HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 - West 50 (continuted until May 1st Meeting)
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Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Date pub\ished
Th\Ay~da..~ I Ayr1\6 i LDo1 DvlQnd b serrlii1d (C \(lSSl ftects)
suant to Section 4-4 G. (1)
(c), Ocoee Lond Develop-
ment Code, thot on Tues-
day, April 17, 2007, at 7:15
p.m., Of as soon thereafter
as practical, the CITY COM.
MISSION will hold a PUBLIC
HEARING at the Ocoee City
Commission Chambers, 150
North Lakeshore Drive,
Ocoee, Florida, to consider
the West 50 Commercial
Subdivision Preliminary I
Final Subdivision Plan.
The proposed commercial
development is located on
the south side of W. Colo-
nial Drive, north of Fla.
The City Commission will
review and mav make a
recommendation concern-
ing the proposed Prelimi-
nary Subdivision Plan,
based upon its conformance
with the requirements of
the Ocoee Comprehensive
Plan, Land Development
Code and benefit to the pub- ,
Ik. .
The complete case file, in-
cluding a complete legal de-
scription bY metes and
bounds, may be Inspected
at the Ocoee Community.
Development Department,
150 North LakeshoreDrlve,
Ocoee, Florida, between the
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m." Monday through Fri-
day, except legal holidays.
The City Commission may
continue the public hearing
to other dates and times, as
it deems necessary. Any in-
terested party shall be ad-
vised that the dates, times,
and places of any continua-
tian <if these or. continued
public hearings shall be an-
nounced duri ng the hear-
ings and that no turther no-
tices regarding these mat-
ters will be published.
I nterested parties may ap-
pear at the public hearings
and be heard with respect
to the proposed Preliminarv
Subdivision Plan. Any per-
son wishing to appeal any
decision made during the
public hearings will need a
record of the proceedings
and far this purpose may
need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceed-
ings is made which includes
the testimony and evidence
upon which the appeal is
based. Persons with disabil-
ities needing assistance to
participate in any of the.
proceedings should contact 1
the City Clerk's Office 48
hours in advance of the
meeting af (407) 905.3105