are summarized within Change Order No. 3. The total net change to the project for all changes contained in the change order is$183,337.24. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 61 Page Regular City Commission Meeting November 5,2019 PUBLIC HEARING - 6:37 PM 14. Ocoee/Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement (JPA) (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 24, 2019.) (Development Services Director Rumer) The City of Ocoee and Orange County entered into a Joint Planning Area Agreement related to joint planning in 1994 and amended the agreement eighteen times over the years in order to facilitate planning and development initiatives. The City of Ocoee terminated the JPA Agreement on February 10, 2019, and began working with Orange County Staff on a new JPA Agreement. City Staff and Orange County have negotiated a new Joint Planning Area Agreement that is effective for five (5) years with an automatic five (5)year renewable terms and addresses areas of concern such as a mutual desire to improve Ocoee Apopka Road as a major arterial road, the elimination of enclaves of up to 110 acres and the continued efforts to improve and oversee redevelopment activities in the City's Community Redevelopment Area. The JPA as proposed provides for a Joint Planning Area Boundary Map, which is identified as Exhibit "A" (this map marks the line at which the City agrees to not annex outside the boundary set); a Joint Planning Area Future Land Use Map identified as Exhibit "B", which sets the Land Use Designations upon future annexations; and lastly, Exhibit"C" is a map depicting all enclaves which will be used in identifying future annexations with respect to Florida Statute that permits the elimination of enclaves under 110 acres. Development Services Director Rumer explained the Joint Planning Agreement (JPA) between the City of Ocoee and Orange County. He provided background information and summarized the newly negotiated JPA that is being proposed. He announced recommendation by City staff is approval and authorization for the Mayor to sign the Joint Planning Area Agreement for transmittal to Orange County for approval and signature. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Move to approve the Ocoee/Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement (JPA) for transmittal to Orange County; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES— 6:44 PM 15. Daka Property - 8807 Hackney Prairie Road Annexation & Rezoning, Project No(s): AX-09-19-85 & RZ-19-09-11. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for December 3, 2019, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (Development Services Director Rumer) This proposed annexation and rezoning is located on the north side of Hackney Prairie Road approximately 2,683 feet east of N. Clarke Road, next to Prairie Lake Elementary School. The Parcel ID Numbers are 03- 22-28-0000-00-052 & 03-22-28-0000-00-101. The parcels total approximately 2.13 acres, and one parcel has one(1) existing single-family home. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on the north, east, and south. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits,urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations. The parcels are currently zoned Orange County Rural/Agricultural(A-1), and the proposed rezoning is City of Ocoee Low Density Residential (R-1A). The applicant is annexing into the city limits as a condition to receive a city potable water connection. a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances. 7IPage • Regular City Commission Meeting November 5, 2019 Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission meeting on December 3, 2019, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter. 16. Land Development Code (LDC) Amendment to Article III, Subsection A of Section 3-2 regarding an Alternate Board Member on the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for December 3, 2019, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or soon thereafter.) (Development Services Director Rumer) On May 15, 2018,the City Commission adopted an Ordinance which amended Section 3-2 and Section 3-3 of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, which amended the following: establishment and membership of the Planning and Zoning Commission, abolished the Board of Adjustment,revised the duties of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and incorporated the rules from Ordinance 89-19 into the Code. The adopted Ordinance consisted of changing the Planning and Zoning Commission from a nine(9)member Commission to a five (5) member Commission. The City is proposing to amend the Land Development Code and add a provision to Article III, Subsection A of Section 3-2 to appoint six(6)members to comprise the Planning and Zoning Commission, including one (1) alternate member appointed by the City Commission, as well as maintaining the (1) non-voting member appointed by the School Board of Orange County. The new alternate member would be required to attend and participate in Planning and Zoning meetings with the exception of holding a nonvoting status unless: i) a quorum is not met or ii) a voting conflict is made by a member. