HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #07 - Replace Grit Classifier at Wastewater Treatment Plant AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Meeting Date: April 177, 2007 ~ Item # ~ Reviewed By: Charles K. Smith, P.E. Department Director: Charles. ~h 407-905-3100 ext. 4000 City Manager: Robert Frank 7/IJ -~ , -4 Subject: Replace Grit Cla~sifier at Wastewater Treatment Plant Background Summary: The City of Ocoee Wastewater Plant's grit classifier, located before the oxidation ditches, efficiency has significantly decreased due to constant malfunctions. The classifier device cannot be rebuilt and is in need of replacement. Staff is recommending the purchase, through Sanders Company (distributor), a Smith and Loveless Grit Classifier Model 15 Screw conveyor 304L in Stainless Steel with Ni-Hard Concentrator. The Smith and Loveless classifier is similar in configuration to the existing unit making it possible for staff to install the unit. Issue: Should the Commission approve the purchase of the Smith and Loveless Grit Classifier Model 15 Screw conveyor 304L in Stainless Steel with Ni-Hard Concentrator through Sanders Company. Recommendations Motion to authorize City Manager to purchase a Smith and Loveless Grit Classifier Model 15 Screw Conveyor 304L in Stainless Steel with Ni-Hard Concentrator through the Sanders Company, who is a "best source" vendor, in a total amount of $45,643.00. Attachments: Proposal and manufactures cut-sheet. Financial Impact: This item's replacement was not specifically identified this fiscal year replacement. The cost $45,643.00 and shall be appropriated from Repair & Replacement account (407-535-00-6400). The R & R funds have been set aside for unplanned system repairs. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'? Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda 1 _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) J/Grr N/A N/A N/A 2 04/04/07 13:54:29 rq160-ls REQUISITION DETAIL FOR UT002329 Page pcornell 1 Initiator: PAT CORNELL Created: 04/04/07 Last Action: PAT CORNELL On: 04/04/07 Fiscal Yr:2007 Status: Initial Possession Of: PAT CORNELL Req. Total: 45,643.00 SHIP TO: 1800 A.D. MIMS ROAD, OCOEE, EMERGENCY REQUEST FLORIDA 34761 Message: LINE DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED VENDOR/GL# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Emergency purchase of grit 1. 00 EA 45,643.0000 45,643.00 20130:SANDERS COMPANY INC. GL: 407-535-00-6400 2 classifier for oxidation ditch 45,643.00 DATE/ FROM NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04/04/07 pcornell Due date 4-13-07. Copies of quote forthcoming via interoffice mail, will prepare Staff Report for Commission. 04/04/07 pcornell equipment malfunctioned and requires immediate replacement to enable the wastewater plant to operate as designed. 04/04/07 pcornell Grit classifier separates the non biodegrable items from the oxidation ditches and removes them from the system. This ~~ Smith & Loveless, Inc. 14040 Santa Fe Trail Drive LenGxa, Kansas 66215.1284, USA FAX: F{Ul Transmittal Phone: (913) 888-5201 ~ax: (913) 748.0106 407 -282-9300 DATE: 3/27/07 TO: Ron Pordon-973-492-0 1810-0 COMPANY: Sanders Co. FROM: Tim Paulsen Ex! 242 TOTAL PGS: 4 -~~. SUBJECT: ProJect: Ocoee, FL SIN. 03-1093 Inq No EB 10900 We have received your After Market