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the next scheduled City Commission meeting on December 3, 2019, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE—PUBLIC HEARING - 6:47 PM 17. Second Reading of Ordinance for CLRM Planned Unit Development (PUD) Annexation, Rezoning and Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment; Project No(s): AX-09-18-77, RZ-18-09-15 & CPA-2018-008. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 24, 2019, and in the Orlando Sentinel on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, and in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 31, 2019.) (Development Services Director Rumer) The first reading of this item was held on April 16,2019. The subject properties are+/-212.3 acres of which 193.22 acres are proposed to be annexed. The existing zoning is"Orange County"Agriculture(A-1)with an "Orange County" Rural Settlement 1/5 Land Use designation. This site is located on the south side of East and West Mccormick Road and west of North Apopka Vineland Road and is located within the Joint Planning Area (JPA) between Orange County and the City of Ocoee. Currently on this site are two (2) single-family dwellings built in 1935 and 1975 and two (2) warehouses built in 1939; and furthermore, the parcels also contain an aircraft landing strip. This project is proposing an annexation into the City of Ocoee of 193.22 acres, transmittal of the Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment from "Orange County" Rural Settlement 1/5 to"City of Ocoee"Low Density Residential as well as a rezoning from Orange County Agriculture (A-1) to City of Ocoee Planned Unit Development (PUD). The site is located within Orange County's utility service area and is proposing to connect to public utilities for water and sewer. The proposed project will access Mccormick Road via two (2) entrance points. The project has an approved mitigation agreement with OCPS. The proposed amendments were sent to DEO, State, and surrounding agencies per the statutory Expedited Review process. The expedited review from DEO came back with no 8 ' Page Regular City Commission Meeting November 5,2019 objections, recommendations, or conditions. Also, no comments were received from other State or surrounding agencies. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) Second Reading of Ordinance for Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment c) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief PowerPoint which described this subject property. He explained this proposed site is located on the south side of East and West McCormick Road, and west of North Apopka Vineland Road, with the West Orange Trail adjacent along the south side and east of the development, and is located within the Joint Planning Area (JPA) between Orange County and the City of Ocoee. This parcel is currently zoned "Orange County" Agriculture (A-1) and has an "Orange County" Rural Settlement 1/5 Land Use designation. The proposed Land Use designation for the City of Ocoee will be Low Density Residential with a rezoning to PUD. This project proposes a subdivision with 381 detached single-family homes with proposed lot sizes from 40 to 60 feet. Development Services Director Rumer explained the proposed project will access McCormick Road via two entrance points. The site is located within Orange County's utility service area and is proposing to connect to Orange County's public utilities for water and sewer. The City will provide reclaimed water to the site. A School Concurrency informal review found the project will have to mitigate for elementary and middle school students. The proposed project has received approval from the State, OCPS, and is within the JPA. Development Services Director Rumer briefly explained concerns regarding area traffic, and the adjustments implemented by the City on new signal timings. He further shared that Orange County identified an ability to fund a signal at Apopka Vineland and McCormick Rd, and a future trail along the south side of McCormick Road. The applicant has agreed to the following: i) Developer agrees to fund one half of the cost up to $200,000 to design and install a traffic signal at the intersection of McCormick Road and North Apopka Road. At the time the first plat is recorded, the funds will be placed in escrow, or paid to the Orange County Comptroller. ii) Multi-Use Trail on McCormick Road: Prior to or concurrent with Final Plat approval, but in no instance later than June 30, 2020, the Developer will convey a 30' wide strip of property along the northern property line, adjacent to McCormick Road, at no cost to Orange County for use as an extension of the West Orange Trail. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinances. The public hearing was opened. Susan Adams, 60 West McCormick Road, Apopka, shared her concerns regarding the traffic, and safety of the citizens in that area. She noted the agreement mentioned for the traffic signal at the intersection of McCormick Road and North Apopka Road; and further, asked that the City continue to work with the County. The public hearing was closed. 9JPage Regular City Commission Meeting November 5, 2019 Commissioner Oliver inquired who would be funding the remaining balance for the traffic signal at the intersection of McCormick Road and North Apopka Road. Development Services Director Rumer answered Orange County Government is working with the developer. The City is not a party to this agreement. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if this subdivision would be gated. Development Services Director Rumer stated he did not believe it was proposed to be gated. Mayor Johnson inquired if the City of Apopka would be contributing toward any improvements in that area. Development Services Director Rumer stated City staff has not been a party to the negotiations, so he is not aware. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-012, CLRM Planned Unit Development (PUD) Annexation; Project No: AX-09-18-77; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. b) Second Reading of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-013, CLRM Planned Unit Development (PUD) Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment; Project No: CPA-2018-008; Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 5-0. c) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-014, CLRM Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rezoning; Project No: RZ-18-09-15 with the conditions of approval that Developer agrees to fund one half of the cost up to $200,000 to design and install a traffic signal at the intersection of McCormick Road and North Apopka Road at the time the first plat is recorded, the funds will be placed in escrow or paid to the Orange County Comptroller; and, Multi-Use Trail on McCormick Road: Prior to or concurrent with Final Plat approval, but in no instance later than June 30, 2020, the Developer will convey a 30' wide strip of property along the northern property line, adjacent to Mccormick Road, at no cost to Orange County for use as an extension of the West Orange Trail; Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 5-0. 10IPage Regular City Commission Meeting November 5,2019 REGULAR AGENDA - 7:05 PM 18. Approval of Contractual Agreement for the Ocoee Youth Council (OYC) Coordinator. (City Clerk Sibbitt) The contractual agreement between the City of Ocoee and OYC Coordinator, Dorcas Dillard, expired on September 30, 2019. During the period of this agreement, Dorcas Dillard received $800.00 per month. At their Regular City Commission Meeting on October 1, 2019, the City Commission discussed the contract and reducing the monthly fee. Following the discussion, City staff was directed to bring the contract before the Commission for approval. City Clerk Sibbitt explained that the agreement between the City and the OYC Coordinator, Dorcas Dillard, expired on September 30, 2019. During the period of this agreement, Dorcas Dillard received $800.00 per month. At their Regular City Commission Meeting on October 1, 2019, the City Commission discussed the contract and asked, for this to come back before them for approval. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if the $20,000 budgeted for the Youth Initiative included the Ocoee Youth Council and Coordinator. City Manager Frank explained that $10,000 is budgeted for the youth associated programs, and the other $10,000 is for the internship program. Commissioner Wilsen asked Ms. Dillard how many hours a month she contributes to the Ocoee Youth Council. OYC Coordinator Dillard advised she averages about 24-27 hours a month toward the program. She further briefly explained and described the work she has completed to date which included recruitment, contacting schools, speaking with students, attending the Florida League of Cities (FLC) Conference, and working on a video contest with the OYC members. OYC Coordinator Dillard answered questions regarding the dates and location of the OYC monthly meetings, and expenses to date for the OYC. Commissioner Oliver added that Ms. Dillard has also created partnerships with the community at large, and has worked hard with getting the students motivated. He further acknowledged the ROTC group in attendance and explained they would like to speak about a partnership with the youth council. Discussion ensued on the fee amount for the OYC Coordinator position, and the representation of high schools to ensure all schools who have Ocoee students are included in the program. Darrell Gray, Air Force Veteran, spoke about aerospace education, and how they would like to partner with the OYC. A short video was presented. Antonio Phillips, Jr., representing Eclipse Innovations, further elaborated on the aerospace education and ROTC partnership. He shared they will be utilizing the youth to help recruit students to the OYC program. Motion: Move to approve the Contractual Agreement between the City and OYC Coordinator, Dorcas Dillard, for one year at a rate of $800 per month; Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Discussion ensued regarding fundraisers and sponsorships for the OYC. After a brief discussion. Motion carried 5-0. 