Division Retrofit Inquiry on sIn: 03-1093 for Oeoee, FL. Please quote the following: (1) Model 15 Screw conveyor in carbon steel with Ni-hard concentrator. , , List - T-12.5 PLI Freight $29,327 $760 ~1,200 $31,287 1't': Total \~. " ,,~ " "I ~_\ / . t').. v' 1\'\\ /~,! .,\'/ (,\' (1) Model 15 Screw conveyor in 304L Stainless steel with Ni-hard concentrator. List - T-12.5 PLI Freight $39,326 $1.117 $1,200 Total $45,643 Solutions for a World of Water Problems I I FACTsttEET Smith & Loveless, Ire. 4 950 Monvfoc'urers of q...al'Ty griT removal sy:items - Upgrade Your Grit Removal ~em: The PIIIAClP Grit Screw Convey~r Smith & Lovekss orfers the second-stage ucwatenng (;ompani~n, the PISTA Gn~ Screw Conveyor, deslgned to work. WIth the PISTA Grit Chamber. The P!STA Orit Screw Conveyor is superior to other dewatermg units because of it, low maintenance and high n:rnolal efficiency. r I II Design Benefits The PIST A Gnt SCt't'ow Conveyor s paraUel plate section acts as a high-ri:lte settling deVIce for tht: retention of fine grit. The spl:daUy desigued inlet zom:: reduces rurbulence ill the hopper by energy dlSsipalion for better grit rl:moval. Likewise, the conwyor offers Increased grit removal because of irs large grit sellling area of 15.1 sg. feet (1.359 54. melers). The introducLion of an inclined plate pack make~ a dramatic improvement '..0 the Smith & Loveles~ PIST A Grit Screw Conveyor. Screen Drawbacks Whi~e scre.ens are at:. effectiv~ method of dewalenng grit, par:icularly In small!;:! pl~Il!S, they do hav,~ their dr.!.wbacks. They can be maimenance lI1Ctu,;ive and offer lower removal efficiencies. No: to mention that using scn:~ns f'OT ~econd.stage dewatering can be very messy' 'tile PIST A Om Sanl Cony" yor p/'oviJe. mervus." .,ettling arjJ nJtenJuJfI nf 11M grit. A Better Choice The design of the fIST A Grit Screw Conveyor greatly reduces rnaintenancl; whIle offering increased gril removal and dryer grit. Additionally. the PIST A Grit Screw Conveyor has a smaller profile for easier layoul. It also has a specially deslgned outlet weir for reduced overt1owrat.es and no underwater bearings. The PISTA Grit Screw Conveyorls \.he ideal second-slage dewatenng choice, particul;lJ'ly for ~pp:icatioll!; that currently use screenS. Haw It Works Flow enters the PlSTA Grit Screw Conveyor thl'Ough the plate pal:k, sep;uating me grit tOwards the licreW for further grit dewatering. T:le dcwatered grit then discharges from the cop of the sw~w into a container for trJnsport to final disposal. ~ ~ Smitn & l.Oveles5, I'IC. r \ I \ '1 I L~_- (' DRE ssm COUPliNG / SlIPPORl (RH.} ./ ~DUI.j]INC 1~,.\lI)'I1'.~Rf. . /' (e'f SILL) ./ lor s.cP..c\\' CON\'IYOR ,'-2- l .... ~ ----- , '- 4" DI~ PIPE ) l/l" ~ ffi~ COtiCQ[lRA10R 11,~\Jllll~~!!!~~ r 'T" --~-_._---_.~----- _...~._---- '---- 8'-0. ~j.X ~'I \ I" ",,,- -~ r- €: Oli>.. x ~. -0' / NR VENl PIPE I I f; x 6" X 6' lU il 6' DI~ 1'11'[ ~,. tM. PIPIN'~ 10 rntlT PU>4P PISl ~.. GRil COt,<C~Nl RI\1DP. 1'ISll,ll GRIT CONCHfTRJoTOR Su?PORl (BY 5&L) t' ~ 4' REOUCING lfE Dt'liAKRIKG SCREv.' GRIT COIN(rOR I-- .3'-0' --1 ~__________ €: ClII.. PIP[, OR~IN TO PIS1,." INL[l CHI.NNEL ND1(S. 1 I\LL rrl1(RCONM1:Cll1l{; PIPING ~.NO flnlNGS NOl BI' S&L. ') 5[( DfuWllNG Br,~~1-4 fOR 1'1$11<" NI-H~RO GRIl C()NC(N1RAI0R OE1A1lS srI DRAWING B4531-0 FDA MODEL T~ DEW!o.IEItI~G SCRf.Y1 tRil CDIiV['I'OR '/1'.1>1 P~AAt1..EL P;j,i[ SEP/,f~/.lDR. ~. mE 2" bllJ>.'11 PIP( WITH I>AU. DR PLUG V/<l.V( ANG Ulllr~~ IS USED 10 . ACILITA1[ CLJ:AN -uP /d\'O INSPLC110Il. ~. TO PRMNT SIPHOIIING THE CEr(I(RLI~( o. fiK GRIT C()NC[lI'IRAI0R INI.O 1.(1.fS1 IlE 1\1 tEllS'! 2" i<ll0IIl w.[ t.l~.x'~\Ut.l WATErl \.fVI.I IN THE PISUIl Ui4\,1B~R. 5. COP'l'P.'GHT {C) 1990.93.9;,,95,200~.c12,O)'<)' ,,,,IT" Ii: lO'.'ElESS. INC. f>7( '/f./F 5 ~t>o, t::~'C: ...".. .. (R -"" ~. """", t/15 na. SfillNS611RO. HC ....-., 111~ts - .~... erNE!lAl. AIlIW/GEl.l[t(l FOR 1l0D(l 1 ~ Ol\\'AIERlNC> SCltC'fi CO~OR IlND 250 C",", GIlII COOlCENlR~lOR .""" ..... ..... """ . -"", ..r ~~..s~l). ~ IllJ't~),1 tSI t~NIlI ~'l. N'r:w ~ ~ N9l)-~ [l~..--...... .......~II] 1111 .. tIl.SiOI tHl ~ IJ" llc- ~ do aoc 1"IV'UfT'l''' IWl". LO.cllll.. ...; -: II llO:1 10 11: UfUJ pU.T111l tD-c\1'(IoII "I. ~ __ b(u:... -z --,,,'gI .......1 ~ 1IC1p:lt\<J ~lAlllol-=..c\loNJt1Clf'l<~...-:lll". FUEL SURCHARGE Any lu.:1 surcharge as~e6SeClIO Smllh 8. LOII""~ss, Inc shall be pll~ed on at cosl to CUGtomer, This 1(;el surcharge was not Included in aur quote and will be in addition to the contract amollnl. Smith & LO"fllfl~S IS ~upply'n9 the alo"ementioned items. Owner Is responsible tor Installation, Including all inspeclianf> and/or code compliance of the installation. Ei$t:malfld al e. 10 weeks. Shipment Upon Receipt of an OIpprovaO PO, sales agri::ement. or Credit Card # INSTAl-lA TlON' SHIf>MENT: D EL.IVERY. FREIGHT: PAYMENT: TIME FRAME: EQUIPMENT: All purcnase orders must be made out 10 Smith & Loveless, Inc, Any roUatit b.J)'/rellele order'!> must h., pIe- au:horil.ed by Smith & Loveless' After Market Division. Psyment Is 100% prior to shipment via checklcredit card, C with cont;nulng credit approval, 100% the earlier of net 30 days from date of shipment or at time of start up (if S&L start up IS included In our quote). Smith & Loveless' Quotation and :;tanoerd termS ilnO <::onditJons applies to this order and no terms Slit fertll in bUYE purchase order, acknawledgmenllelter or verbal communication shell control unless approved in writing by the 58 Contr<'lct Department In the event of any inconsistency between S&L's terms and condition!) Elnd buyerS purctl<ise oroer, S&L's terms and conditions shall govern Q~ote IS good fOl 90 days Smi;ll & Love',ess is relying upon Information provided by tn!;; customer or others with re9illd to (he rneasuremenl, model or part numbers and descflpllons of eXisting equipment In the deSign and manufllt-1uring of tl n.;.w eq ulpmen! for this project. Smith & Loveless shall not be responsible for any problems or difficulties encounte ",ren filti"\g uP new equipment With eXisting oq~;pmeN If such problems are the result of any improper ~18asuremen15, rnodeilp.:lrt n\,Jmbef;;, and descriptions. etc, of the existing equipment. TERMS: Ag reed to thiS __ day of 2007. Lenexa, KS Agreed to thiS _ day of _ , 2007 at BUYER SMITH & LOVELESS, INC, By__ By. ':;ri"1 !~:alT'e I\wllto{ltlKlei(:rliH.rt;. At,jl1'1tll'i::.ad oii}nclU'1ll' A111t1r",e is thIS purchase tax exompt? _ Yes NQ :i YES, ;:J11~C.'" $!l:It:b TG.. ExeM~:iUf' Ce111'I~tO. Fu:h.lt~ Lo p,"Q'ir(Jod I&X El>:&/T'Pl con.fli;;;'l\Q ~r;or te ~\1:~}!f.~1'1 will fl:l6lJi! ~n B....yaf tlOlng rO~;.)uf\;it>(e ~or tilt ap\>iICbbl& Iill.81i Solutions for a W0I1d of Water Problems