111 Page Regular City Commission Meeting November 5, 2019 STAFF ACTION ITEMS - None COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - 7:41 PJ\l Dr. Donnel Richmond, 365 Merlot Drive, requested assistance from the Commission to help overcome multiple issues he has encountered while trying to pull an interior alteration permit for 215 N. Clarke Road to accommodate his business, Hortense Wedding Event and Conference Center. Mayor Johnson directed the concern to staff. Assistant City Manager Shadrix recommended the Commission direct Dr. Richmond to schedule a private meeting with himself, Development Services Director Rumer and Building Official Hall. Brad Lomneck, 957 Veronica Circle, addressed Commissioner Oliver and asked for clarification as to why he opted not to initiate a motion on Item #17 the CLRM, given it is located within his district, yet he voted for the item. Commissioner Oliver explained his reservations on the development but shared he did not want to slow down the progress. Mayor Johnson shared his disappointment with the development on the northside of the road and inquired why other municipalities are not assisting with the infrastructure. Commissioner Oliver agreed and suggested when the discussion of collaboration and partnerships resume it would be a good idea to reach out to the City of Apopka to ask for assistance with a traffic light. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - 7:51 PM Commissioner Wilsen — 1) Shared she is getting multiple complaints about cars parking over the sidewalks. The general impression she has received from residents is that there is no enforcement. City Manager Frank suggested that a stronger police presence could be made, and shared that the Police Department likes to initially offer the benefit of doubt by giving a warning, but if a property has an ongoing problem with a repeat offender, tickets could be issued. 2) Commented with the growing number of events being held at Bill Breeze Park, she would like to suggest that no cars be allowed to park along Oakland Ave. The road is very narrow, and when cars park along this road it creates a bottle-neck effect which makes it very difficult for homeowners to navigate to and from their homes. 3) Shared that she would like for the Commission to enforce the minimum 30-day notice for any request of funds. Commissioner Firstner—None Commissioner Oliver — 1) Shared that he recently visited multiple farms along Mark Adams Road where the water level at Lake Meadow has risen greatly. There is a mutual belief among those effected that Arden Park South is pushing water into the lake. Upon visiting Arden Park South, he discovered their retention pond is dry. City Manager Frank shared that after they spoke he had a conversation with Public Works Director Krug and they were going to look into this issue. He noted that he would check in with the Commission to provide a follow-up. 2) Announced that the July in November Festival was a wonderful event with great participation. He agreed with Commissioner Wilsen that they need to consider the logistics for events moving forward. 3) Announced that he attended the Veteran's Day Ceremony in Winter Garden on 12IPage Regular City Commission Meeting November 5,2019 behalf of Ocoee, and shared that it was a wonderful event. While there, he was able to speak with former Commissioner Wilder and requested her participation in Ocoee events. 4) Requested an update from the Mayor on the Human Relation Diversity Board's 100-year anniversary event to commemorate the 1920 Massacre. Mayor Johnson explained that he is an ex-officio member and cannot assist in the set-up. He shared that he does know they selected a date. He further shared that Member Maxwell will attend a Commission Meeting soon to present an outline of the scheduled upcoming event, but reassured Commissioner Oliver that the Board has been, and will continue, working very hard to ensure a successful event. Mayor Johnson — 1) Questioned if anyone on the Board foresees a need to cancel a meeting in December, and reminded the Board that the November 19th meeting has already been canceled. The Board did not foresee a need to cancel a December meeting. 2) Announced that Founders' Day was a great success, with somewhere between 15-18k in attendance, and shared they are working on a small video to present along with the final numbers within the next month. Commissioner Wilsen shared that she received several praises regarding the Withers-Maguire House and that residents truly appreciate the new look. Mayor Johnson noted he too had received multiple comments on the design and layout of the new wedding garden. Commissioner Brinson — 1) Expressed gratitude to everyone for working through the learning curve of having a call into a meeting, and shared that he recently had surgery on his knee and is home recovering. 2) Reported that the Doing Business with GOAA event was a very successful event which has already produced partnerships with at least three companies. He announced that GOAA is looking forward to future events with the City, and thanked City Staff for their participation, as well as the Commission for making the event successful. 3) Received concerns from residents about being double-taxed for garbage collection. He explained the residents involved had intended to opt-out for garbage collection but were unable to do so, and now are under the impression they are being double-taxed. City Manager Frank shared when a resident opts-out for garbage on their tax bill the fees are shifted to their utility bill, and further explained by having these fees on their tax bill they will receive a 4% discount. Mayor Johnson reiterated there would be no meeting on November 19th, and said he would see everyone on December 3rd ADJOURNMENT—8:10 P M APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee 41106IlkMelanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty oh . ayor 13IPage